THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WKDNKSDAY, MARCH 17, 18ii7. DOROUGII OFFICERS.. Puress. H. M. Herman. Oiu-icid-iim. J. R. Osgood J. I). Davis, F. It. Lanson, Joseph Morgan, I!. K. Weaver. H. Fitzgerald, Win. Smear-l-angli. H. H. Crawford, L. 1). How-man, J. I. W. Hock, O. V. Proper. .fusticc of the Pence C. A. Randall. H. J. Hntlov. OonstUbte.S. N. Canfiold. Ooltcctor J . R. Clark. Nchool Director H. W. Uolcniati, U J. Hopkins I j. Agnow, W. A. Groyo, U. Jaiuieson, J. C. Heowdon. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Oontfrctis V, C Aunoi.D. Member of NennteViM. II. Ilviin. asembly J. K. Wunk. President Judge ClI Alu.F.s II. Notks. .-trtJorias Judges Jim. A. Nash, A. J. MoCray. Treasurer .Tames II. Funks. Prothonotary, Register 6 Recorder, ite. John II. RonKnrsoN. Wcn7r. Fhasjk I". WAi.KKn. 0)miiM.iocr V. M. Coos, O. M. WllITKMAlf, IlKllHAN Hl.lTM. Oounty 'Superintendent K. K. Stitzin OBR. District Attorney P. M. Oi.ark. wy Oo-n-'UJ.n'o-ier .J. 1'. CAItl'KN TRS, Gko. I). Vounty .Surveyor J. V. l'BOHKK. ikroner Du. J. W. Morrow. County Auditor M. 10. Ahiiott, J. R. Clark, K. J. Flynn. REOHLAIt TKUMS OF COURT. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of My. Last Monday of August. Third Monday of November. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. imonf.sta i,odgi:, No.:i!t, i. o.o. k. J. Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd Follows' Hall, Partridge building. IRKST l,OI)UH, No. 184, A. O. U.W., ' I Meotsevery Friday evoningln A. O.U. W. Hall, Tionesta. WASHINGTON CAMP, No. 4U0, F. O. S. of A., moots every Saturday eve ning In A. O. U. W. Hall', Tionesta. CAPT. GF.ORG E STOW POST, No. 274 U, A, R. Moeta 1st and 3d Wednos. day evening in each niontli, in Odd Fol low, Hall, Tionesta. CAPT. GKO KG 14 STOW COUPS, No. 187, W. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening ofea'h month, in A. O. U. W. liall, Tionesta, Pa. 'TMONF.STA TENT, No. Hit, K. O. T. A M., meets l!nd and 4th Wednesday evening In each montli in A. O. U. . hall TioneHta, Pa. PM. CLARK, . ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, rid District Attorney. Olllco, cor. of 1m and UridKO Streets, Tlunostu, Pa. Also agent for a number of reliable Flro Insurauco Companies. p F. RITCHKY, 1 . ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW, Tionesta, Pa. r B. HIGH INS, M. t)., I Fliysieian, Surgeon A Druggist, TIONESTA, PA. J W. MORROW. M. D., Physieian, Surgeon A Dentist. Ofileo and Residence three doors north of Hotel Agnow, Tionesta. Professional calls promptly responded to at all hours. J D. UOWMAK, M. 1)., -Lit Phvsieian A Surgeon, . . " TIONK8TA, PA. OtTloe lri building formerly occupied by Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to. night or day. Residence opposite Hotel Aguew. HOTEL AO NEW, I,. AO NEW, Proprietor. This hotel, formerly the Lawrence House, has undergone a eoniplotechangc, and is now furnished with all the mod ern improvements. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of guests never neglected. CENTRAL HOl'Si:, V. jO. F. WEAVER, Proprietor. Tionseta, I'a. Tliis is tho most centrally loeaUHl hotel in the place, and has all the modern improvements. No pains will bo spared to make it a pleasant Mopping place for the traveling public First olass Livery in connection. 1TOREST HOTEL, . Wost Hickory, Pa. Jacob Render, Proprietor. This hotel has but recently been completed, is nice ly furnished throughout, and oilers tiio linest and most comfortable accommoda tions to guests and the traveling public. Kates reasonable. OIL EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, Cor. Seneca and Centre Sts., Oil City, Pa., Thomas Gent, Proprietor. Meals and Lunches served at all hours. Open day and night. When in tho city look up' the Exchange Restaurant, and got a good meal. puiL. emert; FANCY ROOT it SHOEMAKER. Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm and alnut streets, Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to (five perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion (riven to mending, and prices rea sonable. JF. ZA H RING ER, . PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKER and Jeweler of L'5 years' experience, is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice anil at reasonable prices. Always guarantees satisfaction. Watch es, Jewelry, Ac, ordered for parlies at the lowest possible figure. Will he found in the building next to Keoley Club Room. JORENZO FULTON. Manufacturer of aud Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. Fred, (jirettenberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fil tingsand General IShtcksniithiiig prompt ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery given hpuciul attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of aud just west of tho fcJbaw House, Tidioule, I'a. Your patronage solicited. UtED. G RETT EN HE KG Kit. S. H. HASLET & SDNS., GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, . AND UNDERTAKERS. Trf-TESTA, PENN. JAS.T. lMtENNAN, Real Estate and LIFE - INSURANCE - AGENCY, Also Conveyancer. Ukatj Estate Ce'niprixcs tho Purchasing, Selling, Leasing and Renting of all kinds of Keal Estate. CO X f E VJ NCI NO Itrlefs, and Searches of Title a Spec laity. Having had twenty-ono years' exporionco with Forestcoun tv lands, I am prepared to give CORRECT INFORM ATION re garding tho Titles and presont Status of same. Modorate charges for drawlng"m HtrnmenlA of writing transferring property. L IFE INS VII A NCE. I am General Agent for tho Equit able Life Assurance Society ol the U. S., having a Surplus of FORTY MILLIONS of DOLLARS, being thirteen millions larger than any other company in the WORLD. NO ONE who needs Life Insurance can all'ord to take it before socing tho Now Policy of this Society. "C. M. ARNER 1 "sON7 Finn, Life aa u Accident Iks uk a nce A gents AMI . . REAL ESTATE BROKERS, TIONESTA, IA. Comim-ilc Itrprcnriilfri. AwM'tf. North American. - - $ 9,606,800.08 Royal, - - .- 7,454,943.11 Hartford, - - 10,004,697.55 Orient, - - - 2,215,470.92 PLill'a Underwriters, - 15,609,932.32 Titles examined and "Uriel's" prepared. Farms, wild lands, houses and lots for sale or rent. Particular attention paid to tho collection of rents, interest, Ac. Also to the proper assessment of lands and payment of taxes. Leasing anil sale of oil' and gas lands a specialty. I'lnirrli nnd Knlibnth School. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 0:45 B. m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. R. A. Huzza. Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at tlie usual hour. Rov. F. 10. Glass, Pastor. Services in the Presbytorian Church every Habbuth morning and evening, Rev." J. V. McAninch otneiating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market $.01. To-day is tho "17th of Ireland." The flitting season is almost here. You can get it at Milos A Armstrong's. Some of our Btrcet crossings are out of sight. Ho who doesn't lift has no right to grunt. Old Proverb. Mrs. W. W. Grove is building an ad dition to hor millinery store. Just drop in at Milos it Armstrong's and see the new styles and prices. It. What's tho matter with our base ball craiiksf Haven't they heard the robins singing f This is the day to wear tho green. Either Corbott or FU will have the blues to-morrow. Closing nut broken lines of shoes at less than cost. All first class stock. Lawrence A Sinearbaiigli. It. For somo reason or other tjio . wires no longer bring details of tho fishing aud gunning exploits of a certain Grover Cleveland. Tho revival meetings conducted by Rev. Huzza ac Nebraska wore closed last Sunday evening, over 100 souls having been converted. While tho legislators are investiga ting oleomargarine they ought to take a snilf at some of tho butter that is cavort ing around in this section. . The time of year has arrived when our people should clean up their back yards, lictter attend to it before the health officer gets altor you. Tho rafting season is here and quite a lot nl timber has been brought down to the mouth ol the crock, but is noth ing like it was a few years ago. -That Ohio man who, when sued for alienating another man's wife's affec tions, placed the blame upon tho woman, proved himself a geuuino descendant of Adam. Tho U3d birthday of Gen. Neid Dow, the father of Prohibition, occurs on Saturday, March 20, and will be gener ally observed both in this country and Eu'opo. Wo are now receiving our spring line of shoes, gent's underwear, shirts, trousers, necKwear, etc., which will be sold at bottom prices. Lawrence A Sinearhaugh. It. Wo publish elsewhere in this issue an essay entitled "Kitchen Gardening," which was read by Mrs. Orion Siggins of East Hickory, at tho recent fanners' in stitute liuli at this place. A great many people think tiiat the Fit.-Corbett talking match has been a great one, but it will not bo in it when the supporters of Bryan are organized into a National party. Clias. Amann of Tidiouto has leased tho vacant store room in the Kepler block and will start a general plumbing and tin shop, aud may in the near future put in a full line of hardware. While tho sucker season is on don't forget that Amsler is headquarters for fishing tackle. Ho has also just received a fine lot of northern spy applet which uie for sale by tho piece or by the barrel. It. Now that thi frost is coining out of the ground our people should look alter their sidewalks. There aro quite a num ber of places in town where tho walks aie in bad sliapo and nothing looks worse for a town than poor sidewalks. Fix 'cm up. Juliu Hunter, an aed and highly re spected clti.en of Tidiouto, I'll , died at his homo at that place about u o'clock Monday morning. Last Thuisday hu sullered a stroke of paralysis and linger ed in an unconscious state until tho hour of his death. Deceased was one of the oldest residents of Tidiouto aud among its foreuiobt citizens. Save tho egg shells and use them for starting early plants in the house. Fill Iheui with rich earth, plunt u low teeds and allow one plant to grow. When tho plant is of siillicieut size set the shell and plant in tho ground out of doors, alter danger of frost is over. Melons aro fre quently started in that manner, as they will not bear transplanting without risk or loss. Latest hats and onpfi at Miles t Armstrbi.g's. u. Ittickwhoat cakes hnvo been stricken from the menu. Tho sport's agony will be over after to-day. How did you betT Everybody goes to Miles A Arm strong's, and of course they get what they want. R. Maple sugar Is in the market, but tho man who buys it for "now" Is pretty sure to got "beet." Remember our sale ol shoes. Socuro bargains before they aro all gone. Law roneo A Sinearbaiigli. H. The revival meetings in the F. M. church aro still goingon and considerable Interest is being manifested. Japan is becoming more civilized ev ery day. Sho is now brewing beer under the American process. The kite track at Meiulvillo Is to be (hanged to a regulation mile track, and races will bn held there this aiitumor. Iluy carpots and mattings of Mills A Armstrong, where you can got the best as cheap as poorer grados ore sold for elsewhore. H, Don't forget that Milos A Arm strong havo tho largest lino of carpots and they sell tho cheapest. Why not select from a largo assortment T It. A marriage license was issued Tues day, March 15, 1SH7, by Prothonotary Robertson, to Elmer E. Fulton of Lynch, Forest Co., Pa , ano Mrs. Rachel Clover of Strattonvillc, Pa An nxcliRiigo says advertising pays; a neighbor advertised for a wite last week, got one within six hours, with a whole family thrown in, and committe.1 suicido next day. " L.J 1 lopki ns loft yostorday for New York to purchase his spring goods. When Hopkins starts to buy he never knows when to stop so look out for a big stock of goods which will bo sold at bot tom prices. It. Why should tliero be such strong op position to placing the statute of Hrig hatn Young In thecapitol at Washington? True, he was not the father of his coun try, but ho was tho father of a great many of his countrymen. Ex. O lying the loss of books and records in th-' burning of tho Capitol, it will be necoss;iry :br all school boards that havo not received thoir appropriation to make out new blanks and Bond them to the Superintendent for approval. Thoso boards not having blanks should notify tho County Superintendent and they will be supplied as soon as a new edition is printed by tho department. Ex. Crocuses in bloom, buds bursting, bikes on the scoot, smoke rising from back yard dobris, sidowalk saunterem soaking themselves full of sunshine, in valids crawling out from shelter, kids spinning lops, young onions ond radish es on tho groen sands, strawberries await ing purchases, shad glistening on fish counters, suckers biting, hens cackling, robins chirping woll, who says spring hasn't sprung JFrunklin News. C. F. Weaver, tho jolly landlord of the Central House, is not much given to blowing, but he has been considerably "swelled up" lately over the bang up laying qualities of his large flock of hens. Ho got twenty-nino eggs last Monday, and twelve of them turned out to be hard-boilod. Charley says he has the "hottest" lot of hens in Foiest Co., and when any of them want to set he is go ing to set them on poached eggs and he'll bet two to one they'll hatch out fried chickens. Rev. J. T. Rrenuan gave a very in teresting lecture on the subject "Narcot ics" in the M. E. church last Sunday evening, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Ho was listened to by a large and appreciative audience who were loud in thoir praise of the eloquent manner in which Rev. Ilrennaii delivered his leo turo, which is truly a masterpiece. It is the ardent wish of tho county oUlcers of tho union that all of the local unions of tho county will havo their homo preach ers speak on tills subject. Wo are In receipt of a copy of tho Jamestown, N. Y., Morning News, dated March 10, and we aro glad to see that the paper is now being run on the co-opora-tive plan. The assistant editor of the Republican was a "case holder" on tho News about four years ago and is well acquainted with all of the directors. They are all good printers and good bus iness men, and with "Dan" Dean as head "quill pusher" there is no doubt but tho paper will bp a success. Frank Carr, a former Tionosta boy, is one of the direc tors. Hero's success to you fellows. The Lord loves a cheerful giver Ho'll take care of the editor. Ho has a charter from tho State to act ns a door mat for ihe community. He will got tho paper out somehow, and stand up for the town, and whoop it up for you when you run for ofileo, and lio about your. pigeon toed daughtcr'i lackey wedding, and blow ubout your big footed son whon he gels a four-dolbir-a-veek job, and weep over your shriveled soul when it is re leased from its grasping body, and smilo at your wife's second marriage Don't worry about tho editor i he'll get ulong. The Lord only knows how -but hoiuo how. lfartwell, S. C, Sun. In tho mutter of logal advertising tho county officials have for tho past twenty live years and upwards given the people ol the county the very best service pos sible, recognizing tho fact that tho two leading parlies are well represented by reliable, well established newspapers, whose publications of such leual adver tising havo been authentic, correct aud always to bo reliod upon, 'i'hesu papers circulate in eveiy nook and corner of the county, und have the largest circulation, notwithstanding ii reliable claims to the contrary. We never heard this part of the otlicial duties of our olticers called into question except now and then by a disgruntled p iper which lias failed to im press the ollieials with its self-importance. In this, as in ull other perform ances of their duties, tho ollieials of For est county are, aud have been, giving to the people the very best of satisfaction, and there's nobody kicking. Mulii'i. Notice is hereby given that tho annual meeting of the stockholders of the Tio nesta Gas Company will bo held in its of lico at Tionesta, Pa., on tho .Mh day of April, 1M7, at '1 o'clock, p. in., being the lirst Motiday of mouth. A. R. Kklly, Secretary. YOU AXI) VOl" It HilrNPS. Mrs, C. F. Weaver was an Oil City j visitor on Saturday. Miss Laurn Lawrenco was a visitor U) Oil City on Monday. Miss Emma Reynolds visited rela tives at Hydotown last week. J. J. Landers was a business visitor to Pittsburg for A few days last week. Rov. F. F. Shoup of Hiitler is a guost of Tionosta friends for a Tew days. Alba J. Gillillau of Smethport, vis ited his parentfl at Nebraska over Sun day. Mrs. Jeff Grove returned Saturday from a week's visit with friends in Oil City. Mrs. II. H. Bates of Titusvillo is a guest of her mother, Mrs. II. II. May, for a few days. Mrs. P. O'Brien, an aged resident of West Hickory, died last Thursday after a short illness. Harry Shawkoy was down from Warron yesterday shaking hands with Tionesta friends. Ed. KircharU was in Oil City Mon day night to see the yellow kid in "Hogan's Alley." Miss Leona Langloy of Bradford was a guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Allen der, over Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Swab of Hickory was a guest of her sister, Mrs. P. C. Hill, for a tew days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wilkins of West Hickory were guests of Mrs. P. Wyman and son over Sunday. Miss Hattie Gould of Oil City spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. S. II. Haslet, at this place. Miss Bossio Lafferty of South Oil City is a guest at tho residence of Pro thonotary J. II. Robertson. T. E. Armstrong is again confined to the house with ear trouble resulting from a sevore attack of grippe. Georgo and Arlotta Robinson re turned last Thursday from a month's visit In Florida and other Southern States. Mrs. Harriett E. Glass of Bradford is a guest of her son Rev. F. E. Glass, who has been laid up with the grip lor the past week. G. C. Burt, of Neilltown, F -rest county, and Margaret J. Brown, of Tio nesta have taken out a Venango county marriage license. W. II. Proper of Plum township, Venango Co,, died at his home last Thurs day. He was a brother of Hon. J. A. Proper 6f this place. Mrs. J. W. Green of Sugar Run, who was called to Tionesta a couple ol weeks B-.'O on account of the illness of hor fa ther, C'apt. Knox, returned to her homo last Vednesday. Oil City Blizzard: John A. Hart has resigned his position as engineer at the Oil City Electric Company's works and will leave for Cripple Creek in tho near future, wjiere he has mining interests. . Capt. D. S. Knox is the only candi date that has come out for tho postmas torship in this place so far as we have heard. G. W. Dunkle has been circu lating Mr. Knox's petition and nearly everyone is signing it. It is probable that there will be no other candidates. Pleasantvillo Record : Jake Gioring expects to bring his family and live in tho home lately occupied by Mr. Mcurer. Rev. Jas. T. Brennan of Tionesta, a favorite with our people, preached for our Presbyterian friends last Saturda3' evening, and at both services on last Sabbath. Rov. J. V. McAninch of Tionesta, has been giving Rev. Cunning ham some very able assistance in con ducting the meetings at the Presbytor ian church the past week. Death or David F. Robinson. David F. Robinson, brother of Mr. G. W. Robinson, of this place, died ut his home in Reynoldsville, Pa,, on Satur day evening, March 13, 18l7, from bowel trouble, from which there seemed to be no relief. Mr. Robinson was born on the family homestead near Kittauniug, Pa., March 28, 1850, and was the youngest of a family of five children, two daughters and three sous. He spent several years ol his early life in his brother's store at this place, after which he went to Rey noldsville, and went into the mercantile business for himself. A wife and one daughter survive him. The funeral took place at Reynoldsvillo on Tuesday at 2 p. in. Mr. G. W. Robinson and daughter Arietta were in attendance at the funeral. (School Reports. TIONKSTA SCUOOI. fiTH MONTH. Total I'RKSENT KVEUY DAY : Room No. 1. Kathleen Joyce, Teach er: John Saunor, Dallas Reck, Saininie Saylor, Harrison Ilium, Fred Clark, ('has. Carson, Jacob Walter, Joseph Weaver, Ellsworth Armstrong, Hello Hood, Louie Foreman, Lenore Ritehey, Evelyn Grove, Emma Amor, Essie Scowden, Maudio Cantield, Olive Child., Kittle Bradbury, Mildred Dean, Iva Emert. Room No. 2. Martha H. Morrow, Teacher: Willie Clark, Roland Arm s'rong, Harry Jaiuieson, Thomas Fulton, Philip liliiiu, Charlie Carlson, Floyd Savior, Frank Arinstioug, Clifford Carr, Herbert llcpler, Paul Carson, Andrew Armstrong, May Everett, Grace Arm strong, i, race Cone, Itertha Thomson, Bertha Voiight, Mary Noble, Eud Dean, Coiyu Clark, itertha l.awrt'itcc, Jose phine Sinearhaugh, I 'cm llow iimn. t'ltoom No. 3. Mary l.anib. Teacher: Charlie Sunuer, Howard Thomson, Jesse Graham, Roy Itovard, Paul Clark, Clyde Foreman, Archie Holciiiiui, EvlyuCbirk, Eva Davis, Florence Fulton, Lcona Scowden, Maude Sctley, Maltha Over lander, Amanda Sutlev. Room No. 4. Ida Paup, Teacher: Charles Duwall, Archie Mcrriaiii, ior dou Haslet, Carl A' ink, Charlie Jumie sou, Harry llankhead, Archie Clark, John Jaiuieson, Cornelia Everett, 1 lo reneo Thomson, Nettie Clark, Dora Set ley, J uue Herman. Room No. . It. N. Spccr, Principal : Jay llankhead, Minnie Heck, Lena lira haiu, Lucy Hilling, Ida Fmies, Lester lloleinan, Lillio Bradbury, Marie Sinear haugh, Surah Morrow, Anna Korb. B "8 S V! 3 25 ?2 " Room. 5" t is 3J . - g 8 a. ' ' jT ? ; No. 1 4S 40 Ki .'( L'," No. 2 j 44 311 111 23 :.7 No. 3 - 40 3ii Kl I I 14 No. 4 34 30 00 13 13 No. 5 10 14 03 10 10 ... 1S2 1"0 K!l 80 80 nilOMCHAM' RI IMJMUY. Tionesta Visited hj a liingof nurglnrn Friday Mtrltt. Somotiino last Friday night a gang of burglars visited Tionesta and made successful raids on three business places and ono privalo resideneo. Tho clothing and gents' furnishing store of Miles A Armstrong was entered by tho burglars prying up tho back win dow with a crow-bar or lever of some sort, and seven pairs of shops, two dozen silk liiindkerchioves and mufflers, sever al pairs of pants, underclothing and other .furnishings were taken, amount ing In all, as near as can be estimated, tonbout 100. The thieves wero "slick" enough to leave all the boxes behind, consequently It will be Impossible to identify the goods. J. It. Morgan's grocery and confec tionery store was broken Into and a quantity of cigars and tobacco and gro-' cerics taken, but it is difficult to esti iimte the amount of tho loss. L. Ag new's billiard room was also entered aud ten dollars in cash and a box of ci gars wero stole i The residence of ex-Conntv Treasurer tj. JrHmieson was entered via the cel lar and six dollars in cash anil a lot of doughnuts and a pan of milk taken. No clue to tho identity of the marau ders has been found as yet, but it is thought that there were three hi tho gang os a number of our town people were awakened during the night and threo men were seen going along tho street. A great many dill'erent opinions are given, but it is dillicult to state whether tho gang was composed ol lo cal "talent" or no. One thing is cer tainthe thieves well knew the easiest means of access to the places entered. Pcniuni7p Uldge. Tim Church of God pooplo closed thoir mooting on Albaugh Hill last Sunday. Miss Ljdia Connoly returned home from Ludlow Saturday, where sho has been staying for some time with her brotnor, James. Tho latest, thing in carts aro made by Arhuekle Bros. Two of our young peo ple attended quarterly meet ng at Heaver Valley in one of them recently. Clyde Banns has beon very sick with grippe, but is somo bettor at presont. Preaching hers next Sunday by Rev. Stono at 3 o'clock. The concert at W. A. Connely's a short time ago was a grand affair. Clyde Shriver played "Just Toll That You Saw Mo," on the wringer; Miss Ellen assist ed by playing the washing machine; Forest Albaugh played tho violin, while "Shorty" kept time to the musio with his number elevens by dancing the two step. One of our young men promised to take our Ellen sloighridinp, but failed to get a rig. Ono of his friends promised to lend hirn his rig when lie came back, but sorry to say ho didn't come back, and Ellon had to go to lied while the young man played the solitary game of freeze out, while waiting for his friend. An Old Pf.thurnip. To Whom It May Consoru. Notico is hereby given that my wife, Cardie Bender, lias left my lied and board without just cause or provocation, and I wish to notify all per ons not to harbor or trust her on my account as I will not bo responsible for any debt contracted by her. 'Robert Bknokk. DniiKcrs of the thrill. Tho greatest danger from La Grippe is of Its resulting in pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Cham berlain's Cough Heinedv taken, all dan ger will bo avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for hi grippe, w e have yet to learn of a sfngle ease, having resulted in pneumon ia, which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that tliead disease. It will olfect a permanent cure in less time than any other treat ment. The 'S and 0 cent sizes for sale bv G. W. Bovaril. They aro so small that the most sensi tive persons take them, they are so effec tive that tho most ol stinato eases of con stipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. That is why DeWitt's Little Early Risors aro known as the famous little pills. Heath A Killmer. Ono niinuto is all the time necessary to decide from personal experience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. Heath A Killmer, Don't allow the lungs to be impaired by tho continuous iritation of a cough. It is easier to provent consumption than to cure it. One Minute Cough Cure taken earlv will ward oft' any filial lung trouble, lleath A Killmer. l-'reiii ('ri'iplt Creek. Aftor tho Liu lire in Cripple Creek I took a sevare cold and tried many reme dies without help, the cold only becom ing more settled.. After using three small bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, both the couirh aud cold left inn, and in this high altitude it takes a incrit ous i'ou-jIi remedy to do any good. G. H. Henderson, editor Ihiily Advertiser. For sale bv (i. V, Itovard. Torturing, itching, scaly skin eruptions, burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo, the best cure lor piles. lleath A K illincr. Many eases of "Orippo" have lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation seems especially adap ted to the euro of this disease. It acts quickly thus preventing serious compli cations and had ellocts in which this di sease often leaves tho patient. Heath A K illincr. If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croup, you call appreciate the gratitude of the mo hers who know that (inn Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quickly as it is adminis tered. Many homes in this city are never without it. Heath A Killmer. Kiciuis, Mercer county. Pa. Wo be lieve Chamberlain's Cough Itomedy to be the best remedy in use. Wo use it in our own families, ami it is a favorite anion; our customers. ileeker Hros. A Co. 2" and .iO cent bottles for sale by G. W. Ilovard. E. I-:. Turner of I 'ompton, Mo., writes lis that after suil'ering fioiu piles for seventeen vnii's, be cured them by using three bov'cs ol lie ill's Witch Hazel Naive. ll cures eeeiua and severe skin diseases. Heath A Killmer. ll is surprising what a "wee bit of a thing" can aci plish. Sick headache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach, dizziness, aie quickly banished by De Witt's Little Earlv ilisers. -small pill. Sale pill. pill. Ileaili A killincr. HAtLTINE Wdrrbii, Ha. M m k j T w e i il . , 1 'asaiiiirt-M. r luliltelM tuniH til lairH , llliullt .r : - if w.h.1 Iv, It. i. k, M ualt or m sny Uitiltire wiim ever. ItltcnmittlNin 4)iilrkl.v Cnr-eil. After having been confined to the honso for elpven days and paying out ?iri In doctor bills without benefit, Mr. Frank Dolson of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., was cured by ono bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm costing 2' cents and has not since been troubled with that complaint. For sale by G. W. Itovard. QUN REPAIRING. HUMGARDNER A SHOEMAKER, practical workmen, have fitted up a Repair Shop in tho Kepler building, op posite Hotel Agnew, and is prepared to promptly do all work pertaining to GUN REPAIRING, ; BICYCLE REPAIRING, j AND SEWING MACHINE I REPAIRING in a superior manner. Give them a call. HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING end PAPER HANGING GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Our Bargains They Shine For All ! mm ai infill --o- We Believe in Giving Our Customers the WORLD'S BEST at the World's Cheapest, and our Belief is Strongly Exempli fied in our New Assortment of 1 SPRING & S UMMER S UITS FOR MEN AND BOYS-ALSO HA TS, CAPS & FURNISHINGS P We are Continually Study- M m ing the Needs of the People $j ;f we Deal With, and Endeavor- M ing to Give Them a Better & y Quality for Less Money Than $i M They Can Find Elsewhere. g$ Can We Win Your Patronage By Square Dealing and Liberal Treatment In Every Way? Miles L Armstrong, EXCLUSIVE D)U:F$ IN CLOTHING, - FURNISHINGS - AND - SHOES. KEPLER BLOCK, Wo 11 Pn We have Just reeoived a car load of Wall Paper for spring and summer trade. We have some of tho handsomest pat terns that ever came to Tionesta, und our prices, why It la surprising how cheap we can sell them. The reason we can sell so cheap is that we bought them from tho right lioiisenud by buying a large lot at one time and securing the discount, we are able to place them within the reach of everyone. We have a few patterns left over from last year that we will sell at your own price. HEATH & Klim BTtuqqiSTS Ant qpoctits, - tionesta, fa. HEADQUARTERS 11)11 CIIOICK DRUGS, MKD1CIN KS, STATION KKV, GKOCKItl KS, PROVISION, CONFKCTIONKRY, Ktc. Come aud examine goods and prices, and we'll do the rest. Lawrence & i) in- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. HOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODSOK I'lRSTCl.AS.SliCAl.lTV IN KVKltV I MP A RTM KNT. TAKfcN IN EXCUANGK FOR GOODS. TIMETABLE, in e(Tei-t Sept. , lxft. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west as follows : No. 31 Buffalo Ex press, daily except (Sunday 12:00 noon. No. 01 Way Freight (carrying passengers), daily except Sunday " 4:.'0 p. ni. No. 33 Oil City Ex ress, daily except Sunday 7:46 p. m. For Hickory.Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, Bradford, Glean and the East: No. 30 Olean Express, daily except Sunday 8:45 a. in. No. 32 Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday 4:1!) p. m. No. 00 Way Freight (carrying passengers to Irvineton ) daily except Sunday 9:50 a. m. Get Time Tallies and full information from W. H. SAUL, Airent, Tionesta, I'a R. BELL, Gen'ISupt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent, General otllce, Mooney-Hrisbane Hldg, Cor. Main and Clinton sts.. Hutlalo.N.Y. tin ever before TIONESTA, PA. Wall Papery Smearbaugh, 'is