THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, OOTOnER 6, 18H7. BOROUGH OFFICER!. flrjfM.-K. C Heath. Ouuaeiimen. Joseph Morgan, C. F. Weaver. S. Fitzgerald, Win. Smear batigh, K. B. Crawford, D. I). Howmaii, J. T. Dale. W. F. Ilium. Justice vf the Peace C. A. Randall, S. J. Hotley. Constable S. H. Canflold. Collector F. P. Amslor. School Director U. W. Hnlomau, L. Agnew, W. A. Grove, U. Jamioson, J. C. Beowdon, Patrick Joyce. FOREST COUNTY OFFICKRJ5. Af ember of ConoreM. C. AnnoLD. Member of Semite Wm. II. IIyiik. ?i teemhly J. K. Wknk. President J udfcCH A rlks II. Noyks. Aociate Judge Joh. A. Narh, A. J. MoCray. Trewiurer Jamks II. Fos, Prothonotnry , Register it Ilecorder, die. JOHN H. RollKKTsON. Sheriff. Fiiahk P. WAtKKR. Oommtnxioncr W. M. Coos, C. M. WhJTEMAN, HKltMAN ISl.UM. County Superintendent H. E. OF.R. IHxtriet Attorney P. M. Clark. Jury OommiKiionera J. B. Carpbn Tkb, Gko. 1). Snmi.ns. County Surveyor J. F. Pbopkr. (kroner Dr. J. W. Morrow. County Auditor! M. 15. Aiwott, J. R. Clark, 11. J. Flynn. RKdULAR TERM" OK COURT. Fourth Monday of February. Fourth Monday of May. " I,ast Monday of August. Third Monday of November. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. rpiONESTA LOIN IK, No. 800, T. O. O. K. 1 Meets ovory Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows' Hall,"Partridgo building. I vivt t.nniil?. No. 1H4. A.O. U. W.. I . -. bvirlnn AlrfttlllllP III A (1 IT PI Tic m vvviy tin J W. Hall. Tlot.esta. WASHINGTON CAMP, No. 420, P.O. 8. of A., moots every Katurduy eve ning In A. O. U. VV. Hall, Tionesta. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 O. A, It. Meets 1st and 3d Monday evening in each month, in A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionesta. APT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 1H7, W. R. C, moots first and third Wednesday evening of each mouth, in A. O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa. ION ESTA TENT, No. 1C.4, K. O. T. M., mools 2nd and 4th Wednesday evonlng in each month in A. O. U. . hall Tionesta, Pa. M. CLARK, . ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, and District Attornky. Olllce, cor. ol lin and Bridge Streets, Tionesta, Pa. Also agent for a number of reliable Fire Insurance Companies. rp F. RITCHKY, J . ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, Tionesta, Pa. B. SIGGINS, M. 13., Physician, Surgeon A Druggist, TIONESTA, PA. J W. MORROW. M. D., Physician, Surgeon A Dontist. Olllce and kesidonco three doors north of Hotel Agnew, Tionesta. Professional calls promptly responded to at all hours. LD. BOWMAN, M. D., Physician A Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Office in building formerly occupied by Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to. night or day. Residence opposite Hotel Agnew. HOTEL AGNEW, L. AG NEW, Proprietor. This hotol, formerly the Lawronce House, has undergono a complete change, ml it, twiw fn riiiwlwul with nti the mod em improvements. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of guests never neglected. ENTRAL HOUSE, II. W. HORNER, Proprietor. Tlonsota, Pa. This Is the mostcentrally located hotol in the place, and has all the modern Improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public. First class Livery in connection. P REST HOTEL, West Hickory, Pa. Jacob Bonder, Proprietor. This hotol has but recently been completed, is uiee lv furnished throughout, and offers the finest and most coinfortablo accommoda tions to guests and the traveling public. Kates reasonable. pUIL. EMEKT - FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm and alnut streets, Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the fluent to the ooarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion givon to mending, and priees rea sonable. JF. ZAIIRINGER, . PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKER and Jeweler of 25 years' experience, is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and at reasonable prices. Always guarantees satisfaction. Watch es, JoweTry, Ac, ordored for parties at the lowest possible ligure. Will be found in the building next to Koeley Club Room. JORENZO FULTON. Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. Fred. Grettenborgor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil W ell Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Blaeksni it bing promptly-done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop iu rear of and lust west of the ouaw Mouse, Tiuioute, l a. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER. S. H. HASLET & GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND- UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA. PKNN. Girci ipcciaHted Bread-winning EUucatioa, rom CIRGULAH9 AHfLY TO T. DVFF & SONS, 244 Fifth Avenue, V1TTSUVRO. PA. JAS. T. IJftENNAN, Real Estate and LIFE - INSURANCE - AGENCY, Also Conveyancer. Real Estate: Comprise the Purchasing, Soiling, leasing and Ronting of all kinds of Roal Estate. CO N VE YA NCING Brlofs, and Searches of Title a Spec ialty. Having had twenty-one yoars' experience with Forest coun ty lands, I am prepared to give CORRECT INFORMATION re garding the Title and prcnont Status of sumo. Modorato charges for drawlngin strumonts of writing transferring property. Life Insurance. I am General Agent forthe Equit able Life Assurance Society of the U. S.. having a Surplus of FORTY MILLIONS of DOLLARS, being thirteen millions larger than any other company in the WORLD. NO ONE who needs Life Insurance can afford to take it before seeing the New Policy of this Society. C. M. ARNER & SON, Fire, Life and Accident Ins urance Agents REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Tionesta, Pa. C'mnimntes Heprpnenlril. North American, - Boyal, -Hartford, Orient, Fhill'a Underwriters, Assets. $ 9,686,808.08 7,454,943.11 10,004,697.55 2,215,470.92 15,609,932.32 Titles examined and "Briefs" prepared. Farms, wild lands, houses and lots for sale or rent. Particular attention paid to the collection of rent, interest, Ac. Also to the proper assossment of lands and payment of taxes. Leasing and sale of oil and gas lands a specialty. ('hnrrh anil Habbnth Nchool. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. 111. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. R. A. Uuzza. Proaching in the F. M. Church every Salibath evening at the usual hour. Rov. F. E. Glass, Pastor. - Services In the Presbyterian Church every Sabbath morning and evening, Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating. The regular meotings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. . LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market $.70. Choice grapes at Amslor's. It Tfon can got it at Hopkins' storo. tf. , Red Lotter Salo at Miles iS Arm strong's. It Large stock leather shoes, reliable goods, low pricos, at Robinsons. It. A daughter was born to Mr. aud Mrs. J. G. Bromley, Stewarts Run. on the 1st Inst. See pricos of Red Letter Sale and compare them with what you pay else whore. It Communion sorvics will bo held in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath morning. Don't miss bargains that will not come again for prices must advance. Coino to Miles A Armstrong's. It At Hopkins store is the place to buy your capo or Jacket. The assortment is the largest the prices are lowest. It. Elsewhere in today's issuo will be found the amendments to tho compulsory education law as passed by the last legis lature. As some of thoso amendments are quite radical it will be well for pat rons and directors to study them care fully. A note sent us from Tionesta Twp., relating to a party to bo held on the 7th inst., and intended for publication, was minus a signature, for which reason we could not publish it. Friends should re member that we must know whether or not such items are genuine. Pearsare the thinit lust now, and a very choice lot are to bo found at Anis lor's. Peaches aro getting very scarce, but be still has a few nice ones for those, who will come In early. And grapes well just call and see his stock, it's 1m mouse. Finest this market has ever soen. And cheap. it -Boston has won the League base ball championship. Now comes the Temple Cup series, then frost, and winter will be upon us before we can realize it. Frank' lin News Our neighbor seems to forget that before winter can rightly set in sev oral foot ball fools must be kicked to doath on this sporty 'old continent of ours' The recent visit of a circus to Cuba, N. Y., kindled a fatal ambition in the breasts of two boys of that place. Ed ward Ketcham, aged 12, tried to imitate the feat of a sword swallower by swal lowing a paper-knifo. Ho will die. Rey nolds Smith, another boy, was terribly burned in the mouth by trying to imitate the trick ol eating lire. Messrs. Milos & Armstrong have fit ted up a spacious room in their store building which is devoted entirely to the display of tboir large new stock of coats, capes and wintir wraps for ladies. The room Is so arranged that nearly every garment can be soen without handling them ever, and the display shows oil' to very good advantage. R. E. Small, Secretary of the Oil City and vicinity Christian Eudeavor Society, aud its delegate to the great convention recontly hold in San Francisco, spent last Sabbath in Tionesta, aud in the eve ning at the Presbyterian church gave his report of that wonderful gathering of young Christian workers, to a large and very interested audience. Mr. Small is ail enthusiastic "Endeavorer," and his report was replete with interesting infor mation. -George R. Pyue Chief Pane of the Houseof Represontutives.died at his home in Hiirrisburg on the 1st inst. from the effects of a blow recelvod on the back of tho head at the hands of a burglur, whilo at Atlantic City some weeks ago, Mr. Pyne took the place of his brother Andrew, who hud been chief page lor up ward of 20 years w hen ho died about 10 years ago. George will bo much missed by future legislatures, aud will be grate fully remembered for his uniform cour tesy to thoso who havo "sat in the House" during the past fifteen years. "Cash is King." Hoo pricos at Milos A Armstrong's. It Why does It pay to deal at Milos A Armstrong's? Hncr.use cash bu vs cheap est there. it Hopkins is going to sell his canes and jackeis. Price don't cut anv figure. They must go. See them before buying elsewhere. it For rubber boots and shoos go to Robinson's and got standard makes, not wildcat goods without s'anding or repu tation, it. The ladies of tho Mnccabees gave a box social on Saturday evonlng last at Endeavor, which attracted quite a lanro and Jolly crowd. All seemed Inclined to have a good time and succeeded. The bidding was brisk and bristling with fun. and tho evening heartily enjoyed by all prosent. R. k. John Jainleson and Jorrv Welsh were drivlngdown Batch Hill last Fri day afternoon, when their horRO took an ugly spoil and began to kick thlngsabout In a reckless mannor. Both were thrown out of the buggy and sustained a number of severe bruises, John being laid off with a lame shoulder over since. Mrs. T. E. Armstrong, with Mm. Suie M.Sharpe as alternato,;were electod as del egates to the thirteenth annual meeting of the Woman's Homo Missionary So ciety of Clarion Prosbytory, to bo held Thursday and Friday, Oct. 7 and 8,1897, n the Second Presbyterian church of Oil City. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. Fall millinery goods are arriving al most daily at F, Walters A Co'sstoro and before you make your selection of a new at it will pay you to inspect their slock, which Is complete, and tho patterns are the newest things out. As to prices, they are always far bolow what tho same qual ity or goods can be had for at other places.' it. The river hills are at their handsom est just now, the sharp Croats at night and lovely sunshine In day tlmo, with no ruin intei veiling to dull or dim the col ors, having brought out the many hues in tboir richest and most beautiful effect. What is more sublime In nature than the month of October when she's on her good behavior? A. J. Sigworth was in town yester day, having returnod a short timo ago from Citronelle, Alabama, where ho Is en gaged In lumbering. Al. says tho entire colony from this section packed up and loft In a hurry on account of the yellow fovor which is raging in that country. He snys the people are praying for a frost, which would effectually stop the spread. Business of all kinds is practically at a standstill, and all outgoing trains are crowded with people leaving for the north. A recent issue of the Buffalo Courier- Itecord contains an interesting intoryiew Willi II. J. llopkinsof Pleasantville, pres ident of tho Olin Gas Engine company of Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Hopkins has just re turned from tho Mjchipicuton gold field the center point of which is Mawa City. along the north coast of Lake Superior. Mr. Hopkins has staked off ono claim and secured an interest in two others and is quito enthusiastic over the prospects. It is a quartz mining, not a placer rigion, and hundreds of gold-seekers flocked there only to leave again when thoy found that they couldn't fill their pockets with nuggets. " James H. Hillings of Parsons, W. Va., a termor Tionesta boy, has invented a rat trap that is destined to revolution ize the rat Industry of this country some ol those fine days. It is arranged in the form of a cago, mado of wire, the front, or entrnnce, having a sort of swinging gate which is sot automatically with a spring attachment. When a rat stops on the plate to nibble at the bait the spring "goes ofl'' and pushes Mr. Rodent into the cago from which there is no es capo. The new invention is said to work perfectly, and when once thorough ly introduced wilt doubtless prove a veritable Klondike to tho iu von tor. Jim's many Tionesta friends will wish him success In the rat trap business. Mrs. Thomas Cowan died very sud denly at her homo at Whig Hill last Sat urday evoning, of heart disease. The summons came without a moments warn iug, and proved a most severe shock to the husband and children of the deceased. Mrs. Cowan was aged about 48 yoars,and was born near Prospect, in Butler coun ty. Her maiden name was McCullough, she was the sister of Preston and J. M McCullough, citizens of this county. She leaves, beside the husband, six children, tour daughters and two sous, and a large circle of friends to mourn her very sud den and unexpected demise. Funeral sorviccs were hold at her late home yea terduy morning, and the interment was In Riverside cemotory, this place, in the af temoon, where the remains of Mr. Cow aii's father and mother rest. The sympa thy of the entire community goes out to tho bereaved husband and children. One by one the victims of the thrifty horse thieves are getting back their stol en property. Last Wednesday II. S, Goble of Clarlngtou, who had a horse stolen about a month ago, recovered the same near Sugar Lake, Venango county where it had been traded to a farmer named Sim. Richardson. Mr. Goble got a hint that bis horse might be found in that vicinity, and having faith In Hooker Dale's ability as an amateur detective, went to Oil City and induced him to go along and assist iu the search for the stolen animal. They were not long in finding and identifying the horse, and Mr. Goble was soon on his way home with the auimul. Whether the identity of the thief will ever be discovered is hard to tell. It seems, however, that the horse-thieving industry is not entirely broken up. A report was received here last Thursday that a posse was iu hot pursuit of a stolen horse and rig that pussed through Manonville going in the direction of Kane, and that the chasing party was but a half hour behind the thieves. Tho rig had been stolen from Jelfersou county parlies. Nothing fur ther has been heard of the race, aud it is likely tho thieves havo mado good their escape. II you think of buying a suit, an overcout, a pair of shoes or anything in that lino. Take a look through the stock at Hopkins' storo. It will pay you. It, ( roup (liilckly Cured. Mountain Ui.isn, Ark. (Jar chiidrei were sullei'iiig Willi croup w hen wo ceivvd a Louie of Chumberluiu's Cough Koiiicily. It allorduu almost instant lief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is tor sale by G. V. Bovard. TOU ASH TOUR FRIKXDS. Judgo Propor is visiting Titusvillo friends. Mrs. P. Joyco Vlsitod friends In Oil City a fow days of last week. Capt. Haigbt was down from Cooper Trnct yesterday on business. Miss Arietta Robinson is visiting friends In Franklin this week. Mrs. W. XV. Grove visited Oil City friends a few days of fast week. Harry Kllnestlver of Tidiouto spent last Sunday with Tionesta friends. Archie Zahniser is paying his father a visit, aftor several months absence. Senator O. C. Allen of Warren had legal business in Tionesta yostcrday. Dr. J. N. Davios of Warron was a guest at the residonce of J. T. Brcnnan, over last Sabbath. Mrs. J as. Canfleld returned Saturday from a two wocks' visit with her parents at Chipmunk, N. Y. Patrick Hoy has gone to the Toledo, Ohio, oil field, where tho Hoy Bros, havo some oil Interests. Bro. Shlck of the Marienville Ex press stopped In town last night, being over on business. Mrs. Chas. Hunter and son Georgie, of the West Side, Spent Sunday with rel atives in Franklin. -Bruce Clark, agent al Kinzua station, ran down on tho Sunday excursion to see his folks and friends. Mrs. Chas. Amann and son Paul are down from Tidioute visiting with her husband for a few days. Misses Emma and Floronco and Master Ray Kisor spent last week wit their sisters at Wilkinsburg, Pa. Harry Sliawkey took advantage of the excursion Sunday to run down from Waireu and spend the day in town. Mrs. Duncan Dunsmoro, of Reynolds- vlllo, visited her cousin, Mrs. II. W. Hor ner, at the Central House last week. Mis9 Blanche Hunter, who is teach ing school at Cooper Mills, Howe town ship, visitod her parents over Sunday. Mrs. George Armstrong returned from Pittsburg Saturday, whore she had been visiting relatives for two weeks past. Miss Elsie Felton, teacher of the Pigoon Hill school, Tionesta township, began hor work for tho term Monday morning. Jas. D. Davis Is recovering from a se rious attack of his old enemy, appendici tis, from which he has been suffering se verely since last Thursday. Roy Brownell and Frank demons of Sheffield were visitors to town last Sun day, having taken advantage of the ex curslon to meet friends here. Rev. F. F. Shoup dropped off hero to visit friends for a day or two, on his re turn from the meeting of conference at Ridgway. He Is stationed at the latter place for the coming year. S. D. Irwin and A. B. Kelly have been drawn as jurors for the U. S. Dis trict court at Pittsburg, on the third jwonuay oi this month, the former as a grand and the latter as a petit juror. The following Tionesta young ladies began teaching in Tionesta twp., Mon day of this week : Kittio Kepler, Hunter Run school; Anna Anderson, Hunter Station; Susie Huling, Sniokey Hill. Mrs. J. G. Dale returned from a two weeks, visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Partridge in Pittsburg, last Friday. Joe Partridgo accompanied his grandma home and will remain a week or two. Rachel Lou, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sm'th, diod at hor home, in Tylorsburg on Friday evening last, and was buried in the cemetery al that place on Sabbath morning. The young lady was aged 13 years. Mrs. Ida Skinner of Bradford, and Mrs. W. R. Reck of Sawyer City, sister and sister-in-law, respectively, of Mrs, J. D. W. Rock of this place were her guests over last Sabbath, returning to their homes Monday afternoon. Miss Adda Huling has relinguished her position as attendant at tho North Warren hospital, ami on Monday started for Clarion to livo with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Leeper. Miss May accompanied her Bister as far as Oil City on her depar ture. Miss Mary Dithridgo has returned to Tionesta for a brief visit with former friends beforo returning to her homo in New York. Miss Dithridgo is a student of medicine at Ann Arbor, Mich., from which plaot she is en route to see her parents. Rev. C. C. Rumberger and Miss Mary, and Mr and Mrs. S. S. Robinson drove over from Reynoldsvllle yesterday for a brief visit with friends. The latter gontieman is a brother of our townsman. G. W. Robinson, at whose home ho and his wife are guests. Chas. S. Leech and Dr. Towler of Marienville, were down last Thursday making a tour of inspection along tho proposed routo of the now telephone line, which is now in process of construction. The new service will be in operation be fore wo know it. Hello, Marienville ! Rev. Brennan will preach at Nebras ka next Sunday morning and at Tiones ta in the evening in the M. E. church, iu the absence of Rev. Buzza, who goes to assist in the dedication of a new M. E. Church at Monterey, Pa. He will also deliver a temperance address at the same place next Saturday evonlng. The marriage of Mr. Ernest W. Bowman and Miss Minnie Landers, pro per notice of which appears among t he regular announcements iu this issuo, is one of the social events of tho past week. The wedding was private, taking pluco at the home of the bride In this place. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman have the very best wishes of their many friends in this town and vicinity for a happy and prosperous future. A pretty home wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Caiilioid ou Monday evening of this week, when Mr. Fred Davis, one of Tionesla's popu lar young gentlemen, led to tho hymen eal altar their daughter, Miss Minnie. None but the immediuto families of the young couple witnessed tho ceremony, which was performed by Rov. Mr. Mc Aninch. Both bride and groom are among Tioiiestu's favorite young people, having a host of friends who will join the RKruni.K'AN iu hearty congratulations and best wishes for a long aud plcauut Journey through life. Horse Thieves not all In Jail. Items of this kind are getting to be very common place affairs In theso days. Monday night of this week a large bay draft hnrso was stolen from A. Shoffstal, whose farm is loeatod throe miles from Marienville, on the Guitonvllle road. His buggy wan also taken a short dis tance when one of the wheels "sine off, so the thieves abandoned It and siole a buckboard from N. W. Brockway, living Boine distance from Shofrfital's, In the di roct.on of Tylersbnrg. No clue to the porpetrators has been discovered. The Alien Tax Law Again. Deputy Attorney Genoral Reoder has given State Treasurer Haywood an opin ion in which he states the law depart ment advises that county commissioners shall insist on employors of male aliens making returns and paying the tax of thrco cents per day on each male alien employed, as required by the Campbell act passed by the last legislature, until tho law has been declared unconstitution al by the court of last resort. The question was raised by a Philadel phia firm which wrote to the State Treas urer asking if it Is proper to return to male aliens iu its nn ploy the tax which tho firm has collected from them up to date, in view of the decision of the United SUtcs circuit court that the law is uncon stitutional and that some large firms have already paid back the amount held from the pay of tho aliens. The erminissionors of Forest county will insist upon the collection of the tax from all aliens according to the law, until the court of last resort has passed upon its constitutionality. Fogle Farm. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellis.Sept. 20, an H pound daughter. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Galmish, Sept. 28, a daughter, weight 0 pounds. J. M. Walters, Supt. of the State Oil Co., pfter 37 years of single blessedness, has decided to ship on board of the old ship Matrimony, and accordingly he and Miss Rosa Connoly were married on Sept. 21st, aud took a tour of a week at Buffalo aud vicinity. They expect to go to housekeeping soon at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lamb of Spartans burg visited their aunt, Mrs. W. S. Wid rig, last week. Mrs. A. Brant is on the sick list but Is some better at this writing. Mrs. R. Anderson and Mis. J. Snyder visited at the Fogle Farm Sunday. J. M. Walters got run away with last Wednesday and was thrown out- of the buggy and bruised some, but escaped serious injury. The horse was unhurt. W. S. W id rig and family visited Tio nesta last Friday ou business. L. J. Paul of River Side Farm, accom panied by Mrs. Paul, were visitors at M. Tue.kor's and Fogle Farm Saturday. Jas. Mclntyre and wife and Doc. Con noly and wife visited at A. Brant's Sun day. Scribbler. F. M. Conference Appointments. Following are a few ef the ministerial appointments made by the Pittsburg conference of the Free Methodist church, held in Ridgway last week : Oil CHy District D. B. Tohev. District Elder. Oil City, J.M Chritchlow; Frank lin, Tlios. Waine; 'I ttusville, F. E. Glass); Oak Grovo, Robertson ; Hickory and Whig Hill. Thos. Stone; Younijsville, Emma Ellison ; Tionesta, F. W. Mc Clelland. Clarion District S. Sairor. District El der Clarion, George Killer ; Marienville, W. H. Lanning; Broekwayville, Chas. Copoland. Bradford District Walter A. Sellew. District Elder. Ridgway, F. F. Shoup; Bradford, F. W. Cox ; Tuny Creek, F.W. Beottner; Ulisses, J. J. Zahniser. Greensburg District A. D. Zahniser, District Elder. Fairehanoe, H. Baldwin ; New Haven, W. G. Long; Uniontown, J. W. Howard; Blairsville, A. Lankan). Bolivar, R. A. Zahniser. New Castle District J. S. McGeary District Elder. New Castle, R. H. Bent- ley ; Mercer. Murrav; East Liver pool, A. T. Sager; Rochester, Mary J. Jfiilioti mew Brighton, M. B. Miller. Pittsburg District J. Barnhart. Dis trict Elder. Butler, E. S. Zahniser ; Pitts burg, Oak Mission, E. M. Sandys; Pitts burg, West End, A. Bean ; Hileaud Ta reutum, W. B. Roup. Clarion I're-byterf. Tho regular fall meeting of the Clarion Presbytery was held iu the Beechwoods church, Jefferson county, lust week with a full attendance of min isters aud eldors. This is the strongest country church in the Presbytery, hav ing a membership of 22 members, and is located in an old substantial Scotch Irish settlement. The church will seal about 500 people and was well filled dur ing al! the sessions. There was more than the usual amount of special ad dresses and sermons. Addresses wore made by Rev. Britton Ministerial Relief, Rev. King ou C. E. Convention at Sau Francisco, Rov. Eaismiiu on Sunday School Work, Rev. W. B Hamilton of Chiau I'll, China, on Foreign Missions, and sermons by Revs. Caldwell and Bradshaw. There were a few changes made iu the pastorates: Rev. King re signed the pastorate of Culieunburg and Concord; Rov. Dible resigned the pas torate of New Bethlehem, which is to be joined with West Millvillo, aud accepted calls from Greenville and New Rehoboth. The church at Ridgway was dissolved. The Presbytery contains 50 churches, 24 ministers, 1H8 elders, 0217 members, 510.) S. S. members, and gave last year to Foreign missions )2,C2U and to Home missions $3,250. An Expression of Thanks. We wish in this manner to express our heartfelt thanks to the good people on Whig Hill for kindiuoses shown and help extended to us on the occasion of our going there to bury our infant datiuh ter, Until. Especially would we mention grati lully Mr. ami Mrs. lid. Gillespie, who received us i to their homo and eared for us while there ou our sad er rand. Mil. AM) Mrs. I ton I, Hi' Hakkinson, Titus illo, Pa. We desire to return our heartfelt thanks to the kind neighbors who were so prompt and ready to lend us aid uuil comfort in our sad alllietiou, the death of wile aud mother, and shall ever hold them ill giutelul remembrance. Thomas Cowan ( n ii.okkn. School Reports. TIONKSTA Hinil BOHOOI, 1ST MONTH. ana 80 -, p o Room. ? i i No. i I si" : No. 2 42 No. 3 45 No. 4 R5 1 No. S 29 ! Total ... 202 II 3 r -5 43 40 42 31 2s P4 26 23 96 23 2il P5 27 VJ 23 Hf 15 12 95 120 184 PRKHENT EVERY PAT: Room No. 5. R. N. Speer, Principal; Harold Herman, Jav Bankhead, Harry Hankhead, Rob't Fulton, Joe Joyce, John Jamieson, Vivien Morris, lielle Jainieson, Mario Smearbaugh, Sarah Morrow, Blanche Wiles, Pearl Elliott, Ida Fones, Emma Salsglver, Bessie Morgan. No. 4. Ma Paup, Teacher. Chester Urover, Harold Dean, Paul Clara. Archie Clark, Charlie Jamieson, Albert Law rence, Gordon Ha lot, Carl Wenk, Roy Bovard, Frank Joyce, Rudolph Fred riekson, Charlie Dewalt, Bruce Hairertv, Helen Smearbaugh, Alice rner, Martha Overlander, Katie Osgood, Lenora Boohor, Vernie Mealy, Helen Fredrick son, June Herman, Nettie Clark, Annie Soigworth. No. 3. Mary Lamb, Teacher : Archie Holoman, Jesse Graham, Harry Blose, Stephen Johnson, Willie Clark, Roland Armstrong, Philip Blum, Sam Haslet, Charlie Sanner, Edward Jeyce, John Ritchey, Grace Armstrong, Eviyn Clark, Gertrude Agnew, Alice Agnew, Leona Seowden, Mary Fredrickson, Florence Fulton, Eva Davis, Zell Morris, Kate Arner, Bertha Vouuht, Mauds Mays, Mary Everett, Elva Lanson, Edith Hop kins, Maude Grover. No. 2. Martha H. Morrow, Teacher! Archie Davis, Harry Jamieson, Charles L iiarieston, I nomas Fulton, Charles Carlson, Frank Armstrong, Russell ilopkinr, Herbert Hepler, Harry Carson, Leon Chirk, Charles Setley, Andrew Armstrong, Harvey Johnson, Perry Hill, Earl Knox, Roy Ault, Genavieve Doutt, Isabel Joyce, Fern Bowman, Ethel Dean. Colvn Clark. Bertha Lawrence. Oliye Lanson, Goldie Mays, Belle Mays, Maunio uverlanuer, Marjory Thomson, Ethel Clark, May Mays. No. 1. Kathleen Joyce, Teacher: Jake Walter, Fred Clark, Georee Hun ter, Roy Hood, John Sanner, Benjamin Wenk, "Harrison Blum, Ed. Lawrence, Lee Thomson, Chas. Carson, Roy Noble, Chas. Johnston, James Craig, Dallas Reck, Saminle Sailor, James Charleston, Earl Maxwell, Kittie Bradbury, Olive Childs, Essie Seowden, Sarah Carson, Km ma Amor, Evelvn Grove, Edna Ault, Nellie Davis, Beulab Clark. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most misirable condition, It was undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe and recounizing it as dangerous he took immediate stops to bring about a speedy cure. From tne advertisement of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and the many good recommendalinns included therein, we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfactory iu its results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magio and the re sult was a speedy and permanent cure. We have no hesitancy iu recommending this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone afHiotod with a cough or old in any form. The lianner of Liberty, Lihertytown' Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by G. W. Bovard. You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf Those who contemplate building should consult Robinson A Gaston, who keep a complete stock of dressed lumber always on hand at their mm. tf Gapes and Jackeis. thi;y ark VIXTi:it CAl'EN AXI JAC'K I2TM. V Come and See Them, We lliink we have a magnificent line of bo' h Capes aud Jackets, made up iu the latest styles in plush or . cloth. Double Capes, short Capes, extra long Capes, plain or lined. Jackets in every style, black or colors, plain or trimmed. Doo'l fail to see them, even if you don't want one. C?irm?ixD JACKETS FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. C&QTUiica siXD O vercout s FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hi i lOU WILL ALWAYS HAW nOXKYMMEfiT Ity buying your School Null. School Show, Underwear, Itubber, Htc, at the OLl I HON KUILIIXC, where you have an a.sorlnieiit to Nclcct from. We guarantee our Vice the lowest. COME AND SEE US. WE MEET YOU A T THE DOOR. L. J. HOPKINS. Our Standard is the We buy the best (lothing, talk the best clothing, sell the best clothing. You would be warranted in paying more for our clothing than we ask, because the Hue quality, the careful tailoring and the perfect tit make it worth more. Then there's "your money back it' you waut it" to clinch our guarautee of eatisfaetiou. But the beauty of it is you dou't have to pay any more for our kind of Meu'i, Buys' aud Childreu's Suits aud Overcoats tbau for the kiud that we dou't sell. What about a Fall Overcoat or heavier Under wear? Hither or both, cost less tlian an undertaker's bill. 43 SENEGA ST., - Arlington Hotel MARRIED. BOWMAN LA N DEBS At the "rnsf denco of the bride's mother, Thursday, Sept. 30, IH1I7, by Rev. R. A. Buzza, Mr. Ernest W. Bowman and Miss Minnie May Landers, all of Tionesia, Pa. D A Vf.S CAN FI ELD At tho re.ldrnce of the bride's parents, ( )"t. 4, PW7, by Rev. J. V. McAninch, Mr. Fred C. Davis and Mis-' Minnie Canfleld, all of Tionesta, Pa. St 111 Tiiey Come. More Capes and Jackets at Hopkins store this week. Wo havo too man v. Hot. weather makes us anxious fcn un load. We are goinir to unload. The prie is Koinir to do it for us. Tho people will get the benefit. It. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P. E. Orisham, of Gaars Mills, La., has to sav on the subject, viz; "I have been a suf ferer from chronic diarrhoea ever sinco tho wai and havo tried all kinds of medi cines for it. At last I found a remedy that elfected a cure sud that was Cham berlain s Colic, cholera and Diarrhoea Remodv." This medicine can always bo depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to elfect a cure. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by it. W. Bo vard. Running oren. Indolent ul cers and similar troubles, even thoinrh of many years' standiuir, mav be cured by using KeWitt's Witch Hazol Salve. It soothes, strengthens and heals It is the trreat pile cure. Heath A Killmer. Certainly you don't want to Buffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache, sallow skin anil loss of appetitite. You have never tried DeWitt's Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have been cured. Thev are small pills but great regulators. Heath A Killmer. Have vou irot (25.00 ? Have vou irot J50 00? Have you got $100.00 ? If so, why don't yon deposit it with the Conowanuo uuuuing ljoan Association Association of Warren, Pa. They will pay you 6 per cent, per annum Cash Dividend, payable semi-annually, and you can withdraw your principal in full at any time alter mouths. 5-5-ly. If you have ever seen a little child in a paroxysm of whooping coukIi, or if yon have been annoyed by a constant tickling in the throat, you caii appreciate the val ue of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. Heath A Killmer. Do you appreciate good laundr ry work? If tio patronize the Dunkirk t A Steam Laundry, Mile-. Armstrong, tf agents. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the Governor ot Pennsylvania on the first dav of Nov., 1KH7, by Charles S Leech," Dr. A. E. Stoneeinher, Dr. S. S. Towler, K. E. Am sler and Charles A. Randall, under the Act of Assembly, entitled, "An act to provide for the incorporation aud regula tion of certain corporations," approved A tirl I 'Ml 1UTJ o,H I I. a oil. ... Iiiiiiu.iI. Il.uvo. to, for the charter of an intended corpor ation to be called the "Forest Telephone and Telegraph Company," the characlor and onjecL oi wnien is, ior ine purnoseoi constructing, maintaining and operating lines ef Telephone and Telegraph in the counties of Forest, Clarion, Venamro, Warren, McKean, Elk and Jefferson, and connecting with other lines, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights and privileges of said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto. T. F. Ritchey, Solicitor, Tionesta, Pa. Sept. 27, 1807. ouit xvav fall a.i Hiahest - OIL CITY, VA. directly opposite us.