The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 20, 1898, Image 4

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    Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Dowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste ana ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
SAH ntAHuaco, CAL
uuisvule. it. hew row, ar.
Prayer by Telephone.
At a small diuner given recently in
a Western city the guest of honor was
a young married wotnau who is the
proud mother of two handsome boys,
both under fire years of age. In their
education she endeavors to follow a
system, after the manner of most young
mothers, and is very particular to live
up to any rule she has made for them.
During au early course in the din
ner, and in the middle of an animated
conversation with her host, she sud
denly paused with a startled look and
"There, if I did not forget those
boys again! Have you a telephoae in
the house, and may I use it?"
She was taken to the telephone by
her host, and the murmur of her voice
in earnest conversation floated back to
the dining-room. After a short pause
she returned. .
"I do hope you will pardon me,"
she said, "but, you see, I always have
Ooorge and Eddie say their prayers
for me before they go to sleep. I
forgot it to-night in the hurry of com
ing away, so I just called up their
nurse. She brought them to the
'phone, and they said their prayers
over the wire, so my mind is relieved."
Chicago Post.
Colonel Ibbetson, who died recently
in England, was the hero of the last
sensational elopement to Gretna Green.
He ran off forty years ago with Lady
Atieia Miners, oaugnter 01 me iiari 01
Jersey. She died six years after tliey
were married.
The Bhind manuscript, now in the
British Museum, is the oldest intelli
gible mathematical work extant that
has been deciphered.
The Crystal Talace, Sydenham, ac
commodates more people than any
other building in the world. It will
hold 100,000 people.
There are almost 400 mineral springs
in the United States.
"Wkat Mrs. Nell Hurst has to Say
About It.
Dear Jlr.s. Pinkham: When I wrote
to you I had not been well for five years;
had doctored all the time hut got no
better. 1 had womb trouble very bad.
My womb pressed backward, causing
piles. I was in such misery I could
scarcely walk across the floor. Men
struation was irregular and too pro
fuse, was also
troubled with
leucorrhoea. I
had given up all
hopes of getting
well; everybody
thought I had
After taking
five bottles of
Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegeta
ble Compound,
I felt very much better
and was able to do nearly all my own
work. I continued the use of your medi
cine, and feel that 1 owe my recovery to
you. I cannot thankyou enough foryour
adrice and your wonderful medicine.
Aay one doubting my statement may
write to me and I will gladly answer
all inquiries. Mrs. Xell IIubst, Deep
water, Mo.
Letters like the foregoing, con
stantly being received, contribute not
a little to the satisfaction felt by Mrs.
Pinkham that her medicine and counsel
are assistiag women to bear their heavy
Mrs. Pinkham'saddressis Lynn, Mass.
All suffering women are invited to
write to her fcr advice, which will be
given without charge. It is an ex
perienced woman's advice to women.
Go to yeur grocer to-day
and get a 15c. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at the cost.
Mn tip from nnre rralns it
1 p
is nourishing and health
ful. f attet that ymir grocer (if m yen GRAIX-O.
V;,f a
Gained M roondi In B Weak.
From the Jy-Sta(irr, ilaeomh, IU,
Alderman Louis W. Camp, of our ctly.has
quite astonished his friends, by a remark
able gain In weight. He has pained 33 pounds
n five weeks. Th'e of hts friend
who do not know the facts of his sick
ness will read with Interest the following:
"I was broken down In health and utter
ly miserable," said Mr. Camp to our re
porter. "I was unable to work much of the
time and so badly afflicted with a form ot
stomach trouble that life was a veritable
I tried various remedies, but during the
six months of my sickness I obtained no re
lief. I had always been a robust, healthy
man and sickness bore heavily upon me.
"About two years ago I was advised to
try Dr. Williams' Tlnk Tills for Tale IVo
ple. I purchased one box and received so
much benefit that I used five more and was
entirely cured. gainrd ttrntu-ttro pound
in rtrv wwl. Since I stopped taking the
pill's I have scarcely had an ache or pain.
Interviewing Hie Alderman,
"Dr. Williams' rink Pills restored me to
health and I most heartily recommend
L. W. Camp on oath says that the forego
ing statement Is true.
W. W. Miloah, Xotary Fublic,
Following is the physician's certificate as
to Sir. Camp's present condition.
I am a regularly licensed physician of
Macomb, JIcDonough County, 111. I have
very recently examined Mr. L. W. Camp as
to bis general physical condition, and find
the same to be all that could be desired,
appetite and digestion good, sleeps well,
and bns all tit evidences of being In a good
physical condition. Saji'l Russell, M. D.
Subscribed and sworn to before me thtf
SOtU day of September, 1897.
W. V. Meloam, Xotary Puhlic.
Norwegian Firemen,
Captain R. W. Henderson givei
some instructive details of fire service
in Norway. The firemen enter the
service at twenty-two yearn of age,
none being accepted under that age or
beyoud thirty. They are taken on as
probationers, from which grade they
rise to be permanent firemen. A pref
erence "is given to mechanics, who,
when not on firs duty, are engaged in
making the hose, carts, ladders and
other apparatus required in the ser
vice. There is generally high water
pressure to be had, but where engines
ara needed they are usually of English
make. The telegraph and telephone
wires, the water mains and sewers ara
all under the care of the firemen, who,
notwithstanding their many and vari
ous duties, are always ready to turn
out for service. Their pay is very
Bmall from about $4.50 to $6.50 a
week, with quarters, and an allowance
of about $28 for uniform.
The uniform consists of a dark blue
serge shirt, dark navy blue trousers,
stout high and low shoes and a strong
woolen belt, with hook, axes, etc., aud
a leather helmet. The engines are
drawn by sturdy little Norwegian
horses, and they do smart work in
getting to fires, notwithstanding the
heavy loads they have to haul through
the roughly-paved streets. The fire
men are well drilled and disciplined,
and ore thoroughly afficient. Hither
to the houses have been built entirely
of wood, but now the law enacts that
whenever any new buildings are erect
ed in the towns the outside walls must
be of stone or brick. St. Louis Globe
Democrat. Cata at Companions.
The cat, we are told, has been the
companion of the great and famous
from time immemorial. Petrarch's
favorite cat he embalmed, while An
drea Doria, one of the rnlers of
Venice, not content with having the
portrait of his dead cat painted, pre
served her skeleton as the souvenir of
a happy intimacy.
Cardinal Wolsey used to entertain
his cat by his side on the seat of 6tate
when he gave audience or received his
princely company. Rousseau's at
tachment to cats is well known. We
know also how fond Sir Isaao Newton
was of them, fordid he not make holes
in his barn door for their accommoda
tion a large hole for the old cat and
a small one for the kitten?
Dr. Johnson loved cats in spite of
himself, and his particular pet bore
the name of Hodge. The Doctor used
himself to go out and buy the oysters
on which Hodge doted, lest the ser
vants, from having to wait on the ani
mal, should acquire a dislike to him,
Richelieu also was devoted to cats.
New York Herald.
A German has invented a neat little
brush for the hat, which has a spring
wire loop attached to its back, by which
it is supported in the crown of the hat
when not in use.
Deafness Cannot Be Cnretl
by local application, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that Is by coutttitu
tiounl remedies. liifne is caused by an n
flamed condition of the mucous liningof the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube nets lu
ll imed you have a rumbling sound or imper
fect henrintf, and v-'hvn it Is e tl'cly cln-ed
D'.if .ws:. i. t.iu i-ehiilt. and unless the iutlum
nintion can be tiiken out and this tube re
stored to its normal condition, bearing will he
deid royi-d forever. Nine cases out of ten are
caiihed by catarrh, which is nothing but an In
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deaf nesi (caused bycatarrh) that can
not be cnred by Hall's Catarrh i ure. Send
for circulars, free.
F. J. Chenev & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by DruKKlsts, 75c.
Hull's Family Pills are the liest.
Hover nl of the cutacombs at Rome are
now lighted by electricity, and the system
will soon be extended to all the catacombs.
Doa't Tobacco Spit and Saroke Voir l ife Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, lull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
the wonderworker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggist, oOc or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
(Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
West Virginia produces more high-grade
petroleum than any other Stato in tbo
Oh, What Splendid Coflee.
Mr. Goodman, Williams Co., III., writes:
"From one package Halzer's German Coffee
Berry costing 15c I grew 300 lbs. of better
coffee than 1 can buy in stores at 30 cents a
lb." A. c 1
A package of this coffee and big seed and
plant catalogue is sent yon by John A.
Balzer Heed Co., La Crosso, Wk, upon re
ceipt of 15 cents stamps and this notice.
The average amount of sickness in human
ife is nine days out of the year.
Educate Tour Howela With Cascareto.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, 23c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money.
An abandoned railroad tunnel in the city
of Edinburgh is being used as a mushroom
Tomato Soup To one can of toma
toes add one and one-half pints of water.
Cut one medium-sized onion into bits
and fry to a goldeu brown in one table
spoonfnl of butter. Stir in one table
spoonful of flour and when brown add
all to the tomatoes. To the whole add
one tablespoonful of sugar, and salt
and pepper to taste. Let boil gently
for twenty minutes, theu strain through
a sieve aud Beason lightly. Serve hot
with squares of toasted bread or with
noodles which have been previously
boiled nutil tender.
Baked Shrimp and Tomatoes Sea
sou a pint of cauned tomatoes with a
half-teaspoon of salt aud a quarter of
a saltspoonful of paprika. In a deep
dish, well buttered, sprinkle a half
inch layer of cracker crumbs; on these
place a layer of tomatoes dotted with
a teaspoouful of butter in tiuy pieces;
continue in this fashion until the dish
is full, crumbs being the last layer;
over these pour three tablespooufuls
of molted butter and bake twenty-five
minutes in a hot oven. Rinse and
drain the shrimps and cut in two.
Salted Nuts rut half pound of
almonds in a saucepau, cover with boil
ing water, let it boil three minutes,
drain in colauder and free the nuts
from the skin; this is done by press
ing each nut between two tiugers,
pressing the nut from the skin; lay
them on a tin pan and set in a warm
place to dry, then put the nuts in a
shallow tin pan, pour over one ounce
of melted butter, set the pan in a
medium hot oven, stir frequently and
roast till light brown. Remove, put
the almonds in a bowl, sprinkle over
one tablespoonful of oil, mix well and
serve when cold.
Egg Croquettes For six croquettes
take six eggs, one tablespoon of butter,
half a pint of milk, two tablespoous of
flour, a tablespoon of chopped parsley,
ten drops of onion juice, a teaspoon ol
salt and a small pinch of pepper. Tut
the milk in an enameled vessel over
the fire, rub the butter aud flour to
gether, add them to tho milk and boil
tho whole till a smooth paste has re
sulted. Chop up the hard-boiled eggs,
add the seasoning to them and taix
with the milk and Hour already boiled.
Set aside to cool and harden, and then
form into croquette shapes, dip each in
egg aud bread crumbs and fry in very
hot fat. Serve dry with a garnish of
lemon rings, or with a tomuto sauce.
Stuffed Cabbage Select a large,
perfectly-shaped cabbage, wash it in
salt and water, cut off the coarser outer
leaves and cut a hole ifi the centre,
but carefully, so that the shape of the
vegetable may not be injured. Boil
that portion which has been removed,
and when tender chop it up with a
pound of raw veal, the same quantity
of bacon, u dessertspoonful of miuced
parsley, three small sliced onions, a
sprig of thyme aud the usual season
ing of salt and pepper. Moisten the
whole with the beaten yoka of an egg,
and paint the inside of the cabbage
with the beaten white. Fill in the
aperture with the prepared mixture,
tie tho cabbage firmly in a pudding
cloth and boil it till quit tender.
Then remove the cloth without break
ing the shape of the cabbage and serve
as au entree.
Household Hints.
If you have only a little cream and a
great need of butter, try churning
with the egg-beater in a large bowl.
When silver is badly tarnished rub
with a paste made of silicon and alco
hol. So cleansing is this that it is
used in hospitals for the cleauing of
surgical instruments.
When sifting flour for cake it is
more convenient to sift it on a large
sheet of white paper than into a bowl,
especially when sifted several times.
It can be quickly Rathered up in the
paper and turned into the sifter again.
When yon wish to freshen salt fish,
like mackerel, or codfish to be boiled
whole, put it in the water with the
skin side up. Otherwise the salt,
more dense than the water, settles
against the skin and it takes louger to
A teacher of laundry work tells her
class that "if in ironing a shirt bosom
you find a little dirt, don't stop to
wipe it oiT until the whole shirt is
finished. Then it will come off easily.
The damp cloth, not wet, is your best
friend when doing fine irouing.
Although courtplaster is useful in
protecting small scratches or abra
sions of tho skin from harm, it should
not be used over any considerable cut
or wound iu process of healing. These
will heal much faster if simply cov
ered with a bit of soft linen held in
place at the ends with strips of sur
geon's plaster.
An expert housekeeper says rancid
butter may be sweetened by putting
fifteen drops of chloride of lime to
every pint of cold water and working
the butter in the water till every par
ticle has co. re in contact wich the lime
water, theu work it over iu pure, cold
water. It is much better not to let
the butter get rancid.
After the egg-beater has been used,
if it is put at once into clean, cold
water and given a couple of quick
turns, theu into hot water and again
revolved, theu shaken free of moisture
aud put iu the warmer for a few min
utes, it is very easily made clean. But
if the egg is allowed to dry on first,
the cleaning is much mora difficult.
Pork Cutlets Have the cutlets cut
from a good loiu of pork, take away
all bono from the meat aud trim each
cutlet neatly; also remove most of the
fat, then seuson the meat with pepper,
riace a gridiron over the fire and let
it get hot, then put on the cutlets and
broil them about fifteen minutes, be
ing careful to turn them several times.
When properly cooked, the pork cut
lets should look a rich brown, but not
burnt and dry. Sprinkle salt over
when dishing and pour roudd a tasty
tomato sauce.
A Venerable Autbor.
Mine, du Bois d'Elbhecqne is the
oldest living woman who earns her
living with her pen. She is ninety
nine years old and lives in a convent
near Anglers, 1 1 mice. In the seventy
nine years iu which she Las been
writing she has published over forty
More Power Than Men.
The steam power of the world may
be reckoned as equivalent to the
strength of 1,000,00(1,000 men, which
is more thau twice the number of
A fopartnershlp Remarkable Reception
Given Octogenarian Teetotalers In Lon
don Forty-three Attended th Banquet
.Fxtrarts From Speeches and Letter.
Plr Wilfrid Lawson has thrown oft the
following lines, called forth by a letter
which recontly appeared in the Liverpool
Dally Tost, ou the subject of a pntilloatlon
In a certain town, who combined In a
double-fronted establishment the business
of drink seller and funeral undertaking:
Ills customers with sparkling ales
This worthy victualler treats,
A liquor which wo know entails
The "funeral baked meats."
Death lurks within the alluring bowl
For him by whom It's taken;
This victualler, then has, on the whole,
Done what bo's undertaken.
Octogenarian Teetotaler.
As an object-lesson ou the subject of
human longevity we have seen no publica
tion more Instructive than a beautiful lit
tle book, published by tho National Tem
perance Leagne, of London, entitled, "Oo
togenarian Teetotalers." It is the narra
tive of a reception to octogenarian teoto
talors, given by tho League in May, 1897,
and speeches and letters incident thereto.
Relations were established with nearly
200 octogenarians, of 163 of whom II fo
(ketches were prepared. Forty-three at
tended the banquet In London, the aver
age of whose nws was years, among
whom were Dr. F. It. Loea (age 81) and
llev. Newman Hall, D.D. (age 80). We
qnote briefly from speeches and letters:
Dr. Lees (an. It lias beon said that we
ranoot "arrange" the Kingdom of God.
True, but we have Indicated a fact more to
the purpose that the wloked interests of
the world have sown tare9 whllo the virtu
ous people slept; they have been allowed
not only to "nrrango," but to establish and
entrench, in law, the klugdon of the devil,
and. thus to thwart and defeat the mission
of Christ.
Dr. Newman Hall (80). I have boon
forty-two years in London, preaahing on
nn average three or four time a week, and
I have been only six Sundays out of har
ness, in consequence of sickness.
Henry Brown (80). I have been a poor
customer to the doctor. I have not sup
plied thom with a sovereign yet and I have
led an active life.
George Properjohn (81). walks eight
miles a day in following his trade, as a
builder; sometimes up and down ladders;
wherever his occupation calls him.
Frederick Miller (so), printer for sixty
eight years; not needing for a single day in
the last twnuty years to omit going to bis
J. N. Dickinson (83). An abstainer fifty-
two yean. Nover had a serious illness.
During tho flft-two years' abstlnenco,
only three times under medical treatment,
tho last time having beon twonty-sis years
Key. Charles Fisher (81). An abstainer
sixty years. At the nee of 80 wrote: "I
have never laid in bed from sickness or
paid five shillings for medicine for myself.
uiten working ton to eigntecn nours por
duy, and often preaching Sundays."
Samuel Snundors (82). Teetotaler sixty-
six years. Never had a headache. Nover
in bed through Illness.
Rev. l'eter Mcarns (80). Fifty years in
ministry. Never a single Sabbath been uu
ablo to preach on account of ill-health.
Within a month have climbed two of the
Choviot Mountains, each requiring a walk
of two hours.
D. G. Paine (80) My dootor's expense
(for myself personally) during sixty-five
years nas been, total A J lbs., or an averago
of lOld. annually.
William Hardy Koot (91). In his eighty
sixth year, for six consecutive days walked
seven to eight miles a day.
The Spirt ual Side.
The curso of drunkenness on the tide ot
Its physical devastations has been abun
dantly dopleted by the advocates of the tem
perance reform. Tho amount of grain con
sumed in the manufacture of intoxicating
liquors; the number of men whose labor is
worse than wasted In producing and vend
ing tnem; the number of lives destroyed by
them; the number ot paupers and Insane
persons whose woes are traceable to this
sou roe; the effects upon ithe health of in
dividualsall ot these things nro frequent
ly sot forth with sufficient fulness la Im
pressive rhetoric. Some allowances must
pe made for the overstatements of rcnlous
advocates, but there are facts enough of an
appalling nuturo Iu these representations
to call for the most serious thought.
But the worst side of drunkenness Is not
that which appears in these familiar flgu res.
The most frightful effects of the drink habit
are not those which can be tabulated iu
statistics and reported in the census. It is
not the waste ofcornnorthe destruction ot
property, nor the increase of taxes, nor
even the ruin of physical health nor the
loss of Jife, which most Impresses the mind
of the thoughtful observer of Inebriety. It
Is the effect of this vice upon the charac
ters of men as It is exhibited to him, day by
day, in bis ordinary intercourse with them.
It is in the spiritual realm that the ravages
3f strong drink are most terrible.
The Other Side.
A gentleman said to us, "I do not favor
prohibition it would be an injustice to
IIih man in business; besides, it would
hrow thousands out of employment."
We replied, "You do not look at this
Issue from the right side. You tako a con
tractor's view."
Just before tho war closed a Government
contractor said in a car, "I do hope the war
will not close under two years. I will lose
thousands of dollars; besides, many men
will be turned out of employment from the
Government works."
A lady passenger, clad in weeds of mourn
ing, rose to hor feet, nnd, with tearful
voice, said: "Sir I have a brave boy and a
husband sleeping tho sleep of death in a
loldier's cemetery. I have only one boy
left, and he is in front of the foe. Oh,
God! I wish tho cruel war would close
He saw the point. Do you?
It may be your boy r vcr girl that
will fall the next victim U tie Jrlnk "in
dustry." (?)
Would you consider tho "trado" worthy
luch a priae? National Tomperance Ad
vocate. Kulns Every Effort For Good.
Intemperance ruins every effort for good.
Pour money by the thousands Into the
Hums, multiply institutions, improve the
rookeries, reduce the rents, and, unless
you somehow or other concurrently reduce
the temptations to Indulgence In strong
drink, you will simply furnish so much
more materiul for fostering the vice. Pro
Vide free education, feed the children,
elothe them, distribute alms all that can
be saved in such ways will go In drink.
Hum's Bondsmen.
In Madison, Wis., a liquor seller has U
be a man of good moral character! and
have at least two sureties in the penal sum
of 1500.
The Northwestern of that city publishes
a list of these liquor sellers, and by stars
poluti out those of their number who have
been fined for one or more violations of
the excise law sinco July 1, 13M.
The paper also publishes the names of
the sureties with the number of license
Iionds signed by such persons. If such
Ists were published in every licensed city
rhere bonds are required, it would make
Interesting reading for the neighbors of
luch bondsmen, and prove in some cases
tpilto startling.
Jlravy on Stimulants.
It is stated thnt France consumes more
alcohol than any other nation in the world,
i'bls is bnse.l on the percentage of alco
holic liquors consumed. By this standard,
each person In Frnnco consumed thirteen
liunrts of alcohol In the form of wine, beer,
brandy, etc., in the course of tho year.
Temperance New and Notes.
The woman who marries a man to reform
him never lacks for occupation. National
Temperance Advocate.
Maine has more money In the savings
banks per capita than any State In tha
I'ulon, because the money that would have
rone for drink has gone into the savings
These two words emphasize a neces
sity and iudicate a remedy.
Sraiso the season when the blood is
most impure as a result of the win
ter's closer confinement, higher liv
ing, slower action of the kidneys
and liver; when humors of all kinds,
boils, pimples aud eruptions aro
most liable to appear; when the
weak, languid condition of the whole
bodily structure demands and wel
comes help.
Medioikf. that to which the millions
turn at this season Hood's Saraapa
rilla. Tho original and onf.y prep
aration especially adapted to the
present needs of the human family;
that which makes the blood pure aud
clean, as shown by its thousands of
wonderful cures of dreadful blood
diseases; creates an appetite and
cures dyspepsia, as shown by its
"niagio touch" in all stomach trou
bles; steadies aud strengthens the
nerves, as provod by people for
merly nervous, now calm aud self
possessed, thanks to
America's Greatest Medicine,
How Kail Are Injured.
While on steam roads the tracks are
not injured by locomotives running at
high speeds, street railway men com
plain that their tracks are torn to
pieces by the electrio cars. The rea
son for thia is that the plunging aud
rearing of cars mounted on four
wheeled trucks pound the tracks aud
loosen the joints. Cars on short-base
single trucks often plunge sufficiently
to throw practically all the weight on
to the front and rear wheels alterna
tively, and the damaging effect of this
can easily be realized.
Thero aro 1,759,000 volumes in the
library of the British Museum in Lon
don. Deantr la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. C'ascarcts, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the IkhIv. liegm to-dny to
banish pimples, boi!s, blotches, blackhvnds,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c,2oc,50c.
F.pplng Forest is the largest public
recreation ground in the world.
Ashevllle and Hot Sprints, N. C.
These two chamiln resorts, located In the
mountains of Western North Carolina, are
now lieinir rapidly filled with winter tourists
from the North. A more dcliuhtful place
ran not be found to avoid disaKn'ealilts
sharp winds. They arc easily reached from
New York, via Pennsylvania and Southern
lUilway, by the Washington and Southwest
ern Limited, which leaves New York daily at
1.3) P. M., making the trip within twenty two
hours in throuuh Pullman drawlnv;-rooni
rieepinu cars. For full particulars, etc.. rail
jn or address Alex. S.Thwcatt, Kastern Pass
enger A(rni, Broadway, N. Y.
The crusade against the spitting nuisance
has been taken up by the health associa
tion of Germany.
Why Suffer Like Job .
When St Anthony's Ointment will heal all
sores, new or old, or money refunded, .V) cents
per box, all druggists or St Anthony MTg
t-o.. Chicago, III.
The number of Chinese In Ban Francisco
is about 20,000, Including 2500 women.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund money If it fails to cure. Sov.
Hereafter the American Express Cora-
fiany will use horseless wagons exclusively
n Chicago.
To Cor Constipation Forever.
Take Cascnreu Candy Cathartic. lOo or 23c.
If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money.
France hns a law forbidding the slaugh
ter of birds smaller than larks.
Fits permanent! y ou red. No fl ts or nervous
ness after tlrst day's use of Dr. Kline's til-eat
Nerve Restorer. $L' trial bottle and treatise free
Du. R. H. Ltd.. Dill Arch St.I'hlla.,P.
Tho wood of Northern Minnesota were
never so full ot wolves.
I can recommend I'lso's Cure for Consump
tion to sufferers from Asthma. E. D. Town
send, Ft Howard, Wis.. May , ISM.
Russia's standing army, which comprises
800,000 men, is the largest in Europe.
Chew Star Tobacco The Best
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes.
Two persons die of starvation in Lon
don every week.
No-To-Bae for Fifty Cent.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 60c. II. All druggist.
A traveler can now go around the world
in llfty days.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Kymp for children
teething, softens the gums reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cares wind colic, &c.a bottle.
Electrically operated cabs appear to be a
great success in London.
Pnraly veealalile, mild and reliable. Causa Pfr
fart Ingestion, complete absorption and healthful
regularity. Fur tha cure of all dlHunlera of the
Stomach, Liver, Buwela, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous
PERFECT DIGESTIOK will be tmup)lhad by
takliiK Kariway'e Pi IK By thfir AN J I BILKH8
pnHrti they atiiiiulat the liver In the net-rM ion
uf the bil end its diM'barK through the biliary
duoU. Thfae Pilln in dofwi from two to four will
qtib-kly i-fffitlat the art ton of the liver and free the
patient from tbeedird?n. One or two of Had
way's Pills, taken daily by thone subject to bilious
pains end torpidity of the liver, will keep the sys
tem regular and secure healthy digestion.
Price, 25 rtn. per Box. Hold by all drug gist a, or
sent by mall on receipt of price.
It All WAY ilCO.,55 Elm Hi., New York.
If sfTlirled with j
ore eyes, use
Thompson's Eye Wafer
nffP'KTTTfYr.T Tin? PAPER when REPLY
MlJll HUll l.NO TOADVT3. MfNU-13.
ood 8
J Only those who have been relieved
f great suffering can fully appreciate
the gratitude with which tke testi
monials overflow written in favor of
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Just read this:
"0. 1. Hood k Co., Lowell, Mass.t
"Gentlemen: "My first experience with
Hood's Sarsaparilla was when I used It as
a tonio and spring medicine. It did me so
much good my faith la its merits became
because it cures when all others
,0c S?l 7$ 3 1? 1 3' ' ALL "
25c 50c 11i-Ba&ffl DRUGGISTS
formanrntlT Purva tr o.lnf PR. WHITEHALL'S RIIKI'HATIO CliKK. ThoiirMt (.ample !
HF.K on intntlo thla pukllraUon. THK UK. WH1TKHALL MKOKIMINK (NJ., South Rend, lndln
at km mM airwt
nmw It IS jmn
at anM. M.lBf
saltr prsBla.
an r axaaiaauea. ,
Kvarrta wtrraato4.
llrlM( VibirlH,
U NT 10 H llamas.
SanT.MtoSIA 1
aaa, rfcaalaas, Traaa,
Uaa. SprtM'Kaaa aa
a.TT. iimy avatar PHe. fll.M. wataaa. Ml Hr larfa. iraa Ha SMSamr. Maa, lla cartalaa, lamaa.
li aaaa ai mUi lat ttt. CalaJapi af all aar Mjlaa. akaaa, aaiaa aad Kaacri, lis. AloaaaiMlUlari
raTaatjaaamjaraawarwaaa-aaaaaamjiiayiiaaaiaaaaiaii.iy i T
We agree to maintain the list prices on Columbia,
Hartford and Vedette bicycles, published in our 1898 Cat
alogue, throughout the season ending October 1st, 1898.
Celumbla Models 50 and 51, Bevsl-Sear dialnlass, $125
Columbia Modils 47 and 48, Tandems, - 125
Columbia Modsls 45, 48 and 43, Ruin Whnls, 75
Hartford Patterns, 7 and 8, .... 50
Vedette Patterns, 15 and 16, .... 40
Vedette Patterns, 17 and 18, - - 35
POPE MFG. CO.. Hartford, Conn.
Catalogsa free from tnj Colombia dealer, or by mall for one 2-oeit itanp.
TioiiJini ni
EMI lip A l0 from
yonr gracer or paint dealer and do yonr own deco
rating. Thia material is a HARD FINISH to be applied with a brush
and becomes as hard as Cement. Milled in twenty-four tints and works
equally as well with cold or hot water. SrSE!D FOR SAMPLE
CAHDS and if yon cannot purchase thia material from yonr local deal
ers let us know and we will put you in the way of obtaining it.
oreness i Stiffness!
OIL as day comes after night. J
" Thrift is a Good Revenue." Great Saving Results
From Cleanliness and
W V J V V WSVWsj sjf sfff jptjsysBft4yvaVWVV
WewlihtocalnU0,000nswaiB- m
tomers, and hence oiler Z
1 Pka. 13 Dav Hadinh. IS 9
1 Pkf. Early Hpriof Turnip, 10o 9
I Earliest Red Beet, lOo
1 Bismarck Caoumber, lile
wnwi v vcvorta i.eiiacs. 100 (
ivaauj ein aifiuui aw 1
Inmbo Giant Onion, loo ,
" Brilliant Flower Seeds, lo ;
TTertfc, far 14 eaata. . t
Above 10 Dkfira. worth 1.00. we will i
mall yon free, together with oar j
great Plant and beed Catalogue )
Dostaae. Vfe invite f jar trade aad '
noon recelnt of thla sMlce and 14c.
know when yoa once try Kaiser's i
1 out thetn. Petatees a.t S l.AO
seeds von i
will never getaloi
tfcfcaifttfteisra eaiiDi.uaw.oaj aioaeec. naA()
m AAsmam aamaf AatAael AAAA AsTaeaAsl
NIHHED YOU by free, advertisement In "Ou
ht'h Dabt." Interesting particulars for stamp. No
publicity. I. B. PUB. ca.tWWalnnt Ht.,Phila.,Pa.
AGENTS WAN"TEI( Either sex) to handle Musical
Clock. Liberal discount . Musical, SlJohn Ut. , N .V.
.1 Boat Cough Byrua. Taatea GoikL
cnuiii UHiiiC in iiu tin
it ,
at 1
SB B - '
2 m
aaW a
die in
very strong. About two years later I had
a running tor on my foot. It developed
Into erysipelas and affected the entire limb.
At that time I was
Very Much Run Down
aa I had been troubled with dyspepsia.
The drain on my system was so severe and
my stomach was so weak I became a ready
victim ot malaria. I feared I could never
regain my health. My stomach rebelled at
the simplest food, and the' medicines pre
scribed for me gave but little relief. I sent
for a bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I
had taken this medicine but three days
when I began to Improve, Continuing
with it, I am now better and stronger than
I ever expected to be. It has purified my
blood and given good circulation. I have
had no return of my old troubles since."
Mas. W. Kksx, Media, Pa. Hood's Sarsa
parilla la
The Medicine Por You
Eecanse of what it has done for others;
because you ought this spring to take
that which will do you the most good.
fail. Be enre te get Ilood's.
to hm m-
it wms
mm u
saipaay -
- arria,'
Waa - fia.
1 n moo
Hit UrmH t8 Ucel. 0)14 ft M m
motJola, bet d.v)cm, $9.75 to $1& Sent on
cpproiHii without tt cent payment. Free
f wfcvrl toouraffenU. Write for our atw
"How to Kara Hlf'Tcle" and malt
money. vrrAiAi ihiw vv fcfcH-wh.jra
grade 7 models alltrhtly shopworn, .It
eacn. "waaderiac Awai,"a souT?nir
Book of art, Viii'.l fur tamp while Utej laW
Alaska Advice
Keep away from M-hemer and lrrenponll)le
people who know almolutely notliing about your
wants and for the Bake of a few dollars they make
out of you will ateer you into certain house witb
wham tliey are la rolliinion.
We carry the lareeat atork In Seattle and have
sold thonaands of Alaska Outfits, KNOW exactly
what ia wanted and everything (a paoked by rx.
perlenred men.
We mall free of charge a good map abowing the
beat route and a mijilv list giving tha coat and
weight of articles required for "one man for on
year." Addresa
10t Si 100 first Arcane, Koala,
Ref.t DRXTr.H HoiTON t'o., Rankers, Heattle,
Wah.: Firht National Ba, Chicago, 111 Webt
tits National Bank, New York IMtv.
A better Scale for
ieia money than has
ever been offered.
Jones of Illnghamtoo,
BlBghaniton, N. Y.
and ijlquor Habit cureu in
10 to au data. No nav till
cured. Dr. J. L. Stephens,
Dept. A, Lebaaea, Obi.
workmen existing.