The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 17, 1896, Image 4

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    i' Trio ft Sight Thief Dronrti.
A -reformed bnrj?lnr, who lias no
further no for tbo ltnowlcilp;o himself,
snyg there nro throo things ft sight
thief drciulp. Onn ih a baby, the buo
ond is a little whiffet dog thnt con
sleep with both eves open find bnrks
when ft nccillo falls, find tho third is a
oewppnper. Almott always tho pnper
rattles or crnckles when n foot touches
it. Unless a Lurghir is bo doppcrnto
that ho will risk his own life, lio will
lenvo tho moment ho strikes a honso
etrewn with newspnpers.
Extreme tired feeling afflicts nearly every
lodjr at this Reason. Tbo bustlers cease to
.utb, lbs tireless grow weary, the ener
rcIIo become enervated. You know Just
what we mean. Snme men an J women
endeavor temporarily to overcome that
Feeling by great tores ot will. But this
Is unnfe, as it pulls powerfully upon tbs
nervous ystero, whloh will not long stand
ruou strain. Too many people "work on
their nerves," aul the p-sult Is seen tu un
fortunate wrecks marked "nervous pros
tnitlop," In every direction. That tired
lug Is a positive proof ot tbln, weak, im
pure Mood; for it the blood is rlob, red,
vitalised And vigorous, it Imparls life and
energy to every nerve, organ and tissue ot
. the body. Tho necessity of taking Hood's
eareaparilla for that tired feeling is, there
fore, gpparent to everyone, and (ho good it
will do you is equally beyond question.
Remember that
'' Sarsaporilla
Is the OneTrae Blood Pnrlflsr. All Jrogglsls.
Tnitt4 only by 0. 1. Hood Co., Lowell, Usas.
Hood's "Pillm XZtuj
K to Hjinir Kiiconragctl by Science.
I Bout on Acrounuticnl Society, orcnu
ized lS'.l,r), lina chosen l'rofcssor Will
iam II. l'ickering, of Hnrvnrd Obser
rntor, 1'reKident. For several months
fortnightly meetings havo been held,
nnd nt tber-o meetings papers treating
of aeronautical subjects havo been rend
nnd dircusred.
Preparations nro bcinjr mndo for
interesting cxperimcntB. Tho objects
of tho rociety aro to encourago exper
iment with aerial machines nnd to
.diswpjiEate knowledge concerning tho
great problem of aerial navigation.
Among other things, tho society has
undertaken to encourago tho fuHcinot
ing study of scientific kito designing
and tho delightful sport of kilo llyinsr.
. Th6 society wishes to circulate, its
notices and reports from timo to timo
and it therefore requests all who nro
in any way interested in this subject,
whether as experimenters, ttinlonts or
general readers, to plnco their names
on file, addressing thcoScretnry of tho
Boston Aeronautical Society, box ll'J7,
Co. ten, Mass. New York Times.
Accuracy of Finger l'rints.
Tho accuracy of "linger prints" as
a test of personal identity is well
shown by eomo recont photographs of
Francis Gulton. In tho cuso of twins,
their photographs and measurements
wcro closely alike, but the minutiio of
their finger prints wero quite diilcrcut.
An eulurged photograph of tho print
of the hand of a child eighty-six days
old shows tho development of tbo dis
tinctive littlo ridges on tho skin even
at that early age. Current Literature.
i An Amusing Device.
On a farm twclvo miles from Litiz,
Penu., the custom still prevails of
carrying graiu to tho mill slung over
tho right shoulder of a horse, with a
big Btoue on tho left sido to buluuco
it. New York Mail and Express.
A Very SignlGcant Indication of Organlo
lie m u g c in e u t .
Tho back, " the mainspring of wo
man's organism," quickly calls atten
tion to-trouble by aching. It tells
with other symptoms, such as nervous
ness, head
ache, pains in
loins, and
weight in low
er part of
body, blues
nnd "all
gone " feel
ing, that
K. Viuk- V
barn's Vege
table Compound for twenty years has
been the oue and only effective remedy
in such cases. It speedily removes the
cause and effectually restores the
organs to a healthy and normal condi
tion. Mrs. l'inkham cheerfully answers
all letters from ailing women who
require advice, without charge. Thou
bands of cases like re recorded.
" I have taken one-half down bottles
ni I.ydia E. l'inkhain's Vegetable Com
pound, and it has relieved me from all
pain. I cannot tell you the agony I
endured for years; pains iu my buck
(Oh, the backache was dreadful !) and
bearing-down pains iu the abdomen
extending down into my limbs; head
ache and nuuseu, and very painful
menstruations. I had grown very thin,
a mere shadow of iny former self.
Now I am without a single pain uud
am gaining in flesh rapidly." Mattik
CiLt.NK, 1501 Dudley St., Cincinnati,
N V N l - If a
ni v
I V. 1 I
Thcro is potuo evaporation going on
even from limbs that havo ceased to
Tut forth leaves and nro actually doad.
Thoy should bo cut off down to tholivo
wood ami n plaster bo put over tho
wound, so as to exclude tho air and let
nature form a now covering of bark
over (ho stump. Moro or Ipsu limbs
will bo found dead in orchards even of
thrifty trees, every spring, when now
leaves put forth. Unlets tho dead wood
is promptly removed tho trees are suro
to become unthrifty, nnd tho dead por
tion Will spread to other portions un
til it embraces tho entire tree.
itATKiNG imuiunn sekdlixcis.
Teoplo often would bo moro ready
to ret a patch of rhubarb if plants
wero near at hand. If they lmvo to bo
procured by ordering from a distant
plautsman, tho job is only too linblo
to bo put off from year to year, tho
satno as with asparagus. It is a good
plan, therefore, to raiso a few seed
lings every year or two, which is caBily
done. A fivo cent paper of seed will
givo huudreds of plants. Prepare tho
grouud for your close planted .vege
tables, onions, carrots, lettuce, celery
plants, etc., in tho Usual manner, and
when you sow your parsnips or car
rota sow a littlo row or part of a row
with rhubarb, jntt as you would
parsnip seed, and cover it in tho same
manner. Tho plants will soon bo up,
aud should havo tho samo enre, thin
ning and all, as tho parsnip plants.
Ilhubarb seedlings vary quito consid
erably, and it is interesting to noto
these differences in size, thrift, leaf,
color, etc Leave tho most promising
plants when thinning, and removo
thoso thnt appear to bo less desirable.
In fall or spring following, tho plants
will be ready for their transfer to tho
permanent bed. American Garden
ing. AID FOR THE C0W3,
Tho English Government soma timo
ogo took up tho matter of tho proper
supply of nir to cows. It is regarded
os part oi me worn or. tnepuoiio nenitu
officers to inspect all barns and boo
either that tho bnildincra are well van-
tilatcd or that they aro large enough
ro permit oi Doing stout for some hours
without detriment to the health of tho
cows. It is said that tho execution of
tho law has occasioned a groat deal of
iriction in the country districts of
England. The medical officers make
spcoiuoutions as to now a barn shall
be ventilated, or in the absenco of ven
tilation, how many cnbio feet of air
may be given to each animal. Most
of the barns are found to full far tin-
low the requirements. It is very likely
tnai investigation would Bhow the same
condition of thincs to exist in thin
country, though iu a less degree.
in loot, some ot our barns aro so
poorly bnilt that they need neither
vontilators nor air snacn. sincn tlm air
has free ingress and egress through
me crocus Detween the boards. To
such as have tight barns tho question
is pertinent. Of the two ways men
tioned, giving tho cows more breath
ing space would appear better than to
ventilate, since by tho former method
all draughts may be shut off. When
an animal is not in the best of condi
tion, a draught ot cold air too frn.
qucntly proves the boginning of seri
ous and sometimes fatal disorders,
Farmers Eeview.
Tbo causo of garget in cows is
usually excessive flow and richness of
milk, which, if the bag isuot relieved,
Eoon causes inflammation and con
gestion or caking. It is always the
best oow that is troubled in this way.
The evil is made greater by feeding
too .highly of what will produce a
large flow ot milk. The bag or udder
of cows shonld be examined frequently
for several days before tho cow calves.
If it seems distended it should be re
lieved by milking out all that can bo
got from the teats at least once, and,
better still, twice a day. Wo have
sometimes milked ten davs or more be
fore the cow calved. If the milking is
begun it must be attended to evcrv
day, as the act of milking increases
the milk flow. Rubbing the bag after
all the milk is drawn with a salve made
of garget root or poke root and cream
will do much to relieve the pain. We
have used tho poko root for this pur
pose, and have known it to be used by
others. It is a weed that grows very
luxuriantly on newly-cleared laud,
and its berries are familiar to every
boy in the country, as their red iuico
is often used to write with. The poko
root is reputed to bo poisonous if
eaten, but it is excellent to steep and
let simmer down with cream or milk
as a salve for inflamed surfaces of any
I. : .. 1 4. : 11..:
ftiuu. aiucriuau Aairymau,
Tho broom corn crop requires rich
laud, free from weeds and weed seeds,
to make it very profitable. ' It is very
difficult to keep free from weeds while
young, as the email seeds aro slow to
germinate, and do not at an early stogo
make rapid growth. In this, both tho
seeds and habit of growth resemble
sorghum. Broom corn UBed to to
largely grown on the Mohawk flats.
aud probably is yet to some extent, as
turmers wno gel into the knack of
working it up rarely abandon the crop,
u secure, u prom iroiu urooni making
requires nearness to eomo populous
neighborhood whero labor can be had
cheaply in winter. There is no much
competition in tho business that les3
is made at it than formerly. Homo
seasons thero is enough douiuud for
broom corn to enable the grower to
sell it without mauufacturiug, and get
a good profit from it Tbo brown hurl
is the largest kind, and it is therefore
the best variety to plant, though tho
brooms made frooin irrcen hurl ireu
crally bring a higher price, and tho
price of the unmanufactured product
is also higher. A farmer who has con
siderable help in his own family can
generully manufacture brouuis so ns
to get a better profit than he can bv
nulling tho crop as it in cut from the
field, Tho seeds need to bo planted
shai low in straight rows, in soil brought
to as lino a tilth ns possiblo and after
tho surfaco soil has bcoonio warm,
Boston Cultivator.
Tire AsrAitAars rnt,
When tho asparagus is done wilh(
those stalks that aro left to) crow
should bo selected and only tho ninl
or, etaminato ouos kept. The worsj
weeds in tho bed nro tbo snrolns riant I
that grow from seed, as thoy are most
uiiiicuit to eradicate, and crowd thd
plantation. So that as soon as thd
seeds are seen to bo forming tho fe'
mnlo plants are to be dug out, or at
lenst cut down, so as to provent the
seed formiupr.
A good method is then to cover thd
bed with good manure, clean of wcedd
and well rotted. It may bo covered
threo inohes deep with benefit to thd
next year s growth. When tho bi
stems are sceu occasionally, it is sup
posed that theso aro of soruo now and
improved variety. This is not tho
caso any tuoro than tho fat steer is n
different variety from its half-Btnrved
brother. Tho big stems, liko tho birf
puinpkins of tho fairs, nro mado so by
tho most liberal feoding. The flower1
garden nocds quite ns much generous
enro as that devoted to tho Vegetables.
Manure is indisucnsnblo for tho flow
ers, and Bhould be given generously,
wnuo tno cultivation of the soil should
not be spared. A largo supply of seeds
may bo procured for a few cents, soi
that tho cost of it will bo very small
if good judgment is used. . ;
lho seeds should be savod when rino
for next year's supply of tho annuals.
Tho perennials should be reproduced
by cuttings or division of the roots,
and tuo bulbs should bo taken care of,
so that after tho first year this part of
tho garden will bo self supporting.
Tho porennial bulbs and such plants
as lilies, cactuses, and others whose
habits are to flower early in tho sum
mer, and then take a season ot rest,
which they naturally get in tho dry
summer of their native places, should
bo kept dry after flowering. If in
pots theso aro laid on their sido in a
sholtared place until Soptombcr, when
they Bhould be repotted in fresh soil
and the new growth encouragod. And
by and by it will bo a good thing to
make cuttings of the common flower
ing plants to get rooted for tho win
dow garden iu tho winter. In this
way geraniums, chrysanthemums,
fuchias and roses may (be propagated
without mneh trouble and without
any cost. Indeed, the young people
may very easily, by enlarging the out
fit, make a profitable business by sup
plying those neighbors with plants
and seeds who will not take the pains
to do it for themsolvos. Now York
rotrtiTRT. roivrERS.
It is very easy to improve a flock of
common fowls by using pure bred
males, and the cost of a male is so lit
tlo, comparod with tho increased gain
in size and prolificacy in a flack, as
well as uniformity of color, that there
is nothing to prevent all from discard
ing the mongrel male.
If clover is finely chopped, boiling
water poured over it, and the mess al
lowed to remain over night, until the
next morning, a strong decoction of
the clover is obtained, known as clo
ver tea. This water off tho clover is
tho best of all liquids for mixing
ground grain, especially for chicks.
The clover may be fed to tho fowls
with benefit. It is an excellent and
agreeablo change for the fowls if it is
thickened with corn meal and bran,'
and it may be nsed for ducklings or
young turkeys. ;
It may happen that some have not)
hatched out tho pullets for next year
as early as they desired, and if so they
should uso Leghorn males with their
hens. The reason is that as the Leg
horn matures early, a pullet that is a
cross of Leghorn and some other breed
will grow rapidly, nnd thus gain in
growth in a short time as fast as a
pullet of a largo breed in a longer
time, and the Leghorns are also excel
lent layers.
A ma e and twelve hens, selected
and placed apart from the other fowls,
will produce all tho eggs desired for
hatching on the majority of farms,
and it will consequeutly be a saving
of room and feed if all the cockerels
are sold. There are oo many useless
and expensive members of tho flock to
allow a profit when the males nnd non
laying hons aro rotained. ltednoe ex
penses by getting rid of thorn beforo
winter comes.
Tho poultry man who uses stale eggs
for nest eggs at this season of the year
invites lice and low prices. The stale
eggs become broken and fill the poul
try house with fifth and disagreeable
odor. The proper method is to use
no nest eggs at all. The hens that are
accustomed to laying in certain nests
will always resort to them, needing
no invitution ; in fact, they will not
chango their laying places if they can
avoid it. .Stale, eggs are sure to break
and scatter their contents over the
nests sooner or later.
"One teaspoonful solution of car
bplio acid given in two quarts of water
is an excallent preventive of most dis
eases among fowl. One tablespoonful
of chlerate of potash in one quart of
water for roup ; for littlo chicks that
aro weak in tho legs, one teaspoonful
of sulphato ot soda iu one quart of
water. For worms, give ten drops of
aloes or spirit of turpeutino iu a pint
of water. For gapes, add a fow drops
of spirits of camphor or turpeutino to
tho drinking water. For cold or
catarrh, put ten drops of aconito in a
pint of wuter. For sneezing or ruu-j
uing ut tho nostrils, put ubout one
tublespoouful of kerosouo oil in one
quart of wuter. Asafoetida tied up in
a rag and placed in tho drinking water
for tho fowls will be a good remedy
for roup, also a preventive a most dis
eases. The Poultry Keeper.
Among tho most cherished posses
sions of Miss Frances Williard is Lur
Angora, cat, 'X'ooU,
WhMi frrovlnm on hor nntnl dny
Within hrr wnr motted rrailln lay,
An iron rneo ai-ound hor ptood.
laitlrol hor infant brow In blood;
And, through the storm which round hei
Thrlr constant ward and watching k"pt
Thou, whom our qnlot herds roposo,
Thn of Iwloful battlo roo,
And luvthron of a common tongue
To mortnl Mrlfo . floors sprung,
Anflpvnry Riff on froodom'a Mirlno
Was man for boast, nnd blood for wlnet
Our fatlirr to their pravos have R.ino;
Their strife is past thnlr triumph wou
Hut Pternor trials await tho rare
Which rl.vs In their honoro.l plnco
Amoral warrant with tho orlmo
An I folly of au evil time.
R let It bo. In fhuVs own mluM
We Kird in fur theeomlim llht,
Ami, stroiu; In Him whoso eauso is ours,
Ineonlltot with unholy powers,
We prasp the weapons Ho has (riven -
Tho llsht, aud truth, an. I lovo of heaven.
John . Whittier.
w. o. t. v.
Ol.jeel andricdge TheohjoetofthlHrnlon
Plnll be to odueato puhlte sentiment up to
thosl'tn.lard of total al'stlneneo! train lho
yoii'itr, save tho inebriate, and seeuro tho
lesal prohibl lon aud complete banishment
ef the liquor traflh'.
t'le.lge herohv solemnly promlso God
helplni; mo, to nhstnln fro:n all distilled, fer
mented and ma t liquors, Including wine,
beer aud elder, and t o employ all proper
means to discourage tho uso of aud tr.ifllo In
the saaio."
Jf-miiershlpAny woman may bocomo
a member ty sWnln tuo constitution,
pledittnit herself to do all in hor power for
tho advancement of tin) toinpnrnnea cmum,
and by the pavmeut ot not loss than fifty
OKntsperyearintotliotrivisurv. rjho willulso
sitfn tho ple.lire. Oentlemeu may becomo
honorary members by tho payment of tho
samo amount or more, nud sltfnliiir tho
plodno. Persons may hocomo woll-wlshotn
by tho payment of any amount into tho
Departments-A fow of tht departments of
work of tho V. V. T, U. nroi "Loyal
Temperance Legion," "Tno Press,"
"Prison and Almshouse," "Flower Mission,"
"Parlor Meetings," "Health and ltorodity,"
"Mother's Meetings,"' "duldlors. Bailors aud
ltallroad Men," "Work Amonir Foreigners,"
"Salihath Observances " "Unformented
Wine," "Tobacco and Narcotics," "Fran
chise," "Tompernneo Lessons In Schools,"
"Purity," "Good Citizenship," otc.
These diverslllcd depart mcnts, ranlnn
throu','U nil tho whlo distance betwoen
tho homo aud iti antipodes tus saloon
present a broad Hold for trained workers.
Each department grows so rapidly and
develops such vast possibilities for' pood
as to demonstrate that the world has need of
it, often that it had been eagerly waiting for
just such work, without realising what its
great need was, nor how it could bo mot.
Thero is still great need tor tho prnvor,
".Send forth laborers Into lho harvest,"' for
the three most iuflueutiul Nations In tho
world consume tho mist alcoholic, liquors:
Oermauy, Great llrltaln nnd tho United
Bta'os, and us Joseph Cook fays: "Tlio
liquor trartlc cannot be mended, so it must
bo ended," so says tho W. O. T. U. Let no
brave heart Icar lho result of this eonfltxr
against tho power of dnrknets. Not until
Odd lavs aside Ills powers will tho enemy
of homo and human good triumph over us.
Liyuon AKiTiiaETie onjBcT lessor.
"Uoy at the head of tho class, what are we
raving for liquor as a Nation?"
'SO0,900,000 anuually."
"Step to tho blackboard, mv bov. First
take a rulo aud niensuro this silver dollar.
"Nearly an eighth of an inch."
"Well, sir, how many of them enn you put
In an inch?"'
"He! ween night nnd nine."
"Givo tho benefit of tho doubt; call it nino.
How many inches would it require to pile
theso 100,000,(00 lur"
"100,000,000 Inches."
"How many foot would that be?"
"8,:U3,333 feet."
"How manv rods Is thnt?"
"505,0 iO rods."
"How manv miles ts that?"
'1578 miles."
"Miles of what?"
"157(1 miles f el Ivor dollars, laid down,
packed closely together our National liquor
bill would make, This is only one year's
grog bill." '
Header, if you need facts about this tom
porunco question, nail that to a post and
read it occasionally. It would tako ten men
with scoop shovels to throw away money as
fast as wo aro wasting it for grog. Clevelaui
Tho Now York Nation, commenting upon
tho labor quostiou nud drinking habits of
many worklngmen, says:
"Improvement In tho laborer's condition
Is Imposslblo without cutting down his drink
bills. No social arrangements which uinn
can make can boueilt people who get drunk.
No mailer what wages you pay a drinking
man, uoither his condition nor thnt of his
family can bo improved thereby. Thero is
no uso In providiug extra holidays for men
who use them to get drunk. Thoro is no uso
in cutting down tho day's labor from ten to
eight hourj if tho two hours gained are
spent In a rum hole. Thero would be no use
iu making arbitration compulsory if one of
the parties was likely to bo kopt from obey
ing the decislou by liquor. There would bo
no use la handing ov. r all the property lu
the world to laboring uieu if they drink ns
t icy do now. They would soon dissipate it
and add nothing to the store."
Wo spend in tho United St:ilos each year for
Support of Clergy $12,030,000
IIoiloiiqI Foreign Missions 153,000,000
Tublio Education tSS.OMUWO
Sugar unl Molasses
Boots ncd Shoes tl floo.niio
Cotton GooJs t2Ut,oou,U(0
bawed Lumber f
Iron an! S'.eol
f ;iu:i,oi o,ouo
Breud t5l)5,U0,)00
Tobacco irMU.OoO.OIiQ
destroys 100,000 Lives
Makes 70,000 Widows
; 100,000 Orphans
600 Munlitcs
Causes tOU Suicides
Le ids to iso Murders
consigns to Jail 600,000 Criminals
Ttine-quart .-rs of tho luuiates of Prisons
are there .r jui strong drink.
A new version of lho throe It's is "Ram
ruin, and rgro" 1
Every man who drinks a littlo drinks u
great deal too much.
Isn't it strauge that tho man who cau
driuk or lot it alone never Uaes, queries
liaiu's lioru.
France has appointed a commission to in
quire iuto tho relation that tho liquor tralbo
boars to the increase ot iusuully lu that
Eminent physicians, such as Laquean and
Lnneeruaui, consider that the ubuse of al
cohol is Increasing the uinouut o phthisis
In l'aris.
Whuu a man is too poor to buy a home
ho is generally liberal enough to chip iu a
part of his wages to enable saloon keepers
to build thouisolves houses,
Tho Scleutlllo American doolares "that
buor drinking iu this country produces tho
very lowest forms of inebriety, ciosoly uiliod
to criminal insanity. Tuo must daugorous
class of tramps audrufilausin largo ulties ore
buor driukors."
Tho browcr, tho distiller, tho saloon kcoi
er want your money. Why should you give
thom your money aud make thorn rich, and
enable them to ilvo lu splendid, and
to drt ss lu broadcloth, silk, aud lluo linen,
whlluyuu uud your family aro kopt poor
uuJ needy, and suffering for tho actual
uocensurle of life iu a vust multitude of
ettssai1 .
Honest men aro tho gon'lomcn of
natnra litilwer.
Tho present moment is powerful
dcitrfv Clootho.
No pence was over won froai iato by
subterfuge Raskin.
Tbero is no maliao liko tho mnlioo of
lho renegade. Macanlny,
To bo proud and innccossibla Is to
bo timid and weak. Massillou.
Magnificent promises nro always to
bo suspected. Thcodoro Farkor.
Knsbness is tho faithful but unhappy
parent of misfortune Fuller.
Political men, liko goats, usually
thrive best among inequalities. Lau
dor. PI on? nro soon exhausts lis and itself
nlsoj but endeavor never does.
Distinction is tho consoquoucc, never
tho object, of n great min i. MUtou.
Wo uso up in tho passious tho stulT
that was givou us for happiaoss.
Ho who knows right priuciplcs is
toot equal to him who loves them.
Every ono of his opinions appenrs
to himself to bo written with sun
beams. -Watls.
Tho instinctive, feeling of a great
people is ofteu wiser than tho wisest
niau. Kossuth.
l'hilosophy, whon superficially
studied excites doubt ( whon thorough
ly explored, it dispels it. ISacou.
Thcro is nothing so likely to pro
duoo pcaco as to bo well propnred to
iuoct tho ouemy. Wnshingtou.
Youth fndos ! lovo droops ; tbo leaves
of friendship full i a mother's secret
hope outlives thcin nil. Holmes.
Do what good thou canst unknown ;
and bo not vain ot what ought rather
to bo felt than scon. -Willatn Tcnii.
Wo want fewer things to livo iu pov
city with satisfaction than to livo
magnificently with riohos. St. Evre
ruoud. Not becaneo I raiso myself abovo
Bomothiug, but becauso I raiso myself
to something, do I approve myself.
A Texas flnuger's Hat Slory.
L. T. Harper, au ex-Texas ranger,
gives an interesting account of how
ho disoovorcd tho rear entrance to a
bat cavo on tho Colorado Uiver. "It
was in tho summer of 1870," ho said.
"I was sent by Major Jones to hunt
up an outlaw who had escaped from
the ponitentinry guards. While feed
ing my horso beforo suuriso in a skirt
of woods a mile from tho river I saw
bats returning from thuir night skir
mishing, entering a hole in tho bough
of a treo. Tho bnts anno in countless
numbers and entered in regular order,
as if each bat know just whon to ar
rive to take his turn, to a second. For
moro than an hour they swarmed into
tho treo in numbers suflleicnt to havo
packod it full if it wcro hollow from
tho tip top (o tto ground. I know
tbo habit of bats, that thoy sleep
hanging by their hind feet, head
down, in rows, and it mado mo won
der how so many could gut lodging in
a tree not particularly largo. I men
tioned it whon I got to the town ot
Burnet, nnd it sot ono of tbo Deputy
Sheriff's to thinking. He euggcttod
to mo to return. Wo cut down tho
tree and thoro was not a but in it.
Next wo pushed a hole into the stamp
and found an oponing going into
fathomless depths. Tho young cfli
cor, whoso name I havo forgotten,
lighted a pieco of paper and dropped
it into tho hole, and at onco wo un
derstood tho situation. Tho treo grew
in the coiling of a cavo, and its hollow
trunk had bcon a tubo through which
the bats made their exit and entrance
It was two years afterward before tho
oave was explored." Dallas (Texas)
This Was Too Much.
A few years ago Jim Chesslcy was
ono ot tho best all-round athletes on
the coast, but ho mado a specialty of
baseball and sprinting. One night,
after boing out with tho baseball
crowd, he suggested that they go up
to nis lodgings ana look at a new suit
bo had bought to sprint' in. Though
it was two o oleck in tho morning,
tnoy acccptod Lis invitation.
Chesslcy put on his new running
shoes and trunks. While he was still
prancing about tho room before his
admiring friends a commotion was
heard out in tho hall and cries of
"Stop thief!"
Chesslcy threw open Lis door in
timo to see a man darting down the
stairway, llo dashed after tho fellow
and after a sprint of halt a block
caught him. When Chesuley took him
by the collar ho whirled around as if
he iutoudod to tight, but when he had
sized Jim up lrom tho top of his head
to his spiked eoIcs his jaw dropped,
ho shook his heal hopelessly and
said :
"I give up, partner. When they
keep a man ready in ruuniu' costume
to chase a fellow at i) o'clock in tho
mornin' thcy'ro too many for me."
Ban Francisco Post. ..
A New Cotton Field,
Lower California Is engaging In the culti
vation of cotton extensively.
Take Care or Your Watch.
Tho nioohnuism of tho human body re
minds oue very much of the niechuuteul con
struction of a lino watch, the wheels, cogs
and scrowa answering to the musolos, and
the delicate springs aro what may bo likened
to tho uervos. Ono cannot move without
the other, and yet the action of oucblssopa
rato aud distiuot." So It Is with the nerves aud
muscles of tho human body. The ailments
of tho muscles aro distinct lrom the ailments
of the nerves, and, like the mechanism of a
watch, If exposed to sudden chango of heat
and cold, they get out of order aud for the
time aro useless. Especially Is this so atthls
seosou ot tho year, when from exposure,
negllgeu.te or want of cant, the nerves aro
attacked and ueuralgiu iu its worst form sets
lu. Hut like oil to the works of a watch so
is Ht. Jacol Oil to theuorves thus deranged.
It is acknowledged by thousands to b tho
best and most permanent euro for this most
dreaded disease; heuco It is well to look after
the liumau watch as well as the one in the
Seattle, Wash., has contracted for the feed
ing of city prisoners at nine cents a meal.
Heart lilseusu Kollaved In 30 Minutes.
Dr. Agnow'sCuru for the Heart gives perfect
relief in all cases of Organic, or tiyiupathctio
Heart Disease in 'M minutes, aud speedily ef
fei'taacuic. It la a peerless remedy lor Pal
pitation, Shortness of lireath, Mnothering
fcH-lli, l'aiu in Lclt fido and all syuipluuis of
a iJiseitsvd IK-itt't. One doso convinces. If
your ilruix'ini l.imu'l il in stock, ask hiui w
piuciuo it (ur you. It will savo your lite,
Mors dlsMtss-ar rwiflni-M tT nln fcrnwn
sap thin by anything Hint. Why run niirh tor
rlhls risks when you ttnnw that IHtliltlnt' Kloslliur
Jlorni Heap Is absolutely pure? Ynur irmistr baa
It or will art it for ynu. In ro.t wrariwa only.
Tho Knnsas wheat crop Is now prospeo
tlvoly rated astho biggest on record.
Alongalda the Momitnln Streams of North
Where rjtn ft more rnlnyatilo trip bo mndo
than to thn inmintalns of Western North ( 'nr.
oltna, reached by the Southern Hallway, rie.1
niont. Air 1, 1ms in a few hours' tide of tho
Metropolis? 'l ho rharmltitf re-orts of Ashovlllo
and others locntfd In thee alertous mountains
arc tanking prcpnrntlon for tak
ing caro of t lie lnrgr summer travel that, seek
a cool nnd plensnnt trip durinu thn hot days
of summer. An attractive book giving dccrl
II. in of lintel nnd honrdlng house rates Is new
being distributed by the I'lissctmer Deport
ment or the Southern Jtnllwny System uiion
application to "71 lirimdw ny. New York.
MTS stopped free by Iih. Kt.isr's (JnFAT
Kkhvr IttNToiiitn. No fits after first ilnv's use.
Marvelous cures. Tve.itlse nnd $U. trial Itot
tlo free. lr. Kline, mi Arch St., l'lilln.. I'n.
Wo will give 8100 rpwnr.l fur any rn-in of ca
tarrh thnt cannot hecurcdwith Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Taken Internally.
K. J. I'liKKKY As t'o.. Props., Toledo, O.
The Blue and the Gray.
! Both mon nnd women nro npt to feel a littlo
a blue, whon tho gray hairs bogin to show. It's
a very natural fooling. In the normal condition )
M of things gray haira bolong to advanced ago. 'A
t They have no business whitening tho head of
) man or woman, who has not bogun to go V, )
ij down tho slopo of lifo. As a matter ot fact, (
tho hair turns gray rogardless of ago, or of
y lifo's seasons ; sometimes it la whitened by .)
M sicknoss, but moro often from lack of care.
x Vhen tho hnlr fades or turus gray there's no V-if
7 need to resort to hair dyes. Tho normal color
of tho hair is restored and retained by thoiuse of
I Ayer's Hair Vigor.
Ayer's Curebook, "a itory
ua pagta, tree. J. C.
"Contains More Flesh Form
ing Matter Than Beef'
That is what an eminent physician
says of good cocoa. The Cocoa
made by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd.,
Dorchester, Mass., is the best.
Sec that Imitations arc not palmed off on you.
Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable.
Perfectly tasteless, elosnntlr coated, puree, mtu
late. .purify, vlmum ftuit atieninhen. KAliWAVH
I'lI.LS fertile cure ot all illmir.lrra of tho Hlomai'b.
Huwela, KMucya, llltil.ler, Nervout Diseaaea. Dlaal Vertigo, Coatlveuew, Film,
All Disorders of tho LIVER.
Otmervethe fotlntvlti' symptoms, reanltlnii from
OlM-anoa ot the i1IijnIIvi i.rKarm: I'niifttliuil lull, In.
want iillea, tulln uf 1,1.x,. I in the beail. ail.lliy of
the stomach, null', hearttmro, UIniu.i of fo ,,l,
fullni'gaor wi.lKht of the ht'ima.-h, aour eruc-l.tloiH,
mkli, or nim.TlnK of the h-iirl, rooking or euffo
catlnit anu.iilloiia wl. iiln a lyluii posture, HlmneM
of vlalon. 1.a or welH U-forn tno aliihl. lever an.l
dull pain In ilia h.-a l.oVhYleucy of HT.tritUiD. v.'l
lonut'M of the aklu and ny., utlu lu III ahle, eh'rpit,
nnioa.aoq'fcU.iilennuMlioauf hLtiL,buruluit lu Uiutli-ah.
A few done of UAUWAY'H HIU.S will free the
f yatem of all of tho uOova-unieil tl honlora.
byma?l S! C"' bU"' 8"''' by ,ru-',l" or K
Sen.) to , K. RAD WAY & CO., lock box 3T.J,
New lurk, tor bonk of Atlvlre.
A quarter spent in HIRES
Rootbeer does you dollars'
worth of good.
Ms .air ? Th. Casrln II Birrs Ts., nnsotphta. '
i4c. Btcta. ssaks. 4 (situs,. V.I4 .,.,.
You can ilust ono a. ro of poutoca In 40
a minute BT cloinsj two rona nt ouce.
A-Ss No rlasteroT water iweil. Willi n.i-
inaehinai vnn r,.n .1,. i.k.
COtUin. fruit treen. mrr-nt
s!1-?. bushea, etc HOOK FUEE.
. . nuniugiora,
1 1 Drilling Machines
for any depth.-
Inipieveniriilx. All Moiiea Hlnkr.
lLlrs KINKS. Etc. Couleuu
Instuntly removable. bAkti'i.i Ijox,
1.' of each of lho ? alai-a, ami a pulr of
k.-ya, inullr.l f r.-i. with price Hat, for
7.1c. LOi fliU O Oltllk K. 11.11.
HA 1. 1, A K l, 314. rillsllel.l. Mam..
Insect Exterminator
l.-a'h on I'otnto Ilu nnd (til Iiieuvta. Toe the
moat ftik'ctuul work wit b tUliu?tt Ulur aiitl Hiitiilt
ent t-unt of Muy l';ir.n-Mrt-n ur 1'ow.ltT Diht rtl.utur
ever ulleivl. 1' ully idiiiruiilff-i. Ask Vi'tir lit itl.T. ir
uponi-.H olpl .,11 i', wnt by eiiiresatoaiiy ii.l.lrcsoi
HAH. II. IIH, lis A )., I'iIch, N. V.
" t!se tha ffoans and Heaven will Givo youths Clesss."
Never Neglect a Useful firtick Like
papers aud books which you
111.0 10 iook up 11 you uad eo.uu coaip:iet booi wulo'j woull ivj tho la
lormatiou lu a few HuosV not bo obllol to hau llo a twouty-pouul
tucyclopai.lla costtutf 23 or t30. mm av f lu stamps bout to BOOK PUB
LISHING HOUSE !34Leon- W J orfJ Stroet N Y c wl
lurnish you, postpaid, with Just suoh W W a book, coutiiiulm 02J p:i,oa, well
lllustraod, with completo tanudy Ialox. D-i you kuow who Orussm was. uu I whoro hi
lived- Who built the Pyramids, and whon? That sound trav.ils 1123 foot pur socoui?
What Is tbo locRost rlvor iu tbo world? That Marco l'olo iuvouto I thn eo ni iss lu I2u1
imd who Marco l'olo was? What the Oordiuu Knot witf The book eoutalns thousands
f ol cxiilanations of Just
Il "bout' Vuu " at
W 0 halt a dollar and
Catarrh and Ttntlnveri In 10 to 00
M Iniitva.
(fnn short puff of tha brenth through th
Plewer, supplied with each bnttln of lr,
Agnew's t'nlarrlml Powder, illfTiiups this Tow.
tier over the surfnen of the nnsnl passages,
l'ninlrss and dellKhtfut to ue. It relieves In
stantly and permanently cures ( sMrrh, liny
Fever, Colds, llenilnehr, Snro Throst. Ton.
sIHVIsand Ilenfiiess. If ynur druvgist hasn't
It In stock, ask him to procure It for you.
tVImn Nature
Kccils assistance it may bo beat to rondnr it
promptly, hut ono should romembor to us
oven the mist perfect rcmollns only when
needed. Tho best and most simple, nnd gentle
remedy Is thn Syrup of Figs, manufactured ky
tho California Fig St rnp Cntnpiny.
trs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrnp for children
teething, soflens the gums, reduces ludnninia
lion. allays pain, c tires wind colic. X.rc.a bottlo
Piso'sCuro for Consumption hns saved rne
mnny a d.s tor's blll.-S. V. IIahiiv, Hopkins
I'hice, llaitltnore. Mil.. Dec. 2, wi.
If afflicted with sore eves use Dr. TsimcThoinn.
son's Kyc-water. Druuirlstsaellnt ihc tn-r butt
ot cures 'told by the curtd."
Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
August 8, 1893. Iu nu intervlow
with Mr. Cutis. E. JolibHon, umu
nKerBonts' ftirtilhluif (romla do
pnrttuvut, "Tho Knlr," HevcDlh and
Frutikllu uvouuch, 8t. LuuIh, ho
wild: "Huvurnl yeutu ttRo I wiu
trouliloj with an n(,'(?rrivritod co-so ot
Dynpojisla, nnd of course tho lrt
thlnn I (ll.l w.isconsiilt a tihyniolan.
As I had iilwuvn enjoyed the brat of
heiilth I wii worriod Rood deul
oviirthlx, my It rat lllrje.s that In.
tho first I could reruoDibcr sluco tho
Rllniout common to childhood uuJ
my only dcslro was to M well its
spiwdlly as I could. I took T t
liirly Hll tho rondlcltim us my il.x'tor thorn. 1 must pay that
iu a short timo I olull rixht,
thought I was eurod, uud Htoiioi
taking tbo medietnn. Hut It wa-iu't
lon b. 'fore I was too II tlx us badly
n-s ever, and uaia I had rooourso to
tho doctor. This kuit up for tiuino
time, until at lust I tnud up my
miud 1 would ijult ductorluK nud try
fyluu of tho rem. Mlrs I biiw ndvnr
tised from duv to duy. Well, this
Wus worse tluiu ever, uud lu unite
cases I dldu't even fc'et temporary
relief. 80 I didn't kuow whut to do,
uud made up aiy uiiud that I would
liitvo to pass thu rouiaiuder of my '
days la Buffering. Well, to out a
long story short. I bud n ud so uiuclt
of lilpuns Tubules that I concluded
I would Klvo them a trood trial. It
Bald, 'one wotlid Klvo relief,' uud I
tbouKht If 0110 could give relief a
whole lot mlKht cure me, I pur
ohused two boxes lrom a dru'itlst
for ouo dollar, uud wlieu I bud II 11-l.-bnd
tbom I was f.H-lluR better lima
I hud for years. I coutiuued to uso
them, and to day believe 1 um a well
Iliuu. Onco lu a ro:it while I do
buvo a slight loueli of tho iM
luidady, but 11 few of tho Tubules
fixes that all rigid. I generally keep
u box lu my bouse." Tal.uies aro aol.l by tlrui;lsts, or by mall
If Hie price i.-rii ceuta a boa) In s.-ut to I'li'i U'iiaus
l'hriiiiiaU'oiiip;iiiy, No. lu opruci ut.. Sow Yurs".
Sample vial, lueeulA
s v n u-aa
n II PT O C All who wish to net ml of It. 1, lure
Kur I U II b ami t.iriui'Htliiu trtiM...H .u.-uld
1 en.t to H. J . Mil KltM A N , lie I nla lall.t . N...
I au.l 3 Ann Nt., Ken Voih. lor his m.,.1 In tn-Ht luuj
book ot I nil till sirmullou. I'll, e by u.all,
HDIIIU "' WHIEKYIiabiiscureil. tliK.kaent
UrlUffl HIH. sir. S. . 111. .11 IU, SIMMS, 1.4.
nnillff4 Morplilno llish
Morpliinn llishlt Cured In 10
III I Ut.11" Silt.: No j.isy tlll.ur.U
isy nil curat!.
t m m w uh, 4. o 1 ar nt NB,
dou't fully uu lerstaui. nud whioU voi woul I
such mutters us you wouder
th erV low vrlve of uO
lill'UOVH yoiJUSHLl. W J
xysliw'sVasii i .' vast
jiasy. " If -""Jj