The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 04, 1897, Image 4

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liurgess. K. C. Heath.
Oriuneilmpn. Joseph Morgan, C. P.
Weaver, S. Fitzgerald, Win. Smoar
baogh, H. 11. Crawford, L. 1). Bowman,
J. T. Dalo, W. P. Blum.
Justices of the Peace C. A. Randall, 8.
J. Rolley.
Constable H. 8. Canfiold.
Collector P. I'. Ainslcr.
School Directors ii. W. Holdmaii, L.
Agnow, W. A. Grove, Q. Jamioson, J. C.
Soowdon, Patrick Joyce.
Member of Congress Wm. C. Arnold.
Member of Senate Wm. H. Hyok.
Assembly J. K. Whnk.
President Judge II. No Y ks.
Associate Judges Jos. A. Nash, A.
J. McCrav.
Treasurer Jamks It. Fonks.
Prothonotary, Register Recorder, etc.
John II. RonnivrsoN.
Sheriff. I'll an K I'. WAt.ker.
Commissioners W. M. Coon, 0. M.
Whitkman, Herman
Count; Superintendent E. K. Stitzin
. OER.
District Attorney P. M. Ci.ark.
Jury Commissioners J . B. Cahpkn
thb, Geo. 1).
County Surveyor .1 . P. Troper.
Coroner Dr. J. W. Morrow.
County Auditors M. E. Abhott, J. R.
Ci.ark, K. J. Fi.ynn.
rroular terms op court.
Fourth Monday of February.
Fourth Monday of May.
Last Monday of August.
Third Monday of Nofombcr.
JL Meets every Tuosday evening, in Odd
Pollows' Hall, Partridge building.
X)REST LODGE, No. 181, A.O. U. W.,
I Moots every Friday evening In A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tionesta.
8. of A., moots every Saturday eve
ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Tlonesta.
G. A, R. Meets 1st and 3d Monday
eveninR in each month, In A. O. U. W.
Hall, Tionesta.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in A.
O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa.
rpiONESTA TENT, No. 104, K. O. T.
1 M., meets 2nd ami 4th Wednesday
evening In each month in A. O. U. V.
hall Tionesta, l'a.
and District Attorney. Ollice, cor. of
lm and Bridge Stroots, Tionesta, Pa.
Also agont for a number of reliable
Firo Insurance Companies.
Tionesta, Pa.
Physician, Surgeon A Druggist,
. .
Physician, Surgoon A Dentist.
OHloo and Residence tliroo doors north
of Ilotol Agnow, Tionosta. Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours.
Phvsician A Surgoon,
'.Office in building formerly occupiod by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to(
night or day. Residence opposito Hotel
- - Agnew.
L. AGNEW, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly tlio Lawrence
House, has undergone a complete change,
and is now furnished with all the mod
ern improvements. Hoatod and lighted
throughout with naturnl gas, bathrooms,
hot and cold wator, etc. The comforts of
guests uevor neglected.
H. W. HORNER, Proprietor.
Tionsota, Pa. This is the mostcontrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be sparod to muke it a pleasant stopping
place for. the traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Bender, Proprietor. This hotel
has but recently been completed, is nice
ly furnished throughout, and olio is the
tinost and most comfortable accommoda
. tions to guests and tho traveling public.
Rates reasonable.
Cor. Seneca and Centre Sts., Oil City,
Pa., Thomas Gent, Proprietor. Meals
and Lunches served at all hours. Open
day and night. When in the city look
up the Exchange Restaurant, and get a
good meal.
Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm
' and alnut street, Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. JF. ZAHRINGER,
and Jeweler of 25 years' experience, is
prepared to do all work in his line on
short notice and at reasonable prices.
Always guarantees satisfaction, watch
es, Jewelry, Ac, ordered for parties at
the lowest possible figure. Will be found
in the building next to Keeley Club
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kiuds of
Ercd. lirettenbcrger
All work pertaining to Machinery,
irines. Oil Well Tools. Gas or Water
tings und General Hlacksnii thing proi
IV clone at Low miles. Koiuiinn;;
M ill
Machinery given tipeiiul attention,
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of mid just west of
Shaw House, Tidiouto, l'a.
Your patronage solicited.
s b mm &
Furniture Dealers,
Real Estate and
Also Conveyancer.
Heal, Estate
Comprises the Purchasing, Soiling,
Loaning and Renting of all kinds of
Roal Estate.
Briefs, and Searches of Title a Spec
ialty. Having had twenty-one
years' experience witli Forest coun
ty lands, I am prepared to give
garding the Titles and present
Status of same.
Moderate charges for drawingin
struments of writing transferring
I am General Agent forthe Equit
able Life Assuranoo Society ot the
U. H., having a Surplus of FORTY
thirteen millions larger than any
other company in the WORLD.
NO ONE who needs Life Insurance
can afford to take it before seeing
the New Policy of this Society.
Iks vraxcr Aorxts
Companies KtMirrnrnlfd.
North American, -
Royal, -Hartford,
Phill'a Underwriters,
$ 9,686,808.08
Titlos examined and "Briofs" prepared.
Farms, wild lands, houses and lots for
sale or rent. Particular attention paid to
the collection of rents, interest, Ac. Also
to the proper assessment of lands and
payment of taxes. Leasing and sale of
oil and gas lands a specialty.
Church anil Hnbbnth School.
Presbytorian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
in. ; M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. R. A. Buzza.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Subbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
F. E. Glass, Pastor.
Sorvicos In the Presbytorian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating.
The regular mootings of the W. C. T.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
Oil market f.71.
Yon can get It at Hopkins' store, tf.
Hopkins still has a few of those 00c.
suits loft. It
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mor
gan, of Nebraska, last Friday, a daugh
ter. Pictures of the Tionesta Baud to be
had at the Sires Studio to-morrow, Thurs
day. It
The carpentors have gone to work on
J. C. Bowman's new house in the north
Ask to see those Men-B $1.60 Satin
Calf shoes at Robinson's. Lace or Con
gress. It
We have two piece suits at 75 cents
that will last long, and they sell like hot
cakes. Miles A Armstrong. It.
No dull times around the Iron Build
ing. Their goods are the very best, and
the prices away below the very lowest. 1
Fresh vegetables of every variety at
Amsler's. No stale goods allowed to ac
cumulate at his store. Orders by 'phone
promptly attended to. It
The Cherry Run camp meeting bo-
gins Aug. 12, and will continue two
weeks. Rev. Buzza of this placo will at
tnnd and is on the program for an ad
dress and sermon on the liUh.
Lost, by Mrs. W. W. Grove, while
driving around town Saturday evening,
a black Astrakhan capo. The finder will
contor a favor by leaving saino r.t her
home. It
Watch our windows for special prices
to close out goods. Now goods are com
ing and wo wish to close out summer
goods. See prices at Miles it Arm
strong's. It
The firm of Giering fc Spangler is no
more, Mr. Giering having sold his inter
est to his partner, S. B. Spangler, who
will continue the business at the old
stand. Plcasantvillc liecortl.
The residence of 'Squiro Ashabel
Holcmau, at Pleasantvillo,' was broken
into by thieves, Tuesday night of last
ween, and robbed of twenty-four dollars
in cash which was in Mr. Iloleman's
trousers pockets.
The II. O. Davis property near the
river bridgo is undergoing extonsivo re
pairs. When completed it will be occu
pied by J. II. Swanson of the mautle
works, who has his household effects
here ready to move in.
Rev. C. A. RMiol, of Mt. Zion Luth
eran church, German Hill, has been
granted a three weeks' vacation by his
congregation, and will spend the time
with his parents in Canton, Ohio, whith
er he wont last Saturday.
F. R. I.anson and family drove over
to Sugar Creek for a week or ten days'
visit, and while away Geo. W. Dunkle
will attend to Mr. Lanson's Hour and
feed business. So please don't rush in
the ordors too fust anil got Goorgo ex
cited until ho lias a chance to get tho
Hour dust out of his oyos.
Forrest J. Bovurd, having graduated
with honor from Jefferson Medical col
lego, took the rigid examination before
tho State Board of Medical Examiners
recently winning his diploma with a line
percentage to his credit. Forrest is now
a full iledgeil M. D., upon which his
numerous, friends extend congratula
tions. The dates for holding Nome of tlio
fairs in surrounding counties are as fol
lows: Cambridge Springs, Sept. LM ; Kit
tauiiing, Aug. ill j Butlor, Sept. 27 ! Clar
ion, Sept, 21 ; Cleailield, Sept. 28; Con
neautville, Sept. 7 ; C'ochrautoii, Sept. 15 ;
Corry, Aug. 81 : Wuttshurg, Kept. 21 ;
Stoneboro, Sept. 21; Mercer, Sept. 28 ;
Warren, Sept. 14.
Amsler's fruit is the linost und frosti
est to bu had ill this market. And al
ways sold ut bottom figures. It
Struw hats 25 cents and upward, woo'
hats 50c. and upward and other goods
equally low at Miles & Armstrong's. It
Collections will be taken both at Ne
braska and Tionesta noxt Sabbath in the
M. E. church for "Church Extension"
and "Freedman's Aid."
The County W. C. T. U. will hold its
annual convention in this place on
Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 1st and
2d. The meetings will be hold in the
Presbyterian church. Five sessions will
bo held, bolng one more than heretofore
Free Methodist campmoeting begins
at Plnasantville to-day, and a largo num
ber will bo in attendance from this place,
some eight or ton tents having been en
gaged by Tionesta people.
. Following is the list of loiters re
maining uncalled for in Tlouosta, Pa.,
post onico, Aug. 10, 1807: Mrs. Powel,
Miss Mary Rcynat, S. S. Towlor, R. II.
Fuller, John Hondcrson, Orion Ilolwer,
Chas. Horner. It. L. Haslet, P. M.
L. .1. Catlin of Balltown r"ceived a
message Monday to tho effect that his
brother, Leslie, was very low with ty
phoid fever at Sistervillo, W; Va., where
ho has been engaged In drilling for the
past two years. Mr. C. passed through
town Monday on his way to his brother's
That part of the Derrick's oil report
for July covering the Pennsylvania, the
Southwest and Southeastern Ohio fields
shows nn Increase of 34 completed wells,
an incrpaso of 721 barrels of new produc
tion and an Increase of 20 dry boles over
the Juno report. The report also shows
a not decrease of 48 in new wolls drill
ing and rigs building.
Comrades S. D. Irwin and D. W.
Clark hnve been appointed a committee
of Stow Post to solicit subscriptions to a
fund to be used in paying tho freight on
the cannons donated by tho Government.
Enough balls have also been promised to
make two pyramids, and the freight
charges will be considerable. So when
they wait on you don't got panic stricken.
Lloyd Bloomfield, son of Mrs. E.
Blooinficld of Trunkoyvillo, died last
Saturday, July 24, of pneumonia, alter
an illness of about four weeks. Ho was
20 years of ago. The funeral was held
Monday afternoon in the M. E. church at
Fugundus, the services being conducted
by Rev. J. E. Uillard of East Hickory,
and the remains were laid to rest in the
Pagnndus cemetery. Tidioute Nens.
The Oil City Illizzard says that Mr.
Maher, ex-Sheriff L. L. Ray and Dr.
Foster, of Franklin, and Ed. Mattorn,
Percy Beers and Dr. McCutcheon, of Oil
City, will go to the Klondyke gold liolds.
Mr. Maher is to be the advance agent of
the party at Seattle and make all ar
rangements for tho trip, securing ayeai's
supply of provisions and other necessi
ties, and the party expect to leave Seattle
on the l.r)th of August.
-Last Thursday's eclipse of the sun
arrived on schedule time, but the show
was somewhat handicapped by cloudy
weather. Those who were alert and pro
vided with smoked glass got several
good glimpses "whon the clouds rolled
by," but when tb.9 eclipso was supposed
to have been at its fullest the view was
completely obstructed by heavy clouds.
All things considered, however, the at
traction was a good one, it being abso
lutely free of cost.
Elk county is becoming famous with
thieo separate and distinct murder trials
on her hands. One of tho accused has
boon convicted and is awaiting sentence,
and two others will be placed on trial at
next quarter sessions court. The latest
murder to take place in that county was
last Sunday a wook, when in a drunken
brawl one Italian shot and killed a fellow
countryman, and probably fatally
woundod another. The perpetrator's
name is Putsy Barnia.
School will begin lu tho borough on
Monday, August SO, instead of first Mon
duy of Soptember as heretofore. Parents
and guardians should bear in miud the
compulsory school law and see that pu
pils start on the first day of the term. It
is also well to remember that by an
amendment to that law children up to 16
years of age are compelled to attend, the
age limit having been extended from 13
years. Unloss children are regularly
employed In some capacity they cannot
bu excused from attendance at school.
What would your grocer say If you
would buy a oVdlar's worth of groceries
on time, and at the end of tho year come
around und get the same amount the
same way, and so on until the bill was
several dollars 7 No dealer would stand
that kind ol business very long, and yet
is not that the way a great many poople
serve tho printer T Nowspapor men don't
as a rulo have any money to lend, espec
tally whon thoy get no interest and run
big risks of losing the principal in many
cases. Yet some people insist on paying
the printer last, if at all. Ex.
-Arrangements have boon inado for a
spocial train from this section to the Na
tional Encampment of the G. A. It. at
Buffalo. The train will leave Hickory
between u and 7 o clock on the morning
of the 2:id of August, (the exact schedule
has not yet been arranged) and run
straight through, arriving in Buffalo
about noon. The fare for tho round trip
has been fixed at $2.75, tickets good at
least till the encampment is over, and
perhaps longer. It is estimated that at
least one hundred will take the train at
tills station. No excursion tickets will
be sold alter tho 23d.
The bill to authorize and empower
tho school directors and controllers of tho
several school districts to levy and col
lect a per capita tax annually for school
purposes has boon signed. This act gives
school directors the authority to levy I
per capita tax of "not less than one dol
lar or more than two dollars for school
purposes from each and every malo in
habitant of tho ago of 21 und upwards
within their respective districts." This
tax shall bo levied und collected at the
same time and in tho same manner as
school luxes alii now levied and collected
by law, and shall bp in lieu of tlio occu
pation tax for school purposes. This net
does in no wise limit or abridge tho pow
cr of school directors or controllers to
levy a tux on real and personal property
for school and building purpose.
Clearance Sale ut Miles &
Wanted. Salesman to soli Chewing
Gum. F. J. Bantu, Lima, O. it
Don't miss tho bargains ut Mileb
Armstrong's- it
Now is tho tune to buy clothing
Hopkins sella all wool suiU for men
about half regular price. It
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Grove were Oil
City visitors yesterday.
Hiram Irwin of Franklin Is visiting
his uncle Sam. thin week.
Miss Elsie Kelly is visiting friends
in Franklin for a few days.
Miss Helen Schaffer of Franklin Is
the guest of Miss May Banner.
Miss Elizabeth Greaves of Warren Is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davis.
Mrs. C. M. Arnor and Mrs. J. R. Os
good were Oil City visitors Monday.
Mies Maude Brcnnan and guest, Miss
Bond, visited Warren friends yesterday.
Miss Maggio Hassey of Oil City vis
ited Nellie Carson during the paHt week.
Mrs. L. D. Bowman roturned from a
visit to Jamestown, N. Y., friends last
Miss Grace McClintock of Oil City Is
the of Misses Laura and Emma
John Shaw and A. L. Woller of Kol
lottville gavo tho RnrumiCAN a pleasant
call Monday.
II. L. Chaso of Columbus, Ohio, is a
a guest of his sister, Mrs. W. II. Saul, of
tho West Side.
K. C. Heath roturned Monday from
an Eastern trip, in the interests ol the
Tionesta Cob Pipo Co.
Bon. Kelly has relumed to his labors
at Chicago Biter a ploasant two weeks'
visit with his paronls here.
Mrs. Chas. Hunter of the West Sido)
returned last evening from a fow days'
visit with frlonds in Franklin.
Dr. Jackson and family of Oil City
wore entertained at tho home of J. T.
Brennan a day or two of last week.
Mrs. W. G. Morrow of West Hickory
and Miss Alico Hotllng of Wilcox are
guests of Dr. J. W. Morrow and family.
Miss Kate Canfiold has returned from
Pittsburg, where she was receiving treat
ment for her eyes, which are improving.
Bert Day of Kellottville was at Pres
ident Monday to see his brother James,
who is lying quite low with typhoid le
ver. Miss Lois Robinson, daughter of the
late D. F. Robinson of Reynoldsvillo, is
a guest nt tho home of her uncle, G. W.
Mrs. K. C. Heath of Tionesta, is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gior-
ng, for a couple of weeks. Pleasant-
illc Record.
Mrs. A. J. Pufftuberg and Mrs. W
H. Smith and their children, of Pitts
burg, arrived to-day and will visit their
mother, Mrs. H. Kiser.
Mrs. T. D. Higgins aud little daugh
ter, of Dallas, Texas, who wore guests at
the homes of J. W. and Q. Jamieson dur
ing the week, departed for homo last
Saturday. .
Miss Kittio Joyce, teachor of room
No. 1 of our borough schools, is visiting
n Cleveland, Ohio. Bofore returning
Miss Joyce will take a course in elocu
tion at one of the leading institutions of
that city.
-Rev. J. N. and daughter Grace
of Kossuth, Pa., Earl Buzza and sister
Boll of Coraopolls, Pa., and Mr. Stephen
Buzza of Grand Island, Nebraska, were
guests of Rev. Buzza and family during
the week.
Dr. Chas. S. Andrews has gone to
Ellwood City, Lawrence county, whero
he will locate for the practice of his pro
fession. All of Charley's friends in this
section will wish him tho fullest measure
of success.
Endeavor Items.
Work has been commenced on
Presbyterian Church at this placo.
The water works at the Hickory school
house oro completed. The water is
brought through lead pipe about 400 foot
oft the hill to the door of tho school
Miss Maggie Witherol returnod last
week from a visit to her relatives lu New
York state.
Mr. Chat Uillard made a short visit to
Tionesta last Friday evening.
John Zuendel and family of German
Hill were tho guests of Earnest Zuendel
over Sunday,
Some of our young folks attended the
dance at Whitton's hull last Friday evon-
The boxes for the now post ollice are lu
placo, so the Endeavor post ollice is
reality ut last.
Mr. Stiles was a business visitor to
Tionostu Saturday.
Mr. Carponter is going to orect a new
barn in tho placo of tho old one.
Horton Albaugh of this place had one
o'f his lingers cut off und another badly
injured by a saw in tho shingle mill at
Buck Mills.
Tho raspberry crop is about all har
vested. The blackberries will be very
plentiful this year.
A few of the people from here attotulod
"Stuley's Great Show" at West Hickory,
Friday evening. They reported it quite
a fake in its way. Sciiiui:.
Will Uo After the. Yellow Miifl'.
Ex-County Troasurer C. R. Bowman,
of Tylersburg, was in Cluriou Saturday
and made us a short visit during which
he informed us that, after reading care
fully the reports from the Alaskan gold
fields, and considering such an under
taking in all its bearings, he had con
cluded to join a party of Pittsburg capi
talists and leave for the Yukon river
country on August 5th. Tho party will
represent a cousiderabo amount of capi
tal and will go prepared for all emergen
cies. Thoy are assured that they can
reach the gold fields in about six weeks
from the time they leave Pittsburg and
before the severe winter cold sets in.
Mr. Bowman will bo accompanied by
John Walters, of Tylorsbiug, and they
will go witli the expectation of remain
ing one or two years and the determina
tion of getting their share of any gold
that may bo lying around loose on the
shining slioro of tho Yukon. Several
Clarion capitalists have secured one or
more shares in the Company in which
Messrs. Bowuiuu und Wallers are inter
ested and all will join us in the hope that
they may have a sufu voyugo und speedy
return, with several bags of gold to their
credit. Vlnriuu JJt'iitocrat,
Full opening ut Smith's Business
College, Wurrcn, Pa., Aug. 30. Ot
Shirts that are worth tiUc. tor &0c. ut
Miles tfc Armstrong's. See window. It
Forty millions of bushels f wheat will
bo Nebraska's contribution to the grain
crop of the country. There Is so much
they cannot house it all. Already all the
mills in tho state are at work converting
it Inlo flour. They will have money as
well as corn to burn this year.
There is now a great demand in Ger
many for the draft horses for which
Pennsylvania Is famous. They aro be
ing exported In considerable numbors
from the southern tiers of counties and
are used In Hamburg tor drawing the
heavy drays for the sugar rofineries.
Judge Williard, of the Superior
Court, according to an authoritative
statement published at Scranton, has
placed his resignation in the Governor's
hands. Tho resignation is to take effect
September l.tlius enabling the Governor
to fill the position by appointment, the
appointee serving until January 1, liit.
John Smull, living in the narrows
leading Irom Union line into Centre
county, while digging stumps, found a
purse of gold containing $200 All the
pieces were dated more than seventy
years ago, and are no doubt part of tho
booty of the famous robbers, Lewis and
Connolly, who roamed that soetion
about 1825.
Already there Is a dispute ovor the
boundary between American possessions
in Alaska and those of England, and it
will take the experts to got them out of
the snarl. Of caurse the laud in dispute
is that on which so much gold Is being
found now, but at all eveuts its owner
ship ought to be settled. It Is unfortu
nato that the gold regions are so close to
tho border.
There is a story from Chicago to the ef
fect that nine great corporations, headed
by the Standard Oil Company, are to
merge their identity Into one colossal
whole, with a total capital of $ 1,000,000,-
000' This report wasn't brought east by
a carrier pigeon with a silver ring on its
log, with tho wold "Pake" stamped on
Its wing, but it might just as well have
couie that way as any other.
The Alloona woman who made a broth
of mice und fed it to her child under the
idea that it would render her immune
from d'sease, is now under bail on a
charge of cruelty. Shakespeare says:
"Ho was a courageous man who first ate
an oyster," and we cannot but admire
the bold audacity of the person who in
troduced frog's legs as a diet. Aud cer
tainly she was a courageous woman who
first made mouse soup. Pux'y Spirit.
In the opinion of Mr. John W. Mack
ay, "if a uiau has a thousand dollars, a
good constitution and no w.fe and chil
dren ho can afford to go the Klondyke
regions." But, continues this bonanza
vetoran, "nothing is more uncertain than
gold mining, except that a majority of
those who engage in it are certain to fail."
Those, or similar words for danger sig
nals us to Klondyke hardships aud perils
have been dutifully raised in the press
all over the land will doubtless dampen
the ardor of many a would-be prospector.
City Solicitor Clark, of Erie, has re
ceived word that in the Superior Court,
in the case of the city of Erie vs. M.
Griswold, the judgment rendered by
Judge C. II. Noyes of Warren against
the city was atlirmed. The action of the
city was to collect the full city taxes
agninst cortaln property of Mr. Griswold
abutting on a street that had been paved,
ho claiming tho rebate which was in force
when the pavomont was laid, but which
was subsequently recalled by the passage
of an ordinance of councils. The con
tention, if finally decided by the Supreme
Court, nguinst the city, will Involve the
payment of about f 1110,000 in rebates to
property owners.
Annual Excursion to Chautauqua Lake.
The W. N. Y. A P. Ry. will run their
annual excursion to Celeron and the
Cl.autuuqua Assembly Grounds on Chau
tauqua Lake, Thursday, August 12th.
Train will leave Tionesta at 7:28 a. in.,
fare for tho round trip 81.25. Arriving
at Mavvillo 10:30 a. in., where steamer
will be taken for Jamestown. Return
ing, train will leave May ville 7:80 p. in.,
upon arrival of steamer, thus giving 0
hours at the lake. Passengers who stop
at Chautauqua Assembly Grounds will
have 8 hours at that point. Those who
stop at Celeron will have 5 hours there.
The rate includes the steamer fare from
May ville to any landing on Chautauqua
Lake and return. Those 'who go through
to Jamestown and return will have 40
miles sail. Celeron is attracting largor
crowds than ever this season with its
many attractions. On August 12th, Mrs.
Bttllington Booth of Salvation Army
fame will be the star attraction at Chau
tauqua. Tickets for the Assembly
Grounds will bo sold at reduced rates on
tho excursion train. Admission to Col -Ccloron
Is froo.
Do you appreciate good laundry
work? If :io patronize tho Dunkirk
Steam Laundry. Milo A Armstrong,
agents. tf
It is always gratifying to receive testi
monials for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, ami when the
endorsement is from a physician it is es
pecially so. "There is no more satisfac
tory or effective roniody than Chamber
lain's Cholie, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy," writes Dr. R. E. Roboy, phy
sician and pharmacist, of olney. Mo.,
and as ho lias used tho remedy in hisowu
tainily and sold it in his drug storo for
six years, ho should certainly know. For
sale by G. W. Bovard.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy ulways affords prompt re
lict. For sale by G. W. Bovard.
You can get it ut Hopkins' storo. II
Vim, vigor, ami victory ; tlieso are the
characteristics of DeWilt's l.iltlo Early
Risers, the famous little pills lor consti
pation, biliousness ami all stomach and
liver troubles. Heath .V Killlncr.
It heals evervlhinn except a broken
heart, liny bo said of lieWill's Witch
Hazel Salve. Piles anil rectal diseases,
cols, burns, bruises, letter, ec.unia and
all skin troubles may be cored by it
quickly mid permanently.
A .ltnipter'H'e touvi'il.
Tho Rev. W. B. Costlcv, of Stoek
bridgc, Ga., while attending to his pas
toral duties at Kllonwood, Ja., was at
tacked by cholera morbus. He says:
"liv ehancH I happened to get hold ol a
boulo ol Chumhcrluiii'M Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea lioincdv. and 1 think it
was tho means ot saving my lilo. It 1
liovoil mo at once and 1 want more , it.
If vou want any liirlliei' testimony from
nie, 1 will nivu it lioelv, ami rucoiiiuioiid
I huiiiberlaiu's Cube, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy to all autleriug us I wus.
For fcale by G. W. Bovard. ;t
A Hrnmrksbli. Cnrr of Chronic Hint..
In 1802, when I served my country as a
private In Company A, lf)7th Pennsylva
nia Volunteers, I contracted chronic di
arrhoea. It has given me a great deal ol
trouble ever since. I have tried a dozen
different medicines and several promi
nent doctors without any permanent re
lief. Not long ago a friend sent me a
sample bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and af
ter that I bought and took a 50 cent bot
tle, and now I can say that I am entirely
cured. I cannot be thankful enough to
you for this great remedy, and recom
mend it to all suffering veterans. If in
'ouht write me. Yours gratefully,
Henry Stcinbergor, Alleutown, Pa. Sold
by G. W. Bovard.
Live Stock Wanted.
Will pay market price for Milch Cows,
Beof Cattle, Calyes, Sheep, Lambs, Ac.
J. S. Vail,
West Hickory, Pa.
The narrows road, in Hickory town
ship, is about to be rebuilt bv the Twp.
and will be closed to the traveling pub
lic during this present week, and will ro
uiain closed for about three months.
By ordor of Commissioners,
J. Al.nAUOH,
.Iosv:rn Gkkkn,
W. A. CnttNKl.T.
Hickory, Pa., May loth. 1W.
Bank Statement
No. 5038.
of Pennsylvania, at tho close of business
July 23, 1807.
Loans and discounts 105.723 17
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 104 73
U. S. Bonds to securo circula
tion 12.500 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 2,ltltl 0(1
Banking-house, furniture, and
fixtures 3,250 00
Due from approved reserve
agents 17,480 09
Cheeks and other cash items ... . 9 53
Fractional paper currency,
nickels, and cents 84 11
Lawful money reserve in bank,
viz :
Specie $2,9i!4 40
Legal tendor notes 2 000 00 4,904 40
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treas'r (5 per cent, of circu
lation) 562 50
1136,854 79
Capital stock paid in $50,000 00
Surplus fund 1,424 47
Undivided profits, less expenses
und taxes paid 413 82
National hank notes outstand
ing , 11,250 00
Individual deposits subject to
check $."8,850 73
Demand certificates of deposit... 878 50
Time certificates ot deposit 13,747 58
Liabilities other than those
above stated 289 01
1130,854 79
State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest,
I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to the best of my
Knowledge and belief.
A. it. KELLY, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
31st day of July, 1807.
Notary Public
Correct Attest :
J. T. Dai.k,
G. W. Robinson,
Wm. Smkaiuiaitoh,
K o o o o --
Everything Goes.
i "
Conservative buyer and tbose that appreciate clothing aud shoes that
aro made to Fit, can save from 10 to 25 per cent, on every purchase. It will
pay everybody that thiuks ol buying anything iu our Hue to investigate this
statemeut before purchasing elsewhere. We take pleasure in showing our
goods, it don't matter whether you wish to purchase or not.
Always entails an immense loss to every progressive clothing house. No up-to-date
merchant will carry a stock of clothing from one season to another. His caUl "
must be turned, and to keep the wheels moving it must be sell, soil, all the tiftie. i"
season and out.
Our stock of clothing is a little larger than it should Le at this time. Price cutting
is the only sure means we know of to roduco it. We thus make what we roally be
lieve to be the biggest genuine reductions on legitimate clothing ever ollored in the
All this season's chocks, plaids and
plain colors, suits wo have uold all the
season at fill, If II ami 12, now )7.;SO.
xi:v isnnx.
Filio eussiniers and ebcviois, lntest
shades, ami clothing tliisHcason's nobbiest
cut suits, sold ut $11, $15 and $10, now
i'i SENECA ST., -
Arlington Hotel
Confirmation Notice.
NoIica Is hnrebv irivon that the follow-
Noli.-nls have been filed In my ollice and
accounts liWcspnted at the next term of
will be prosohif-mation.
court for oonrlrniatiiV account of Win. J.
First and final accoTi estate of Anna M.
Foreman, Executor of estate .fprough, For
Foreman. late of Tionesta Borougw
est County, l'a., deceased.
Clerk Orphans' Court.
Tionosla, Pa., August 2, 18H7.
ElilSliORQ, PA.
12 th District.
Do you ex poet to teach school T
If so, attend a Normal School.
The Edinboro Normal School has
Just closed a prosperous year.
Fall term of sixteen weeks begins
August 30th, 18H7. High grade
faculty, tlnr equipment. Other
things being equal, this is the
least expensive school in the
state. W rite for circulars.
Pit. Moncst
Office i .i 7H National Bank Building,
Eyes examined free.
Exclusively optical.
0 m (D
Come In and take a look around
and see what
will buy. Then when you want
anything in our line we know
you will go where your MONEY
is worth the most.
All tho
Such as
Schumacher's P. S.,
Pillsbury's Best.
Bona I )oon.
Graham Hour,
Bolted Corn meal,
Corn feed meal.
Corn and oats chop,
Corn, oats and Barley chop.
Daisy middlings.
Wheat brail,
Corn to sow,
Corn to feed,
Corn for ensilage,
Hay and straw.
Mammoth clover seed,
Medium clover seed,
Timothy seed,
Hungarian seed,
Millet seed,
Orchard grass seed,
In fact anything usually kept in an up to
F. R. Lanson.
Wash suits, 50 cent kind,
75 ecu I ones ,"&()('.
And all our higher priced suits that
were 1. 2.. to J2. UO, now )a.40.
FUK 111 11.;.
.Meu's Jean I'ants -ITf.
Mom Crash Hats, JV.
Men's Leather Suspenders, -. vL,
Bluo Overalls,
- - OIL CITY, l'A.
directly opposite us.