The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 27, 1897, Image 3

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    r r
iHvanH 11. Af Uam
'"imcitmcn. J. It. Osgood J. I). Davis,
I. It. Lansnn, Joseph Morgan, C. F.
Woavor. H. Fltr.gnrald. Win. Smear-
j I. iir I l;rwrnl, L. I). Bowman,
"'""" f te Voce C. A." Randall, 8.
Onnsttible R. R. Canfield.
Cttlrrtni.1. U. f-Ui-b-
-v. 7ioo. Directors G. W. Holoman, L.
... riii"u a Know, w. A. Groyo, q.
Member of Congress W. C. Arnold,
Member of Senate Wm. II. Hydic.
Assembly J. K. Wicnk.
President Judge Charlhs II. Notes.
amcwn JUitges Jos. A. Nash, A
J. MoCray.
ffHrr-James H. Fonks.
VofAonofiry, Register dt Recorder, o.
John II. Korkrtnon.
-VAerW. Fkahi I". WAi.kkr.
(?ammsiane.rV?. M. Coo, O. M
Whitemaw, Hrrman ir,nivt.
tlounty Superintendent E. E. Stittiin.
I'iitrict Af!orrtrv-P. M. CLARK.
'" ' 'inersJ. IS. C'ARFKN
'" -!-1 ri.iid.
i k. J. W. Morrow.
uditors M. K. Abiiott, J. R.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Last Monday of August.
Third Monday of Novomber.
TIONESTA LODGE. No. 309. 1. 0. 0. F
A Moot every Tuesday evening, in Odd
fellows null, i'artriilge building.
IjVlREST LODGE, No. 184. A. O. U. W.,
I Meets evory Friday evening in A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tlotiesta.
H. of A., meet every Saturday eve
ning in A. O. U. W. Hall', Tlonesta,
U. A. R. Moete 1st and 3d Wednes
day eveninglu each month, in Odd Fel
lows, Hall, Tionesta.
137, W. H. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in A,
O. U. W. liall, TionoHla, Pa.
TIONESTA TENT, No. 1(14, K. O. T.
M., meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening in each month in A. O. U. W.
hall Tlonesta, Pa.
; ! Patriot Attornrt. Cilice, cor. of
. xl Bridge Streets, Tlonesta, Pa.
a iv.i nu'int for a number of reliable
m Insurance Companies.
ji F. R1TCHEY,
Tlonesta, Pa.
Physician, Surgeon A Druggist,
J W. MORROW. M. D., ' "
Physician, Surgeon A Dentist.
f1io and Residence three doom north
Mit Agnew, TioneHla. Professional
ptiy responded to at all hours.
"'V. M. D.,
v:it;in A Surgeon,
....lingformerly occupied by
Cull promptly responded to.
iy, Residence opposite Hotel
i L. AGNEW, Proprietor.
1 his hotel, formerly the Lawrence
i 1 .iiHfl, has undergone a complete change,
and is now furnished with all the mod
wii improvements. Ileatod and lighted
throughout with natural gas, bathrooms,
i:..t and cold water, etc. The comforts of
quests never neglectod.
W C. F. WKAVER, Proprietor.
Yiongela, Pa. This Is the most centrally
1'M-Med hotel in the place, and has all the
uiodoru improvements. No pains will
in) spared to make it a pleasant stopping
w.k' for the traveling public First
Lut Livery in couuection.
L West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Bender, Proprietor. This hotel
has but recently been completed, is nice
ly furnished throughoutund offers the
II nest and most coin for je acoomtiioda
tions to guests and tlieVavoling public
lUtes reasonable.
Cor. Seneca and Centre Sts., Oil City,
Pa., Thomas Gent. Proprietor. Meals
and Lunches served at all hours. Open
day and night. When iu the city look
up" the Exchange Restaurant, and get a
good meal.
Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm
aud alnut streots, Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work trom the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. r f. zahrinuer"!
and Jeweler of 25 years' experience, ia
prepared to do all work iu his line uu
short notice and at reasonable prices.
Always guarantees satisfaction. Watch
es, Jewelry, Ac, ordered for parties at
the lowest possible figure. Will be found
in the building next to Keeley Club
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Aud all kinds of
Frod. Orottcnbcrgor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
KHiea, Oil W'ell Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings aud General Hliicksmithing prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop iu rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Furniture' Dealers,
Real Estate and
Also Conveyancer.
Real Mstai'e .
Comprises the Piirehaalnc. Helllnir
Ieasing and Keiitlug of all kinds of
Keai '.state. ,
Briefs, and Soai clies of TitleaSpeiv
ialty. Having had twenty-one
years' experience with Forestooun
' tv lands, 1 am prepared to give
garding the Titles and present
ouiius vi name,
Modarate chare for drawlim-Tin
struinentfl of writing transferring
Life Jxsujxaxce-
X am General Asront for the Enuit
able Life Assurance Society of the
U. ., having a Surplus of FORTY
thirteen millions larger than any
other company in the WORLD.
NO ONE who needs Life Insurance
can afford o take It before seeing
me xi ew roncy oi mis society .
FiitE, itiFE and Accident
Ins urance Agents
- AMI ...
C'ompanlra ltrprrarnlril.
North American, - -
$ 9,487,673.53
Boyal, - - -Hartford,
Phill'a Underwriters, -
Tltlo. I 1 un .., .
.v.v c iwi aim iiriuis preparea.
Farms, wild lnnds, houses and lota for
tan,., r nriieumr aiieuuon pam lo
..uwiw vi loiim, iiiivrest, ao. Also
( flia mnnn- e ,
i' "I'v. .nnirnnilivil, Ul litlKIS ttllU
rr.J , Ltcinnuig and sale or
Oil Run tram 1-H. atuuilol t
Ckarch uni Mskbath Ncheol. ,
rn. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m."
rreacmng in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. R. A. buzxa.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
ml, uiwifl, rwtwr.
Services In thA PrnaVkvfarlan f''l..,l.
every tjabbath morning and evening.
Oil market $.85.
Don't fall to road Whiteman's' new
ad. in this issue.
Heath A Killmcr have a new ad. in
this Issue. Read it.
Read the new advertisement of Jas.
T. Brennafi at the head of tha first local
Don't .fail to read. Miles 4 Arm
strong new ad. this week. They are of
fering some great bargains. ,
-The Bonner property, next to post
offloe, la for rent. Late Improvements.
best location in town. Inquire at Breft-
nan's agenoy. . tf.
J. E. Btintgardener baa started a gen
eral repair shofi in the Kepler building,
opposite Hotel Agnew, See add. Iu an
other column.
Walter W. Wilson of Clarion, a
student at Princeton College, has been se
lected to captain the base ball team ot
that college for '97.
Messrs. Fred Morck and L. R. Free-
niifii have sold their interests in the
Queen Run oil lease to Mr. Hardonburg
and othor partners. Warren Mail.
At the business meeting of the Liter
ary Society last Friday evening it was
decided that in the future debates would
be held separately from other entertain
ments. The foundation for the soldiers' mon
ument in Clarion has been completed
aud the erection of the monument will
be continued aa fast as the weather will
Internal Revenue Collector Bigler
claim that Western Pennsylvania is the
banner district in production tf rye
whisky, as it produces about ninety per
ceut. of the country's "old rye."
The report of the Auditors ol Erie
county shows that nearly f'2,000 was paid
to fanners last year for sheep which bad
been killod by dogs. The report also
shows that $2,700 was collected in dog tax.
Uosea Myers, one of Frankbus' pro
minent oitizens committed suicid Mon
day morning by drowning himself. He
was In a good condition financially and
no cause can be given for the act except
A Missouri farmer is scouring the
country for a fellow who eloped with his
wife and his mule. He announces that If
the mule is returnod all will be forgiven,
as it will be no trouble for him to secure
another wife.
Wild cats are getting very numerous
n this neck 'o woods and a great many
have been killed this wiuter by our hun
ters. The last oue reported was killed
by Ed. Graham and S. H. Hasleton In
diana camp last Friday.
-The second annual convention of the
Forest County Sunday School Conven
tion will commence iu the Presbyterian
church at this place at 1:30 this Wednes
day afternoon Quite a nuaibcr of dele
gates are expected to be present.
Andrew Carnegie, the multi-million
aire, was ouce a messenger boy in Pitts
burg at f),60 per week, John Waua
maker began work at $1.25 per week.
There you are boys, you all have the
same chance, if you only know how.
-It is said that over in Williamsport
the women indulge in prize lighting, aud
the authorities recently granted two pu
gilistio females permission to engage in
a five round bout. There is plenty of
'scrapping" between some of the gen
tler sex of this place, but "dey don't do
it wid de mitts."
-Following is the list of officers nomi
nated at the Republican caucus held in
Tionesta township, Saturday, Jan. 23,
1897: School directors, John Wolt, W.
W.Thomas j road com., Wm. McKee;
auditor, P. A. Hepler; overseer poor,
Ernest Sibble j collector, Jesse Carson;
treasurer, Wm. Lawrence ; justice of the
peace, A. E. Moore; clerk, J. W, Montr:
judge ol election, Asa Lovejoy; iuspectur
of election, Hartmau Lawrence ; path
masters, Chas. Moon, Fred Dryer, Burt
Thompson, C. F. Ledebur, Ernest Sibblo,
Henry Sibble.HeDry Sinith.Jouob Mealy,
A. W. Moug, Aaron FenBtermaker.
TOU AHI YOl'R FRlfesns.
Miss Kate Hood was a visitor to War
ron Inst Friday,
Miss Anna Anderson was a visitor to
City Saturday.
A. B. Kelly, loft yesterdav for China
on a business visit.
Miss E. Ethel Dill, of Rldgway, is a
gnnsi or Mrs. K. J. Thompson.
Miss Randall is visiting
lnenas in Hamsimrg for a lew days.
F. R. Lanson and G. O. Gaston were
business vlnltors to Oil City on Saturday
Miss Belva Griggs, of Oil City, is i
guest of her friend, Mrs. Jas. Haslet, of
in is piace.
Miss Lucy McGurn. of Oil Cltv. v
a guest of her friend. Miss Kittle Joyce,
over sunuay.
Mrs. J. S. Hunter of Hlokory was a
guest ui Mrs. Jared In nir for four
days last week.
r - . . . .
XvOV. tf V. MCAnlnrh Im hnllt,, -
series of meetings in the Presbyterian
urcn ai unaeavor.
Mrs. Harry Brunorof West Hlckorv
isnea nor parents. Mr. and Mrs s s
Can field, ovor Sunday.
Ted Kelly has so far imnrovnd from
Is attack of typhoid fever that ho Is able
do up ana snout the bouse.
Mrs. Dr. A M. Doutt and dainrhlAr
miovieve wont to Oil City Saturday for
coupieoi weens' visit with relatives.
Harrv Watson of nnlln. -
Kanilolph, N. Y., last Friday for a two
" visil will! Old school nmU. ...ri
Mr. and Mrs. P. Normlln
been visiting Rev. J. T. Brennan and
lamny lor a few days past, have gono to
i raiiaiin 10 visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. r.H .
were Warren visitors on Frlrlnv. Th
were accompanied home by Miss Luella
vsaui, wno Btayed over Sunday.
Misses Kate Canflold and Addl iTi,i.
Ing, who have been nmnlnvaH in ti,-
O.-i- ...
mam nospiiai ror me Insane at North
Warren for a few months past, came
down Saturday aud spent Sunday wllh
their parents.
Miss Flo Morrison, teaclmr of tha
V-.. 1 1 . .. .
iwuiigK scuooi, was caned to Irvineton
yesterday morning, on account of th
suddon death of her grand father, Hiran
Mnrrliirtn wl.n will 1, n .
" " ... uo nun reinemoerea
by many of our rivermen as he has been
piioi on me river ror nrty or sixty years.
He was about eighty years of age.
Jas. D. Davis and fnmlWrl
HarriBburg last Saturday wl,
will take ud his dutins Tnnu..iu
clerk in the House of Representatives, to
wuicn omce lie has been appointed as
will be seon in another column mv.
Davis and son will reside at 1431 Euclid
Ave., Philadelphia, for the winter.
Mrs. Wm. Hibenthnl anil n
came up from Pittsburg yesterday after
noon to prepare the Jacob Hood hnn..
for their occupancy next week, as it is
At- t 1 1 n .
moir inremion 10 return to Tionesta to
live, it Is expected that their daughter
and son-in-law will come to Tionesta in
the near future, when the latter, Mr.
Benjamin 8hackolford, will engage in
business here.
F. E. Mabie of Erie soent last Th urn.
day with old friends in Tlonesta, his first
visu nere in nearly ten years, and the
greetings of old acnuaiiitannnu wars
hearty and welcome. Frank is the head
of the firm of the Erie Hard Wall Plas
ter Co., engaged iu the mannfactiira ol
that excellent material for nlnntArlntv
buildings, of which they are turning out
an Immense quantity at present. The
firm has a fino plant at Erin am! mn von
successfully compete with any similar
concern in the country on account of the
auvnuiageoiis ireigut rates to be had at
that place. Their goods are cnarantnn1
to be simply perfect in all respects.
The home of William Roden, a pum
per employed by the International Oil
company, near Pithole, was destroyed
uy nre on Friday moruing and the fam
ily barely escaped with their lives. The
house is heated by gas from the wells,
and was luxuriously furnished. Every
thing is a total loss.
Be careful from whom ou purchase
Life Insurance. Having 15 or 20 years to
ruu is a long time in the future. Be sure
you are right before signing an applica
tion with some irresponsible person whom
you may never see again and whose rep
resentations may or may not be true. It
will pay you to call at Brennan's Agency.
'I he Literary Society will give a tem
perance eutortainment in School hall
next Friday evening. All members of
the society will be admitted free, but
others will bo charged an admission fee
of five cents. Let everybody turn out, as
the proceeds go toward raising the seats
in the nail. Do not think because it is a
temperance entertainment that it will not
be interesting, for a good program has
been arranged.
Earnest Barnes, Jr., of German Hill,
met with a painful accident last Satur
day, while building a rig for the Proper
Oil company at Crown, Clarion county.
The rig builders were rolling the bull
wheel into place in the derrick when
Mr. Barnes in some way got caught and
the wheel rolled over his left foot crush-
it quite badly. He was brought to Tio
nesta Saturday evening and bis foot was
dressed by Dr. L. D. Bowman.
Many a girl who is sighing for a
husband could get one if she would show
a little more taste iu arrangiug her hair.
Why does the lady with pronounced
features and high brow haul her hair
back until she looks like a Jezebel T Why
does the girl with a long, narrow head
pile the locks ou the rear angle of her
cranium like a freak iu a side-show T All
hairdrexsing should be done so as to tone
down, not emphasize, salient features.
JiYanklin Nev a.
Last Thursday afternoon about 4:10
an alarm of fire was given which was
very quickly responded to by the de
partment. The fire was at the residence
of A. P. Andersou, but very little dam
age was done and the fire, which was in
the second story, was extinguished by
the time the hose cart arrived. The fire
was started by Johnnie, the five-year-old
adopted sou of Mr. Andersou, who had
been playing with some matches and
caused them to be ignited, wheu he came
down stairs, but said nothing of it until
questioned afterward, when he admit
ted that he had started the fire. He had
evidently been building a bouse out of
tb uiulohes uud thought a bouse of little
ubo this time of year without a tire in it.
Amslor is still doing buslnnst at the
old stand, so when you want anything In
the line of confectionery, cigars, tobacco,
tropical fruit, vegetables or oystors, Just
give him a call and get the best that is in
the market at rock bottom prices, Don't
forget the news depot. All the standnrd
magaxines and story papers constantly
ou hand. Agent for the Buffalo Daily
Express. 2t
The other day a Chicago passenger
agent received a letter from the publisher
of a little paper in Arkansas which bad the
merit of frankness, at least, The Arkansas
editor said i "Dear Sir: I wish you would
send me a pass from Little Rock to Chi
oago and return. I'vs got to go to Chlca
go, and I can't do it unless you do. My
paper goes almost everywhere In this sec
Hon, and I'm having mighty hard work
to keep it from going to h 1." Re.
Monday of this week Dr. Evan Kane
of the sanitarium, was called to Pigeon,
Forest county, where, assisted by Drs.
Towler, Totten and Stonccipher, he suc
cessfully performed one of the most dif
ficult aud delicate surgical operations,
the removal of a large tumor from the
abdomen of Mrs. M. Smith, a patient of
Dr. Stonecipher. The growth was attach
ed to the liver and back, which made the
operation exceedingly difficult and dan
gerous. K erne Republican.
Genuine "old fashioned" winter is
here at last and for the past three days
the weather has been extremely cold, the
mercury dropping as low as 12 belo zero
on Monday morning. The first real
sleighing that we have had this winter
is now here and our lumbermen re
taking advantage of it, consequently
there are no Idle teams. The river is
frozen over for the first time at this place
and the Ice men have ceased to worry and
are saying nothing, but sawing ice.
A Warren young lady who had been
slandered did not simply sit down and
cry about it, as many women do under
the circumstances. She knew the stories
circulated about her were false and she
bad the young man who told them
promptly lock 3d up in the county jail.
The alleged slanderer was only too glad
to be given a chance to withdraw his as
sertions to obtain his libertv. That
Warren girl pursued the proper course in
dealing with a defamer. Bradford Era.
The ladies of West Hickory and vi
cinity will give a benefit for the G. A. R.,
rost, on Friday evonlng, Feb. 5th. at
Green's Hall. A program of recitations
and songs has been arranged and a pleas
ant entertainment is assured. All soldiers
are cordially Invited to come and bring
their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Moulin have
kindly offered the Globe Hotel dinning
room, where supper will be served.
Prices 15 and 25 cents. A Woman's Re
lief Corps will also be organized by ladies
of East and West Hickory. ,
The most disastrous wreck that ever
occurred on the P. A W. railroad occur
red near Shippenville, Clarion county.
on last Saturday afternoon, In which
three men lost tlieir lives and several
others were seriously, if not fatallv. in
jured. The train jumped from a bridge
over Paint creek, about one mile from
Shippenville, which is about one hun
dred feet high, and crushed the lives out
of three of the trainmen. The names of
those killed are : Wm. Copoley, of Bus
ier ; Daniel Morairty and Jas. Beatty, of
r ox burg. Mr. Morairty was a former
resident sf Forest county and was well
and favorably known by many of our
readers who will learn with regret of his
disastrous end.
A largely attended and enthusiastic
Republicad caucus wrs held in the court
bouse Monday evening and the following
representative people were placed in
noiniuation for the ensuing spring elec
tion, ' which occurs on Feb. 10, 1897.
Burgess, K. C. Heath; Councilmen, J.
T. Dale, W. F. Blum ; School Directors,
Patrick Joyce, L. Agnew : Collector, F.
P. Amsler; Overser of the Poor, J. R.
Osgood ; High Constable, Wm. L. Hun
ter; Judge of Elections, J. Birtcil ; In
spector of Elections, J. R. Chadwick;
Auditor, Dr. F. S. Hunter. This is a
good, strong ticket, and as the Republi
can party is strongly in the ascendency
In this borough there is no reason why
the entire ticket should not be elected.
In last week's issue we ran an Item
clipped from the Oil City Blizzard, which
was beaded, "An Ancient Document,"
which told of a deed signed by Benjamin
Franklin, the first oue ever given for
any land in Venango county, it was con
sidered a curiosity when exhibited in
court in Franklin last week. The docu
ment Is dated 1787, April 10. W. G. Wy
man of this place informs us that he has
a similar document, framed aud hanging
iu his house, that is four days older than
the one spoken of, as it is dated April 0,
187, and is signed by Benjamin Frank
lin, probably by the same pen and from
the same bottle of ink. It was a grant to
"Andrew Lee for services in the late
war,'!, and is certainly quite a .mriosity,
as it is written on parchment or sheep
skin. Mr. Wyman will place the ancient
document in Lawrence A Siuearbaugh's
store next Saturday evening and will
leave it there one week, where all who
are interested in antiquities can see it.
The grocery, dry goods and clothing
stock of F. R. Lanson has been sold to I
J. Hopkins, the change in proprietorship
taking place on Monday of this week.
Mr. Lanson has been compelled to give
up this part of his business on account of
failing health, of which fact his many
friends aud patrons will bo grieved to
learn, as he has always been a faithful
caterer to the wants of the people, and
bis earnest offorts to keep an up to
date stock of goods has beeu appreciated.
But bis physicians have advised him to
seek more out door employment. He
will retain the feed department of the
mammoth store and solicits the patronage
of all bis old customers in that line. But
the people may be assured that the store
will be kept up to its usual standard un
der the management of Mr. Laiisou's suc
cessor, Mr. L. J. Hopkins whose business
ability iu that line is not to be surpassed,
aa is well known by all our people, he
having been formerly connected with the
same store for a number of years aud is
well acquainted with . the wants of the
community, consequently we have no
hesitancy iu predicting success lor him.
A weed in the garden call be easil v des
troyed when it tirst starts. Consumption
cau be nipped in the bud by Oue Minute
Cough Cure. Heath A Kiiiiner.
A tumid liver means a hurl ititnmli.Ku.ii
bad breath, indigestion and frequent
headaches. To avoid such coinpauions
taktt lMWitl's l.lttl Kurlw ,1.,
famous little pills. Heath A Killiue'r.
I.lst or Jurors, February Torm.
Albaugh, Jonathan, farmnr, Hickory.
Anderson, Elias, fireman,' Howe.
Burns, W. A., farmer, Hickory.
Duzzard, W. A., merchant, Jenks.
Childs, R. A., sawyer, Tionesta tp.
Copeland, A. A., farmer, Harmony.
Dnlkragnr, Wm., farmer, Hickory.
Dotterer, John, laborer, Kingslcy.
Emert, A. L., clerk, Jonks.
Folton, Charles, laborer, Jenks.
Harrison, Perry, farmer, Kingslny.
Haslot, Goorge, farmor, Kingsley.
Jamieson, Q., lumberman, Borough.
King, Sid., producer, Harmony.
Loveland, Wm., engineer, Jenks.
Leech, Charles, merchant, Jenks.
Mohney, Pat, farmer, Harmony.
Kollogg, J. A., farmor, Barnett.
Moore, Allen, farmer, Green.
Miller, J. C, farmer, Kingsley.
Scott, Harry, farmer, Jenks.
Williams, Wm., laborer, Barnett,
Warner, L. R.. laborer, Barnett.
Youngk, Peter, farmer, Green.
Alson, Algot, laborer, Howe.
Andrews, Lou., farmer, Hickory.
Armstrong, T. E., clerk, Borough.
Ainborger, II. P., farmor, Tlonesta tp.
Butler, James, butcher, Borough.
Bowman, F. S. lumberman. Green.
Carson, J. T., insurance agent, Borough.
Lasey, Henry, laborer, Harmony.
Crossman, W. A., lumberman. Barnott,
Cook, Emanuel, farmer, Barnett.
Cook, A. W., lumberman, Barnett.
Dean, J. I. Jobbor, Kingnley.
Dotterer, H. A., farmor. Green.
Erickson, John, carpenter, Howe.
Goff, G. A., agent, Jenks.
Ouiton, R. V., laborer, Green.
Gadloy, John, laborer. Barnett,
Glass. F. E.. minister. Borouo-h.
Hardenburc,M.R..oil producer. Harmon v
uainos, 1'etor, laborer, Howe.
Hinder. Joseph, farmer. Green.
Hoover, N. 8., liveryman, Jenks.
Heath, K. C, druggist. Borouirh.
Hoffersou, Thomas, laborer, Green.
Hepler, Wm.. farmer. Tionesta tn.
Jones, J. W., laborer, Barnett.
May, F. L., miller, Hickory.
McCon, Plynn, blacksmith, Jenks.
Neill. A. D.. druegist. Jenks.
Nelson, A. P., laborer, Howe.
Patterson. Martin, lumberman. Jenks.
Seigworth, W. H., undertaker, Jenks.
Strlckenberger. R. A., teacher. Jenks.
Smith, JunioH, laborer. Green.
Swain, L. F., laborer, Howe.
Shaffer, Charles, farmer, Hickory.
Vockroth, E. E.. farmor. Green.
Watson, Georgo, lumberman, Green,
Wagner, Henry, farmer, Tionesta tp.
Wilson, Brown, laborer. Jenks.
Wood, B. A., farmer, Hickory.
Weingard, Charles, farmer, Tionesta tp
Prof. Charles K. Dagiiott.
Charles E. Daguett. who was a member
oi tne Christian Commission that met at
Franklin in 1894. and who represented
the Carlisle Indian School ably at that
convention, as will be remembered, is at
present located at Chilocca O. T.. where
he has been for two years in charge of the
UUlliocca industrial School, Oklahoma,
which is six miles south of Arkansas
City, Kansas. After leaving school at
uarusie lie want to Crow Creek, Dakota.
The Department transfered him from the
Dakota service, to the Chilicoca Industrial
School, Oklahoma, which is one of the
largest In the service of the U. S. tiov't.
there being nearly 400 pupils. The build
ing is one of the finest the Government
lias erected for the benefit of the Indians.
About two years ago he married a daugh
ter or lorn Miller, or Tu-sau-ua, the head
Chief of, the Miamis, who graduated at
Carlisle Pa., in 1889, and subsequently at
tne urove City College, Quincey 111., who
is a valuable aid to the Professor. He is
a grandson of the celebrated Rapt jute
I'ooria, Head Chier, of the Peorias, and
U. S. Interpreter. His father Edward
Dagnett was of French Protestant decent,
a bright, Intellegeut man who served as a
soldier and scout during the last war. and
who died about 1870. He formerly assited
S. D. Irwin in his surveys of the Indian
lands in Miami aud Jolinsae Counties,
Kas., for the U. S. The Prof, visited S.
i. irwln here in 1894. and is uleasautlv
remembered by many of our citizens.
In Mciiiorlain.
Comrade George W. Rhodes was born
J uly 20, 1830, and died at Yankee Bush,
Warreu Co., Pa., Sept, 17, I WW, aged 66
years, 1 mo 27 days. He was buried at
the same place on Sept. 19. His depar
ture was very sudden, dying in the har
vest field whilo cutting buckwheat. We
are again reminded that life is uncertain,
aud ere long we will be numbered with
the (toad. "Be ye also ready : for in such
an hour ye think not, the Sou or Man
coineth." He was a mouiber of ('apt.
George Stow Post, No. 274, G. A. It..
Dcp't of Pa., was faithful in the perform
ance of all the duties required of him,
regular iu his attendance at the meetings
of the Post when iu reach, and was re
spected by all his comrade Heeulisted
In Co. B, 101st Reg., Pa. Vol. Inf., and
served to the end of the war. He made
a good soldier aud was always ready for
Rcttolved, 1. That in his death we lose
a good citizen, one that was always ready
to do what he thought was his duty, who
showed his fidelity and loyalty to his
(ouutryby enlisting under her Hag in
the hour of danger.
. The members of Post No. L7I, are
reminded of llioir mortality, aud that a
good soldier is ready at the sound of the
3. That tho charter of ('apt. George
Stow Post, No. 274, G. A. R., be draped
In uiouruing for thirty days.
4. That this memorial be published in
the Tionesta papers.
J. W. Moititow,
I). S. K MIX,
Sami ki. 1 1. 1 KW1N,
Lost A dear little child who made
home happy hy its smiles. And lo
think, 'I might have hi-en saved had the
patents only kept in the house One Min
ute Cough Cure, the inlaUililo remvdy
for croup. Heath A Killmer.
Soothing lor bums, st-ulils, chapped
hands and lips. lli-aiinu: lr cuts and
sores, lushml relic! lor plies, stops pain
ut once. '1 lu'so are the virlut-s ot lie
Will's ilawl Salve. lleatli A
Ail tlie dilft'i'vnt tonus ol skin troubles,
from chapped bunds lo crzema and in
dolent ut.rrs cull be readily cuisd by
lluWitl's Witch Uaiol halve, the great
pile cure. Uvuth A K illuier.
(Jrwn Township ilrernie.
Born, to Mr! and Mrs. Wm. Patterson,
Jan. 21, 1897, a daughter. Mother and
baby are doing well.
The long looked for snow has arrived
at last and times are lively at present.
John Mohney. Is Improving the golden
opportunity sf the sleighing and is put
ting shaft timber to the line of the C.
C. R, R. at Bear Creek.
E. L. Dewoody cut the Inside of his
right foot on Friday of last week, but at
the time of writing was getting along
Now as the caucus is ovor we will wait
for the election and the tobies aud good
roads and the bridge at Bear creek. That
which is needed we never get, but things
that are of no use are always hustled up
and shoved through.
H. A. Dotterer says his new boy will
be able to take the plow In the spring.
We hsar that Davy Rupert has re
ceived a silver medal as a reward for bis
invention of a gas jet at a competition
hold at Washington last month. Success
Davy, Is my best wish.
J. A. Jones says he can beat the world
making axehandles and a good yarn to.
Johnnie Blum Is bnsy hauling logs to
Skollettville for Mr. Mitchell, whose mill
Is at that place.
Mr. Geoge Jennings thinks winter
comes too quick, but says if he had an
other gum shoe he would make it, but
will try at any rate.
Guitonville looks lonely since the
Avenue Hotel has been removed, but it is
the fate of all quickly built towns come
quick, go quick.
Adam Ikenburg is a happy man. His
whiskers have quit leaking and he says
if he had one more fat hog he would
make it till spring all right.
Jones is busy cutting logs, he is run
ning seven men now cutting and peeling
Wanted, a small boy the sizo of a man
to shovel snow from the sidewalks at
Fox Creek, is the cry of the over-work
ed wives of that town.
We are glad to note the change in some
of the male members of Foxoreek since
they have built the temple. It is all
right boys, just stick to it and be good.
It pays to be good.
We wondor where Jobnny Llndsey
was that he came home so early on Mon
day morning.
Mr. E. Collins and Mr.G. Wensel were
up to Foxcreek to Sunday school last
Sabbath. Bin Head.
SALSU1VER Arthur, Infant son of
Daniel and Ada Salsgiver of Smokey
Hill, Tionesta tov.-nship, died Wednes
day, Jan. 20, 1897, aged 2 months and 3
days. Intlamation of the brain and
bowels was the causo of death. Funer
al services were conducted in the M.
K. church at 2 o clock, Friday after
noon by Rev. R. A Huzza, atler which
the little body was laid to rest in River
side cemetery at this place.
Aslenn in Jesus. Blessed sleeeD
From which none ever wake to weep.
Avalm and undisturbed repose
Unbroken by the least of foes.
Asleep in Jesus far from thee.
Thy kingdom and their graves may be,
niu luiiiB is sun a uiesseu steep
From which none ever wake to weep."
Kremis, Mercer county. Pa. We be
lieve Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to
be the best remedy in use. We use it in
our own families, and it is a favorite
among our customers. Heckor Bros. A
Co. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by G.
. , i
it . uuvaru.
Mirtlitoa ifldm lib. hnnni Vi . lira 1.
at stake. Croup gives no time to send
im h uocior, uciay may mean aeatn.
One Minute Cough Cure gives instant re-
1101 ana insures recovery. The only
Imrmloua rattio.l. tlmt nriulmuu imme
diate results. 11 oat ii y. Killmer.
Constipation in its worst forms, dvs.
pepsia, sick headache, biliousness and
derangement of the liver are readily
cured by DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
These little pills never gripe. Small
pin, saie pin, uest pin. Heath A Kill
One of the most remarkable cures of
rheumatism on record is related hv Mr
I. M. 1 homnson. nost master at Decker's
foint, fa., as loliows: "While out driv
ing one dav last winter I was causrht in a
com rain, rue next morning 1 was un
able to move my head or arms, owing to
hii attack ot iiillauimatorv rheumatism.
Mv flul-lf tnnttll..(, All f.M . nlivulnlan K.ifr
suggested mat i use l tiamocrliun s I'am
Halm, there being a bottle open on the
counter. He rubbed the affected parts
throughly with Pain Balm and built up
a hot fire. I dozed off to sleep and wliea
I awoke about half an hour later the pain
had gone entirely, and I have not been
troubled since. People come here from
many miles around to buy Chamber
lain's medicines." For sale by G. W.
One thing is certain : It will not do to
fool with a bad cold. No one can toll
what the end will be. Pneumonia.
'atarrh, chronic bronchitis, if not con
sumption, invariably result from a neg-
lecieu coui. it is surprising, too, thai
bad colds are so often neglected when one
remembers bow easily and at what little
expense they may lie cured. Chamber
lain s ( ouuu Keinudv is alwavs nromnt
aud effectual, and costs but a trifle; 2') or
no cents is a trine as compared with the
disastrous ellocts of a neglected cold. Mr,
A liuar Mercer nt Uilworthtowii. Chester
county, Pa., in speaking of this remedy,
sanl : "omeliiiie ago 1 hud a bad cold
aud coiiu'li. I tried almost everything.
Finally Mr. Hunt, the druggist, recom-
neuded I uauilierluin s CoukIi Kemedv.
and one 50 cent bottle ol it cured me en
tirely." For sale bv U. W. Kovanl.
a practical workman, has fitted up a
Repair Shop iu the Kepler building, op
posile Hotel Agnow, and is prepared to
promptly do all work pertaining to
in a superior manner. Giv him a call.
k . .
An rone en1tn a ketch and description mar
Quickly acertttiri, frue. whether au luvuuttoa l
prohrtMy puttmtablti. Cuiuujuiili'tiona atriotlf
Ciuniltuitlal. OIlrl kureiH'j f r ftwcuriiitf pat (tula
Iu America. Wa hava a Wakbuitftou oftoa.
Han-tit taknn tliruujtu lluiiU t Co. ruoviv
apauial uutioti iu th
bvautlfullr Illustrated. Urnt circulation Of
anv rieutlHc luuruul. weekly. Usraia AuO s w .
Sl fiuix month. htt..'iui.-a mad lLkD
BUuK Oil filtNTU uliHluO.
301 brday, Kw tf ark.
Any person
denial work Hone will aTi'md
in mind (hst I will he in i.
for the week commencing on tlie first j,
Monday of each month.
tf R. II. Rtillson.
Notice of Appeals.
Notice Is hereby given that the Com
missioners of KoreM count v w ill meet at
their otllee In the Court House in Tlones
ta lloro., on the 18th, liith and 2nth of
February next, Tor the purpose of hold
ing a Court of Appeals from the assess
ment of 18)17.
W. M. Coon.
C. M. Whitkmah.
Attest, (j0, Com'rs.
J. T. Dalk, Clerk.
Cnnflrmatlon Notice.
Notice is hereby given that C. H. Wil
ton, Assignee, has filed his account, and
that the same will be presented for allow
ance and confirmation at Court, at Tio
nesta, Pa., on the fourth Monday of Feb
ruary, 18!7, when said account will be
allowed unless cause be shown to the
contrary. J. II. ROBERTSON,
Confirmation Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
account has been filed in mv office and
will be presented at (he next term of
court for confirmation.
First and final account of Nelson P.
Wheeler, Executor of the last will and
testament of George Root, late of Hick
ory township, Forest county, Pa., de
ceased, s
Clerk Orphans' Court.
Tlonesta, Pa., January 14K, 1K7.
Administrator's Notice.
Whereas, Letters of Administration
upon the estate of J. J. Reynolds, late of
Barnett township, deceased, have been
granted the undersigned by the Register.
All persons indebted to said estate nre
lequested to make payment, and those
having claims against the same will pre
sent same without delay to
J. B. Maze, Adm'r..
8. D. Irwin, Att'y. Clarington, Pa,
December 9, 181M5. 8t.'
Whereas, The Hon. Charles H. Noyes
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has Issued bis pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for th
County of Forest, to commence on the
Fourth Monday of February, being
the 22nd day of February, 18H7. No
tice Is therefore if i veil to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they bo then
and there iu their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their otlioe appertain to be done,
and to those whoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners lhatare
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my hand and seal this 26th day of
January, A. D. 1807.
FRANK P. WALKER, us. Sheriff.
BY VIRTUE of sundry write of Fieri
Facias issued out of the Comt of Com
mon Pleas of ForeNt County, Pennsylva
nia, and tome directed, there will beex
posed to sale bv publio vendue or outcry,
at the Court House, in the Borough of
Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., on
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, A. D., 18.r7,
at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described
real estate to-wit ;
No. 22, February Term, 'ii7. (Waivers.)
C. M. Hkawkey, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim
of the defendant of, in and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of laud situate in the
Borougti ot I lonesta, county ol Forest,
aud Stale of Pennsylvania, beiug lot No.
U, block "K," iu said Borough, ami
bounded and described as follows, vis:
Beginning at a post, corner of Dale and
May streets ; thence by Dale street oorth
twelve degrees east, fifty-four (54) feet to
post, cornsr of lot No. 8 ; thence by lot
No. 8 south seventy degrees east, one
hundred thirty three ( 13H) feet to a post
at Vine street; thenee by said Vine street
south twelve degrees west, forty-four (44)
feet to corner ol May and Vine streets at
a post; thence by May street north
eighty-four degrees west, one hundred
thirty-five (l:tfl) feet to the place ol be
ginning. Containing one-fourth of an
acre ol land more or less. Being the
same land conveyed by Mary A. Arner
anu husband to W. if. Cone by deed
dated November 2tith., 18i!4, recorded in
tlie Recorder oillce ol forest county, in wJ
Deed Book 28, at page 23. Having t ilnma tr:
on one two-story frame dwelling-hoiitJo, .'.
out uousc, iruit trees, ,vc, ko.
Taken iu execution and to be sold as
the property of W. II. Cone at the suit of
the Couewaiigo Building Louu Associa
tion. ALSO:
ANA SON, Fi. Fa., No. lo. Feb. Term,
18!t7. (Waivers.) A lien A Sons, At
torneys. All tlie right, title, interest aud claim
of the deteiiilunl ol, iu and to all IhcT cer-
lain tract or piece of land situate iu Howg' "
township in the County of Forest, in tlie
State of Pennsylvania, described iu the
patent thereof as follows:
A certain tract of land called Greenfield,
situate in the late purchase Northumber
land county, beginning at a post, thence
by the Holland Company's laud west
five hundred and torty-turee perches to a
beech ; thence by vacant laud south three
hundred and ix perches lo a beech ;
thence by said vacancy and Jeremiah
Warder A Company's other land east
five hundred and forty-six perches to a
post, and thence by said Warder A Com
pany's land north three hundred and six
perches to the beginning. Containing
nine hundred and seventy-nine acres,
twelve perches, and allowance of six per
cent, lor roads. An (Which said tract
was Nurvejed in pui'Miauce of a warrant
nuuilier throe thousand eight hundred
ami three, CtMiil) dated April tlie eighth.
A. 1)., 1 7 1 i, granted to the said Jeremiah
Warder A Company said patent rooorded
ill Patent Hook "P," No. 2ri, paue 4.1:1, in
the Surveyor General's otlice ol I'enu'a. )
Three old houses ami one stable tliereou
One-sixth of all oil. gas, coal ami min
erals reserved.
Taken iu execution and to be sold as
the property of W. G. Cowan A Sou at
the suit ol Samuel Crawford.
TERMS OF SALE. The following
must be strictly complied wall w hen tlie
property is stricken down:
I. When the plaintilf or other 1 un cred
itors becon, e the purchaser, the costrton
the writs must 1st paid, aud a list ol liens
including iuoiiiil;c searches on tlie prop
erty sol. I, together with such lien credit
or s re iil lor the amount ot the pro
ceeds ol the sale tu sucii pirtii'ii tlicrtsil 4
lie may claim, miisl be luiiiislicil tho
2. All bids must be paid ill full.
8. All e.ales ul settled immediately will
be continued until '1 o'clock p. m,, ol the
next day, at which Unit' all piopcrtv not
settled fur will auaiu be put up suj Mild
al the expense and risk ol the pel son to
wlioul lust
See Purdou Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 4Ni aud Smith a Forms, uago 3M.
FRANK P. WALK1.R. Micrill.
Slicntl Ouicv, TioucKUt, Pa.. January
25, l$J".