The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 07, 1896, Image 5

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    An Elect i-lc Umpire.
An cloctrio umpire has been ilovisa.l
lo d'ltormine bits in fencing. Wliou
the toil strikes tlio opponent's jacket
it mats en a boll riiiR, and tlia plnoo hit
it dintiiipiiipbcd by the clifftronco in
Bound of the cloctrio bells. There is
a crying necessity 'or something
similar iu the diamond field.
Mombasa Islands on tlio Africnn east
const has just been connected with the
mainland by a railroad bridge 1700
font long, built in three mouths and a
JJobhlnV Klnatlnv-Dnrux Reap costs more to
ins It tlun any other floating osp in a do, but
consumers have to pay no more for it. It Is
s-osrsnreed to be lflO per cent. pure and the only
floating soap made of Borax. Wrappers In red Ink.
Ticks have uprrnil Texns fever in the
country nbout Joplin, Mo., so (but cattlo urn
dylu lu largo numbers.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by Inrnl apiltrntinn, ri t hoy cannot ronrn the
riiMMwsd j-orlimi of the enr. There is only on
way tot ure deafm's. nnd that if by conntiiu
ttnnni remedies. Deafness .sn-UM-u by an in
flamed condition of tlin inuious liniutf of lh
KntHchfHD TuIk When thin tuba get In.
flamed you hnve a rumbling eouml, or Jtnper
fret UeArinil, and wnen it in entirely flowed
) 'earners is tlio result, nnd unle the Inflam
mation c in be takn out Hint this lube iv?
atorp4 tot's nor.unl cm, it ion, lienrin"? will
destroyed forever. Nina capos out of ten an
ran set. by catarrh, which it not lung but au ill
flamed condition of the i mi eon ft siiri'ncra.
We will Rive On Hundred Do'liirtt for shy
ca of lef ties (canned by antnrrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's latarri. Cure tend lor
circulars, tree.
F. J. Putney & Co., Toledo, 0.
poM by DniKicHt. 7V.
Hall's family Tills aie the best.
Ilrnrt Plseae It ol loved In 30 Minute.
Ir. Aenpw Cure for the Heart (rives perfect
relief in all caws of Organic or Sympathetic
Heart Diaeaw In 31) minutes, and speedily ef
fects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Pal
pi tat ion, Sbortnefn of Hreath, Smot henna
(Spells, I'aln In Led Side and all symptoms of
a Diseased ll'art. Ono dose convinces. If
your druftctst IFn.nt It In stock, ak him to
procure it for you. It will save your life.
The best when you need medicine. For blood,
appetite, nerve?, stomach, liver, nothing equals
The One True tlloo1 Purlfl.r. All druggists. SI.
Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. S3 cents.
Lotions tor Insect Kites.
Ono of the worst insect offenders is
the mosquito. The pain can bo allevi
ated by bathing with warm water in
which honey has been put. The pro
portion is two tcaspoonfuls of honey
to a pint of boiling water. A lotion
made of menthol and alcohol will bo
found of great nso in subduing irrita
tion and swelling.
One dram of pennyroyal and one
ounce of cau de cologne washed over
the slun often prevents their biting,
and they are said to dislike the smell
r-A sceiited verbena.
In some seaside places thero is a
very tronblesome insect, tlio sandfly,
that is so small as to be almost invisi
ble. This bitca tho ankles unmerci
fully, as well as the hand?, and ean be
warded off by the remedies given
above and by not wearing open work
in all cafes of severe stings it is well
to keep quiet for a day or two, have a
very light diet and take cooling drinks.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
A clun association of all tho Lind
lays is about to be formed under tho
sbieftainship of the Earl of Crawford
nd Balcarres.
Mrs. riukliaui's Tender ltelatlons With
the Suffering of Her Sex Wouieu Who
CaniioC Hide Their Happiness.
There is a class of women who, from
their own experience, sympathize with
their suffering sisters, and in order
that such suffering
may be lessened, no
bly put aside false
modesty and in
heartfelt gratitude
publish to
the world
what every
Mrs. W.
L. Elliott,
Iowa, is
one of
and has
us to pub
lish the
fucts in her
case, other- V
it would
be done, as
not be
all sueh evideuco
is treated in sacred confidence, unless
publication is requested by the writer.
fSho says to Mrs. I'iukham : " I
wish you would publish the circum
stances of my ease, iu order that other
women may be benefited by my expe
rience. " I doctored nearly all the time for
two yeurs. I spent scverul hundred
dollars without ri-ceiviug much benefit.
Last Juuu I wrote to you aud described
all my aches aud pains. Such a long
list as there was : headache, back
ache, bearing-down pains, terrible
soreness, couhtipation, dizziness, feel
ing of extreme lussitude, irregularity
and nausea; but you answered my
letter aud told me just what to do. I
followed your advice.
" After taking eight buttles of the
Vegetable Compound and three bot
tles of lilood l'urilier, I am glud to
write you that I have not enjoyed sueh.
good health for yeurs, and 1 am ublo
to do all my own work. I can surely
sound the praises of Lvdia K. l'iuk
hain's Vegetable Compound, aud a
number of my friends are taking it
upon my recommendation." Mils. W.
L. Km.!'tt. riscoiuh. Iowa.
Luuii on tut AlL USE iAiiS.
ID Ilinf h.iiit iv urn
irioci S
n III II j
Mrs. Humphrey Ward says that
women have been hampered hereto
fore as writers of (lotion owing to the
fact that they could not travel
and explore without escorts. She ex
pects groat things of women in lilera
tnro now that tho old prejudices are
passing away.
HAin in EMnRoirEnr.
In oldon times it was tho onstom
r- l K ... : i. .1 i .
handkerchiefs with their initials em
, bioidered with tho fair doner's hair,
or finger rings or watch chains mado
from hair, in embroidering the hair
was Foakod i boiling water before
nsing to mako it soft and pliable, so
that it could be threaded in a fine
needle and used like Bilk.
rriucess Maud and rrincoss Vic
toria are having bloomers mado of
crepon and silk. They have a lining
foundation in four sections, and
a deep round yoke of silk,
which in redraped with finely
tucked chiffon. The blouses are made
on s yoke, being drawn in at the
waist, whero tho lining is secured,
forming a puff below the waist. The
upright collar is draped with white
chiffon. Philadelphia Inquirer.
Do you dress for dinner? or do yon
consider that s practice incompatible
with sterling merit and democratio
spirit? Have you regarded it bs a
babit to be left exclusively to those
who have nothing hotter to do than to
exhibit different sets of garments at
different hours of the cay? If so,
disabuse your mind at once of these
views. Dressing for dinner is a cus
tom 'to be commended from every
point of view, including the economic
and hygienic.
It is economic to wear a semi-evening
gown at;diuuor, for the street
gown, which costs twice as much as
the honee gown, lasts twice as long
with judicious changes. It is hygienic,
because there is actual bodily refresh
ment in soap, water, fresh linen and a
fresh gown after the toil aud turmoil
of the day, and there is also tho less
easily defined but equally potent in
fluence of pretty clothes upon the
mind, and hence upon the health of
he wearer. New York Advertiser.
Yellow in evening toilets of diaphan
ous nature aud yellow in simple day
gowns is a rival to mauve and golden
green this season. Some of the hand
some white mohair costumes for dress
occasions have yellow silk facings on
the coat, aud the skirt is lined with
yellow taffeta silk. White etamines,
grenadines and transparent grass
linens are most effective made np over
yellow satin, with low-cut nnder-bodice
and sleeve puffs of the satin draped
with tho airy fabrio. Swiss and India
mulls over yellow tafleta, batiste or
surah have handsome yellow satin rib
bon trimmings on the shoulders and
at the belt. These are for youthful
wearers, and the gowns are designed
for dress wear accompanied by leghorn
hats trimmed with black or groorf vel
vet ribbon, white tulle plaiting and
yellow roses and mignonette sprays.
Fluid ribbons in now color and com
binations and of great width are being
used by Paris milliners on leghorn
and Panama hats, tho gay rich tartan
loops and Alsatian bows forming their
sole trimmiug. Philadelphia Bulle
The girl waiters in a first-class lunch
room are paid more than tho average
of women workers at other employ
ments. They receive $8 a week and
their meals for working eight hours a
day, $4 for half time, five hours, and
thirty-three cents for four hours of
extra work. It is unskilled labor. No
previous experience is required, and
there is a great deal of competition for
that reason. The "tip" is almost un
known to the lunchroom woman
"We have to work hard," said one
girl, talking of her lubors oao day,
"but it is easy to learn how to do the
work. I had never waited on a table
before, and 1 began on full time. But
Vou never did sea anvtbinrr lika thn
way people act here when there's a
crowu. iney win not uo a thing un
less you say pleaee. I come along with
a lot of boilinc hot rnflV ami on II Tlnn
Bide.' but three of theru will utnnrl
right in the middle of the floor until
i eay -une siue, piease. we ao not;
get 'tips' very olten, although one of
our young women got 82. 70 one elec
tion night. A gentleman gave me
fifty oeuts once, aud sometimes we got
live cents or ten cents. A man gave
one of the girls a penny ouco. She
did not look at it until after he was
gone. Perhaps bo thought it was a
five-cent or 10-cent pieoe." New York
How does it happen that tho woman
of Ioelund has nnintlv nmuiiKan1 hnr.
self of emancipation long before the
women of Eurone and Amarin.n
dreamed of clamoring for it? From
me earnest period tnu.loulandio worn
an has enioved distinct indivnlimlitv
The wife has always held the place of
an equal with her Lusbund in matters
rUiuing to the borne, says the San
Francisco Wave. In tha obi ilv uim
wore a bracelet, from which huug the
lusigma of olhee her keys and purse.
Now that she has laid usi.ln tin. nnbl
wribtbund, these significant household
accoutrements are carried in the dress
pocket ; but they are hers, neverthe
less. In all muttera of church anc
1 'Uriah the has her vote. and. ua tin
i hurch and Htute are coiubiujd, this
is really a civio privilege.
She also has full muuicipal suflruere
but as yes cannot vote npon matters
pertuiuiug to oommorco uor for Mem
Oers of Parliament, though Hum ii i
btroug tuutiuicut shroud in luvur of
giving her tlicso additional advan
tages. Women tako part in many
political meetings, and talk upon all
political subjects. During tho ftlthing
sessions gront numbers of tho most in
telligent women of tho capital city
are in constant attendance. For
many years there hos existod a politi
cal society of women, and when mo
mentous questions affecting their in
terest's aro before the logislativo body,
largo mcotings aro called aud addressud
by women, setting forth their claims.
Almost all up-to-date womon know
how to swim.
The National Bank of Huntington,
Iinl., has two womon directors and a
woman cashier.
Until Princo Charles of Denmark
put the engagement riug on her finger,
Priucess Maud of Wales is said never
to have worn a ring of any kind.
Mrs. B. Frascr has mado a bcque.3t
to tho diocese of Manchester of $100,
000, to bo disposed of at the discre
tion of the Bishop for several small
Mrs. George W. Childs-Drexel, of
Philadelphia, owns an exquisite piano
decorated by Edwin II. Blashfield, the
oclobratod artist, with six panels on
gold leaf, five of the panols roprosent
iug the different kinds of music.
Besides doing the bnttor making,
cooking, washing, and housework for
her family, an eighty-year-old woman
of Whitney ville, Me., walks a mile or
two daily to pick blueberries, for
which she gets about eight cents a
The Princess of Wales, who was
brought up in the most democratio
fashion by the sensible Danish King,
has found that actually milking cows
at Soudriugkam and superintending
tho dairy gave her better health than
all the medicines of tho court physi
cian. Tho teachers of Salem (Penn.) town
ship are greatly incensed against the
directors of tho schools, who mot re
cently and decided to discharge every
one who attended a dance or theater,
except Friday and Saturday evenings.
They must stay in excopt on these
Sarah Orne Jewett lives in an ideal
ly lovely home in Berwick, Me. It is
a colonial house, with old mahogany
furnishings, hugo tiled fireplaces, old
silver, china and glass, and quaint
pieces of brio-a-brao, suoh as seafaring
men of long ago used to bring borne
from foreign lands.
The ladies of one of the Manchester,
(N. II.) churches have sot an example.
Cutting away from custom, they have
"rosolved" against church supporsand
agreed to tax themselves to raise
money needed, aud will no longer seek
it through tho laborious methods of
ohurch uutcrtainmouts. -
In Germany women aro permitted
to prsotioe, but not study, medicine.
Six of tho seven women physicians
now practicing in Berlin pursued their
studies at Swiss universities. The
seventh took her oourso in Leipsio,
where tho study of medicine by
women was favorably regarded by
many of the profeseors.
A very curious sort of entertain
ment takes place every two years in
Berlin, Germany. Tha lady artists,
painters, sculptors, actresses, singers,
etc, give a fanoy dress ball, from
which the nialo sex is excluded,
through many ladies adopt a masculino
garb. One of these balls is shortly to
be held, and the costumes will be ear
ly nineteenth century.
The newest things in wedding pres
ents is umbrella handles, richly in
crusted with gems. Princess Maud
received one of these among her many
wedding gifts, which is set with jade
and diamonds. It was given by tho
Grand Duke Michael. Dorothea
Stanley, daughter of Lady Jeune by
her first husband, was the recipient of
a 8imnur gut irom rriucess victoria
of Suhleswig-Uolstein.
Maltese lace is again in vogue.
To wear grar is said to act as a seda
tive to tho nerves.
Somo goldon straw hats are designed
for early autumn wear.
Navy-blue leather shoes are worn
with white yachting costumes.
Tho average masculine stands just a
little in awe of tho real tailor-made
girl, lie likes the fintiy kind better.
If you have a laet summer's wash
silk gown cover it with organdy and
you have the latest idea in costuming.
Souvenir doylies, embroidered or
painted with the monogram of the
hostess, are carriod away from dovo
Soon there will no such thing in the
market as a stilliy lined skirt. Soft
linings and plain, flowing, narrow
gowns will bo the fad par excellence.
Soft-tinted serge gowns with ao-cordion-plaitcd
r utiles are high fav
orites among fashionable bathers.
Stockings striped or embroidered are
worn to match the suits.
Soft, fluffy pompudours and a re
vival of the old-fashioned chalelaino
braids, preserving as broad and as Hut
an effort as possible, are quite the
rcigniug fashionublo style of bair
dressiug. Skirts of ono material and bodices
of another wijl continue in fashion all
winter, possibly chiefly because of
their great convenience. Added to
this, however, they are an extremely
attractive combination.
Empire fans are still the most fash
ionable, even when tho night is
stifling. Devotees of fashion main
tain that they give quite ad mach air
as larger oues aud have much more
prestige than feather fans.
The plain skirt is no longer do rig
uerur. liuches aud flowers of two
colors, cither liid one over the ether
or gathered together, are universally
used, purticulurly iu thin materials.
Kkiit panels uxe also once more iu
f abliiou. -
TTonor and shame from no condition
What makes lifo dreary is the want
of motive
Affliction aro bnt the shadow of
God's wings.
Silence your opponent with reason,
not with noise.
Blessod bo mirthfulncss. It is ono
of the renovators of the world. Men
will let yon abuse thorn if only you
will mako them laugh.
Tho candidate who is in politics sim
ply (or tho loaves nnd fishes should
not be expected to bo more truthful
than any other fisherman.
Learning maketh young men tem
perate, is the comfort of old age,
standing for wealth with poverty, and
sorving as an ornament to riches.
I hato anything that occupies moro
epaco than it is worth. I hate to sco
a load of bandboxes in the street, and
I hate to see a parcel of big words
without anythingin them. TheSouth
West. j
Millions In Silver Coin.
Tlio Imperial Russian Miut at St.
Petersburg, and the ateliers of the
Hotel dos Monuaies, as tho Paris Mint
is called, aro both busy just now with
a hugo task of turning gold and silver
bullion into coins stamped with tbo
efligy of the new Czar Nichoias II.
Tho total value represented by this
issue of ooiu will bo over $750,000,
000. The gold coins of this vast sum
are boing ttrnck at St. Petersburg,
but tho contraot for minting the groat
quantity of silver pieces of small
denominations has fallen to Franco.
This in tho first commission of the sort
that Franco has received from the
Russian Government sjnoo 1862. The
metal which serves frr the fabrication
of those new silver pieces comes from
the United States.
Tho greatest number of coins struck
ill bo of the denomination of one
ruble, of about eighty cents value.
Upon its face is the profile of the
Czar, surrounded bv tho words in
Russian characters which mean "By
the grace of God, Nicholas II., Em
peror and Autocrat of all the Rus
sians." Upon tho reverse are Btamped
the imperial arms, the value, and year
of coinage.
The workshjps of the Hotel dos
Monnaies, where these coins are being
struck, are bo finely equipped for their
purpose that, aside from the money of
Franoo, they are kept busy continually
executiug orders from other countries.
Each of tho six furnaces in which the
silver is melted is cnpablo of contain
ing from luOO to 22,(1 pounds of metal.
The machines for stamping the coins
are remarkably ingouions pieces' of
mechanism, sixty pieces of money
being struck by each of them per
A Portrait's Eyes.
Waliaston's curious discovery was
that by adding to each pair of eyes a
nose directod to the right or the left
tho eyes lose thoir front direction,
and look to the right or left, accord
ing to the direction of the nose. By
means of a flap representing the lower
features iu a different position, as Dr.
Wallftston remarks, "a lost look of
devout abstraction iu an uplifted
conntenance may be exchanged for an '
appearance of inquisitive archness in
the leer of a younger face turned
downward and obliquely toward tho
opposite side."
As by changing the direction of the
lower features we change the direction
of the eyes, so by changing our posi
tion the eyes of the portrait apparent
ly! follow U9. If a verticle line be
drawn through the tip of tho nose and
haif way between the eyes there will
be the same breadth of head, of cheek,
of chin, and of neck on each side of
this middle line, and each iris will bo
in the middle of the whole eye. If
we now move to one side, the appar
ent horizontal breadth of every part
of tho head and fuco will bo dimin
ished, but the parts on each side of
the middlo line will bo diminished
equally, nnd at any position, however
oblique, there will be the same breadth
of face on each side of the middlo
line, and the iris will be in the center
of the whole of the eyeball, so that,
being on a flat surface, the iris will bo
eeon in front of the picturo or obliquo
ly. Notes and Queries.
Burial Alive.
A commission of physioiansis form
ing at Turin in Italy for the purpose
ot investigating the subject of appar
ent death. Owing to the small delay
nocoesary between death and burial iu
that country tho subject is of great
importance. The signs of apparent
death have undoubtedly led to the in
terment of many persons still living.
Turin furnished a remarkablo in
stance of the danger. A physician of
that city, who had doue admirable
service all through the epideinio of
1881, fell at last a viotim to the mala
dy, was certified as dead, and was al
ready luid out in his wiudiug sheet,
while his family, in an adjoining
room, were awaiting the arrival of the
undertaker. Suddouly tbey heard a
faint sound at the door, which was
then feebly opened aud thore they saw
the physician himself, who half au
hour later might have boon hermeti
cally sealed in his colli n. supporting
himself against tho door post and up
braiding them iu a voice scarcely uu
dible for having neglected him so long.
The panio stricken family had him at
oneo replaced iu bed, and, with the
best aid that could be got, endeavored
to resuscitate him, but in vain. He
died shortly after from cardiao failure.
A Monster Pie.
Donby Dale has eaten its big Corn
Law Repeal pie. It contained 1121)
pounds of beef, 189 pounds of veal,
112 of mutton and sixty of lamb ; tho
crust was made of 1120 pennds of
flour and 160 of lard. The dish was
ten feet long by six and a half wide
aud one foot deep. DUh aud pie
weighed thirty-live hundred weight
and cost $1250. The pio was drawn in
processiou by sixteen horses irom the
oven to the place where it was cut up.
It was preceded by au eighty-year-old
corn law agitator, who was accom
panied by his two grandsons, one
dressed in rugs csriyiug a banner witu
the wordi, "Flour four shillings a
stoue, iHid," the other iu t$ood clotnes,
bearing a banner inscribed, "Flour
one shilling a fctoue, 18'J15." New
York Sun.
Select corn that is full in tho milk,
but not hard. With a sharp knifo score
the kernels by cutting through tho
iontcr of every row, then cut from tho
oob and with the back of the knifo
icrape all the milk off the cob. Put
tbout a teaoupful into quart jar and
pound it down with a small woodon
tnnn', mads like a potato masher ; keep
adding corn and pounding it down un
til the jar is fillod to within half an
inch ot the top. There miiBt be no air
spaces botweon the kernels aud the
milk rnnst fill every spnoo. Put the
rubber on and the cover abont half
way, set tho jar into a kottlo of cold
water, having placed a pioco of .board
between bottom of jar and kottlo; let
it boil three hours, then screw tho
cover on as tightly as possible - then
boil ono hour longer. As soon as tbo
jar is oold, wrap in brown paper and
put on its side iu the coolest part of
the collar. By nsinsr a wash boiler to
boil them in, four jars may be canned
at a time. Now England Homcstoad.
Every housewife knows the comfort
of having a cupboard set asido for the
solo use ot the house linen. It should
be her prido to see that everything
contained in this cupboard is neatly
arraugod on tbo Bholvos, aud where, at
any moment, she will bo sblo to lay
her bands on any separate artiole. To
attain this she must herself arrange
tho linen on tho shelves, aud must not
allow any one clso, who is likoly to
disarrange it, to go to tho cupboard.
Let mo, then, show you which is tho
best method of arranging the liucn
oupboard. I will take an imaginary
cupboard, which has four sholves. Od
the first shelf should bo placed all the
bod linen, sheets, pillow cases, etc,
in different piles. On tho second shelf
all the bed furniture, curtains, oto. ;
on the third shelf all tho tablo linon,
together with any toilet mats, doylies,
etc., and lastly, on the fonrth shelf,
should bo placed towels, kitohon
linen aud tho various oddments which
are a necossarv adjunct to mako up a
oompleto sot of house linon. Liko all
cupboards, the linon chost requires
frequent overhauling, for the tiresome
serviottcs, ton cloths, etc, will woar
out and want roplonishing. In most
cases it is a wiso plan to replace each
article as it wears, and in this way you
will always have the full set ot linen
and will not suddenly find that yon
have not sufficient table napkins to go
round. Now York Advortiscr.
Plain every day dishes at tho home
table may be made more appetizing if
the young housekeeper will instruct
her maid of nil work to pay a little
more attoution to them, or if sho will
devote a few moments before each
meal to seeing that tile dish is prettily
Cold roast lamb is good ; but who
wants to have it placed buforo him iu
a whole log or shoulder, without a
sprig of green, on a hot day? A sim
ple and .effective way to serve cold
lamb is: Select a largo loin and have
your butuhor cut each chop up to tho
joint ; crack tho joints, but do not
separate them, and remove the meat
an inch from the end of each chop
bone. Now draw tbo two ends of the
loin together and tio, spreading the
small ends so they form a circle, aud
roast as you would any piece of meat,
only remembering that tho chops be
ing separated, the moat will oook more
This lamb may be served hot or cold,
but, if it is cold, ornament the eud ol
each chop bone with a fringed and
ourled paper cap, stick a bouquet ol
mint or parsley in tho top, and upon
the platter between each pair of chopf
put a spoouful of cold boilod string
beans or peas, and on the greou bod a
small red ball cut irom boiled beets.
Serve a French dressing in a separata
dish for tho vegetables.
This is bnt one of many ways. If the
housokeepor shows interest in having
the home dishes prettily garnished the
maid soon will bo and will find she,
too, has a brain and can surpriso you
with somo ingenious dovico. Ameri
can Cultivator.
Try molasses for grass stains.
Throw flour on kerosene flames.
Ripe tomatoes will removo ink
Remembor, slamming the door o)
the oven makes cake fall.
A few drops of lemon juico makes
oake frosting very white.
A hot shovel held ovor varnished
furniture will take out white spots.
Try sprinkling powdered cloves
about tho places infustod by red ants.
To provent the salt from caking iu
damp weather, mix a little cornstarch
with it.
A little flour drodged over tho top
of a oake will prevent tho ioing from
By mixing two tsaspoonfuls of gly
cerine with one tablespoonful of lime
water and one toaepoonf ul of paregoric,
you have au excellent gargle for a sore
It is said if camphor gum is put in
tho drawers in wbiob silver is kept
that is but seldom used the camphor
will prevent the silver from becoming
A heavy flatiron, woighing seven or
eight pouuds, will do bettor work if
it is passed over the clothes onoo with
a firm, steady pressure thau a lighter
iron hurredly passed over tho clothes
two or throe times.
If a lamp burner is occasionally
boiled iu vinegar it will cleanse everv
part of it, and it is said that if the
wicks are soaked in vinegar before
they aro uaod at all and then thorough
ly dried they will draw well and will
not smoke.
A half-cupful ot milk addod to a
dishpan half full of hot water will be
found very beueticiul in wushiug dishes.
It gives tho dishes a clean, polished
look, softens the hardest water, pro
serves the hands from chapping, and
also prevents a greasy scum from ap
pearing on the top of the water.
When swansdown beoomes soiled it
oan bo washed in tho following way :
Baste tho strips on a piece of luusliu
and wash in warm water with white
castile soap; then riuse aud hang in
the wind to dry. Rip tho piecei lroiu
tho muslin aud rub thorn carefully
butvecn tho lingers to soften the skin.
O The Blue and the Gray.
j) Both, men and women are apt to feel a little
blue, when the gray hairs begin to ehow. It's
- very natura'1 elinff. In the normal condition
() of things gray hairs belong to advanoed age.
fh Tlley tav no buaine8S whitening the head of
v man or woman, who has not begun to go
QMfy down the elope ot life. As a matter of fact,
fy the Lair turns gray regardless of ago, or of
':J) life's seasons ; sometimes it is whitened by
sickness, but more often from lack of care.
f -i When tho hir fades or turns gray there's no
vi'!S? need to resort to hair dyes. The normal color
of the hair is restored and retained by the use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
S ; Aytr's Curebook, " story ot cures told hy the cured."
(f t loo pages, free. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Miss.
A Princely Priest.
Trinco Maximillion Willinm August
Albert Charles Gregory of Saxony,
who was ordainod a priost a few days
aqo, was born tu Dresden November
17, 1870. He is the son of Prince
Georgo of Saxony and is a nephew of
tbo King. A great sensation was
caused at tho time ho outerod tho
cloister ot Eisenbach as a monk. Tho
Priuce was thou quartered with his
regiment in tho town ot Ischatz, in
Saxony. Tha princely priest has
been already appointod by the Pope,
in spite of his youth, Apostolio Vicar
of Saxony. "
Tho spire of the Church of tho Re
deemer in Jerusalttm is noarly fin
ished, and the interior work will soon
bo takon in hand.
The Ladles.
Tho plmsint effect and perfect safely with
which Indies may use Syrup of Kisj, undr all
conditions, niakos It tliolr favorite ro:ncily.
To got tho true and genuine article look tur
the name of tho Califurula Fig Syrup Com
pany, printed noar the bnttum of tho packajo.
f or sale by all responsible druggist.
Cutarnli aud Colds Itrlleved lu 10 to 00
One short puff of the breath throunh tho
Hlower, supplied with cnoli lmttlo of Dr.
Aruow's Catarrhal Powder, riirfupes this Pow
der over the purluee of tho iinrni psssairi's.
Puinlehs end delightful to ue. It relieves In
stnntlynnd peitmuieutly cures Cuturrh, )luy
Kever, Colds, llendnehe, foro Tliroul. Ton
silitisnnd Deafness. If your dnwitist hadn't
It lu stock, k htm to procure It for you,
Aro Vou SntlslleJ With What You Know
Or would you Kindly Improve your stock of
kuowledirof You nr.iy not have . to or t'tl vou
cau spare for a ID-volume encycloituUtfi, but
yoHciui noorii 10 pay nuy coins lor n unnu
Hook of Oeneriil Information. You won't want
to pay even this tiuluss you are desirous of
iinproviiiK your mind ami believe that a live-huudred-piute
book, tilled with a condensed
mass of valll'lhln knowledire. will he reAit ln-
you. 'i'hts valuable Kncyclopicdln will be sent
IsTstimld for titty cents iu stamps by the Book
'ul.lwlilng House, VM Ionard St., N. Y. City.
Every person who has not a larire eno vvlopiodln
should take advantage of this im-at offer at
oneo nnd store his mind with tho valuable
loots collated In tills book.
FITSstoniied freoand nernitineiitlvenrml. Vo
fits after tlrst day's use of lu. Ri. ink's (Iiikat
.-vKiiVKKKKTOHKit. f ree S" trial tsittieand treat
lse. bend to Dr. Kline, ml Arch Su. l'Ulla.. l'u.
jiirn, it iiimow B rooonniK pyrup ror Cllliuren
teetblnir, softens tho kuuis. reduces lutluiiitna
liou, allays pain, cures wind colie. k a bottle
lose Plso's Cnro for Consumption both In
my family and practice. Dr. (1. W. Paiteii-
soH, Inkster, Mi. h.. Nor. 6. 1SU4.
St. Vitus' Dance. One bottle Dr. Fenner's
Specific cures. Circular, Fredunln, N. Y.
If amictodwithsnrcoyesuse Dr. Isaac Thomn
sou's Kye-water. Dnmciau sell at c tier liot tie
At a
anyone can see tho difference be
tween tho twin-bar of clear, pure
and other laundry soaps, but you'll
know tho difference when you uso
it because it cleanses with
Lesj Labor
Greater Comfort
Lsvor llrua., Ltd.. Hudson t Ilamtoo Sts., N Y.
One Cup
One Gent
Less than a cent in fact and all Cocoa
pure Cocoa no chemicals. That describes
Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa.
WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, - Dorchester, Hass.
134 Leonard Street, N. Y. City for It wrves tbo iimposoof tlu grout eiicyoloiwsiliaa
cttug buuclrcU times the 00c. asked. It Is tomuiuteiy Indexed, umkiug tlie lufurimitiuu
inutautlyavuiluble. Willi this vulu. mm x able bonk you have a world of knowl.
eli.'e at your llnmrs' ends, aud can i C B Va eily buutily a Uu-'k of early crtuca.
tional advantages. When reudiug, J JJ riun't you constantly come across rof.
ereuces you fall to imdnreun 17 Isn't 6Uc a nun 1 1 amount to oy fur having suoh knowledge
at huudr Do you kuuw who Crcesus was, and where be lived? Who built lbs Pyramids, aud
wbenl That euuud travels US5 feet tier etcoudr What Is the louo-cut river lu the world? That
Mnrco Polo Invented tlie couiiiais iu IM). aud
iu nruu i uiu
was? TUcbookcoutuliisthoUhandaof ejtiluut lous of Just iJT
low uilta I half a dollar
Where They (,'ct Tlirlr Coal.
In the Uuitod Kingdom, Belgium
and the United States most, if not the
wholo, of tho coal contntnod is of na
tivo production. Of Russia's con
sumption scvouty-niuo por oent is her
own coal, seventeen por cont. is
British coal and four por oent. oomos
from other countries. In Swodeu
eighty-eight per cnt. of the coal con
sumed is British ; in Franoo, twolva
per cent. ; iu Austria-Hungary, loss
than ono per oent., and in Italy nearly
the whole is ot British origin. The
Always Miiblo, Paroly Vegetable.
PerfwMly U'trtoM, elegantly mnfed, pure. riKti
Intc. 1'iinr.v, t-lmiifto Ami RtitMifrttten. KAUWAVd
rii,I,S for the t'uro or all iliaorM'-ra ot tha Ktonitv-b,
Htm Ha, Kid iter a, ltl.lUr, NVrvout UUuasea. DLul
ot'M, Vurtlxu, CoiilrrueH,
All Disorders of the LIVER.
Observe the follow I nt symptom's, rtfmUln from
tllfi'aM ot (hit dlitvifclvfj orcnmi: CimiltiaMoD, In
ward i 'llf, fill I of bloott In Ui htait, aolilliy of
the fttomafh, UniiM'ti, it(irilMirn, diKUit "f ft!
HtllnvHA til wolrtlit of (lie stomach, tour eructation,
tlnkiuK or nuiturtiift of tliw h 'nrt, cliokkng or tufTu
cutliiK iwusutloni wlion lu n yln( poMdrtt, iIIiiimm
of vImI tn, diXN or WMtm txftir i Uh llit, fever and
(lull pit in In i ho hial,oHt'ltutvt.f tn'ritlratlon. yl
low tier nf tlio Nklu and o , pain In the iltle, el t tint,
hubs, and hi Iden fliutifof lioat,buruluti la tho fluaa.
A few rtriMM of KADWAY'S I'll.LS will fr3 Utt
ytoii of all of tho abov&-uaiu?tl dlorleri.
Price il.l eta ft box. Sold by druzgkiU or tont
by mail.
Bond to p It . It A I) W A V .V CO., lock box .
New Vrlt, for Into, of Advlo
;OI.I OK MliYKIt I Wllll'II?
If yon liKve Uml to th rliit place you'll alwar
hnvt plenty of both tnetaN. To utt the muitf Invent
a ttttfr m'n t It l 11 J ATKI 111 A MO lltllT
FAIMI. ft to 4u reft nn ev terms. l'eriHttial
water rinlil, I'.l. It. K. Ifc'put, Hfhool, etc. IIoium
built jr hitnn-flile net tiers, For lltenttnro or
Itiformatinu Bildrf-s Huperluten'leot of Lauds.
IOAIIO I' It I IT CO.. AO HrnnilwHy, N. V.
This t uMpauy li tompnsrtl at mum ksr rrettU k nlhul.
euused by fnl vrntrr than by any other caono.
Our Vfi.l l'mixiMi Mai'Iiinkut obv lutes the tlint
culty and drills wells below auifare ctutaniluallins
a'td tffnttUy sinfs thfm out. There Is money la
urilliuK Weils w ItU modern ami llrst-oia utaohluory
LOOMIS A. NYHAN Tiffin Ohio.
n 0 1 1 1 (3 WHISK Y bill! s cured. UiMik Mill
UrlUttl KrS. Dr. H. m. nillllLKT, 1TI.HT1. IU.
You camiot do this utiles you understntii them
aud know how to outer to their requirements; aud
you cau not s(eud years aud dollars learning by ex
iiwrleuce, so ou must buy the knowledge acquired
by others. Wo offer this lo you for ouiy 34 ooata.
erou If you merely keep them as a dlrerstou. Iu or
der to handle Fowls Judiciously, you must kuow
omethlutc Mboui them, in nwi this want wear
lelliug a txok Klvliiu tha extmrieuce f Onttf 9
of u rtwi,-i poultry raiMr lor I U HI J cvbi
iweut -ttve yean. It was written by a man who put
all his mltul, aud time, ami mouoy to making a suo
cent, of I'uickeu ralslug uotasa pastime, out as a
buKluessand if you will profit by Uls tweuty-tlva
yeurs work, you cau aave mauy Chicks aauually.
aud mako your Fowls earu dollars for you. The
rtilut Is, I bat you mut be able to deteot trouble lu
ho Pouluy Yard as soon as tt tfppeurs, aud kuow
how to r-'ine1y It. This book will tacli you.
It tells how to drtet't aud euro disease; to feed foe
KK und a) o for ftilteuliitf! which fowls lo save for
brredtiiK puroses; and everything, tint cod, you
should know ou ibis suojeot to make It pr oil table,
bt'Ut Htiald for tweutv-tlvo oenis lu s lamps.
Book Publishing House
131 I.KOHAItO toT.. N. V. City.
roiutit well be lus auuie ut tlid
(.'. pugu book sent IxMtu&id fur
Uks. in stamps by tbo BOOK
who Murco I'olo was? Whut the liordieu Knu(
and lali'lvOVtt YOUUSKLV s