The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 27, 1897, Image 3

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Pnrgess.K. C. Heath.
OoHtiCAlmrn. Joseph Morgan, C. F.
Weaver, S. Fitzgerald, Win. Smoar
bangh. H. II. Crawlbrd, L. I. Bowman,
J. T. Dale. W. F. Ilium.
Justices of the Peace C. A. Kandall, 8.
J. Setley.
Constable S. S. Canflold.
Collector F. P. Amslor.
School Director it. W. Hnlomaii, Ij.
Agnew, W. A. Groyo, U. Janiioson, J. C.
Seowdou, Patrick Joyce.
Member of Congress Wm. C. Arnold,
Member of Senate ViM. II. Hydk.
Assembly--3. K. Wknk.
President Judge Ci ARLKH II. Noyks.
Associate Judge Jon. A. Nash, A.
J. McCray.
'Prpnjmrrr .TAMKS It. FoNF.S.
I m . L i . T nfnnl .f-,
John H Koiikrthoh.
Sheriff. Fhank P. WAt.RRR.
CWmtMtonrs W. M. Coos, C. M.
W hit em an, Herman
County Superintendent K. E. Stitzin-
District Attorney V. M. Clark.
,urv C6nm,n'oner J. H. CarPKN
tku, Gko. D.
Oitinfv Surveyor J. F. PnorER.-
kroner Dr. J. W. Morrow.
County A uditorsM. E. AnnoTT, J . R.
Clark, R. J. Flynn.
Fourth MondftV of Fohruory.
Fourth Monday of May.
Last Monday of August,
i Third Monday of November.
Real Estate and
Also Conveyancer.
Real Estate
Comprises the Purchasing, Soiling,
leasing and Routing of all kinds of
Real Estate.
Rriors, and Searches of Title a Spec
ialty. Having had twenty-one
years' experience with Forest coun
ty lands, I am prepared to give
garding the Titles and prosont
Status of same.
Modorate charges for drawlngln-
struments of writing transferring
L tfe Ins urance.
I am General Agent fortho Eqnit
ablo Life Assuranco'Socioty ot the
U. S., having a Surplus of FORTY
thirteen millions larger than any
other company in the WORLD.
NO ONE who needs Life Insurance
can atrord to take it before seeing
tho New Policy of this Society.
Fire, Life an H Accident
Insurance agents
-- AMI - -
i-TMONESTA LODGK, No. Slid, T. O. O. r.
J. Meets every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' llall.Partridge building.
Companies Itrprrselilrd.
North American, - -Eoyal,
. - - "
Oriont, -Pliill'ft
Underwriters, -
.X)REST LODOE, No. 1H4. A. O. U. W
V Meots every Friday evening In A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tionesta,
i it a uirrvriTON CAMP. No. 420, P.O.
W S. oi., meets every Saturday eve
ning In
Titles examined and "liners" prepared.
Farms, wild lands, houses and lots for
sale oV rent. Particular attention paid to
the collection of rents, Interest, Ac. Also
to the nroner assessment of lands and
navment of taxes. Leasing and Balo of
oil and gas lands a specialty.
O. U. VV. Hall, Tionesla,
(1 a' .R. Meets 1st and 3d Monday
evening In each month, in
Hall, Tionesla.
A. O. U. W.
Church u.nd Sabbath School.
1:57, W. R. C, moots first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, In A.
O. U. W. nail, Tionesta, Pa.
nMraiCSTA TENT, No. 1114, K. O. T.
1 M., moots 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening in each month In A. O. U. .
hall Tionesta, Pa.
and District Attorney. Office, cor. of
lm and Bridge Stroots, Tionesta, Pa.
Also agent for a number ol roliable
Firo Insurance Companies.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m,
Profiling in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evoninir bv Rev. R. A. Huzza.
Proaching in the F. M. Church overy
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev,
V. K. GIhhs. Pastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating.
The rmrular niootinus of the W. C. T.
U. are hold at tho headquarters on the
socond and fourth Tuesdays oi eacn
Tionesla, Pa.
Physician, Surgeon A Druggist,
Physician, Surgeon A Dontist.
Oflloo and Residence threo doors north
or Hotel Agnow, Tlonoxta. Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours.
. Physician A Surgeon,
Offleo In building formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to.
night or day. Residence opposite Hotel
Agnew. '
L. AGNEW, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly tho Lawrence
H ouse, has undergono a coin ploto change,
and is now rurninhod with all the mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout Willi natural gas, ijuiiiiuuni",
bot and cold water, etc. The comforts of
gnosis never ncglectod.
J H. W. HORNER, Proprietor.
TlonBCla, Pa. This is tho mostcentrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern Improvements No pains will
be spared to make it a peasant stopping
place for the traveling public irst
class Livery in connection.
West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Bendor, Proprietor. This hotel
lias but recently been comploled, is nice
ly furnished throughout, and oilers tho
itnost and most comfortable acooinmoda
' tions to guosta and the traveling public.
Katos reasonable.
Oil market $.05.
Choice grapes at A malerta
Yon can get It at Hopkins' slore. tf.
Ladlos' cloaks, Miles A Armstrong's.
Inspection of Stow Post noxt Mon
The one thing that counts most for
us in low prices is onr policy of spot cash
hiivimr. Miles it Armstrong. It
Nothing but low prices and roliablo
goods can account for tho largo increase
In trade this season at Miles K Arm
Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm
and Walnut stroots, Is propared to do all
Kinds of custom work lrom tho finest to
tho coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to uiondiiig, and pricos rea
sonable. ' F. ZA11RINGER,
and -Jeweler or 25 years' experience, is
prepared to do all work In his lino on
short notice and at reasonable prices.
Always guarantees satisfaction. Watch
es, Jowolr, Ac, ordered for parties at
the lowest possible figure. Will befouud
in the building noxt to Keeley Club
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Fred. Orettcuborgor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Blacksinithing prompt
ly done at Low Hates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and Just west of the
Shaw House, Tidkmle, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
1. 1 ISLET k
Furniture Dealers,
Civ specialised Bread- wtootoff Education.
rom circulars apply to
r. Dl'FF & SONS, 24 Fifth Avenue,
All persons desiring a lifo-like up-to.
date picture should call at tho Sires stu
din. Open every day. Carbonots
Tho Anti-Cigarette League will hold
a nubile meetimr in the M. E. church
noxt Tuesday evening, Nov. 2d. Ad
drosses will bo mado by Rev. Buzza and
snporal W. C. T. U. ladies. All are cor
dially Invited.
Calvin M. Arnor A Son have secured
the agoncy for the Farmors' Mutual tire
Insurance coinoanv. of Marble, t. lanon
couniy. Pa., and are prepared to writ
policies in that company for those desir
ing same.
Wm. Hopkins had tlie misfortuno to
cut his loft foot quite severely with
axe at C.olenza, on Tuesday of last week
Dr. Bowman made the necessary repairs,
and he Is stopping at the home of Josef
Clark. Mr. Hopkins is a brother of Mrs,
The season for grapes and fruit is
fust drawing to a close, nevertholoss
Amslor still keeps the choicest tho mar
kot afford, receivipg now shipments
daily. Order early if you want the best.
Cigars, tebaoco and confections always
the best. u
Next Tuesday the citizeus of Orcen
township will vote on the question of in
creasing tho dobt of their township for
tho purpose of building a road around
what is known as "the bluff," to con ect
With tlie Kingsley township road at tho
lino between the two townships.
A meeting will bo hold at the school
housoon Friduy evening for the purpose
of re-organizing the literary .society,
which has afforded so much pleasure and
profit to those who wore niombers during
the past two winters. A general invita
tion is extended, and it is hoped the
meeting will be largely attended.
Mr. Eli Holeman got his loft hand
caught in tlie cog gearing of a cidor mill
on Wednesday ot last week, and so badly
inlnred tho left liniror that Drs. Bowman
and Morrow wore obliged to to amputate
the same at the second joint. Tho iudox
finger was also considerably mangled,
but amputation was not necessary.
Postmaster Knox is putting up a
good sized addition to tlie poHtotllco
buitding, which will bo used as the cen
tral station for the new telephone line.
Tho polls have about all been set be
tween here and Marienvillo, and the
work of striugiug the wires is now going
on, and before we know it tlie two towns
and intermediate noints will bo within
speaking distance.
John A. Noh, gyueral agent, has just
received samnles of now editions, fresh
from the m ess, of the works ot Washing'
rim Irvillir. and Thomas Cailvlc. which
he will give the reading people of Tio.
noslii an opportunity to examine within
the noxt week. Mr. Noo has just closed
a very successful canvass of oilier sec
tions of our county, selling over $2,000
worth of standard works.
At the session of tho Grand Lodge, A.
O. U. W., in Philadelphia last week, tho
report of the retiring Grand Recorder, J
W. McNair, showed that the mcinbeisliii
of the order in tl.i Slate, is 1:1,541, an in
crease of ail! since Decern b: r of last year
lie stauted tho order was in a fair way t
gain the reward of i,000 offered by the
Supremo l-odge for a gain of 1!5 per cent,
in nienibeiship by any State by June of
next year.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Shoe
maker, Thursday, Oct. 21, a son.
A. Wayne Cook Eq., was over from
Cooksbnrg yesterday on business.
Miss Georgia Banner of Clarion spent
Sunday with Miss Ethel Bowman.
Mrs. J. W. Gieon of Sugar Run, is
visiting Tionesta friends for a few days.
Miss Gertie MaGuire of Tidioute, was
tho guest of Miss Kathleen Joyce last
VV. D. Broadhead of Jamestown, N.
Y Is a guest of ids friend, Dr. L. D.
To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Taylor, of
Endeavor, Pa., a daughter was born on
the 28th Inst.
Horry Foltt is back In his old place
ith Hopkins, whero tho patrons of the
store are pleased to moot him.
Mrs. Suie M. Sliarpo returned Mon
day morning from a weok's visit with
friends in Titusville and Oil City.
Rov. 8. F. Marks and Will Hague
caino down from Tidiouteon thoir wheels
Ion Monday, returning home on train .12.
Mrs. G. G. Burkett of East Hickory,
who has boon BorioiiHly ill, Is again pro
gressing nicely toward complete recovery.
S. D. Irwin, Esq., who was in Pitts-
n rg last week attending tho Supreme
court as a juryman, returned homo Mon-
ay morning.
Ami-i. Rev. Mr. McAninch is home from
9,686,808.08 Chambersbnrg, Pa., where he attended
7,454,943.11 the session of the Synod cf the Presby-
10,004,697.55 terian church of Pennsylvania.
2,215,470.92 -Mr. John Condon and Miss Maggie
15,609,932,32 Collins of Oil City and Miss Anna Gra-
am of Clarion wore guests of Misses
Kathleen and Mary Joyce last Sabbath.
John Berlin had an old-fashlonod
husking bee at his home on Whig Hill
Tuesday evening, with "pumpkin pie"'
complement. Everybody had a good
time and John has his corn husked.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Gaston havo gone
to Cochranlon to attond tho marriago of
the former's sister, Miss Carrie Gaston,
to Rev. W. P. Hollistor, which occurs at
tho home of tho bride's parents at Coch-
ranton to-morrow.
Mrs. S. D. Irwin and friend, Miss
Lovell.attended tho wedding ot her niece,
Miss Myra Eugonlo Benedict to Dr. Wil
liam Georgo Johnston, which took place
at Titusvillo, tho home of tho contracting
parlies, on the 21st ins-t.
Petor Thompson, a respected resi
dent of near Ridgwav, died last Thurs
day, at tho advancod age of 85 years. He
wiv the father of our townsman, R. J.
Thompson, who, with Mrs. Thompson,
went to Brookville last Thursday to at
tend the funeral. We are without fur
ther particulars.
A happy family reunion of the chil
dren and decendants of tho late Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Amslor, was hold at tho home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kribbs, Kellott-
villo, on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1897. Three
generations wore represented at the re
union, many of whom had not met for
somo years. The day was pleasantly
spent In tho rehersal of timos gone by
and the enjoyment of one another's com
pany in social chats and pleasantries.
The genial host and hostess provided
abundently for the replenishment of the
inner man and left nothing undone that
would make their guests fool at home.
Tlios present were: Mrs. Rudolph
Amslor of Fryburg, Jack Armstrong and
wife of Philadelphia, J. G. Anisler, wife
and two children of Hazolhurst, McICean
county, W. C. Amslor and wife of Line
ville, F. P. Amslor and wifo of Tionesta,
Bon Amsler and wife of Fryburg, and
Mrs. Molly Thompson of North Claren
don. It was a day long to be remem
bered by those present.
Three Persons lluriird to IVntli find
ScTcral Oilier Injured. The
Iirookljn Hotel and a Dwelling
Iloue Consumed.
We court comparison of prices as
against all other firms that seek your
trado. Milos it Armstrong. It
Tho well of the Grandin, Kelly com
pany, near the mouth of the four mile
branch of Salmon crock, Kingsley town
ship, has been completed and is a duster,
pure and Bimple. It was drilled to a
depth of 3200 Teet and not a sign of oil
was found except in what Is supposed to
havo been the Clarion saud, between 400
and 500 foot deep. The company has lo
cated anothor test some distance to the
north of this venture, and about one and
a half milos east of Mayburg.
-Walter Palmer of Angelica, N. Y.,
disappeared Monday morning, Oct. 18.
1SS7, from his home iu that villago and no
trace of him has been found. He is dark
comploxionnd with brown hair and eyes,
mouth somewhat largo, live feet tou inch
es in height, weight about 150, has a mole
near his mouth, is dressed in checked
suit of dark gray, dark outing flannel
shirt and bluo cap, pointed toe shoes.
Any information regarding him will be
gladly rocelved by his lather, S. S. Pal
mer, Angelica, N. Y.
Mr. Wm. Huffman of Barkeyville,
all'octionatoly known as Big Bill Huff
man, was arrested Oct. 4 by Sheriil Burns,
of Jefferson county, charged with having
stolen property in his possession. He got
off, but was re-arrested a few days ago.
At his request lie was given an hour's
time in which to securo bail. At last ac
counts he was still missing, presumably
on the limit for bail. The officers searched
his houi e and found 17 sets of harness
concealed iu tho garret. William seems
to be long on his harness, but short on
bail. yiunkUn'A'ewa.
Thomas Gillooly of Kellottville has
patented a new process for manufactur
ing gas for fuel and lights, and on 'luos
day evening of last week a company was
organized for tho purposo of establishing
a plant at that plaoo ami producing this
very desirable fuel. I'ollowpig are
odiceis of tho new company : President,
G. It. Johnston : Vl-.te Pres., Dr. C. Y.
Dutar ; Nec'y, tJ. G. Slil.iiiger, ; Direct
ors, G. K. Johnston, W. A. Kribbs, H. J.
Day, A. L. Wcller, John A. Noe; Thos.
Gillooly, General Manager. Besides the
above mentioned tho following are stock
holders in the company; Levi Pierson,
John O'Rourk, O. L. Johnston, Jas. W.
Johnston, J. 1. Morse, John Talluian.
Mr. Gillooly figures that a strictly first
class ai tiiilo of gas can bo manufactured
by his process at a price that will net a
nice profit to the company and slill make
cheap gas for consumer.. It is expect
ed to have the plant ill operation within
a mouth.
Wlmn you want to know where bot
tom is on underwear, get our prices.
Miles A Armstrong. li
Tho niORt horrifying catastrophe that
has over been known in Forest county
occurred on Sunday morning last at Kel
lottville, on Tionesta creek, fifteen miles
east of this place, when the Brooklyn
House, a two-and-a-half-story building,
burnod, and with it three human bolngs.
The dead aro
years, of Kellottville.
ANDREW SA1-SOIVER, aged about
28 years, mail carrier between Tionesla
and KellotUillo.
years, a traveling magician, residence
Those more or Iors injured by burns
and by jumping out of tho windows aro
Miss Emma Riser, who is teacher in
one of the schools and boarded at tho
hotel. She was severely burned about
the face and hands, though not thought
to be dangerously so. She, with Miss
Bannett, daughter of the hotel proprie
tor, Jumped out of the second story win
dow, and was first reported to be injured
by the fall, but that was Incorrect. Her
loft hand is the most severely burned,
but her physicians fool conlldont she will
come out of her trouble In good condi
tion, and very fow marks of the firo will
be left.
Seven men were asleep on tho third
floor or attic, besides Salsgivcr, all of
whom had to Jump a distance of 20 font
to save their livss. Among them were,
Clem Berlin, arms cut and burnco j
Mark Wilson, burned and anklo
sprainod ; Horton Albaugh, left hand
burned ; Frank Weston severely burned;
Wayne Kelly, burned and noso badly
bruised In falling ; a traveling watch
maker from Warren, ankl-1 hnrt. Nono
of these are seriously injured, and all
will recover without much difficulty.
When the fire was first discovered, tho
hall on the second flloor, where it is sup
posed to have started, was ono mass of
flames, cutting off every avenue of es
cape from both the second and third
floors, except through the windows. Tho
building was of rough luinbor, double
boarded tnd burnt like tinder. Chas.
Bankhead, who had boon stopping there
for some weeks, was first to waken, and
he lost no time in giving tho alarm. Ho
opened his door, but was obliged to close
it instantly, which be did with difficulty,
the flamos bursting In and creating a
heavy draft. His cries and pounding on
tho walls of his room aroused others,
who in turn awakened thoir comrades, so
that all except the three doomed victims,
there being 19 persons in the house at tho
time, escaped alive. But for Mr. Bank
head's thoughtful, prompt and persistent
efforts doubtless all on tho second and
third floor would have porished In-tho
Very few theories have been advanced
as the origin of the Are, and those are
mere conjectures. At first it was thought
the flames were started by the explosion
of a lamp In tho room occupied by the
old contleman. Tucker, who was said
to haye been sufforing with toothache
and was using hot applications, but this
It Booms was a night or two previons.and
It is said he went to bed on Saturday
night feeling well. His was tho only
sleeping apartment from which never a
sound or domonst'ation was heard to
come. Anothor conjecture Is that a lamp
in the hallway exploded, but all who
seem to know anything about it unite in
saying the hall lamp was not lit when
the last of the guests retired. A lighted
match thoughtlessly thrown on the hall
carpot may have smouldered for a time
and then burst into flames'. Still all is
conjecture, and the real origin may never
bo known.
It is not known whether Mr. Tucker
was awake when the fire enveloped him.
Ilis remains, a mere haudfull of bones,
burned almost to ashes, together with
those of Andrew Salsgiver, in the same
condition, wore found In tho small ex
cavation under the building used as a
cellar. They were takon out and placed
in small paper shoe boxes for the time
being, to await proper burial.
The body of Miss Kate Miller was
found in the ruins when tho fire had suf
ficiently died away to admit of search.
It was conveyed to the house of a neigh
bor and prepared for burial. Tho lower
limbs wore entirely burned off and the
trunk was burned in two at tho waist.
Miss Kiser, Miss Bennett and Miss
Miller were sleeping in the same room,
the two former occupying tlie saino bed.
Miss Kiser says she doti't know how she
was awakened, biit succeeded in awaken
ing Miss Bennett and then, supposing
the only way of escape was through the
hall, opened tho door and before sho
could close it, was burned as indicated.
Bv tliis time Miss Bennett had succeeded
in getting the window open, but they
could not arouse Miss Miller, and were
obliged to leap for their lives. It is
doubtful whether Bhe awakened, and
probably never realized her awful fate.
Andrew Salssiver was sleeping in the
third story in the same room with Mark
Wilson, who says they both awakened
and got out of tlisir beds about the same
t'me. Wilson loapod out of tho window
and told Andy to follow him. When
small bov. Andy was accidentally shot
from the effects of which ho was partially
paralyzed. He came to tlie window and
callod for a ladder. Ono was finally pro
cured but it was too into, tho Toom ho oc
cupied being by this timo entirely envcl
oped iu flame. But in tho meantime the
crowd which had gathered, horrified and
excited, begged him to let himself fall
the out taking chances on being killed rather
thuii certain death by burning. The poor
young man was about the only suppor
of a widowed mother, lor whom ho did
the bast he could in the way of providing
for lier wants. Ilis remains wcro buried
in Riverside cemetery yesterday at :!:IMI
p. m. He was a dutiful son, Heady in
his habits and never idle when ho could
find work that he was able to perfon
Prof. Tucker has a married daughle
residing in Titusville. Her husband
inline is C. W. Liuua. Shu is a bright
intelligent lady, possessing rui o column
sense. Sho came over as soon as si
hiianl Unlawful news of her lather's dcall,
and yesloiday placed iu their last rcslin
nlace the remains of iiim ho was li
last blood rulutiou iu tho world. A wet
ago last Thursday the aged parent left
her homo iu good spirits and lair lualih,
no doubt little thinking it would be their
last meeting on earth
Everything In the building was burn
ed, the inmates being obliged to leave all
their pessimal effects bohlnd. The pro
prietor of t!in hotel, Hiram I,. Bennett,
loses all his property, having no insur
ance. Tho dwelling lnue of Harry B. Dot
tcier, adjoining tlie hotel, and one of the
best in tho place, was entirely consumed,
together with much of his household
goods. The loss falls heavily upon Mr.
Dotlerer, he having no Insurance on his
property, and will amount to upward of
a thousand dollars. Bert Day's dwell! ng
next to Mr. Dotteror's, was considorora
iily damaged, but did not burn. Ho had
some insurance.
Tho lire is supposed to have started
shortly after two o'clock in the morning.
Andrew Salsgiver's watch was found in
in the debris and had stopped at 2:35.
Olher watches and jewo'.ry wore lost, but
littlo had been recovered at last accounts.
Miss Riser's personal loss in wearing Bp
parol, watch, chain, etc , will amount to
$100 or upward. The people of Kollett-
villo, amidst all tno horror of this torrible
affair, lought nobly to Bave what they
could, and willing hands cared for the
injured and destrossod in a manner that
is touching to the hearts of all. Dr. De
bir, tho only physician in the vicinity,
did his best to alleviate the pain of those
Injured and did his part well.
On Saturday evening a box social had
been held in Kellottville, which had been
a most decided success, botli socially and
financially, the proceeds, something
over ?20, having boon intended for the
purchase of a boll for tho school houso.
This pleasant event is what brought Miss
Miller from a neighbor's home, about
milo from Kellottville. to town, and is
how sho happoned to bo stopping at the
Ill-fated hotel.
This appalling affair has cast a deep
gloom not only over the community
around Kellottville, but throughout the
entire county as ' 'I. Our people littlo
dreamed tliattw calamlly could over
take them and are shocked at its awful-
ness. Sinccrest sympathy is expressed
on all sides for those who suffered by the
Coroner J. W. Morrow went to the
sceno pn Sunday, and alter viewing the
situation and consul' ing with those most
directly Interested as well as the citizen
generally, decided that tho holding ol an
inuuest was unnecessary and could de
velop nothing not already known.
The remains of Katie Miller were given
burial in tho Catholic cemetery at Fry
burg, Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Miss Miller enjoyed a wido circle of
friends. Nono in any community was
morn popular than she, and her wid
popularity was fully deserved. Beautiful
in form and feature, she was so In char
acter. One can put much in few word
sometimes, and much is put into the few
words above spoken In compliment to
tho dead girl. Many made tho romar
that she had never looked better
seemed brighter and happier than on the
ovening of her tragic deutli. And the
frionds who said good-byo with her on
that Ill-Ntai rod night will, with sad hearts,
carry the memory of a pleasant laugh,
cheery words, and a beautiful face al
The farmers se. McKinley has Issued his
part of thoir fall far. Dy proclamation as lol-
Geo. Monday of Hu
unday with his coifW of Gotl s goodnnss to
laugh, and family. X1""' 'b "M been
The school houso Is boingV'- ""W Him our
io addition of a storm housr vows unto tho
iciiter work being done by A.'atohlul provi-
nd son, of Starr. 'd, the con-
Miss Maude McLano of South Oil 'roved, tho
the guest of her friend, Miss C. ve boon
iorman for a week or so. nomes
The nnnlls of Dist. No. are arranging ' Pre'
r a box social Thanksgiving evening.
A cordial Invitation is extended to all.
Rev. Buzza expects soon to tiegin re- Come
ival meetings at Mt. Pleasant church. Bmj gee
In addition to low prices wo aim to
give yon prompt service and guarantee
satisfaction. Milos Armstrong. It
w Thanksgiving Day.
Expression of Thanks.
We desire to gratefully acknowledge
the many acts of kindness and express
ions of sympathy extended to us In our
great loss, tho tr'airio death of daughter
and sister, Katie M. Miller, and to ex
press our sincere thanss to an menus
and relatives for aid rendered In connec
tion with the funeral arrangements. We
shall ever hold you all in grateful re
Mrs. M. J. Mim.kra Family.
-There Is but one profit, and that a
small one, between our prices and first
hands. Miles A Armstrong. It
BRUMRAtTG II. Annie Bell, Infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heck Brum
baugh was born December 15, 1895, and
died Oct. 14, IW, aired 1 yoar.B months
nnd 2!t days. Was laid to rest in mi
.ion church yard, funeral services be
ing conducted by Rev. Slagle.
Of the Council of Tione-ta Borough,
Forest Co,, Pa.
nK IT RESOLVED. That the Ordi
nance and the terms of the same relating
to the Central District and Printing 1 olo
graph Co.. passed Oct. 14th, 18i5, be and is
hereby extended to the Forest Telephone
and Teleirraph Co.. on salil company ni
ing with tlie Council tneir written accept
ance of tho terms of the same.
J. T. UAI.E,
Attest, President of Council.
TV V. Ci.ark. Secretary.
Approved th.s 25th day ofOctober, 1897
IV. i. nEAVU. nurKuns.
Nnticn Is horobv irivpn that an applica
tion will be made to tho Governor ot
PnntisvK'Riiia on tho first day of Nov.
1KM7. bv Charles S. Leech. Dr. A. E,
Stonocinher. Dr. S. S. Towler, E. E. Am
sler and Charles A. Randall, under the
Act of Assembly, entitled, "An act to
nrnvidn for the incoi noration and rcgula
tion of certain corporations," approved
April 29, 1874, and the supplements mere
to, for the charter of an intended corpor
ation to bo called the "Forest Telephoni
TniAirrnnh llnmnRiir" the character
and object of which iB, for the purpose of
constructing, maintaining and operating
lines ef Telenhone and Telegraph in the
counties of Forest, Clarion, Venango,
Warren, McKoan, and Elk and connect-
t ...1.1. . . I - . . - I : . . .-. ,. nml fn, tllABi, 1,111.
lllg Willi UHlt'l tIIor, j,...
poses to have, possess ana enjoy an iu
rignts aim privileges 01 nm nv;v "
I 1 .....nlnmnnlu,
seuioiy aim tun ti,n.. ......
T. F. Ritohky, Solicitor,
Tionesta, Pa.
Sept. 27, 1897.
Twentieth Y. P. S. C. E. Convention.
The convention of the Oil City and Vi
cinity Local Union Christian Endeavor
Societies, held in Oil City Frid ty after
noon and evening of last week, at tho
Frst Presbytoriam Church, was one of
tho largest and most entertaining meet
ings ever held by the Union, says tho
Illizzard Delegates from all the socie
ties wore In attendance at the afternoon
meeting, tho program of which was a
greai help to all iiii iiiIkms of tho society.
The evening session at 7:45 was largely
attended. President T. E. Arinsfong of
Tionesta Endeavor, presided. The musie
was a special feature of the mcetinj;, con
sisting of a selection by tho orchestra, an-
oms; solo, "Ave Maria, .Mrs. Ilrok tw s
x, "Tarry With Me,'' Mr. and Mrs.
ios Smith ; violin solo. Warren If.
Rev. Lawrence of Titus
will was the delegate sent by tho
anythUu lf. state convention at
you will !, , tlry interesting report of
is worth tlr""no n,,lress by Rev J. W.
, "Deepening the Spirit-
irring appeal to iho
.llf ItlllMt ftVol tftllt
BEST BRANDS OF rfvorkers. At the
deli-gales and
All the
Helicon in the
was tasto
' autumn
'' sot
Schumacher's F. S.,
Pilisbury's Best.
Bona Doon,
Graham flour.
Bolted Corn meal,
Corn feed meal.
Corn and oats chop.
Corn, oats and llarley ;. "
Ditlsv middlings,
Wheat bran,
Corn to sow.
Corn to feed.
Corn for ensilage,
Hay and straw.
Mammoth clover seed,
Medium clover seed,
Timothy seed,
Hungarian seed,
Millet seed,
Orchard grass seed.
In fact anything usually kept in an up to
F. R. Lanson.
The McCuen Company beg to Inform
their patrons and tho public that there
will be no advance on clothingVcither
made to order or ready mado this sekson
Thoir superb fall and wiuter st
nassod the custom house under tho old
tariff and thoir customers reap tho bene
Suits to your order from and up
Suits and overcoats ready to woar f7.50
and upwards.
Select Btnek of children's clothing.
Suits $2.00 and upwards.
Solo agents for Dunlap, Knox and
Youman's stiff and soft hats.
local Institute.
Program of teachers' local institute to
bo hold at East Hickory school house,
Saturday, Nov. 18. 1H97: Morning ses
sion, 10 a. ni. "Value of a good early
training," Miss May E. Whaley; "Liter
ature In our public schools," Miss Hattie
A. Deltocbcr; " Value of objects in teach
ing," Miss Edith Jackson; "Benetitsof a
school library," Mr. E. L. Hays. Inter
mission. Alternnon session, 1:80 p. in. "How
the homo and the school hinder and help
each other," Miss Gertrude Reed ; "Will
education be condusive to our happiness
iu the future world," Mr. J. Albaugh,
irector; "Aro books tlie nest noip in
teaching and in learning," Rev. J. E.
Hillard; -'The child in school," Kev. J.
V. McAninch; "May the rural school bo
made a- elllciont as the city school, "Kupt.
. E. Stit.inger.
All patrons of hcIiooIs, directors and
friends of education, are specially ro-
ue.sted to bo present.
Mr. A. C. Sirr.iNttKR,
J'or Sale.
Farm consisting of 110 acres, of which 50
re cleared, wood iwo-siory nousn con
taining eight rooms. Bank barn 40x5.
Good spring near house and water well
ear barn ; also good orchard. Land is
level. Free use ot gas on farm.
For particulars impure of
Calvin M. A knkk A Son,
tf. Tionesta, Pa,
We oiler so many bargains because
wo divide the profit with you. Miles A
Armstrong. u
Croup (juicklv i urcil.
Mountain Gi.:-:n, Ark. Our children
were suffering with croup when we re-
eived a bottle ot Chamberlain s t ongii
HoiMtdy. It afforded almost instant rc-
'!. !. A. Thornton. 1 ins cciunraiuu
nieily is lor sale by G. V. Bovard.
Capes and Jackets.
Til 12 Y A II 12 lli:itl, OUK XKW FALL AXU CAl'ltt ANI JAt'KKTN. -Ja-t3r
Come and See Them.
Wo think we have a iHgnificeut line of li Capes
and Jackets, made up iu the latest styles in plush or
cloth. Double Capes, short Capes, extra long Capos,
plain or lined. Jackets in evry style. black 'or
colors, plain or trimmed. Don't tail In Vee" them,
even if you don't want one. . . M , t i wiTTUlinMlT'
C&QTUItfG sMJ QrmicQ.T8
lOlIttiliLALWAYN NAY 12 3IOX12Y atfttfisT
lly buylug your Ncliool Null. Svliool
Shoe, Unilorwear, HubbtT, 12U., ut
yon have uu ojwortiiieiit to Melee t Irwin.
We Biiuranlce our l'riee the lowest.
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
-Those who contemplate building
shnuid consult Robinson A Gaston, who
keel) a complete stock ol dressed luiuDcr
always on hand at their mill. tf
Wahnino: Persons who sutler from
couulis and colds should heed the warn
ings ul danger ami save llinmsoives sui-
terimf anil lata results I'V using line
Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible
reined v for couirhs. colds, croup and all
throat and lung troubles. Heath ttc Kill
J. M. Thirswend. of Grosbeck. Tex.,
savs that when he has a spell ol indiges
tion, and Icls bad anil sluggish, he lanes
two of DeWitts Littlo Early Risers at
nilhi ami ho is all riulil tin) next morn
inir. Manv thousands ot tuners no mo
sumo thing. Do you? Heath A- Kill mer,
J. C. Berry, one ot the best known eill
itens ol Spencer, Mo., testifies that bo
cured himself of Uiu worst kind of piles
by using a few boxes of lieWitl's Witch S.ilt). He hail I n I tiled Willi
niles for tivcr Inirtv years slid had used
iiiunv dilleiciit kin. Is o nc,illeil ciin-s
but K Witt's was ll in- that did II
wnik and lie ill verify this statement it
iiiivoiio isbes to w rite him. llealll A
K illmer.
S 1 1 1 a 11 nil, sale Dili, best bill. DcWitl's
Little early riser.- cure billioiisiies, con
stii.ation.siek headache. lleath.V Killmtir.
You can't afford lo risk your lite by al
low 1111 .1 cold lo develoii into I -lie II lie HI l.l
or I uiiMiiol.lioli. In -lanl relief and i
certain cure arc afforded by won Minute
Cough Cure. Heath A Kliliner.
There is no need of bale children being
tin lured by scald bead, ec.ema, and skin
ei options.' le ut Vt ueli Ha.el halvs
gives instant relief and cuius pel mancnt
ly. Heath A Kliliner.
If you judge clothing by tho price alone. You must consider quality and workman
ship as well. The towu is filled with clothing thai is goiitm up urnr,-., i,. -
seemingly cheap price-flimsy stuff that quickly loses every trace of respectability.
We don't have that kind. None but the thoroughly wen mane v muuuK ...."
room hoie. And wo sell it at LOW Kit PK1CKS than any other store in
....... i ...., u.iii,..ui u..itiiiiFiuir tiiiH. vim urn nut ircttimf the best
in inn a "ii i'wj " c
your money. See tho up-to-date
MEN'S SUITS AT - - 8, 10, $12 AND $15.
YOUTHS' SUITS A T $6, $8 AND 10. '
the city.
value for
$2.50. $3.50 AND f 4.50.
Arlington Hotel directly opposite us.