The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 18, 1898, Image 2

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Republican Ticket.
President Judge-W M. LIXDSEY.
(Subject to action of district conference.
Congress- WAYNE COOK.
(Subject to action or district conference.
Asscmbty-S. S. TOVVLER.
County Treasurer S. M. IIKNRY.
The past ew days have developed
nothing of a startling character iu
war annals, but there is a constaot
fever o uneasiness in naval and
army circles over the expected "com
ing together of tho two great oppos
ing naval fleets, Sampson's and Cer
vera's. All movements on the Ameri
can side are kept , secret, and the
whereabouts of her heavy-weight war
vessels is unkoowu. It may there
fore transpire that a battle may be
reported at any day, which engage
ment will doubtless settle tho ques
tion of further hostilities.
The events of the week in war mat
ters were the battles in Cardenas har
bor, Cuba, whore the American tor
pedo.boat Winslow was disabled and
her ensign and four other heroes gave
'up their lives; the destruction cf
San Juan, Porto Rico, by Sampson's
fleet, and the battle at Cienfuegos,
southern coast, of Cuba.
By way of revenge oo the Win
slow's disaster a second attack was
made on Cardenas and the town was
shelled and burned. The Wilmin
ton silenced the masked balte'y, then
shelled the other forts and tne town.
It is believed the Spaniards lost 300
in killed and wounded; 113 were
counted at the wrecked batteries.
Admiral Sampson's fleet made com
plete wreck of the fortifiratioDs and
city of San Juan, and could have
taken the inland had he hsd the
troops to land.
The gunboat Windora reports that
the forts at Cienfuegos were totally de
stroyed iu the battle which took place
there oo the eleventh, and it is be
lieved at Jeast 400 Spaniards were
killed. Four American boys were
killed and four slightly wounded.
The cable was cut and captured
by our boats. It Was iu accomplish
ing this task that two of our boys lost
their lives.
v v i w io ainjnu ui uir jji cacu I
whereabouts of Sampson's fleet and
the Flying Squadron, it being the
policy of the War Department to
keep their matters more of a secret in
tho future. The enemy gets too
many pointors which enables bioi to
keep out of the way.
- Fast Leaving Camp Hastings.
Advises from Alt. Gretna, Pa., giv
en out Monday evening state that it
now looks as though by the end of
this week the camp will be deserted.
Eveu now, since the departure of the
Fourth, Sixteenth, Third and First
regiments, the Governor and briga
dier generals, with their staffs, and
with the absence of the several bri
gade bands and with very little (Idl
ing the effect has been to make the
place somewhat dull. The Fifth and
Ninth regiments will leave to-morrow,
and the Tenth and Second regi
ments ou Wednesday. The Second
which was divided into two battel
lions, were booked to leave to-day,
the first to go to Wilmiogton, Del.,
and the second to Porapton, N. J.
This order, however, was changed,
An1 t U a will nnnr womnin in a ..
nuu btjvT nil, II un loiuaiu ill vauijl
until Wednesday. The colonels of
the Sixth, Eighth, Twelfth and Fif
teenth regiments received orders to
leave for the camp near Washington,
and all expect to be away from Mt.
Gretna before Saturday. The Penn
sylvania division United States vol
uuteers are now divided thus: First,
Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth,
and Sixteenth regiments ordered to
Chickamauga; Sixth, Eighth, Twelfth
and Thirtheenth to Washington, D
C. ; Second, Fourteenth, Fiftheenth,
Eighteenth, Sheridan troops and
Governor's troops to the Department
of the Eaht.
The ticket nominated by the Re
publicans of Forest county t their
primaries last Saturday, is one which
every loyal member of the party can
cheerfully and heartily support, if
past loyality and faithful earnest
work for the 'Republican ticket oo
the part of the nominees counts for
anything. Of the peculiar fitness in
all respects of each candidate for the
office for which lis lias been named
thero is not a question of doubt. We
shall take pleasure in speaking of
each individual candidate more at
length at the campaigh progresses,
Republican Primary Elect io and Con
The return judges of the severs
precinls elected at the Republican
Primaries held in Forest county last
Saturday, met in convention at the
court house in Tionesta, Tuesday af
ternoon, May 17, 1898, and proceeded
to canvass the vote cast. Chairman
Evans called the convention to order
aud M. E. Abbott and Leou Watson
were appointed Secretaries of the
meeting. As tho districts were called
each return judge presented the re
turns of bs preciiit. The same were
read by the Chairman and tabulated
by the Secretaries, the result showing
that the followiug were nominated,
and so declared by the presiding offi
cer : President Judge, Hon. W. M
Lindsey of Warren.
Assembly, Dr. S. S. Towler of
Jenks township.
County Treasurer, S. M. Henry of
Jenks township.
State Delegate, Hon. N. P. Wheel
er, of Hickory towuship. ,
A. Wayue Cook, of Baruett town
ship, was eudorsed by the convention
for CtfDgress in this district, with pow
er to chooso his conferees.
The tabulated vole, published else
where iu this issue, gives the vete in
letail n those offices for which any
contest was made, that is, Assembly
and Treasurer.
Resolutions were presented by Capt.
J. J. Ilaight and read by Sec'y Leon
Watson, and unanimously adopted by
the convention.
The election of a Chairman of the
Couuty Committe lor the ensuing
year was then proceeded with. W.
M. Coon of Clartngton, and W. L.
hompson of ISebraska, were placed
in nomination. lha vote resulted:
Coon 11, Thompson 6, and Mr. Coon
was declared elected.
Complimentary votes were cast at
the primaries for Congress as follows:
A. W. Cook 105, W. C. Arnold 38,
but as uvither gentleman had an
nounced as a candidate the conven
tion could not consider them.
After the reading of (he resolutions,
which follow, and a few short speech
es were made the convention ad
journed, its deliberations being en
tirely harmonious.
Resolrcd, First. The Republicans of
Forest eounty in convention assembled
hereby ro-aflirin our adheranco to the
principles of tho Republican party as
eoiiDciated at the St. Louis Convention.
, We heartilv endorse the Adminis
tration ol President McKioley, and his
wiso, honest and patriotic efforts in be
half of tlfe Cuban patriots, and to allevi
ate too condition ol tne suuering Inhabi
tants of Cuba, and to settle all questions
at variance between nations so as to pre
serve peace, through the usual channels
of diplomacy.
3. We endorse the war policy of the
President and the Administration in tho
present war with Spain that became in
evitable in the interest of humauity, and
lor the relief of starving women und chil
dren and noucombatants in Cuba, aud to
uphold our nation's honor against the
treacherous, wicked and tyranical actions
of the Spanish nation, being conducted
by Spaiu contrary to all usages of civil
ized warfare against a patriotic people
struggling for liberty and independence
from tyrany and Spanish decrees and op
pression at our very doors.
4. We sincerely deplore the loss of our
brave officers aud seamen whose lives
were sacrificed in the cause of humanity
by the treachery of Spaniards in Havana
harbor by the blowing up of the battle
ship Maine, in time of peace, and for all
our brave ofllcors, seamen, and soldiers
who have lost their lives or received in
jury in defense of our country's honor on
sea orjand in the present war.
0. All honor to the brave officers and
men who won such a signal victory un
der their matchless leader, Admiral
Dowey, at Manila harbor in Spanish Pa
cific possessions ; to Admiral Sampson
and officers and men at Porto Rico, and
to our sailors, soldiers and officers bo
seiging the island of Cuba- We hereby
express tho utmost confidence iu our
army and navy, and in their ability to
maintain the lionor of our country under
the wise management of their Command
er in Chief, and veteran soldier, Presi
dent McKinley, and to bring early vict
ory and honorable peace.
6. We hereby commend the patriotism
of our young men of Forest county who
have so promptly and nobly responded
to their country's call to arms, by the or
ganization of a full Company of 100
strong, for the war, and pledge to them
our confidence in their courage and de
votion to their Country.
7. We endorse the patriotic and un
tiring efforts of our U. 8. Senators and
members of Congress, and their unani
mous support of the President in the
various war measures.
8. We endorse the candidacy of Hon.
Chas. vV. Stone, of Warren, Pa., for the
Republican nomination for Governor,
and request our delegate to the State
Convention to use all honorable means
for his nomination. In all respects he
stands for tlvn principles of Republican
ism as expressed by tho National Con
vention : with his wide experience in
Cublic life, his public record is without a
leuiish ; he stands the peer in ability of
the foremost Rrpresentatives in the Na
tional Congress ; his private life is spot
less, bis personality strong, courageous
and self-reliant, and he represents all
that is desirable in a candidate for chief
Executive of our State.
It. We endorse the candidacy of our
present member ol Congress, Hon. W. C.
Arnold, of Clearfield county, for the nom
ination for Congressman at large, and
pledge to him our heraty support.
in. We hereby present and endorse A.
Wayne Cook, of Forest countv, as our
candidate for member of Congress from
this, 2Htb, Congressional District of Penn
sylvania, with power tochese for hisown
confereos, and earnestly recommend him
to tho Republicans of our District as a
Republican worthy and in every way
qualified to represent the District in
11. It is with pleasure we commend
the action of the Republican voters of
this Judicial District in tho choice of
Hon. V. M. Lindsfly, of Warren, Pa., as
the candidate for President Judge of the
37th Judicial District of Pennsylvania,
and we pledge to him our hearty and un
animous support.
12. We hereby unanimously endorse
tho ticket placed in nominatian in Forest
eminty this day, by the Republicans, and
pledgs to it our united support.
Itesolved, That J. E. Weuk, Tionesta
boro, M. E. Abbott, Kndeauor, and A. It.
Mechling, Clarington, be appointed Sen
atorial conferees from Forest county, to
confer with conferees from the other
counties composing this 3Sth District of
Penn'a for the nomination of a candidate
for State Senator.
Itrsolred, That J. It. Agnew, M. C.
Carringerand I. H. Gildersleevo bo ap
pointed Judicial Conferees from Forest
county to confer with conferees from
War ron countv for the nomination of a
candidate for President Judge from this
Official Tote at the Republican Prima
ries of Forest Coiiatv, May 14, 1S98.
ce a g
r I f i
30 '2 47 13
3 3rt 2
2 41 30 35
... 2 ... 4
10 26 14 20
2 7 1 11
22 39 34 35
45 ... 3 49
... 12 ft
8 ... 7 9
Stt ... 22 16
82 1 257 7
7 ... 34 3
40 ... 26 31
6 8 4 13
12 8 16 12
21 8 14 21
19 3 8 IS
24 19 62 68
21 20 38 33
Barnett, Mazes.... 29
Harnett, Redcl'fe. 33
Greon, Nebraska.. 23
Green, Guiton 2
Harmony, W.Hic. 4
Harmony, Fogle S
Hickerv 12
Howe.Rreoktton.. 6
Howe, Cooper tot. 11
Howe, Foxburg... 8
Howe. Frosts ft
Jenks, Marien 230
Jonks. Clouchs ... 23
Jenks, Duhring... 13
Kingsley, SUirr ... 2
Kingsley, Newt'n 6
KingsleV, KelletL 7
I. in.U.r J K ' 1
Tioiiesta-Kbro 84
TiouestaTwp 30 "
542 346 1S4 665 407
Hon. W. M. Liudsey. candidate for
President Judge, and without opposi
tion, received 1077 votes in the ooanty.
Hon. N. P. Wheeler, for State Delegate,
without oppsition, roceived 1067 votes.
A kepout Irom Dr. W F. Brun-
ner, priuted in the Medical News, on
the Spanish military death rate io
Cuba, furnishes an interesting study,
says the Bluzard, especially in view
of the immineucc of the invasion of
Cuba by an American army. This
report shows that during 1897 the
deaths among tbo Spanish troops
amounted to 32,534, of which 6,034
were from yellow fever. Over one-
third 12,000 were from enteritis
and dysentery. Io addition to, this
30,000 men wern invalided and sent
home, and Dr. Bruooer expresses the
opinion that at least ten per cent, of
these were certain to die before reach
ing home or soou after arriving. The
deaths in Cuba amounted to one third
of the whole number of troops credit
ed to Cuba at the beginning uf the
year, and to one-half the nun ber at
the close of the year, the estimated
number of troops at the beginning of
this year being 00,000. No other
modem army has ever shown such a
rate of mortality a death rate of
about ninety a day, or G30 a week.
Takiug the average garrison iu Cuba
aet year it is ouimated that one man
in every three died. How much of
this is due to tho climate andihow
much to the lack of proper equipment
and to the inefficiency of lh Spanish
medical staff is not cay to determine,
but it is highly improbable that the
American troops, safeguarded as they
will be by the best of physicians aud
ample equipment, will suffer in any
such proportiou.
Teachers' Examinations For 18!)8.
Brookston, Tuesday, May 21.
Marienvillo, Thursday, May 20.
Clarington, Saturday, May 28.
Tionesta, Monday, May 30.
Nielltown, Wednesday, Juno 1.
Hickory, Thursday, June 2.
Kelleltvllle, Friday, June 3.
Nebraska, Saturday, June 4.
Tionesta special, Friday, July J.
Marienville special, Wednesday July 6.
Nebraska special, Saturday, Sept. 3.
An examination will be held iu Clarion
for the benefit of Forest county teachers
who attend the Clarion Stato Normal
School during the spring term.
All except normal graduates and those
holding the higher grade certificates, who
wish to teach in Forest county during the
school year beginning June 1st, 1898,
must enter the class at one of these ex
aminations. A'o one will be examined twice. Certifi
cates will not bo granted to applicants
under 17 years of age.
Examinations will begin at 9 a.m. All
work must be done with pen and ink, on
legal cap or fool's cap paper.
Applicants from other counties will be
permitted to enter the class only at the
request of the Superintendent of their
own county, or by request signed by
members of the school boards of Forest
This does not apply to persons who
have previously taught in this county or
those living near the county lines.
On entering the class each applicant
mast hand the examiner a stamped en
velope addressrd to himself (or herself,)
and a specimen of penmanship. As a
specimen ot penmanship, applicants may
write a letter explaining briefly their
system of penmanship. Teachers will
please bring with them the Marck- No.
Educational Foundation
Strangers to the Superintendent must
bring recommendation of good moral
character from seme responsible
Certificates will not be granted to person.
of questionable habits. persons
Directors and all others interested in ed
ucation are very cordially invited to be
present. E. E. Stitzinoer,
Whereas, my wife, Ellen, having lett
my bed and hoard without just cause or
nrovoc Atimi. T hnrnhv triva nntinA in all
concerned that I will pay no bills of her
April 29, 1898
West Hickory, Pa.
"11 is the Beirt on Enrlh."
That Is what Edwards A Parker, mer
chants of Plains, Ga., says of Chamber
lain's Pain ISalm, for rheumatism, lame
back, deep seated and muscular pains.
Sold by G. W. Bovard.
8. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich., writes:
"DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is curing
more piles here to-day than all other
remedies combined, "it cures eczema
and all other skin diseases." Heath A
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf.
Eoos for Hatching . Barred and
White Plymouth Rock, White Leghorn,
Light Brxhmas, Silver Laced and White
Wyandott, 1.3 for St. Buff Cochin, 13 for
$1.00. Saoe Ruji Poultry Farm,
5-4-4t. Oil City Pa.
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
AT RANTED An intelligent salesman
in evecy township, oxtilusive terri
tory. Send for particulars. C. 8. SMITH,
mi Filbert St., Philadelphia.
The Brat Krmrij far Khromatlaa.
From Uie Fairhaven iN. Y.l Register-
Mr. Jamea Rowland ot this village, states
uiai lor twenty-one years his wile baa
been auflercr from rheumatism. A few
nighta ago she was in such P in that she
was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland
for the doctor, but he had read of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and instead of going
for the physician he went to the store and
secured a bottle or it. iiiawile did not
approve orMr. Rowland's purchase at
first, but nevertheless applied the Balm
thoroughly and in an hour's time was
able to go to sleep. She now applies it
wnenever mio leeis an ache or a iain and
finds that it always gives relief. He savs
no medicine which she bad used ever did
her as much good. The 25 and 50 cent
sizes lor sale by u. W, Bovard.
Do you anpreciato good laundry
workT if so patronise the Dunkirk
Steam Laundry. Miles & Armstrong,
agonta. tf
Bank Statement
No. 6038.
of Pennsylvania, at the close of business
May o, lsys,
Loans and discounts JS92.443 99
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured oi oo
U. S. Bonds to secure circula
tion 12,500 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 2,166 66
Banking-house, furniture, and
lis tu res 3,250 00
Due from approved reserve
"Rents 28,04(1 28
Checks and other cash items ..... 70 00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels, and cents " 90 28
Lawful money reservo in bank,
via :
Specie $4,039 23
Legal tender notes 1 000 00 5,039 25
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treas'r (5 per cent, of circu
lation) 562 50
$144,260 56
Capital stock paid in $50,000 00
Surplus fund... I,yi3 50
Undivided profits, loss expenses
fef and taxes paid 2,288 20
Natioual bank notes outstand-
. lnR 11,250 00
Individual deposits subject to
eheck $61,R81 07
Demand certificates of deposit... 138 00
Time certificates ot deposit. 16,780 79
$144,260 56
State of Pennsylvania, Couuty of Forest,
I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
A. B.KELLY, Cashier.
Subscribed aud sworn to before me this
llth day of May, 1898.
Jas. T. Buennan,
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
W. Robinson,
T. F. Ritchky,
J. T. Dale,
Bank Statement
No. 6010.
BANK AT TIONESTA, in the State of
Pennsylvania, at the close of business.
May 5th, 18U8.
Loans and discounts $73,003 77
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured 30 09
U. s. Bonds to socure cumula
tion 12,500 00
Premium on U.S. Bonds 1,140 62
Banking-house, furniture aud
fixtures 6,803 10
Due from approved reserve
agents 15,958 34
Checks and other cash items 114 93
Notes of other National Banks... 640 00
Fractional papnr currency,
nickels and cents 06
Lawful money roservo in Bank,
Specie 2,019 75
Legal -tender notes ... 1,500 00 - 3,519 75
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treas'r (5 per cent, ot circula
tion 562 60
$114,333 10
Capital stock paid in $00,000 00
Surplus fund.. 40O 00
Individed profits, less expenses
and taxos paid 1,049 53
National Bank notes outstand
ing 11,250 00
Individual deposits subject to
check 34,487 46
Time certificates of deposit 17,064 02
Cashier's checks outstanding 82 15
$114.3:13 16
State of Pennsylvania County of Forost,
ss :
I, J. C. Bowman, Cashier ot the above
named bank, do solemnly swaar that the
above statement is true to tho best of my
knowledge and belief.
J. C. BOWMAN, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before niethls
17th day of May, 1898.
Calvin M. Arwkr,
Notary Public
Correct Attest:
F. R. Lanson,
o; W. Proper,
R. M. Merman,
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieji Fa
cias, issued out of the Coutt of Com
mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva
nia, and to me directed, there will be ex
posed to sale by publio vendue or outcry,
at the Court House, In the Borough of
Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., on
MONDAY, MAY 23, A. D. 1898,
at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described
real estate, to-wit:
Fieri Facias, No. 15, May Term, 1898,
(waivers). T. F. Ritchey, Attorney.
All that certain piece of land situate in
Harmony township, Forest county, Pa.,
bounded on north by lands formerly of
Charles Harrison, and Jane Young, on
the east by land of H. S. Easton and
Jesse Birchfield, south by land of Jesse
Birchfield and public road to Pleasant
villo, and on west by land formerly of
John Woodcock and also of Robert Car
son. Containing about one hundred acres
as shown by deed recorded in Deed Book
No. 10 page 331. Excepting 1510 of the
oil, ana excepting one lot of about 1 of an
acre conveyed to Jane Birchfield by deed
recorded in Deed Book Nc. 19, page 363.
On which is erected one frame dwelling
house 24x40 and ell, three barns 30x40
each, and a large orchard of fruit trees
thereon growing.
Taken in Execution and to be sold as
the property of Aaron Fout at the suit of
E. E. Vockroth.
TERMS OF SALE. The following
must be strictly complied with when the
property is stricken down :
1. When the plaintiff or other lien cred
itors becou e the purchaser, the costs on
tho writs must be paid, and a list of liens
including mortgage searches on the prop,
erty sold, together with such lien credit
or's reseipffor the amount of the pro
ceeds of the sale orsuch portion thereof as
he may claim, must be furnished the
2. All bids must be paid In full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will
be continued until 2 o'clock p. m., ot the
next day, at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up and sold
at the expense and risk of tho person to
whom first sold.
Soo Purdon' Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 486 and Smith's Forms, page 384.
Sheriff's Otlice, Tionesta, Pa., May 2,
The Westlicld (Ind.) Xetrs prints the
loiiowlng in regard to an oii roMdont ot
that place : "Frank McAvoy, for many
years in the employ of the L, N. A. A iX
ity. here, says : "l have used Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy for ten years or longer am never
without it iu my family. I consider it
the best remody of the kind manufact
ured. I take pleasure in recommending
it.' " it is a specific lor all howol riisord
era. For sale bv U. W. Bovard.
Have you got $25,00 7 Have you got
$00,007 Have you got $100,00 7 If so, why
don't you deposit it with tho Conewango
Building Loan Association Association
of Warren, Pa. They will nay you 6 per
ion,. lvi minimi inii I'lviuuiiu. hhvhi ih
semi-annually, and you can withdraw
your principal in full at any time alter 6
monins. 5-6-ly,
Kotic is hereby riven that thora will
be a meeting of tho stockholders of the
Tionesta Water Snnnlv Comnanv. on
June 1st, 1S98, in its ollico, (tho gas office)
Tionesta, Pa., at 2 o'clock p. ni. for the
purpose of voting on an incrciMe of the
capital stock, from eight thousand to
twenty thousand dollars.
U. v. RoniNsoN, Pres.
tf S. D. Irwin Sen.
List of causes sot down for trial in the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest Countv,
rennsyivanis.conimoncing on tho Fourth
Monday of May, 1898:
1. John Con for vs. L. Hammond. M.
Crosby, doing business as Hammond,
Crosby V Co., No. 4, May Term, 1895.
Appal by defendant from J. P.
2. Seth C. McArthur. trustee under the
will of Aimer Hammond, deceased, vs.
Tionesta Has Company, No. 44. August
Term, 1897. Summons in ejectment.
3. Caroline L. lloysradt et. al.. vs. Tio
nesta Gas Company. No. 45. Almost
Term, 1897. Summons In ejectment.
4. Dodd. Mead A Co.. vs. W. T. Hart.
No. 68 February Term, 1S97. Appeal by
pill", from J. P.
5. S. E. Church vs. W. J. Foreman,
executor, No. 9, Fob. Term, 1898. Sum
mons in action of assumpsit.
a. i ne hi. a 1 nans Mig. Co., vs. Tionesta
Mfg. Co., Limited. No. 1. Feb. Term,
1898. Summons in action of trespass.
Tionesta, Pa., May 2, 1S9S.
Wherka8. The Hon. W. M. Llndscv .
President Judge of the Court of Comniou
Pleas and ljuartor Sessions in and for
tho county of Forost. has issued Ids pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peaco, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Torminer and General
Jail Delivery, at TionosU, for the
County of Forest, to cominenco on the
rourin Monday or May, being
the 23d day of May, 189S. No
tice is therefore given to tho Cor
oner, Justices of tho Peaco and Con
stables ot said county, that they bo then
and there in tholr proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with thoir
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do thoso things
wmcn to moir omce appertain to be done,
and to those whoaro bound in recognizance
to prosecuto against the prisoners 1 hat are
or shall bo in thojail of Forest County, that
they may be then and thoro to prosecute
against them as shall bo just, (iiveii un
der my hand and seal this25th day of
April, A. i.
FRANK P. WALKER, l.s. Sheriff.
' Notice is horoby given that an hp plica
lion will be made to tho Governor of the
State of Pennsylvania on Thursday, the
211 u aay 01 June, iniia, uy J. 1. naie,
William Smearbaugh, C. A. Randall, L.
Agnew and T. F. Ritchey. under the Act
of Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro
vide for the incorporation aud regulation
of Natural Gas Companies," approved
the 29th day of May, 1880, and the sup
plements thereto, for the charter of an
mtendod corporation, to bo called The
Empire Gas Company, the character and
object whereof is producing, dealing in,
transporting, storing and supplying natu
ral gas in the counties of Forest and
Clarion, and tor these purposes, to have,
possess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits
and privileges ol said Act of Assembly
and its supplements.
T. F. itiTCHKY, Solicitor.
Office i A 7X National Bank Building,
Eyes examined freo.
Exclusively optical.
rnrr $5 b,cycle
I M IB To agents as a
B if V" sample. This is
I 111 I t,la opportunity
I II for a hustler. For
particulars, ad-
Indianapolis, Ind.
Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug
f ies to let upon the most reasonable terms,
le will also do
All orders lea at tho Post Office will
receive prompt attention.
effect Oct. 10, 1897.
Trains leave Tio
nosta for Oil City
and points west as
No. 31 Buffalo Express, daily
except Sunday 12:06 noon.
No. 61 Way Freight (carrying
passengers), daily except
Sunday 4:50 p. in.
No. 33 Oil City Express, daily
except Sunday 7:46 p. m.
For II Ickorv.Tidlnntn. Warren, Kinznn.
Bradford. Olean and the l-'ant
No. 30 Olean Express, daily
except sunuay t):4oa. m.
No. 32 Pittsburg Expross,
daily except Sunday 4:19 p. in,
Vfl Wax, i , fnnM,,!,.,,
passengers to Irvineton) daily
excepi unuay u:ou a. m.
Get Tinio Tables and full information
from W. tf. SAUL, Agent, Tionesta, Pa
R. BELL, Gen'lSupt.
Oen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent,
General office, Moonev-Brisbano Bid
Cor. Main aud Clinton Sts., Bnffalo.N.Y.
The Last
Is what gives distinction to a man's
dress. It is the bit offccolor iu his
Scarf, the proper Collar, the
well polished Roofs, the rijjht
Never, since this store opened,
have we shown so swell stock of
Men's Neckwear at popular prices,
as that which now greets the Easter
Is the Surest
ludex to n
Man's Taste.
1 :i: i
Miles k Armstrong
Cam Btismix MtiEMm.
Itizarre Designs
In Wall Paper
are very ef
fective when used in large rooms. Io
the avorage room, a rich design of
solid color, .vithjmaybe a sprinkling
of little figures io contrasting color,
is the proper thing. '1 his is not the
place wheri; you come in and say,
"I've gut a room, eight by ten feet
and teu feet high.' How much wall
paper will I need, and how much will
it cost?" Before we sell you a wall pa
per we want to Hud eut several things.
It is a more particular way, a butter
way aud in the i-ud a cheaper way.
We Handle the
To be found and our Stock is
Finest Quality
ttEATtt &
A. Waynk Cook,
A. B.
A.AVayno Cook, G. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbmigh,
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Ritchey. J. T. Dale. J. II. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative b Uinij. Interest piid on time
deposit!). Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Lawrence &
m mmmm mm
1 SSI wsa
of olhcp (hitijft
i 1 ' ivi 1 1 r- m
I who drcss welh
Are what men ask Tor, the shlrttyf hat
fit, the shirtH that near, are. the
"Dunkirk" and "Parlor City shirts.
New Hats and Shoes are also here,
and at moderate prices Iu all new
Styles and colors.
When yon are passing, just drop In
and take a good look.
ihJjrm;i'-::!'!iii 4
Always Complete and of the
the Market Affords.
W, Smkarbauou,
Vice President.
at low rates. We promise our custom