THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WEN K, CDITOM PHOPItlCTO. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2rt, 1X1. IK I : I IT It M C A X TICK KT. NATIONAL. rrmiilrntWM. MeKIXLEY. Vice JVMitenr-UAHHKTT A. HO BERT. STATU. 07ir.. - at - Large G ALVSIIA A. G HOW, SAMUEL A. DAVEXrOItT. COINTY. Congress WM. C. ARNOLD. Assembly.!. E. WENIv. JOHN II. ROBERT SON. Sheriff FRANK T. WALKER. Cntint.v Commissioners W. M. COON, CHAS. M. WHITE MAN. H(fi7or M. E. ABBOTT, J. R. CLARK. Jury Commissioner J. R. CARPENTER. "The Republican party stands for honest money, and the chance to earn it by honest toil." William McKinley. Get registered. From the grand-Bland it is appar ent that Tom Watson's scheme to steal home on Bryan's three strikes will not work this inning. , When John Sherman delivers a speech ou the money question, there is something added to the general stock of correct aod useful informa tion in that respect. they do in Mexico and Japau, and then pay for all our tea and coffee and for the greater part of our su gar and all merchandise from Europe in gold. Far men and wngo earners will not he slow to find out all this. Way Out in Wn'.Iilnirtnii. Hugh C. Wallace, a uieniher of the National Democratic committee from Tacniua, Washington, resigned b few days ago, and the "ollowing is one of the reasons ho gives for this step: "My convictions of duty require me to tender my resignation as a member oT the Democratic National committee. I cannot act with those who have taken their stand upon the Chicago platform "A question of supremo importance is presented in that portion of the Chicago plntform that demands 'tho free ami unlimited coinage of both gold and silver at life present legal ratio of It! to 1, without waiting fir the aid or con sent of any other nation.' This is a demand which, if put into execuliou, would chance tho money standard of our country. To enact free coinage at Hi to one would be to overralue silver bv nearly one-half. The con sequences of such a chance would be catastrophic. Such violent altera tiou of contracts and credits, of dohts and values, carrying with it reduction of the purchasing power nf wages, could not take place without general disaster. Tho mere thought of the consequences of such transfer of our money from one metal to the other, upou a ratio so false, cannot be en tertained without deepest alarm." paper of tho country, after a closer reading of tho speech, has this severe criticism to offer : "If we can moasuie the dissppoiut- meiit of others by our own feelings, Mr. Aryan's speech in I In a city must hava fallen far below Democratic opes aud expectations. While anx ious to take tue most tavorauie view possible, and conceding ability and adroitness f a certain kind, we are bound to say that tho Madison btiuaro speech will not rank even as second class oratory of the first order. Gov. Stone's effort, in point of catchy, effective phrases, was recognized as superior Mr. Isryan s speeoh lacked irmltr nnnfiialitlirv nlavftflntl i.f thought, statesmanship. There was much of assertion without proof, of convictions having no visible founda tion. His words were those of a pol itician appealing to iennrance rather than to reason to passioa and prejU' dice rather than to principle." A good objection to Senator Gor man bs manager of the Domocratio campaign is the fact that he has not been able to prevent the Republicans from capturing his own State. Republicans, do not neglect the matter of registration. There is but one week left in which to be legally registered in order to secure a vote in November. Spt. 3d is the last day. Attend to it at once. "I believe it is a good deal bet ter," says McKinley, "to open up the mills of the United States to the la bor of America than to open up the mints of the United States to the sil ver of the world." One sentence of 'this kind counts for more than the whole 14,000 words of Bryan's New York speech. The people want neither free trade Dor free silver. The one will aV grade our labor; the other our money Wo are opposed uualterably op posed to both of them. We have tried the one in a modified form with disastrous results to every American home, and we are strongly opposed to making an experiment with the other. William McKinley. First of ill A Home Mini. lloa. W. C. Arnold has returned from a short trip east lie is not ready yet to take actively to the campaign in his own district; but bis friends will learn, as they did two yearsngo; before election day, that their candidate is one both qualified and williuD; to do something for him self. He is not a man who seeks nomination and leaves all the field work for his friends to attend to. An application has been made to Mr. Aruold by the Natiouol Repub lican committee for his services one of the speakers iu tho Nations field, but the application will not be accepteii as Mr. Aruold feels it his duty to first consider the needs of his home district. He may, however, find it convenient to attend to a few appointments beyond this section of tho State. Tho fact that the National commit tee wants him coincides with the ear lier showing of the Courier that he, by his activity in Congress, has com manded the attention of National leaders, and by his speeches in Con gress anticipated the issues of the present campaign and placed himself on record as in perfect accord with the platform since adopted at St. Louis. DuBois Courier. Assignee's Sale AT Any person desiring first-class dental work done will do well to bear iu mind t lint I will be in Tionesta for the week commencing on the first Monday of each month. tf R. II. Stillson. A little daimhtnr of Mr. Lewis Davton", an old and much respeotod citizen of liarnitz, I'a., nccasinnallv hns trouble with her stomach which irivos her eon- sicioranie Mistress, jn spesklng ot it Mr. Davton said : " As noon nx alio has an At tack we givo her a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Romedv, and it hns never failed to rollove hor promptly. We all use it in our family with the samo good results." For sale by .. w. linvard. DAVID MINTZ'S, larienville, Pa. HENRY J. BROCK, Assignee. GOLD, SILVER AND MM01Y Smart ASilberberg, o question of the hour. CJ lf TlimrarA nil tert at Which T Is tho Are you in doubt T They aro all good at our 20th Snmi-Annual Clearance Salo. Ten days more High-class to-order cloth ing at tho price of rendy-mado. Scotch and Irish homespuns in plaids and plaid effects Sac suits to ordor, f 17.50. reduced from $27.00 and $28.00 Black and blue Englsh worsteds, for dressy all year round suits, Sac suits to ordor $21.00, reduced from J32.00 and $34.00. Fashionable Scotch aud Englsh mix tures, Sac suits to order $22.00, were $32.00, Trousers to order $5.00 to $8.00. -0-O- The Rieht Goods At the Right Prices. Hoke Smith, Socrctary ot the Jn terior has resigned himself from Presi dent Cleveland's cabinet because his (Hoke's) support of the Bryan ticket is distasteful to his chief. The "boys whose pensions Hoke has so unmercifully slashed in the past three years will not regret his retirement nor will tbey follow him iu bis sup port of the free-trade ticket. Why do not the free silver papers quote that part of Mr. Blaine's speech in which he says that (not withstanding all this which he has "said regarding the place of silver) to coin a dollar of 412 J grains when tho bullion was worth only 92 cents, would be wrong and give illegitimate profit to the seller of silver bullion. But no. To quote the speech hon estly would bo to show that Blaine occupied then, in 1878, the position of the Republican party of to-day. The McCcWtV Outfitters of Men. 27 aud 29 Seneca and 12 Elm Sts., OIL CITY, PA. THE BIKE FOR '96. KIRCIIARTZ BROS i thins? A steady determination to sell overy- n.t tho closest niarcin ot wont is " ! M. brimrim? us ever increasing patronage. There's no longer any reason for your pay ing high prices for any goods. The trains run often and we guarantee to save you your car fare many times over. THIS WILL BE A SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE WEEK In 1892, arguiug against a protec tive tariff, Mr. Bryan said in regard to the fall of prices: "You must attribute it to the in ventive genius that has multiplied, iu many instances, the strength ot a sin cle arm and enables us to do to-day with oue man what fifty could not do fifty years ago. That is what brought the prices down in this country and everywhere." Now Mr. Bryan is attributing the fall in prices to the fact that we haven't euouch silver. Things are different now. Free Silver and Freo Trade. In his speech to bis Pennsylvania visitors Saturday Major McKinley put before the country tho two perils which confrout the' land in the Chi cago and 6t. Louis conventions free silver and free trade. The country voted for the latter four years ago and it has had de pression, disaster and panic ever since. It is asked uow to add free silver to free trade. The industries of the country having beeu wrecked by the action taken in 1892, its cred it is to be ruiued now by adopting free silver coinage. Voters were de ceived once by one cry. Are they willing to bo deceived again by both? As the situation is forcibly put by Major McKinley: Having dismissed our business they now Beek to diminish the value of our money. Having cut wages in two, they want to cut the money which wages are paid in two, and will not have either -the oue or other. This puts the whole question in two sentences. A low la nil lias destroyed the market and depressed the prices of the lurmer and it has closed the mills of the manufacturer aud rub pended the wages of the laborer Both farmer aud laborer, struggling with the evils of a low tarili, are asked to cure them by descending to the profits and the wages of silver usiug countries by adopting a 50-cent dollar. Will handle tho following Willi class wheels during this season : BARNES WHITE FLYER $100. $75. 60. 75. I 60. $ 86. Rambler $100. Crescent Viking $100. Crescent Syracuso $100. Ideal Goshen $100. Idoal Goshen $ 60. Majestic Tue venerable Seuator Morrill, o Vermout, who understands tho sub ject of fiuauce and currency as well as any other man iu this country, has writteu a short letter to the farmers of Western New York, which shouli be read aud thought about by that class of citizens iu all of tho states, It is as follows: 1 lain larmers must be able Iu see that they Lavo nothing to gain by accepting a cheati dollar for all they have to sell. Ihey will real via less, much less, as none of their products will increase in uouiiual value to the fill full ill vnlnu i.f silver. The silver staudurd would I 1!uJt tlu:r? ' ""'"H'S l" H"'" force our people to live on the lower scale aud comforts and civilization of Other silver standard countries, or as TANDEMS of all the above makes. Catalogues on application. Second hand wheels in stock and wheels taken in exchange. Repairing prompty done. Call on us be fore purchasing. Tionesta, Pa. in we the Revising Its IMimute On Friday, August 14, the New York World said this about Bryan's Madison Square Garden effort, which item has beeu quoted iu this section It is a very foolish mistake in the McKinley uewspapers to ridicule or attempt to belittle Mr. Biyau' speech or acceptance. It is a very able speech, logical in arrangement admirable in spirit and strongly red' soued, clearly and clevtrv expressed We do not think there is auother free-silver advocate iu the country who could write so nblu or so effec tive a ilea for bin cause as was that of Mr. lliyan. It contained sophis tries, fallacies, unwarranted assump tions aud deductions, of course. What long parti.-au tpcech does not? by underrating it. On the following day, Aug. 15, the same World, the leading Democratic Wash JooI. 1 Lot Printed Organdies, worth 8c., at 4je. 1 Lot Manchester Dimities, tho same goods which have always sold at 12Jc 6'c. 1 Lot Fino Persian Lawns, 82 In. wide, Lemon Colored Lawns, etc., 9c. yd. 1 Case French Zephyr Gingham, all this year's best styles, the finest cloth ever made, were sold last season at 15c. 7Jc yd. WARREN NATIONAL BANK Warren, Penna. CAPITAL, $150,000.00 DIRECTORS: Nelson P. Wheolor, David W. Koaly Hats and ISoiiuets. One look through our Millinery De partment will impress you with its many superior features. Chances aro it will mako a customer of you. Trimmed Sailors at 25c., 35o., 50o., 75c. and $1.00. Short Back Sailors 25o. to $1.00. Flowers as low as 5e. bunch. White Duck Cups and Tains 25o.& 50c. l'oroli Nliarics Japanese Split Bamboo Porch Shades, complete, size 8x10 ft. $1.00. m Miles & Armstrong, CREAT ECONOMIZING Dog Day Sales It has been our custom to do busi ness in tho "so called" dull season and in order to keep things jumping, wo aro now offering all our broken lines at greatly reduced prices. Now goods aro now coming in and wo must clean up old lots. FOR TWO WEEKS We will sell goods at Peach, Apple and Plum prices. All Farmers and Fruit growers, men, women, boys, girls and babies should come or send to us for their shoes, hats, caps, shirts and clothing at prices that saves everyone money. Don't fiiil to visit us when in Tionosta. Our low prices make trado ; our re liable goods hold it. Talk is cheap. Let tho goods speak for themselves. JUST RECEIVED liUcc Curtains. - 50 Pairs Nottingham Lace, 3 yards long, tape bound, worth 75c, 5'Jo pair. 50 Paiis Nottingham Laee,3 yards long, the $1.00 kind 70c pair. 100 Pairs of the $1.25 grado, S) yards long PHo. pair. 1 Lino Chenille Portiors, all colors, $2.39 pair. 1 Lot Tapestry Portiors, all colors, $2.08 pair. 1 Lot Bag Dud Couch Covers, $1.39 each. ALL THE LATEST PATTERNS Iff WALL PAPER!! Nprclal Mai ling Sale. 1 Lot Good Jointloss Straw Matting Oo. yd. or $3.25 for roll of 40 yds. 1 Lot of rogular 20o Matting, 13c, yd, or $5.00 for roll of 40 yds. 1 Lot Finn Cotton Warp Japanese Mat ting, worth 35c. 21o. yd. or $7.75 for roll of 40 yds. TUE TIME OF THE YEAR HAS ARRIVED when the enorgotio housewife begins to think about cleaning house, and while she la cast ing her eyes about for new wall paper, etc., we wish to call her atten tion to our excellent assortment, which comprises all the latest de signs in paper and borders. Come aud look them over while the assort ment is complete. We are positive that wo ran satisfy the most fastidi ous purchaser, because we have tho most complete lino ever exhibited iu Tionosta. Come aud see. WE ARE ALSO. Npeelal Comet Value. 1 Case of Suimnor Corsets, Just as good as ever was sold at 60c, at 29o. 1 Caso Dress Form Corsets, extra good quality, worth 75o. to $1.00 50o. Jerry Crary, Goo. M. Parmlee, C. Schimiiielfong, Christian Smith, Win. D. Drown, Andrew Hertzel, A. T. Sootiold, 11. T. Russell, SMART & SILBERBERG, OIL CITY, - - PBNN'A. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHOTCK DRUGS, MEDICINES, STATIONERY, GROCERIES, PROVISION, CONFECTIONERY, Kto, Come and examino goods and prices, and we'll do the rest. HEATH 6t KlUMEfr PEuqqiSTS ytwp cpoccus, - tiouest, fyt. Lawrence & Smearbaugh, I 1 H" A I . I." WW I AT II. A. Jainiesou. Personal awl Iiiviine&a accounts solici ted on mont faoorable terms consistciU with good conservative banking. Interest allowed on deposits 0, N. PA It M LEE, I C8. II. A. JAMJEXOtl, Vice Pre. F. E. IIERTZEL, Cashier Executors' Notice. ;- i - Estate of Bridget Dully, Deceased". Letters testamentary on the'above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indcht.Kl to said estate are re quoitcd to make payment, and those having claims to present the same with out di'lav, to Pa t hick Jovt'K and Annik E. Joyob, Executors. Tionesta, Pa., Aug. 20, lWKi. Executor's Notice. Estati: oh A. M. l'.iitHMAN, deceased. Loners testamentary ou tho above es tate having been granted to tho under signed, all persons indebted to said es law are requested to make payment, and iliosu imvinir. claims to present lite same without delay to W. J. Foiikman, Executor, East 1 1 icUor.v, l'a., or Sam til. 1). luwiN, his Attorney, Tionesta, Pa. August 3, Ja'Jti. Ot. XO. 5040. THE CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK, TIONESTA., PA.. CAPITAL, STOCK, : : t CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS' WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. T. D. Coi.ijns, President. officers : F. R. Lanson, Vioe President, directors: $50,O0O. J. C. Bowmaw, Cashier. E. E. Vockroth, T. J. Bowman, F. R. Lanson, R. M. Herman. Geo. F. Watson, T. D. Collins. O. W. Proper, BOOTS AND SK0ES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY D EPA HTM ENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. A BANK FOR THE PEOPLE. .WHICH RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS PATRONAGE, AND WILL FURNISH ALL USUAli HANKING FACILITIES, WITH PROMPT AND CAREFUL AT TENTION TO ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED. . A. Wayne Cook, President. XO. .A noHs. It. Kelly, Cashier. Wm. Hmeariiauuii, Vice President. FOREST COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000. A. Wayne Cook, N. P. Wheeler, 1 1 R EC TO HS G. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugh, F. Ritchey, J. T. Dale, J. H. Kelly. Collections remitted for on day of pr.yuient at low rates. Wo promise our custom ers all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest piid on lime deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited. THE Pin RFII8RIF LIVERY STABLE, OK" TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good KtjwL- i jw.l fa..-!. i .. pea to let upon the mot rfetwunnUo term.. UIFMJ UJ job TEcinsra- All orders loft, ot il,, 1..i nm... I - " ' f VIUUU Will receive prompt atUmliuii. TIME TABLE, in ciloct July 5, 181. Trains leave Tio nosta fur Oil City ami points west an follows : No. 81 Huttalo Express, daily except Sunday 12:10uoou. No. bl Way Freight (carrying passengers), daily except Sunday 4:rl0 m No. 83 Oil City Exi ross, duily 7:oS p. m. For Hickory, Tidloute.Warren.Kiuiua, Bradford, Olean and the East : No. 30 Olean Express, daily.. S:U a. in. No. 32 Pittsburgh Express, daily except Sunday 4;17 p. m. No. lid Way Freight (carrying passengers tu Irvineton) daily except Sunday 0:50 a.m. Get Time Tables and full Information from W. II. SAUL, Agent, Tionosta, Pa . A ,,, R. BELL, Gon'lSupt. J. A. FELLOWS, 1 Gen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent, General olUee, Mooney-Brisbano BldK, Cor. Main aud Clinton SI., Bullulo.N. X