America's Greatest Medicine Greatest, Bocane in casta of Dyspepsia It has a touch like magic, which just hits the spot, brings relief to th. sufferer, ami gives tone and strength to the stomach as no other medicine does., . Dyspepsia and Liver Troub'e For many years I suffered almost con stantly with dyspepsia complicated with liver complaint. I tried first one thing and then another and sometimes resorted to regular medical treatment, but derived no substantial benefit. I read about Hood't barsapnrilla and Tills and concluded to give them a trial, and they effected a per manent euro."' F. Choatk8, 111 W. Boule vard, New York, S. Y. Komember OOCl'S Sparma Is America's Greatest Medicine. SI: ail for S& Sold by all drtiMists. Hot only Hood's. Unnrl'o Pille are (he best after-dinner nOUU S rill pills, aid digestion. 2 Where All Kiaae.l Their Reports. Tlio iliversious of New Yorkers of the last century were very ranch mild er than are those of the present day. "lu winter century ago," Mrs. Bur ton Harrison writes iu the Ladies' Home Journal, "when not assembled for Bkating upon the Collech, the fa vorite amusement of Hans and Katrina seems to have been a sleighing frolio in Jan DeriekBou's four-horse sledge to Harlem, where they had a dance nd a supper at the hostelry .of Myn heer Borsum. Ten couples ('packed close, as it suiteth youug men and maidens to ride,' said the old chroni cler) was the sleigh-load; and after a repast of bread and hot chocolate, concluding some hours capering to the fiddlers strain?, the party returned to town. Speeding by moonlight over hard-frozen roads, past manor house and cottage wrapped in deep repose, the ohief advent.ire of the return was apt to be a stop on the Kissing Bridge (at Second avenue and Fiftieth street, across the rivulet flowing from Tea Water Spring), at which point custom allowed the cavalier to demand of the lady he escorted the privilege of a special salutation. Unless this toll were yielded the cortege came to a halt, or else it turned iu another di rection." Coins That Carve and Cat. Chinese coinage in the shape of a knife has been traced back as far as 2240 B. C. The eight great water companies of London now supply nearly six million people with about 180,000,000 gallons of water a day. LOYELL DIAMONDS' STANDTHE TEST. Board of Experts So Decide. Remarkable Investigation From Which the LovbII Diamond Bicycle Came Out Ahead of All Competitors. Where there are so many makes of bi cycles on the market, all of which at first sight seem to be on au equal footing to the casual observer, and still the fact is well known that there is no article in common uso whore it is so easy for the manufactur er to cover up the iin perfections as in the bicycle, both in material and workman ship, and which cannot be detected until the machine has bpen given n test on the roi'i, audi an investigation as has just ' Teen coiploted by the best experts in the country, under the supervision of the Western Review of Commerce, Is likely to be of great value to the riding public. The honor of producing the best wheel among the thirty-seven well-known makes that were tested fell to the old established house of John P. Lovell Arms Co., of Boston, Mass., manufacturers of the celebrated Lovell Diamond. The investigation was made in a thorough manner by competent ex perts in the construction of wheels, and before thorn were placed thirty-seven of the v. COLONEL BENJAMIN S. LOVELL. PresiJent of the John P. Lovell Arms Co. leading makss. The machines were all marvels of th most recent ideas of me chaaical construction, and were brought together without the slightest Intimation or knowledge ta the manufacturers that such test was to take place. The practical experts composing the Investigating board gradually weeded the Kachlnea down to a small num ber, aad, after several days of careful test ing of the relative m-rlt of the ma chines, they were unanimous In their verdict that the Lovell Diamond was un doubtedly the best wheel made and so re ported to the paper, the president of which immediately wrote the J. P. Lovell Arms compaay informing the latter of the investi gation made aad the decision reached, and this was the first intimation that the Lovell company bad of the matter. The atntement that the Lovell Diamond is the best bicycle built is based upon the fact that every part of the machine is made at their owe factory. Previous to and includ ing lH'.'S the machine bearing the name of the Lovell Diamond was manufactured for the John P. Lovell Arms Co. by out side parties, but beginning with the season of 1SV7, every part of every machine bearing their name piste lias been constructed at the factory of the John P. Lovell Arms Co. at South Portland, Mcine. This fact easily accounts for the proven supremacy of the "Lovell Dlainon't" over all ether leading makes of the son! The Lovell Arms Com paay have three stores in Boston, Washing ton street. Broad street and Massachusetts avrnue and branch stores in Worcester, Mass., Providence, It. I., Pawtucket, B. L, Portland and Bangor, Me., besides having agents la nearly every city and town throughout the country. Their new catS iogue, "iamous Diamonds of the World," free on application. A TEMPERANCE COLUMN. THE DRINK EVIL MADE MANIFEST IN MANY WAYS. The Camel's Nose Interesting Statistic ea the Drink Hablta of the Various Nation Moat Drink Consumed la Mad In the Country Where It ia Absorbed. (The Arabs haw thle proverb to warn against letting bad habits begin: Beware of the camel's nose." Once In a shop a workman wrought With languid hand and listless thought, When, through the open window space, Behold, a camel thrust his face! "My nose is oold," he meekly cried; "O, let me warm it by thy side!" 8lnce no denial word was said. In came the nose, in eame the head; As sure as sermon followed text The long and shaggy neck came next; And then as falls the threatening storm. In leaped the whole ungainly form. Aghast, the owner gazed around. And on the rude Invader frowned. Convinced, as closer still ho pressed. There was no room for such a guest; Yet, more astonished, heard him say, "If thou art troubled, go thy way; For in this place I choose to stay." O, youthful hearts, to gladness born, Treat not this Arab lore with soorul . To evil habit's earliest wile Lend neither ear nor glance nor smllo! Choke the dark fountain ere it flows, Nor e'en admit the camel's nose. Some Statistics oa Nations' Drinking. Tno oountry owes thanks to Sir Courte- nay Boyle. Most blue-books aro dry, and few of us care to master thelrcoutents. Sir Courteney Boyle has succeeded, however, in producing one that almost might be de scribed as fascinating the drink statistics of the civilized world, or, to give it its official and rather long-winded title, "The Production and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages" (wine, beer, spirits). A study ol the paper leads to one con clusion, namely that not only will people drink as long as they can afford to pay for it, but that they will drink. France pro duces ten times as much wine as Germany; it also exports ten times as much; and yet more German wine is imported into the United Mates than French wine. The answer is obvious: There are in the States many successful German settlers, and they, having the money, will have the bock of the Fatherlnud, no matter what they pay for it. Thus also in prosperous Belgium people put scarcely any limit on them selves in the matter of drink, and whether it be beer or spirits Belgium stands at the head in the matter of consumption per head, while even as regards wine, although it is not a wine-producing country, the in habitants consume as much as do the Ger mans, whose oountry is wine-producing. One point that is brought out very clear ly in these tables is the fact that the drink trade is almost every wnere a homo indus try, i. e that by far the greater portion of the drink cousumed is made in the country consuming it. We in England Import so much wine and brandy from the continent that we are perhaps not altogether in a' position to realize the fact, and yet even in England by far the greater pnrt of the drink consumed is home-made. This is proved by the relative proportions of the customs receipts from imported and the excise receipts from home-mado liquors. The customs receipts amount to 5,500,000, and the excise recel ta to 27.000,000, or iu the proportion of seventeen per cent, to eighty-three per cent, in favor of the home made. Perhaps very few realize to how great an extent France is the great wine producing, and also the great wine-consuming oountry of the world. Tho state ment that the quantity of wine annually drunk In the United Kingdom, Germany and the United Htntes, which, taken to gether, have a population of 150,000,000 souls, barely exceeds a tenth part of what is consumed in France, with its 311,000,000 of inhabitants enables ,us to more fully realize the fact. Mauy, moreover, will be surprised to And that the consumption per head of beer in this country exceeds that of Germany, for while the German drinks tweuty-flve gallons per annum, the English man drinks thirty gallons. In both coun tries the consumption of beer is distinctly on the increase. The following is an interesting fact taken at hazard: Heventy-seven gallons (of beer are consumed in this country ftr every gal lon of wine that is drunk; could any clearer proof be wanting that it is the masses who drink, not the clashes? Scarcely theseventh part of a bottle of champagne per bead is drunk per annum by the Inhabitants of this country; in the United Htntes scarcely the twentieth part. Pall Mall Gazette. The Influence of Good Example. Every one of us, no matter bow obscure, has an Influence for good or bad in this life. None of us lives for self alone; so strangely are our lives interwoven with those around us, and so Interdependent are we upon one another that even the weakest of us has a part to sustain, and a duty to do in the world. For this reason we should be most particular as to our words and actions; for, all unknown to us, some one else may be modeling his life after.ours, ac cepting as his standard of right and wrong tho opinions we express, and the way in which we act. In the matter of drinking, particularly, does each of us become either a guiding light or a stumbling-block to our neighbor. Because the evtl of drink is so widespread, our attitude in relation to it is of especial importance to those around us. And the fact that we are, or are not, nddioted to drink, though at first sight it appears to concern nobody except ourselves, may be the means of breaking down or building up some one's character la that particular point. And the strengthening of our fel low men's character in regard- to liquor should be one of the gravest concerns of us all, whether as citizens of the State whose Integrity is endangered by the drunkenness of its people, or as members of the Church whose progress, humanly speaking, is ham pered by the bad example shown in this re spect by her children. Young men and women are growing up, and the people with whom they associate, as well as those whom they know even In directly, have an Influence in forming their characters. It is our duty to so live that we scandalize none of these, it behooves each and every one of us to take a position, on the drink question, which shall conduce to the glory of Good, the good of His Church, and the salvation of souls. Sacred Heart Iteview. Suited Him Kelter. T.vo hud u suarp dih.-u.soiou. One was an abstainer; the other was not. Bald the latter "Depend npon it, there is noth ing like beer. Why, when I get home at night, and have drunk a quart or two, I feel as if I could knock a house dowu." "Ah," replied the other, quietly, "but slues I have been n teetotaler, 1 have put two houses up, and that suits me better." Imitation Tokay Wine. A secret formula for the manufacture of Hungarian Tokay wine was recently madi public In a lawsuit iu New York. Among the Ingredients were alcohol, fariua, sugar, honey, tokay essence, lemon, ncid.salicylia acid, gelatine and water. There was no mention of the juice of the grape. A Shot at the Decanter. A gentleman, having called In his physi rian, said: "Now. sir, I wish no more tri fling; my desire is that you at once strike the root of my disease!" "It shall be done," replied the doctor; and lifting his cane, he smashed the wine decanter, wiiich stood on the table. Temperance News and Notes. Mr. Edward Atkinson says that he could open a saloon with beer on one side and soup on the other, and with the soup drive out the beer, at a larger profit. At a recent meeting of the Alumni Asso ciation of the Medico-Chirurgical College In Philadelphia one of the professors said that "it has been conclusively proven that beer and lead-poisoning are tlie priuclpal factors in producing Bright's disease." A committee of five representatives of the leading British temperance society has been In Southern California recently .study ing the methods which prevail there for successfully excluding saloons. Pomona, Pasadena, Redlnnds and Itiverside have reason to be proud of their records. Gravedtcter Information. When Mr. Felix Mahoney was a special pension examiner, wmcn wasn't longer ago than month before last, ha bad a bit of au experience which deserves a place in the Singular Coincidence list. He happened up in Connecticut. Mr. Mahoney and a temporary hireling of his were driving along a country road in a sleigu, wiien in a snow-filled cut the conveyance broke dowu. In the field beside the road Mr. Mahoney caught sight of a man's head. He lifted tip his voice and called to the man. llie bead rose slowly, higher, and higher, till its owner's eutire figure was revealed, as he climbed out of a grave he had besn digging. "Where does Jim Smith live?" roared Mr. Mahoney. "Hey?" said the gravedigger, for, of course, he was deaf. You never heard of a gravedigger iu a story who wasn't. "Where does Jim Smith live?" roaied the pension examiner agaiu, fortissimo. The gravedigger poiuted to the nearest bouse. "V11," said he, "that's his house over there." "Is he at home?" bellowed Mr. Mahoney. "Oh, yes," said the gravedigger; "he's at home, I'm just digging bis grave. Washington Star. A House Set on Fire by a I'oultlre. Fire insurance companies have all sorts of experiences and their officers can tell many curious stories. One of the queerest fires fell within the busi ness of the Connecticut Fire Insur ance Company, of this city, recently. A house was set on tire by a bath tub and the tub was set on fire by a poultice. A man in a Western city was suffering from a bad cold, and his wife, at the doctor's orders, prepared i poultice for his chest. Wheu she started to put it on it proved to be too hot. Accordingly she took it to the bathroom and set it into the bathtub to cool. This happened to be a fine tub lined with celluloid, which served as a sort of euamel. Tho heat of the poultice started the celluloid a-going, and the burning tub sot things going generally. The depart ment was called out, and the house was well wet down, foi which the compauy had to pay. This, so far as is known, is the first instance on record where a bathtub set a house on fire or where a poul tice kindled a bathtub. Detroit Free Press. A email Reward. The engine driver who took charge of the train from Falkenberg to Leip-sic- on December 13 prevented an acci dent in a very ingenious and plucky manner. Between the stations Tor gau and Mockrehna he noticed that the rails running parallel to his own were brokon, and that the next train that would pass over them must in evitably be wrecked. He at once wrote a few words explaining what ha had seen and giving an exact descrip tion of the place, and when passing a group of railway workmen he flung the paper to them, which he had first rolled round a piece of coal. They read the warning, sent telegrams to the stations interested, the trains were stopped in the nick of time, aud the accident happily prevented. This praiseworthy conduct of the engine driver was duly brought to the notice of his superiors, and he has just been rewarded with a present of two shill ings. Even life is cheap in the Fatherland. German Railway News. In reply tonumerous private in quiries from its tremen dous clien t a g e the "Western Review of Commerce " the scien tific publica tion having the largest circulation in the west caused to be made a most thor ough com parison be tween all the better class of cy cles avail able in open market. As a re suit of the expert and the criti cal exami nation of 37 different makes, and without any prej udice, this publica tion unhesi tatingly an nounces in favor of the LOVHLL DIAMOND over all com petitors. uimmntutmt. una, Dictated by M Get Woman's Fat.' From tht Kfconl, nrhn?U, III. No woman is better able to speak toothers regarding "woman's fate" than Mrs, Jacob Weaver, of Bushnell, III., wife of ex-City Marshal Weaver. She had entirely re covered from the Illness which kept her bedfast much of the time tor Ave or six yaars past, and says her recoverv Is due to that well-known remedy, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Weaver is fifty-six years old, and has lived in llushuell nearly thirty years. She is of unquestionable veracity and un blemished reputation. The story of her re covery Is interesting. She says: "I suffered for Ave or six years with the trouble that comes to women at this time of my life. I was much weakened, was un able much of the time to do my own work, and suffered beyond iny power to describe, I was downhearted and melancholy. "I took many different medicines, in fact, I took medicine all the time, but nothing seemed to do m? any good. "I read about Dr. Williams' Tlnk rills for Tale People, ami some of my friends recommended them highly. I made up my ":.-, mimt to try tuem. f bought the first Hx in March, 18S7, and was benellted from the start. "A box and a halt cured me com pletely, and I am now rugged vand strong. I have not been bothered with mW,;'' v 'uau iligtiiftuaiAXi I Ikiuh tullno tho .lira, uilivu lliWTf, PlllS "I have recommended the pills to many 11... F I. II . women who aro suffering as I suffered. They nre the only thing that helped me in the trial that comes to so mauy women at my ago. Mas. J. H. Weaver. sulcrii)oj and sworn to before me tnis 23d day of October. A. D. 1W, O. C. Hukk, Xotary Public, When woman Is phasing beyond the ago of motherhood, it is a crisis in her life. Then, if ever, proper attention to hygiene should lie exorcised. The attendnut suffer ings will disappear and buoyant health will follow if Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are used. These pills exert a powerful Influence in restoring the system to its proper erudi tion. They contain iu a condensed form .11 the elements necessary to give new life ana richness to the blood. The best imported cod liver oil is made in Norway. How's TliliT We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any easts of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. .1. Chunky A Co.. Toledo. O. .We. tho undersigned, have known V. J. Che ney for the last 1.1 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out auy obliga tion made by their firm. Wbst & Tuv Ax, Wholesale DruggistsToledo, Ohio. Wai.dino. Kixsas Mahtim, Wholesale DmgiTists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood aud mucous sur faces of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Price. !k: per bottle. Sold bv all Druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Canada supplies about one-fourteenth of the imported food of Great Britain. Why Sorter Like Job When St. Anthony's Ointment will heal all sores, new or old. or money refunded, 50 cents per box, all druggists or St. Anthony M'f'g t o Chicago, III. The Japanese have a gtgantio coloniza tion scheme In Mexico. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Hromo Otiinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money If It fails to cure. S5c'. During 1897 Mexico exported $42,000,000 worth of minerals. Fits permanently cured. Ko fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $1 trial bottle and treatise free Da. H. H. Ltd.. mi Arch St..Phlla.,Pa. Frogs and toads have remarkably aoute hearing. Chew Star Tobacco The Best. 8 melt e Sledge Cigarettes. There aro four millionaires In England to one in France. To insure the eradication of eruptive com plaints wash daily with Glenn's Sulphur Soup. Hill's Hair & Whisker Uve. black nrbrown.aoc. A candy trust is the latest Idea in the monopoly line. a mm "LOVELL DIAMOND" Takes Precedence Over All Other Wheels. ffrf-MHI r. UftU rW, Caie. w l f IMIN1) Hin-rzt;.T-'c 7 vm-Km-n Gterga C. Cartr, Prat. lofton, February 11, 1398. Th Wtrn Review of Coaaarc., Chicago, 111. Dear in Your lttr of February 7 received In reply will ay that w want to thank you for an and would alao aay that this ia tha firat Urn wa yr knew of a paper of your claa having. th courage to con right out and atata a fact, and w want to lay right hr that w don't think you have aad any aUtak, for th good will back you up In th atatnu 1 ar willing to take our buln reputation of ovr 57 year that tho Lovall Diamond la th. beat bicycle built, not only la thla country but In any other. ' Jut a aoon a you iu th papara wlthtnl artlcl In, which you nt u unsolicited and unknown to us, and in your latter wer kind enough to ay that it would b printed and that you akd no advrtlemnt, gift or anything of th kind, w hould b. pleated to have you sand us a fw copi by aail. Again thanking you for your kind letter and always wishing you th very bt of ucc, w remain Yours rpet fully, B. 8. L. John P. Lovell Arms BOSTON, riASS., U. BOSTON STORES; 147 Washington Street. 131 Broad Street. 121 Massachusetts Avenue. our Catalogue "Famous Diamonds of tha World " of our nearest CarU4 Horsehair For Market. South America furnishes the great est amount and bast quality of curled horsehair, used for filling mattresses and stuffing furniture. On the wide pampa many thousands of horses are bred especially for the bair of their manes and tails. These, between the ronnd-ups, which sometimes do not occur in three or four seasons, grow to great length, but owing to the lack of care and the state of the "camps," as the open country is called, the ha;r is usually tangled in what seems an inextricable mass. All over the camps grow many kinds of burrs and thistles, and the animals as they grazo or roll themselves about become covered with them. Their coat are naturally lough, the hair growing iu an uneven, shaggy way. Stuck all over with burrs and with mane and tail matted into nearly unwieldy masses, the poor creatures present a comical appear ance. After they are shorn they seem to delight iu tho freedom of cropped necks aud short tails. The If air when cut off is freed from dirt and roughness of all kinds and wound iuto ropes, by which means it is made curly. . It sell for 33 cents or 48 cents a pouud. Tho ' longest strands are kept separated, and used for horsehair furniture, cltths, etc. ew lork Tnbnuo. Boartleil by a Hlg Tarpon. Eacenl'y a peculiar incident hap pened to tue steamer Florida, which runs from rensnoola to Choctawhnt- chie. On her trip np the steamer had a ngDter in tow ana one lashed along side, and iu some mysterious way a tarpon or silver fish got fast between the steamer and the lighter whioh she had alongside, and in trying to free itself inmned aboard the steamer. The monster weighed 175 pounds and measured six feet and four inches in length. rensaoola (Fla.) Star. Early Printing TOaa Mow. The first printers used to priut only on one side of a page, and then pasted together the two blank pages to give the impression of one leaf. 400 For New Names t Seed Co. wnt suitable names (or their 17-Inch long corn aud White Oat prodigy. You can win this (400 easily. Catalogue tells all about it. Heed potatoes only tl. SO a barrel. Br.jti This Notice ano 10 Cents is Stamps to John A. Kalzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and get their great seed catalogue and 11 new farm seed samples, Inoluding above eorn and oats, positively worth aiO.OO, to get a start. Send to-day, to-day, sir! a. c. 1 Vanilla brings into Mexico a million dol lars or more per annum. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, gic.a bottle. Berlin's underground railroad Is to be extended. We have not been without Piso's Cure for Consumption for at years. Lizzir FraitEL, Camp St.. Harrlshurg. I'a., May 4. 1S84. There nre almost nine pounds of oil In a bushel of peanuts. i EVERY LIVING THING i Zfl BUB l& CCJ fU Every human hedy caa be I'l'HEO of ) ST. JACOBS OILO- Faraianently cured hy aallif DR. WHlThaUIX'S RHKI'MATIO C't'KK. Tkatiret udtkbet. Haaipleaeat fRKK on mention ( tkla pakilcatloa. IHJt DR. WMlTkUALL MRUH1MINK Co., Mouth Bead, Indian an in ii y iii mm oao. c CAftTm. r. anADauay, Tree,' C. E. FOOTS. (Mf. ' 6X0D tT Agents wanted in every city and town. It zione in yours, write to us today. iw.laa Tie "Is she really so curious!" .She "Curious? Why, she'd listen to advice." Brooklyn Life. REGAINED HEALTH. Gratifying Letter to Mrs. Pink ham From Happy Women. "I Owe Tom My Ltfa." Mrs. E. Wooliuskr, . Mills, Neb., writes: "Dear Mrs. Pimham : I owe My life to your Vegetable Compound. The doctors said I had consumption and notliiug could be done for me. My menstruation had stopped and they said my blood was turning to water. I had several doctors. They all said I could not live. I began the use of rpdia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it helped me right away; menses returned and I have gained In weight. I have better health than I have had for years. It is wonderful what your Ceav pound has done for rue." "I Feel Like m New Parsaa.". Mrs. Geo. Lkach, ; 1009 Belle St., Alton, 111., writes: I " Before I began to take your Vege table Compound 1 was a great sufferer from womb trouble. Menses would ap pear two nnd three times in a month, causing mo to he so weak I could not stand. I could neither sleep nor eat, and looked so badly my friends hardly knew me. " I took doctor's medicine but did not derive much benefit from it. My drug gist gave me one of your little books, and after rcuding it I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I feel like a new person. I would not give your Compound for all the doctors' medicine in the world. I can not praise it enough." PMlT7.MLLSiiCE!LINGS CALCIMO FRESCO TINTS FOR DFCORATINB WALLS AND crocer or paiut dealer and do yonr This material ia made on acientifio principles by machiuery and milled in twenty-four tints and is superior to any concoction of Glue and Whit ing that can possibly be made by hand. To na miikd with Colo Wateb. aTSEI FOB sAJirLE COLOR CARDS and if you cannot pnrohase this material from your local dealers let ua know and we will put you in the way of obtaining it. THE MITRALO CO., NEW BRIGHTON, 8. I., KFAV YORK "Where Dirt Gathers, Waste Rules." Great Saving Results From the Use of APOLIO HAS JVk Lj i AT U taawa. IT"- r ' O thraa by .B5TAMJ54ieD Mlw LT - - WESTERN REVIEW of COMMERCE f Bradhury Publishing: Co., 22J-223 DEARBORN 5TREET. Chicago, rb. 15th, John P. LoT.ll Aras Co. Boston, Mass. 0entlni Your tod favor of th. 11th inst. ta hand aad conttnU noted. V. thank you for your kind words of appreciation. W. an Juat what w. say, that for carsful and acientifio contruc. tion and ral practical ralu th. Lovsll Diaaond ia undoubtedly th. bast wbl aad.' In our investigation w. axaainad 37 Lading aak, and wr. satisfied aft.r aot thorough t.sta that w. wr. justifi.d in giving th. Pala to th. "Diaaond." Considering w wer. not influenced in any way by financial eon slderatlona, not vsn in th. fora of adv.rtiaing patronag., you aay rest aiaured that th. decision was unprJudlcd. fishing you success lu th. coming season, ar. Yours v.ry truly, Of COMMERCE Co., Wit's, S. A. V BRANCH STORES: r w Worcester. Mass. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I, Bangor, Me, Portland, Me, agent or sent by us on application. 2H3 tttMMtltMttttlltMCMtl 5 C mn a r.rtirr.l . . . -- - j I rk. fx Da RajO.I. fa. Irif. f rlf Hpnnf I ornip, lSo 1 " fulUMlMl, idol Blanarrk OuoQmtr, )Sc t Oua Victors Latino, lto I I- Jumbo Qiiat Onion, a Uo ! It U..11;.-. in. ' j 11 I - H,lUMII,IW.HnWL IH , Wertt !., fr 14 Mat. AHt 1 nkrm. amrth ai m. waolll . arat Plant nd Hd CAUIofn u rou ir, tof0inr wita i - roiii at tun notlc tnd 140. Mt. W. iatlt roar trail aad I 1 j ""a oao trj bltr' f "HI n.wt!. with. mM Bfcl.tauloalo.o. N0..0I AO I a. aiusa CBOSSB. WIS. , Alaska Advice Kp away from ohmni and Irrwipnnaihl pepl wao know ahmiltttrlv nothing shunt your want and fur lh aak of a fw dollars they mak out of you will nw you Into cartatn noun with vha they are in rollunlaa. W carry th larRmt toc in Heattl and hay old thuiiMiida of Alaak Outfits, KNOW siartly what la wanted aud everything; I i.aoknl by ex prrlenrerf mrm. W mall fr of rharir a ood map allowing tha rt rout and a aupply llat giving tha coat and walght of ertlrlM rcipilred for "on man for on yar. ' Adilrms COOPER & LEVY, 101 A I (Ml KlrM Aveaae, Nialk, DP N. HKATTI.E, WASHINGTON. Hf.;DrxTES Hoston k t'o., Rankra, Haitl. Wh.: FiaaT Natidmai. Bank, Chtrago, I1U Went- National Hank, New York City. SEND FOR A BICYCLE llthtr-H)l.arla,14U. a CHEAT CLIARINO BALI of ft and ft wrodtla, brat mak, .t to IS. SnU opprwaj without m ftnt jxivwnl. t Fr Ma f wheel to our agenla. Write for our aew piaa now 10 tin HirTrle" nd man uioaey. nrr flAI. THin n KEK-aOhirh frra tt mode la lallgntly ahopworn), at Ta ac. "WaaderlNge Awheel, a aouvenlr oak of art, ruati tM auuip while they hub K. P. BIKAP t'VM.K COMPANY. ( hlrngo. PATENTS Wataon E. Coleman, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor of Patenta. Mr) V Ht., N. W., WaeliliiKton, 1. C. lllKheejl reference in all arteof tha ronutrr. IVLijlN 11U1N INUTOAUVTrt. NYNU-12. OPIUM and Liquor Habit cared la 10 to HO day. No pay till ettred, Ir. J. I Stephen, Dept. A, Lluuia, Okl. CEILINGS A of RAI filFin from your own kal- VMkUlliiU aomininff. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED 1 1)3 TO THAI til, lor old ratatillahed hone. Per- "manetit poult Inn. per month and II ex- in tier CO., I nen' W.Z1E IKftLKH k i Locust 8t Phil P LAicinaic oitcm I a i.i a , a a c. ciwisi?i rn i un a , L.mmo JOHNW. MORRIS, WASHINGTON, D. IX ' frlMlpal Kiajalaer U. 8. f eaaaaa karaaa. S Fl. a MM wac, A aojaoieauaf --'". ell. raT IBSRHS aa4 niMmh Mmi C. A RubtMf Mfr. C.. IVlakVVi VatUh CUHIS WHIR, All IKt lAlie neat Cough Byron. Tau ttouL a lira. Mnld ky tlnwlat. "1 Among other complimentary remarks the ok Com mkrck" says in its issue of Feb. 25th, 1898: "Our repre sentatives have therefore given close and criti cal attention to the claims of all the leading makes of cy cles os found in their cata logues, and as presented by agents and in terested wheel men. As a re sult of thor ough and prac tical tests and examinations, the unanimous verdict of our experts was in favor of the Lovell Dia mond,' manu factured by the John P. Lov ell Arms Co., Boston, Massa chusetts, and was bused up on general and symmetrical excellence in every part of a bicycle, cou pled with cor rect and scien tific design." Lttpl AtvM IK tmm SwWNfwa'aaY) Ins! tttt 1898. It J I If V ill IX I I illii Z JOM1 -wJi