The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 09, 1896, Image 5

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Purge. H, M. Herman.
(.iuncitmcn.-3. It. Osgood J. 1). IIbvIh.
F. 11. LiuiHon, Joseph Morgan, C. F.
Woaver N. Fitzgerald, Win. Smear
bttiigh. 11. It. Crawford, h. V. Bowman,
J. 1). W. Hock, O. W. Proper.
Justice of Via Peace V. A. Randall, 8.
J. Hotloy.
Qmxtable H. S. Canllold.
Collector 3. R. Clark.
MiAoot Directors 11. W. Holoinan, L.
J. Hopkins I j. Agnow, W. A. Urovo, Q.
JiuniuNon, J. C. Seowdon.
Member (iCoiiivmj-Wm, C. Arnold.
Member nf NcnateWM. II. Hyiik.
Assembly 3. 10. Wunk.
President Judge Cm If. Noyks.
.4.Mocitf Judges Jim. A. Nash, A.
J. MoCllAY.
Treasurer Jamkh II. Fowks.
Prothonotary, Register t llecorder, Ae. M. Arnbii.
.Sheriff: John T. Caiimon.
CVirnnu.nVmcr.' W. A. CoNNKLY, Pe
tku Younok, W. M. COON.
Omnty Superintendent H. E. STIT.m
OKR. District Attorney P. M. OT.ARK.
Jitr.v Commissioners .1. H. Carpkn
County 'Surveyor J. F. Proter.
Oironcr IMi. J,W. Morrow.
County A minors M. K. Abiiott, W,
li. STRCIUP, J. W. Kt.l.IOTT.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Last Monday of August.
Third Monday of November.
TIONESTA IiOntlE, No. :!!, T. O. 6. F.
Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
I-MKEST I,01HSK, No. 1S4, A. O. U. W.,
I Meets every Friday evening in A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tion'esU.
H. of A., meets every Saturday eve
ning in A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionosta.
G. A, It. Meets 1st and 3d Wednes
day ovening In each month, in Odd Fol
lows, Hall, Tionesta.
1:17, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of oaeh month, In A,
U. W
, lintl, Tionesta, Pa.
TIONESTA TENT, No. 104, K. O. T.
M., meets 2nd mid 4th Wednesday
evening in each month In A. O. U. W.
hall Tionosta, Pa.
and District Attorney. Olllco, cor. of
nil ami online nuwis, inniwui, x .
Also agent for a number of reliablo
Fire Insuranco Conipanios,
T. 1
Tionosta, Pa,
PhyBlcian, Surgeon A Druggist.
Plivnician. Surgeon A Dentist.
Olllco and Residence three doors north
of Hotol Agnow, Tionosta. Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours,
T D. llOWMAN, M. D.,
Lj Phvsician A Kurgoon.
Offien In building formerly occupied by
IT, IMVfOU. Villi U Ullipujr itji-ioononw v...
night or day. Rosideiico'opposito Hotel
Agnow. v
L. AGNEW. Proprietor,
This hotel, formerly tho Lawrence
House, has underuono a complete change
and is now furnished with all tho mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout witlt naturul gas, bathrooms,
hot mid cold water, etc. Tlio comforts of
guests nover neglected.
C. F. WEAVER, Proprietor,
Tionseta, Pa. This Is the most centrally
located hotel in tho place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
dace for tho traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
West Hickory, Pa,
Jacob Bender. Proprietor. This hotol
has but recently been completed, is nice
lv furnished throughout, and offers the
llnest and most comfortable accommoda
tions to guests and the traveling public,
Rates reasonable.
J Cor. Seneca and Centre Sts.. Oil City,
Pa.. Thomas Gent, Proprietor. Meals
and Lunches served at all hours. Open
day and night. When m the city loon
up tho Exchango Restaurant, and get
good meal.
Shoo in Walters building, Cor. Elm
aud nlnut streets. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work lroia tiio finest to
tho coarsest and guarantees his work, to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
and Jeweler of 25 years' experience, is
prepared to do all work in liis lino on
abort notice and at reasonable prices,
Always truarantees satisfaction. Watch
es. Jowolrv. Ac. ordered for parties at
tho lowest oossiblo llirure. Will be found
in tho building uext to Keeley Club
Manufacturer of aud Dealer in
And all kinds of
Fred. Grettenbcrger
All work iiorhiiiiinir to Machinery. En
ginos, oil ell Tools, Gas or Wuter Fit
tint's uud General ilhicksinilhiug prompt
ly ilone ut IaiW Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
Kulislai tion guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of tl
Shaw House, Tidinulo, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
FRED. i l( ETT F.N 1 1 ERG E IX.
S. H. EMLET k Mi
Furniture Dealers
I represent tho oldoat, strongost, and
bout Insurance Companies In tho Unitod
Deeds. Honda. Mortgages. Leases. Wills.
Powers of Attorney, Articles of Agree
ment, and ail other legal instruments ( f
writing, drawn with accuracy and dis
patch. Titles examined and "Hriofs"
prepared. Ground rents, mortgages,
and loans negotiated. Farms and wild
lands, houses and lots for salo or rent.
Registers of Property for sale or to let,
opou to the Inspection of those Interested.
Particular attention paid to tho collection
of rents, interest, etc. Also to t ho proper
assessment of lands and payment of
taxes. I'roUattng accounts, acknowledg
ment of deeds, and depositions taken.
Church nnd Nnbbnth Hrhool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
. ! M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in.
Preaching in M. K. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. W. W. Dalo.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
t. K. Glass, Pastor.
Worvloos In the jrosDyiorian uiurun
every Sablmtli morning ami evening,
iiov. J. v. MCAinncn omoiaung.
Oil market, $1.10.
Campaign hats and
caps at
Miles & Armstrong's.
Mrs. Philip Lmort is visiting
friends in Oil City for a few days,
John Bneh moved his family to
Balltown on Monday of this week.
Mr. aud Mm. J as. D. IJavia are
paying Buflalu friends a two weeks'
Burn, to Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Lewis. Autr. 29. 181H, a son. Tidi-
ule News.
Mias Allie Oieriug, for the past
month visiting friends at Kipley, N
has returned home.
-Don't forgot the nice fine salt for
one dollar per barrel, or common salt
fur DO cents at LaosoD s. It
Mrs. Jane 8. Ferry, of James
town. N. V.. is the guest of her
cousin, Mrs. II. S. Biggins
Masons are at work on the foun
daliou for the new bank building,
corner Elm and Walnut streets.
Fall overcoats feel very comfort
able these chilly evenings. Call ou
Miles & Armstrong, and see bargains.
Benjamin May left yesterday
morning for a few weeks' visit with
friends in Philadelphia and Noma-
-Scaffolding has been, put up and
artist Bankbead is decorating the
Ileuth & Killmer block itb a coat
of paint.
W. S. Johnson of Johnstown,
Pa., was in town a few hours yester
day and met many of his old friends
while hern.
-John Lt. Spaneler Esq., Demo
cratic candidate for Congress in this
district, spent a few hours in town
last Thursday.
-Cider, vinegar and apple butter
will be abundant this fall it the Dum
ber of barrels that are daily taken
out is an indication.
Slight changes in tho arrival
and departure nf trains took effect on
the W. JN. X. ft, I'. H y, Wunday. bee
corrected time table.
-Mrs. Alice Vought and daughter
Bertha have returned irotn a sum
mor's visit with friends at their' for
mer home in Minnesota.
John Vale and wife of West
Hickory, are visiting Mrs. James
Morrison and husband on Dawson
street. Kane Republican.
-Mr. SafTard, of Canton, N. Y.
and Mr. E. E. Proper, of Titiisville,
were guests of Hon. J. A. r roper and
family during the past week
Miss Luella Saul has returned to
her duties at tbo Warren asylum, af
ter a two weeks' visit at the home of
her brother, Station Agent Saul.
From the present outlook the
nut crop this year will be an uuus
ually large one, and that is a pretty
good criterion that there will be plen
ty of squirrels.
It is still a little early in the sea
son, but we are bound to lead in ev
erything in our Hue. Come in and
look over the new line of gloves and
mittens at I.aoson lt
An excellent line of school shoes
for children has just arrived at Miles
& Armstrong s and they will be sold
at nriccs that were never before
equaled in Tionesta. lt.
Miss Florence Sanner, who has
for the past two months been visiting
Miss Mae Sanner, and other relatives
iu this vicinity, retu-Ded Saturday to
ber home in Bradford.
The foundation for Joe Clark
house is fiuished and the carpenters
have begun work, and at the present
rate of progress Joe will be living in
his new donncilo before he knows it
Miss Nora Mclntyro of Stewarts
Run. and Miss Anna (ireen id
Huntington, Pa , teacher of tho Al
lendar Hun school, were among the
excursionists to the Falls last Men
The spicing season is now fully
on, uud Aiusler is thoroughly pre
pared to serve custon-era with ull
necessary iugredienls. He keeps
"spiced vinegar," which is excellent
for pickling purposes, being strictly
pure aud wholesome. Try it. 2t
Arrangements Making For a (Jrnnd
Mass Mooting' on That Dale.
Although impossible at this date to
namo the speakers who will be in
ionosta on Thursday, Sept. 24th, the
date fixed for the Republican Mass
Meeting, some of the ablest debaters
in the State will be present and dis-
iu a dignified way the issues
which are uppermost in tho minds of
the people at this time.
Ve hope to be able by next week
to announce a complete program,
giving names of speakers and their
topics. In the meantime let the peo
ple from all over the county mtxko
their arrangements to be prescut and
hear tho principles of "sound money
and chance to earn it by honest toil"
expounded from a fair and honest
standpoint. '
Judge Proper, accompanied by
his son, F. C. Propor, weut to Pitts
burg Monday to have his eyes oper
ted upou. It is thought this opera
tion will almost fully restore the
The I. N. Patterson well on
ropp Hill was brought in last
Thursday. It will make about a two
barrel pumper. Another well will be
put down on this lease in about three
If these chilly mornings make
you think of donning heavier under
wear, just bear in mind that Miles &
Armstrong are the leaders in that
line, as in everything in gents fur
nishings, lt.
itouesta turnisued a dozen or
mure excursionists to Niagara Mon
day morning. George Killmer and
George Birtcil took in the Toronto
end of the excursion and will return
to-morrow or uext day.
Chautauqua is to have another
new building, to be known as the
Hall of the Christ, the ground lor
which was consecrated on August 18
The building is to bo the must sub
stantial yet erected there.
Now that the time for registra
tion is past, the uext very important
thing is for the voter to have paid a
State or couuty tax at least 30 days
previous to election. Republicans
should by no means neglect this duty.
-Rev. J. A. Aiken, missionary to
Bangkok, Siam, gave one of the most
interesting and instructive talks on
the mission work in that far-oil coun
try that has ever been delivered in
this place, at the Presbyterian church
last babbalb raurmug.
Tho twelfth annual meeting of
the Woman's Home Missionary so
cioly, of Clarion Presbytery, will be
held J hureday and Friday, October
Sib and !Hh, at this place. Each
auxiliary band and C. society are
invited to send delegates.
If tbo weather is fair Tionesta
and vicinity will be well represented
at the soldiers reunion at Marieu
ville to-morrow. Quite a number
will go to-day. Marieuville will see
a big crowd within ber borders should
the weather prove favorable.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gordon,
nf Elkhart, Iud , arrived in town yes
terday, on their return from a three
months tour through the principal
countries of Europe. After a couple
of weeks visit with lionesta friends
they will return to their home.
The tilst annual session of the
Erie Conference, which begins at New
CaBtle to-day, will be presided over
by Bishop Walden. Bishop J. M
Thulium is to make an address to
morrow. Rev, W. W. Dalo, of the
lionesta charge is in attendance.
John J. Biodbead, oue of the
first merchants to locate in Oil City,
died at bis home in that place early
Sunday morning, of pneumonia, aged
ti5 years. Deceased was a leading
member ot the .Presbyterian church
and also a promiuent Odd Hello vv
The ladies of the Maccabees of
Hickory Hive, No. 112,. located at
East Hickory, desire to state that
their regular reviews are held ou the
first and third baturdays ot each
month. We expect and iutend to
make our order a grand success
Come aud join us. II. K
Hoy Bros., of Clarion county
have made a canvass of the borough
with a view to bringing iu a new gas
line. We uuderstaud they have
euuugh contracts to justify ibeui in
coming iu. Ibeir territory is located
iu Tionesta township, about six miles
from the borough.
Heury Shoemaker, who had tho
contract, finished a lare addition to
the school bouse at East Hickory last
week. Also a commodious "town
ship house," 20x30, in which much of
the road machinery of the towuBbip
will be stored, and where elections
uud ulher township business will be
You can't always tell how far
toad cau jump from tho looks of it
neither can you tell the size ot a rat
tie snake by the number or size of his
rattles. Geo. Holeman dispatched
one out on Hemlock oue day las
week measuring over four feet, yet he
carried a very diminutive set ot rut
lies. Although there were eight rat
ties the entire outfit measured only
an inch and a quarter in length.
Prof. M. E. Pock of Jamestown
N. . will commence a ten days
in .Mcal convention in the Prcshyl
iuu church parlors, Friday ovenin
Sept. 11. at 7:0. All interested
music are invited to attend (he first
evening, which will be free, and enjoy
a musical treat. Prof. Peck comes
highly tfccoraiiiendcd and you should
not miss this opportunity to learn to
binir. aud improve our method of
binding. It.
Burglars or sneak-tbievs seem to
he hovering about. Attempts were
made to enter the dwellings of Jesse
Overlander, Patrick Joyce aud J. II.
Osgood, on Saturday night, but none
were successful. It would be well for
our citizens to sleep with one eye and
ear opeu.
V in. 1 . Montague Esq., a prom
inent lawyer of Washington, D. C,
died at his home in that citv. of
pneumonia, on the 31st ull., aged 48
years. He was related to J. B. aud
1j. Agnow of this place, and had vis
ited Tiouesta some years ago, making
numerous friends during his short
stay. He leaves a wife and 2 children.
Mr. Jas. T. Brennan was named
as the Prohibition candidate fur Con
gress in this, 28th, district, by the
conference ef that parly held in
Clearfield last Thursday, The nomi
nation comes to him unsought for, he
having made do efi'irt in that direo
tion, aud was uot a little surprised
when notified that be had been unan
imously chosen as the candidate.
Wheu our report of the court s
nings closed last week the case of
Thos. P. Flynn vs. Campbell, Ritz &
Co., was on trial. The jury returned
a verdict for the defendants. C. M.
Arner vs. A. B. Hepler, verdict for
plaintiff for $24 C2. Joseph Foster
D. A Wright, verdict for plaintiff
for $2(!5.30. Court adjourned on
Thursday afternoon, having cleaned
up the docket.
Still the crop reports come in.
A day or two ago Heury Wolf of
Tionesta township showed us a quan
tity or nops that were raised on Ins
vines that eclipsed all. Instead of
small oval-shaped bunches, they were
long pod-iike clusters, measuriutr
from three to four inches in length,
and about an inch in diameter. He
said bis vines were breaking down
with the "Iruit.
-The trustees of the Institution
for the Feeble Minded, at Polk, met
in Pittsburg on Saturday. In con
junction with Dr. Murdoch, of Pitts
burg, who is to be superintendent of
the institution, they consulted with
view to the equipment of the Home.
It is intended to furnish that portion
of the building dow completed as
soon as possible and open it for the
reception of patients.
-Selden Whitman of the town
ship was in town yesterday and took
a number of empty barrels home with
him which he expects to have filled
with vinegar before spring. Mr. W.
has one of the finest orchards in this
section of country, and says he be
lieves Ins yield of apples will be up
ward ot a thousand bushels. He has
already made ten barrels of cider,
and will have apples enough to spare
to make a hundred.
-J. V. Jamieson and Chas. E.
Kirchartz are attending the great
convention of the State Leaguo of
Republican clubs, at Erie this week,
as delegates from the Tionesta Mc
Kinley club. The convention begins
its session to-day aud will last till
Friday, and many of the most nota
ble men in the State will be in at
tendance. The capacity of Erie city
will be tested to entertain the great
gathering, which will mark the open
ing of the campaign in Pennsylvania.
-Cider has been lately recom
mended as a remedy in certain cases
of indigestion. In cases In which di
gestion is to hurried the cider is said
to do much good, and possibly its
acid favors the action of the gastrio
juice. For gouty people cider has
also been recommended, because it
corrects the formation of the urio
acid, to the presence of which gout is
due. Persons troubled wilh any of
these diseases should have no difficul
ty in procuring medicine this fall, as
plenty of cider is being made.
-Ihe assignees of 11, J. Hopkins
to whom he assigned his property on
the ltith of June, were disobarged by
the court at Franklin last week, and
Mr. Hopkins property is now in the
hands of trustees 11. D. Stoeltziug
and Thos. MaGuire. As Mr. Hop
kins will be absent from PloaBant-
ville a share of the -time, "arranging
for the disposal of outside interests,
L. M. Ward has been appointed to
th6 collection of all money due the
bank, aud assist in settling up mat
ters pertaining to the business.
rieafiantville Record.
-The Republican acknowledges
receipt of a very handsome souvenir
illustrating in magnificent style the
beautiful city of Titusville. The
pamphlet is entitled "Titusville of
To-Day," and contains 48 pages, ex
clusive of covers, illustrative of the
"(Jueen City," which is shown up to
hue advantage. 1 he city s commer
cial and industrial resources, the
beauty of her surroundings, the sub
stautial character of her present in
dustries, the elegance of her publio
buildings, churches aud schools aud
tho refined architecture of her homes"
are set forth in the highest style of
the art. One of the strikingly hand
some and interesting views is that of
"Riverside Stock r arm, situated at
West Hickory, iu this county, and
owned by Col. J. J. Carter. Two
pages are devoted to this handsome
farm. The book is from the press of
the litusville World, and is a most
deciding credit to that enterprising
The new line of fall and winter
clothing has arrived at Lanson's and
now is the time to make your selec
tion, while the assortment is large.
Remember that we will not be un
dersold, lt
Mrs. Flora Landers is still ab
sent in Pittsburg, where she is mak-
a very extensive selection iif milli
nery goods for I he company's Tiones
ta establishment 1 hey expect to
shew I lie people the finest line vet soon
here, and think they will be Me to
announce next week when their fall
opening will take place. lt
Hello, Jones. Well, whut do
ynii lliink'of it?
Jones "Think
uui-hlion ?"
of what, tho silver
Ninilli "Nuw. The 'Diiquesno,' the
l.itcht tall utylo ill IiuIm ut Miles V Arui-
iliuiiji's. 11
A Hood Well on Hickory Creek.
The striking of a good well by
the Tidioute Citizens' Gas Co., on the
James Henderson tract, on Hickory
oreek, at the mouth of Queen, has
stirred up no small amount of inter
est in that locality, and the bustling
for leases has been quite lively since.
The well, located on tract No. 5207,
was drilled for gas, and the oil was
struck ou top of the sand, thus it
flows at intervals, and its capacity is
estimated at 15 to 20 barrels. East
and West Hickory parties have se
cured Icrbos, and three rigs are now
building in that vicinity.
Later Since the above wos put
in type the well was shot and was re
ported to be doing four barrels an
hour at last accounts. This in
enough to make quite a stir in that
The Dean and Carringer Debate.
Marienvillk, Kept. 8, 18W0.
The much talked of debate between
"Farmer" Doau and M. C. Carrin(?er,
Esq., of this place came off as slated in
the opera hall. The Inclemency of the
weather did not seem to act aa a hinder
ance to the people getting out, for the
large hall was well filled. The debate
whh a success to the committee having it
in chargo, and aa to the result or good,
following it, is for the voters to deoido.
It was conducted in a spirit of friendly
rivalry, each disputant according to the
other the usual amount of courtesy
due In those things. "Farmer" Dean is
a pleasant gentleman and a forcible
peak or, and did his best no doubt to
convince the people that his views wore
right. Every one who knows him or
knows of him, knows (as ho said him
aolf ) that he is not a "free silvorite," but
a "(jreonbackor." Consequently it was
hard for him to keep off tho greenback
theory and stick to his text.
Mr. Carringer, while not so fluent a
speaker, la a good debater. Hia argu
ment showed that he was thoroughly
conversant with the money quostion, and
he offered nothing but facta and figuren,
backed up by good Bolid proo'a. Of
course thero la a variety of opinions as to
who had the boot argument. My opinion
la that Mr. C'arringor had, for he pro
duced morn and bettor argument on the
silver question than hia opponent, and
stuck closer to hia text.
Our McKiiiloy club will meet again on
Wednesday evening, Sept. 10th. We
hope all the members will be present, as
we have business of importance to trans
act. We have had largo additions to our
club of late and it now numbers over 300.
We shall keep the ball rolling now until
we roll up the largest majority for Mo-
Kinloy that a President! candidate ever
got in this section. Respectfully,
Sec't Mckinley Club.
Mrs. John Watson was taken to the
WcHt Penn hospital at Pittsburg on Fri
day to have an abscess removed that has
been causing her considerable trouble
the past six months. Sho waa In charge
of Dr. Andrews and her husband. We
hope she will bo able to stand the opera
tion and soon return home a well wo
Farmer Dean gave a two hours' talk on
free silver in the hall laBt Wednesday
There are two cases of typhoid fever in
Kellottville, tboy both being taken sick
lust week. Tboy are Frank Hock with
and George Miller. , Dr. Detar is doing
all be can for them aud we are glad to
say they are on the mend.
S. O. Dean A Son, who have beeu with
us six weeks, taking scenory and photo
graphs, will leave about the first of next
week. As yet they have not decided as
to where they will locate.
Mrs. J. C. Wilson lost a valuable milch
cow one day last week.
Arthur Harrington of Conneaut, Ohio,
has been visltinir at J. U. Wolfe's for the
past month. . He will aoon leave for
Tony Day was up from Shippenville,
Saturday and roturned home on Mon
M lanes Emma Dotterrer and Kate Mil
ler started Monday lor Brcx-ton to try
their luck in the grape picking:
The schools opened Monday with a
large attendance.
Several of our enthusiasts on the mon
ey question attended the debate at Ma
riunvillo on Saturday between Farmer
Dean and M. C. Carringer. ;
Mrs. M. Andrews camo borne last
week from an extended stay at Hornels-
villo, N. Y.
Harry .Elgin of Marienville is agaiu
Cling for tho Salmon Creek Lumber Co,
Nathan Ilurdick of Hickory is visiting
relatives in town.
John Hush paHsed through towu this
altcrnoou with hia household furniture
bound for Ilalltown, where ho will make
his future home. John will be missed
by Tionesta friends.
Al. Ilurdick perhaps wears the belt so
far this season in regard to finding bee-
trees. We saw 15 notchos on his stick
the other day. Who can beat this.
Will Walks.
A Hand of ltohbers.
Thursday of last week a young 8 weed
iah woman living with the family of
Webster Johnson, below lirockwayvillu,
had a thrilling experience while out in
tho woods picking berries, and it is pos
si bio that the men sho saw constitute the
band of robbers who have been break lug
into store aud carrying away large
amounts of plunder. .
Misa Johuuon in bur rumblings aud
donly came upon a baud of live or six
men in au unfrequented timber roud.
who had spread out on a quilt or blanket
several bushels of silverware and jew
elry, knives uud forks, upoons, dress
goods, handkerchiefs uud other valuable
articles of wearing apparel, and one of
tho number seemed U bo making a list
of tho urlit-les in the collection, or per
hups dividing lliein ainoui; his pals. Tho
gill was niciUly alarmed, lull could n
letieut because of the rt-n t growth ol
timber, uud ui sho uppioacluHl one of the
party covered up ihu booty and she was
permitted to puss, but she heard one of
the men remui k as shu w as about out ol
heuriui;, "it is time we wore getting out
of this." They were all strangers, and it
is very certain that they did not come in
to pot-scsMon of their goods in an honest
manner.-- lirunl nil.' lit iuttticitH.
Assignee's Sale
larienville, Pa.
JV O. 6040.
CAPITAL STOCK, : : : $50,000.
T. D. Collins, ProsldonU F.
B. E. Vockroth,
T. J. Bowman,
F. R. Lanson,
A. Wayne Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all the bonofits consistent with conservative banking. Interest paid on time
deposit". Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Warren, Penna.
CAPITAL, $150,000.00
Nelson P. Wheeler,
Jerry Crary,
Geo. M. Parmlee,
C. Scbimmelfeng,
Christian Smith,
David W. Boaty
Wm. D. Brown,
Andrew Hertcel,
A. T. Soofleld,
II. T. Ruasoll,
H. A. Jamieson.
Personal and Business accounts solid
ted on most favorable terms consistent
with good conservative banking.
Interest allowed on deposits
a. N. PKRMLBE, Pres.
II. A. JAMIESON, Vice Pres.
F. E. HERTZEL, Cashier
New Feed Store
in Tionesta.
has just opened a now food
store in the Barnett Build
ing and keeps on hand
a good sized stock of
I u fact everything in that line, which
he proiiosea to soil at the lowest
possible margin. Customera will receive
fair treatment and prompt attention.
When in need call.
Tionosta, Pa.
of the linn of MOltt'K MHO'S, .
Specialist iu F.rrorsof Retraction of the
Eye. ExaiuiuulioiiH freoof charge.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can tttlnii
of hi J Hit' nimbly
I'roUH'l yimr Mt'fc; tln'V in .y I. flu,; yu wr-illh.
Will.. JOHN Kill II KiU1 US ti. I'ti. dt A'l
lu Wu 'illiK " it l. I" (.' '!
officers :
R. Lanson, Vice President, J. C Bowman, Cashier.
(loo. F. Wataon,
T. I). Collins.
R. M. Herman. O. W. Propor,
Wm. Smkakiiauoh,
Vice President.
- - - . $50,000.
G. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugb,
T. F. Ritchey, J. T. Dale, J. H. Kelly.
Which T Is the (uestioii of the hour.
Aro you iu doubt T They are all good at
our 20th 8emi-Aiiiiual Clearance Halo.
Ten days more High-class to-order cloth
ing at the price of ready-made.
(Scotch and Irish homespuns In plaida
and plaid effects
Sac suits to order, (17.50.
reduced from &.7.00 aud &!fl.OO
Black and blue Kuglsh woratoda, for
dressy all year round siiiu,
Sac. auita to order fr-'l.OO,
reduced from $ 32.00 and (34.00.
Fashionable Scotch and Kuglsh mix
Sac suits to order (22.00,
were (32.00.
Trousers to order (o.OO to (8.0O.
Tim McCuejc Cq
Outfitters of Men.
27 aud 2'J Seneca uud 12 Kim Sts.,
FOR '96.
Will handle the following high olosn
wheels during this season :
Rambler (100. Crescent ( 75.
Viking (100. Crescent ( 50.
Syracuse (100. Ideal ( 75,
Uoshen (loo. Musi ( 60.
(Joshen ( 50. Majestic ( 85.
of all tho above makes. Catalogues ou
application. Second hand wheels iu
stock and wheels taken iu exchango.
Repairing prompty done. Call ou us be
fore purchasing.
TioiM'NlA, ltt.
IJ lyyH r; - r - - 1
1 1, .a
mil u AwiavMMaaa
'ftnt iMtr-'dnM for imr
E ".iv i .tl s. It In Mi in!. -rtullv uitu.u.'luUM In
I 1-iM f'U mi ll 4j
It hi'UttiHlUw, I MUtbfU
I ulurr It. 1 no I bin-lit-,
Ni urulfctu, lIut'Ltt he
arid "Tlit r hiIimi ut. hi n t lu In n nttviul (i) il. ti I'm,.' .ii , i.r I) UtshlX uU
1. 1- H! r iiaji f, ud-iiiw JU..1 - tvu(.
ituhlut.M. Vd , I'. . A.