vi THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK, EDITOR ft PBOMItTO. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 18U7 The Ohio counties in wbicb Mr. Biyan spoke io the late campaign increased their Republican majorities 997 votes over those of last year. The old State of Maryland has got ten a long way from the"solid South." Time was wlien she was counted a charter member of that organization. The comparisou between the rail road earnings and the bank clearings at the present time and one year ago indicates an astonishing change in the business of the country. The Republican strength in tlx South continues to grow year by year and Congress by Con cress. The 5(tb A Hard Case (ironing Harder. Protectionism most go. It must go root and branch. It cannot save it self by masking its designs behind reciprocity. The demand for wider markets can never he satisfactorily met until the Dingley tases are re The Gainer by Many Millions. The iuccres of the United States Government in obtaining an increase of the amount first offered by the Re organization Committee eullicient to cover the full amount of the Govern- pealed, and when they are repealed meut's claim agaiutt tho Union Fa there will be no occasion fur petty cjfic Railroad is undoubtedly due in free trade deals with the halt civiiizea , , lhe marked im countries to the south of as. Lana- . . . . . ; .Tnnt provement in financial c Here is'a frank avowal of hatred that has taken place during the ytar of American nrosneritv that is inter- The San Francisco Call at esting because of its novelty. Very tributes this gratifying result directly few of the free trade newspapers show to the revival of prosperity flowing such brutal frankness as this Tbey from the enactment of the Dingley all feel nretlv much the same way, 'H. "d remarks m that connection but they don't all sav so in plain It is au evidence of the harmony of " Republican politics thai the effects of . . ...... any one measure tend to augment the Reciyrocity is especially objection- ,l(ll.ficilli tCrevl. of olller, Prosper- able to these people. They hopo it ity resulting Irom the revival o" trade will fail, because its success would under a restored protective system sweep away the main stay and sup- ras encouraged capital to take part nnrt of f ir.rifi argument, which 8. ,n ,,ew """"prises, anu as ( - - - - - e a C0086 mi An sin I linm a ra nMA kllilora f. l r lllP that, nrntprtion ir fatal to our einort Vt r t-- i .1 Congress will have the largest South- . ' union 'nf uur civiniey mau 6 " . . trade. thi rn wnu d have heen under a Dera- erni ivepuuncan representation iu It mskes no difference to them that ocratic administration. uisiory. ,1 f.irfiipn nmrkpts fur American A ver atm Inst month, aod for n 1 i ll.i . ..IS I Mr Bryan kentuD his calamity mauuiaciures nave oroaueueu a..u mree years preceuing, u wuu.u 1 -J- - 1 1 . 1 1 r.rv in Ohio this vear desnite the fact Peasea enormously unaer proiec- oeen impossin.e 10 nave secure.. J I . 1 . . j i a I I f .l tt..;.... iv . that Iho Orlnhpr .i.tomont of the n. " me system is ueain to espo. purcuseer lor u.e u.hom i tional banks of the country showed UU!t 1,16 8ame' Now' if reciprocity is erly at anything like the amount just th.ttlu. inHi.Mn.l Hnii. i lho going io open aaamonai maraeis uuu reaiizea. rronaniy ouv nuie more national banks were $253,000,000 in furnih Dew outlels for tbe products of than half of that amount could have our mills ana lactones, ine case oe- been realized at trie torecioeure saie. comes very hard. Nobody wanted to buy railroads after It may be well enough for the The country is altogether too pros- f(Jur years of free trade depression Democrats to assume that the Ohio perous already to suit the free tracers, It was only when prosperous times Republicans are going to quarrel and any further blessings of the same followed so close upon the triumph of among themselves over the Senator- sort as the result of .reciprocity are the protective policy that capital ship, but they will be mistaken. Re- not to be tolerated without a protest, could be tempted to invest so many publicans are not giveu to treachery, Therefore, there shall be no reciproc- millions. The United States Govern although they have had the Demo- iiy, if they can help it: therefore, ment's gain by tho altered conditions cratic example for many years. "Protection must go.root and branch." will in this oue specific instance If not. how are the Foulists and free amount to between $10,000,000 and ... I' It will be a novel sensation lor ,ril,i0 :,,. ..i,n Bn nnmfirt? ft9nnnnnnn ........... (,-(, - excess of those of oue year ago. Survey of (ho Allegheny. The corps of surveyors who have been engaged on the work of surveying the Allegheny rivr readmit this plane on Wednesday. Tho party Is ooniposod of 11 member mirier charts of Georgo M. ihmnn, having loft Oil City on the work September 20tli, Ho expects to finish up the surveying shortly alter tho 1st of De cember, which will lako In hydrographlo and topographic surveys of tho river and banks, together with Rounding and align ments ol the stream. Tho bridges and various towns along the stream will be Included in tho survey, with their loca" lions and any special point of interest' Mr. Lehman is also taking some photo graphs which will prove an aid in tho work of preparing their maps when they have finished the outsido work, lie said the survey was for tho purpose of finding out positively just what improvements aio possible for tho Allegheny river, and whether or not tt is practicable to alack wator the stream to Oil Pity. He says that it rests with the people of this valley as to whether the stream will bo improv ed or not. If thev take hold of the mat ter with tho same energy they did last year they will accomplish something, but they must not give over agitating it Keeping everlasting at It is the only way to succeed. The corps of surveyors trav eled by boat and havo very comfortable quarters and are a pleasant company of men. Eust Iiratly licvicw. WARREN NATIONAL BANK Warren, Tonna. CAPITAL, $150,000.00 DIRECTORS: David V. Itealy Win. D. Brown, Andrew Ilertsol, A. T. Scofield, Nolson P. Wheeler, Jerry Crary, Geo. tit rarmlee, C. Schlinmolfeng, Christian Smith, II. A. Jamieson. Personal and Business accounts solid' ted on most favorable terms consistent with good conservative banking. nterost allowed on deposits a. N. rXRMLEK, Pres. U. A. JAMIESON, Vice Pres. F. K. JTKRTZEL, Cashier You cau got it at Hopkins' store, tf Those who contemplate building should consult Robinson A Gaston, who keep a complete stock of dressed lumber always on hand at tnoir mill. u Treasury clerks to be confronted each jj0Wi indeed? month by a treasury surplus rather than a deficit. The receipts under the new tariff law now show au iucieiise over the receipts of the Wilsou law at a corresponding date last year.aod the days of deGcits are nearly ended. The full oflicial vote of Pennsylva nia at the recent election has been computed at Harrisburg and is as follows: Beacom (Rep) 372,448; Brown (Deni) 242.731; Swallow An esteemed Democratic contem porary blubbers that Mark Haona "has uever done anything to merit a seat in the United States Senate. His only i:!aim to it is, that ha is wealthy, and that he made William McKiuley President." What! elected McKin- (Pro.) 118,009; Thomas (Soo.) 5152; Steelsmith (Liberty) 623 ; Thompson ey pre8ident and yet never did any tUIS ihincr In merit a pnt in the TT. S It has come to the surface since election that the Myers wing of the (Iud.) 15,135; scattering 81 Democratic party of Harrisburg and giveg Beaconl B pluraiity f 129,717 Senate. Why nothing on this earth .vaupnin county voieu ror owanow over BrowIli For Auditor General, :a tnn onnA far thn mBn who accnm lQal wlDB McCauley had 144,311 over Kilter, ni;al,d ouch nobis deed. The . i i . ... isi year iucjviuiey a piurm- American people will never cease to for State Treasurer, embraces nearly half the voters of j)em that party in that locality, it explains why the Prohibition candidate car' ried Dauphin county. Something over a year ago Mr. Bryan was stating that the only way ity over Bryan was 301,175, and his majority over all was 262,445. The total vote this year was nearly 450,- 000 less than in 1896. admire him for that piece of work He deserves two seals in the U S. Senate. What'reyou talking about? statement was made. The new tariff comes iu as a steady, to increas the circulating medium of potent regulator of prices aud pro- the country was by the adoption of ductiou, throwing work to our own the free coinage of silver, and yet the I factories instead of foreign ones, and Treasury figures show that to-day enabling our millions of workers to there are millions and millions more find work aud secure wages. A na' money io circulation than when this lion of 70,000,000 caonot afford to be dependent upon other natious lor steel rails, tin plates and other metel wares, for textiles, for pottery, for chemicals, for sugar, for rice, for cot' ton, for tobacco or for any other staudard materials. The Republican party thoroughly believes in this doc trine, and the Republican party is embodied aud mado potential in the Republican tariff. Mauck Chouk Gazette. History has chalked up one more score against free trade. Now that the Wilson law has been obliterated from the statute hooks and a pro tective tarifflaw enacted and put into operation and has brought prosperity to the country ,it is demonstrcted,aod will be recorded by future historians, that the cause of the depression ol 1893-'96 was due to the Witson low- tariff measure. The amount of beet sugar pro duced in Germany during the current year is estimated at 1,790,000 tons, a slight decrease from 1896, when the yield was 1,821,000 tons. For Aus tria-Hungary the yield is placed at 822.000 tons, against 926,000 tons last year, while Frauce shows an in crease, 751,000 tons against 703,000 tons last year. These enormous fig- nrs are interesting to Americans, for they show the vast importance to which beet sugar production will soon be brought in nur own country under the fostering care of a wise pro tective svBtem. The development rf this industry iu the United States ineaos countless millions of dollars to the farmers, countless millions kept Only the wealthy can now aHord , hr,mn which art, now sent abroad to buy imported carpets, rugs and Waunino: Persons who suffer from coughs and colds xhould heed the warn ings ol dancer and save themselves mif- foring and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It . Is an infallible remedy lor couglis, couis, croup anu an lliroai anil lung irouoies. iieain m ivmi mer. J. M. Thirswend. of Grosheck, Tox., savs that when he has a spell of indices tion, and fels bad and sluggish, he takes two of DeWitts l.ittlo Early Risers at night and he is all right the next morn ing. Many thousands ot otoers do me same thing. Do you T HoatU A killiner. There is no need of little children being tortured bv scald head, eczema, and skin eruptions. DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salvs gives instant relief and cures permanent ly. Heath A Killiner. The threo-venr-old bov of J. A. John son, of Lyon Center, 111., is subjoct to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely use of Cham berlaiu's Cougli Remedy, doringasevere attack, saved his little boy's life. Ho is in tho drug buinss, a member of the firm of Johnson Hros. of that place; and thev handle a irroat many patent modi cines for throat and lung diseases. He had all these to chooss from, and skilled physicians ready to respond to his call but selected tins remedy lor use in ni own family at a time when tho child' life was in danger, because lie knew it to be superior to coy other, and famous the country over for ita euros oi croup, nir, Johnson savs this the best sellini; ooimli medicine tliey handle, aud that it gives splendid satisfaction in all cases. a Sold uy u. w. uovaru Do you appreciate good laundry workT if no patronize the Dunkirk Steam Laundry. agonts. Miles A Armstrong, it You can t cure consumption but you can avoid and cure every other lorm throat or lung trouble by tho I'se of On Minute Cough euro. Ueatu A Killmer. Chas. Chaso, NO. 3 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, -ov- TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELO, PROPRIETOR Good Stock, Good Can-laces and Bug :ios to let upon the most reasonable terms. le will also ao CTOIB TE3CI1TC3- A 11 orders lea at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. O IF.T ICIAK Office ) A 7H National Bank Building, OIL CITY, PA. Eyes examined free. Exclusivolv'optical jflMK l.X,Vl,YJ TUB FACT -THAT mm. ii in We make this THIRD HALE at a time whon no one In need of winter iroods can afford to miss it, as we have an elegant lino of CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR, SHOES. LADIES JACKETS AND CAPES, HATS, CAPS, MITTENS AND J LOVES. We guarantee these iroods to be of the tlrst quality, and prices are lower than tho lowest, as you will testify when you have looked through our bargains. Wo had the largest trade last month we over had, our low prices was the drawing cord. we quote a tew prices as a sample ol what you will nnd through our wnole stock. EVERY FAMILY in this vicinity a invited to look at our line of CLOTtl- ING. Thore are a creat many manufactur ers of clothing who are ready to cheapen ine garment in any way tnat does not ef fect the ealo of it, and only a fow who make an effort to put all thev possibly can Into a garment to sell at the same price, we desire to show you olothing made by a manufacturer of the latter class, and we can easily convince you mat our eitorta are to your advantage. Men s sutls wortb fiz.00 sale price f 10.00 Boys suits ' ii i ii i i it Men's pants " Boys " " cotton pants 10.00 8.00 " 6.50 " 7.00 " 0.00 .' 5.00 " 1.00 " .60 " 8.50 8.75 5.00 5.75 5.00 4.00 .75 .40 .19 Men's natural wool, regular price $1.00, while they last at .50 A hotter grade, reg. price fl.50, now f 1.25 Fleece lined cotton " ' .50 " .40 i. i. 7fi ii 6, Women's " worth .40 " .25 SlWES,. Cloth capes from f.1.00 to $ 12. Plush " 4.50 to 14. Jackets for ladies and children at spocial prices. liars & Cars,. Our fall line of hats and caps is complete in all the latest shapes of cloth and plush at prices from Ilk: up. Men's shoos, els whr. fl.50 our price 1.20 " " former pr ice 8.75 now 8.00 Boy's sch'l shoos " " 1.75 " 1.00 Missos " " " " 1.50 " 1.25 flne ii 2 00 ii 125 We have abundance of gloves and mittens which we must sell and will ask you to help us. We do our part by plac ing the prices as follows : Gloves at .Wo which sold at $1 .25 " " .75 " " " 1.00 " " .85 " " .50 " and mlttons at 25c. ZTm&E&I?Z8: Every thing goes at this sale. Wa will positively do as we advertise. Cash is King, credit and high prices are dethroned at J. C. Berry, one of the best Known citi zens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind of pilos by using a tow boxes of DeWitt's Witch liazel Salvo. He had boen troubled with les for oyer thirty years and had used anv different kinds of so-called cures; but DeWitt's was the ono that did the oi-k and he will verify this statement if nvone wishes to write him. Heath A illmer. We offer so many bargains because e divide tho profit with you. Miles A Armstrong. It Mr Bryan hoastiagly announced in his Ohio speeches that be had come tc Ohio to"bury Mark Hanna." This sounded very funny to the au dieare at that time, but thelaugb was on the other side when it was discovered after the election that the counties in which he spoke increased their Redublicau majorities about one thousand votes over last year. It was another case of "he laughs best who laughs last." tapestries.-ard. -Leavenworth Kan , Stand- to pay for foreign sugar. The exports of tin plates from Great Britain to the United States in the first nine months of 1897 amount ed to 1)4,746 gross tons, compared with 89,533 tons in the same months of 1896 and 165,877 tuns in the same months of 1895. Iron and Steel AssO' ciation Bulletin. At the rate at which new factories are being projected and existing fac tories are enlarging their operations it will cot take more than two or three years for the United States to produce its entire requirements of tin plate. And this was the oue particu lar industry which the free traders solemnly declared could never, never be established io America as the result of a protective tariff. The friends of silver are becoming fewer aud fewer. Senator Stewart has told the people that they may as well fall iu Hue aud get their share of the prosperity, us it is useless to talk sil ver now ; ex-Governor Altgeld has dropped silver, aud is said to be or ganizing a paper-ruouey party, and ex-Goveruor Bois has denounced the 16 to 1 proposition as suicidal, in view of the great discrepancy between the coinage ratio aud the commercial ratios of silver. Many other Demo crats, being greenbackers at heart, have advocated free silver as simply stepping stone to true fiatism, and now that free silver is becoming so unpopular they are gradually drop piug it. Very well ; then don't buy tbem If you cover your floors with Anieri can carpets aud rugs and your walls with American tapestries, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are getting far better value for your money than if you bought ira ported goods. With the single ex ception of orieutal rugs, which are made in Abia chiefly by women and girls who receive 10 to 15 cents a day in waccs, there is no need to buy a dollar's worth of carpeting from abroad. No one knows this better tbau the wealthy, who are among the best patrous of the American carpet uoms. ihey know what is good and they buy it. About 75 per ceut. of the carpets used in America are made in America. Better add the remain ing 25 percent, aud make it unani mous. That great business improvement has come to the country since last July is conceded by all iutelligeut ob servers; aud that this is due largely to the passage of the Dingley tariff must also be conceded. Whatever may be the operations of the new tar iff, the restoration of cenfidence brought about by its passage put into operation millious of dollars which had theretofore been lying idle, and that gave employ ineut to hundreds of thousands of bauds. It caused the country to undergo a change such us had uever before been witnessed by mauy of the present generation, idle factories aud furnaces to start into new iif'e, and the hum of industry to sound from State to State. The new tariff is likely to warrant the coufi- deuce placed in it, as its revenues are satisfactorily incieasing mouth by mouth, and it will be but a short time when the treasury will have a monthly surplus instead of a deficit, as has been tbe case for the last four years. ! The yawp io some of the sensation al dailies anout ine poor man wno suffered because of tbe advance in wheat and flour is very tiresome. These fiatne papers are the self- appointed champions (?) of the dis tressed and oppressed. When wheat was above 50 cents a bushel they wore commiserating the farmer, heap tug abuses ou the alleged grain pit gambler excoriating the Wall street plutocracy for the condition ol things iu general. '1 hen it was the farmer, now it is the poor man. It makes the liouest members nt tbe newspaper profession bum with shame, that there should he iu the ranks these charlatans and base trucklers to vie ious sentiment. Not the upbuilding of society, but tbe furtherance of au archy seems to be the mission of these editors. Does it not occur to the lut ter that prosperity for the faroie means prosperity for the whole couu try, east and west, and to obtain such prosperity, not ouly wheat but ithe commodities must rise iu value ? 1 is an old maxim that low prices never brine prosperity. Boston Commercial Bulletin How to Cure llilious Colic. I suffored for weeks with colic and pains in my stomach caused by bilious ness and Had to uiKO medicine an mo hile until I used Chamberlain's Colic, holera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured mo. I have since recommended it to a good many people. Mrs. V. Butler, airnaven, conn, rersona wno are suo- oct to bilious colic can ward off the at tack by taking this remedy as soon as the rst symptoms appear, hold by U. W. liovard. Small pill, sale pill, best bill. DoWitt' I.ittloearlv riaors cure billiouHiicsM, con Htipution,bick headache. lleath& Killuiur You can't alford to risk your life by al lowing a cold to develop into pneumonia or Consumption. Instant reliof and a certain mire are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. Heath .t Killmer. "The worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chauiborlam s Cough Rom edv." write W. H. Norton, of Butter Creek. Cal. "This cold left me with cough and I waa expectorating all the time. The remedy cured me, and 1 wai nil of mv friends when trouiiled Willi cough or cold to use it, for it will do llioni good." Mold uy u. w. Jjovaru Have you got $.15.00? Have you got S5O.O0Y Have you trot biuu.u'jt ii so, wi don't you deposit it with the Conowango lSuildiuir Loan Association Association of Warren, Pa. They will pay you tt per cent. Dur annum Cash Dividend, nayaiil semi-annually, aud you can wilhdra vour nriucmal in lull at any lime alter UioutUs. 5-6-ly. WEST TIONESTA, PA., Carries a full lino ol GROCERIES, PROVISION, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND FLOUR AND FEED I rH 1 WE DO NOT CLAIM TO HAVE THK LARGKST STOCK IN THE COUNTY, A N D FOR TH AT REASON OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS FRESH, AND WE TAKE P R 1 1) E 1 N KEEPI NO IT SO. IF YOU DO NOT TRADE WITH US GIV E US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. Wiles L Armstrong TIOITEST-a., PEITITA. D I Goods Delivered Free of Charge. CHAS. Rl. WHITEN AN. w W Milt Kit Come in and take a look around and seo what CASH V.L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE mthlid. 'or l-i yearn this shoe, liy merit alone, has distanced all cnii.ictltorB. W. L. L'miifliiS t-i.f), i.W and $f-UU shoei are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best inaterlitl potwrihle at these irlcefl. Also, f j.m) aud tJ.'JO shoes tor nicu, $2.w, 2.W and 1 1.75 for boys. W. I. Douglas urines are Indorsed by over wearers as t?ia best iu style, hi and durability of auy hoe ever offered at the prices. They are made In all the latest shapes aud styles, and of every vari ety of leather. If dealer cannot supply you, write for cata logue to w. i. uuugius, urocKiuu, Aiass. doiuuj L.J. HOPKINS. UJJI1 ' i 'At 1 lAtJ TIME TA ISLE, in eil'uct Oct. 10, 187. Trains leave Tio- nosla tor Oil City and puinU west aa iouowa : No. 31 liulhilo ExpresiH, daily exeunt Sunday 12:06 uoou. No. til Way Freight (carrying iiiiMsi'iinrs). daily except Sunday 4:fi0 p. in. io. m nil i.iiy .xj reaa, uaiiy except fruiiiluy 7:4(j p. ui. For II ickory.Tidioule, Warren, Kinzua, llrailtonl, Ulean and the East : No. Boolean ExnrcHM, daily except Sunday 8:45 a. in. No. ii'i l'ittahuri' Express, daily except Sunday 4:19 p. ni, no. ou ay r reim (carrying passoiiL'crs to Irvineton) daily except Sunday 0:50 a. ni, Get Time Tallies and full Information I from W. II. SAUL, Airent, Tionetita, Pa K. liELiL, Uuu'lMlipl. J. A. KLLUWH. Gen'l l'ahseni'er i Ticket Agent. General oillce. Moonev-lirislianu Kid Cor. Main aud Clinton Sta., iiuttalo.N. Y. will liuy. Theu when you want anything in our line we know you will go where your MONEY la worth the most. All the BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR Such Schumacher's F. S., PillKljury's Rest. Unua Duon, Grant, Graham flour. Rolled Corn meal, , Corn feed meal, Corn and oats chop, Corn, oata aud Barley u... - Daisy middlings, Wheat bran, Corn to sow, Corn to feed, Corn for ensilage, Hay and straw. Mammoth clover seed, Medium clover seed, Timothy seod, Hungarian seed, Millet seed, Orchard irrasg seed. In fact anything usually kept iu an up to date FLOUR AND FEED STORE. F. R. Lanson. :3o s H D I E 0 s J ' t! it' 'O-C'AVrff' : if S H E 9 NOW la your time to buy dishes, and we have them by the set, or single piece, or any old way to get rid of them, for we will soon have to have tho room for our holiday goods. Our line of China and Porcolain ware for the table, beautifully designed nnd artistically colored. Every piece la made of good material, thoroughly burned and will not craze. Our prices are right. They show that we buy closely aud Bell closely. ctwqqiSTS wc quoctps, - tiomesta, f t. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHOICE DRUGS, MEDICINES, STATIONERY, GROCERIES, PROVISION, CONFECTION ERY, Eto. Come and examine goods and prices, and we'll do the rest. NO. 5038. A. Waynk Cook, President. A. II. Kelly, Cashier. Wm. Smkarbauoh, Vice President. FOREST COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. - - - $50,000. CAPITAL STOCK, A. Wayne Cook, N. P. Wheeler, DIRKCTOHS G. W. Robinson, T. F. Ritchey. J. T. Wm. Smearbaugh, Dale, J. II. Kelly. Collections remitted for on day of pr.ymeut at low rates. We promise our custom ers all the beuerUs consistent with conservative b king, lntorest pid on time deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited. KKSOLUTION Of the ton lie 11 of Tiouesta Ilorougli. Forest Co,, Pa. BE IT RESOLVED. That the Ordi nance and the terms of the aatne relating to tno central District and muting Tele graph Co., paused Oct. 14th, 18U5, be and is hereby extended to the Forest Telephone auu Telegraph Co., on saiu company ni ing with the Council their writleu accept ance of the terms of the same. J. T. Dale, Attest, President of Council. 1). W. Claiik, Secretary. Approved th.s iioth day of October, 1897. K. C. 11 k at ii, Burgess. HAZELTINE Ss WOOLEN MILLS. Lawrence & Smearbauah. -DEALERS IN- i v,' m a k e i w e a s t ? -ijJtt r,MiuiiiireJi.KlitiiiiL'ls and a arns oi pure woo), without fchoa dy, flocks, waato or any GuiJiture wba dwamiuum ha ever. w7 Ii H.W;M m, m m r CLOTHING, QRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, GOnmra PB0BU0! MfD 0ASH: TAK1IN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS.