The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 24, 1897, Image 4

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    Folaon-11 anger.
More than the hnnptor after bread",
mora tliau tho frenzy of love nml
hatred, tho rvoifion-lninfior overpowers
every other instinct, ami even the fear
of deAtk. In Mexico, the surgeon of
the Heeontl Zouaves was one night
awakened by the growling of his span
iel, and thought he saw a man crawl
ing ont of his tent.. The next day the
captain informed the company that
Boine fellow had entered the hospital
camp with burglarious intent, and that
be bad instructed the sontries to ar
rest or shoot all nocturnal trespassers.
About a week after the doctor was
again awakened by bis dog, and light
ing a match he distinguished the liguro
of a man crawling from tinder bis
table and carrying a largo book. He
called for him' to stop, cocking bis pis
tol at the same time but the fellow
made a rush for tho door, and in the
same moment was floored by a ball
that penetrated his skull. He lived
long enough to confess his desperate
enterprise. His regiment had been
nlationed at Algiers, where be learned
to smoke opium, and having exhausted
his supply and bi3 financial resources,
be felt that life was no longer worth
living, and resolved to risk it in tho
attempt at abduclingthedoctor's med
ciue chest.
Wheat TIp1I In Various. Countries.
The average production per aero in
the wheat growing countries named
has been estimated as follows: Den
mark, 31 bushels; United Kingdom,
29; Norway, 25; Belgium, 21 J; Hol
land, 21 J; Manitoba, 20; Germany,
19; France, 17; Austria, 1CJ; British
Columbia, 15; Ontario, 14; Huugary,
13); Italy, 12; Quebec, 10; New
(South Wales, 13; all of Australasia,
9J; Russia, scant 5.
now Screwdrivers Are Made,
Some of the best screwdrivers are
made from worn-out cotton spindles.
In days gone by these worn-out spin
dles were thrown on to an old iron
heap and left to rust until they were
sold for old metal. Then somebody
thought of grinding one edge into a
wodgo and flattening the other. Ke
nnlt, a screwdriver of tho best quality,
and a largo percentage of extra profit
for the cotton spinners.
How's Thin?
WeofterOne II nml ml Doll ir Reward for
any cae of Catarrh that cauuot bj cured by
Hull's Catarrh Cure.
V. J. Chknky i Co., Props., Toledo, O.
Wo. the nnderwlmied. have known F..T. Che
ney lor the ln't 15 yea r, and believe him per
fectly honor.-ilile iu nil business ti an notions
and financially able to carry out auy ouiiki
ttnn m-,ln lw ilmll- fli-in.
Wkst & TiiijAX.WUolwale DiukkIsIs, Toledo,
oh ,
Wai.dino, Kinnan Marvin, Wholesale
nrniuMst.s- Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cine is taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and muomis tuir
I'aees of the svstem. Prio ,'ic. no" bottle. Sold
by all DiutrKiwta. Testimonials free.
Hull's Family Pills are the best.
Try Graiu.Ot Try Graln-U
Ask your grocer to-day to show you pack
ge of Orain-O, the new food drink that taei
the place of colfee. The children may drink
it without inlurr as well as the adult. All
who trv It like It. lirain-0 has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or .lava, but It Is made from
pure grains, anil the most delicate stomach re
ceives it without distress. Une-qunrter the
price oi conec. 13 els. auu vis. per pacnutte
bjold by all grocers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, Boitens tno gums, reoucesinnamma
tiou, allays pnin. cures wind colic, &x-.a bottle,
Fits iwrmanentlv cured. No fits or nervous
ness alter ttrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat
Nerve Restorer. S-'.' trial bottle and treatise free
UK. K. 11. ki.ine, i,ut., tin A re ti M,i'iiiiu.,ra.
After physicians had given me up, I was
saved by l'iso's Cure. Ralph Khiku, Wll-
Uumsport, l'a., .Nnv. a:, ls'.ti.
It Is better to remove than to bide complex
ional blemishes. I'se-Clenn's Sulphur Soap.
Hill's Hair Whisker Dye. black orhrowti.fiUe.
Hotter Health Since Taking Hood's Than
Ever ltefore.
"I was afflicted with catarrh and was in
such a condition that every little draught
would cause mo to take cold. After having
taken a few bottles of Hood's bursaparilla
I have been strengthened and I am In hotter
health than I have ever been before." John
Albert, 79 James St., New York, N. Y.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best In fact the One True Wood Purifier.
IJ..J1, DSIIe) the best family cathartic.
liWvU 5 rlllS easy to operate. tti cents.
B 11 Kern Vam rj
Ptirply veetllf, iniM anJ rt-lUble. ('ant Per
ttact L)iuftioii, complete cMrptlui, nl hettltliful
rKu.tiity. for the run of ntl ihi. intent of tlie
Htoutarti, Liver, Bowels, Kitliieja, UltKlUer, .Nervous
PKHKE('T DIGESTION will be arcnmplMied l.y
Ukinu Itad way's I'lll-. lly lliwr AS 1 1 llll.ltll H
pmiirtlftt tliev stuuiilatt the liver In the keLTi-tlmi
f the bile anil flu tllwliarn- tlireuuli tliH Mlltn-y
ductH. 't hese MIU In ilnrM-k from two In tour will
quickly regulate the action of the liver and free the
iaiieiii iroui mewe fiiMoruer. hum oriwo hi jau
way'n 111U. taken dully liy tliuae auhject to bllluu,
Iialita auil toriiUlity nl'llie liver, will keep the )'
eui regular and secure beulthy dletillou.
Price. 5 ct. per Uoi. Hold by all druggists, or
sent by mail uu receipt of price.
ltADWAY i ('ll.,S.l llm HI., New York.
Fond rolaonlng.
"A saying that is literally true," re
marked a physician the other day, "is
that setting forth the doctrine that one
man's meat is another man's poison.
Within a short time I have treated two
curious cases of what I may term
eruptive indigestion. In the first I
chanced to meet the man on the street
in the morning. He was apparently
perfectly well. At 5 o'clock I was
summoned to his residence. I should
not have recognized him, so distorted
were his features from the eruption
which covered them. Investigation
and the future history of the case set
tled beyond a doubt that the man bad
been poisoned by clams which he had
eaten at luncheon, yet the disturbance
was for him Blone, other members of
tho family who bad partaken of the
same dish feeling no ill results. A
fortnight later another pntieut of mine'
emtio to me with a marked eruption on
bands and wrists and between the
fingers. A dinner of veal was respon
sible for the trouble, and again, as in
the first instance, the sufferer was tho
only one affected of the family who
had partaken of the meat at tho same
meal. In each case I found that the
tendency to distress from tho parti
cular food was known to each sufferer,
although never before had tho symp
toms been so marked or distressing.
This is, perhaps, a word of warning to
persons who know their poison to
abstain from it, particularly wnen
their systems may be from somo cause
in a non-resisting state." New York
Experts Willi the Great Toe.
The Africans of tho West Indies use
the great toe constantly in climbing.
Several years ago, while spending some
time at one of the famous resorts iu
Jamaica, I bad an opportunity to ob
serve the skill with which tho women,
who do a great part of the menial la
bor, carried stone, mortar and other
bnildiug materials on their heads to
the top of a five-story tower, in a part
of the hotel not then finished.
Much of the unerring accuracy with
which they (women and girls) chased
each other up and down tho ladders,
with heavy loads skillfully poised on
tboir pates, iwas duo to tho firmness
with which they grasped each rung o)
the ladders with the great toe. They
did not place the ball or the hollow ol
tho foot on the rung, but tho groov
at tho juncture of tho great too with
the body of the foot, and they held
fast by making the back of the othei
toes anord the other gripping surface.
In much tho same way tho Abyssinian
native cavalry grasp the stirrup. And
I have seen a one-armed Santo Do-
mingau astride the near ox on a wheel
yoke, guiding a lead mule with a rein
held between his great ami second toe,
while his only arm was devoted in
cracking his teamster's whip. Over
land Monthly.
Prune Waning In Favor.
"I don't know what yon think about
it, but I"
"But you what?" broke in tho re
tail man.
"But I think that the prune is on
tho toboggan slide," continued tho
wholesale man, "and in a few years it
will be an uncommon thing even at
the boarding house tables.
"What makes you think so?"
"Well, my observations and I have
a reputation of being a pretty close
observer have led me to believe that
it is losing its once remarkable popu
larity. A few years ago say ten years
ago I sold enough prunes right here
iu my place to keep a family iu board
and clothing. Now it's a mighty hard
thing for me to get rid of enough to
pay me for my trouble. All that I
make on prunes nowadays you can put
into a thimble and not think it worth
while to notice it."
"By George, I believe you're right,
old man!" said the retail man, "for,
come to think of it, I don't sell enough
of them myself to make ine take an in
terest in them, I had almost forgot
ten that such a thing as a prune ex
isted. I handle them, though, just to
oblige a few of the 'faithful.' " Chi
cago llecord.
Meeting Koth Ends.
Smith walked up Market street the
other evening with a box of candy un
der one arm ami n big package of meat
under the other.
liello, bimtu, saul lirowu, " gone
to housekeeping? I didn't know you
were married.
"I'm not yet."
"What are you doing with that can
dy and meat then?
"Going to see my girl."
"Do you have to furnish tho family
with meat already?
"Oh, no; the candy is for the girl
and the meat is for the dog. I have
to square myself with both." San
Francisco Argus.
Clouded Chocolate Cake.
One onp of sugar, half enp of but-
ter, two eggs, Half cup oi uhik, twe
cups of flour, half teaspoon of soda,
one teaspoon of cream tartar, sifted
with the flour. Flavor with vanilla.
Take almost half of this mixture and
make as dark as required with grated
chocolate. Tut in tho tin the same as
for marble cake.
Marmalade Making.
Marmalade may bo made of any rip
fruit boiled to a pulp witu a little
water; the best fruits to use are peach
es, quinces, apples, oranges and cran
berries. It is usual to crush the fruit.
Use three-quarters of a pound of sugar
to a wound of the fruit, add a little
water (half a cupful to a pound) and
boil until it becomes a jellied ninss.
When done, put it iu glass or white
Whole Wheat Hicnd.
To make whole wheat bread the
quick process, as taught at Pratt In
stitute Cooking School iu Brooklyn
add to one pint of thin oatmeal por
ridge one pint warm milk and two
compressed yeast cakes dissolved in
a little lukewarm water. Beat well;
add again two rounded teaspoonfuls
sugar, six level teaspoonfuls shorten
ing, one rounded teaspoonful salt, and
whole wheat flour until you can stir it
no longer with the back of a knife.
Cover lightly and set to rise. When
twice its bulk, divide into small loaves,
and again set to rise; then bako in a
moderate oven about forty minutes.
Dish for Tea
Thicken one cupful of rich milk oi
cream with onetablespoonful of bnttei
and two tablespoonfuls of flour rubbed
to a paste; cook five minutes, then add
one heaping tablespoonfnl of chopped
parsley, oue teaspoonful salt, ono
scant teaspoonful of onion juice, one-
half teaspoonful of paprika, oue and a
half cnpfnls of finely-chopped mush
rooms and two tablespoonfuls of
chopped cooked tongue. When cold
shape into tiny cylinders and pin each
in a very thin slice of bacon, using for
this the round, smooth toothpicks.
Make a batter, dip each into this,
drop into smoking hot fat and fry gol
den brown. Drain on unglazed paper
and set in the open oven until served.
Cnnneton of Ileef.
Chop finely two pounds of lower
part of round; add grated riud of half
lemon, level tablespoon chopped pars
ley, half teaspoon onion juico, a few
gratings of nutmeg, level teaspoon salt,
quarter teaspoon pepper, one egg
slightly beaten, two tablespoons melt
ed butter. Shape into a roll after
thorough mixing, wrap in buttered
paper, plaoe on rack in bakinrr pan,
baste with quarter cup butter melted
in cup of hot water. . Thirty iniuntcs
in good oven should bake it well.
Make sauce of half slice oniou cooked
in two level tablespoons butter until
lightly browned; remove onion; stir
until butter is browned. Mix two
and one-half tablespoons flour with
one-fourth teaspoon salt, ouo-eighth
teaspoon white pepper; stir; add
gradually cup brown stock. Mush
rooms may be added.
A Tallamnit The t.lqnor Truffle In Alnaka
Manr Hftlnnna In Full ttlnst In Our
Grent NoHliwefttem Terrlloryllrew.
erica In Full IIUt-?iiitlea Ilnlned,
Take Temperance t thy bronst
Whlln vpt is the hour of choosing,
A arliilrpss PxqulHlte
Of nil tlint shall then
Yor better than fortune's best
Is mastery in tho ukIiik.
And sweeter tlinn anything sweet
'J'he art to Iny It ssld'e!
lidulne Imogen Cltilney, lfiCI,
f.lqnor Truffle In Alnakn.
Mix" llelle Kenrnev. who recently visited
Alnskft In the interests of the W, V. T. U..
Kives the snniminir up of her ohservstlons
In a communication to tho Union Hl?nsl,
Irom which we cull the following pntwidos:
' 1 lie pupremo nuewtlon Among the peo
ple of Alaska now Is, What shall he done
with the liipior truffle? A perfect wsil of
despair is going up from the friends of
temperance, and prohibition while tho
snloon men laugh them to scorn and push
their trade unmolested. The condition of
this grent northwestern territory striking
ly presents tho Inconsistency of our na
tional (lovernment in its relation to the
liquor traffic. Congress hns declared that
no Honor shall be shinned Into Alnska ex
cept for mechanical, medicinal and selen
1 1 fl o purposes; but the whole country is
Hooded with it. Any man, by paying a
small fro to the revenue agent, can estab
lish a grogshop in any place that suits his
convenience, put out Ills sign and fling
wido his doors, lheru are twenty open
saloons in Juneau and Just as ninny in
Iiroporttou to tho population In Wrangcl,
louglns City and Hilkn. and in three of
these towns brewerleii are In full blast and
thousands of gallons of liquor are smug
gled In constantly by the boats and sold
Illicitly. l,ow dance nouses nourish, ana
impurity, liko a foul vulture, feods upon
tlie people."
At vtrnngel she had an Interview with
a saloon-keeper, to whom she said:
'Have you a license to run your saloon? "
"CertaiDlyl wc get It from the Government.
You see it Is tacked up ou the side of the
wall," turning Ills thumb in the direction
of the bHr. "How much dl I you pay for
It?" "Twenty-live dollars." "How are
these licenses procured?" "From the main
Government office In Tortland. Or., or
directly from the revenue agents who come
up to Issuo them to us. ' "Do you sell
much liquor?" "Yes, indeed!" "Do you
sell to Indians?" "No, no," was the excit
ed reply, muttered between closed teeth.
and, turning around, he walked oil. Ho
did I, with a sovereign coutetnnt iu my
soul for a Government that could so dis
honor Itself.
A missionary at Wrangel told her that
the white men brought tho liquor in bottles
inn tugs, then sold it privately to the na
tives, whu wero constantly debauched by
it. it is almost impossible to imllct a man
for violating the law, because no one will
testify in court against hlin, and If he did,
no jury wouia una a true bin. The Indians,
who are the chief victims of tho white
man's greed, maintain an unbroken silence,
because they want the whisky and are not
conscious-smitten as to the way it Is obtained.
Neal I)ow' first Temperance Work.
Nenl Dow was twentv-flve vears old when
he delivered bis llrst temperance speech.
It was at au anniversary supper of a (Ire
company to which ho belonged, and hit
strenuous opposition to the use of liquor
was eiiecuvo to Hint degree that the tire
anv adopted temperance as a princi
ple. Later lie prevailed upon the Maine
Norman B. Covert, a seveuty-eight-
year-old citizen of Ann Arbor, Mich.,
has been converted from Methodism to
Brahmanism. lie is supposed to be
tho only American convert to that
creed, and he has nut adopted all of
its doctrines, for he will not abstain
from tho use of animal flesh for food.
Commissioner Webb McNall, of
Kansas, has collected $54,01)0 from the
companies doing business in that
State and says that he means to make
it $150,000 if it can be done.
. X JV a
r m
The hair Is like a plant. What makes the
plant fade and wither? Usually lack of neces
sary nourishment. The reason why Ayer's Hair
Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its normal
color, stops hair from falling, and makes It
grow, is because It supplies the nourishment the
hair needs.
r v- T V V V T
A v A A A. J .
T V V y V V V
A A A A. A J
Ilouiehold Hints.
To prevent a bruise from becoming
discolored, apply water as hot as can
bo borne comfortably, changing the
cloth as soon as it loses its heat. II
bot water is not to bo had at once,
moisten somo dry starch with cold
water and cover the bruised part with
When tablecloths are beginning tc
wear out in the folds, cut two or three
inches of one end and one side and re
hem them. This nrocess will chance
the places of the folds and will add
new life to the cloth. Napkins and
towels may be treated in the enuif
Cold roasted or boiled fowl can bo
made into croquettes, salads and en
trees. Tough ends of steak are good
when made into Hamburg steak. All
fat from meat can be clarified and kept
for frying. Doughnuts and fritters
are much better fried in drippings
than in lard.
In the cleaning of a stove, if a little
soap is used, it win lignten the labor.
Wet a flannel clotn ana rub it over a
piece of soap, then dip the cloth into
the stove polish and rub over the
stove: finish with a dry cloth or brush.
It is said tho polish will last much
longer than if it is used without the
Instead of throwing away the wick
of a lamp that has got too short, fasten
it to the new wick, which then can be
made to do longer service. After
lamps are filled and wicks trimmed
turn them down, thus preventing the
oil from coming over the outside and
causiuc the uupleasaut odor of oil
in the room.
A tablespoouful of stewed tomatoes
left from dinner will add to the roast
beef gravy the next day; a single raw
tomato may be peeled and cut into a
garniture for the cold meat. A half
oup of peas may be added to the
breakfast omelet. Water in which
vegetables have been boileu should be
saved for soups. All cold mashed
potatoes should be saved for cro
The best pie plates ore those of tin
with straight sides about uu inch high,
so there is no danger of the contents
of the pie running over. Porcelain
lined pie plates do not bake so well on
the bottom as those of tin. iue oui
fashioned pie plate of yellow stone
ware is a mistake. It is responsible
for the sodden uuder crusts of old-time
uies. It can be successfully used
only in brick ovens, where the heat is
ut tho bottom and there is duuger of
btiruina the uuder crust when a tin
pie plate is used.
go the use of wine at its annual dinner.
At that time liquor was almost univers
ally used In Maluo. One of the curious
customs of Portland In those days was the
ringing of the town bell at It and at 4
o'clock, byway of warning to mechanics
that it was time to leave work and get a
drink. This custom the youug reformer
succeeded In having abolished. Then he
persuaded mot of the Portland employers
to discontinue supplying their uieu with
Alter his llrst successes. Nenl Dow felt
that Temperance was the most important
cause of the age. It was owing lnrgely to
ins enoris mat tue loungjiotrs xotnl Ab
stinence Hocietv of Portland wasoraanized.
its nrst meeting, it is said, was held In the
counting-room of a distillery. Harper's
v eemy.
"Purer Morala."
Very slguillcant is the comment of the
editor of the New York Mail and Express
upon tne inning on in tue salo of liquor
showabythe revetiue returns. "It means
better health, purer morals, happier fam
ilies and larger comfort for thousands of
deserving persons."
If words mean anything, these words
meau that the more liquor is sold and
drank tho more the health of the nation
will be sapped, the moral life contaminat
ed, the family circle broken luto and tlie
homes of the people robbed of the comforts
of life. This is a terrible lmpeaohmeut of
a trnfiln licensed by law, supported by the
v.hteu nf r'liriulln.i inun iin.l l.i,
statesmen. "How long, O Lord, how
A lU-llglous Virtue.
Iu his address at the rally held In connec
tion witn the mate convention of the Con
necticut Total Abstineuco Union, Hev. A.
T. Doyle snld: "Total abstinence Is a re
ligious virtue, as it belongs to the sanctu
ary, and when it is bereft of the sanctuary
it becomes a heresy, and the hand that tears
It away from there is a ruthless hand. Iu
the National union there are 80,000 total
abstainers, 40,000 of whom never abused
uor touched intoxicants. Twenty-live per
cent, of this National organization never
knew what it was to touch an Intoxicating
Irksome flnlutlna-.
"The privato soldier is seldom aeen
In any of the leading thoroughfares of
(he streets of the largo German cities,"
observed a recently returned military
gentleman to a Star reporter, "not,
however, because he would not like to
bo seen there, but because it ia quite
a job for bim should he show up in a
crowded street. In Europe it is dif
ferent from this country, for military
officers have to wear their uniforms
constantly. Indeed, many of them
have no other clothing, and no use for
it if they bad. In this country, it
is extremely rare to see an officer in
uniform, aud never unless he is going
to or returning from somo function
where uniform is necessary, and
which, as I say, is very, very rare.
There are in all of the largo cities and
towns of Germany hundreds and
hundreds of officers. It is an impera
tive duty of the soldier to formally
salute them every time ono passes,
even if the same officer passes bim five
or ten times iu an hour. The private
soldier generally takes a side street,
so as to avoid meeting officers, for
saluting every five minutes in a day,
and sometimes oftener, which would
be the case should he travel in the
principal streets, gets to be tiresome
after it is observed for three or four
hours. Tho soldier is nearly always
loyal, and takes a prido in saluting his
superior officers, but there is often too
much of a good thing in military life,
as there is iu other walks of life. Even
in the side streets ho has considerable
saluting to do, but nothing in com
parison to what ho would have to do
should he veuture on the largely
traveled streets. The officers are very
particular in insisting on salutes, and
should a soldier attempt to pass them
without doing military honors, on the
excuse that he did not see the officer,
the result would be somewhat serious
to bim." Washington Star.
The Last Queue.
The story is told that there has re
cently died in tho East End of Lon
don an old gentleman (a centenarian)
Jwho is locally reported to be tho last
person in England to wear that curious
lr . . 1 . t 1 1.1..- :..
ilHHUloil Ol utimiui enn uumiuuu iu
'George Ill's time, a "pigtail."
W ith his queer little queue of white
hair, nattily tiod behiud with a knot
of blue ribbon, his corded knee
breeches and low buckle shoes, a
large flowered waistcoat down to his
hips, and plum-colored open cont that
showed the big frilled shirt and tight
stock, the old man was a picturesque
feature amid squalid surroundings.
He had been considered quito a
dandy iu bis youth. He was very
vain of his tail, and often prided him
self, in his weak, quavering voice, of
being "the only gentleman left that
was dressed as a real gentleman
should be."
I His sole regret was that be was
obliged to have bis hair braided by
others, when his own bands grew too
feeble to perform the duty; but to the
very last ho always chose bis own par
ticular tint of hair ribbon, a certain
"correct" shade of dark indigo blue.
Pearson's Weekly.
A New Wnter Lily.
A London paper says: "A new
variety of the fiuo water lily known as
tho Victoria Eegiua, has been grown
at Kew this year. It was raised from
seeds received from H. A. Dreer,
nurseryman, Philadelphia. It differs
from all other forms iu tho pale green
color of its leaves, tho rich red under
neath, the tnrned-up rim, which is
from six to eight inches high, the
absence of Bpines on the calyx lobes,
and the time when the flowers expand,
which is early in the afternoon instead
of about 6 o'clock. It also grows with
extraordinary vigor aud flowers more
freely than the type." A second plant
sent from Kew to the JUoyal JJotauic
Gardens, Glasueviu, has shown the
same characteristics.
A diary of au old woman who lately
died in Vienna, Austria, showed that
she bad spent 88,240 florins on lottery
tickets, while her winnings amounted
to only 5000 florins.
Society's Drinking Customs.
The drinking customs of soeletv ure the
hardest of all things to light. Why do peo
plo who ought to kuow better, and who
realty du know Ucttoi, but who do not act
tkccording to their kuowledgo, persist in
remaining slavishly subservient to the old
?ustom of serving wine at weddings uud
other social nllairsl it Is well to bo hos
pitable; but when, iu the sacred name of
hospitality, young men are made drunk, it
is time to ut least give the matter of ban
ishing wine serious consideration.
The records show cures by the
use or ?
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canty I
(a year I
id I
lira. rinJkliam Counsels Young Wives to Keeop Their Attrsotivtnsei,
A Letter From a Young Wife.
Seven-eighths of the men
In tliia nrnrlrl marrv a woman
because she Is beautiful
in their eyes.
What a disappoint- J
& . 1. . 4 1. a " -
Ilieub llltu w n.-o but? ,
fair young wife's beauty
fading away before I
passes over her head 1
1 feel os if I would lilto
to say toevery young woman
who is about to be married
"Strengthen yourself In ad
vance, so that you will not
break down under tho new
strain on vonr powers." Keep your beauty,
It is a precious possession 1 Your husband loves
your beauty, be is proud to be seen In public
with you; try to keep it for bis sake, and your
The pale checks, the dark shadows under
the eves,- the general drooping of the young
wife's form, what do they mean? They mean -
that her nerves are falling, that her strength Is going and that something
must bo done to help her through tho coming trials of maternity.
liuild her up Bt once by a course of some tonio with Kpccifio powers. Such as
Lvdia E. PiuUhniu's Vegetable Compound. You can get it at any druggist's.
Following we publish by request a letter from a young wife of her own ac
cord she addresses it to her "suffering sisters," and while from modesty she
asks to withhold her name, she gives her initials and street number in
Chambersbitrg, l'a., so she can easily be found personally or by letter:
To my Suffering Sisters: Let me write this for your benefit, telling you
what Lydia E. IMnkhnm's Vegctablo Compound has done for me. I am but
nineteen nnd suffered with painful menstruation, loueorrhoca, dizziness, burn
ing sensation back of cars and on top of my head, nervousness, pain and
soreness of muscles, bearing-down pains, could not sleep well, was unable
to stand without pain, and oh! how I longed to be well!
One day I wrote to Mrs. l'inkham telling her all, knowing I could do so
In perfect confldence.
She wrote mo a lovely letter in reply, telling una exactly what to do.
After taking nine bottles of the Compound, one box of Livor pills, and using
one-half package of Sanative wash, I can say I ain cured. I am so happy,
and owe iny happiness to nono other than Mrs. rinkhnm. i
Why will wouicn suffer when help is near? Let me, as one who lias had
some experience, urge all suffering women, especially young wives, to seek
Mrs. rinkhnm's advice. Mrs. R. 8. It., 113 E. Catherine St..Chambersburg, Pa,
i i
v' GL
1 1 V7 1
t J I I
Cool, bracing cycling weather, tonic of the open air,
golden sunshine to paint away the blues buy a Columbia
now and keep in good trim all winter. No time like the
present no bicycle so good as the Columbia. Hartford
bicycles, next best.
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
If Colmmbias are not properly represented iu your vicinity, let us know.
"Say Ave 'No' and Ye'il Ke'cr be Married." Don't Re
fuse Ail Our Advice to Use
MIPS rn I Mini wtth-
tmt thftr kuowltntK ty
Ailli-JKK. tlie inarvel'iui
mr fur llm ilnnk hMt.
Writo Keniivm Cunuli'nl
i'n . tut llniftilwav. N. V.
(In vlaln wrinr) united fre
CHiUiird or Commkhcb
KEATTLK, Kl.ONliIKK. Al.Am . Vi imlitnKlon IVI.
Kettle. tsr..l jK.pulntlim; lttlr.'l. lluiiiiiwrvwl.
Mi,,.,,,. .il Auiliiilmia Iflitrei ii uiuiMfi
Full information
1awiI Vrioen;
SaffMt lloiitf!
Auilri" wwrfiary.
Largest Oil);
nnnpill A iH "" Me,Hl iiuii', r,r-
H II M 1 1 FJ I 1'roof.Unnililif. Catalogue Kree
IIIIIITCn A man in avery town to work for
WANTED Collwtilut AKm-y. W.T.DKVOH.
in Tins I'ahki:
I'AYS. Ntkp-44.
1'lN, Hum ill, Hart (,,r Itlovclo. with
cur luiuUubieCATAI.niil'K VKKK
to anyouo avuillUK U tt-llla fur
BlfU.Ji'wHt'rM. lruv B-
fcrtmArfs ml
nitilE AU Hit 1113.
Syrup. Tastoa Uood. Da I
LdlllS Willi
I Beat CoilKh byrup. Tastee iiood.
in tune. Hnin nriiKntma.
Florida, Texu, Meiioo and the Paclflo Goaat. -Perfect
Schedule and Through Ou Bervloa.
For further Information oall on or addren
AIJ2X. H. TIIWKATT, F.milorn Fna. A(cKl,
71 llrontlway, New Vrk.
W. A. TI'H It, firnrrnl PniweiiKfr Arnl.
3 O
. wrm rf I II I
aw mm m imw
Be aura get
for Hutu. Tollrl
aud Hair Huaaiuoo,
worth treble Ita cont. Full
pound bare at all aorta of atorea.
INVENTOR surra,:
1 advertising M ISo iiRtnnt no Ty," Prii
uret ru'tiea, etc.
wut money
tent Aumu'lf
iiRtnnt no iy. Pi-ires, dh1U.
weiu a reuuUr iteiit imfliieM.
Aitvlr iron. litahmt references.
Write Us. H'AThON K. ( IH.K 'IAN. NullcW
lor of patent- twin Htreet,'iiMnj(tnn,
-.ate rrlaclpal xamtar u. I. raulea Iuih.
J in. la uul war, It ajudwaliuj slauui, aur. auoa.
Syatematlc Stutly.
fiuttiiiar ou iu uusincHs ilepemU uu
Hyuteuiatio bttnly, but not ou systoma-
tio study of geulogy or economies or
Latin and iu very few euaes on a
knowledge of (ieiiniiu, eveu. Uow
oftou Lave youLeurd uiiddlo-uged peo
ple suy, "You couldn't expect oue as
long out of school as I to paas a common-school
examination!" Hut prob
lems iu arithmetic, gruiumur aud geog
raphy are coming up every day in busi
ness, and the umn who solves them the
quickest gets into tho new field lirst
uud reaps the golden harvest. The
simplest calculations Lave led to the
greatest business discoveries uud hug-
Poieonous in Large or Biuall Uuaea.
Wo have v btntuj in this eoluuiu
Hint whisky, win'U tuknii iu laru (UHiitl
tii's. Is rtmlly poisonous, nud often causes
the uuiitli of tin, unfortuuuteoue who drlults
It to excess. Here Is a ease of a rcent
dutu which confirms our statement.
'lieorijo Molliuiul, n luhorur llviuir wllli
bis utuiKlitcr at '2 t lierrv street. New York
City, drauk two Husks of whisky, oue ufler
ine oilier, aim men tell ou tlie noor ueua.
Suerod ileurt lteview.
Krltfhl Fur Temperance.
Aiut rk-u is becomiuR a nation of toe-
totuiers, says a writer iu the Index. An
observer suystlmt if one does not belluvo It
Id him louk ut the lint of Hiatus where tlio
i-ltlzons have formally voted that way. Wo
nun tins list niioteu iroin tno 1,111 ol lure of
a Pullinuu diuiun ear. A note ou the card
says: "Wines nud liquors will not he sold
In Aliiliainit, l-lonilu, (leiiruiu, Iowa. In-
dian Territory, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi,
isew Jersey, unio, hoiiiu Luroilua, Teuues-
see, l exits nud Wyoming. No wines or
liquors to bo sold ou Kuiiituy In any Htatoi'
uuvlUK tliu prohibitory bun, Iny laws."
,l., O, Ig. V lA. t .?!.. .Ml. t
'(ifWe1 'Vj'f li" Vi 'l 'or? Vii- W W5
Rudyard KipUng,
th famous itory-writer, It only on of many celebrated
contributors engaged to writ for the next volume of
8a f Imca
To show the Tailed strength and charm of The
Companion's original features for 1898, we give the
following partial list of
Distinguished Contributors.
Help 1 lie f'auae.
Would Unit puuplu could be impressed
WHU ine iinpuriiiiico 01 toiui auallueuce!
Too uiuuy look upou the teniperuuee move
ment as a bilKo joke. This should not
be so. if you are convinced of tho burm
wrought by drink, dou t stand by uud
smile ut the tetnperutico workers' efforts to
alleviate tho misery. "(Jouio over am1
help us."
Teiuneruuce News autl Nulea.
The way of mm is tbo way of ruiu.
Wheu Uriuk comes iu through the wiu-
dow, lovo Hies out ut tho door.
The Intent Hurcs show that the Catholio
Total Alistiut-uco L'ulou has a membership
of 77,:'.
RuJyi4 Kipling's thrilling new itory, "Th Burning of tha 'Sarah
Sands,' " will appear exclusively In The Companion during 189B.
Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone
.rvV Hnn. Thomas B. Reed
Hon. Justin McCarthy
Hon. George P. Hoar
Lieut. Peary
Max O'Rcll
Frank R. Stockton
W. D. Howells
Mrue. Lillian Nordic
Mrs. Burton Harrison
Octave Tiianet
Mary E. Wilkins
Margaret E. Sangster
Harriet P. Spollord
Aad Fully Two Uuudrtd Other.
Gold Embossed Calendar Free to New Subscribers.
T11 Culcudar It puhlithed exclutively by The Youth' t Companion and could not ba told la Art Store for leu tbaa
fl.OO. It conn'ati of three folding part, each a true reproduction of charming group picture: mjr See Important Offer.
JJ. vM.
t,t, iMatatl ttil,itaajaa,tla,taaaaM,tMtii,,Maai
KCW fcl Jts Kl r.l It wlio will cut out this ally and uud It at unue, witli uauie
...... u.l.)ubu urn, a., ..,11 rA.u.lw.
FKEE-TIid C oiiii.Hiiinii uvei jr week from tha time euburitiou la received till
.lamuirr 1, 1HUH.
FRKK 'I liunksKiilna. UirUtniae and New Vear'a Double Number.
Mitt -Tlie uiii,ii1.hi Ail ( alMitlxr for 1HU8, a inoiluotloii ailer)or to any of
the luin.iii. ,l,r of t'oiniuiiiloii color-u oik of previous jenia. Itlm buau
til HI oniKiiitiil mill H -o. lly llt. hire 10 a 14 In. Va uli"fc.
Anil Tlie Coiunaliioll I'lltv-Two Weeks, a ull Year, to January 1, IBHO. II it
JltuMlt ated Pmpectut of It Vulumt for Ja and Sample CVplM f tlu Paper Free.
aoi Columbus Aveuue, - - BOSTON, MASS.
Jan. 1 303.
,t, .Me.
'- 'Hi
'iv '.S"
"' if