The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 23, 1898, Image 2

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4 . E. WINKi
Editor a PnomriTOH.
Term strictly cash in advance.
We arc authorized to announce Dr. 3.H.
Towlcr of Jnnks township, as a candidate
fur Assembly, subject to Republican
We are aulhorir.r-il to announce Jona
than AlbaiiRli, of Hickory township, as
a candiialo for Assembly", subject to Re
publican usages.
Wo are authorized to announce Calvin
M. Arner, of Tionesta Borough as a can
didate lor County Treasurer, subject to
Republican usages.
We are authorized to announce John
R. Osgood, of Tionesta Borough as a can
didate for County Treasurer, subject to
Republican usages.
Toe rush to the Klondike it fully
up to expectations. It can out be
aid that the present generation is
lacking iu faith.
Spain is profuse in ber professions
01 sympathy. But that is not what
is wanted. We want to know the
cause of the explosion. Blizzard.
The Democrats over in Tituville
elected their mayor at the recent
election, and the Advance Guard, one
of the Democratic organs joyfully
proclaims the news with a rooster at
the head, while the Bugle another
Democratic organ think it's an aw
ful calamiiy. The question now
arises, which of these two Moses' is
telling the truth?
A writeii in a New York paper
says it is unconstitutional to make
the United States singular. Technic
ally he is right. The constitution
framers deferred to the old state sov
ereignty notiou, and said "theUnited
States are." The Union armies and
the Supreme Court, however, in
knocking out ceeession and killing
state sovereignty, proclaimed to nil
the world that the United States is.
Treasury figures are assuming a
brighter and more satisfactory con
dition. Receipts this month thus far
have averaged over a million dollars
a day and prospects are that next
month will be even better. As the
total expenditures of the Government
average but a million dollars a
will be seeu that the new law has al
ready practically reached the point
promised by its framers an income
equal to the expenditures.
About Pennsylvania's new capitol
the Ifarrisburg Telegraph says : "It
can be set down as a fact that the
Capitol Buildiog Commission will
lose no time awarding a contract for
the new State house after the Su
preme Court has m tde a decision. A
hearing in the injunction matter will
probably bo fixed by the higher court
for next Monday at Philadelphia. The
lawyers here do not doubt that the
issue will be favoruble to the Com
Economy and prompt business
methods ate the rule of action iu the
National House of Representatives,
which is controlled by the Republi
cans. Present indications are that
the appropriation bills of the present
Cougresa will be kept at the very
lowest possible figure, and that the
record fur prompt action upon them
' will be an unusually good one. Ten
of the appropriation bills have al
ready passed the House, and it is ex
pected the remainder will be disposed
of very promptly.
The Republicans of the country
seem entirely willing to accept the
gage of battle thrown down by the
Democratio Congressional Committee
in their declaration in favor of the
proposition of the Chicago platform
of 1890. Every Congressional con
vention and other utterance by Re
publican conventions or orgauizatious
during the present year has been
clearly aud distinctly in favor of
keeping the currency of the nation at
its very highest standard. The Re
publicans have welcomed an oppor
tunity to meet tho enemy upon the
same battle ground in which they
won their splendid victory of 1890.
Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Roosevelt says "the United States is
tie with Germany for fifth place in
naval power among the great oa
linos." This is an effective answer to
the iguoraot writers and talkers who
say that the Uuited Slates woull be
au easy prey t'.r Germany aud the
other nutiotis of Europe in a war with
any of those countries. The fact is,
iu the quality of its vessels aud
general righting strength, only two
nations of the world England and
France are ahead of the United
Slates. However, the naval strength
of the Uuited States is fur below
what it ought to be. Liberal appro
priations for the navy aud fur coast
defence should be made, and the
work ou both vigorously pushed.
The Disaster to Ike Maine.
The distruotion of the U. S. batt le
ship Maine, iu the harbor of Havau
na, by an explosion on the night of
15th inst. is still as much of a mys
tery as when first the disaster took
place, although the iry afier theory
has been advanced as to the cause.
Our government has set on foot an
invectigation which should speedily
develupe something tangible, as it will
be exhaustive in every detail. The
country has thus far maintained
most commendable attitude of silent
reserve and euple of all shades of
political belief have shown a dispo
sition to await the inquiry which has
been set nn foot to ascertain the ex
act facts in the matter before express
ing judgment.
The Spanish government has seem
ingly shown as much desire as our
own to have the mysterious calamity
cleared up, and to free itself of any
blame, and until such time as the
blame can be fastened where it be
longs judgment should be suspended
Nothing can be gained by an attempt
to iuflame the minds of the people. A
cool, systematic and businesslike in
vestigation will in all probability re
veal all, and then if it is found to
have been the work of treachery on
the part of the Spanish government
the American people will not be slow
to demand the fullest reparation.
On board the battleship there were
nearly five hundred human beings,
officers, crew and mariners, and more
than one-half this number lost their
lives, and many more are maimed for
life by the terrible explosion which
totally destroyed the great ship.
Whether it came from within or with
out will doubtless be entirely demon
strated by the divers who have al
ready begun the hazardous task of
making thorough examination of the
hull of the vessel under the direction
of Caption Sigsbee of the ill-fated
Maine. .
Our Fighting Strength.
The loss of the Maine leaves us but
one battleship of the second class, the
Texas. Our present effective fighting
strength is now as follows : Four bat
tleships ol the first class, one battle
ship of the second class, two armored
cruisers, sixteen cruisers, fifteen gun
boats, six double turreted monitors,
one ram, one dynamite gunboat, one
dispatch boat, one transport steamer,
aoe five torpedo boats. Besides the
five battleships of the first class, six
teen torpedo boats are under con
strue inn. In addition to these there
are sixty-fuur other naval vessels,
used for training, naval reserves and
other purposes, also the auxiliary
fleet, which consists of more than
twenty subsidized steamers aud a
greater number of large merchant
marine steamers, which are available
in lime of need. Derrick.
State Chairman John p. Elkin is
president of the state association of
school directors. At the recent con
vention of the association in Harris-
burg, Mr. Elkin made an excellent
address iu defence of State Treasurer
Haywood aud the Republican party
with relation to the distribution of
the school fund. The delay in the
distribution of the school appropria
tion he accouuted for in this wise :
'When the appropriation was in
creased tu five and a half million dol
lars there was a surplus iu the treas
ury, aud consequently the money ap
propriated to the schools was paid
promptly at the close of the school
year. Now, however, that surplus has
been exhausted, and if the state were
to pay over immediately all money
appropriated by the last legislature
to the school, charitable and elee
runsynary institutions there wnuild
be a deficit in the teeasurery." State
Treasurer Haywood is doing the only
thing possible nnder the circumstan
ces. He is making a pro rata distri
bution of the unds at his command.
Those sanguioary individuals, who
are so hot on the scent for war, should
endeavor to curb their ii)) eluosily
little until the work of iuvestigation
has proceeded far enough to warrant
action. In the first place, the chances
are about even that the explosion on
. 1 r ' . . -
tne iuaioe was tue result ol au acci
dent. But in case it should be ascer
tained that it was caused by n torpe
do, what would that prow? Certainly
not conclusively that it was the work
of the Spauiards. In the general dis
cussion the possibility that it might
have been the work of the Cuban in
surgents themselves seem to have
been overlooked. It has been satis
factorily demonstrated that it served
to widen the breach between Spain
and the Uuited States. Is it not en
tirely within the bounds of reason
that the Cubans could see how such
an occurence would serve their cause?
Iu any event it is just as well to act
ou Davy Crocket's advUe and be sure
we're right before going ahead.
You c-au get it at Hopkins' store, It.
Miss Frances E. Wili.ard, the
president of the World's and Nation
al Women's Christian Temperance
Union, who had been suffering from
an attack of influetza and gastric
complications died at the Hotel Em
pire, in New York city, ou Friday
morning. Miss Willard had been ill
fr about three weeks. She had the
best medic al care and treatment that
could le given, but in spite of all ef
forts she grew worse gradually until
her death. The remaios will be in
terred Ht Evanston, III , Miss Wil
lard's former home.
After years of untold suffering from
piles, It. W. Puranll of Knltnersville.ra.,
was cured bv using a slnglo box ol De
Witfa Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases
audi as eczema, rah, pimples and obsti
nato sores are readily cored by this fa
mous remedy. Heath A Killmer.
Mr. Ward L. Smith, of Eredrlckstown,
Mo., was troubled with chronic diarrhoea
for over th'rty years. He had become
fully satisfied that it was only a question
of a short time until ho would tiavo to
give up. He bad been treated by some
of the best physicians in Europe and
America but got no permanent relief.
One day he picked up a newspapei and
chanced to read an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-rhu-a
remedy. He got a bottle of it, the
first doso helped him and its continued
use cured him. For sale by tl. W. Bo
vard. Honest goods at bargain prices. No
odd lots find refuge her. Milos it Arm
strong. It.
Whooping cough is the most distressing
malady, but it duration can bo out short
by the use of One Minute Cough Cure,
whi"h Is also the best known remedy for
croup and all lungand bronchial troubles.
Heath A Killmer.
List of causes set down for trial In the
Court of Common Pleasof Forest County,
Pennsyl vanis, commencing on the Fourth
Monday of February, 1898:
1. John Confer vs. L. Hammond, M.
Crosby, doing business as Hammond,
Crosby A Co., No. 4, May Term, 18PS.
Appeal by defenpant from J. P.
2. tSetli C. McArthur. trustee under the
willofAbner Hammond, deceased, vs.
l lonesta as Company, No. 44, August
Term, 18i7. Summons in ejectment.
3. Caroline u. Hoysradt at. at., vs. Tio
nesta Gas Company, No. 45, August
jerm, iti(. summons in eiectment.
4. Dodd. Mead it Co.. vs. V. T. Hart.
appeal by pi IF from J. P. No. 68 Febru
ary Term. 18117.
5. a. H,. Church vs. W, J. Foreman.
executor, summons in action of assump
sit. No. 0. Feb. Term. 18I8.
6. The St. Albans Mfa.Co.. vs. Tionesta
Mfg. Co.. Limited. Summons in action
of trespass. No. 1. Feb. Term, 1808.
Tionesta, Pa., January 81, 1898.
Confirmation Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing accounts have been tiled in my office
and will be presented at the next term of
court for confirmation.
First and final account of Jacob Mor-
cilliott, administrator of Daisy I. Mercil
liott, deceased, of Marionville, Pa.
r lrst and nnal account of Jonathan AI-
baugb, administrator of Mary E. Surana,
deceased, late of Hickory Township, Pa.
j. n. uuutniso,
Clerk Orphans' Court.
Tionesta, Pa., January 31, 1898.
Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug
f ies to let upon the most reasonable terms,
le will also do
All orders left at the Post Ollice will
receive prompt attention.
Whereas, The Hon. Charles II. Noyes
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessioos in and for
the county of Forest, lias issued his pre
cept for holdinga Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for th
county 01 forest, to commence on the
Fourth Monday of February, being
the 2Blh day of February, 18DS. No-
nuo uiuruiore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said count v. that tlintr l.n II, or.
and there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol suid day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to tlKiir ollice appertain to be done,
and 10 those who are bound in recoirntziiiicR
to prosecute against the prisoners 1 hat are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and there to orosecute
against them as shall be iust. Given nn.
dor my bund and seal this 24th day of
FRANK P. WALKER, L.8. Sheriff.
Office 1 7j National Hunk Building,
ox amined free.
effect Oct. 10, 1897.
Trains leave Tio
nesta for Oil City
and points west as
follows :
No. 31 Buffalo Express, daily
except Sunday 12:00 noon.
No. 01 Way Freight (carrying
passengers), dailv except
Sunday " 4:S0 p, ,,
No. 33 Oil City Kx ross, daily
except Sunday j-.m ,n
For II le kory.Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua,
Bradford, Oleun aud the East :
No. 30 Oluan Express, daily
except Sunday 8:45 a. in.
No. 32 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:19 11. 111.
No. til) Way Freight (carrying
passengers to Irvinetou) daily
except Sunday 9:50 a. in.
Get Time Tables and full information
from W. II. SAUL, Agent, Tionesta, Pa
It. BELL, Gen lSupt.
Gen'l Pansenger A Ticket Agent,
Genural office, Moniiev-Briiljuuu Bid
Cor, Maiu aud Clinton Sta., Butlalo.N.Y.
JAMES II. FONES, Treasurer, In account with Forest County for the year ending
To bal. from settlement of 1800 fl2,unl M
To ain't from J. P. fines H5 00
To ain't from land redemption.. 142 24
To im't from C. 8. Murphy tine S3 00
To ain't from sain of barn 3.1 CO
To ain't from J. Bender Jurors'
board bill 13 00
To ain't from A. Oilflllan line.. 300 00
To ain't from A. Hiltillan costs.. 373 W
To am't fioin Jury foes 8 00
To am't from License foes 142 fiO
To am't from Harmony Town
ship building fund 21(07
To am't from Tionesta Borough
Poor account 01 23
Toam'tfromOreenTp.Po'orac't 135 60
To am't from State tax on per
sonal indebtedness 5(10 47
To am't from State tax returned
on persons! Indebtedness 400 P5
To am't from Alien tax 1807 10 01
To am't from unseated tax, 1807 0,087 2S
To am't from seated tax lor 1807 17,708 66
To am't from seated lands re
turned for 1S6 613 09
To am't from 60 day list for IW7 08 60
To am't from Int. on unseated
tax for 1806 281 22
To am't from S pr ct. added to
Coll'rs' returns A Coll'rs ac'ls 270 12
, , $10,023 00 $40,023 66
To balance $10,702 80
JAMES II. FONES, Treasurer or Forest County, In account with the State or Penn
sylvania for the year ending January 3, 1808.
To State tax on Indebtedness or By printers' bills (Mercantile
torest County $ 104 00
To Mercantile Ux 660 00
To billiard and pool Ux 300 00
To peddlors' licenses 16 00
$1.130 00 $1,130 0
JAMES II. FONES, Treasurer, in account with the Redemption Fund for the year
ending January 8, 1808.
To bal. from settlement of 1896. $ 625 19 By ain't paid Individuals $ 207 77
To am t reo.M from individuals.. 215 25 By 4 pr ct. coin, on $207.77 8 31
By amount to balance 624 36
n, , , $740 44
To balance $624 30
JAMES II. FONES, Treasurer, in account with Liqour Licenses for the year end
ing January 3, 1898.
10 license iocs j 7oO 00
$.50 00
JAMkS it. ONES, Treasurer, In account with the Dog Tax for the vear endiim
January 8, 1898.
10 Dai. irom seuiemeut oi 1S97..1 axi 00
10 nog tax lor 1807 172 60
$472 60
JOHN H. ROBERTSON, Prothonotary
ixuniy mr me year
looraersarawn I 307 08
FRANK P. WALKER, Shritr of Forest County, in account with Forost County
for tne year ending January 3, 1808.
to oruers flrawn I 1,210 86
- $ 1,216 86
P. M. ILAKK, District Attorney of Forest County, in account with Forest County
' iw jom tniuiiiK
looraersarawn I 134 00
. M. COON, Commissioner of Forest
year ending
10 oruers arawn s 630 1
636 01
C. M.
W II ITEM AN, Commissioner of
for the year ending
To orders drawn $ 484 40
9 484 49 $ 484 49
HERMAN BLUM, Commissioner or Forest County, In account with said County
for the year ending January 3, 18!8.
To orders drawn $ 482 83
ruitrar tuunii, as.
Wo, the undersigned Auditors of Forest County, do horeby certify that we met
at the Commissioners' office in said County, according to law, and "did audit and
aojusi tne several accounts ot tne Treasurer, Frottionotarv, Sheriff, District Attor
ney, and the County Commissioners, for the year ending January 3d, 1898, and we
found the same as set out in the foregoing report. In testimony whereof we havo
nereumo set our lianas ana seals tuis ntn
Attest, J. D. DAVIS, Clork.
EXPENDITURES of Forost County
$ 1,570 93
. 1,079 94
3o l 00
307 06
387 10
040 41
90 02
18 36
347 29
542 05
J34 00
77 04
60 00
130 22
101 00
30 00
. 78 00
113 00
il3 02
286 60
1110 00
. 2,352 63
673 60
249 41
136 00
165 88
4 45
15 00
312 00
780 00
14 89
Protbnnotary's fees
Snerifl's fees
Commonwealth costs
Express and drayage
Office Supplies 847 29
District Attorney
County Auditors
County Auditors' Clerk
Jury Commissioners
Tip StatF
Court Crier
Scalp Bounties 113 00
Postage H3 02
Fuel and Lights 285 60
Water 100 00
Jury fees 2,352 63
lioaruing prisoners at Jail
Taking criminals to Penitentia
ry, Ac
Road Costs
Repaira to Court House, Grad
ing, xo
Tobacco for prisoners
Lunacy fees
Com'rs Clerk
Washing for Jail
Am't in bauds of Co, Treas'r... .$10,702 80
iIiia t'rr..., riraan Turn Of Ul
" " Hickory Twp 580 37
" " Howe Twp 398 08
" " Tionesta Boro 68 75
" of seated lands returned... 612 72
" of liabilities over assets 22,639 78
$15,000 00
Pursuant to law we. the undersigned
the foregoing exhibit of the receipts and expenditures of said County for the year
ending January 1st, 18!(8. Witness our hands and seals this 21st day ot January
1898. W. M. CuON. t"-)
C. M. WH1TEMAN, I..8.1 County Commissioners.
Attost, J. T. DALE, Clerk.
Divoroe Notice.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the
iViej-if'o.SVud tunh, (Jreeting
Whereas, August Johnson did on the
29th day of July, 1897, prefer a potitiou to
our said Judges of the said Court of Com
mon Pleas for said County, praying tor
the causes therein set forth, that he might
be divorced from the bonds of matrimony
entered iuto with you, Theresa Johnson.
We, therefore, command you, the said
Theresa Johnson, that, setting a'.ale all
other business and excuses whatsoever,
you be and appear in your proper per
ron beforo our Judges at Tienesta, at a
Court of Common Pleas there to be held
for the County of Forest, on the Fourth
Monday ot bebruaay, 1898, to answer the
petition or libel of the said August John
son and to show cause if any you have,
why the said August Johnson, your hus
band, should not be divorced 'from the
bonds ot matrimony, agreeably to tho
Acts ot Assembly iu such case made aud
provided. Herein fail not.
Witness the Hon. C H. Noyes, Presi
dent of our said Court, at Tionesta, the
15th day of January, 1898.
h, imun.
By County orders redeemed I7,803 48
My Hiato Treasurers receipts,
peisonal Indebtedness 564 87
fly State Treasurer's receipts,
County indebtedness v 104 00
By bonds redeemed 6,000 00
My Interest coupons redeemed.. 1,726 00
Bv seated land returns tor lS'.Kt.. 614 08
Hy exonerations for 1890 375 83
Hv Collectors' percentages for
1804, '05 and '06 427 41
Hy Collector's percentages end
abatements for 1807 729 42
By 4 pr ct. com. on 7,726.00,
bonds and coupons 309 00
By 4 pr ct. coitt. on $17,80.1.48
orders i. 712 14
By 1 pr ct. com. on 1600.47 8tat9
tax :. S 60
By amount to balance 10,702 80
Appraisement) $
By amount uncollectiblo
By 5 pr ct, com. on $1,006
By State Treasurer's receipts
By amount to balance
03 33
64 00
53 80
018 64
By am't paid Jenks Townsbip..$ 228 00
By arn't paid Howe Township.. 67 00
By am't paid Barnott Twp 57 00
By am't paid Tionesta Boro 228 00
By am't to County account 142 60
By 6 pr et. commission on $760.. 37 60
$760 00
Hy orders redeemed $ 308 63
By 4 pr ct. com. ou $308.63 12 84
By am't to balance 51 63
l;(72 50
of Forest County, in account with Forest
ending January 3, 1S08.
By fees $ 807 06
Bv foes 407 a
By prisoners board & turnkey
fees 604 60
By expenses allowed 203 01
1 1.210 86
January o, loiio.
By foes $ 13400
County In account with said Countv for the
January 3, 1808.
By 164 days at $3.60 per day $ 530 00
By expouses allowed 07 01
03 91
Forest County, In account with said Couty
January 3, 18!8.
By 129 days at $3.50 per day $
By expenses allowed ..
461 60
32 09
By 129 days at $3.60 per day $ 46150
By expanses allowed 8133
3 $ S1 83
day or January, A. D. 1898.
R. CLARK, seal)
K. ABBOTT, skal V County Auditors
J. FLYNN, hkal j
for the year ending January 1st, 1898.
Jail Supplies
Sheriff Osgood, costs
Court A uditor
Western Penitentiary
Proth'y Arner
Refunding Orders
S,de Walk
Flag tor Court House
Alllegbeny Work House
43 85
2 60
10 00
48 85
200 48
27 80
2 70
27 39
7 60
350 00
61 11
100 00
901 30
, 1,600 00
45 00
I 46 29
13 00
27 11
175 62
11 00
140 00
38 38
177 00
821 25
, 1,437 75
, 1,166 86
, 1,047 89
. 1,725 00
164 00
, 6,000 00
$27,895 73
Attorney s tees
Maple Creek bridge 901 30
nicKory .Bridge
Tombstones for dee'd soldiers.
Foundations for setting cannons
uoara lorjury
Expense Com'rs convention
Township Election Houses 175 62
Jan I'ftysician
County Institute
Warren Insane Asylum 821 25
commissioners' pay
Collectors' Commission 1894, '06
'tl and '07
Treas, Commissions 1,047 89
Tax on loans ,
County bonds redeemed 6,000 00
County for the year endiiiu January 1, 1898.
Bonds outstanding $35,000 00
$35,0110 00
Commissioners of Forest Countv. nubliuh
IV Witklatoa Cs.,
X V--.V. rn"alphla.
..'ejs V
prevent.? c;-;i at the 6ldes near
the scila. A :imple remedy
-.rlii-.:; i vci-comca a long
d'..cI"2 defect In
c t .-liocs.
- I.O . . .
Begins Friday, Feb. 25th.
Continues 10 days.
jfyov wi.r
i i
Miles k Armstrong
In Wall Paper
are very ef
fective when used in large rooms Iu
the average room, a rich design of
solid color, with maybe a sprinkling
of little figures in contrasting color,
is the proper thing. This is not the
place where yuu come in and say,
"I've got a room, eight by ten feet
and ten feet high How much wall
paper will I need, and how much will
it cost?" Before we sell you a wall pa
per we want to find eut several things.
It is a more particalar way, a hetter
way and in the end a cheaper way.
We Handle the.
To bo found and our Stock
Finest Quality
A.JWxYNit Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayno Cook, G. W. Robinson, Win. 8uieai baugh.
N. P. Wlieelor, T. V. Fvitohey. J. T. Dalo, J. II. Ki-lly.
Collections remitted for ou day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom,
era all the benefits consistent with conservative b klni;. Interest piid on lime
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Lawrence & Smearbauqh.
Is the best trimmed and best Biting
Clothing for the least money. We have bought just such
Clothing from some of the best houses iu the trade, and
are prepared to show you as rare bargains as were ever
shown in Tionesta town or any other town.
Hai&'f; Wast
qui? SElsi
idly, regretiing your appearance,
but come to us and Bee what we cau
du for yim in the way of clothing.
Wo'il give you the full value of your
money and we will fit you as well as '
any tailor.
Simply iuvesl iu a lot of watered
stock, but if you want to buy the best NIIOIX at pop
ular prices, SHORN that are right in every detail,
SIIOKS for Men, Women and Children, we can just
show you what you desire in this line and at prices be
low all competitors, stylo aud quality considered.
' Vt V-Mt." r3
B I 41- r nrtm mj. ,a
is Always Complete and of tho
the Market Affords. .
Wm. Smeaiibauuh,
Vice President.