4 i. C W rOREST REPUBLICWf- zrr-- rrrr:-ui, i t-ro nppn t: :.ust is. 1897. 5P- . nullirnii Ticket. District Attorney, P. M. CLARK. Coronor, UK J. W. MORROW. County Surveyor, JAMES D. DAVIS. RtcroKTt from the farming regions continue to show that thu fanners are reducing their mortgages. This is hard on the silver theorists but good for the farmer. The railroad men who stood like a stone wall against free silver and an archy last fall are now reaping their reward in increased employment and improved conditions. Sj are the farmers. It is a refreshing fact that we now have a President whose conduct dur ing the war was such that he cau be the guest of houor at the annual meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Ohio Democrats will not at tempt to preach free silver aud ca lamity iu the yiciuity of that Cleve land rolling mill which recently started up with 3,500 men after an idleness of years. The silence of the silver orators is becoming oppressive these days. It is in marked contrast with their chatter of a year ago. But come to think of it, the contrast in the relations of wheat and silver is quite as strongly marked. Secretary Sherman has made two points n this Japanese-Hawaiian business pretty clear. He has shown that Japan has no intention of inter fering in the annexation matter, and also that her interference would neither prevent or delay annexation. It is estimated that this year's ex portation of corn will reach 200,000,- UUU busbols, which is several times greater than was ever before export ed in any single year. Will the Democralio statesmen nod statist!- tans credit this to the low tariff rates of the Wilson law. lUK Republicans created the "luck all of it except the large crops which is going to aid them io the canvasses of the next few years. Uood times always help the party which is io power, especially when that party, as in the present instance, made the good times. Nobody can tell what will be the fate of the administration's currency reform bill. It will certainly pass the House, which is tho only branch of Congress the Republicans control. Probably it will be defeated in the Senate, but if it is defeated the Re publican party will Dot be responsi ble. The way for the gold Demo cratg to get the curreucy reform tbey waot.is for tbem to pitch in and help the Repnblicaus to carry the Seuate as well as the House. The fact that the revenues under the Dingley act are not yet meeting the expenditures does not justify the Democrats ghoulish glee. No Re publican supposed they would meet expenditures iu the first mouth. Probably they will not do this in the second month either. Immense quantities of goods were imported io advaoce of present needs during the four months while the bill was under consideration, and these will bave to be used up before the law gets chance to reveal itself. Alaska's placer mines will do well to come uear the gold production io the early days of California. In 1848, the year of discovery, Califor- ma piacers yieiuea o,uuu,uuu: in 1849, 23,000,000; in 1850, 850,000, 000; in 1851, 855,000,000; in 1852, $60,000,000; io 1853, 8b5.000.000. Ia 18G1 the placers were still yielding 840,000.000. Between 1848 aud 1896 California has added to tbe world'a gold supply 81,281,115,004, and its annual yield now is 815,000, 000. Alaska must not yet iusist that it is a second California. The Republican State Convention will meet iu llarrisburg next week, Aug. 2ti, for tbe purpose of Domiua- ling candidates for Auditor Geueral aud State Treasurer. There has been very little excitemeut thus fur over these nominations, and the indications point to a very harmonious conven tion Major McCauley of Chester couuty, a one-armed veteran, aud Hon. Jas. 8. Ilea com of Westmore land county, every inch a fighter, seem to have tbe call on Auditor General and Treasurer respectively. If these gentlemen, are nomiuated tbe ticket will be au exceptionally strong oue. JiIyan P4-'l'M('0n' fault-finders nre 1 ' . I ; . ... iU ... -1 ... ik they iliJ Inst fall. People ere too busy now to listen to complaints that they knew are not founded no fact, and they are suspicious of men who offered them a theory which would uol hold good even for one year, Thk Baker ballot law as amended by the last legislature prohibits the duplication of names on the official ballot, and if tho candidate receives the endorsement of two parlies his name can only appoar in tho column of one party. Clank forms fur nom ination paper signatures to be official must be procured from the secretary of the commonwealth. Certificates of nomination must be 6led at liar risburg within forty-two days beiore election and nomination papers must be filed within twenty-eight days of election day. Tuesday, September 21, is the last day for filing cerlifi cates of nomination. Votehs should see that they are properly registered if they wish to cast their ballots this fall. Thurs day, Sept. 2, is the last day for legal registration in order to secure your vole. It should tlso be remembered that an Act of Assembly passed by the recent legislature prohibits the payment of any occupation or poll tax, assessed for State or county pur poses, of auy elector hy any person other than the elector against whom such lax is assessed, except upon the written and signed order of such as sessed elector. This simply means that every voter will have to pay his own lax in order to get voting, or clso sign an order authorizing some body else to pay it for him. Klondike Development Companies. "There are other ways to get rich out of tho Klondiko mines besides going there." This is the improving toxt of a pros pectus of one of the so-called "Develop ment Companies" that have sprung Into existence, or at least into appeai-ance, dur ing tho past month. It would bo flattory to call those concerns mushroom com panies, because even mushrooms have a local habitation and possess some value. Tho Klondike devi-lopmont companies evidently have neither. They are bot tomed on the broad principle that the race of focls is perennial, and ou the ap proved maxim that tho fool and bis mon ey are soon parted. When tbey udver- tiso that there are ways to get rich out of Klondike without going there they have a subjective moaning exclusively. The only persons who will ever get rich In that way will be the promoters of the companies and the only mine they will ever develop will be the public credulity. Look at the facts. It is impossible that any company should bave had agents on the ground of the pretended develop ment. 1 hat is a fraud to begin with. So some of them add "Trading" to Develop nient. Tho "Klondike Gold Mining and Trading Company" has an attractive sound, because a company cau begin to trade even if it has no mines or mining claims. The promoters can swap lack knives in their own offices. That would probably be the least harmful trading they could engage in, and involve the smallest percentage of loss to their dupes. One company pretends to be building five steamships on an island near the mouth of the Yukon, which are to be put in the service immediately. Everybody ought to know that a shipyard is the first requisite for ship building, that there is no such thing in Alaska, and that there has beeu no time to bring together tho material, tho machinery aud the work men for a shipyard since the Klondike excitement begau. Such a shipyard could not have been started do novo on tho Delaware river in thut time. Tho ground could not havo boon cleared for ono. Very fow if any of those Klondike development companies have any capital or offer to the public any names which are a guarantee of either capital or re spectabihty. All of them have a shady, out-at-olbows, Montague Tigg aspect, The public should let them severely alone, aud the Post Office Department should issue fraud orders on thorn as fast as they cau bo spotted Xew York Even ing Post. We sell pants at prices that can't be duplicated when wearing quality is con sidored, and we are selling them lower than ever Just now. Lawrence & Smear baugh. It It is always gratifying to receive testi monials for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, anil when tho endorsement is from a physician it is es pecially so. "There is no more satisfac tory or effective remedy than Chamber lains Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes Dr. H. E. Robey, phy sician and pharmacist, of Olnev. Mo.. and as he has used the remedy in liisown lainiiy aim sold it in ins drug store for six years, he should certainly know. For saie uy u. v. novum. John Gritbn, of Zauosville, O., says : 'I never lived a day for thirty voars without u tiering agony, until a box of . "-' .- ... . iiudi amiD uuimi 111 V piles." For piles and rectal troubles. uu I 'b w ir. . II...... ........1 cuts, bruises, sprains, eczema and all skin troubles DeWitt's Witch Ha.el Salve is uoequalod. Heath it Killiner. Don't nauseate your sloma'-h with ions ano outer Horns, iiul regulate your liver and sick headache by using those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Liillle i-.arly timers. Heath A Killiner, liurning, itching skin diseases instant ly relieved by DuWiil'H Witch Hazel halve, uueaqualed for cuts, hi'iiucs, ouriis. it neais wiiuoul leaving a scar, Heulh & Killiner. "I crave hut One Minute," said the public speaker in a husky voic.o ; and then he took a dose of One Minute Cough Cure, and proceeded with his oratory Oue Minulo Cough Cure is uneualed for uii-oai una lung tiouuies. lieaiu cV Kill inor. There is a time for everything j and the time to attend to a cold is when it (starts. Don't wait till you have consumption but prevent it by using One Minute Cough Cure, tho great remedy for roughs, colds, croup, broiiehitls and all throat and lung troubled, Heulh iSi Killmer. W. C. T. U. Convention In Tlnnesla. The elovenih annual Convention of tho Woinnn'a Christian Temperance Union of Forest pounty, will bo held In the Presliytorian Church, Tionesta, Fa., on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 1st and 2nd, 1S07. The program Is as fol lows: WKnicnsnAV aftkkoon. Devotional Services, Mrs. Work. Convention called to order by Presi dent. Roll call, responded to with .Scripturo texts. Appointment ot Committees, Reading of minutes of last executive meeting. Address of Welcome, Mrs. Craig. Response, Mrs. Annette Wilkins. Singing. Address of President. Reading of Constitution, Mrs. Derlck- son. Adjournment. WKDNKMDA Y KVKNINU. Devotional Services, by Mrs. Wyman. Convention palled to order by Presi dent. Fraternal Greetings. Our Anti-Cigaretto Lorguo, Mrs. Car son. Song of Greeting, by Antl-Cigarotto icaguo. Paper on Heredity, by Mrs. Work. Singing. Lecture, by Rev. Will C. King. Sub ject, "Homo versus Tho Saloon. Singing, Collection, Adjournment. TUUHSPAY MORNING. Executive and other Comuiitloe meet ings. Devotional Services, Mrs. Cook. Convention called to order by Presi dent. Reading of Minutes. Roport of Corresponding Secretary. Report of Treasurer. Ropoits of Superintendou's. Roport of Marieuville Y. RlecMou of Officers. Noontide Prayer. Adjournment. TUVRSDAY AKTKKNOON' Devotional Services, Mrs. Fitch. Convention called to order by Presi dent. Reading of Minutes. Reports of Superintendents. Paper on Systematic Giving, Mrs. Wheeler. Parliamentary Drill, Mrs. Wyniau. Reports of Committees. Music. Adjournment. Executive meeting immediately after djournment. THURSDAY EVENING. Devotional Services, Mrs. Patterson. Music. Recitation, by Miss Kathleen Joyce. Music. Address, by Mrs. Ella A. Roole. Musiu, Collection, Benediction. A general and cordial invitation Is ex tended. The delegates and visitors from tho diflorent Unions of the County on their arrival ut Tionesta, will moot tho recep tion committee at the l'resbyleriun Church. You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf. Those who contemplate building should consult Robinson Gaston, who keep a complete stock of dressed lumber always ou band at their mill. tf Red Letter prices make goods .lump 11 at Miles t Armstrong's. Dress goods, trimmings, etc. prices that are fair to the customer. at Call It and soo. Lawrence A Smearbaugh. Red Letter Sale prices still bold good on some lots ot goods at Miles A Arm strong's. See suits at ft.OO and ?5.00. It ' They don't make much fuss about it." Wo are'sneakinsr of DeWitt's Little Far- ly Risors, tho famous little pills lor con stipation, biliousness and all stomach and liver troubles. They nover gripe. Heath A Killnier. Have you got J'Jj.OOT Have you got $50.00? Have you got $100.00? If so, why don't you deposit it with the Conewang'o Building Loan Association Association of Warren, Pa. They will pay you 0 per cent, per annum Cash Dividend, payable scmi-anunally, and you can withdraw your principal in full at any time alter I) months. 5-5-ly. Notice. The narrows road. In Hickory town ship, is about to be rebuilt by the Twp. and will he closed to the traveling pub lic during this present week, and will re main closed for about three months. Uy order of Commissioners, J. Ai.hal'uh, Joskfh GhKKN, W. A. CoNNELV. Hickory, Pa., May 10th. 18U7. Tit I AX LIST. List of causes set down for trial in tho Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, rennsyivania, commencing on tho Last Monday of August, 181)7. 1. W. J. lSleaklev, Trustee, vs. Adda O. Dingniun, M. W. S. Dinu'iuan and . S. Knox, Executors of Jasper H. Dimr- nian, deceased. No. 23, November Term, 1MKI, Summons in Assumpsit. I. Alexander Fitch vs. A. H. Dalo. sur viving partner of the lato firm J. H. Ding inau and A. II. Dale, doing business as Dingman it Dale. No 71, August Term, lK'.iti. Summons in Assumpsit. 3. W. W. Iwis vs. D. . Clark. Deft. and Harriett M. Cook, Terra Tenant. No. 17, August term, IWij. fcieiro Facias Sur Judgment. 4. William II. Frost, Plir., vs. Rert Kchreckeiigttst, Dolt. F.Uity. No. 2, May Term, 1!J7. Issue joined. 0. T.J. Fleming vs. 'Lettia Fleming. No. 8, November Term, lH'.Ki. Divorce. Issue joined. (i. Win. J. Roberts, Assiunoo of Eliza beth Allender, who was the Assignee of Jas. 1 , lirennan, et al., vs. Oeo. W, Arm strong, Administrator of Caroline Arm strong, deceased, and (leo. W. Arm strong. No. 17, November Term, lv.nl. (Seire Faeias Sur Mortgage. 7. Relle N.-liillinger vs. A bruham Slope, H. K. Shipo, A Iplionso Sliipe, Charles L. Shipe and A, Mbipe, (jiiardiau of Kllenor M. Mercilllutt, daughter of Daisy I. Ider- ciuiou, iiuceaseii. ino, oi, l-oljiuary term, lsU7. f..ei-tmont. H. Hello Schlllingor vs. Susanna C. Menscli and J. II. Mcnsch. No. f.J, Feb ruary Term, 1HU7. F.jeotmont. II. Alexander Medio, J. li. Agnew and (J. W. Proper, vs. Mary Osteu, wid ow of Henry Osteu, deceased, Henry Os ton, Nathan Osteu and John Osteu, No. 3, I1 ay Term, IHS'.t. Koe.lment. 10. 1.. Hammond and A. Spcrry, doing busi ness as L. Hammond it Co., use of National Hank ot Corry, Pa., vs. C. W. Amsler, Jos. Campbell, H. H. Ainsler, Ida Miller, doing business as Amsier llros. it Co. No. II, May Turin, IHM. Sum mons in Assumpsit. Attest, JOHN II. ROHFRTSON, Prolbouotury. Tione.la, Pa., August 7, lhl7. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE m tiWoMd. For 14 jrcnrn this inw ly mrrlt nlon hft tHtruuvrt Ml competitor. W. U litmus ii.ro Mid mm Hun Art the production of nklllotl workmen, from the hi'st matorlrtl possible nt them price. Alo. .'.'-I rh'I VMO shoe for mcu, $2.w, 9MJO aud 91.75 for hoy. W. i,, Dmielns tinc ro Indorsed hr ovor l.im.mi wonrrrn nn the lnt In tvle, fit mid durability of any phre ever o(Trel At tho price. They nre. miuln tn nil the Intent nhnpcfi nml Rtylcs, mid of every vari ety of lenthcr. Tf denier cannot impplT von, wrlt for cnt log lie to W. UDuuglna, lirockton, Mom. Bold by L.J. HOPKINS. SHERIFF'S SALE. DY VIRTUE of a writ of Vendl. 1J Kx. Issued out of t lie Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Penn sylvania, and to me directed, there will bo exposed to public sale or outcry ul the court House in iiouosiu, i-a., on MONDAY, AUGUST 80, A. D., 1S!7, at 1 o'clock p. in., the following described real estate, fc-wit : SAMUEL CRAWFORD vs. W. O. COW- AN and .T. L. CO WAN, Into partners as W. O. COWAN A SON, Vendi. Kx., No. hi, August Term, ii-7. l. t. Kiti-be.v, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of tho defendant of, in and to the undi vided one-sixlh of all that certain tract or pioco of land situate in Howe township, iu tho County of Forest, in tho State of Pennsylvania, described in tho patent thereof as follows: A eeriain tract of land called Greenfield, situate in tho lato purchase, Northumber land county, beginning at a post, thence by the Holland Company's land west live hundred and forty-three perches to a boeeh ; thenco bv vacant laud south three hundred nnd six perches to a beech tlicnce bv said vacancy and Jeremiah Warder it Company's other land east flvo hundred and forty-six perches to post, and thence by said Warder A Com pany s land north three hundred ana six perches to tho bo-jinning. Containing lino hundred and seventy-nino acres, twelve perches, and allowance of six per cent, for roads, Ac. Which said tract was surveyed in pursuance of a warrant number throe thousand eight hundred and three, (3S03) dated April tho eighth, A. D., 17f3, granted to the said Jeremiah Warder A Company said patent recorded in Patent Rook "l'",' No. , page 4:t3, in tho Surveyor (JenorAl's ollico o I'enn'o. Thre old houses and one stsblo tboroon erected. One-sixth or all oil, gas, coal and min erals reserved. I akon In execution and to bo sold iih tho property ol W. (5. Cowan and J. L. ('own, late partners as W. 1. Cowan A Son, nl the suit of Sainnul Tawlrd. TF.RMSOFSALK.-The following must lie strictly complied with v. hen the piop erty is stricken down : 1. When the plaiutilf or other Hen cred itors become tho purchaser, tho costs on the wriis must be paid, and a list of the liens including nmrtgago srarcjiesou the property sold, together with such lien ci editor's receipt'! for tho proceeds of the sale or such portions thereof as he may claim, must bo furirished to the Sheiitr. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled imn.ttdiatol v will bo continued until 2 o'clock p. m., of the same day ot the sale, at which timo all property not settled for will again bo put up and sold at the expense nnd risk of the person to whom hrst sold. See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Kdition, page 4li', amitlrs forms, pasie S4. FRANK I. WALK Kit, Hhorift. Shorilf's Ollico, Tionesta, Pa., August !, 1SW7. SHERIFF'S SALE. IJY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri U Facias issued out of the Couit of Com mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva nia, ana to mo directed, wore win be ex posed to salo by public vendue or outcry at tho Court House, in the Borough of jionosia, i-oresi county, ra., on SATURDAY, AUfJUST 2S, A. D 1897, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following de- Bcrineit property lo-wit : KLIZA1IETI1 SUTTER, Executrix of H. SU tTEH. deceased, vs. MICHAEL 1' AliLl-.K, fieri 1-acias, No. 12, August Term, is'.i,, (waivorsi. Samuel D. Ir win. Attorney. All tho defendant's Interest In a certain piece or parcel of land, situate in Tiones ta township, i'orost County, and ntato ot i-eiiusvivitiiia, uoscrioeu us follows Hounded West by Joseph Fuller j North by land now or formerly Gilmore; East by other part of No. and South by land unknown, lleing tho same lot in No. 24 assessod on the Seatud list of i'ionesta Township us 50 acres in the name of Michael Faller, and which he partly improved, about 15 acres of which is cleared. Said 50-acre lot being a part oi n arrant ,m. "-4 us aiorcsuul. Taken iu execution and to be sold the property ol M ichael Fuller ut the suit of j-.iizubolli Sutter, Executrix of 11. outter, deceased. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly complied with when the property is stricken down : I. V4 lieu llio pluuilitl or other lien cred itors beoou e tho purchaser, the costs on tlie w i ns must bo paid, and a list ot liens including mortgage searches on the prop erty sold, together with such lien credit or's receipt for the amount of the pro ceeds of the salo or such portion thereof as ne may claim, must be furnished the Sherilf. 2. All bids must bo paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. m., ot the next day, al which time all properly not settled for will again lie put up and sold at tho expense and risk of thu person to WIIOIll 1I1SI .Old. See Pin-don's Digest, Ninth Edition page 4N and Smith's Forms, page 384. FRANK P. WALKER, Sherilf. Sheriff m Ollice, Tionesta, Pa., August 18H7. PROCLAMATION. Wiii:iii:As,Tholloii.('liiiiles II. Nnyes President Judo of the Court of Coiiiiiion Pleas and Hoarier Sessions in and lor tho county o! Forest, mH issued his nro- cept lor lioldim;aCourtof Coiiimon Pleas, liuarter Sessions of llio Peace, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer aud Oonoral Jail Delivery, ut Tionesta, for the Louniy ol forest, to commence on tlie Last Munday of August, beiiin win .hjiu oay oi August, ib'M. No tico is therefore iriven to tho Cor oner, Justices of tho Peace and Con stables ol said county, that thev be then and there in their proper persona ut ton. o'clock A. M., ol said 1hv with their recuids, inquisitions, examination, and oilier reinemljianees, to do those tilings w men to tneir ulliee unnerlain to be done. and lolhose whoure bound in roeogiii.ance to prosecute imainst the prisoners Ihttl are or shall be in tho jail of Forust Count V. thut they may bo then ami there to prosecute Hgainsi mom as snail lie list, liiven tin ile i' my hand and soul this 2nd day of Jl ituusi, a. li. ro. FRANK P. WALKER, us. Sheriff. -THAT- II WEST TIONESTA, PA., Carries a full lino ot GROCERIES, PROVISION, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND FLOUR AND FEED. I rr I WE DO NOT CLAIM TO I T AVTCJT 11 K LA ltd EST STOCK IN THE COUNTY, ANl FOR THAT OUR STOCK JS REASON ALWAYS FIIK.SII, AND WE TAKK PR1DF. IN KKF.PING IT SO. 1 F YOU DO N OT T R A D K WITH US CUV K US A TIU AL AND RK CONVINCED. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. CHAS. M. WHITEMAN. WARREN NATIONAL BANK Warron, Ponna, CAPITAL, . $150,000.00 DIRECTORS: Nelson P. Wheeler, David W. Roaly Wm. D. Brown, Andrew Hertr.el, Jerry Crary, Geo. N. Parmlee, C. Schimmolfeng, Christian Smith, A. T. Scoflold, Cbas. Chase, II. A. Jamieson. Personal ami Business accounts solici ted on most favorable terms consistent with good conservative banking. Interest allowed on deposits O. N. PAliAfLEE, Jin. IT. A. J A MIESON, Vice JYfJi. F. E. HERTZ EL, CasMr i All BOW TO THE SUPERIORITY OF OUR CLOTHES. SPRING SUITS NOW READY Made to your Order. Suits $111 00 to $40.00. Overcoats 15.U0 to $10.00. Trousers $1.00 to $12.00. Ready to wear. Of the better grades for men aud boys. Suits $5.00 to $20.00. Overcoats $S.OO to $20.00. Trousers SS cents to $,".00. Extensive Liine of Bicycle Suits. $2.08 to $8.50. The Mcvkx Cq. Outfitters of Men. 27 and 20 Sonoea and 12 Elm Sts., OIL CITY, PA. 7 it iVi efciVjii .' -w 'Cj -V..'' THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, tionesta, - penn. -OF S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, flood Carriages and Bug les to let upon the most reasonable tor le will also do JOB TElHsTQ- AU orders loft at tho Post OlUoe will receive prompt attention. TIMETABLE, in ollbet Juno 20, 1807. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and point west as follows : No. 31 Buffalo Express, daily except nun. lay i:uti noon. No. til W ay t reight (carrying passengers), daily except huiiilay 4:50 p. in. No. 33 Oil City lOxi ress, daily except siituiuy 7:4U p. m. For 1 1 ickoiyliilioute, Warren, Kln.ua, ltruiiiorii, moan ami llio East : No. 30 Oioun Express, daily except Sunday 8:45 a. m, No. 32 Pittsburg Fxnress, daily except Sunday 4:10 p. in, jno. oo ay i- roiglit (currying passengers to lrvinelon) ilaily excepl Sunday 0:50 a. m. (let Timo Tables and full information from W. H. SAUL, Agent, Tionesta, Pa R. HELL, Uon'lSiipt. J . A. (Kl.liUWM, ..oil i .MtTiifiDi tl i it nut, n)ji-iib, Oonoral office. Moouev-Brisbane Bid .j..)l l... kr UM..I. l A Cor. Main and Clinton Sts., Bullalo.N.Y, Vianied-An Idea Who can tt.lLk (jf bOltlf btili I Mil to lutt I'rolfft your Iflcns; thv muy hrtnir y..u wt.tlih. wniK John vi;iikhikJIin a i.o.. 1'iit. nt ait. uti. V twhiutjft, I. C, for tbelr $,hm pnw ultor inenY mi UliU 114 b VL tag UUUIUVU 1UTUL(U1UI WtUMIU. B usiness! B Busy doing it. No time to talk about it. Busy in August? You ask? Come in and see. Why it is simply tlie PRICK that sell so rapidly in the dull aoason. mw present stock VACATION MATCH US IF YOU CAN. Miles k Armstrong LEADERS IN MEN'S WEAR AND SHOES. This Space Has boon occupiod with wall paper for sumo timo, but don't think because we are making a chango that our largo Stock la exhausted, for we have some vory nice Patterns loft yet, but we would like to call your attoulion to the fact that our Stock of Paints, was never so complete bofore. Wo are Solo Agents for the famous Ark Rrand Water Proof Paint, for inside or outside, which we claim is one of the best Ready Mixed Paints on the market. Aud Iu White Lead and Oils we will not be undersold. We also have a Roof Paint that we guarantee for 6 years. Cull and Bee us and we will convince you that what wo say is all right. HEATH- & DltUqtJISTS MB QttOCEftS, - TIONESTA, Pt. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHOICE DRUGS, MEDICINES, STATIONERY, UROCERIliS, PROVISION, CONFECTIONERY, Etc. Come and examine goods and prices, and we'll do tbe rest. NO.JS038, , Waynb Cook, President. A. U FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, Wayuo Cook, P. Whooler, Collections remitted for on day of pr.yuient at low rates. We promise our custom ers ull tho benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pvid on time deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited, Lawrence & DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. iOOUHTEY PEODHOM AMD 0ASH TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. I usiness ! makes the goods 00033$ ARK COMING IN and crowding nut, and it simply MUST go. -o o- is almost over and you need Hat, new for Shoes, New Suit, New school. We anticipate your wants and are ready to meet them. No troubla to show them for that means to sell them if you need tbem at all. Don't pay high prices, but come and buy goods at present market' value. KlUMEfr Kelly, Cashier. Wm. Smearbaoou, Vice President. NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. DI RKCTORS Q. W. Robinson, Wm. F. Ritohey. J. T. Dalo, Smearbaugh, J. II. Kelly. Smearbauah. HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS- i r. V ,-'"t.