THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. t. WINN, tOlTOR 4 PROmitTOR. WEDNESDAY, N'OVEM I1EK IS, 1S! C. I.MtOP n Ro pit Mi pun laiulsliile in the slot ami see the I'liimnpya smoke. Kansas City Journal. The McKinlcy times full on tlio juft and t lie unjust ; on tlin pmiiii money ns well us the unsound money Stale. Wheat is still sonrinji toward the dollar mnrk, nnd preitm to have en tirely cut the nrqtiaiutnnca of its al leged inct'parablo friend, silver. The restoration of prosperity will be gradual, of comse, like the recov ery of h patient from a protracted illne??, hut will conic, and come to stay. -- California will elect a Republi can to the United States Senate. Jesse Grant turned silverite fur the purpose of landing that plum, but he is now sorry that he fpoke. While the election of McKinlcy has undeniably started a good many mil 1h, it has served an even better purpose in stopping others the po litical wind mills.' Blizzard. Ferhaf3 it might bo worth while for those who are making up President-elect McKinley's official family to let the Major into their little se cret, lie might like to hear all about it. . The impression prevails that Major Ales. McDowell will be re-elected in tbe next House of Representatives to the position of Chief Clerk, as that body is Etrougly Republican. lie surely ought to be. The stamping out of the free sil ver heresy by a majority of over a million has, according to figures pub lished by the New York World, al ready resulted in the employment of about 800,000 men who were pre viously out of a job, WnAT this country wants now, to make things right for the laboring man, is a good protective tariff, reci procity t real its with all countries fill which, treaties would be advan tageous, aud a law restricting immi gration. Vunx'y Spirit Let every Republican stand up squarely for the great American prin ciple of the Republican party, pro tec! n. The people voted as solidly for protection on Republican lines as they did for our present monetary system, remarks a levelheaded ex-' change, ami every word is true. Judge E. N. Willard contem plates resiguing 'rom the Superior bench. This has been talked of for some time, and an announcement was made a day or to ago. The reasons given aro that the Judge dislikes trav eling aud the long absences from home consequent upon the office. The Franklin Xcw Iiks discovered that the next Congress will contain Messrs. IJor.ZH, of Maryland ; Tongue, of Oregon; Gamble, i f South Dako ta; Moon, of Teuuessee, ami Sauor hering, of Wisconsin. Tho three first named will have no difficulty in finding connections of their respeo live families in the halls of national legislation. The election is no sooner over than the professional prophets begin to come to the front. Uue eminent as tronomer warm us thut the earth will be bombarded with shooting stars about the middle of the month and different scientists are asserting that the earth in dryiug up, while a good mauy people are wishing that these foretellers of impeudiug calamities would follow the earth's example. Lliztard. The Buffalo Times, tbe foremost free silver paper of Western New York, says: "Talk of "good times. Mills auil factories are starting and money is showing itself from the vaults of bunks aud from other places where it has been hoarded 1 Ins is u return of confidence. If confidence is kept up, prosperity will return. If the people arc to have prosperity, they must continue to be coufideut. They must talk coufi deuce and believe in it and practice it. They must invest tlnir money If ihey do, others will iuvett. Don't wait to see hut other nun are going to do. If you begin eurly you will lead those who come after you. The men on the 'ground floor' in a reality deal are the ones who make the money. It is the same wny in oilier kinds of bujitios. Tho firrt in goin ahead is the iiret to tuctteil. Accept the conditions as they me. Doti't hang back waiting to havo some one tell you what to do. Talk good times uud act good limes ur.d there'll be good times." Oniolal Yolo nn nnirrf. Following aru iho official fgurrt of tho Congressional vote in this, 28th, district, as computed by the re turn jtidjjra of the several counties at their meeting in Clearfield list weeks AiiMni.rt. llpp. 1741 KPAMif.KII. MR re AN tP!!1. I'm. 1"7 '-'! m7 70 Outre Clarion Clonrliold Elk , Forest - 4 SO'.M limit 717 H.lO.i "'. i 1170 1015 rtl'Hlln;r Kaunas. Poor Kami a! Physically and in tcllertuftlly she is rapidly running down nt the hc-l. She is known far and wide as the most visionary and unsubstantial of slates. Her people chase rainbows with a fury that is al most pathetic. Every quack unslrom invented by demagogues to catch votes limy he sure of a host of cnthu siastic supporters in Kanras. This folly has driven capital from her bor ders, decreased population and made desolate many a promising cilv. To further emphasizo tho fact that her people are hopelessly given over to the fruitless occupation of raiubow chasing, she has cast her vote for hatism and repudiation. Sho has elected a man to her supreme bench who holds the most redicuonsly un sound views regarding property, and will probably send to the United States Senate some such man as PefTer, who will hold her up to the derision of the world by advocating all tbe old and exploded heresies that fanat icism can conceive. Punx'y Spirit. Official returns of the election have just been published by the State Department at Harrishurg. They give McKinley and Hobart 72(1,998 votes, and the McKinley Citizens' ticket 1,302. This is a total of 728, 300. Bryan and Sewall received 422,054 voles, and tha Free Silver ticket 5,073, a total of 427,127 Dem ocratic. This makes a Republican plurality of 301,173. Tho other tick ets received the following: Prohibi tion, 19,274; Peoples, 6,103; Jefler soniau, 11,000; Socialist Labor, 1.C83; National, 870. The gain in the Republican voto over that of four years ago is 215,000. Alueady a number of Republi cans who helped to lower the party majority in this nlaca In niTiv.nina are scheming on the appointment of postmaster. MartenvUle JSxpress. Perhaps we're a little dull, but we don't just understand how . Br'er Shick figures it to show how the Re publicans of Marienville have lost any votes in that place. In 1892 the total Republican vote in Marienville was 190; Democratic 177. Rep. majority 19. At the last election, Republican vote, 2G3; Democratio 194. Rep. majority 69. Looks from this distance as thouch in Marion. ille and Jenks township, and in fact in every township in the county, the Republicans are to be profoundly congratulated on the excellent show ing they mado in the hot campaien just ended, both on the National and cuuuty tickets The attitude Senator Mitchell of Orrgou will occupy in the coming sessiou of Congress was doubtless out lined in a speech be made in Wood- burn, Ore., September 5. , While de claring himself in favor of free coin- age he stated it as his firm conviction that bimetalism could not be main tained unless coupled with a protec tive policy. 1 1 is words were: "I am firm in the belief and always have been that without a proper policy of protection in this country we ran never huve that degree of prosperity which rightly belongs to us whether we have bimetalism or uot." It is plain from this language that Senator Mitchell places protection before free coinage aud that he will give his vote nd voieu tho coming winter to the adoption of a law which will insure the Government the revenue it needs aud at least partial projection to the country's products. Sesatok Cannon pauses long enough while bunting in Idaho to an nouuee to whom it may concern that be will uot voto for any tariff mens ure unless it includes a provision for the free coinage of silver. If this reflects also the altitude of Senators Teller and Dubois, and is adhered to, there is no chuuee of the Dingley bill passing at the coming short sea oioii except with tho assistance of IK-mod u lie votes. This measure ought to recommend iudf to reasou aliio Democrats. It provides reve uue, uiucli the Cioverumeut needs badly; it is only moderately protec tive ; it will expire by limitation iu a year and a half, and its passage would uiuke tariff legislation by the next Congrcei leu immediately necessary. As it i-tands, however, Republicans have less interest than Democrats iu having thu Dingley bill become a law, and if they will not connent to its pai-ago the KepoblieaiH can bear up under it llrtcf Sketch of a rromlnciit Man. . McKinley was born January 29, 14:1, at Niles, Ohio. McKinley's ancestors on both idts of the house fought in the Revolu tionary army. McKinlcy matriculated at Al legheny Colltge, Meadville, IV, at the age of sixteen, and soon afler taught school at a slary of $25 per month and board. McKinley culered the federal army at the age of eighteen. Ho was a member of Company E. Twenty-third Ohio Regiment. McKinley was made a lieutenant for bravery shown at the hattlo of Antieiain. McKinley was made a major by President Lincoln, "for gnllniit and meritorious service at the hattles of Opequan, Cedar Creek and Fisher's Mill." McKinlcy studied law a", the close of the war, was graduated from the Law School at Albany, N Y., aud was admitted to tho bur iu 107. McKiuley won his first suit in court and received therefor a fee of f25. McKinley's first office was district attorney. McKinley was first elected to Con gress in 1870 He was re elected six limes and was defeated by 302 votes iu his. eighth race McKinley's first speech in Congress was on the subject of the tariff. McKinley's tariff bill was enacted in 1890. McKinley served four years as governor of Ohio. McKinley's nnmo was spoken of before the Republican national con ventton of 1892 for President, but not with his consent. McKinley was married to Miss Ida Saxton, daughter of a well-known Canton hanker, on January 25, 1871. McKinley has no children, two daughters having died in infancy. McKiuley is a Methodist. The rediculuus aspect of the peo ple who knew that no tin plates were or could be manufactured in this country is somewhat heightened by the publication of Commissioner Ayres official report showing the pro duction in the fiscal year 1896, which closed with June 30. The official ac count is that 307,228,651 pounds were made in this country, of which all but 4.226,523 pounds were made from Americau iron and from black sheets rolled in American mills. Of the fifiy-three firms producing, lifty used A i ericau sheets exclusively, aud their output was more than double that of the previous year, While three firms used about 11,000, 000 pounds American and 4,000,000 foreign sheets N. Y. Tribune. "commissioners; land sale. TIT I'lrtllAnf nnrlnna A ...,. A I t i ;. .-.luunmw ill -flsst'inOlV or Hie Commonwealth of Pennsylvania made and provided, we, the undersigned viiiiiuoaiuiiria ui miu i.;ouniy or roret. Will exuoKn In HhIa Kr nnl!i;n . 1... . ... vt'llllUQ or outcry at the Court Hnue, in Tionesta Borough, on tho 9ITI DAY OF DECEMBER. 18! at 10 n'film-L n m tlm rnltn...:.. .1 n. w.wninK uuncriij- eu tracts ot land, viz: SEATED LANDS. HARMONY TWP. Acres. Name Assessed in. War. 2 Jonoa, E. I,, and Isaac JEKKS TW1. i Zimmerman, John. I Whitney Bros. i Shick, Herb. TIONKKTA TW1. 52 Dalo Heirs to Shepherd. UNSEATED LANDS. JKNKS TWP. 100 Phillis, James, ti Anna Hills. 17 Patterson, J. M., fl llobhs. 127 Kay, W. A., 11 lioynton. HO Wright Dulimiir. 140 Wright ,V Dnliriiifr. KINOSI.KY TWP. 3171 3173 3801 3322 5141 sow 5131 200 irey. S. O. fillH J of 80 Luke Erie Petroleum Co. ohm a 01 iuo uiKe Petroleum Co. TIONKSTA TP. 115 Cnpelund, OtU Heirs. 10 Pettifrrew Joeh. 2M 1 rwiu is. D. IllCKOHY TWP. 51U2 J ot'150 Lako Erio Polroleum Co. W. A. CONN ELY, PUT Kit YOUKliK, V. M. COON, County Coniniissionora. Attest, J. T. DALE, Clerk. LARGE SIZE BAGSTEK'S IJII5LE MINION TYPE. Sizn, when open, by 'Jj iuchca. BEST TEACHERS' HELPS. 13 COI,OKEl MAPS. Kent FREE and Carriage Paid fbr only 10 now Kubscripliona to SABA A TH READING AT 50 CENTS EACH. A pair of very beautiful colorod pic tores sent free to cueh new subscriber. Or Suhbalh ttiutliuij for a your and tho Itiblo for $1. Sitlibtith Ueadtnu is having a plienom enul huccoss among Iho .Sunday School teachers, Christian Euilcavorci , K worlh languors, Mis.sinn Workers aud Christians gum-rally. Il is cvanijolical, llilcl ilcnoiniouUooal, lion-political Send at once lor Free Outfit of Sample Copies, etc. Address, SABBATH READING, 150 Nassau St., Now York. N. It. When you sco tliii Itiblo you will say tliat no such valuo was ever of fered on saino Ifrms bofuro. It is bound in strong leather covers, which aro limn and lap over edges, generally known us I'lviniiy l iiciih. Wanied-n Idea Wrtlw JOHN WhUI'KlUU'KN ft CO.. I'uUlit Alto imttrt your tiit-r limy ,ruu liu. WttwliliiKUH', 1- l'..f"r It eir nKO otter Assignee's Sale This is the place for bonafule bargains in any ami everything, We tlcsire to call your special attention to our dry ami dress goods department, where you will find a complete line of nil the latest novelties and styles to select from, and at prices to suit nil. All the latest designs in Millinery in cndlsss variety. Ladies' capes in Fur, Plush and Cloth, and lots of Coats nnd Jackets. 5e sure and get our prices before purchasing. "NVc guarantee them. In our clothing department we have the largest and most complete line in the vicinity for you to select from, nil from the Highest Grade Manufacturers in the Unites States, equal to Merchant tailor make, in design, tit and quality, and at prices that simply defy competition. " Men's and boys' Hats, Caps, Gloves and Mittens, all the lat est styles in all grades and variety, Underwear for nil in all grades nnd prices. Carpets of all grades, lluggs, Matting, Linoleum & Oil Cloth. Trunks and vnlicos of all doHcriptions, liluis and tjucenswore, Tin and Hi anito warp, Kurnilnro, in i'uet, anything you may need or can find in any of tho largo, In-st-class citiy department housest. lteinember, wo promise you bargains, nnd will keep our word. Wo need cash. Must have it to gel us out of our present dilliculty. HZEZLnTIRY- CT. BKOCIC, A.SNIli N KE OK DAVIDMINTZ. MARIENVILLE, PA. Wo pay full market price for Pelts, Calf Skins, Ems, t)insen ltoot, etc. peciai Foji rrn: Xkxt Tn o Wis m us ll'i: Will Offish Svecial, Bargains ix - - - - FL.OVR. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHOICK DKITCS, MEDICINES, STATIONERY, (5UOCERIES, PROVISION, CONFECTIONERY, Etc. Como and examine Koodsand prices, and wo'll do tho rest. ttEATtt & KJUMSfr Confirmation Notice Notice is horohy Kivon that tho follow ing account has been tiled in mv odico and will be prosentod at tho next term of Orphans' Court or Forest County, Pa., beginning November 10, lS'.KI, for con tinuation : First and final account of Alfred S. llrecht, guardian of Florence E. ltrecht. Atto-it, CALVIN M. ARNEU. Resistor, and Clerk of Orphans Court, TionenUi, Pa., Nov. 2, lWo. k"' p n 'lViI WEST TIOrJESTA, PA. Wishci to inform tho public that 1)0 is pnrinaiioutly located near Iho W. N. Y. it P. Depot, with a loll line of FRESH GROCERIES, PROVISION & FEED, CHOICE Ci )N FECTI' N It I KS, TOBACCO & CIGARS. 0. 1 ALSO THE FAMOUS & PILLSBUEY FLOUR And '. propand to keep auyuung wauled in mo lino if liroteries. Prices as low as tho lowest, tloods deliv mcd free of charge. CHAS. M. WHITEMAN. y.V t - - fc 4m m New Feed Store in Tionesta. C. VV. CLARK has just opened a now i'ecd storo iu the Harnett Build ing and keeps on hand a good sized stock of FLOUR, FEED, OATS, CORN, HAY AND STRAW. In fact everything in that line, uhic'i ho proposes to hi ll at the lnv. et p ossiblu margin. Cust aueis will reei :w lair treatment and prompt ittlculiun. When in neu l cull. U.W.CLAKK., Ph. ANEW DEPARTURE. ,: ' - Tho McCuen Co. havo added fino ready to wear clothes and in additon to their tailoring, shirt making and gentlemen's furnishings, aro now carrying a fiuo lino high class of ready I i w ear CLOTHINO-. FALL AN1 WINTER SUITS TO OR- HER J24.0U AND UPWARDS. OVERCOATS TO ORDER AND UPWARDS. Ready ti eir clothes of tho liuest aud best guides $S.()t) to 23.00 a siiit. lteaily to wear overcoats ami ulsters 810.00 to $25,110. Solo agents for ioi!.n.i. celebrated hats. Winter styles now ready. The McCve.v Cq. Outfitters of Ken. 27 and 2:1 Senoca and 12 Elm Sts., OIL CITY, PA. WARREN fJATIOAL BANK Warreu, "i 'enna. CAPITAL, SI. 50,000.00 DIKECTOKS: Nelson P. Wheolor, Davi 1 W. Iloaty Jerry Crary, Win. D. Itrown, (loo. M. Parnileo, Andrew Hcrt.el, C. Schiininell'i ng, A. T. Scotield, Christian Smilh, 11. T. Russell, II. A. Jamieson, J't'r,int(l ami Jlit.stn: accounts xulici ti ll un muni fiti'ornhlc term eoviixtenl with yimil comerrtttn e hunkimj. Interest allowed on deposits a. S. VItILhK, I'rix. 11. A. JAMIKSOX, Vice 1're.i. W?. TIME TA1JLE, iu 5IViTrrrirn,i:rt "ista tor on ruy f JJV.tU' and points west as No.:il lliillalu Expros, dally 'e.. ept Sunday .". 1 J:0Xi noon. N'. '.1 Way 1'i'eight (carrying ncers), daily except Niind.iv 4:.r.O p. in. No. :u i ill I il y Ex loss, dally except Sunday 7: IU p. in. I'nr II iek'iry , Ti.l ii into, Warren, Kiu.uii, iii.t.iiniii, i iicau aim me i-.iist : Ni. :io ilean Express, daily e !'e t isnoilav H:4"ill. Ill N'.. 1'ilisbiir ivpiess, J. illy eei I t Sunday i: 10 p. Ill Nn. ui Way rrcicdil (e.n lying paengers in I rv nit ;iin ) iboly t'Xcepl Sunday il;t) a. Ill, ' l i. t Tim.- Tables and full inlio inatlmi 11'. Ill W. II. Sl l Aci'ill, 'I i.illesla. Pa li l.l.l.l., I.iu 1 So pt, J. A. I El.l.i.W ;, ii ! I'.iss. ii-er .V Ticket Auent. itoeial i lll.e, Mxiuev-I'.risbanc Dldg, i i-i. .sia.n uiei i iniiiin sin., litlllalo,. V WE ARE MAKING IT HOT FOR HARD YOU CAN'T FEEL POOR SEE GET Hint ihmmh Your Dollars :iro Fcwor, iEV Values were never so mum loiisly low as right now, on stylish, high crude Men's nnd lJoys Jfrrrt.vsiri.YK (Sooox. Cloth r.(;9 SiwffS, lire. Come in nnd see the choice selection of hontt (pinlities aud learn why sensthle, eronoinical jtcojile prefer to spend their money with us. Tliere is no law against paying hig juices, hut it is not sensible. You'll trade with us, simply because you can't duplicate the goods nt prices so low. Come in nnd See how FAIH we'll treat you, nnd how well we'll PLKASl'i you, and how much money we'll SAVE you. ! Miles & Armstrong, KEPLER BLOCK, TIONESTA, PA. Lawrence & Smearfoaugh, OEAI.EltS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, KCTiONS, HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEERS WARE, STATIONERY, CSNNEO CCCDS, CUTLERY. JEWELRY, TOCACCO, CiGiHS. BOOTS AND SII0ES A SWSALTY ! GOODS OK I'lItST CLASS (jl'AI.ITY IN I'Vl'llV I ll'A KT.M ENT. TAKEN' IN EXCHANGE Kolt (iOODS CAPES JACKETS. Largest lino ever iu Tionesta, i.ow on hand, find will Ltiy them Cheap, at AO. A. II. A. Wayne Cook, I'ro.sidotit. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPI AL STOCK, MllKClOllS A. Wayno Cook, O. W. ltobinsmi, Win. SnioHi lm,!,, N. V. Wlioelur, T. K. Kitclu.y, J, T. Dale, J. li. Kill v. remitted for .... ci.iy of vr.yuumt at low nm . We ,r .iiiim. our u.ioin erstull tho Uenelits consiHtunt with fonwrvativi. ImiiUinu. U.t.-r.M l.ii l on tin 0 iK-poKlt. Your (.atroim-o lenrtfullv Koli. it, ,!. A O. TJONMSTA, 1A. C AFIiAB. STOJ'Bi, : or rici:ii-i : T. I. Coi.i.ivm, I'l-rsiili ut. j. 5, (ANm,n ,.,. p, i'i i:i ' i .ii.,: E. E. Voi kroth, T. J. liiiwnian, K. It. I.aiiM.n, it. m. l i. r.ui'.i:. A UANK roil W II It 'II ItES I'I t'i'l'T; I.I.Y SOLI I 'ITS liA.Mvl.Mi l Al ll.ITlKS, WITH I'lio.MI T AND rt 1 l-L' 1 TENTlO.MTU ,, lil'SINESS ENTUl'STEli. -KtH- TIMES ! WHEN YOU OUR GOODS AND PRICES. Wo Will r.alto Them (Jo Ttlneii l'urthcr. ttMi-.vf' 7 ' - .- v . i : V M?i ' Via, 50.V.V. Kim.i.v, ('a)iicr. W.M. .S.MKAIOIM lilt. Vim l'rcsiilcm. NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. 850,000. oOtO. : : i'l' HI, .1. C. I'..ivm I '. 1'. W.ll si. li, 'i'. . '. liiii-. '. V. I'i.. pn', aluiT. Ti:E VEOl'LiJ. l'ATkc ' A i ; i ', ,W. VII . M'i:s!l T- -A ..