The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 16, 1896, Image 3

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liiirtirx.'i. 11. M. Hcimim.
( inc.ii,--.i , It. Osgood ,1.1), Davis,
l' 11. I.ansnn, Joseph Morgan, C. K.
Weaver, H. Fitzgerald, Win. Smear-
I in ujl i . H. II. eravvtbrd, E. 1). Bowman,
J. 1. w. ItooK.U. w. l'npnr. of the Pence V. A. Ilandall, fi.
J. Hetlov.
OmsfuMo S. H. Can Hold.
fSdlrctor3. It. 'lnrl.
Nfhtmt Director H. W. Holemait,
.1. Hopkins li. Agnevv, W. A. uroyo,
Jamicsou, J. U. Swnvilwi,
, i I . .. . , . -I f?nn,l;.w I
Afrmtier of Cnnjrex Wm. C. AltNOf.n.
Manlier nf rlcnntr Wm. II. llvnu.
Anembl)j-S. E. Wi:nk.
President Judie (' It A Itl.KS II. Noykh,
, Aociita Judge Jus. A. N'ASlf, A.
J. MoCuay.
Trennnrer J amv.h 11. Eonkk.
Prothnnotnry, lteiintcr fc Jlecardcr, t o.
Sheriif. John T. Causon.
CWnnjmonor W. A. Connei.y, Pk-
'Jonnttf .Superintendent E. K. Stitzin
District Attorney P. M. Clark.
jitni tunt.i.iionera J. B. Caiu'H.n
Vonntii Nurvcinr I. F. Pnorun.
rnn.-r Till. .1. W. MoBUOW.
tM,itu A ttditnrn M. E. AlllloTT, W
Fourth Monday or February.
Third Monday of May.
East Monday of Anoint.
Tliird Monday of November.
irmvtNTA r.ODiiE. No. T. O. O. !'
1 Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Follows' Hull, l-aririigo ouiiiuiig.
I "v ItEST I.0 1X1 E. No. 1S4, A. O. U. W.,
I M ects every triday evening in A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tionesta.
r AHllTN-HTON CAMP. No. 420, P.O.
V V H. of A., moot pvorv Saturday eve
ning in A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionesta.
. A. It. Moots 1st and 3d Wednes
day evening lu each month, in Odd Fol
lows, Hall, Tioresta.
i'p i.-iiifi STOW COUPS. No.
I j irt7 "v. it. '.. moots tlrHt and third
Wednesday evening of each inontli, In A.
O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, ra.
nmivi'OTJ TUNT. No. Hit. K. O. T.
1 M tiioeis lind and 4th Wednesday
........ 1, or In ivii'Ii IllOlltll ill A. O. U. W
hall Tionesta. I'a.
rum. tir yvcci-
I represent the. nldost, Rtrongost, and
best Insurance Companies in tho United
C . M . A R ri E R ,
l)ood. ltondH, Moi tunRos, Loao,WillH,
l'owois of Altornoy, Artiolos of A(?roe-
monl, and ail other lotjal inHiruinonm y
writinK, drawn with accuracy anil dis
patch. Titles examined and "liriofs"
prepared. Ground routs, mortmanrs,
and loans negotiated. Farms and wild
ti.nU hiumps and ioih lor saio or nniv.
i;n..iutnr ,f l'ronoilv for sale or to lot,
open to tho inspoctio'n of thono intorestod.
rai tlcular auoimoii paia ui mu niumi
of rents, interest, e tc. Also to tlie proper
asKOMHinent of lands and payment ot
taxes. Proliatini? nccnunts, acknowledg
ment of deeds, and depositions uiKen.
Mniri ll ami Sallbntll Mrlmol.
Proslivterian Sabbath Se.liofl at 9:45 a.
. .. . . ... t. .i i , m.nn n .
in. : M. ft. sannaui nniuui t -
Preaclnnu in M. K. t'liurcn every oau-
bntli eveninir by Kov. K. A. ISuz.a.
PreachiiiKin the F. M. ('hiirch every
Snbbnth ovoninjt at tlio usual hour. ltev.
F. I'., (llass, Pastor. .
Services in the l'resDyiorian yo.i.ii.
every Saliliatii morninw n
Key. J. V. MCAiiineii '
l- t nT.AlllC.
1,1.1 rtiuTiiti-r attoiinky. Otlioo, cor. of
i... ...i iii.i.m sti'oiits. Tionosta. Pa.
lor n nuinler of reliable
Firo Insuiiiiico Companies.
Tionesta, Pn.
1 11. SKJOINS, M
J . P.
uysician, Surgeon ,t Druwist,
Kl... ui. .Inn Hnrirnoll .V. Doutist
hoi..., ,....1 i!idoiicH tliroo doors north
of Hotel Airnow. Tionola. Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours.
T D. BOWM AN. M. I).,
I j, Physician A Surgeon, family.
Ollloo in buildii'.K formerly occupied y
r. Nason. t all prompuy naw
Oil market ?0.tll.
Candy by tho pound, pock or bushel
at Anislor's. 11
I,. J. Hopkins is in Pittsburg on bus
iness for a few days.
-Our merchants are displaying a fine
lot of holiday goods.
A. W. Kichards was a visitor to
Warren over Sunday.
Mrs. Kate II. Craig is visiting Oil
City friends this week.
Ij. J. Osgood of Fast Hickory was a
visitor to town Monday.
-Miss Mao Grovo visited Oil City
friends for a few days last week.
-Teachors' institutes are being held in
Warren and Franklin this week.
-Jacob Mercilliott was down from
Marienvillo over last Monday night.
Kov. J. T. llrcnnan returned Satur
day from a business trip to Philadelphia.
Mrs. J. A. Hart of Oil City, visited
relatives iu Tionesta tho last of tho week.
Win. Ij. ly a long time and prom
Inent'eitizon or Oil City died last Thurs
day. G. W. Ilulil and M. N. Zellor of Ma
rienvillo, wore visitors to town yoster
day. - J. Gioring came over from Pleasant
ville Saturday and spent Sunday with
night or day. ltesuleiico opposite no
I.. AGNKW, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly the Ijawrcneo
House, has undergone a complete change,
and is now luriilxlieil with al'. tho mod
ern Improvements. Heated and lighted
i.r..,i,r mill with natural iras. bathrooms.
hot ami cold water, etc. The comforts of
guests never neglected.
V. C. F. WKAVEK, Proprietor.
Tionsota, Pa. This is tho niosteontrnlly
located hotel in the place, and has all tin)
modern improvements. No pains will
i. u. ,.,,.! in niiike it a nleivsaiil stopping
ui ii,i lor tho traveling public. First
class Livery in connection. "
West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Pender, Proprietor. This hotel
tlv linttn comploUul, is nice-
lv llll'll ishe.i throughout, and oilers the
liuost and most comfortable, accoinninda-
tions to guests ami tne uavomig fuun
Kates reasonable.
.. noil Centre Sts.. Oil City,
i.. 'i-ii.iniiii Gent. Proprietor. Meals
and Lunelle's served at ail hours. Open
riav and nitiht. When in tho city look
up' tho Fxchango Kostauraot, and gft
good meal.
1111L. EMEKT,
Shop in Walters building, l.or. l-im
and Walnut streets, Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from tiio linest to
the coHi sost and guarantui s his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices reasonable.
and Joweler of 2', years' experieiico, is
prepared to do all work in his lino on
short notice and at reasonablo prices.
A I wi, vis iriiaraolees salisfaetion. W atch-
es. J envoi I V, Ac, ordered for parties
tho lowest possible tignre.
in the building next to
. Koom.
Will be found
Keoley Club
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Trod. (Jrcttcnborgor
All work pertaining to Machinery,
gines. Oil Well Tools. Gas or Water l it
lings and General lthe ksinithing proinpl
lvdone at Low Kates. Kepaiiing Mil
Machinery given upecial uttention, ami
Mitislairfioii guarantied.
Shop in rear of and just west ol the
"Shaw House, Tidiotilo, I'a.
Your patronage solicited.
Fit F.i'. (i ltl'T'l F.N UK KG Kit.
Furniture Dealers,
llouth ICillmer and Miles .Y, Arm
strong have now advertisements in this
issue. Head them.
Ed. Corah is down from Warron for
a few days, tho guest of his sister, Mrs.
Dr. Frank Hunter.
liny something serviceable for a
graeoful X-tnas gift. Ours are all such.
Miles it Armstrong. It.
Mrs. M. A. Kllinger returned last
Friday from a two weeks' visit at Kidg-
wav and St. Marys.
Tho drillers on the Patterson lease in
Hickory township have a very trouble
some fishing job on hand.
John O'Kourko and Jabo Collins
were down from Maybiirg on business
for a few Lours on Monday. -
-Miss Virginia Siggins of Oil City, is
the welcome guest of her friend, Miss
Katie Osgood, for a few days'.'
C. M. Shawkey, who is again located
at Warren, was shaking hands with Tio
nesta friends last Wednesday.
Hon. James Sweeney, tho oldest and
one of tho most prominent citizens of
Clarion, died last Wednesday.
Miss Allio Gidring returned Satur
day from a threo week's visit with rola-
. .. i : . ri.;, in,.
lives ami irioiuis in inuniuu. t
A. K. Gaston, ol Mcadvillo, was the
guest of his brother, (J. V.. Guston of this
place, for a few days last week.
Mrs. Lizzie Hulings and nioces,
Misses Li.zio and Dolv'a Kandall, were
visitors to Oil City on Monday. .
Mrs. Joseph Weaver of Cheerful,
Clarion county, is a guest of her son, C.
F, Weaver, at tho Central House. '
An eflort is boing made by tho W. C.
T. U. to get Mrs. Darr of Oil City to sing
at tho Court House on tho night that
Kov. Frank DoWitt Talmago lectures.
I). C. Agnew was down from Hick-
nm l.isi Kridav. and while ill town Had
his name placed on our subscription list.
Cull on M. Hepler, Tionesta, Pa., for
modern oil well conductor. Knocked
down, 8 els. per foot; nailed togother, 10
cents. -l
A philosopher has discovered that
"many a man's progress down the stream
of life is woefully delayed by his getting
stuck on a bar."
Kov. W. W. Halo and family came
over from Tilusvillo on Monday to visit
for a few days villi their many friends
hero and at Nebraska.
Of course it is hard to select some
thing that is suitable and. not expensive.
Perhaps you can set) something su
tive at Miles it Armstrong's.
Uarnsdall tSc Co. struck a nice well in
Harmony township last week. It is lo
cated near Copi laud's place, and is
said to have started oil' at a (id-barrel rate.
Would a nice watch chain or ring not
make an acceptable present? Or you
can get a nice pair of gloves or mittens,
kin tosh at Miles A
C. S. Kirchartz was up lrom un i.ny
visiting his family over Sunday. Char
lie is working for Uroida liros., the hus
tlingcigariiiakersof Oil City, who are
turning out some very lino goods, among
them hoiim a tobey called "The Leader
of Oil City," w hich is becoming a very
popular smoke hero. Sold by ali dealers.
(innrlorly meeting services will bo
held in tho F. M. church at Nowmans
villo, commencing noxt Friday ovoning
and continuing over Sunday, Kov. D.
11. Tobey officiating.
Ladies when you aro looking for a
present for your husband, come and seo
tho Christmas cigars I hare on hand
They aro guaranted to bo lirst class
goods. F. P. Amsler. H
Miss Grace Iiarnhart of Hivcrly, who
has been the guest, of Miss Uosoio Glass
of tliis plaeo for tho pBst week, has gono
to Newmansville to visit friends for a fow;
days before returning home.
Mrs. W. F. Ilium was tho guest of
Oil City frionds over Sunday, having
gono down to bid good bye to her daugh
ter, Mrs. II . H. Carr, who departed for
her homo in Chicago on Saturday.
Tho revival meetings being conduct
ed in tho M. K. church aro creating con
siderable Interest and quite a number nro
being converted. Tho meetings will bo
continued as long as any interest Is man
J. It. Hagerty expocts to finish tho
well ho is drilling for the Tionesta Gas
Co., on Hemlock, thi." week. It has been
a very tedious job, a succession of acci
dents having followed the drillers from
tho beginning.
Tho Philadelphia llccord Almanac
for 1H07 is issued, and that which is not
found in its more than 100 pagos ol statis
tics, election figures and facts, and use
ful information generally, is scarcely
worth mentioning.
J. F. Proper brought homo a large
deer head when ho came from Colorado
last week, and it has boon arranged in
tho window of tho millii.ery store of F.
Walters A Co., where it looks vory neat
among the holiday goods.
A "hugger" who has been terrorizing
tho ladies of Olean has turned out to bo
a woman disguised as a man. You'd a I
thought the women wore mad before this
discovery was made, but "hully gee!"
you ought to hear 'em now.
Dr. vV. G. Morrow was down from
West Hickory on Monday. We aro
pleased to learn that ur young friond is
establishing a irood practice in that plaeo
and we cliooi full- recommend him and
fool shure of his complete success.
li. W. Hawk of Sharpsvillo, Mercer
county, was a guest of Kov. R. A. Buzza
and family for a few days last week.
Kov. Buzza is now entertaining his fa
ther, Mr. Wm. Buzza, ol Knox, Claiion
county, who will remain for a few weeks.
A slick swindler is working the
towns in nearby counties by securing
orders for cabinet photographs at a re
duced rale, collecting part of tho price,
and that is tho last heard of him or the
money. It will bo woll to look out for
Mrs. Susan McOwn and neiee, Mrs.
McCurley, of Enon Valley, Pa., who
have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Overlandor for the past two weeks havo
returned home. Mr. Overlandor jeeom
paniod Mrs. McOwn his daughter as
far as Franklin.
Thero are qnito a number of bad
places in the sidowalks in town that
ought to . bo patched up before snow
comos. Seo to this matter at onoo.. It
will only take a short time to do the re
pairing and it may bo tho means of a
considerable saving to you before spring.
A curfew law, which calls tho boys
and girls off tho streets at 10 o'clock at
night, is soon to go iuto effect in Butler.
There seems to bo considerable opposition
to the action of tho council by some of tho
citizens, ono man having donated ono
hundred dollars toward lighting tho law.
.Teachers' institute for Forest county
will begin a week from next Monday, at
the court house. A fine corpse of day
instructors and evening lecturers will bo
present, and Supt. Stitzingor expects to
give tho pooplo ono of the best insti
tutes ever held in tho county. Get ready
to" attend it regularly.
A knowingcontomporary remarks that
tho time- is approaching when no one
should feel offended if I hoy walk into a
room and the conversation suddenly
ceases. This does not prove that you
havo been gossiped about, only that the
gilt you are to receive on Christmas has
boon under discussion.
Tho now buildings being erected in
Tionesta this fall aro rapidly approaching
completion, as the painters are putting
the finishing touches on the new bank
building, Sheriff Carson's new residence
and the new houses of both Capt. and
Jos. Clark. All these buildings are vast
additions to tho beauty of our town.
Proper A Co., of Tionesta, have se
cured leases on about 1000 acres in the
neighborhood of Crown postofllco, in
Farinington township, this county, and
located their first woll on the T. J. Payne
tract. Tho rig for the same is now up
and developments in this eoniparativ. ly
now locality will bo watched- with no
small amount of interest. Clarion Dem
ocrat. Mr. . Mary M. Ileihenthal will oiler
at public sale, on Wednesday, Pec. 30,
18!W, ut 2 o'clock p. in., the property
known as the lleibenlhal house and lot,
situated on tho west side of Klin St., in
Tionesta borough, Pa., being a lot 35x200
feet, with good six-room house, cellar
and well of water thereon. Terms
One-half cash at sale, balance f 1.20 per
month until paid. 2t
Tho figure 9 got into tho calendar
January 18S!, and will stay 111 years
from that date, or until Dec. 31, 1W0. No
other iiguro has had such a conseeutivo
run, and the 0 itself has only onoo before
been in tho race which lasted over a cen
tury in which it continuously figures,
Tho P.Uh Century did not begin until Jan.
1. 1S01. Similarly, tho 20th Century bo
gins Jan, 1, 1001, four years from the lirst
of January next.
Never worry over trilles nor cry over
defeats. If you havo fallen get up again
as quickly as possiblo and pursue your
course. I f someone speaks ill of you do
....I i,,.i io ntmso him or underlake to
prove that he did not tell the truth, but
keen steadily on your way, lor the mail
who will speak disrespectfully of another
in his absence is a coward, who fears to
tlm one ho accuses because he
knows ho lew not been telling the truth
The w orld will judge you by w hat you
say and do yourself, and not liy what
others say about you. Little minds aro
always envious and jealous, ami envy
ami jealousy make a lying tongue and ho
is i.ol wio wlio permits the snarls
hiIkh-m to div. rL him from the aceoni
plii-liiiient of his purpose. If you are
man jou will have enemies l'.x.
Tho Library Association will give
another of their dolightful literary oiitr-
taininents iu school hall Friday evening,
Dei'. 18. Tho subject for dobato will bo,
Kosolvcd, That Music Should bo Taught
in tho Public School-)." .Messrs. i. r .
Kitchey and T. K. Armstrong will handle
tho subject In tho affirmative, and Messrs.
T. V.. Tlonn and A. W. Kichards in tWi
negative. A good program will bo ron-'
dered in addition to the debating.
-A woll known Warren gentleman who
Is engaged extensively in tho lumber
business, recontly sold 10,000 acres or
land for ono dollar an acre. Tho proper
ty is located In the New Chipmunk oil
field and tho present owners aro making
a fortuno out of oil that was found to ex
ist below the surface. Some of the larg
est wolls In tho new field aro being struck
on this property. Tho gentleman re
tained several hundred acres, and is now
thankful that ho did not soil the entire
piece, Mirror.
During the flood on Wednesday of
last week three board rafts bolonging to
Mr. White, who has a mill two miles
above Lynch's, broke looso in Newtown
pond and driffing against the bridge over
the dam tore it away ont'roly. The
bridgo had been built about 15 years ago.
Mr. Wheeler, one of the owners, has
given ordors for the erection or a new
bridgo, and work will begin at once.
The rafts were loaded with shingles,
about half of which, or in the neighbor-
hood ot 33,000. were lost.
Tho election of officers for KM Ber
1 1 ii Post, at East Hickory, occurred on
the 12th, and resulted as follows: Com.,
J. H. Berlin ; S. V. C, J. K. Stoughton ;
J.V. C, S. C. Whitmore; Surg., Wnu
Albaugh; Chap., Jas. Johnston : O. I).,
W. 12. Witherell ; O. O., T. P. Harry :
Q. M., J. Albaugh ; Lout., B. F. Stover:
Delegate, J. Albaugh ; Alternate, S. C.
Whitmore. Post P. C, D. S. Kuox, of
Post 274, will bo detailed by Dept. Head
quarters to install the officers of this. Post
at its first regular mooting in January.
Tho installation will bo public and fol
lowed by an oyster supper.
Hom y Klinestiver died at the residence
of his son George, at Nebraska, Pa., Fri
day night, Dec. 11, ISOII. aued years, 1
month and days. He was born In
Kenda. Hesse Cassel, Germany, Nov. 8.
lsitt, and at the time of his doatli was
perhaps Forest county's most aged eiti
zen. April 0, 18:14, ho was united in
marringo with Miss Catherine Hass, and
to this union seven children were born.
four of whom still live, namely Mrs.
Christine Wolf of Tionesta township;
George Klinestiver, of Nebraska, Pa.
Mrs. Catherine Mathe, of Illinois; and
Mrs. Mary A. Smith of West Hickory,
Pa. The deceased united with the re-
IVirmed church in 1818. and retained his
membership with the church to tho end
of his long life.
In lS48hemigratod to America with his
family, settling first in Tionesla, and af
terward clearing and occupying a farm
on German Hill for many years. In
fact, with tho ex' eption of two or three
years, his entire forty -eight years' resi
dence iu America was spent in this coun
ty. He was a blacksmith by trade and
was always known as a rugged, energet
ic man, working at his trado till he was
past eighty years of ago. Funeral ser
vices were held at the Lutheran church
Gorman Hill, on Sunday last, conducted
by Kev. Mr. Knell, and the remains were
laid to rect in the cemetery connected
wi'h the church. A large concourse of
friends was prosont.
Serious (iniiiilng Accident.
John Hindman met with an accident
while out hunting in the woods about 4
miles from Maybiirg, this countj, on
Monday of last week, which it was
thought at the timo might prove fatal.
His home is at London, Mercer county,
and with three other companions ho had
spent about threo weeks at tho abovo
plaeo iu quest of largo game. On the
abovo dato he was Btanding on a log
leaning with his right arm on the muzzle
of his gun, a 40-82 calibre Winchester.
The gun slipped, striking the hammer,
which was at half-cock, on the side of the
log and exploding the cartridge. The
monster ball penetrated the right fore
arm, shattering the bono, and passing up
ward entered his sido under the armpit,
and lodging in the top of his right shoul
der. Ono of his companions being with
him assisted in getting him to Mayburg,
four miles away, where he is now at the
residence of Mr. O'Korke. Dr. Detar
was summoned and found the patient
quite weak from loss of blood, but after
dressing tho wound left him quito com
fortable under the circumstances. Un
der the Doctor's care ho has been doing
very woll, and it is thought will recover
without much trouble. Ho is a married
man, aged about 27 vears.
died at the residence of his son, A
Khodes, in Green Twp., Dec. 9, 180(1, aged
08 years, 3 months and 27 days.
Co'nrado Khodes was bom near Coop-
erstown. Pa., in lt'8. He enlisted in
Co. D, 83d Kog't, Pa. Vols., Aug 11th,
18112, and served faithfully to the eloso of
the war. Was wounded at Spottsylvania
in 1801.
Wheuuah, In the death of Comrado
Rhodes, Eli Berlin Post, No. 620, has
sustained the loss of one of its most
faithful membois, a inodol soldier and
g(d citizen. Therefore be it
Ilemlvcd, That we as comrados bow
submissively to the decree of our great
Itenolrcd, That to tho bereavod friends
we oxtond our sympathy In the spirit of
fraternity, charity and loyal ity.
Jlesolrcd, That our charter bo suitably
draped in memory of our departed com
ratio for thirty days.
Iicsolvcd, That these resolutions bo
spread upon the Post minutes, and also
published in tho Fokkst Kk publican
Democratic Vindicator, and a copy bo
preseuted to to the bereaved children,
By the Committee,
J. Albacqh,
Jas. Johnston.
J. E Stovjohton.
In Memory of a Departed Comrade, Ml
John Rhodes, by L. M. J.
Auain. rt halt in tho ranks is made,
In the ranks of those who their country
saved :
Again, do wo gather 'round camp-fire
And listen anew to tho roll call to-night,
Tim recent convention at Reading, I'a.,
of the County Commissioners ol every
part of the State was largely attended.
and the sessions said to have been quite
interesting. The Philadelphia hedrrr
summarizes the work of the body, from
which tho following is quoted :
To relieve counties from the payment
of unnecessary costs in petty criminal
cases in which the defendant is dis-
harged for want of evidence, the Com
missioners desire the passaue of a law
which will place the costs of the i iifound-
ed accusation upon tho prosecutor, and
that the county he relieved from the pay
ment of costs in all misdemeanors where
the jury puts the costs upon the parties
or either of them. This is a proper pun
ishment for the instigator of an unfound
ed prospouiion ; but the innocent w it
nesses who are forced to testify on one
side or the other of the controversy
would not be provided for under the pro
posed legislation. The situation is not
without is difficulties, but it is possible
that tho Legislature may find some way
to put an end to the petty prosecutions
that crowd the court dockets, run up
public expenses and delay the important
business ol our legal tribunals. The
abuse is relatively much greater in th
counties whore tho magistrates aro un
salaried. There is not a court in the state
which has not frequently rebuked jus
tices of tho peace for returning small
misdemeanors which the minor judiciary
could, legally, and should settle in their
own offices.
The Commissioners RUggest that the
constitution should be amended in order
that county officials throughout the state
may be compensated by salaries and not
by fees. The temptation to mako over
charge is irrosistahlo with some c unity
oillcers. When all fees go Into the pub
lic treasury this inspiration is removed.
he constitution provides that in coun
ties having a greater population than
)(),000 inhabitants, all county officers
shall be paid by salary. This is an arbi
trary limitation as to population, and
there is no sufficient reason why all
county officers in tho state should not be
salaried positions under proper classifica
tions. There is constant friction between
suitois and county officials who are re
munerated by fees, and the courts are
often obliged to investigate unwarranted
and illegal transactions of this character.
Other important suggestions mado by
the convention are those recommending
that all county, school, borough, town
ship and road taxes bo a lirst ben on real
estate, and that provision be made for
their collection in the samo manner m
the municipal liens of cities; that a con
stitutional amendment be passed pro
vidimr for the holding of only one elec
tion every year, and that ono registration
a year shall be made ot voters instead oi
two. as now reouired by law. Hills em
bodying these propositions in uotaii win
bn Presented to the next Legislature.
Some of the changes proposed are radical
and require thorough discussion.'
Do vou know the ciu;ckest wav to cure
a sprain or hroise, a hum or scald ? Such
lojuries are verv ennmion arid can bo
oiirod quickly if proporlv treated. Mr.
J. M. Amei-maii. f l inks 1'. )., Colum
bia Co., Pa., says: "I have never found
Hiivthing to eoi'ii pure with Chamberlain's"
Pain Halm lor sprains, Ionises and
burns. Wo have uted it in our family
for several vears mid led that we cannot,
do without it." For sale at 2" and i0
cents per Imtile by G. W. Itovard.
T have placed in Ihe hands of J 1'.
Stoughton, Esq.. of East Hickory, Pa.,
loi collection, all my books, notes and
accounts. All persons knowing them
selves Indebted to OH' will please call on
him anil settle as 1 must havo my ac
counts closed ll,.
II OWAKI) Wllltlll, M. I.
East II ckorv, I'a., Nov. 23, lsort. tit
Office, 7 A . "H National Bank Building,
Eyes examined free.
Exclusively optical.
Tho '5)7 L. A. W. llontl Hook.
Tho new set of road books which is
to be issued by tho Pennsj lvanla Divi
sion of tho L. A. W. next spring is now-
well under way and advance proofs of
some of tho pages fully warrant tho
statement mado some time ago that they
would when completed be tho best pub
lications over gottou out. In tho genoral
arrangement of tho books a combin ation
of several plans heretofore adopted has
been mado, bringing togother what. is bo
lioved to bo tho best features of each.
Each book, instead of containing only
ono large map on a necessarily small
scale, will contain one general map of
tho territory covered, and in the body
numerous smaller maps of special dis
tricts, favorite roads, etc, Theso will bo
accompanied by descriptions of tho ter
liiory covered, given with accuracy and
much detail, and in many cases with
brief reference to points of interest, his
torical and otherwise, of value to any
rider other than tho "scorcher" bent only
on rolling up mileage. At tho head of
about every othor page will be a tabu
lated arrangement of the roads described
in tho text and covered by the maps, tho
same as is used in the present State road
book, showing the distances botweeu
points, the condition of tho roads and tho
directions covering the routo to which
tho text refers.
By this arrangement a rider can by tho
use of tho ''onoral map lay out a routo
which ho desires to traverse; the tabu
lated matter will show tho various points
ou tho routo and give general directions
and Information necessary.
Tho Seeietary-Treasiirer states that by
tho time the L. A. W. renewal season,
w hich commences on April I, arrives the
iooks will bo ready for distribution, and
every member who joins during this fall
and winter, as well as thoso who renew
their membership, will receive a copy of
the book covering the section of tho State
in which ho resides, with tho privilege of
purchasing the other bo iks in tho set at
the cost of printing. They will not 1)0
offered for sale except to L. A. W. mem
bers at any price.
At a meeting of tho TionesU Gas Co.
hold Doc. 8, ls'.Nj, the following resolution
was adopted, viz.:
"The schedule of rates of gas, to con-
.. .. . 1...M 1... it 1 1.
sinners, ol Jan. i, i :, miuii
lished, to take effect Jan. 1, 107."
Contracts can bo made accordingly.
Tionksta Gas Co.
How sad are our hearts as we think to
Of t he dear comrade just gone from our
sieht :
No more will wo see and moot with him
As wa'vo done in tho -past, year after
How wo miss the sweet voice of him to
Of him rt ho stood by us while iu tho
No more Will we moot with him at roll
eat I.
No more will his voice resound through
our hall.
M. E. imrsoiiimo , 1 lonosta, l a., lues
day, Deo. 15, 1.- i, by Kev. R. A. Imz
za, .Mr. ira M. . opeianu aim nss jmj
nie Galbraitli, both of Little Hickory,
Forest county, Pa.
I have secured tho remainder ofthe
stock of the general store of .1. K. Ossiood
which was recently closed b the Sheriff
ou Whig Hill, anil I will dispose of the
The stock comprises Clothing, Under
wear, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
loves, Mittens, and a general lino ol
ient's Furnishings. Also u.asswaro.
Qiieenswaie, Tinware. Scrub tutisiies.
lothos hrushi a. Shoe hausncH, Horse
brushes, in fact, almost everything to be
found in a general store, Including pat
ent medicines, etc.
The goods were scoured at a sacrifice
and will bo sold tteool dingly. Come and
examine goods and prices before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Dealer in
Co u. Elm & B a roan Srs.
Dear comrades-in-arms how wo miss the
dear face,
Iu vain will wo look for him at his old
For vacant is his chair at its place in
As wo listen once more to the roll call
Dear comrades and friends tho' wo
mourn for him here,
Wo will mourn with hope for we'll moot
him over there ;
llo has gone to his honi bright with
beautiful flowers,
Tho home that some day will evermore
bo ours.
Dear comrades and frionds we will hide
our time.
And when Ihe bugle shall sound we'll
hear tho swoet rhvmo.
Of all the bravo boys that have only gone
To their homo above bright with heaven
ly bloom.
Dear comrade we've laid thee in the cold,
cold tomb,
And there we will leave thee as we wend
our wav home ;
But wo hope to see and meet with thee
just over there,
And answer at roll-call on that mourn
briuht ami lair.
NOTICE is hereby given that thero will
be a meeting of the sharoholdoi s of the
Forest County National Bank of Tiones
ta, Pa., in the office of the Bank, on
Tuesday, January 12, 1807, at 2 o'clock
p. in., for the election of directors for the
ensuing year. A. B. Kki.i.y,
Dee. 11, 1S!K). 4t. Cashier.
From Citizens of IViin Ivnnin who liuve
li Cm roil by I'liniiilieiliiui's CoiihIi
' Mr. W. W. Spillen, drug clerk, with J.
W. MeConneli, Parnassus, I'a., says : "I
was nut all ono iiinht last w inter and con
tracted a severe cold. 1 was so hoarso
for a week 1 could hardly speak. Know
bo how well customers ol our store
spoke of Chamqerlain's Cough Remedy,
I concluded to try it. Olio-half of a bot
tle cured me entirely."
J. A. Van Valzal.. Hughesville, Pa.,
savs: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
has proven so valuable that I do not I'os
;.., t.. wi.toi.iiiimi.1 it to unv one."
!r. F. Wimror. Enhrata. Pa., says
"1 r .1. D. K line, a ciirar maker of this
nbicH. ronorts a complete cure of his
eoilirli U' iih a ;"i0 cool bottle' of Chamber
lain s Coinrh Remedy after lie had tried
others which hud failed " For sale at 2ft
and 50 cents per bottle by G. SV. Bovard
"Kxoiisb mo." observed the man in
snectacles. "but I am a surgeon, and that
is not where the liver is." 'Never you
mind whore tlm liver is," retorted t lie
other, "if it was ill his big loo or Ins leu,
mr lie ,v itt s Little Eai lv Risers would
reach it and shake it for him. On that
you can bet your gig-lamps." Heath A
Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped
hands anil lips, cuts, bruises, scalds,
burns are quickly cured by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salvo. It is at present tho
article most used for piles, and it always
cures them. Heath A Killu.or.
at rock
-Christmas candies
prices at Anislor's.
- Why not make a gift
useful, without being
Miles A Armstrong.
Christina goods at Lanson's.
are iust a iitt'.o late, but thou llivy
just that much newer
The old wav of delivering messages bv
post-boys compared Willi the modern tel
ephone! illustrates the old tedious meth
ods of "breaking" colds compared Willi
the almost iiiflaniaiieoiis euro Willi One
Minute Cough Cure. Heath A Killiuer.
of something
i-xpcnsivo ? Seo
Come and seo
School Reports.
Room No. I. Anna .Milling, Teacher.
No enrolled .10 ; percentage 7. The lot
lowing named pupils Imyo not been ab
sent during tho niontn endit.g Nov. 2",
1W-0: Ethel Hiiimiild, Ethel Young,
Lulu llauuli, Janet Haugh, Beeho Cole,
Katie Bush, Kalio Haslet Edna Anlt,
Smith. Archie Ilanoohl, Willie Mc-
Culloiigh, Roy Ault, Ivan MeCiilloiigh,
Johnny Ueekwith, Wade Beekwith,
llou-ui-d Aiilhonv. Willie Anthony,
Howard M iulielcn, Mertou Klinestiver,
Allison Klinesliver. Ray Colo, Stephen
Bush, Clair Klepl'er.
t l;l.o( n school.
Month ending Duo. 8th. Number en
rolled IS; per cent, of attendance 02 J
Present every day: Pearl Mealy, Grace
Mealy, Daisy George, Elvira Ulochor,
Edna Mealy, Kline Wolf, Roy Mealy,
Arthur Wolf, Ralph Ulochor, Jesse
Ulochor. A i.ick S. IIassuy, Teacher.
Nannie Bu lor, Teacher. Third mouth.
No. enrolled 2."i ; average attendance 23 ;
per cent, of attendance 0M. Present ev
ery day: Henry Witheroll, Clyde Gor
man, Claude llillard, Joshua lliecht,
Nelson lliecht, Wesley Whitohill, Al
beit Uai-lli". Albeit Bean, Orion Osgood,
Jerry Grovo, i:ilen isean, i.iaiieoo i.e.m.
Net v a Bai lies, Dora White, Hilda Brecht,
Ella While, Gertrude White.
Finish and
Wanied-An Idea ?
Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless,
and iuvarialily reliable are lit iiialities
ol'Uiio Minute t'-mgli t'urs,- n novoi
hiils in colds, croup and lung troubles.
Children like it because ii is pleasant to
take ami U helps thoiii. Heath A Kill
iuer. To cure old son-, to Ileal an indolent
ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need
situ Iv apply I'eWiit s W itch .ia.ol
Salv e Hceor :iug to directions. Its mimic
like action will surprise you. Heath ,V
The old lady was rmhl w lien sbo said
1 1,,, ebil.l iniuhl die il they waited for th"
doctor. She saved 1 lie little onus 1,1'e
with a low doses of lino Minute Com h
Cure. She had used it lor croup bt-loi e.
Heath ,V Killue r.
Soothin;.', and not urilating, streimih
eniiig, and not weakening, small but el
I'oetivo -such ar--l.icipialities ol lieWitt's
Eittle Early Risers, the laiuous litllo
pills. Heath A K illioer.
The length of lile may be increased by
lesseninu Us dangers. The majority ol
ot o llle ol lllll liouoie.-,. in.-.-...
be averted I'.V promptly uun
ulo Coil"!! ( lire,
rcnMt jmir I'lrfi; tl
, rlt. JOII -i W UlliK
. VVuliluiU"l'. O '
llbi. ol 1" o Lltl.- -
1 .
tine Mlll-
- Killiuer.
Anvone soinllnir n ctu'ti-ti ami dewrlptien miiT
qm.-lby naou-tuin, fiuu, wln-lle-r un in v t-nl uin t
Ijroh.ilily (.utontHtilti. roiiiiiiiwiu-ut'eiiii litrlctlv
i-oliMih-ntl'il. III.Icbi ut'eni-y ler s.-i-uriiin .uti-ul
In Auu-n.-u. We luive H VV tiliiii-o.u ottirti.
I'iili-llll, I;il"-ll IlireuU Muuu X LU. ruevilV
puc-IHl llnliuti 111 tlitt
bcantifuIlT HluHTrattM, lunrt'nt rlrrtrtJitton of
unv cn.'iititlf lotiriittl. wcfkiy, term .(.!! yearj
il.'meix ii... nth. M.f.'iiiti ii ct'pl.'ti and U.AJ.U
iiuUU. US i'AIKMS ii'Ul tliiU. AdilTWB
301 liiuuawuv. New Yvrlu
Administrator's Notico.
Wiikkkas, Letters of Administration
upon the entato ol J. J. Koynolds, lalo ol
Harnett township, deceased, have linen
grained the uudori-imicd by the liegi-icr.
All person indebted to slid estate urn
leoiiostod to make pav iiioiil. and those
hav inn claims against Hie mvuio w ii
.rut same w ithout delay to
J. It
K. !. luw IM, Att' v.
Ileceliiber II, I '.
M.v.K, Adiu r.
Clai inglon, I'a.
Mr. T. 1'. o'l'onncll, a well known
druggist of 1'arsons, I'a., in speaking of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and liar
. I. li, ..... . U savs: "Several limes lit
the last lew veil
cranio or ill. n : h"
soinil lest oi
Tho ellect
diate relief.
vv lieu sintering w un
I hav made a pel -
lire value ol llns l oj .
isiauco was almost iniiiie-i-'or
sale bv li. W. Itovard.
Warren. Ha.
Mukii T wi'ftl,
t'u-uMllifi , I' iHIIItt l
ttlid Vitn.H ut I'Uiu
M t.t.l. illiotil iunJ
tly, tlotk. hhI'' r
ttiiy uii&luiu ttlut'
- - r: V
. (IE
I,. I loud Can ia-es and Hug
-ui i be ui.'-i reasonable terms,
Ailordels I, 11 at Hie I'i'st Olllcttwlll
receive prompt attention.
I,00. M.M
llios lo let U
lie Will Ills.