THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. C. 1MCNK, . IDITOH 4 PSOJBItTOS. WEDNESDAY, JITNK 17, l.Sttl KTATK. - Lame OAT.T'SHA A. GUOW, 8AMVEL A. DAVENPORT. COl'NTV. OnnirrrMA. WAYNE COOK. (Sub ject (o decision of district conference.) Assembly 3. E. WEN K. rrolhonolm-v-JOny II. RORERT SON. .VArWfT-FKANK I. WA1.KKK. rvitiv OimniiMi'mirM-W. M. COON, CII AS. M. WIHTKM AN. Auditors M. K. ARHOTT, J. R. CLARK. Jury Commissioner ,t. II. CARPEN TER. The Republican National Convention. Tbe eleventh National Convention of the Republican party was con vened in St. Louig yesterday. C. YV. Fairbanks of Indiana was chosen temporary chairman, and after the organization of the great convention Senator John M. Thurston will pre side as permanent chairman over its deliberations. It is not believed that the convention will fiuish its work before Friday, and way last till the beginning of next week, though that if hardly probable. The nomination of Major McKiiiley will be made on first ballot and possibly by acclaraa raatiou. As to who will be placed ou the ticket as his running mate is a question yet somewhat mixed. There is talk of Hobart of New Jersey, Morton, Depew and Fasselt of New York, Dingley, Frye and Cleaves of Maine, Hastings of Pennsylvania, Evung of Tennessee, aud others. But the Vice Presidency is not as difficult a question to settle as the financial plauk. With this knotty proiublem out of the way the sailing would be easy aud the work of the couventiou could be very quickly disposed of. There is almost an entire abseuce of bad blood among the contending factious, aud especially so with the promiueut caudidates themselves, aud whatever tbe outcome it will be satis factory to the great mass of the party throughout the nation and t'.e ticket will be a sure winner in the fall. . Congress has wound up ljusiueaa and adiomued. It was one of tbe -eu&rtesi sessions ever hold in a lone session year. Secretary Carlisle denies the report that he has become wealthy while holding his present office. The President appears to be tbe only member of tbe administration who has made a fortune. So long as the domain of Ameri ca extends from the sboies of tbe At lantic to tbe shores of the Pacific, from the icy waters of the Lakes to the tepid waters of tho Gulf, our Tar iff policy, to be truly American, roust be truly Protective. The President bas signed the bill providing that a year's residence in any of the territories shall be neces sary before application can be made to the territorial courts for a divorce. A large assortment of legal and ju dicial shysters will have to join the lottery people in looking for another job. Another issue of bonds in the near future by tbe government is the fruit of tbe acts of President Cleve land, Secretary Carlisle and the solid Democratic vote in tbe United States Senate, defeating the revenue bill passed by tbe Republican House early in the session, which would have added 40,000,000 aunually to the receipts of the Treasury "and thereby avoided tbe necessity for is suing bonds. Citizen-Press. The McKinley Idea. It has been held against Mr. Mo Kiuley that be is a man with but one idea the idea of Protection. What if he is? What is tbe McKinley "idea." It is an American "idea" throughout. Mr. McKinley has not oue public thought or sentiment ever in his mind that is not imbued with Americanism. Aud we bave bad too little Americauiam of late, far too little. Tbe one issue before the peo ple to-day is the issue of Protection to all American interests. Our mines, our forests, our fisheries, our manufactures and our agriculture, all need a strong touch of the American "idea." Tbe people are demanding a restoration of tbe American "idea" of ISitO, and who so able to pive it to them as Mr. McKinley? With the Tariff' issue to be met, with reciproci ty to be re-established, with the pro blem of Oriental competition con fronting us, to what other leader cau the people naturally turn rather than to McKinley? It is his idea they want. There is no mau in the United States to day who is more bitterly bated in England than McKioley. That fact alone is proof that he is tbe best man for President of the United States. Why are the Democratic papers so opposed to his receiving the Republican nomination? Simply be cause they kuow that he is a thorough American, aud tbe history of tbe present Democratic administration in its every liue shows un-Americanism. The people have had too much of this, therefore they have risen with one voice to demand a restoration of tbe Amerirau "idea," and, with it, they demand the man who represents that "idea" William McKinley for President of the United States. IJiunuinitt. lost Ills nml Dtfil from the Ef fects of HI Injuries. Conductor John Carroll, of the W. N. Y. P., Iind his leg so severely crushed beneath (ho wheels of nn engine nl Thompson's lat Friday that the limb had to ho amputated a few Inches above tho knee. Mr. Carroll him been engaged in tho railroad business for tlio past 20 years and tins was bis first aeeldont. For ten years he has beon employed by tho W. N. Y. A P. as freight and extra passenger conductor, and had charge of the way freight when tho accident occurred. lie pulled into the siding about coon to allow another train to pn and had ordered tho crew to out one of the ears from tho rear of the engine. Ho stepped on the pilot of tho moving engine and leaned over to see if tho w ork was being douo correctly w hen he slipped and his right leg w as caught beneath tlio wheels of tho forward truck. One wheel passed over tho leg near tho ankle and the other crossed near the kneo, mangling tno log almost to a jolly from tho knee down. He was taken toTidiouto whero Dr. MaOill ainpiited the tho leg about ten inches below tlio groin, and the Injured ninn was sent to Oil City by a special train. He arrivod hero at 7 o'clock and taken to tho hospi tal where ho was turned over to tho care of Drs. Ritehoy and Coulter. Thoy found Mr. Carroll's system had boon ser iously af!octed by tho shock, and this, with his advanced nge, about 45 years, makes his condition serious. Conductor Carroll is one of tho most popular as well as one of the oldest employes of tho rond, and has a wife and family at Sivor ly. Derrick. Latkr The unfortunato man died from the ollecls of his injuries nt tho Oil City hospital ou Saturday last, at 3:20 p. m. It is thought bo sustained some in ternal injuries. Ue leaves a wifo and seven childred. Geo. Raab offers his neat rnai. dence, on Vine St. for sale at a rea sonable figure; nice garden lot and everything comfortably fur a pleasant home. Also his very desirable bus iness stand, at the corner of Bridge aud Elm Sts. This is one of tbe best business locations in town, and those who have occupied it have al ways enioved a laroe nnhlio nirnn. - i ..-...... ace oil account of (he Inenliim Fnr prices and terms address Geo. Raab, uu uity, I'a. tf Any person desirinp first-class dental work done will do well to boar in mind that I will be in Tionesta for the week commencing on tbe first Monday of each month. if R. II. Stillson. It would be hard to convince a man Suffering lrom billlona nnlin agony is due to a microbe with an un- I'uMi.uiuci-iiuiu name, urn one dose or DoWitt's Colic A Cboleia Cure wilt con vince him of its power to afford instant relief. It kills pain. Ilealh A Killnier. Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier re siding At Mnnrnn M i I. urau an..AHnin mulcted with rheumatism but received prompt renet lrom pain by using Cham berlain's Pain Halm. He savs: "At times my back would acho so badly that I could hardly raise up. If I had not gotten relief I would not bo here to write these few linos. Chamberlain's Pain lialm has ilnnA 111A A trvoat nnl ...,1 and I feel thankful for it." For salo by xiuiuu iv jiuimer. Eli Hill. T.llmlinr Ciixr T(. n-.ld IIT have been suffering from piles for twen- ij-wvu vcniB huu inuugui my case mcur able. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was recommended to mo as a pile cure, so I bought a box and it performed a perma nent cure." This is only one of thou sands of similar cases. Eczema, sores and skin diseases yield quickly when it is used. Heath & Killnier. If it required an annual outlay of $100 to insure a family against any serious cousequences "m an attack of bowel complaint during tlio voar there are many who would feel it their duty to pay it ; that they could not afford to rfsk their lives and those of their family for such an amount. Any one can get this insur ance for 2.5 cents, that being the price of Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diar rhoea Keuiedy. In almost every neigh borhood some one has died from an at tack of bowel complaint before medicine could be procured or a phvsician sum moned. One or two doses of this remedy will cure auy ordinary case. It never fails. Can you afford to take the risk for so small an amount f For bale by Heath A Killmer. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleasanter or better way to do it than by recom mending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and othor sorious lung troubles that fol low neglected colds. Heath A Killmer. When we consider that tho intestines are about live times as long as the body, we can realize the intense suffering ex perienced when they become inihuned. DoWitt's Colic A Cholera Cure subdues iulluuiation at once aud completely re moves the dilliculty. Heath A Kil'lmor. Notice. In the Court of Common rieas of Forest Co. I'a. In He. Assignment of) . . Mary Levv for lien- I Auptust elit of Creditors, j iernl lbu', The undersigned appointed to distri bute the funds in the bauds of the As signee in above entitled case, herewith gives noiice to all parties interested that ho will attend to the duties of his said ap Hi'intiiient, at hie otllce, in Tionesta, Pa., on Wednesday, July 15, lH'.Hi, at 10 o'clock A. M., wlieu aud where they cautlond if they sue proper. P. M. Clark, Auditor. Tionesta, Pa., June l.j, lhlij. .m:ai.i:i l'itoro aus. r.ri'Hlon of an Addition to f; rot' ii Tup. .School House. The School Board of Grecu Township, Forest County, will receive sealed bids for tlio erection of an addition to tlio Voungk School House, in said township, U to 1 o'clock p. in., July 11, lWKi. Ad dition to lie lx2 loot 1J ieet high. Plans and specifications can be seen at the store of Collins A Kreiller, Nebraska, Pa. The Hoard reserves tho right to reject an v or all bids. J J LEON WATSON, Sec'y. Nebraska, Pu., June 8, lslHi. FREE EDUCATION. An education at Harvard, Yale, or any other college or iii-litiitiou of learning in the I'niled States, or in tlio New F.ngland Conservatory of Music, can be secure.! by any young man or woman who is in earnest. Write for particulars quickly. JAM KS I). HALL. iiO Hromlield Street, lioblon. Muss. AUDITORS' UK PORT of Harmony Township, for tho vear ending Juno I, ISM. H. O. Carson, Treasurer, in appount wilh School Hoard. Dr. To bal. last settlement f 240 4." To reed lrom J. 11. llowinan, Col 204 75 To rpp'd from S. T. Carson, Col. . M.Mi :tl To bal. State appropriation IHH4... S." 08 To State appropriation lSd.j Till 2" To money borrowed jooo 0U To bal. duo Treasurer by Twp 353 22 f40f2 06 Cr. Uy orders redeemed Mn2 41 lly 2 per ct. commission on above 79 (56 fl0Y2 00 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. nKsoiTucEs. Anit. duo from J. II. llowman Col. 1SSU 2)2 ?) Anit. duo from H. T. Carson, Col. iw'5 wit ;w $ H29 65 LIABILITIES. Amt. duo treasurer f 353 22 Amt. duo Kden and Jaun, Hal on Hickory school building Ill a.) Amt. duo Whoeler A Dusenbury. 21!) 35 Outstanding orders 1150 00 Apt indebtedness f ciyj 27 J. A. Turner, treasurer, in appount with Harmony township road commissioners. Dr. To Amt. ree'd from former treas.$ 42 66 To Amt. ree'd from J. H. How- inan. Col gn 02 To A mt. ree'd from S. T. Carson Col 2S9 K7 I 421 65 Cr. Ry orders redeemed 2!3 .3 Uy 2 per pent oomiiiission 6 87 Uy Amt. paid W. U. Wilkins 122 25 J. A. Turner in ac't with Harmony township poor fund. To Amt ree'd from former Treas.l 227 22 Uy orders redeemed ftil 50 Uy commission on same 1 23 ? 62 73 Ual due township $ 104 49 Wn tlin ntiilfli-alfniDil lii.l;tnH r irn mony township, having examined the above account iind them as set fourth in tllf nhlivn irnnrl Hia Ittat nf r... knowledge. T. W. Allknukk, Oko. L. Kino, L. A. Hotchkiss. F. E. Metcai.f, Auditors. Clerk. Divorce Notice. Kate M. Harrington, by her next friend, C. E. Harrington, Libellant, vs. William C. Harrington, Rospoiulont. In the Common Pleas Court of Forest County, of Fob'y Term, I8H0, No. 41. To William C. Harrington, Respondent in i.iiw nuuvo mentioned case: You are hereby notified, in pursu ance of the order of the Court of Common Pleas or the said County of Forest, to be and appear in the said Court on the last Monday of August next, to answer tho pe tition or libol horetofore preferred by the libellant, Kate M. Harrington, vour wifo, and show cause, if any you have, why the said Kate M. Harrington should not be divorced Truro, tho bonds of matnnmnv entered into with you, agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Heroof fail not, under the peiiniiy 01 uaving me said petition heard, and a divorce decreed against you in vour nosence. JOHN T. CARSON, if. m. Clark, Att'y. Sheriff iionesta, I'a., May 30, 1806. FARMERS' SONS. We will employ you at home on a salary of $50 per month. Write quickly. PURITAN PUBLISHING CO. m Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. o 10 Good Money To bo made by you this season, by coming here for your spring and summer clothes. Largest stock of fine woolens, over hold in the oil country, are now on our counters. Exclusive patterns imported to our order. One suit in each piece. Prices Stoop to Conquer, We bead tho van as bargain givors, and always have. Black and blue Scotch Black Suits to order, flfl.OO to f21.00. Fashionable Scotch Mixtures Sack Suits to order, $18.00, (19.00, $20.00 and (22.00. Black and blue Woratods for dressy Cutaway Suits, (24.00 to $28.00. Trousers to order, (5.00 to $9.00. The Mguex Co. TAILORS, HATTERS, FURNISHERS AND SHIRT MAKERS. MODERATE PRICE STORE. 27 and 29 Seneca and 12 Elm Sts., OIL CITY, PA. 1l iVS'T'E1 ? . conntii iKtnintra for orer Bily arn. It la wmlrfuijjr eOicacluw la all,. I. a, !,, C'HIurrh, TuotbH.-br, Avuruliclu. llMi-hac ant. Irjr It. M lni(r atorei or l.j mail ou rvt-elpt of imiiit', adUrwM and 46 centi WINK ELM ANN & BROWN DKUd CO., liullliiior. Mil., II. . A. WARREN NATIONAL BANK Warren, Fenna. CAPITAL, 8150,000.00 DIRECTORS: Nelson P. Whoeler, David W. Iioaty Jerry Crary, Win. D. Brown, (ieo. M. Parinlee, Andrew Hertzel, C. Schiuimelfeug, A. T. Scoiield, Christian Smith, II. T. Russell, II. A. Jaiuieson. Personal anil Business accounts solici ted on most favorable terms consistent with good conservative banking. Interest allowed ou deposits 0. X. l'KRMLEE, Dres. II. A. JAMIEXON, fice Dre. t E. llEltrZEL, CathLr PI DAVID 3MQNTZ, The Leader, -HAS LARGEST STOCK HE EVER HAD, IN 9 pot Sweepers, Wall Paper from tho or dinary grades to the best quality, Trunks, and Valises, Uuilts and Red Spreads, Glass and Crockory waro, Tin and Oran Itowaro, Uaby Carriages, Looking fllasses ajidFurnmirOjMillinery Good of the Finest Grades, and a thousand other things, too numerous to mention. REMEMBER, Wo keep good goods at reasonable prices. Rcmemhor the place, DAVID MINTZ'S, Red Front Stores, Marienville, Pa. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for Hides, pelts, Calf-skins, Wool A Uiiisc,,... Smart k Silberberg, -o The Right Goods At the A steady determination to sell every thing at the closest margin of profit is bringing us ever increasing patronage. There's no longer anv reason for your pay ing high prices for any goods. The trains run often and we guarantee to save you your car fare many times over. THIS WILL BE A SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE WEEK Wash Goods. 1 Lot Printed Organdios, worth 8o., at 4Je. 1 Lot Manchester Dimities, the same goods which have always sold at 12jc 6c. 1 Lot Fine Persian Lawns, 82 in. wide, Lemon Colored Lawns, etc., 0c. yd. 1 Case French Zephyr Gingham, all this year's best styles, the finost cloth ever made, were sold last season at 15c 7io. yd. Hat and ISoiuietN. One look through our Millinery De partment will Impress you with its many superior features. Chances are it will make a customer of you. Trimmed Sailors at 25c., 85c., 50o., 75c and (1.00. Short Back Sailors 25o. to (1.00. Flo were as low as So. bunch. White Duck Cups and Tains 25o.A60o. I'oreh Miade. , Japanese Split Bamboo Porch Shades, complete, size 8x10 ft. (1.09. -O O- SMART & SILBERBERG, OIL CITY, - - PENN'A. aVO. THE CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK, TIONESTA, J?A. CAPITAL STOCK, : OPHICEIU : T. D. Collins, President. F. R. Lanson, Vice President. J. C. Bowman, Cashier. di rectors: E. E. Vockroth, Goo. F. Watson, T.J.Bowman, . T. D. Collins. F. H. Lansou, It. M. Herman. O. W. Proper, A BANK FOR THE PEOPLE. WHICH RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS PATKONAGE, AND WILL FURNISH ALL USUAL HANKING FACILITIES, WITH PROMPT AND CAREFUL AT TENTION TO ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED. XO. A. B. A. Wayne Cook, President. FOREST COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, -DIHEOTOltS- A. Wayne Cook, N. P. Wheeler, Collections remitted for ou day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom ers all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pid ou lime deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited. THE- ALL DEPARTMENTS. In Dry floods, Dress floods, Clothing, Hoots Shops, Rubltpr (ioods, Notions, Hoslory, Gloves, Corsets Bnd Corset Waists, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ladles' Shirt Waist, Indies' Capes, Misses and Children's Reefers, dent's Shirts and Ties of tho latest patterns, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace ami Chonoll Curtains, cr- -hi- o o o o - Right Prices. Iaec Curtains. 60 Pairs Nottingham Laoe, 3 yards long, tape bound, worth 75c. 59c pair. 50 Palis Nottingham Lace,3 yards long, the (1.00 kind 79c. pair. 100 Pairs of the (1.25 grade, 3) yards long 98o. pair. 1 Lino Chonillo Portiere, all colors, (2.39 pair. 1 Lot Tapestry Portiers, all colors, (2.98 pair. 1 Lot Bag Dad Couch Covers, (1.39 each. Kpeelal Matting Male. 1 Lot Good Jointlosa Straw Matting Oo. yd. or (3.25 for roil of iO yds. 1 Lot of rogular 20o Matting, 13c yd, or (5.00 for roll of 40 yds. I Lot Fine Cotton Warp Japanese Mat ting, worth 35o. 21c. yd. or (7.75 for roll of 40 yds. Speelal Corset Value. 1 Case of Summer Corsets, Just as good as ever was sold at 50o. at 29o. 1 Case Dress Form Corsets, extra good quality, worth 75o. to (1.0O 50o. 5040. 50,000. SO.3S. Kelly, Cashior. Wm. Smkakuauuh, Vice President. $50,000. CI. W. Robinson, Win, Suiearbaugh, T. F. Ritchey, J. T. Dalo. J. H. Kelly. Our Motto for June: "THE BEST A T- LOW PRICES." It's ii good stock for finding just what you Wftnt, and few will mhkt and nono will beat our prices, Miles & Armslronq, CHEAP STORK FOR TV f err rr r x KEPLER Our Aim TO KEEP THE BEST. Our Principle FAIR DEALING. Our Ambition TO PLEASE OUR TRADE. Our Price LOWEST, Quality considered. A superb assortment which includes everything new and dcsirablo for the present season. Our stock abounds in Rich Men's ; Qualities at Poor Men's Prices. j - m JUST RECEIVED ALL THE LATEST PATTERNS WALL THE TIME OF THE YEAR HAS ucguis iu mum auoui. donning Jiouso, and while sho is cast ing hor eyes about for now wall papor, etc., we wish to cull her atten tion to our exeollent assortment, which comprises all the latest do signs in paper and borders. Como and look thorn ovor while the assort ment is coinplote. We are positive that wo can catisfy the most fastidi ous purchaser, because we have the most complete lino evoroxhiblted in Tionosta. Come and see. WE ARE ALSO. HEADQUARTERS HEAT & K)lim UpUCCISTS XMO OHOCEHS, - TIOMtST, f ft. Lawrence & Smearbauqh, DEALERS IN V " CLOTHING DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BinriL, oiM.iuiitni, unntu GOODS, CUTLERY JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. 00TS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. W 1 THF Din RH I1RI r LIVERY STABLE, OP TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good 8Uu'k. ruff;u.r.,u ... ... gies to let upon the most reosunable terms. He will alto do All orders left at the IW Ollleuwill receive prompt alleulioii. BLOCK, corner. Our wolcomo word for May Is ItnrgnliiN. Wo commenced the month with Iturguins. We'll contiuuo the month wilh Ha renins. Wo will end tho mouth with Itn renins. PAPER!! ARRIVED when the energetic HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS- TIME TAItLE, in ellect Wept, ay, lsns. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and poinis W0Kt us folltlU-M No. 31 Butl'uloExnross d in No. til Way Freight (drying ""' passengers) 3 No. 33 Oil City KxyJZ. i ' no:32&,!:t--"- ?:.., No.uoWayFang 4:17 l '" . i irviuuioii) 0:50 a. 111. frointS1,o,er-TT!l.,Iu?:ai"1 fu" '""'"'"ation roiu S. Q. ( LAltk, Agent, Tionesta, !.,.,.ovn"s.1!":Uj,U""'1!Su"1- Gen'l Passenger A Ticket Aifent General olllce, Moo,,v-l,risbn0 ltldir. Cor. Maui und Clinton hi8., Uullalo.N. Y. Straw huts. New style. Miles & i