The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 05, 1898, Image 2

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Mayor Van Wyck will shortly
announce Mr. Crokcr's Greater New
York appointments.
England's 1 ice of China will he
proportionate to the size of her
navy. That is what her (100 war
ships with (42G puns are for.
TilE December receipts of the
Dingley Ian indicate that the good
old, stcadygoing Keptiblic-nu surplus
will be on hand (or next Christmas'.
Last year Greece was buying guns,
and this year it has ordered 10,000
plows. It is harj on the Athenian
jingo, but he bows to grim necessity.
The couuterft'it silver dollar dated
1804 has run agaiust the fact that it
contains too much silver, anl also
with notice from the mint thai no sil
ver dollars were coined that year.
The five comots doe in 1898 will
Dot interest the people half as much
as the appearance above the horizon
of the Republican surplus. It will
be appreciated more than ever be
fore. All the recent muuicipnl elections
in the State of Washington show de
cided PopulUtic losses. The busi
ness of selling outfits to goldbugs has
played havoc with the silver senti
ment. New's Prime Miuister fa
vors the payment Of a bounty of $25,
000 to auy person or corporation pro
ducing 1000 tons of beet sugar a
year. The protective idea is strongly
developed in the British colonies.
Mint Dirkctou Preston estimates
the gold production of the world in
at 3234,UUU,UUU, an increase
over last year ol 830,000,000. The
United Bsates will lead the column
with $00,000,000, an increase of 14
jier ceut.
The McKeao County Democrat
hears that "thus early in its career
the McKioley administration is seri
ously threatened with a complete
breakdown." Tho McKean County
Democrat ought to consult au expert
on the ear. It doesu't distinguish
sounds with accuracy auy more.
Phila, Inquirer.
Says Bro. Smith, the saga of the
Punx'y Spirit, "There is nothing that
so stimulates a man for extraordinary
exertion as generous praise. But it
is a scarce commodity, fur everybody
is open from mouth to ear, like a
young robin looking fur a worm, to
receive it, and few people take the
time or trouble to investigate, and
bestow it where deserved, upon oth
ers." The report from Washington that
the Hawaiian annexation project is
gaining slreugtu can easily be be
lieved. Williun IPs demonstrations
in China and J lay ti will make votes
for annexation. If the United Slates
declines Hawaii's overtures the future
of the islands will be very uucertaiu.
Germany just dow has the "colouiz
iug" fever in an exceedingly aggra
vated form. Within twelve months
after the defeat of annexation, if it
should be defeated, the Kaiser's flag
might be run up iu Honolulu, aud
then tho United States would have
another Frauco-Mexicau problem on
its hands, with a much more obsti
nate in a u to deal with than Napoleon
Doubtless the most glaring act of
political party treachery ever per
petratcd in any country has just been
consummated iu Ohio, where, by
fusiou with the Democrats of the leg
islature a small handful of members,
less than a dozen, elected by the lie
publicans, have succeeded iu com
pletely overturning the will of the
people, and allowiog the Democrats
to virtually organize both houses
True, the Speaker of the House and
president pro tern, of the Senate are
nominally Republicans, but the bal
anco of tho officers of both bodies are
a mixture of Democrats and icnegado
Republicans. The whole, affair is a
scheme to defeat Senator Mark Han-
na for re-elacliou, who was indorsed
and nominated by the same Stale
convention which placed Governor
Buahoell before the people for re'
tlectiou, aud on which issue (the re
turn of Hauua to the U. S. Seuute)
the campaign of Ohio was fought, and
as everybody supposed, was won.
That Ohi.i's Governor should lend
himself to such a despicable piece of
treachery is the wouder of tho conn
try lo-uay. iiettier ilr. iiauna is
returned or uot the party iu that
State should forever drive such in
grates out of tho organization, and
serve- notice that parly disloyalty of
so low an order will never be l"ler
mi sites or TKArnnns' institute.
Ono who was present and look a lively
Interest in I lie proceeding given llio fol
lowing nirount of (ho successful affair;
The Pores! County Tcachcts' Institute
convened at 2 p. in., Monday, Deo. 27,
IrIT. In tho Opera House nt Marienville,
by Iho sinning o: a hymn of praise,
"ConieTliou Almighty King." Invoca
tion by Dr. N. C. Schall'er, hymn ofpray
er, "Jesus .Saviour Pilot Me," followed
by the address of welcome, by Dr. 8. S.
Towler, of Marienville. Response by
Miss Nancv Morrow ol Tioncsla.
The bacviiy of my remarks is not to be
tHKen as the me.isuro ol the cordiality of
our welcome. It is n pleasure for me to
stand hero to-dny, nnd extend the hearty
greetings of our people, to this disting
uished body of women nnd men. I say
distinguished, because you represent tho
intellectual and cducati-mal forces of this
county of Forest. That means a respon
sibility to both the present and future. A
responsibility that you must feel if you
would do the best work; a responsibility
that parents and tho public must realize,
if you care to reap a Just rewaad. I am
g'Mil to welcome, you as educators, be
cause I think you have done wisely and
well to meet here at this time. I say this
In no spirit of antagonism to our sister
town of Tioncsla, nor in the narrowness
of sectional feeling. You did well incom
ing here, for reasons seldom thought ol
in connection with County Institutes.
While the primary nnd principle object
iu this educational work is for the imme
diate, direct benellt of the pupil, jet the
contact of the school and the public is so
broad that the lattor, as well as the form
er, must be educated to obtain tho best
results. Do you know of auy better way
to do this than bringing just such an ed
ucational force as you aro directly before
them. It this mountain of an Irresponsi
ble public feeling will not go tho educa
tional, then the educational must go to
tho mountain. Parents ought not only
attend the evening entertainments and
lectures, but also the dny sessions. In
this way only they learn loappreeiato tho
importance as well as tho sacrifice of a
teacher. The very people most import
ant to reach will not journey from here
to tho west, nor from tho west hero for
this purpose; hence, I say it was wise for
you to meet here at this timo, as it will
nlso bo wise for you to return to the west
nnd sometime to again visit us. It gives
lno additional pleasure to include in this
welcome the State Superintendent, Dr.
Schaller.' Staunch Republican as I am, I
am ready to decline, that one of the best
acts, if not the best, tho Republican Gov
ernor has dono for tho Commonwealth
was to reappoint the worthy Doctor. The
Governor honored himself in the appoint
ment, nnd the Doctor is an honor to tho
Stnto. So I have a double, and partially
Rollish, raason to welcome you j first, for
your own sakos, nnd that which you rep
resent, and second, for our Bakes. I hope
and expect your visit to do you much
good. I nm confident it will, iu the best
sonso ot the word, be grenlly beneficial to
us. So Mr. Superintendent, Teachers and
Instructors accept our welcome, nnd nlso
our thanks. May your present bo enjoy
ablo, your futuro successful, and your
record both in finance and in grntitudo be
great. I welcome you.
Mr. Chairman and citizens of Marion-
yillo : On behalf ot the teachers of For
est count, I take pleasure iu expressing
our appreciation of the royal words of
welcomo with which you greet us to a
temporary homo among you. We are
glad to assemble hero in this yourheauti
ful and historic town and trust that our
sojourn with you may bo as pleasunt to
the citizens as wo are assured it will be to
us. The kindness, tho hospitality and
the cordial welcome w hich has been ex
pressed in deeds as well as words, only
strengthen the opinions already formed
that in no other town in this great com
monwealth would wo be more welcome.
We gladly avail ourselves of this oppor
tunity of visiting, some of ua for the first
time, the town w hich marks the birth
place of our own littio Forest, of which
we are so justly proud. To us thiH H
hallowed spot. As we are assembled bore
to-day, we do not forget tho energy and
enterprise, the powers of mind and body
the sacrifice and suffering with which tho
light of the civilized world was brought
into the very heart ol tho lorest, more
than sixty years ago. It was here that
the union of science and industry, the
perfect co-operation of brain and muscle
guvo origin to the formation of our conn
ty, and the iiuiiio of Cyrus Dlood should
be as familiar to the children of Forest
county as the name of Christopher Co
lumbus. The trials ami hardships, the
difficulties and perplexities which tho
noble "Lord of the Korost" aud bis hero-
ic family experienced, required equally
as much courage and fortitude as that
manifest iu tho honored discoverer of
America. We claim it a happy privile;
totake by iho hand and look into the
sweet luce of the first teacher in Forest
counly Mrs. Marion lilood-lluut iu
who.-o honor your town received it
name, and whose home has always been
the highest type of the culture and refine
ment of Christiau civilization. These as
sociations and privileges together with
our common purpose of meeting, will
doubtless make our stay amongst you
one in tho highest degree pleasant and
agreeable. We corneas representative
of the various educational institutions of
Forest county, to compare our work, bar
monie our labors and uuilo them in the
grand work of universal education. Ours
is truly a mission of love and good will
i "o best ami most skiiiul workers are
needed for the temples we are building
those who truly bring out what is lust
who bring thought out alter and tow ard
that which is high, anil true and good,
Soino must needs lay tho foundation,
some rear the stalely pillars, some, w ilb
delicuto touch, mould the graceful capital,
while others shape the lolly dome be
neath tho arching sky -yot foundation,
plllurs, capital and dome are all but parts
of our grand superstructure, and tho
work of tho builders is one of equal im
portance in tho eyes of Him who is our
Master builder. Let thero bo au effort to
lit all to be as it woro corner stones, not
only solid ami strong, but "cornerstones
polished after the similitude of a palace."
It ii certainly no mistake to say that
tho Institute held last week at Marien
villo was u success in every phase of the
word. It was generally agreed noon by
instructors and teachers that they bad
never attended an Institute w here thero
w ere more appreciative or attentive audi
ence, and where iheliiMlnietlon through
out was of a higher Intellectual, moral or
spiritual tone. Tho harmony shown at
the beginning in tho hearty and cordial
greeting by Dr. H. H. Towler anil In tho
response given by Miss Nannie Morrow,
of Tioncsla continued tltrniiuhoiit tho
week without a discoidant note. Tho
first instructor introduced to the institute
was Prof. J. H. Brown of MoKccsport,
who had charge of the music, throughout
the week. Tho book ued was the
"Apollo of Song" by S. U. Smith, which
will be used next year too. Upon being
Introduced Prof. Drown said, "I am a
practical sort of fellow. I will not tell ynti
what a handsome set of peoplo you are,
for I believe that 'Handsome is that
handsome does.' If tho bachers will
help me by funds ing the incitement, I
will then be nt my best." The quiet dig
nity with which ho conducted hit part
of the w ork and the hearty response of
thu teacher made the music one of the
charn.iug features of the institue, and
Prof. Krown surely carries with him the
thought that tho teachers of Forest coun
ly are a "handsoino set of people."
When introducing the next instructor,
Dr. W. W. Rlack of Campaign, 111., Snpl.
Slit.inger said that it had been hit privi
lege to "sit at tho feet" of Dr. lilack ono
week, and he felt sure wo would not bo
disappointed. In reply Dr. Dlack said, ' I
do not know what would becomo of me
if I had to slay in Pennsylvania two
weeks longer for the excitement of at
tending your county institutes lias
brought mo to such a slatn of tension that
If I were to stay much longer I feel sure
my family would get tho Insurance pol
icy, lour superintendent spoko of sil
ting at my feet for a week. Think of tho
Job it must bavo been!" Dr. Mack's
true worth as an instructor cannot lie es
timated. When introduced he was a
stranger to tho institute, but he had not
finished bis first talk till tho teachers
recognized in him a likeness of tho tircat
Teacher and ono who would ha trulv
ncipiui in them in their olios-n field of
labor. As one said of him, "He is nn-
other Paul." One of tho ideas brought
out in bis first talk was that a "man can
not go out alono Into tho big sandvdesert
and have grand thought but the world
will bear of it and the fellow that is wor
thy will come out all right. In a lilo
time, a man will get just about what, he
merits." And alter listening to his in-
structions during tho week wo were all
of the same opinion.
.following Dr. Ulack c.tmo our woithy
State Superintendent, Dr N.C.Schacllbr.
n'l. - . ... ...
uu warm appiause with which he was
greeted exprcasod most eloquently the
estimation in which he is held by the
teachers of Forest county. This was Dr.
Schaollcr's first introduction to an audi-
dice in this county, but tho high trihuto
paid by him to our present member of
the State legislature, lion. J. K. Wcnk,
in respect to the interest Mr. Wcnk took
in the educational bills that were before
the last legislature, showed that lie had
formed a good opinion of us beforo visit
ing our littio county. His lirst subject
was "Hooks," which he handled in a
masterly way. "Wo need a stirring up,"
said Dr. Schaefl'er, "on tho right use ot
books. Alter learning to read, snend the
lesson time of our life-timo in reading to
learn. The question is not shall wo use
the Pollard, or tho Fundenberg method
but by what method can wo by tho lcnsi
loss of timo best teach tho pupil to gvt
tho thought from the printed page. Head
books for information and for confirma
tion." Then after cultivating a taste for
good books Dr. Schaotl'ur bo! fovea in
providing the right sort of books and ho
agrees with IlrookerT. Washington that
"It's u very poor sort of education to
cultivate in a human being a tasto for
anything and thou neglect to provide
anything to gratify that taste." Pennsyl
vania is honored by having a man so
highly intellectual and an deeply spirit
ual as Dr. Schaeller at tho head of its De
partment of Kducation, and wo voice the
sentiment expressed by Dr. Towler upon
introducing Dr. Schaefl'er for his evening
lecture on "Docs Kducation Pay?" when
he said that the best act of the Republi
can Governor was his re-appointing Dr.
Schaoller to tho office.
On Tuesday morning Prof. C. E. Hugh
of the Clarion Stato Normal was Intro
duced, who spoke on Child Study. Al
though Prut. Hugh was the youngest in
structor yet he was a very interesting
speaker and his talk showed him to bo
au earnest and faithful student along this
line of study, and ho emphasized the fact
that 'the promblcm of the school is toad
just the machinery of the school to the
pupil and not the pupil to machinery."
He recommends as useful books for tho
student "Heconings by Little Hands"
Dubois, and "Study of Child Life," by
Klizabeth Harrison.
Tuesday evening Hie largo audienco
was not disappointed upon hearing ' Dr.
Hothrock give his lecture on "Ueauliiul
Pennsylvania," and was much pleased
with tho illustrations. Dr. Hothrock
gavo a talk on Wednesday afternoon
showing that Columbus was not tho ear
liest dieoverer of Western continent by
civilized man, but paid u great tiibiHo to
tho courage of Columbus.
Possibly owing to the sentiment of tho
temperance peoplo present, Prof. Stilz
inger held in reserve his case of Beer
from Clarhm county till Wed csday
morning, which, when brought before
the public, was i-crved at regular inter
vals during Ilia rounilndcr of tho wool;,
It is thought that age ini rove Itef-r, nt
least it is so with this case that helped us
lo know how to study and to get the
story of lilo from good literature. Among
the practical lessons taught was one from
Donu Inez and The Spine Face. Prof.
Deer is u dec p thinker ami a great help
in the onward How of education.
It was announced thai 0:17 persons were
present to hear tho "Ariel Sextet" on
Wednesday evening. Should therj have
been that number present, wo do not
think one went away disappointed w ith
Iho evening's entei tainuieiit. Tho sing
ing was fine, and the selections ns read by
Margurite can scarcely be excelled. The
Ariel Sextet is composed ol six sisters
daughters of a Lutheran m nister of
On Thursday morning, Prof. I.ex N.
Mitchell of Mai ieuville read hearty greet
ings from Jefferson county institute
which had been sent in return of the
greetings sent by us to tlieui. It was
during this session thai Dr. Ilvroii W.
King, of King's School of Oratory, Pitts-
VuHtinmil on Third l'tiye.
Have von not fj.'.nn T Have yon got
?.-OO07 Have you got tpio.ooT If so, why
don't vou deposit it with the Conewango
lluililing Limn Association Association
of Warren, I'.-i. They will pay you fl per
cent, per nuniiiii Cash Dividend, payable
scmi-annimll v, and you can withdraw
ur principal in full at any time alter 6
months. 5-5-ly.
Vnr U ?fnr thin hrx l-jr merit
nlottA, ha dtfttaiicod all competitor.
W. I,. Hiliifi '., fttm nnrl (Mil Mkxmi are
th productions of Pk tiled workmen, from the
l'"t mnterinl pomlble nt Itiew prior. AIpo.
.'.--1 ftii ) 9 if) shoe for men, 2.00 and
ftl.iS fur iyoy,
W. I,, pniiclns nliofd nro tndorwd
by ovor I.cbm.ihf wearer n the lMst
In tl lit nti1 chirntriltty of auy '
hoe over offered at in prtrwi.
They are niri'to. In nil the Intent
Flinoe nn-1 style, and of every varl
etr of leather.
Tf dealer cannot mipptv vou, write for cata
logue to W. L. iiuglut liroekUm, aiaas. Soldbr
Geo. Wiitklnton ft Co.,
prevents crvU'rigr ct xi sides near
the solo. A aunplo remedy
which ov?:'C!::03 a Ictg
, standing tie'ftct in
SOLD . . .
- - Tionesta, Pa. - -
The shareholders of tho Forest County
iMiiiniiai mink oi Tioncsla, fa., will
meet on Tuesday, January 11, 181IH, at
2 o'lock p. in., at the ollice of the Hank,
lor tne purpose ot tho election ot clireet
ois for the ensuing year.
A. It. Kki.i.v, Cashier.
Wlierens, niv wilo, Corda. has left inv
bed and hoard without justcaiiHe or prov
ocation, I therefore (jive, notice to all con
cerned that I will pay no bills of ho rcon
tracllUg. lvOJlKKT HI NDKB.
West Hickory, I'a., Dec. Hi, 18117.
VIKTUB' of n writ of Fieri
aeiiia issued out of tho Com t of Com
inon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva
nia, and to mo directed, teero will boex
posed to sale by public', vendue or outcry,
ut tho Court House, hi the Borough of
1 loncsia, forest county, t'a., on
MONDAY, JANUARY 81, A. I)., 180S,
at 1 o'clock p. in., the following described
real eMiuo, lo-wu :
C. M. LOOM IS. Cashier, vs. II. C. WHIT-
'i'F.Kl.V, Fieri Facias, No. 11), February
lerni, iMw, in vers). i'. v. liavs
All the riKht, title, interest and claim of
the (lelciKliuit ot, in and to all that certain
piece of hind situate in tho Jiorouuii of
Tionrsta, County of Forest, aforesaid
bounded as follows, to-wit: Lot "C," be
Hiniiim; at a post at tho corner of May
and I'.lm Hlrcets, themo by May street
south eiulily-four degrees east tifty-ono
n et to a post, iiihiicu uy Lot "11" souih
six decrees west ninety feet to a post
thence north unrhty-lour detjieea west
lilty-niuo feet to post in F.lm street
thence north twelve deijreeH east ninety-
two luct to tne place- ot be-irinutnir. Con
tabling one-sixth of an aero of land
Lot "It," described as follows: Heiiin-
niii;r at a post, corner of Lot "C," thonco
soulh cij:hl.v-tour decrees east aixty-aix
feet to a post, thence aouth aix deijrees
west ninetv leot to post, thence north
eighty-lour degrees west sixty-six feel to
a posr, inence north six decrees east nine
ty Icet to the placo ot Iickiiiiiiiik. Con
taiililii; twenty-lour souare Kids. Im
provt-inenls: Two-story Inline dwelling
house ami out liuililinus.
I alum in execution and to tie sold as
the property of H. C. Whittekln at tho
auitot C. M. Loouiis, Cashier.
TF.ItMS OF SALIC Tho followiiiR
must lie strictly complied Willi when the
property is sti icken down :
I. When the iihiintill' or other lien cred
itors becou e tho purchaser, tho costs on
tli" writs must bo paid, ami a list of liens
liii'ludim; inorlifU'o searches on tne prop
erty sold, together with such lien credit
or a ro vipt tor the amount ot the pro
ceeds of the sale or such portion thereof its
ho i i 1 1 1 v claim, must be furnished the
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will
be continued until ' o'clock p. in., ol the
next day, at which timo all property not
aettled for will airaiii be put up ami sold
at tho expenseimd risk of tho person to
whom ursi hoiii.
See l'urdon's Digest, Ninth Edition
page 4-Sf t aud Smith s rorins, page 384.
FltANK I'. WALK Kit. Sheriff.
Shcrllf's Ollice, Tionesta, 1'n., January 3,
elt'ect Oct. 10, 1897,
Trains leave Tio
ncsla for Oil City
ami points west as
follows :
No. 31 Itulliilo Express, daily
except Sunday lg:0G uoou
No. til uy 1- might (currying
pusMiincrs), daily except
Sunday 4:o0 p. m,
io. do un v uy i-.xj ic.-s, uuily
except nuiiduy 7:4 p. m
For Hickory,,
iiruiuimi, i7i en ii ami tne j-.usi :
No. 3D Olcun Express, duily
ex -cpt Sunday 8:-l5 a. in
No. 32 l'lttsburg Express,
uiiiiy except numiay 4:ia p. m
No. liii ay I- i-ciglu (currying
passengers to Iryiuelou I daily
except Sunday 0:6U a. ni,
(ic t Time
from W. II.
Tables and full information
SAUL, Al'ciiI, Tionesta, Pa
It. HELL, Gcn'l Supt.
lien'l Pas.icnucr A Ticket Agent,
General ollice, Mooucv-Iirisliauo Hid
Cor. Main and Clinton Sta., Bullalo.N.Y.
V'5 ,
Warren, Penna.
CAPITAL, $150,000.00
Nolson P. Wheolor,
Jerry Crary,
Ooo, N. Parmleo,
C. Sehitnmelfeng,
Christian Smith,
David W. Bealy
Wm. D. Brown,
Andrew Hortiel,
A. T. Scofield,
Chas. Chase,
H. A. Jamieson.
Personal ami Jiiurincts accounts solici
ted on most favorable terms consistent
with good conservative banking.
nterest allowed on deposits
J. AT. rKIiMLRE, Pres.
IT. A. J A IttEHO JT, Vice Pics.
P. K. HERTXEL, Cnski.T
Good Stock. Good Carriages and Buir
pi os to let upon the most reasonable terms.
lie win also do
AU orders left at tho Post Office will
receive prompt attention
OfHee i. National Bank Building.
Eyes examined free.
Exclusive! vptical
Carries a full lino ol
Goods Delivered Free of Charge
Come in and take i
and see what
look around
will buy. Thou when you want
anything iu our lino we know
you will go whore your MONEY
is worth the most.
All tho
Such as
Schumacher's F. S.,
Pihsbury's Best.
Bona Doon,
Graham flour.
Hulled Corn meal,
Coin feed meal,
Corn and oats chop,
Corn, oats and Barley c
Daisy middlings,
Wheat bran,
Corn to kow.
Corn to feed,
Corn for ensilage,
Hay and straw.
Mammoth clover seed,
Medium clover seed,
Timothy seed,
Hungarian seed,
Millet seed,
Orchard grass seed.
In fact anything usually kopt iu an up to
F. R. Lanson.
Appeal Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
missioners of Forst county will be at
tiie billowing places at the time desig
nated, for the purpose of holding appeals
for the Triennial Assessment of 18U8:
Kingsley Twp., ut Kellifttvillo, Thurs
day, Feb. 3, 188.
Howe Twp., at Frosts. Friday, Feb. 4,
JenksTwp., at Marienvillo, Saturday
and Monday, Feb. 6 and 7, 18!)8.
Harnett Twp., at Clarington, Tuesday.
Feb. 8, 1898.
Green Twp., at Nebraska, Wednesday,
Feb. II, 18H8.
Tionesta Borough, at Tionesta, Friduy.
Feb. 18, "
TionestH Twp., at Tionesta, Saturday,
Feb. 1'J. ltiii8. "
Harmony Twp., at West Hickory,
Thursduy, Feb. Z, 18! 8.
Hickory Twp., at East Hickorv, Fri
day, Fob. 25, 18U8.
Commissioners of Forest Co.
Attest: J. T. Dalu, Clerk.
Began Jan. 1st,
Closes Jan. 15th, 18.
Among tho best regultited business houses
odd lots of stock are bound to remain,
and against such we make continued
war, by cutting the prices to drive out
the goods.
some cases cut so deep as to take a ffood
snce on tne nrst cost ot the goods. -
You have only to look at our prices, and
remember the quality of goods we made
our reputation on, and you will ' at once '
realize the great benefit "this sale is to you.
We have not space here to give prices,
but advise you to see our hand bills, or
come to us and see goods and prices.
Vliles k Armstrong
Heath &l(illmer
A. Wayne Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, Q. W. Robinson, Win. Smeai buti'h,
N. P. Wheoler, T. V. Ritchey. J. T. Dalo. J. II. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative b kinif. Interest piid on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Lawrence & Smearbauah.
AX any man you
find where tho Prof
its are cut the closest
and he will undoubt
edly name us, but
now we not only cut
off the profit, but in
Are too busy pulling them
selves out of the holiday
rush to write a new ad. for
their space, but they will
be on hand shortly. Mean
time they are always
ready to supply customers'
with anything in their line
at prices that are shame
fully low.
Come and see the bar
gains we have to offer in
Wm. Smkakdauou,
Vice President.