The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 01, 1896, Image 4

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nnrgrxK 1. M. Horiimn.
Omnctlmcn J. H. Osgood J. I). Davis,
F. H. Lanson, Joseph Morgan, C. K.
Woaver, H. Fitzgerald, Win. Smear
btttigh. H. It. Crawford, I,. 1). Bowman,
J. I). W. Rook, O. W. Proper.
.hmtiee of the Peace V. A. Randall. 8.
J. Not ley.
(hn.itah!e-H. S. Canflold.
Collector.!. II. Clark.
Srhnnl Directors (. V. Holniiinn, L.
.1. Hopkins L. Agnow, W. A. Grovo, G.
Jamiosou, J. C. Scowdon.
Member of Con pre Wm. C. Arnold.
Member of .Semite Wm. II. IIymk.
A,irmtily J. E. Wenk.
l'ieiilentJutrieVn II. NoYKs.
-4.Mrci, Jmlijet Jos. A. Nash, A.
J. Mi-Ckay.
TreitKiirer Jaiiki II. Fonks.
Prothonntury, lte,jitcr Ilecorder, fc.
"SVicrtTT. John T. Carson.
CWwii-vjimnert W. A. Connki.Y, PE
Counti Htiperintcntlcnt 10. K.
ik.r. IHxtriet Attorney V. M. Cl.ARR.
Jury CS)mniH.iionersi. 1J. Carpkn
Thu, Geo. Zubdm
dainty Surveyor J. V. Pnor-EH.
(hrovert. J. W. Morrow.
(iinty Auditor M. E. Aiimott, W.
li. STRol'P, J. W. El.I.IOTT.
Fourlli Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Last Monday of August.
Third Monday of November.
'piONKHTA LODGE, No. .WO, I. O. O. F.
-I Mods every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Follows' Hull, Partridge building.
FOREST LODGE, No. 1S4, A.O. U. W.,
I Meotsoverv Friday evening in A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tionesta.
S. of A., moots every Saturday eve
ning in A. O. U. W. Hall', Tionesta.
O. A, It. Moot 1st and 3d Wednos
day evening In each month, In Odd Fel
lows, Hall, Tionesta.
1.(7, W. 11. t!., moots first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in A.
O. U. W. liall, Tionesta, l'a.
'IMONESTA TENT, No. llil, IC. O. T.
-L M meeis 2nd and 4tli Wednesday
evening in rai'h month
1 .1. ... .1. I . IT '
in A. O. U. W,
hall ltonosta, l'a.
and District Attorney. OUioe, cor. ol
1 1 n and Bridge Streets, Tionesta, Pa.
Also agent for a nnniber of reliable)
Fire Insurance Conipanles.
Tionesta, l'a.
Ii. SIGGINS, M. I).,
Physician, Surgeon ,fc Druggist,
J W. MORROW, M. I).,
Physician, Surgeon A Dentist.
Olllco and Residenco three doors north
of Hotel Agnow, Tioncnla. Professional
vails promptly responded to at all hours.
J, Physician .V Surgeon,
Offloo In building formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to,
night or day. Residenco opposite Hotel
A i;new.
L. AdXKW, Proprietor,
This hotel, formerly tho Lawrence
House, has undergone a complete change,
u...l ld l')irii(ul,.i.l will, ull tlm mini.
or ii improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout v illi natural gas, bathrooms.
hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of
quests never neglected.
central house.
V C. 1'. WEAVER, Proprietor.
Tiiinseta, Pa. This is the most centrally
located hotel In tho place, and has all the
modern improvement!. ro pains win
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
plaeo for tho traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
1 West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Bonder, Proprietor. This hotel
lias but recently been completed, is nice
ly fnrnishod throughout, and oilers the
linest and most cmnfortablo accommoda
tions to guests and tho traveling public.
Rates reasonable.
Cor. Seneca and Centre Sts., Oil City,
Pa., Thomas Went, Proprietor. Meals
and Luuciies served at all hours. Open
day nnd night. When in tho city look
up' tho Exchange Iteslaurant, and get a
good meal.
pilIL. K.MKRT,
Shop in Walters building, Cor. Klin
anil alnut streets. Is prepared to do all
Kind of custom work from tho ti nest to
tho coarsest ami guarantees his work to
givo perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion, givon to mending, and iricos rea
sonable. F. ZA II RING Kit,
iiml Jeweler of years' experience, is
juepared to do all work in his line on
whort notice and at reasonable pricos.
Alwavs guarantee satisfaction. Watch
es, JeVo.iy, Ac., ordered for parties at
the Iowoh "oossiblo figure. Will be found
in tho lk -iing next to Kooley Club
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Fred, (irettenbergor
All work pertaining to Machinery, Kn
irines. Oil Well Tools. Gas or Water Fit-
liugsaudGeiieral lllacksmithing prompl
lv iluiio at Low Hates. Renaiiing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Slum ill rear of and lust west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, l'a.
Your patronage solicited.
Furniture Dealers,
AN 1)
ltMll lOMtlttO J.(t'Ht 1111(1
f iTtD. lift Arm ICCI-
I represent Uio oldest, strongest, and
best Insurance Companies In the United
Doods, IJonds, Mortgages, Leasos,Wills,
Powors of Attorney, Articles of Agree
ment, and ail other legal instruments cf
writing, drawn with accuracy and dis
patch. Titlos examined and "Uriels"
prepared. Ground rents, mortgages,
and loans negotiated. Farms and wild
lands, houses and lots for sale or rent.
Registers of Property for sale or to let,
open to the inspection of those interested.
Particular attention paid to tho collection
of rents, Interest, etc. Also to tho proper
assessment of lands and payment of
taxes. Probating accounts, acknowledg
ment of docds, and depositions taken.
t hurrh and Hnbbnlh Hrhool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 ft.
m. : M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in.
Preaching In M. K. Church ovory Sab
bath evening by llov. W. W. Dale.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
F. K. Ulass, Pastor.
SorYices in the Presbyterian Church
overy Sabbath morning and evening,
Rev. J. V. McAnineh officiating.
Ho Paper Next Week.
Fourth of July's coining and the peo
ple must have a rest, lionco no paper will
be issued from this office next wock.
Tho next issue of the Repuulican will
appoar on July 15th. Meantime we
hope nil will havo n royal time on the 4th.
Come s
To Tionesta.
On tli 3 Fourth.
Oil market, f 1.15.
No paper from this olllco next week.
Sumnior neckwear at Miles A Arm
strong's. It
Hiram Irwin of Franklin is visiting
his uncle, Judgo Irwin.
Mr. S. W. Morrison of WestJ Hick
ory gave us a pleasant call Monday.
Still they all praiso tho F. S. flour, at
Lanson's, $1.0S. It
Thore will be tnusio In Tionesta on
the Fourth. Coino and hear and seo,
Jas. A. Hilling is down from May
burg to spend the 4lli with his family.
Laundered shirts for 50c, and negll-
goo at 25c., at Miles & Armstrong's. It
Mr. J. E. Kircliartz of Beavor Falls,
is paying a visit to his sons, Charles and
The W. C. T. U. will sell ice cream
and eake at their hcadquartors on the
Miss May Snodgrass of Spartans
burg, Pa., Is tho guest of Miss Minnie
Mrs. A. M. Foroman Is still in a crit
ical condition, nnd may pass away at any
Mrs. Hattie Tompkins of Cleveland is
visiting at tho homo of hor sister, Mrs. J,
T. Breniian.
Mrs. T. W. Corah of Warren is pay
ing a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Dr.
Frank Hunter.
Miss Inez Brownoll of Jamestown,
N. Y is visiting Tionesta as the gusst of
Miss Vinnie Randall.
Mrs. G. W. Iloleman and sou Archio
aro visiting friends la Ohio, expecting to
be absent about a month.
The Y. P. 8. C. E. will servo lee
cream and cake at Bovard s JIall tills
evening. Price, 15 cents."
Buy the celobrated I. X. L. Ice
Cream, made in Warren, IV, and sold
by Kircliartz Bros., Tiouosta, Pa. 4t
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Gaston and Edi.
tor Muse of tho Vindicator, are enjoying
the delights of Atlautio City this week.
The cornet baud, which has been in
practice for some time past, will furnish
a line quality ot up-to-date music on the
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Setley desire to
express Bincore thanks to all who so
kindly roudorcd assistance during their
recent bereavement.
If you would spend the 4th where
tho big time will bo come to Tionesta,
Rialto Park will furnish amusement on
that day for a whole yoar.
Hard work to make much money on
hemlock bark, but you can make it all
up when you buy a pair of nice tipped
pointed too shoes at Lanson's for 1.
per pair. It
The Free Mothodists will hold thoir
gonoral annual camp meeting in Kin
neat's Grovo, at Youngsvillo, Warren
county, commencing some time near tho
first of August.
Miss Mabel MoCray of Chicago,
daughter of our former townsman, ('has.
McCray, arrived in town Monday, and
will visit relatives and friends in the east
for a couple of mouths.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Shaw and lam
ily of Kellettville, wish to publicly
thank the many friends who so kindly
assisted them during thoir lato bereave
meat. They shall always bo reinoin
Mrs. Dulo, wife of Rev. W. W. Dale,
while visiting at tho homo of A. W
Stroup, German Hill, was siezed with an
attack of heart troublo, but had so far
recovered as to be able to return to her
homo yesterday morning.
A number of additional entries for
the bicycle road race from Kircliartz
Bros, store to Nebraska and return, July
3d, havo been received, and another
prize, a line cyclometer, has been added
to the list. This promises to be an inter
ostiug event.
The roads all lead to Miles & Arm
strong's aud all cash buyers are invited
to stop there and see what their money
will buy at tho cheapest place to buy
good goods. It
Miss Eiiiinn K iv r Is attending com
mencement exercises at Clarion Norma),
and on her return will bo accompanied by
her sister and biotlier-iii-law, Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Youngk, of Wilklusburg,
ho will visit friends in this section for
short tlmo.
Children's Day was very prottily ob
served at the M. E. Church last Sabbath
evening. Tho edifice was tastofully dec
orated with overgreens and flowors, and
the music and other exorcises wore
greatly enjoyed by tho largo congrega
tion In attendance.
Kircliartz Bros., Tionesta's boss
caterers, have secured the right to con
duct tho refreshment stand at Rialto
Park on tho 4th, and will havo an abun
dance of everything calculated to satisfy
tho inner man. Fruits, soft drinks, Ice
cream, sandwiches, nnd tho liko, in abun
dance Tho Free Methodists will hold Quar
terly mooting services at Gorman Hill
church, beginning Friday evening, July
3d and continuing over the Sabbath.
Rev. D. B. Tobey, D. E., will have
clinrgo of tho meeting. A cordial invi
tation is extended to all. F. E. Glass,
The racos schodulod at Rialto Park
on tho Fourth will bo tho best over given
In Tionesta. Soma of tho best blcyclo
riders, somo of tho swiftest horses and
soma of the liveliest sprinters are al
ready entered for tho different event",
and there will bo all tho fun you want to
look at.
Tho ontertainmont givon by Miss
Green and young ladies of Tionesta, at
tho Court House last Friday evening,
was a very pretty and ploasing one, and
while the audience was fair it should
have been doubly as large. The per
formance of all showed careful training,
nnd every part was well taken.
Ainslcr is fully prepared for the
Fourth with a big slock of everything
needful on that day. His display of lire
works Is extra lino, and his stock of sea
sonable fruits, vogotables, soft drinks,
etc., Is up to dale. You can't go amiss If
you drop into his storo. Youi wants will
bo supplied at the lowest figures.
Rov. Mr. McAnineh attends tho In
ter-National Convention of Christian
Endeavor Sociotios at Washington, D. C,
noxt weok as the dologate of the Tiones
ta Endeavor. Ho takes part of his an
nual vacation at this time, and there will
bo no preaching sorvicos ut tho Prc-by-torian
church noxt Sabbath nor tho week
Another terriblo mine horror occur
red nt Pittston, Luzeruo county, on Sim-
day morning last, In which it is esti
mated that upward of ono hundred
minors were buried alive. Tho men
were at work bracing up tho roof wheu
it caved in, nnd all inside were bnriod.
It is not thought that any can bo taken
out nlive.
Henry Shoemaker has loft .the prize
hen's egg at tho Rui'f m-iCAM office. It
measures 0 Inches around tho long way,
and it takes 0 inches to span tho waist.
This is not a mere egg freak, laid once in
tho lion's life-time, but an every-day oc
currence with that particular lion, and
has been during tho past season. If tho
record can bo beaten we'd liko to hoar of
Among tho Forest county students
who successfully passed tho examina
tions at Clarion Normal last week and
received graduation certificates aro these:
Seniors, Misses Kato Guenther, Dora
Mit.gar, Blanche Pease and Electa
IIowo ; Juniors, Emma Klinostivor and
Emma Thompson j Sub. Juniors, Ra
chel Gilfillan, Mary Joyce, Alice Has
sev. Frof. II. L. Miller of Marienvillo
was down yesterday interviewing our
school board on the question of the pur
chase of somo furniture for tho new
room to bo added the coming term. Mr.
Miller represents a firm which turns out
a very superior articlo of furniture, and
boards throughout tho county can do no
better than invest in his goods whon In
Uncle Benjamin May, now past 87
years of ago, drove over and visited old
friends in tho viciulty of Pleasantville
Monday, where he spent the day very
pleasantly, returning in tho evening,
Mr. May is our oldest citizen by several
years, yet is still hale and active, taking
a lively intorest in all affairs tending to
the welfare of tho community in which
he has spent so many years of his life.
WTo regret to loam of tho serious ill
ness, from blood poison, of an old aud
esteemed friond, Mr. Jacob I. Range, of
Stewarts Run. Ho met with an accident
resulting in tho loss of ono of his fingers
somo time ago, nnd now it is thought the
entire hand will havo to be amputated,
and it. Is doubtful whethor In his present
stato of health ho will be able to with
stand tho shock. Advanced aged is also
a serious hindrance to his recovery.
Tho Department of Agriculture will
furnish two lecturors for each county In
tho Stato, for farmers' institute work,
during tho season of 18!H5-7, as per tho
following allotment: Thoro will be eight
days of institutes in Crawford county,
six in Morcer and Erio, four in Beaver,
Lawronco and Venango, and two in For
est. The apportionment is mado on the
basis of the number or farms in tho
county, Crawford being second in the
State, with Lancaster in the lead.
Scowdon A Clark havo just finished
ton new buggies, thoir own niako
throughout, and would liko thoso con
templating a purchase to call and inspect
this lot. Tho reputation of their work is
such that it needs only to be known that
they havo tho goods on hand when a pur
chaser comes. The question of quality
and stylo is always a settled matter.
Prices tho most reasonable consistent
with the very best workmanship and
material. Ca.l and seo beforo purchas
ing. "Doc" Siggins, son Bert, and son-in-law,
Mr. W. Jiaily aud wife, with two
children, of ShousUm, spent a few days
with friends hero, ou thoir return from
tho Siggins reunion nt Urokoustraw
Park. Tho uttendanco at tho reunion
was small on account of a very hard
rain in the morning, not over ono hun
dred and filly being present. Tho pro
gram consisted of music, prayer, family
history and original poems, Guml cheer
prevailed and a pleasant day wus spent.
Don't buy your suit for the Fourth
until you have seen w hat Miles it Arm
strong have to show you. 11
In response to a telegram from Geo.
F. Whitmer, Esq., Sheriff John T. Car
son, of Forest county, enino to Clarion
on Monday for W. F. Stover, who is
charged by Associato Judgo McCray, of
Forest county, with false protnnsos.
Stover was arrested by Shorlff Ktoltzer
on a tologrnm from Shoriff Carson nnd
lodged In jail hore. On Wodnosday
morning Stover was roloased on a writ
of habeas corpus by Judte Clark. Ho
was immodiatoly ro-arrosted on a Bench
Warrant from tho court of Forest county,
and on Wednesday afternoon was taken
to Forest county to answer for his of
fousos. Clarion Democrat.
At a special meeting ot Lenora
Lodge, No. 198, D. of R held in its hall
June 27, tho following ofllcors wore reg
ularly Installed by Rebecca E. Ritchey,
Grand Master's Deputy: Noblo Grand,
Lizzie K. Scowdon j Vice Grand, Susie
Hillings; Recording Sec, Alice Olering j
Financial Roc, T. F. Ritchey j It. S. to
N. G., Q. Jomiosonj L. S. to N. G.,
hftlaud Thompson: Chaplain, Nancy
Dale; Warden, S. H. Haslet ; O. S. G.,
S. D. Irwin ; I. S. G., J. II. Fonos ; Con
ductor, K. C. Heath; R. S. to V. O.,
Mary Thompson ; L. S. to V. G., Mary
Dowoody. Regular meotings are held
ou Becond nnd lourth Wednesday of
each month, nt7:30 p. m.
Wolcott fc Son are rigging up at their
now vonturo on tho Kirk tract, headwat
ers of Prather Run, Hickory township,
and will be drilling this week. They
have also begun drilling on tho Colbert
and Wntson heirs tract, samo township.
It is located near tho rivor bank, about a
milo above East Hickory, and nearly op
posite tho developments on the other
side of tho river below Trunkeyvlllo
station. Both those ventures will be
watched with considerable intorest.
Hardonburg fc Erb met with a littlo bad
luck just as they woro finishing up at
thoir No. 8, last Saturday, by getting tho
tools fast. Thoy expocted to havo them
out shortly after getting fishing tools on
the ground.
-Marionvlllo Krpreas: Ex-Judge C.W.
Clark and wifo, of Tionesta, spent Satur
day and Sabbath at the Keystono House.
Chos. McMichaol cut ono of his great toes
nearly off with axe Tuesday. Dr. Ylng-
ling sewed it on for him, and it is expec
ted to bo as good as now after a time.
Francis Morinrty and Miss Libbie Duffy,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mo
Clelland, drove to Bust!, N. Y., Sundoy
and woro mado man and wifo, returning
home Monday. Immodiatoly niter tho
mnrriago of Mr. J. W. Postlothwait and
Miss WInnifred Whlto, by Rev. II. F.
Earsman,'last Thursday morning in the
prosouce of the immodiato family of the
bride and groom, an excellont and sump
tuous dinner was served by Mr. and
Mrs. ex-Judge White at their residence
on Chorry street. After dinner and re
ceiving the congratulations of friends the
happy couple left for their future home
near Whitesville, Jeffoison oonnty.
Death of Miss Zela Sclley.
Zeta, only daughter of Esquire and
Mrs. S. J. Sotley, of Tiffnesta, died at
the home of hor parents, Thursday
morning, Juno 25, 18W1, aged 10 yearB.
The deceased had boon in ill health for
a numbor of months, and while hor en
feebled condition loft but small hope for
her recovery, death came with a sudden
ness littlo expocted, making the shock
doubly painful to tho fond parents. Miss
Zeta was a young lady of gentle, sweot
disposition, with a modesty aud refine
ment of manner that made her a favor-
ito with her associates. A mombor of
tho M. E. Church and of tho Epworth
League, much of her short pilgriniago
hero on earth was spout in the Master's
sorvieo. At tho funeral, which took
place oh Friday evening at 3:00 o'clock,
there was a very large attendance, which
attested the esteem in which she was
held by all our pooplo. The Woman's
Relief Corps, of which sho was a mom
bor, attended in a body and conducted
tho sorvices at tho grave in accordance
with the beautiful custom of that noble
Order, being assistod by hor pastor, Rov.
Mr. Dale, who bIho officiated at tho houso.
The casket was fairly buried in a bed . of
lovely lowers, aud on the lid were two
beautiful floral tributes in tho form of an
anchor and a pillow, tokens of love from
tho League and tho Corps respectively.
Iu this stid bereavement tho stricken
parents have tho tender sympathy of tho
entire community.
Augustus Hcltliiio'cr Drops Dead.
Coroner Dr. Morrow 'Was summoned
to Golluza Monday to viow tho body of
Augustus (somotimos nicknamed" Jake")
Ileidingor, who had died suddenly, bo
tween six and seven o'clock on that
morning. He had stopped a few mo
meiits at the storo on his way to his
work, apparently in his usual robust
health, and as the whistle of the locomo
tive blew ho s'arted ou to his work with
dinner pail in hand, when ho dropped to
the floor and expired instantly. Dr,
Morrow found no evidence that death
had resulted from other than natural
causes, und deemed it unnecessary to
hold an Inquest. Heart failure was tin
doubtedly the cause of tho sudden death
as it is said deceased had experienced
somo troublo from that source heretofore,
Ha was a man of strong and rugged con
stitution, aud about the last that ono
would expect to go in that way. His age
was about 37 years, and he leaves a wifo
und three children. Ho had boeu iu the
employ of tho lumbering firm of Col
litis cfc Watson for somo time, having had
clinrgo of tho construction of a largo part
of tho road bed of the now railroad on
Coon creek.
In your last issuo I noticed tho ac
count of a large tree- In Wisconsin,
which cut six 10-foot logs. I noticed ono
being cut on Mr. Gaston's truct, at New
inaiisville, which cut six sixtoens and
one twelve-foot log, and did not think it
noticeable until wo saw nil account of the
short treo.
Everything Is progressing well here
The Gladiator still reigns.
David Steward of Nowiiiansvillo and
Goorgo Corliau of Lickingvillu started on
wheels lost Friday morning for a trip
around tho world, or a small section ol
it. Going bv the way of Hutler thev will
return by same roiilo as mar as they
Tho mill will finish iqi this week ou
(iasiou s tract.
Ninum Stewart sent for a new bicycle
Watch tho dust lly.
WllllK Siockin's.
Lnslien SlerrlU Shmv, of KelleltvIHe,
Iliirneil to Deal h at Plitnicr.
Lushen M. Show, third son of Elliott
Shaw, of Kellettville, this county, was so
terribly burned at Plitnicr, on Tuesday
of last week, that ho died of his Injuries
at tho Oil City hospital Thursday morn
ing following. Tho Derrick of Friday
gives the following particulars of the
frightful accident :
"Shaw was a tool drosser by occupa
tion, and had been employed by tho Rus
sell brothers, of Plumer, working on tho
wells and teaming. On Tuesday after
noon thoy sent him to pump their wells
on tho Ricketts farm. Ho started and
was accompanied by one of tho brothers.
Thoy stopped to pick berries in tho woods,
and Shaw filled his bucket first. Ho
told his companion that he would go on
to the wells. About ten minutes later
young Russell saw somo smoke In the
direction of the boiler house and started
through tho woods on a run. When he
arrived ho found his undo, John Russoll,
and Newton Birchfield also on the wav
to tho lease. Thoy found the boilor
houso on lire, and Shaw with evory inch
of clothing cither torn off or burned off.
Tho flesh had peeled off in flakes from
his legs, arms and body, and he was In a
horrible condition. The fire beneath the
boilers had not burned right and Shaw
had filled a can with fresh oil and threw
it into the furnace. His greasy clothing
had caught fire and burned evory stitch
from him, and he was wandering sido
wise, aimlessly, in front of tho boiler
moaning and evidently beside himself
with tho pain. Russoll stripped his own
clothing from his body, oven to his shirt,
wrapped tho sufferer up and took him to
liis house nt Plumer, and then sent to
Rousevillo for Dr. Tyler, who dressed
tho burns, and had Shaw taken to the
hospital. The patient was too far gone
for medical aid to accomplish more than
to relieve his Intense agonies, and he died
at an early hour yesterday morning, and
his body was sent home lor burial."
A menu ot the family sends us
the following additional particulars:
Tho funeral was hold from his
father's residence ou Friday at 2 p. m
The services wore conducted by Rov
Win. Richards, the text for his discourse
being selected from Matt. 24:44, "Thore-
foro be ye also ready : for in such an
hour as ye think not tho Son of Man
cometh." The remains were laid to rest
in tho Whig Hill cemolory to await the
rosurroction mourn.
The subject of this sketch was aged 23
years, 0 months and 3 days. For the
past year ho had mado his homo with Iu-
lis Russell, and to Mr. R. and his daugb..
tors, Alice, Mary and Llbbio, the rein
tivos of tho deceased wish to return es
pecial thanks for thoir untiring efforts to
alleviate in every possible way the suf
ferings of the poor boy. He leaves an
aged father nnd mother, three brothors
nnd five sisters to mourn his tragic death
The relatives from a distance who nt
tended tho funeral were, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Goorge Shaw nnd Josephine Shaw of
Venus, Mrs. Minnio Evnns and son of
Fryburg, and Miss Annie Nelson of
Bouseville. A numbor of friends nnd
relatives of the deceased from Plumer
nlso camo over to attond the funeral.
Thoy wore as follows : Innis and James
Russoll, James, John and Thomas Irwin
and thoir wives, Porry Irwin, Wm. and
Burt Caldwoll, Henry Hoovor and Ralph
Folwell of Shaw Farm. A beautiful
wreath of natural flowers, iu which wero
eniwmeu the woras "our r riunu was
sent as a tokon of love by the friends of
tho young man living at Plumer.
Venango Co. and Pittsburg papers are
requested to copy.
West Hickory.
u . a. Jluglies has moved into his new
building and is readv to sorvo all old
friends on short notico.
stow hutley has movod into his now
Orion Siggins has weather-boarded and
painted his house, occuplod by Elmer
Scott Rockwoll has moved into the
house vacated by W. A. Hughes.
E. E. Morrison has moved into tho
rooms over Morrison Bros, storo.
Smith Sutley Is all smiles. It Is a girl
Thoro has been a cleaning up In town
this spring, new sidewalks built, and old
barns and old fences torn down. Our
town has a very thrifty appearance now
Col. Curler is painting his barns, and
grading and leveling tho yards around
them. I lo has also graded between the
road und railroad, and is otherwise im
proving his property.
Turner Bros, are having their storo re
J ho Hickory lanning company are
doing considerable repairing aud paint
lni'. Hope to soon hear the toot of their
whistle again.
S. Morrison was in Crawford and Mer
cer counties last week on business.
Mrs. Win. Mulvey ol Oil City was in
town last Friday,
Orion Siggins is repainting his house,
t ol. Carter and son ot Titusvlllo, were
visitors al Riverside farm last Friday
Ho has purchased a Doeriug pony reaper
and binder for tho farm.
L. J. Paul was iu Tidiouto last Sutur
day with two of tho Riverside Farm
stock horses.
Wolcott A Moulin expect to start tho
drill ou Prather Run sumo time this
Will Porter is nursing soro eyes.
Samuel Nurss has gone lo Cleveland
()., to visit his sister.
Herbert Ricker, who has been ou tho
sick list lor some lime back, is able ,lo
work nguiu.
Mrs. M. Itriinur is eiitertiUumg her
mother, id' Erio. Si'hiuiii.ku
Not ice.
An all day Fourth of July meeting
will bo hold iu the grove at Maylmrg,
Pa. Preaching 11 a. m., 2:'1U and t
in. Let all come. Bring your basket
with lunch. Pilgrims from adjoining
circuits invited. Preaching tt'.so iu the
grovo on Sabbath, July ."th.
Ki:v. T. V. Mi Ci.m.uNU
All tho latest styles shirts at Lan
son's. It
Straw hats at reduced prices at Mile
V Armstrong's. U
-We uio not known by our much talk
ing. It's good goods lor tho least money
that brings the people to Lanson's. It
Best line of Sn miner underwear ut
Miles A Armstrong's. It
Ono of thn Swedes employed on the
It. R. ami living at Panther Reck was
seriously injured on Saturday evening
by tho hand ear jumping the track.
Whon the car left the track the men, of
which there wero thero aboard,
wore thrown off and tho Injurod
man struck fairly betweon two ties on
his heail. Wo do not think this method
of tramping ties will meet with public
Misses Alia nnd Georgia Chamberlain
of Sheffield are visiting their grand
Mrs. Delia Kribbs returned home last
Thursday after having spoilt a week with
relatives at Fryburg.
The Free Methodists aro holding bush
meetings at Mayburg. There was a largo
attendance on Sundav.
Tho creek having been In a rafting
stage last week an effort was made to get
Lawronce A Smearbaugh's rafts down
from Foxburg. Only three rafts reached
thoir designation out of 12 or 15 startod.
Sam O'Connor, representing tho Al-
baugli Nursery of Tadmer, Ohio, can
vassed this twp. last ween. Sam was
quite successful as ho represents a good
AH young pooplo are requested to not
forget the dance at Bnuer's hall on Fri
day voning, July 3rd.
Will Walks.
-Get lowest cash price on clothing and
then go to Lanson's with your cash and
get same values at just two-thirds the
price. It
AN DERSON SN YDER-In Tioii' sta,
June 20, 1N!K1, by S. J. Sutley, J. P.,
iir. josepn Anderson ami Miss Mag
gie Snyder, both of NeiHlown, Forest
county, t'a.
parsonage. Tionesta. Juno 30. 18IH5. bv
Rev. W. V, Dale. Mr. Will S. Cochran
of Kdinboro, and Miss Sinea Flowors,
ot 1'ieasantviiie, l'a.
Notice is herobv given that the follow
ing Ordinance will como beforo the Hor
ough Council for third reading and final
passage, at its regular meeting hold in
uio council Room ol the Borough, July
13, IMOfi, Monday, nt 7:30 o'clock p. rn., at
which time and olaco all nersons inter.
estod may attend and he heard, if they
seo proper.
(IKl)l. AINCft
For the ro-loeating, widening, straighten
mg and permanently marking Elm
is i reel.
Skc. 1. Bo It ordained and enacted bv
tho Burgess and Town Council of the
Borough of Tionesta, Pennsylvania, and
it Is hereby ordained and enacted bv the
authority of the same, and bv virture of
the powers vested by Acts of Assembly
relating thereto, That Kim Street be re
located, straightened, widened and per,
manently marked from the north bound
ary lino of said Borough near Tubbs Run,
to the southern boundary line of Borough
near Peters Hun. That from tho said
north boundary line ot said Borouirh tin
til opposite tho northoast corner of lot of
John Keen, deceased, said Kim Street
shall be fifty foot wide, and from thence
to the said southern boundary lino and
torminusof Baid streotitsliall be forty feet
wide; that said street when so re-located
straightened and widened, shall be per-
manently marked by iron posts iu the
center tuereoi, at ail street crossings ami
wnorever necessary.
Skc. 2. To carry the above first sec
tion Into effect, it is further ordained that
a committee ot three, one ol which shall
he a surveyor, shall be appointed by tho
Council of the Horough, the dutv of
which shall be to viow said street in ao
cordaiico with nhovo section and make i
report of thoir work to the said Council
at its next regular meeting alter their an
pointment. Five days' notice o" said
view shall bo given to all persons or lot
owners utlecteii thereby, ny posting said
notice along the line ot said street.
Attest, President of Council,
T. F. Hitch by. Clerk.
R. M. HERMAN, Burgess,
A UDITORS' RKPORTol'Tionosta Bor-
ough for year ending June 1, I8!l,
F. R. Lanson, Trou., in account with
school funds of Tionesta borough Dr
To State appropriation 8 0i7 78
Reo'd from Tionesta tn. for schol
ium 73 08
Roc'd from J. R. Clark, Col 2070 20
Rec'd from S. S. Cantiold '03 tax.. Of) 00
Roc'd from A. IS. Kolly treas.'iM.. 30 00
Hal 617 2ll
f;."03 25
By orders redeemed f2821 38
Hy bonds redeemed ft"0 (Ml
By coupons redeemed 172 IK)
lly 2 per cent Com. on 3103 3s.... tio 87
f'J.VW 25
June 1, lsOfi, bv balance (117 20
Duo from S. S. ConlieId, 'ti3 tax...$ 103 75
Due from J. R. Clark, '05 tax 002 30
$ 820 (15
i.i a ill i. inns.
Bid. duo F. It. Lanson, Troas......$ 017 20
Order outstanding 112 50
& 720 70
Assets over liabilities !i 35
T. E. Ait.MsriioMi,
O. F. MiLts,
FOR '96.
Will handle the following high class
wheels during this season :
Rambler $100. Crescent f 75.
Viking floo. Crescent i 60.
Syracuse 10O. Ideal f 75.
Goshen $10. Ideal $ 6n.
Goshen f 50. Majestic I 85.
of all the above makes. Catalogues ou
application. Second bund wheels in
sUick and wheels taken iu exchange.
Repairing prompty done. Call on us be
foro purchasing,
KiiiemiiTZ fiKQS.
Tion'tu, l'a.
All parties arc hereby untitled not to
trust my wile, Etta Welsh, or furnish
her any'giHids on my account, as 1 w ill
not hercuttcr bo icnponihlc for any debts
contracted bv her. J. P. Dl.sii.
Tioucsia, June 201 h, lstni. 31
Pass the good word along th" line.
Piles run bo quickly cured without an
operation bv simply applying HcWilt's
N itch llu.ul Salve.' 1 truth A Killiuur.
r CorNTV, Pa.
k. Junk 22, lsi). )
FoHK.s T (
Itnls for the building of two srnno
abutments for bridge over Hickory
reek will bo received by the Commis
sioners of Forest County, until Tuesday,
July 1 llh, 1S!HI, at 12 o'clock M.
I'lans ami snecilicattons can bo seen at
their olllco, at Tionesta. Bond for com
pletion of work will be required. The
Commissioneis reserve the right to re-
net any or all bids.
Attest, Commissioners.
J. T. Dai.k, Clerk.
Of the Deputy and Acting Comptroller of
tne urrency, (.eo. M. Comn, author
izing Thn Citizens' National Hank of
Tionesta, to begin the business of
th. 1HIW. )
Washington May 11th,
WllKKKAs. bv satisfactory nvldetien.
presented to the undersigned, It has been
mado to appear that the Citizens' Nation
al Hank of Tionesta, in the llorough of
I lonesta, In tho County of Forest, anil
Stato of Pennsylvania, "has complied with
all the provisions of the statutes of thn
I lilted states, required tn tie mmpl'm "
with before an association shall bo
authorized to commence the business of
Now, I, Gno. M, CoF-
kin, Deputy and Acting Coniptrol'-
ler of the Currency, do hereby
certify that the Citizens' Nation-
al Hank of Tionesta, in tho Borough
of Tionesta. in tho County of For
est, and Stato of Pennsylvania, is author
ized to commence tho business of hank
ing, as provided iu Sivtion Fifty-one
hundred and Sixty-nine of the Revised
Statutes of the Doited States.
In Testimony Whkhk.of, Witness mvj.
hand and seal of office, this eievontn
dav of Mkv, lsiKi.
Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the
Currency. No. 6040.
Of the Comptroller, of the Currency, J.
II. Eckels, authorizing The Forest
County National Hank of Tionesta, to
begin the business of Hanking,
Tiieasury Department,
Office of thk
comptbollkil of tub currency,
Washington, April 25th, 1806. J, by satisfactory ovidonce,
presented to the undersigned, it has been
made to appear that the Forest County
National Hank of Tionesta, iu the Bor
ough of Tionesta, ill the Couuly of Forest,
and State of Ponnsyvania, has complied
with all the provisions of the statutes of
the United States, required to be com
plied with before an association shall bo
authorize I to commence the business of
Hanking; ,
Now Thkrkporb, I, Jamks H. Eck
els, Comptroller of the Currency, do
hereby certify that tho Forest County
National Hank of Tioresta, in the Bor
ough ol Tionesta, iu theCountyof Forest.
and Stato of Pennsylvania, is authorised
to commence the business of Banking, as
provided in Section Filty-oue hundred
and Sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes ot
the United States. - . .--
In Testimony WhPRKok Witness Hiiy-.
hand aud seal of office, thienty-fifth
day oi April, ls-m.
No. 50:ss. Comptroller of tho Curreucy.
.4 m
Wishes to inform the publio
that ho is permanently located
near the W. N.Y. A P. Depot,
with a full line of
gl And !s prepared lo keep
i anything wanted ill tho lino
2f! of Groceries. Prices us low
tkjj as tho lowest. Goods deli v
oied froe of charge
Twp. for the year ending June 1,
Goo. W. Warden, Treasurer. DR.
To rec'd of Stato appioprialioii $ 713 05
To rec'd of J. S. Henderson l:i lit!
To rec'd of Collectors 1 100 s.'l
To balance 130 72
f2UI3 111
By orders redeemed $2350 04
lly 2 per cent, commission 47 12
2403 111
Hal. due Treas 1.10 72
John C. Church, Collector. DR. ,
To Hal. old duplicate ft 200 03
To lace of duplicate lsoo taxes 170 12
2Hi() 05
By Treasurer's receipts $137 2 7 0
lly exonerations it' Ret. laud 72 07
By 7 per cent, on 070.-13 commis
sion A- rebate 0 35
Hv 5 per cent, on Hal 10 M
By Hal 52rt 43
82000 05
Balance duo Twp $ 520 43
Jacob Shal'er, Collector. Dlt.
To Hal. school tax $ K2 3s
To Hal. dog tax tlsoilj 35 50
i 117 KS
Hv Trees.1 receipts t 34 54
Hy exonerations II 07
Hv 5 pur cent, commission I 72
By balance 05
t 117 t-S
Bal. due Twp t 00 05
Due Twp. from Collectors $ fs 7
Halance 27 4S
f KIT 35
1.1 A til I.I I I ..s.
Hue Treas I 10 72
Due on unsettled bills 707 03
Ain't liabilities over resources j 27s 4S
M. 10. Amioi l,
I II AS. II. S A K lo 11 I I,
Attest, T p. Auditor,
tit s 11. Evans, Sec y.