' 4 7 Tife Forest ticonbllcin RATES OF AOVEKTISINCl One Squire, on. inch, o-ie inrtHn..l I 00 One -fpnre, one Inch, on month. A One t-'quare. one inch, tiirenn inlhv . (I l One Sipura, one Im-h, una year 10 1 wo Nqnnres, ono yeir.. )" ' Quarter Column, one yr .1 1 HI ll.if Column, on year W UO One Column, one year UW W Legal advortiivinent ton cent, per line each insertion. Marriage, ami rieith not low grati. All bill, lor yearly advertiMoinnit collected quarterly Temporary advertisement, muat be pai l in advance Job work asb. on deliver?. b OREST I Is published every W,tdu - Iny, hy J. E. VuNK. Office In Smearbatigh & Co.' Building ELM BTUEEr, TIOSESTA, VS.. Tojrnw, - Sl.oillVr Yenr, Ho subscription! roee.vjJ for a shorter period than throo moat 'is. Oorrespondonca soll-jito I fro o all pw of th country. No nolle will be taken of anonymous coiuinuaioatluus. ICAN VOL. XXX. NO. 27. TI ON EST A, PA.. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20, 1807. S1.00 PEIl ANNUM. : ! 1 TTMrTT TlfK TT 1 Japan is about k scnl a lot of ex perts to this country to teach the peo ple Low to make tea. English official 9 estimate that it will cost the Government $15,000,000 to suppress tho uprising in India. Horses mny be cheap enough else- &hore, but an the Klondike trail even tho poorest cuts ore worth fifty cents a . pound. In tho period 1882 to 1894 the crim inal record in the German empire in creased twenty-two per cent., or twelve per cent, more than the popu lation. If there" wcro more big estates to settle, observes the Detfoit Free Press, there would probably bo more lawyers. The attorneys in the Davis case in Minnesota got about $3,000, 000 before tho heirs got anything. The Germans seem to bo losing their respect for tho Emperor. Last year there was eighty-three per cent, more imprisonments for loso inajeste, which is tho tortu for the treason of speaking disrespectfully about roy alty, than eleven years ago. Deputy Altorney-Gonoral Elkiu, of Pennsylvania, dooides that mutual life insurance companies may issue poli cies requiring the payment of period ical premiums of a fixed and definite . sum in lieu of tho assessments made upon tho death of members. The Times of India directs attention to the iufluenco which tho prevalenco of distress has had upon the statistics of crime in that country. As the scarcity of food pressed more heavily during tho last two years upon tho 'Agricultural population tho number of jffenoes gradually rose. But it is ootod that the excess of crime was ilmost entirely confined to petty offen ces against property. This iudioates that it was hunger which drove many at the offenders to do what, under nor Oial conditions, they would perhaps have never dreamed of doing. Indeed, (he emaciated condition of tho great aumbor of prisoners was "further proof of this. ' A noticeable feature of the returns has been the iuorease in the sonviotions of old offenders, whioh eads ono jail superintendent to sug gest that "old offenders appreciate the advantage of jail life in a year of scaroity." John Brisben Walker announces that E. Benjamin Andrews, who has re signed as Presidont of Brown Uni versity, will take charge of the Cosmo politan University. The method of die now school so far as worked out is as follows: A student will forward to the university his name and address and the purposo for whieh education is sought, and the studies whieh the applicant desires to pursue. Eucb juch statement will go to Dr. Audrows who will map out the course of study which he deems the best possible fot -the applicant iu the light of the infor mation conveyed. He will then dis patch his own diagnosis of the appli cant's case and prescription therefot to the most eminent export on the par ticular study with whom ho is ac quainted. This expert will revise the oourse aud the aocompauyiug iustruo ' tions aud return the document to President Andrews. Czar Nicholas has been entertain, ing Presidout Foure of France. Prob. ably never before has the President of a Eopublio been received with end roytil pomp. This time, asserts the Washington Puthfinder, it is tht Russians that appear to have gone mad with enthusiasm at the idea of I French alliance. The Russian ludiei have loaded the French officers witt flowers; the French sailors have beer carried on the shoulders of the frenz ied populuoe of St. Petersburg, an? fete upon fete has been given ir honor of the visitors. Coming or the heels of tho great demonstration to Emperor William, of Germany, this ovation to President Fauie an J his party is extremely significant Polities is at the bottom of ever such function, and the politics of thf present Hummer's hospitalities at thf court of Russia is that Russia, in tht supreme conflict that she must sooner or later wuge with England, wants tr know whom sho can depend upon Germany aud Russia are now swoir allies; France, though at sword'r points with Gurmuny, is so jeuloue of England that she, too, liuds ii good polities to follow Russia's lead, aud through France it is hoped tc eulist Italy, now, with au iu creaaiug uuvy, au ally worth having. Thus to-day, there is a more complete European ulliauce uguinst England than has existed for u long period. Such, then, is the true significance of the flashy oereiuouies lately witnessed at the Russian court. THE CALF One flay through tho primeval wood, A calf walked homo, n good calves should; But mado n trial all bent askew, A crooked trail, us all calves do. Hinoe then two hundred yenrs have fled, And, I Infer, the calf Is dead. Hut still ho left behind his trull. And thereby hntigs a mortal talc. Tho trail was taken np next day, r.y a louo dog that passed that way. And then a wise bell-weather sheep. I'ursued the trail, o'er vale and stoop, Aud drew the Hock behind him, too, As good bell-weathers always do. And from that dny, o'er hill' and glade. Through those old woods a path was mado, And ninny men wound In and out, And dodged and turned and Ixmt about, And uttered words of righteous wrath; lieenuse 'twas such a crooked path; Hut still they follow do not laugh The first migration of that calf. Aud through this winding woodway Btnlked WHEN THIEVES FALL OUT. HE freight steamer Russiau Bear was thrashing along down the Pacific Ocean with her blunt prow facing south, and the cap tain reckoned he was somewhere off tho Queen Char lotte Islands. The Bear was an iron ship of old-fashioned build and as slow as they make 'em; any old thing on the oceau could pass her; yet, pro tern., she was a passenger boat and was bringing down the last of the season's crop of Klondike miners. She was reputed to have over $3,000,000 worth of gold dust and nuggets on board aud her coming was watched for with some anxiety. On the morning of the 7th the cap tain noticed on the western horizon what appeared to be a steamer coming towards him. As craft are Bcarce on these waters, except iu the sealing season, the captain watched the stranger's approach with interest not unmixed with anxiety, because of the valuable cargo he hud aboard. The sea was calm for the time of year, and the steamer seemed to be making for across the bows of the Bear. The cap tain ordered the flag hoisted, but the onoomer showed no answering colors, which, did not tend to moke the cap tain feel less uneasy. She was a trim craft, looking liko a private yacht, painted black with two slim, tapering masts set at a rakish slope in line with her one funnel. She came swiftly through tho water and turned her broadside toward the Russian Bear, when the man at tho wheel calculated that she was as near as was safe, aud her engines slowed down so that the stranger's speed more nearly accorded with the slow progress the larger ship was making. A man on the bridge came to the edgo nearest the slower vessel and placing his hands to his mouth, shouted: "Ship ahoy. Is that the Russian Bear?" "Who are you?" roared the captain; "and what do you want?" "I waut au answer to my question; then I'll tell you what more I want." .After speaking, however, the new comer did not wait for an answer, but gave a command to the man at the whool, who promptly signaled for the engines to stop, whereupon the yacht dropped to the rear, notwithstanding the slowness of the old Bear. The name was plainly painted on the stern, aud the captain of the yacht having seen that this was the ship he was after moved quickly alongside again, this time with only a couple of hun dred feet of water between the two ships. Daring the slight interval the crew of the yacht had been busy, and now a forbidding looking euiiuoii point ed its ominous muzzle toward the Boar. "I'm after the gold, captain," said the first speaker, nonchalantly, "as uo doubt you are aware. I'm going to have it quietly or I'm going to sink your ship. Which is it to be?" "Whatever gold we have on board, if we have any, isn't mine. 1 don't see what good the sinking of the ship will do you, aud it would be very in convenient to me. Better sheer off aud we'll say uo more about it, I can take a joke us well as the next mou." For a time it looked us if the strang er heeded tho good advice 451 ven him. The captain of the yacht rang full speed ahead aud the sharp prow cut the water like a knife. The yacht de scribed a largo circle aud seemed to be showing off its paces, but this, as the captaiu of the Bear remarked, was unnecessary, for he alreudy kuew that any scow on the Pacific could pass him. However, it was soon evident that this was not the intention of the enemy. Rauging alongside once more, but this time farther away, there was a cloud of smoke from the cauuou, a sharp report and the crash of render ing plutes. A jagged hole had been torn iu the ship's side near the bul warks, whioh, while it did no harm, scarcely improved the uppearauce of the Bear. Once more the yacht swung around the circle and again ranged Alongside within a distance of a hundred yards. "Haul down the Aug," said the cap tain of the big steamer. "Well, captain," began tho young man on the bridge when ut speaking distunce, "a practical lesson is worth any amount of talk. I merely wished to convince you that we know how to handle our guns and that our guns cau penetrate your rotten plates. Resides, you will huve something to show for your money when you get to port. I take it we will have no further trouble, but I'll give you five minutes more if you wish tocoutult together." PATH. Because he wabbled when he walked. This forest path became a lane; That bent and turned and turned again. This crooked lane became a road, Where mBny a poor horeo, with his loud, Tolled on beneath the burning sun, And traveled some three miles In one, And thus a century and a half, They trod the footsteps of that calf. Tho years passed on In swiftness fleet, Tho road became a village street, And this, before the men were aware, A city's crowdod thoroughfare. And soon the central street was this, Of a renowned metropolis. And men two centuries and a half. Trod in the footsteps of that calf; Each day a hundred thousand rout Followed the zigzag calf about. And o'er his crooked Journey weut, The trafllc of a continent. A Hundred thousand men were lod By one calf near throe centuries dead. $ Tho miners had no desire to be drowned, neither did they wish to give up their gold. "Get him aboard, captain," said their leader, " and we'll have a fight for it. We are all heeled, and ouoe we get that villuiu and part of his crew on deck here, you keep out of the way if you like, aud we'll handle him." "Yon couldn't run down that pirate, I suppose?" suggested another, more cautious than tho rest. "No more than I could run down Queen Charlotte's islands with this craft," roplied the captain dolefully. "Time!" shouted the man on the bridge. "We'll give you the gold," said the captain, returning to his place. "All right. Aud so that there will be no temptation to play us any tricks, for the amount I understand is demor alizingly large, I will stuy here aud receive your packages. Two of my men will go aboard you, and two others will work the ferry between your craft and mine. Those four men I can easily spare, and if you kill or capture them you are welcome to do so, but in that case I shall undoubted ly sink the ship. If you will think over the crisis for a moment you will see that nothing else is left for me to do. It is the only safe plan; therefore I trust therp will be no trouble." There wasn't. The miners saw at once that there was little use in making a row, and iu a short time the precious cargo was transferred from the ship to the yacht. It came in boxes aud bags, in large quantities and in small, and the man on the bridge opeued every package ho that there was no chance of fooling him. When the transfer was complete the young man sang out: . "I wish you good day, captain, aud a safe voyage. It may strike you as strange that I do not sink the ship now and so destroy all evidence against me. I assure you that I gave the plan the deepest consideration, aud if, unfortunately, one life had been lost, you would all have gone to the bottom, but, as it is, this is only robbery or piracy, and I believe they don't hang for that now, so I chance your evidence against, me, for I will be disembarked long before you can reach the nearest telegraph office. 80, if I were you, I would plug right along to San Fraucisco and not give me the trouble of calling at Victoria or auy of those intervening ports. Well, so long," The yacht moved away from the ship at a speed which showed that all hope of keeping her in sight for long was hopeless. With sad hearts the plundered passengers watched her grow smaller aud smaller to the south of them, while the Bear churned her leisurely course through tht. waveless sea. At last the lookout shouted: "The yacht's coming back, Bir." The captain put his glasses to bis eyes uud gazed for a long time at the horizon to the south. "By jingo, she is," he said, turning a tritle less ruddy. Then ho said to the mate, "Wbat do you think of it?" "He's probably changed his mind and is going to siuk us. I thought he didu't seem to be more than half con vinced when he talked of not doing it. What are we to do?" "I don't know anything to do," said the captaiu hopelessly, swearing inwardly that if he escaped he would have a faster steamer next voyuge or quit the high seas. Everyone aboard was now wutehing the northern bound yacht, uud the same disquieting thought seemed to run through every mind, eveu before one of the passengers gave voice to his fears. Suddenly the captaiu cried out with his glasses still to bis eyes: "So help me! It's not the same yacht. Look, Joe!" The mate examined the approach ing steamer aud coincided with the cuptaiu's view. Soon ull doubt was set at rest. The oncoming bout was seen to be much lurger than the yacht aud uppureutly much faster, speedy as the other had seemed iu comparison with the Russian Bear. A big bluck beurded giaut with a voice like a fog horn was iu command. He wasted 110 time iu tulk, but sent a shot towards the Bear, a shot that skipped along tho water aud sank without coming within dangerous distance. Once more the Russian Bear lowered her Hug, slowed dowu and stopped. The other cume up with her. "We want what gold you have on board," roared the man with the whis kers. "We haven't any," replied the cap taiu; "we've been " "I know better. You have 83,000, 000 worth of the stuff with you aud p Hy LUI-CE SHARP. ss 8 I'll havo it without any more nonsense. I'm not running a moonlight excur sion with a brass band on board. Surrender, or I'll sink you." "You're too late. We've been robbed already." "Oh, that's too thin. Every man hold nphis hands; we're going to lay alongside aud the man that moves gets shot." 'You're wasting valuable time," said the captain, "coma round to the other side ami see the shot he put through us, if you don't believe me. We don't get such marks as this en moonlight excursions, either." "Here's the shot that came through the side," corroborated the mate, hold ing it up in his hands. All 011 bonrd cried aloud that this was true, and the pirate made au emphatic remark re garding his future destination, which was as likely as not prophetic. "Didn't you meet a rakish-looking, black-hulled yacht about half the size of your own?" "Yes, and it seemed to mo at the time she sheered off and showed that she didn't want to be hailed. But as we didn't, either, I took no notice. Thuuder! I can overhaul her before she reaches port. Any idea whore she was making for?" "No, but as her master advised mo not to drop into Victoria, I suspect he iutends to run iu there himself." The pirate circled the Russiau Bear, and the captain thereof saw him exam ining the hole made by the cannou shot through his glass. Evidently conviuced, ho rang full speed ahead, shouting back to the Bear: "If you've fooled me, I'll settle with you later." No one slept on the Russiau Bear that night. She veered toward the west and a keen lookout was kept till morning broke. She fancied they heard cannon firing in the distance, but no one was sure. Toward evening of the next day the outlook aloft shouted that there was something to the sonthwest ward, and tho Bear's course was laid in that direction. They came upon the yacht with one mast standing, on which flew a signal of distress. The smokestack and tho other mast were gone, and the yacht lay helpless, with her prow high and her stern omin ously low in tho water. Men were pumping with feverish industry. "Yacht ahoy!" cried the captain of the Bear. "Where'B the other fellow?" "You ask no questions and you won't be disappointed with the answers. I am ready to make a fair bargain with yon, captaiu, if you nre. "Well, you don't look in condition to drive a very hard one." "Oh, I'm iu better shape than you think. We're good for two or three hours yet. You proposed to call this a joke aud I'm ready to do so now. We'll put the treasure back on your old tub aud you give us safe passuge to port and no questions asked or answered whon we go ashore. We're miners from Klondike, we are." "That's compourding with piracy," objected the captain. "Oh, no, it isn't. You 6aid your self It was a joko. Of course we were merely going to port to wait till you came. Anyhow, we're not going back empty to got into prison, you can make up your mind on that poiut. Wo stop pumping and dowu she goes, gold and all." The passengers implored the captain to let bygones be bygones as long as the gold was recovered. The safety of the gold was his duty, they said. "All right, "cried the captaiu. "You put the gold aboard just as you took it off. Then each man must come -on deck sopuratcly aud must submit to be put in irons. I must insist on that for the safety of the ship. I'll lot you free as soon as we are tied up at the wharf." Each passenger swore he would not inform on the pirates, aud when all the gold was once more ou the ship, together with tho prisoners, the old Boar moved slowly ou while the yacht disappeared stern foremost. And be cause the passengers and crew all kept their oat lis, this murine incident never got into the papers until now, Detroit Freo i'ress. Women tn the Ilank of France. As the result of long and careful ex periment, the Governor of the Bauk of France has now intrusted the work of detection of forged bank notes aud of debentures with altered numbers entirely to a special corps of women clerks. Ho declares that the keen sensibility of their finger tips enables them in bundling a note to distinguish tho difference, however slight, betweeu the forged and the real urticle. The means adopted for bringing to light the falsified numbers ou debenture are rather more elaborate, and consist mainly iu the distinction of the dif ference iu the symmetry of tho figures uud of the ink used, magnifying glasses being used for the former aud chemical preparations for the latter. Uuoy to Lot-ato Munkeu Ve.ael.. A. J. Cursou, a commercial travelei liviug iu Kulamuzoo, Mich., has pat ented a device to prevent foundered vessels from being completely lost. His idea is to place abuoyou the deck of the ship in such a position that when the vessel sinks the buoy is freed aud stays ou the surface. A long steel rope is connected with the buoy. Tht rope pusses through a hole in the deck uud is wound around a reel iu the hold of the ship. This reel is mounted ou ball-bearings and the hole through which the rope pa. ses is similarly equipped to prevent friction and avoid the danger of entangling. After the vessel reuches the bottom the buoy will serve as a means of locating thf wreck. Kalli-Froof loor. Ruiu cannot force itself under the bottom of a door or window frame just patented which hasaHunge iu the bot tom of the frame with the front of tht step lower than the buck, the door be ing beveled to fit it tightly. TnEMEUUYSIDKOFLIFE. STORIES THAT ARE TOlV) BY THE FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. A Word I'lrture The Martyr D.uil.le Quantity ltnlibr.1 It In A ItcnMty !' Too (Intra For llllii-llolnc.lfn Hrp.rl.-e PrnHiiK with Fate, Etc. A sudden r.-iln, a road of elny, A leak that's sure though slow; A tnimu just twenty miles nwnv How's that for wheel and woe? ltochester Uulou und Advertiser. The Martyr. ' "Yonr husband seems to bo a vic tim of tho tobacco habit." 1 "No; I'm the victim. Ho thorough ly enjoys it." III. Winli. "Which would you rather bo, Hur grenves, rich or handsome?" "I'd like to be rich, also." Cincin nati Enquirer. Iliirncd TI11-111. Kitty "What did she dowiththoso adoring lovo epistles ho wrote?" Jack "She simply made light of tuem. Up-to-L)ate. A Double Quantity. Boarding School Teacher "And now, Edith, tell ns the plural of ba by" Edith (promptly) "Twins." The l.ornlll-. "Are you in pain, my littlo man?" asked tho kind old man. 'No," answered tho bjy. "TUe pain's iu me." Indianapolis Journal. OotneMlc Repartee. Mrs. nenpock "The proof of the pudding 13 iu tho eating. ' Mr. Honpeck "Tho proof of those you muke is 111 tho post-mortem." Life. Fencing Willi Fnte. Ho (cautiously) "If I should pro pose, would you say yes?" She (more cautiously) "If you knew I would Bay yes would you pro pose?" Itubl.rd It In. Judge "Why did you knock this man down? Did he Bay you were a liar?' Prisoner "Worso'n that, sub; he proved it." It All Depend.. She (sweetly) "Do yon believe that kissing is unhealthy?" He (cautiously) "Well, I or is your father at home this evening?" Chicago News. Lacked Interest. "We let our typewriter girl go." "What was the trouble?" "Why, she didn't take enough in terest iu the bus.'ioss to pry iuto our private letters. " Chicago Record. A Man of Life. Mother "Edith, go and see whether the clock is going! Edith (coming back) "No, mamma, it is standing quite still, only its tail is wagging a little." Enquire Within. Too Quick Fnrlliul. Mrs. Bacon "Did yon offer Mr. Crimsonbeuk your umbrellu when ho went out?" Mr. Bacon "No; I didu't have a chance; he took it."-Yonkers States man. A lleu.tly Hllp. Mrs. Mashem "My dog aud I have beou sitting for our photographs as 'Beauty aud tho Beast.' " Lord Loreus (u bit of a fancier) "Yes; he certainly is a beauty, isn't he?" -Punch. A Fugitive. The Editor's Assistant "Hero's some fugitive poetry, left to-day." The Editor "By whom?" Tho Editor's Assistant "A fugitive poet. I rau him out with a shotgun." Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Neui. Con. First Lawyer "You are a shyster!" His Opponent "Aud you aro a blackguard?" The Court "Now, gentlemen, lot us get at the disputed points in the ease." Philadelphia North Auioric.au. Woman'. Fort ion. "In marriuge," snid tho old bach elor, as he mentully figured ou the oost of it wedding present, "u woman gets everything. " "Yes," admiltul thu old niuid; "sho even gels the worst of it." Chiougo Post. Hare FelU-lly. She "Such lovely harg.iius as there are at that new place!" Ho "Ah?" H!ic "Yes, silks at eiglitceu cunts, aud iu a store so small that u hundred poisons crowd it to suffocation!" De troit Journal. Martyr., Indeed. Young Housekeeper "My good man, can't you find u more useful life than thut of a trump?" Trump "We aro useful, lundaui just think of the number of divorces we prevent by eating young house keepers' pies." Judge. Oldn't Approve of I lie Feu.t. The lesson wai from tho prodigal sou, aud the teacher wus dwelling on the clim ucter of tho elder brother. "But amid ull tho rejoicing," he uuid, "there wus one to whom the preparation of the feust brought no joy, to whom tho prodigal's return guvo no pleasure, but only bitterness; one who did not approve of the feast being held, uud who hu I 110 wish to attend it. Now cuu uuy of you tell me who this was?" There was a breathless tileuce, fol lowed by a vigorous e-iicluug of thumbs, uud thou from u dozen sym pathetic little geniuses culm) the chor us: "Please, i it was tho fulled calf 1" Aberdeeu J lul. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL. A stroug microscope shows the sin gle hairs of tho head to be like coarse, round rasps, but with teeth extremely irregular and jugged. Tho oyster is ono of the strongest creatures on earth. The force re quired to open au oyster is more thnu nine hundred times its weight. The sole of the English coast when wlWn placed over a gravelly bottom, wilnot ouce assume tbnt shape to a re markJide degree. Placed iu a white bowl it iVeeoiiios almost as white as th dish. In FrauceVt is a punishable offense for anyone to rivo infants under one year any form tiNsolid food unless such bo ordered by written proscription signed by a logullyNouulitied medical man. Beanmr says that eab thread ol what we call a "spider weP" is com posed of nbout five thousand separate fibres, and that it would tako 7,01H full-grown spiders a year to spibi a pound of such Bilk. The summer rout of tho polar fox ipJ nam, 111 general Harmony witn the ground of the rocky Arctic regions, whore the sun has molted off tho snow. In whiter it is bo white thut it can hardly be seen as it runs over the snow. Moro than six thousand species of plants nre cultivated, and most of these havo been broken up into varied forms by the baud of man. Horticul turists create new species and show numbers of cultivated plants of which uo oue knows the original form. Spanning an inlet of the Yellow Sea near Sutigung, China, is a bridge five and a quarter miles long, with 300 piors of masonry, and having its road way sixty-four feet above the water. This work is said to have beon accom plished by Chinese engineers HOOyears ago. Tho drill of the woodpecker has an other tool iusido, a sort of insect catcher. On tho end is a bony thorn with sharp teeth like barbs 011 a fish hook. As he works and finds au iu sect ho opens the drill and sends out this barbod tongue aud draws it into his mouth. A testing-machine of wonderful power has recently boon devised for the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology. It is capable of exerting a pressure of 500,000 pounds. It cau be applied to testing the strength of a complete arch of masonry, and it is said that similar tests on so large a scalo nave never before beou applied, An experiment station for what has been called the "vivisection of plants" has been established by the Depart ment of Agriculture in Washington. Somewhat similar stations exist else where, but it is said to be the inten tion to make this moro extensive than any other. Valuable results are ex pected from the study of the diseases of plants, aud it has long been sug gested that this may lead to the em ployment of "plant doctors" just as aow we have doctors for men aud ani mals. A Hinobelffl. Fuel. In the future we may be importing aiasut instead of exporting coal. Musut is a by-product in tho distillation of i raw petroleum. It is also manufac tured from a cheap, brown ooal found in Saxony. There has been, until re cently, great trolble, says the Chicago Journal, iu finding a furnace suitable for burning it. It is now blown by steam into a special furnace, on the principle of the Lucigen light, and ased without difficulty. It is said to be forty or fifty per cent, cheaper than joal, aud is twenty per cent, better as i heat raiser. Steam can be got up quicker and kept at a higher pressure and more work be done by the mach inery. From a nuvul point of view those uro vitally important facts. No sign of a ship under full steam will be shown in the sky, for musut is a smoke less fuel. Russiu aud Ituly are using it iu their navies, and Germany has lately made some valuable experiments. At liicl, Williolmshuvou aud Danzig are tanks from which it cau be pumped into ships. Jts specific gravity being so much less than that of coul, a ship's buoyancy is greatly increased when the bunkers are filled with it. Heavier armor or cargoes can be carried. The beating capacity being grtuter, the dhip cuu travel fuster or further. It is yet to be learned what improvements tho Germans huve introduced iuto their furnaces und what urn the disad vantages of musut. Tlie Truthful t lllien. The other morning a careless mason dropped a brick from the second story of a building on which he was ut work. Leuuing over the wull uud glancing downward he discovered a respectable citizen with his silk hut jammed over his eyes und ears, rising from a re cumbent posture. Thu musou, iu tones of apprehension, inquired: "Did that brick hit uuyoiie dowu there? The citizen, with grout difficulty ex tricating himself from the extinguisher into which his hut liud been converted, replied with considerable wrath: "Yes, sir, it did. It hit me. "flints right," excluimed the mason, iu tones of undisguised udmirutiou. "Noble man, I would rather huve wasted u thoiisuud bricks than have you tell lue a lie about it." Buptist Union, Cyclone'. Fir. ct on Hlcyilc.. It has remained for tho French to study the resisting power wbioh the bicycle bus iu a cyclone, uud to pro duce uu instantaneous photograph of bicycle uud rider us they appeared lieu cuught in a furious whirwiud. During recent tempests a number of bicyclists were cuught on tho high- wuys, and, although a few machines were wrecked, they were of the cheap est grudes. Bicycles of the best make showed reiuaikuMe powers of resist ance. They were bent into ull sorts if shupes, but they did not breuk. Y OPPORTUNITY. Monarch okeverv humnn belnif. I. eh oK lestinv shinties Itself hencnth mv hand. I rule auibltlois lofty as the sky; I pavn tho Vrnv for crime's debasing brands. I'm king of IwittlX nhd I'm god of lovo I govern all lielow.Vninl all above. And once 1 come to evr- "m of ye That hour your hope i lost or fortune' made. Act bravely, promptly, forlie way Is free: And woe to him who In-siioVcs, afraid! I hold u one hnuil, hon.y, love and place; V And in the other want, linte an rVlKgrBcc; So, when I come, then may youi cue. see plain; For slighted onee, I never come agai. joun u. l nucrwouu, in lioaiou J in script. HUMOR OF THE DAY. There may bo lots of nico men in tho world, but the bill collectors don't meet them. Atchison Globo. "Did Mrs. Jinks' traveling gowu fit well?" "Yes, but it cost so much she had to give up her trip aud stay at homo." Philadelphia Press. Mrs. Files "Did you tnke your pet dog to tho country with you?" Mrs. Styles "Mercy, 110! Tlio table was UHiscrablo!" Yonkers Statesman. 'You know what a hatred Brown has for a crowd?',' "Yes, indeed; what ofit?" "His wife presented linn with triplets yesterday." Indianapo lis Journal. Mrs. Browii -Jones "I married my husband for protection." Jones-Brown "Did you get i(?" Mrs. Browu Jones "No; I 1idir'Nt even get recipro city. "Truth. "Our typewriter gir- is awfully clover; she cuu sharpen lea 1 pencils." "Pooh! Ours can beat that. She has five clerks in tho ollieo dying to idiurpen thotu for her." Detroit Free wHVess. Silas Outcuke (who bus just pailrv'be l.:ll iiv 1. or two. I reckon you hev this windmill here to keep people from gittiu' hot when they pay your confounded high charges!" Puck. Solicitor "Yes, madam, we wil Lave to put down your correct age iu the deed." Client "Put forty-five, then, if you must have it, but for goodness' sake write it as illegibly as possible." Tit-bits. Weary Watkins "A man that will torture a poro dumb beast or to be took and boiled iu oil." Hungry Higgins "Boilin' in oil's loo good for 'iin. He'd orto to bo boilod iu soapsuds." Indianapolis Journal. Saddler "That was a wonderful per formance of Star Pointer's, wasn't it? I tell you, a milo in less than two min utes is going pretty fust." Wheeler "You bet it is. What gear did he have, I wonder?" Cleveland Leader. Disappointed Suitor (savagely) "What's thut, you littlo imp? You Bay you just overheard your sister tell me she would be a sister to mo, and that you aro glad of it?" Small Brother (meekly) "Yeth thir milh ery loves company, thir." Judge. "Dear," said Mrs. Grouch as sho showed hor lord and master a picture of a hat with u pretty woman's fuce under it, "I wish you would get me a hat like thut." "Ill bo glud to," grunted old Grouch, "if you will only get a face like that." Cincinnati En quirer. "Whut do it ineun,"suid Miss Miami Jones, "when dey talk iu dis hero novel book 'bout or young man pnyin' his addresses to a young lady?" Doesn't you know?" exclaimed Erustus Pinkley. "I sho'ly doesu'." "It means dut he done put do postage stamp on do lovo letter." Washington Star. "Oh, not at ull," protested the Turk. "Ask any question you like. Yes. My trousers? Ob, they nre ruther large, to be sure, but you should see the bureiii thut goes through thein every night ufter I'm asleep." As for the travelers, they were much bewildered by the strange things they were encountering. Detroit Journal. Tompion "Wus Locke much of a fighter when ho wus iu the army?" Hummer "No, hurdly thut. In fuet, ho managed to keep out of buttle alto gether. But then, you know, he was full of fight before ho got to the front, and he has been full of it ever since the war v as over. Iu tho nature of things, a fellow must huve a rest some time or other." Boston Truuscript. t.rowtli of Ctlle.. According to recent stutisties con cerning the populations of towns from 1H00 to lM'.IO, it nppours thut during thut period tho population bus been doubled ut Amsterdam, Uirmiughum, Brussels, Manchester uud Rome. It bus increased threefold ut Copen hagen uud Marseilles; fourfold ut Prugue, Lyons, St. Petersburg, Paris ami Loudon; fivefold ut Dresden. Cologne, lireslaii, Hamburg uud Vietiuu; sixfold at Leeds, Liverpool and Wursuw; sevenfold ut Shetlield uud Glusgow; eightfold ut Budapest und Berlin, uud tenfold ut Baltimore. But all this is nothing compared to the growth of New York aud Philu delphiu, which to day huve twenty five times the inhabitants they had ut tho beginning of tho century, or liko Cliieugo, which bus grown 215-fold, and Brooklyn, where for every inhab itant iu 1NU0 there uro now 3:i'J. F.lweu Incite, of Hand. Jim Stevensou, a colored mun agod about tweuty yeurs, residing iu Lex ington, but who was born ut North Middlotowu, Bourbon County, bus tho most enormous bund iu tho world,', probably, uud ho says ho wus boru thut wuy. . His right huud is eleven inches long from me joint of the wrist to thu end of the middle linger, aud tho thumb und fingers about four inches iu circumference. His thumb null is as big as a half dollar. The two lust fingers nre of normal size. The thumb uud index linger of the left bund are about d able uoruiul size. Louisville DisuutcU. r V.J