A lielirn of Mnny Vian, ' Victoria's aocoseion to the throne tlid not usher in an era of pesoe Scarcely a year of licr long reign has passed without I.ngland a being at war In some part of the world, The two greatest wars of her era have boon the Crimean in 1854 and tho Indian Din tiny in 1857. Hern in the only reign since tho conquest in tho eleventh contnry that Kngland has had no war with franco, her heroditnry enemy, Why is it that at a wedding men laugh and women weep? . Vnn PolMn' Klertrlo rp was first mstl. In 15 it oo.t 80 eentt a bar. It Is prtciMlv thpniinie IncrcHlKMitri ami qutUty ntnt tDd rform't ei'it hat. Buy It of yiuir irrorr ani rrMVrt Jour clothas. If lis liasu't II, be will set It, To irlvfl work to tha unemployed In Tater Kig, X. J., tb Common Onnnoll of that city npproprint'M f ;0(H), nmkttiK it total 01 ?13,- vJ appropriated ior that purpose. Tont Tobacco 8plt ami Piuoke Voar Life i Away, If yon want to quit tobiicco nsln easily and fon-vor, reenfn lost manhood, be mado well, 'plronjr. iiiKnetlr, full of n--w Ufa and vliror, ;tako No-To-Hhc, tha wonder- worker that IninkM M(ak mpn, strong. Mnny pain ten pounds in ten days. ()Ter XVJ cured. Buy :No-To-Bao from your own dniRcist. Under absolute (rmranire to cure. Hook and snmple free, Address tterllug lioniedy Uo C'kioago 'or "ew York. - ' How's ThUt TVe offer On Hnndrotl ollars Ttewara. f any case of Catarrh that cannot b cured by dlall's Catarrh Cure. , r... F. J. I'll kney CO.. Prop., Toledo, Q. We, the underpinned. bave-Vuown F.J. Ch fcey for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honor He In all business tranaaot lom nnd financially able to carry out any oblige lion made by their firm. AVest TBUAJt, "Wholesale Drngslita, Toledo, Ohio. . .WaLiiiNO. Kjukaw fl- Mahtix, Wholesalt DruxelM's Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Curei taken Internally, act. Ing directly upon the blood anil mncous eur. facenof the?tem. Frlce,7.V;. per bottle. SoW By all Druntlata, Testimonials free. I. Ball's Faroiiy Pills aro the best. iCapcauktr stimulate lira.kidnevs and bow tela, frever sicken, weaken or gripe. 10a. . Toward! the Setting; Sun. I TIs said that every land ha Its season, a time when nature .miles In all her acenlo ibcanty. Mcriro and California have opened their doors for the winter travel that seeks a more genial clime. The Southern H 11 way "'Piedmont Air Line," in connection, with the 'Southern Pacific, via New Orleans, offers the Snost attractive route. Taking a southerly icourso.no enow or ice, where the winds are Unellnw and tho very air coaxes one to revel mong the thousand charms of nature. The Southern Pullman Vettlbuled Limited, ope. rated solid between New York and New Orleans the yenr ronnd, is one of the finest quipped vestibuled trains, carrying dining (and sleeping cars, and, after November 9th, the Sunset Limited will resume Its schedules to connect, thus giving the most superb service between ew Y ork and the Pacific coast. For further information call on or address Renl. iljudern Offlco Southern Railway.271 Broadway I Wno billons or costive, eat a Cascarct, &ndy cathartic, cure guaranteed. lOo., 260. L wlnJow' foothlng Syrup for children JTeethinn, softens the gums, reduces Inflamrna, 'tlon, allays pain, cures wind colic, 26o.a bottle ; FITSstopied free and permnnentlycured. No :flta after first day's use of Da. Kliki'i Ohiat NirveHestoher Free SStrialbottleand treat. d8- tend to Dr. Kline, an Arch St,. Phila.. Pa. A fe ...- I . r,. V, """ was curea Dy I0.? Cure. 1ajjt Thomson, 89)i Ohio Ave,. Allegheny. Pa.. March 19. lw4. hiSLJP.0?-box, ' Carets, the finest ; xrunv ic-KutuvT ever mnae. lars and nose are all more or less aflfeoted I by catarrh. The eye become lnflamod, red and watery, with dull, heavy pains between them) thera are roarinsr, buzzing noises fn the ears, and sometimes the hearing Is nffeoledj the nose ts a severe sufferer, with its constant, uncomfortable discharge. AU these disagreeable symptoms may be i removed by tho use ot Sarsaparilla (The best-In fact the One True Blood Pnrlfler. Hood!lPills tTZXio7' Give Cent a Week. ' A new wrinkle in charity projeota has just been devised by the Salvation Army. It is called the "Mercy Box Tnnd," and its object is to eeoare ;enfficient money to carry on wnat is known in the army as sooial work. The public all over the country will be asked to become contributors, and to this end 50,000 little boxes have jbeen made and sent to the army poets for distribution. Ten thousands addi tional boies are being manufactured. The persons on whom these boxes are bestowed are atked to give one cent a week and to inUuoo others to do tho eame. Tho project is being looked fter in a very eystematio way, and it is believed the object of the movement will be secured without difficulty. Xew York Journal. Japan hns fifty-five completed rail way lints with a uiiloa?e of 20(37. The capital invented is 100,608,000 yen (silver dollars). , Lydia E. rinkhoui's Vegetable Com pound. It Bpeeilily relieves irregu larity, suppressed or painful men struations, weakness of the stomach. Indigestion, bloat Lug, loucorrhosa, Womb trouble. Hooding-, nervous pros, tration, headache, pcneral debility, etc Symptoms of Womb Trouble are dizziness, fuiutness, extreme lassi. tude, "don't care" and "want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, excitability, irrl. tabilitj-, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy, or the " blues," rnd backache. L.vdia E. I'inkha n'a Veg-etablo Compound will correct all this trouble us sure as tho sun fchines. That Bearing. down Feeling, causing pain, weight, and backache, it Instantly relieved ard permanently rtired by its use. It is wonderful foi KVlnc-T 'r,r -.!;, ')ts in eillll-r cpx V N U-1.1 LliuS l'i ri,.i L, L I . i UCJH IuUhIj ilulk. i ILMra Il n till ... . ,1 .r ,iiim- .,i. Ml FANCIES O.N TnB WHRKU The prinoiples of stern sovcrity which have heretofore distinguished the cor rect wheeling attiro seem to be giving way to the growing tendency to apply trimming to everything. The jackets and even skirts of tha nnwoxt cycling suits are garnitnred with vel vet, uraid, corduroy, eta ONI.T FKW WOMEN VOTF.D. Miss Mary li Ivea was dofeated at the October election in New Haven, Coun., as a candidate for member of the Board of Education. Her vnto was ..itf i, and tunt of the lowest euo- cessfnl male oandidate was 3718. The women were victorious in six wardn. but only 6G5 of Alius Ives's votes were cast oy women, some women voted against her. A I.IKrSd THAT LED TO GOOD, An American woman xrhn bad an all sorbing liking for trees began to study iorestry. as Knowledge increased practical landscape gardening appealed to ner, ana tone too, was studied, as well as the draining (and clearing of land. At present this woman has two larira estates tindor hnr ilirantinn whore large forcos of men are engaged in carrying out her plans for beauti fying and improving. New Orleans h NEW SILK GOWNS. The new taffctAR ahotv viotint, an,) deeper oolorins than those worn dur ing tho summer, and useful autumn gowns are made of these wbioh can be worn all wintor for house and recep tion gowns. Variety in making these is almost exclusively confined to the corsage, which takes every form that the taste of the wearer or inconnitv nf the dressmaker can devise. Hkirts of Bilk gowns can, with oomfort, be wider than thoseof heavy wool, anda quaintly novel gown of brown and prune changeable silk has a skirt in which tne back breadths are nnenred ami are gauged to the bolt quite across the uaca ; tue side oreaatns also are wider at the top and have little bunches of gauging at the Beams with plain, smoothly fitted spaces between, --Dem- oresi a magazine. SHB ACCEPTED THE NOMINATION, An Atohison man reoently asked a girl to marry him, and though she had -been sitting np nights for him for six months, she replied that nhe would notify him of her answer by mail. After spending a week iu suspense, he received .a letter from her, three thousand words in length. In it she explained her position on the tobacoo question, stated what she had always advocated the best kind of baking powder, told him that it was with a feeling of deep gratification that she accepted the honor he had done her, and hoped that she would always faith fully preserve the traditions of good housekeeping, eto. He was nearly dead with exhaustion when he reaohed the postscript, which read: "You are so fall of politics, I thought it might please you to be accepted like the can didates aocept their Presidential nom inations. " Atchison Qlobe. CARELESS BACKS. It is curious how many paople dress themselves as if they were paper dolls. They have everything well arranged and becomingly put on in front, while the back seems quite a secondary con sideration. Yet a neat-looking back, with hair, neck ribbon, waistband, bows, etc., all accurately and method ically placed, is most attractive. It seems hard to realize, in looking at one's reflection in a mirror, that the reverse of the picture is quite as much, if not more, seen by the people iu goneral, and that a well dressed woman should soau her back carefully by the aid of a handglass before leaving her room. Hair particularly should be especially studied at the baok as at the front, with the additional reason lor care in that to very few women is it given to possess a pretty nape of the neck, with the hair growing tidily about it. "It is the only place where Nature shows herself a bit of a sloven she's apt to leave it unfinished," fiaid an artist critic, speaking of this particular spot. Bo it is well to let judicious art supplement Nature at this point, and to endeavor to make it attractive. NEW WIDE BELTS. Still belts are out of fashion. Bo are the narrow ones. It is the girdle of velvet or ribbon that reigns. More than half the new gowns this fall are made with a girdle. The girdles are wide and soft, and cling etleotively to the figure. Some of them are finished at the back in a bow, with long sash ends. Others are shaped exactly like a butterfly. Buttons are much used to trim the girdles, but they must never be alike. A novel idea is the girdle of three folds of velvet, each fold being finished at the left side with a different button. Of course, tho buttons must be some thing out of tho ordinary, or they cannot be usod. There are other gir dies which are finished at the side with three or four bows, one above the other. Then there is the girdle shaped like a corselet and fastened up the front with tiny, jeweled buttons. A stylish girdle is made of straps of double faoed satiu ribbou, alternating with bands of luce insertion over black rib bon. Both laee uudjot butterflies are used to ornament luuny of tho new girdles. When a butterfly adorns tho tront of a girdle, then the ribbon is tied at the Lack in a butterfly bow, HOW TO 1JE A UEAUIY AKTKII FIFTY. A bright womuu, when auplaudod recently f.r her goodness, begged her friend to let tho matter drop, "l'or," t-he said, whimsically, "tliouh I do try to lie k'uml from some really hife'h motives, yet 1 liuva Oue reaHOii for trying which. I am afraid is a low oue." "Wlint do villi menu?" inquired Uvf Jituhiua Jrieud. 'I mvuu iluit i once hoard many years ago that beauty iner uivj uopenaoa not on loatures, but on character. Like all woinon, I doBired to be boatitiful. and, as Trovi donee had denied mo the 'features' neOOSSarV to ROmira that rnanlf. in bi1 life, 1 determined to make the attempt to oe oenutiiul at fifty. I am now thirtv-five." she ennnllldod. mnrriltr "and I must confess that I see no signs oi tms Indian summer loveliness, but i stiu try to be good." These friends treated the matter as a jost, but there is reaiiy sense and truth in the saying that beauty in later life, in either man or woman, is dependent upon charac ter far more than upon form or oolor. It is a common experience for a young woman to say: "How fine looking Mrs. is. She mnst have been a beautiful girl." And to hoar the re ply: "No: she wasiiot nearlv looking in hpr Vniltll m aha ia nn Her beauty; has developod with her years." And it may have been ob served that this is oftenest true of wo men of high character. Nobility will tell upon the outward aspeot. " The carriage of the figure, the pose of the head, the expression of the faco these come to reveal more and more with the lapse of time tho inner lifo. There is something more than a more pretty sentiment intended iu that iart of 'The Lit tin Afiniafnr" vbora , of the beautiful face that Qod gives to all who love Him and fnl Inw TTia mandments. Unselfishness, sincerity, thonghtfulness, refinement all of these graoes of character, whioh aro worth so much mora than man nnt. ward shape and color, lend their charm to those who have consistently aherished them, nntfl at. fiftv 1 - - - ,UUJ UI.J really become beautiful. The Church- uinu. GOSSIP. Major MoEinlev's wife is rerv mnnh an invalid. In Denmark an "old maid's" insur ance company pay regular weekly benefits. A WOmnn mail.narelni. Ttl air AB rial In trips between Costlelow and Andorson- Mra. Frannnn TTnr. fTBiMI TtnvnntS makes a larger income than any other woman writer in tne world. Miss OlltlftT. nf TTnlliatrin Macs gave np teaching eleven years ago and has made money at gardening. Lady Londonderry has a vast knowl edge of agricultural matters and manages an estate better than many professional farmers. A Boston church has just appointed woman aoTtnn. nrnhiihlv tha nl. , f .VMHW.J WU VUtJ one in New England, or in old Eng- iuuu, ior mat matter. Bull fishtinar Vina A faeninu.fi'.n tn Sarah Bernhardt. She is credited with making valuable gifts to toreadors who have shown great skill. Queen Victoria nnrcliAsan nlmnnf. every new book of noto published, and her expenditure on literature of all sorts is over 86000 per annum. A theater bonnet law haa rnnentlv gone into effect in New Orleans, which allows the wearing of "opera hats" but forbids the wearing of high-hats. Empress Eugenie is said to have made her will, leavinc thn hnlk nf hr fortune to her troddailo-hfnr. Prinnaa. Beatrice of Battenberg's little daugh- Mrs. Buckner. tha nrifa nf llm ar,. didate of the National Democracy for iKo-i resiuont, was one oi tne most famous belles of Virtrinia hpf.,rA bar marriage, twelve years ago. Miss Eliza Taloott, who has been a missionary in Jan&n frr ir,ni.i;.. years and acted as a nuree in the Jap anese army during the war with China, is visiting her old home in Kookville, Conn. Princess Helena, of Mrmtanan-t-n who is to marry the Crown Prince of Italy, is a poet, and manv of Imr inuoi have been set to musio and are sung Dy tne peasants m au parts of the principality. ManT clrls at cresent ara havintr freckles ren.oved from their arms by means of electricity. Thar didn't mind the freckles in the bathing sea son, out ior parties ana dinners the little brown spots are not desirable The Oueen of Italv when Btm.mno in the little Alpine village of Qres sonev. dresses in the crettv scarlnt costume of the peasant women. She aeugnts in tne innumerable Alpine walks and soramblea that abonml nn every hillside. Mme. Nilssen has bad vnrVarl nnt an ingenious idea in her Madriii bntna The walls of her bedroom are papered wita leaves oi inusio from the operas in which she has suuir and tha dining room is papered with the hotel bills she has collected during her journeys around the world. FASHION NOTES. The very pointed bodice is a revival of an old time fashion. Asnaracus fern is a nartinnlarlv decorative house plant. Manv hats are trimmed anlclv iritl. ribbon, not a quill nor a plume being used. A gold golf ctiok with a perfect pearl ball is the latest fashionable scarfpin. The really modish girl adopts one flower as her own, and never wears any other. Corduroy and many other ribbed materials are being used a great deal in making up nobby fall suits. Somo of tho prettiest autumn capes are of dark brown broadcloth, edged with sable and trimmed with brown cord. It is the fashion to wear the most unnatural-looking birds on hats. Some of thHiu are a combination ot four or live different bpeeiea. The tails of two kinds are oombiuud with the wings of a third and the head and breabt of a fourth. Mixtures of feathers are also used, such us the plumage of birds of paradise and ospreya, owln' head:, witii jeweled eyes blavk kiid VihitU uuiiia. and and HOCSrjIIOLD AFFAIRS, "" " WBW rrrBNSrM, ' Bread roasters and broilers mado of fine wire and steol rods have nottings which prevent the blaze from rcaohing and charring the goods. Strong glass has superseded tin for measuring and mixing utensils, and thny are, of course, much easier to wash than the old fashioned ones, besides boing lew likely to impart a motallio flavor to the goods. Flat irons have niokel platod surfaces, whioh will not rust. Asbestos handles are part of all up-to-date oooking ntonsila and keep the hands from being soorohod. Pails and even dishpans aro made of heavy papier macho. HRATTNO rLANT WINDOWS, On cold nights' poople having win dows full of plants got apprehensive They get ont an oil stove and lot it burn all night in the room whore the plants are kept. It ffivos no amnlca nr sraoll and they fancy it does no harm. name, evon If clear and withnni smoke, must give out productions of oomoustion, ana tnose are fatal to plants. What then shall wa dnf H a tall chimney to vnnr nil atnva. tint a little glass thing, but a sheet iron cnimnoy six feet nigh, or as high as the top of the room? and oonneot it with the ohimnev or let it cro H.rm.ol. the roof of the bay window. Huoh a sueet iron chimney will radiate a great deal of heat so that tha nrn,lnnt nf combustion will escape almost cold. j.uis is tne tucory of all tho oil heat ing stoves a large heating anrfaoe above the flame. But tha imim.i.nt point is, that such stoves should have a connection witn tne outer air, or with the home chimney. Now Eng land Homestead. how to cook Asr-AltAara. AsParaOTUS. tha minnn nf vnirataVilaa . i - n - -1 18 now as prized bv the nhvaininna for Its curative virtue as bv the epioure for its incomnnrabltv daintinnaa nf flavor and melting tondernoss. Have a snauow, preferably oblong, sauce pan, into whioh nonr boilinar wafur adding a lump of coffee sugar, an egg- spoomui oi DUtter ana a tablespoonful Of Sea Salt. Lffc tha natlAracrna lia oa low as possible and boil from twenty to twenty-two minutes, raae out with tonirs or a wire snonn and lav nnnn hot wire strainer on the stove, then place it upon toast in the serving dish with appropriate sauoes: ar nronriato for many sauces are not at all alliod to tne asparagus. Asparagus should have no dressing of a distinot flavor except it be sauce Hollandnise or sauce coquette ; because the result desired is to preserve the delicious flavor of the vegetable over and above all, and the sauce or drossing must be only a back ground to it, as would not be the case if any of the highly flavored sauoes, one see quoted as being proper to as paragus were served with it.--Dem-oreat's Magazine. BUTCHERING TIME DAINTIES. Many housewives discard the liver, .heart, etc., as unfit for use. These parts can be made into very palatable dishes, and in faot are often relished more than the meat itself. Boast Tongue Soak the tongne for two hours in salt water. Drain and boil slowly for two hours, remove the akin, roast in the oven one hour, bast ing often with butter. Brown Gravy Thicken the juice of the roast tongue with flour, adding enough water to make a nice brown gravy (one tablespoon flour to onn nnn liquid). Season to taste. Calves' Brains With Eggs One pound of calves' brains washed in oold water, remove the membrane. Cook ten minutes in boiling salted wator, then put in ccld water. When oold, break in small pieces. Stir with it three eggs, well beaten, one tablespoon milk, butter the size of a walnut, salt and popper to taste ; roinovo to the fire and cook until the eggs are done. Stewed Liver One pound of liver cut into two-inch cubes. Place the pieces in a granite stowpan, add enough water to keep the liver from burning ; cover tightly and stew gently an hour and a half. Add more wator if neeessary and stir occasionally. Add a tablespoonful of butter and salt and pepper to taste. Bub smooth in a lit tie cold water one tablespoonful of flour ; add this to the broth of the liver, and when thiok as cream serve on a hot platter. Sweetbreads and Eggs on Toast Boil a pair of sweetbreads three-quarters of an hour, drain and cool them. Bemove all skin and sinews and out the sweetbreads into neat square pieces. Put them in a frying pan with a little olive oil or butter, and when hot break over them three eggs. Mix the eggs well with the sweetbreads. Season with Bait and pepper. Pour the mix ture over afew slices of toast arranged on a hot platter. Stewed Heart Wash and cut the heart into slices, cutting across the grain of tho heart ; put three table spoonfuls of butter iu a stewing kettle and when hot add the meat, stir con stantly until the meat is well browned, then add enough hot water to nearly cover the meat, two slices of lemon and salt and pepper to taste. Cover the kettle and cook gently for .one hour, stirring occasionally and adding more water if needed ; then remove the meat from the gravy to a hot plat ter and thicken the gravy with a table spoonful of flour, pour over the meat aud serve. Kidneys an! Tomatoes Slice three or four moe tomatoes into a pan (or their equivalent of canned tomatoes) and let them cook ten minutes with a slioe of tat bacon. Soak a veal kiduey over night, in salted water. In the morning wash and clean it thoroughly, cut it in slices, dip in bread and egg crumbs and fry a light brown in hot fat. Arrange tho slices in a hot dish and pour the tomatoes in the center, American Agriculturist. fSalo of Busts iu Paris, Nicholas II. is first in the sale of busts in Paris just now, the place usually held by Napoleon I. After them coma Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin, Molioro.liuciue and Cornoille, Pasteur aud Victor Hugo. When he was a prisoner ut Cluirvuux tho Duo d'Orlcans' bust sold well. . There is very little demand now for Gambetta uud Geuorul Boulaugcr. Carnot leads Felix Fame, who ruus ugcU aud nook WISE WORDS Instead of nravinir fnr AVw. ii u j.rny tnat we may he enable to fulfil .. 1, r . vauroa i i roicssor urtimaiotiil, Only he who puts on the garment iiumuity onus now worthily it cioinoa ills llio. l'tiillips Brooks. The best cure for sorrow is to sym pathize with annthao ,'n 1,,-. ' - " uib DUUWW, Ihe cure for despondency is to lift ,uu uuiwu iium some otuor court. Anon, A soul occupied with groat ideas uol I'onorms small duties; tho di vinest viows of life penetrate most clearly into tho meanest emergen cies. James Martinoau. There is no action of man in this life whioh is not the beginning of so long a chain of consequences as that no human providenco is high enough to give tis a prospect to tho end. Thomas of Malmosbury. Wo aro novor without help. Wo havo no right to say of any good work, it is too hard for mn t 1n ; nr nf .... sorrow, it is too hard for me to bear ; or of any sinful habit, it is too hard for mo to overcome. Elizabeth Charles, Thore will bo a harvost from ovory owing. Not ono grain of holy sood of love can over bo lost. Tho We may (ink away, aud seem to have perished J but from its grave will come an in fluence which will be a blessing in tho world. J. K Miller. The love wo have to flod is realized In our love to men. - It cannot abide alone. They who have thought to gain it by rotiremont and meditation have found it ouly a will o'-tho wisp, save as it has issuod iu the love that seeks men aud tries to do them good. Herman Paokord de Forest. There ib no euch thiug as patriotic art and patriot io science. Both art and soience belong, like all things great and good, to the whole world, and can bo furthered only by a free and general interchange of ideas among contemporaries, with oontinual reforenoo to thn heritage of the past as it is known to us. Goethe. Exert your talents and distinguish yourself, and don't think of retiring from the world uiftil the world will be torry that you retire. I hato a follow whom pride or cowardice or lazinoss drives into a oorner, and who does nothing while ho is there but sit and growl. Let him come out as I do, aud bark. Dr. Johnson. They Spin by II ami. The hum of the spinning wheel is still a familiar souud in Block Islaud, a quaint aud interesting resort in summer and a miniature world iu winter, in whioh the habits aad eustoms are those of one hundred aud fifty years ago. The island is fi'teen miles off tho P.hode Island shore and almost directly south of stormy Point Judith. The heads of thirty Blook Island families set sail in fishing boats tho other day and pushed up Ihe Thames RivortoOakdalo, where they left heaps' of wool to be carded into rolls for hand spinning. The rolls will bo spun aud knitted into stockings and mittens for the protection of the hardy islanders against the bleak winter winds ef the Atlantic There are times during the winter when the wind sweeps across tho tree less land at a velocity of eighty-tonr miles an hour, and women take their lives in their hands when they venture out of doors. Tho isolation of the isl and is almost complete. John Schofield established tho first woolen mill in Connecticut noar Oak dale, where the carding was done by power cards. In 17118 tho Block Isl anders began to send wool to the mill to be carded into rolls, aud generation after generation have kept up the praotioe. Formerly mauv bags of grain accompanied the wool, and grist and woolen mills were kept ruuning day aud night, while tho fishermen and farmers enjoyed themselves in the quiet Connecticut village until the work W4S done. Now York Herald. Eskimo Mother ami Bab v. The Eskimo aro very fond of theit children. There are seldom mauy ol thorn in one family, aud those that are are very well taken care of, locordmg to an Eskimo's notion, which, of course, quite fits an Eskimo baby, Thoy seldom cry, and lie around and suok blubbor with great contentment all day long. Sometime!) a very fond mother will make for her baby a queer kind of candy. There is a certain great bird which tho men shoot when ever thoy get a ohauoo, and whioh has bright red feet. The mother will out off these feet, and draw out tho bones, and by blowing into tho skiu iultato it to its utmost capacity. Then sho will fill the little rod case with marrow, and tio it up for an extra good gift to her baby. The youngsters like this queer candy as well as our rhildren liko chocolate creams, which, to be sure, aro not half so pretty to look at. When an Eskimo baby dies, his father and mother grieve ovor him very sincerely. Ouo Arctio traveler tells of a mother who brought her child with her to tho United Ktatos. It died on the voyage, and tho mother was unconscious for raoro than a day afterward. The baby was buried in a little New England cemetery, aud, ac cording to Eskimo custom, his play things were laid on the gravo. Among other things was a littlo tin pail, whioh a ooilor had given tho child, and somo naughty littlo American child stole it from tho grave. Tho mother was iucousolublo. Chicago Times-Herald. Foiniil a Pearl Iu tlio Creek. B. T. Howhud, it farujor living near Evansvillo, Iud., found a pearl a few days ago in tho creek below the mill at Aftou. Ho sold the gem to a man living at Brodhoad gy50. Tho buyer had tho gem appraised by experts nr.. now values it at No suggestion as to how tho penrl might have not in tho mill stream is offered. liuOfalo Eiproini. Money. Tho word money owes its very ex istenco to the Latiu goddess Jnuo Moucta, in whose great to,:. pic wac struok the first Komiin ooiuage. The Uoriu took its name from Floreuc, in which city it was (.trunk about the thirteenth century. li'ictts were especially struck fur circulation in the duohy of Apulia iu Hi'J and boro ItfuuWul irUHvriptiiu, BIOYCLE "SOORCHINQ." A TWO MONTHS' MCHNKftS) TIIK RE SULT or A rOI.MHION. Mrs. Alloa Hodeklnson Knn Iowa 1y lcorchr' and Narrowly KsrapM Death Sh Rnfrrs Intansoly for Several Months, bnt Finds R. lief anil Onra In Dr. Will lams' Pink mil. .Front Union and Attvertitcr, Rochtiter, JV. y The bloyolo brought griof and sickness to the happy family 01 Hodgklnsons of this Olty Tour years ago. Doath nearly followed the disaster. Thon cams Dr. Williams' Pink rills for raloToople like a rentable bless Ing straight from heaven to save the lite o' Mrs. Alloa Hodgktnson, the wife ot Juhn H. Hodglnson. The Hodgklnsons are an es timable English family who have lived for soma years past In a prettily situated horns at 890 North St. Paul street, lloohester, N. Y. Not only the neighborhood bnt tho whole northern sootlon of the oily Is aware ot the wondnrfnl oute effootod In this re markable case. It ts about four years ago this month that Mr. Ilodgkinson was run down by a bicy clist ono aftornoon while walking along Ihe sidewalks on Central avonue. The oareloss eyollst wns pedaling along tho sidewalk at full speed and struok her In the book. Mrs. Hodgklnson was knocked down and ren deml uuoonsolous. The oyollst fell, too, but hastily snambllng to his feet he rode hur riedly sway and was never discovered. For nearly two months Mrs. Hoduklnson was oonflited to her bed. When at last she was able to sit up. she was but a wreck of her former self. A pain, most sovore and excruciating coursed up and down her bnck at all times of the day nod nlgbt. The left side of the back from the shnnlder blade to the hip was particularly affected. In nil, five physicians, two of them noted special ists, were consulted. For over a year the doctors wore oonstant visiters at the Hodg klnson residence. One physiolan said that Mr, Hodgklnson was suffering from spinal tiiberoulnsis, another oallod the disease neu ralgia of the snlnal nerve. Nat nn r,t t.,,n could help the unfortunate woman. Mrs. Hodgklnson declined until she weighed less than DO pounds. Her life was despaired of by all who knew her. After the poor woman had suffered for nearly two years she hnd Or. Williams' rink rills roccminended to her bv hnr ann ,., empioyeu in utica. Tho Hodgklnsons sent to Pakes, on East Main Street, for tho . ... iumuun onnminy nigur. ine uiroo nous were jciiiowou and tne patient was watched carefully throughout the Sabbath. ravoranie symptoms did not begin to manl lest tnemselvcs until tha nMA.IInn .i. Then lbs pain left Mrs. Hoditkinsou, and Within a week the improvement was most marited. TW the time she had talrun k vry weaa sue uegan to mend. I'oxes ot nr. Williams' wonderful remedy she wns a well woman, the nlctnre nf henlth Mrs. Ilodgkinson baa Inorxased In welitht until she tips the scales at 123 pounds. Tho "7 oi nvinir nas ia every sense returned to ior. She has a eood annetlto and U able i take an Interest and a part In tho daily Ufa In conversation with Mrs. Hodirklna.m re. eently. tbnt ladv remnrkod In "You are able to Judge by looking at me whether or not I am in good health, I have only words of praise and thankfulueas for Pr. William's wonderful Mult I'iII. f... P.l. People. I have recommended them to manv n ... .. , -J . J . i , . . J v. iuj uitiiiuH ami aeiKuuurs. iney possess qualities that make them most efficacious In mnny troublos. I have them always Iu tho house, and I don't believe I cuuhi have re. covered wlihont them." I have read the forecolnc article and it ! substantially correct. I send this to you, hoping that others may be benefited as I nave oeen. (Higned) Alice Hodokiksox, Dr. Williams' Tink l'llls ocntaln. In nnn. u,'umiu jorin, an me elements necessary to give new lifo aud richness to the blood and rostoro shattered nerves. They aro also a speolllo for troublos pnoullar to females, such ui-nsioos, irregularities, and all forms oi weakness, in men they effect a radical cure in all cases arlsiDg from mental worry, Pink Pills ara sold lu boxes (never In loose "v ov ot-uis a oax or six ouxetror tl.oO. and may be had of all Orngglsts, or direct ujr uinn irom nr. niiuams' ilodlclue Uom pauy, Schenectady, N. Y. The Great Harrier to the Xorth role. The great obstacle in flndiog the North Pole is, cf course, the all-pervading ice. During tho summer, the season of constant sunlight, the Arctio seas open somewhat and the explorers push their ships faithor and farther to the north, with the hope strong within them that they, of all the venturesome rpirits who have sought the Pole, will find it, and will win undying glory. But these opon seas whioh stretch ont so invitingly, are luring them to their destruction. Weeks have been pass ing while the stanch craft of the ex plorers has been sailing north. Tho sun sinks lower and lower in the south west, and at last leaves the region on velopod in the long Arctio night. The pathway of water between the fields of loe alowly closes. The ship, now in all probability pushing her way des perately toward the south, makes less and less progress and finally stops. The ice gathers round her and presses her with an embraoe that constantly grows tighter and more deadly. She is in a trap. She groans and cries like a living tiling in pain as her frame is slowly crushed ; bnt the remorseless ice only squeezes her the harder, and finally she becomes broken and use less, and thodo who brought her here leave her to her desolate fate and be gin a journey southward over the ioe a journey whioh, for many, ends i graves in the frozen solitudes. Dl morest's. The spasms of p-iiu that rack the rheumatic are relieved bv Ulenu's Sulphur Soap. Hill's Hair 6c Whisker Dyo. black or brown, tOo ANDY ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED If fa )j 10 JlZto.wmn unutULi rr-j The Pot Called the Kettle Black Because the Housewife Didn't Use SAPOLSO nnnn nnnn!? arViA ,sT .awlPraY nrr 'a. asaafB axnaai It l B j 111 11 l34L.Da.,a. . uwT"". costla a buudrd Urnes th?H "Jv u . ? PUr,' of 11,6 a1 Bcyolopaidlai awnZmt1'1' ''. "akta, th. lafonnatloa tloual advantage Wb .a"g D U 1 ? U,"''y ' Uck o( duc- rncc you fall to uaderstandr Ian't 6uT .n . """""J "u across ref. at Land, Do you know who 0,omu. waT-i. T" l ' lavil" aoti -"owllW Maroo Polo Inv.uud th. compass InO .n Jl,'? Iong06, f 7" ln That waroQ Polo 50 r , n..t" . . a auc uuut ouaiAina innnuanrlu f . . UL'U m&rLMra at a v.i x. . ffpl Gladness Comes With a better understanding of tho transient naturo of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proneref' forts gentle efforts plensante fforta rightly directed. Thero ia comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not duo to any actual dis ease, but simply to a const ipated condi tion of tho system, which the pleasant family laxative, Hyrupof Figs, prompt, ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families, and Is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who valuo good health. Its beneficial effects are duo to tho fact, that it is thn ono remedy whioh promotes Internal cleanliness without debilitating the orgnns on which it nets. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that you havo the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured bv the Cali fornia rig Nymp Co. ouly and Bold by all rcputablo druggists. If in tho cnloviucnt of irood health. and the system is regular, lnxhtives or other remedies are then not needed. If afllietrOd with any actual disease, ono may bo commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands hichest and is most lnrrolv used and gives most general satisfaction, A Hundred Miles an Hour. An eleotrionl engineer has been ex hibiting in London tho model of his proposed single rail eluctrio line for speeds of 150 miles au hour. The rail is fixod on a V-shaped trestle, and runs up into tho body of the car, whioh, as it were, runs astride of it. Tho car rum on twelve bearing wheels, and seats 135 passengers, with space for thou baggage. One of the diiuoulties met with in schemes for excessively high spoed travel is the tendency of tho car to mn off the traok. By ruu ning tho rail within the ear the latoral tondenoy of tho train is overoomo. But in this late sohome the great dif ficulty seems to be the passenger. What would happen to the passonger when the train took a sharp ourvo while going at 150 miles an hour ia not explained Pittsburg Dispatoh. Size and Speed ol Wares. Many different answers have bees given to tho quostion : "How high are the greatest ocean waves?" M. Dibos, a marine engineer and laureate of the Institute of Frauoo, has lately mado some personal observations on this subject. He describes waves onoouut cred in the North Atlantio which had a height of at least forty-five feet. Driven beforo a heavy wind, waves may advance at tho rate of from thirty-five to forty miles an hour.aud suoh nudulationa of tho ocoam may travol more than 000 milos fro.n the poiut where the wind created them, without being accompanied by auy disturb ances in the atmosphere. Flowers lovo the Sunlight K and always turn to it. Tho S 3 modern housewife Icarus to 2 lovo Sunlight I Soap I and always turns to it to help her out on "wash day" or any other day when sho pi, needs a pure, honest soap Jm which cleanses everything J it touches and doesn't in- gk juro anything, cither fab- lie or hands. IJJ, Less labor Greater comfort m ' I.wr ftrof.. Ltd., UuUsua A Uarrltou S.U.. JC.Y. ' :. TV f-j,,7 Js V -N U-1.1 ENSIONS. PATENTS P.l AIMQ JOHN W MOR RIS, WASHINGTON. D. (L LU rnclpl Jinmin.r it. f.niu,n Borial. S jri. iu luc r. lAdjmiiuaUB oU.'w, etty. sum. nU M "! WJIlSKThihliKMtred. book sent UrlUltl (KICK. Ilr. II. S. HOIIII.KT. M,.VIi. CATHARTIC ALL r",of iio. csar.u th. l,.! u. EKCYCLGPtDIA "Bui yioji oa y10 name of ILi fc-p:e book sent postimld for . 60c- ,n stamp bjr th BOOK V PUBLISHING HOUSE wrawiM What tho Oordl.n tr,,n Uo Oordlan I 50 wi vauiMutuonior mat . - ,V(a vruuuor kui. tfu It at th r