The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 17, 1896, Image 1

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    Tiie Forest Republican
It publlshod ovory Wednesday, by
Office ia Smearbaugh & Co.'s BuilCing
Tcrnn, . S 1 .00 lor Yon.r.
No subacrlptloni mcnivod for a shortor
period than throo month.
CorroponJoni'9 sollclto 1 from nil parts of
tho couutry. No noilos will bo taken of
anonymous cowiiunloallon
Onn Sqnare, one Inch, one insertion.. t 1 00
One Kipiare, one inch, ane month. H Of)
One Hipmre. one inrh, three month. . f
On"Kipmr one inch, one year...,. 10 in
Two HiURrH, one yeir ....... ....... 1 " no
Quarter Column, one year kit)
Half Column, one year . 50 no
One Column, one year liUHKJ
Jjftenl advertisements ten cents per line
pooh insertion.
Marriages anl de-ith notice grntl.
All bill for yearly advertiwtiiMits collected
quarterly Temporary advertisements must
be pi 1 in ndmni-a,
Job work cnsU on delivery.
"Honeymooning" is a now word
which is at tho disposal o( any one
who winb.cs to make nso of it.
Judgo Albion W. Tourgoo 1ms un
dertaken a crusado ogainBt books with
uucnt loavos, which ho prononncos "a
tCDEclcss nnil pnobbish fud."
Professor John Fisko predicts that
a great religious revival will shortly
come, surpassing even that of the thir
teenth ccntnry, tho era of great oatho
Oral building.
Tho Spanish Government, it is said,
lins declined tho Tope's mediation in
Cuban off lira "on tho ground that
tuch an noceptauco wonld bo tanta
mount to recoguizing America's right
to interfere."
William E. Curtis, tho Washington
correspondent, says that petitions to
Congross have becomo so common as
to bo without any ofloct. IIo nays
that no one reads them and that they
oro piled upon shelves in tho dork's
Tho Medical Society of Berne,
Switzerland, has inaugurated a plan
for tho suppression of press notices of
suicides, as it has been observed that
epidemics of suicides, so-called, como
from "stiggeatiou," acquired through
printed accounts of thom.
Mrs. Humphrey Ward says that wo
men liavo been hampered heretofore
as writers of flctiou owing to the fact
that they could not travel and explore
without escorts Sho cxpoots great
things of wotnou in litornturo now
thut tho old prejudices aro passing
Oakland, Cal., claims to bo tho
boulthiest oity ia tho world, or, at
any rate, in tho Unitod States. Tho
death rata has fallon sinco 1882, when
it was 13.S5 a thousand. Last year it
u as 11.85 a thousand. This ap
pronchos tho languine sanitarian's
ideal of 11 in a thousand.
Tho Atlauta Constitution eays:
"Boforo tho war tho South turned to
agriculturo becauso it was profitable.
. Now that manufacturing will yield bet
ter returnsthan farming wo may expect
to sco mills aud factories started in
every eommuuity. Our people may
be relied upon to tako core of their
own interests."
Baldness is found to affect about
twelvo por cent, of tho nialo popula
tion, according to an English physi
cian. Tho eamo observer has mado the
6iugulur discovery that, while musical
composers belong to tho general aver-
no, pianists aud violinists have fino
Loads of hair nntil lato in life, but
porformoca on brass instruments es
pecially tho trom'uono become bald
very early.
Professor Roentgen finds that tho
discovery of his famous "rays" brings
upon him as much Worry as glory.
Instead of being ablo to work on
quiotly, ho is overwhelmed with cor
respondence from all parts of the
world, and has not a moment to him
solf. The Professor is a singular-looking
man. Ho has a long face, still
iurlher lengthened by a board, a
promiucnt forehead, largo cars and
big bright eyes. His hair tdauds
etiflly upright, without any parting.
According to tho Railway Ago,
"Farmers in various localities who en
thusiastically votod to allow electric
railways to bo built on tho highways,
co as to puui.-h the rusoully steam
road?, aro now repenting. A letter
from Ohio, in an agricultural paper,
deolurcs that the electric cars make it
almost impossiblo for a furmcr to
drivo his livo stook to market while
tho destruction of tho highway pre
vents his hauling huy or grain. L
might havo added that in point cJ
speed, regularity aud comfort of ser
vico the rural cleetrio roaJs comparo
Tory unfavorably with tho steam roads
and havo proved disappointing to
thoso who expected that tho trolleys
would destroy tho rates uud business
of tho steam railways,"
Tho Soiuervillo (Mass.) School
Board is sorely troubled by the fact
that women teachers often resign, in
order to get married, in tho middle of
the school year, thus unsettling order
ly instruction, states Harper's Week
ly. At tho last meeting of the Board
resolution was adopted providing
that all elections of teachers should be
conditional upon an arooincut thut
they shuli remain iu the employ of the
city until the close of tho school your,
unless they shall resign by reason of
professional advancement or for
cause entirely beyond thoir control.
One of tho members of the Board de
clared hiH belief that tho order would
bo "inert." It remains to be seen
whither 'jvo will luuU ut school
boards s well us at locksmiths.
un n est.
I.ovs hath Its tides;
The ship that rides
Upon their ebb and flov
Is ovor blossod
With porfoct rost,
But swing now high how low.
Ijlfe both Its cnro.i,
And whoso bears
The burden of lis years
Until tho end
Must hourly bleed
Its laughter with Its tears.
-Frank rntnam, iu Chicago Timos-IIorald,
" ,,, ItlE true story has
always remaiuod a
. legend around Fo-
lice Headquarters
simply b e o a n so
there were ciicura
ttances which pro
vented the Chief
from making it
public at tho time," said a retirod
Central Office dotective, as he chewed
the end of an unlightcd cigar reflec
tively. Ho roforrod to the arrest of a
murderer which gained fame for the
former boad of tho Dotective Bureau
at tho beginning of his career.
ine mnruer was one ot thoso or
dinary incidents of lifo iu the Ituliun
quarter, and thore was nothiug of any
great interest in the cause of tho erime
and the manner in which it was done,"
ho continued. "It was a mystery,
however, from the fact that thore was
not tho slightest clue to tho lndentity
of the murderer, and you can just bet
the Chief mado us hustle. I havo a
clipping hero of tho Rtory tho nows
paper, printed about tho murder the
dny after it occurred.
Tho ex-Central Oflico mnn pulled
out nis card caso and handed the ro
porter tho dipping. It read as fol
Olusnppl Cos.'olln, twentv-olulit venra old.
ot 217 Mott street, while stnnding at tho oor
ner of Mott and Houston streets nt 11.30
o clock lait ntKht wns stubbed and fatally
WouudoJ by a (stranger. Cussolln, who bad
only been In tho country two wooks. was
talking with a friend named Doinouico Mur
aiio, when a strange youug man who was
very diunk hnppuued along. Ihs Italians
laughed at tho young mnn, aud ho turned
Biiuuemy ana attacked thorn.
In the light Cassella was stabbod la the
loft side. Ho dropped to the sidewalk, and
Murano remained to attend to his friend, al
lowing the stranue youngmnn to mnko good
his escape. Whoa Murano discovered that
Unssolla wns badly cut he shouted for help,
l'ollcemaii ltowley of the Mulberry street
station, heard his cries and when he arrived
t tho scene found Cawiollo In a dying con
dition. Ito sent in a hurry call for nn am
bulance to St. Vlnoout'e Hospital, but Cas
sella died before tho surgoon arrived.
Murnno, who Is detained by tho pAlico as
a witness, cannot draoribo the murderer, as
he says bo was too much oxclted to remem
ber whut be looked like. Ho kept repeating
in answer to tho questions of tho police that
the young maa wan an 'Americano." Cen
tral Ollleu detectives are working on the ease
with little hope ot success.
"That was all any of tho newspapers
printed about the caso tho first day.
As soon as the report of the stabbiug
was sont in from the station house the
Sergeant at the desk in the Central
Oflice 'phoned to tho Chiof's house
and told him of the facts. He was told
to send out the two emergency men
and any others that came in during the
night on tho case. The next morning
the Chief was around bright and
early, and when wo assembled for roll
call he talked to all hands about the
casein a general way, and said that no
effort was to be spared to hunt down
the murderer. Then, bofore wo left,
four of ns wero told that we were
wanted in the Chiefs private oflice.
Two were Detective Sergeants, tho
star men in the office, and my side
partner and myself, who were anxious
to become Sergeants. The old man, as
wo called tho Chief, had an admirable
way of getting at the meat of a case,
and when we entered he did not wasto
any time in telling us what be wanted.
" 'I've had a talk with this fellow,
Murano, who was with Cassella when
the stabbing occurred, and I'm (satis
fied that ho had nothing to do with
it,' the Chief began. 'Both tho man
that was murdered and Mnrano car
ried stilettos, but these were found
sheathed in their pockets. Now, all I
havo been ablo to learn as to the
description of the stranger whom Mu
rano says did the stabbing is that he
wore a blue gingham jumper over a
red undershirt. The jumper was open
at the throat, showing the thirt. He is
stout, well built young man of
twenty-tive or twenty-six years, with
dark hair aud a smooth shaven face.
That's tho best description I could get
from Murano. I want two of you fel
lows to drar the saloons around tho
Bowery and the other two to take this
fellow Murano with yon and see if ho
can't run across the stranger. I
thought at first it might have been one
of thoea Italian vendettas or a Mafia
scrap, but tho Italian priest, who
know both men, assured me that it was
nothing of the kind,' and I would not
waste any timo on that theory. The
motive wai not robbery, and you
needn't bother with crooks, cither. It
was a simple fight, and it will bo a
hard job, but you want to sco what
you can do.'
"We paired off, caoh of tho Ker
geauts taking one of us novices. My
boss took Murauo, and we sturted ou
the hunt. Murauo was a stupid fel
low, aud I don't think that if the mur
derer was brought fucn to fuce with
him that dsy he could have identified
him. We cerUiuly suw every tough
iu that preciuct before dark, but
Murauo gave us no hope. The olher
fellows had no luck either, aud we set
tled dowu to in uk e a systematic in
ijuiry through the dintriet. We knew
nearly everybody iu tho district that
run a joint such as the fellow described
would freiiueut, but our questioning
was of no avail. It was a tough job,
and we seemed to be workiug in a
blind alley. Tho reporters ha I a lot
of fuu with us for a weik or tu, aud
thvu th story die J oat. We kept up
ZUVT I'll 1 VA
tho search day by day for thrco weeks
without getting anything satisfactory,
and finally something turned np which
obliged the Chief to take tho two Hor
geanta off tho caso. My side partner
and myself had it all to onroolvos. We
bad given up all hope ot ever doing
anything, although wo started rat
with n strong bunt ot energy, anil
after the first few days that we had tho
caso onrselves, took to soldiering.
The upshot of it was that the Chiot
finally deoided to let the caso drop
among the mysteries. We had tried
everything. Wo got the Chiot to give
Murano his liberty, and we tailed him
for several days without dicovering
anything which would soom auspi
cious. "It was tho custom to send a cou
ple of our fellows to look out for pick
pockets on the Coney Island boats
during the summer. We were assigned
to this job ono Sunday and went down
to the islaud and floated around. Wo
cauie back on ono of tho Into boats, as
theso wero usually tho most crowded
and tho bent for tho pickpockets to
work their trade on. We didn't seo
anybody we knew, and went up nn tho
nppcr deck and finally anchored in a
little recess in the stern, whero we sat
smoking and enjoying tho cool brcezo.
I called my partner's attention to a
young couple who wero spooning in
another recess to windward of us and
we took an occasional peep at them.
"The wiud carried snatches of their
conversation to us, nnd whilo we did
not pay any particular attention to it
we could not help hearing it. Thoro
was ono thing said which made me ait
np straight and almost yell right out
The young woman had apparently
asked the man a question, as wo heard
him say :
" 'He's been nndcr cover at Hack
cltstown ever since ha did that dago.'
" 'But I should think that was Bot
tled by this time,' said tho young
" 'Oh he's as safe as a church on
thai thing, but he's lcarly about it still,
aud we can't get him to como back.'
"I turned to my partner and found
him sitting in the same position as
myself, with his eyes fairly dancing
with excitement. Our Italian murder
mystery occurred tome nine months
previous and we had qn'to forgotten
it, but the conversation wo overheard
brought it up afresh, and I could
hardly hold my partner still. Tho
couplo changed thoir conversation a
moment later, aud, although we did
our best to liston, we heard nothing
more about the 'dead dago.' When
the boat reached the city wo were
right np alongsido the young couple
and followed them out in tho crowd.
Wo were so excited that we bad not
exchanged a word from tho timo wo
heard the bit of talk that gavo ns a
cue, and somo telepathic instinct just
impelled both of us to go right ahead.
We sat next to the couple in the
street car going up town, my
partner sitting on one side and
I on tho pother. They got off at
Houston street, and we were ahead
and behind them. They walked along
Houston toward Broadway and turnod
down Mulberry street. They stopped
in front of a tenement, and tho young
man stood talking in tho doorway for
half an hour or more. Wo watched
him from a doorway across tho streot.
He bade tho girl good night, just
shaking hor hand, and walked off slo wly
down the street. Wo followed him,
aud at Spring street ho turned toward
the Bowery. He had not gone far be
fore ho turnod into a saloon. Wo en
tered a few minutes later and saw him
drinking a glass of beer. He chatted
familiarly with the bartendor, and loft
after drinking his beer. My partner
startod after him while I remained to
pump tho bartondcr. It wns an easy
matter to get him into conversation
about his late customer. I learned
that tho young fellow was Jim Burke,
and that ho lived at Co Spring street.
He had a brother Miko whom tho bar
tender had known, but whom he had
not seen for nearly a year. Mike dis
appeared rather suddenly, tho barton
der said, but Jim said he had gone to
take a better job at Uackettstown. Ho
was a bricklayer by trade.
"I left tho saloou and hurried to tho
place where I had agreed to meet my
partner. He was there, and he had
tailed Burko to his homo, aud also
had learned his name. We agreed to
meet at 0 o'clo;k the next morning
and get to work on the case in real
earnest. I don't bclicvo I closed my
eyes that night, an.l my partner was
around at my house long before the
appointed hour. Ho found mo fully
dressed and wo started out. After
talking the matter over we deoided to
make a bold move. Ho was to arrest
Jim Burke, and 1 agreed to question
the girl. I waited outside the Mul
bery street tenement for her, and 7 J
o'clock sho stopped out ot the house
with a luucb package under her arm
ou her way to work. When she got a
block away from tho house I stoppod
up to her :
" 'Pardon me, miss,' I said, 'but I
am a detective from tho Central Of
fice and am compelled to place you un-
dcr arrest for not telling the police
about Miko Burko stubbing thut
"She drew away from me as I ad
dressed her, aud her face blanched as
I moutiouod Burke's name. Sho was
scared so much thut it was some mo
ments before she could talk.
" 'I didn't know I hud to toll,' she
stammered finally.
" 'Well, thut's tho law,' I said, be
ing now sure of my ground, 'and you
will havo to come with me.'
" 'I don't kuow anything about it.
Jim only told mo two mouths ago,'
she tttiJ.
" 'I kuow all about that,' I answer
ed. 'Jim has told us all.'
" 'Jim told your' sho exclaimed,
" 'Vee, bo'httd to tell.' I said. 'Now
if you como to l'olue Headquarters
we will let you go in a few uiuutes.'
"She walked along with me and we
were noon ut the Central Oflice. The
doorman told me that my partner had
already arrived with his man. I took
the girl to the Chiefs office and left
her there while I talked with my
partner. He tarklod Jim, but fonnd
him on his guard and could get nothing
but indignant denial from him. I
went back to the Chief's office and
started in to croM-qnnHion the girl.
Hor fright had worn off, however, and
she had the cool assnranco to tell mo
that sho know nothiug about the
crime, and even doniod having made
any admission to me when I first ac
costed her. We could not entrap her,
and threats aod pleadings were of no
"Wo wero in a fino fix, and I was in
a cold sweat when tho Chief came
down. I cxplaiuod the situation as
fully as I could. Ho asked ns it wo
had told Burko anything about tho
girl. Wo had not, aud then ho told
my partner to take the girl out of the
o 111 co aud I was told to fetch Burko
in. As I entered with Burko tho
Chief, who was busy opening the mail,
just motioned toward a Boat by the
window, and I sat Burko in tho chair.
The Chiof walked ovor to Burke and,
looking him squarely in tho eye, said:
" 'So yoti refuse to tell us how your
brother stabbed this man, do you?'
" 'Ho didn't, I don't know any
thing about ouy stabbing,' Burko
" 'Well, never mind J wo have somo
body who has told us, and it doosn't
matter so much after all.'
'Tho window at which Burko was
sitting overlooked a small courtyard
through which we wero required to
take prisoners to the cells. The Chief
had arranged with my partner to havo
him walk across this courtyard with
tho girl at a given signal. As the
Chief concluded his remark to Burke
he walked over to tho other window
and looked out into the courtyard. At
that momout my partner walked out
with tho girl.
. " 'Hum,' said tho Chiot as ho nodded
in tho direction ot tho yard. Burke
looked out iuvoluntarily and then
jumped up with an oath.
" 'You see, Burke, thcro aro moro
ways than one of getting at tho truth
of things, said the Chief qmotlv.
"AH iiurko did was to grit Lis teeth
and curso under his breath. Ho still
denied that he knew anything of tho
crimo, however, and the Chief gavo
np the idoa of getting anything from
him at that time.
"My partner and I got a description
of Mike Burko and went down to
Hackettstown. Wn reasoned that
Burke wonld bo working at bis trade,
and picked up a driver at the station
who knew the placo thoronghly. He
drove around the various buildings in
courso of erection, and we finally ran
across onr man. Ho was so oool and
uncoucerned when -we arrectod him
that I confess I was quite disconcerted.
He mado no effort to conceal his
identity, and the fact that ho waived
his right of extradition proceedings
made mo nervous. He doniod that he
was the man who committed tho crime,
and all our otlorts to get an admission
from him wero without sueoess. We
got back to town about dusk and tho
Chief was still in his office. He tried
his hand at tho prisoner, bnt with no
satisfactory result. Then he ordered
that Burko be locked up. A short
whilo after his cell was locked the
doorman remarked to him, of courso
uuder instructions, that his brother
nnd the girl wero inakiug statements
to tho Chief np stairs. An inorodu
lous smile was his reply. Halt an hour
latter we took him ont of bis coll and
up to the Chief's oflice. Wo oponed
tho door and the ' prisoner was con
fronted with the girl and Jim Burko,
who wero sittiug at the Chiefs desk.
The Chief was apparently listening to
the reading of a typewritten statement
by a clerk. Mike Burke just caught a
few words and started toward his
brother. Bofore the brother could say
a word Mike had blurted out :
" 'You scouudrcl I What do you
" That's all ; look him up,' eaid the
Chief, aud we curried Mike away to his
"His brother Jim aud the girl wero
dismissed by tho Chief, and left to
gether. Tho Chief was unable to get
a word from either. We found Muruuo
tho next day, and stood Burko in a
lino of ten men, several of whom wero
built like him. Without a momeut'e
hesitationMurano picked him out as tho
slayer of Cassella. Burko was indicted
by tho Graud Jury for murder in tho
first degree, but after a long delay ho
pleaded guilty of manslaughter by ad
vice of counsel. Tho evidence was
not very strong, consisting only of tho
testimony of Murauo and a few cir
cumstance?. Ho was scut to prison
for five years.
"Tho Chief, for reasons which it
would be impolitic for mo to bt ite,
gavo the reporters a dillereut story
about the arrest. To this day I don't
believe any of tho parties couoornod
iu tho nll'air knows just how tho arrest
was effected. It won Sergouucies for
both my partner aud myself," Now
York Sun.
Icehouse Kiskier 'limit Powder .Mills,
A well known insurance broker said,
iu speaking of fire insurance risks:
"Coutrary to the general idea, insur
ance companies would rather take a
risk on a powder mugaziue or a pow
der muuulactory than on an icehouse,
in tho case of a powder manufactory
there is the greatest care taken by
those who work in it, or who visit it.
There is no need of signs hauging
about warning persons not to smoke,
for they would never ruu the risk of
entering with a cigar or pip?, evon if
the rules of tho placo allowed it. Now
with icehouses it is different. ()o into
any ot them aud you will find tho no
smoking signs in plenty. There is
but little cure, however, for mauy peo
ple tbiuk iu -. nlaces will not burn.
They do burn, -vover, aud the re
sult is the iusiirseeo companies charge
tho higher risk ou icehouse property."
Wuuhiugtou Stur.
In Itllffftfiil Oblivion Tim Ornmmn
tlrnl Clerk A Now Kcnillnjr lmp
Venr Privilege Not Needed, Ktc.
Wn wit In tho same pow. I hung
In rapturn on her chiding frown.
I fciiind the hymnx, but nHlhrr sung
I held tho hymn book upildo down.
Detroit Free Trees.
"Cat! vou give me a room and a
"No. You'll havo to bntho your
self." Life.
He "I havo arranged to go abroad
thin summer, I proposo now "
Sho "Oh, dnrliug, this is eo sud
den. But seo papa."
"now alHiut that money P.obcrts
invested. Was it n go?"
''I guess so. lioborts is looking for
n situation." Detroit Freo Prc6s.
School-Toooher "Tommy, you may
answer tho question, 'Kternul vigil
ance is the price of what?"
Tommy "Holding your job."
"Mario, I thought your physician
told you that you were not strong
cnongh to ride a wheel?"
"Yes, but then I went to another
doctor." Chicago llccord.
New Maid "Missus, that man who
cut ycr grass did a bad job. I wouldn't
employ him no more."
Missus "I must, Maria; I am
married to him." Chicago llecord.
jf111 ' and bo rr WAS.
Teacher "Tommy, are you chew
ing gum?"
Tommy "No, ma'am."
Teacher "What are you doing
Tommy "Swallorin it." Judge.
"Children, I hopo' you peeled tho
apples boforo eating them.
"Yes, mother dear."
"What hove you done with the peel
ings?" "Oh, wo ato them after." Sketch.
Trofessor "Why docs a duck put
her head under water?"
Pupil "For divers' reasons."
Professor "Why goes eho go on
Fnpil "For sundry reasons." Up-to-Dato.
noax "Sco that man? Ho fell
from a fourteen-story building tho
other day."
Joax "Xousonso ; why, ho would
be crushed to death."
Hoax "Yes; bnt ho only fell from
tho front door step." I'hiludelphiu
"Ch, Michael, is it truo you told
Mr. Jones I looked like uu auel at
mama's toa?"
"Yes, darling, and ro you always
"Well, I think you're horrid to say
that, when I spend so much thought
ou my toilets I Augols are always
dresnod iu thoso dreadful floppy
things." Lifo.
The gifted but impecunious literary
genius wrote au impassioned Utter to
a personal friend, a.-kiug him iu the
name of swcot charity to lend him ill)
to keep him from starving.
"I may not get tho 10," bo solilo
quized, bitterly, as he sealed it, "but
somo day a mercenary graudehild of
his will get tflOU for this letter."
Chicago Tribune.
"Well, this makes mo Miek !" said
tho brilliant reporter; "yet people
Buy that Ciosar wo a grout man."
"What's thut?" asked tho inuuuiu,;
"Why, ho reported to Koinu his do
feut of Pburnuces iu tho word, 'I
eumo, I saw, I compic red.' Now that
story was worth at h-ust uu elrn, two
whole pages and a double aeuro head."
Passenger (to tho Irainboy) "You
probably did not kuow, wbm you pnt
this book iu my lup, thut 1 was tho
Traiuboy "Did you write thut
Passenger "I did."
Truiuboy "Then you had better
keep mighty quiet ubout it. 1 just
sold a copy to tlio man buck of you."
Bobtou Jkruld."
EMiuitKA m:o.
Wiuks "1 suppose yon arc on
guged to thut t-huruiiug ludy t-hurt-huud
clerk of yours? Sho has beeu
with you a long time, and 1 noticed
lutely you teemed ruther taken with
Jinks (sadly) "X-o ; sho she
won't have mo."
"Y-ju huvo proposed and beeu re
jected?" "Yes. You see, during my sueeis
eive engugemouts to Mis 1'iuk, Miss
Sweet uud Miss Pretty, I dictaUd ull
my love letters to her, uud it appears
thut sho has lost coutideiiee lu inc."
ProfesEor Michael Foster, tho physi
ologist, says that fatiguo is duo to a
poisoning of tho cerebellum.
Edison now claims that tho X-ray is
a sound wave and its photographs aro
simply shadows of sound vibrations.
Tho young of several species of ser
pents retreat do irn the throat of tho
mother when pressed by sudden danger-
The lato Richard A. Proctor stated
that our earth receives only the onn
two-billionth part of tho heat of tho
Deseronto, a town in Canada, is
lighted with gas mado from sawdiut
obtained from tho lumbering mills in
the place.
Tho Sulzwcrk artesian well, in West
phalia, Prussia, is 352 fathoms in
depth, the increase in tcmporaturo be
in one degrco Fahrenheit in every
An Australian genius has recently
invontoda cartridge for sporting guns
mado of mica, it has tho advantage
of allowing the charge to bo seen and
prevents heating of the guu.
Over 300,000 specimens of fossil in
sects have been collected from various
parts of the world. Of these, butter
flies are among the rarost, as less than
two specimens all told havo been
Certain marino animals (ptcropods)
which live in tho sea, but which, ex
cept in tome slight external resoiu
blance, have nothiug in coanron with
butterllios, are sometimes called "sea
Fogs are moro frequent in October
nnd November than at any other period
of the year, because, besides the evap
oration from the seas, rivers and lukes,
there is a constant exhalation from tho
ground in the form of vapor.
Trobably the largest casting over
mado in the country was turned ont
recently at a foundry in Pittsliold,
Muss. It was a plato for the Berkshire
Glass Works, weighed 9000 pounds,
was fourteen feet loug, forty-four
inches wide and five inches thick.
There sro fivo families of whales.
First, the Baluenidae, or toothless
whales, divisible into smooth whales
nnd furrowed whales; thou the Cato
dontidae, the toothed whales, snoh as
tho sperm or cachalot; thon tho
Dclphiniadee, or dolphins; then the
Bhynchoceti, or Ziphoid whales, and
II rr I . 1 .
Each instrument excels in some par-,
tioular passage, the piano in scale
passages, the harp in arpeggio, tho
mandolin iu tho rapid repetition of
ono note, the banjo in the rapid play
ing of broken chords, and so with
other instruments, but tho violiu can
beat thom all on thoir own ground,
whilo there is much violin musia that
can bo played ou no other instrument
A Dog With Sense.
"I am sure," says a correspondent,
"you will enjoy this story of a dog's
intelligence, which has tho merit ol
beiug absolutely true, Schneider was
a large, fullblooded, handnomo setter.
Ho was very fond of being with the
boyr, and one day thoy took him when
they were going bathing. They bathed
in a pond which was crossed by a rail
road bridgo carryiug ono track. While
the boys bathed Schneider sat ou tho
track uud watched them. Suddenly,
to the horror ot tho boys, a train ap
peared. Thore was no timo for the
dog to get off the bridge, und it wai
too high for him to jump. Tlij boys
turned away to avoid tho sight ot tho
dog's death, and after the train had
paused looked about with a shudder at
what thoy expectod to behold. To
their amazement, tho dog trotted off
the bridge entirely unhurt. The on
giueer ot the train explained aflor
wardi how the dog had escaped. As
tho train approached Schneider evi
dently saw that his situation was des
perate, uud quickly thought out his
only way of safety. He stepped over
the rail to tho projecting ouds of tho
kleepers, laid himself dowu as flat us
ho possibly could aud let the train
pass over him. The engineer saw it
all. and as tho train passed ho looked
buck aud saw that tho lowest stop juit
grazed tho dog's back. Could a humau
beiug huvo reasoned more correcllv
aud acted moro quickly thau tho dog?"
Boston Trauscript.
Drove Hulls l our in Hand.
Pouioua, a section of (ieruiuutown,
was ottco tho house ot Colonel For
rest, who purchased tlio tract of luud
from a family named Shoemaker more
thuu u century ago. Forrest wus a
Colonel iu tho Revolutionary Army,
uud took turt in too Battle of tit-riuau-town.
He was always doiug somethiu
out of the usual custom, according to
tho accounts giveu ot him by old resi
dents of thut suburb. It is suid that
ho sometimes would drivo a four-iu-hand
team of bulls from (leruiuutowu
to Philadelphia. Forrest sold Pomona
to James DutuI, u French merchant,
ubout the time of tho Wur of 1H1'.'.
Diivul took considerable pride iu rais
ing fruit and oruuinoutul trees of all
kiuds, aud Pouioua was tho uttraolioi
for many iliitiu,;iiihUed pooplo who
came to Philadelphia. Philudolphiu
Five t'lugers uu J No Mori1.
There is ono curious fact respecting
tho uuimul creatiou with which no oue
will over become ut'.juaiutod if ho de
pends ou text books for information.
It is this: No living representative ot
the uuimul kiugdoiu bus moro thuu
live toes, tiugcrs or claws to uueh foot,
huud or limb. 'Phi horse is tho typo
of the ouu-toud creatiou, tho camel of
tho two-toed, tho rhiuoeeros of tho
three-toed, aud tho hippopotamus of
the four-tood uuimul life. The elephant
aud hundreds of other auimuls beloug
mg to dillereut order are of tho grout
live toed tribe.
If I' could givo you what would outing,
rtomiiln a fixed ns Tolnr star nbove
8omethlng to livo and thrive lu any cliino,
I'd givu mv lov)!
And should you ask for that more trno than
A something of yourvelf, a kindred part,
My Inmost thoughts I'd then to theo reveal.
And givo my heart!
Should friends desert you, fortune conso to
Should joy Itsell nppi'nr ln-yond recall,
Your weary moments I would then bogullo,
And give my nil!
Cut If somo lofty sacrilioo you'd aslt,
How glad I'd yield mo to your deancon
t rol " "
And give ilnca giving Is love'j sweetest
My very soul!
And oh, believe me, could I turn nway,
Oue cruel nhatt, ono pau of thlj world's
From yourgrent heart, this day
I'd givo my life!
-Sarah J. Miller.
Dress material Pupa's bank ac
count. ruck.
There aro altogether too many other
people in tho world. Puck.
Conscious luck of physical power
keeps many men out of trouble. :
Bhn doesn't want the newest fad,
And for it has no placet
For tho very latest wrinkle
She fouud upon her fifw.
New York Herald.
Monoy talks, but it doesn't wasto
many words on tho impcounious.
We sometimes rray for moro graco
whon what we need is moro grit,
Philadelphia Bulletin.
' When it comes to choosing the least
of two ovils wo generally choose the
ono we liko best, Puck.
"Did he carry his audience with
him?" "Yes; they chased him fivo
blocks." Chicago Kecord.
The man who has musio in his soul
should bo careful to keep it there un
less he is dead eur about his voice
Puck. ...
"Spacer is sending in a good story
of that fire," remarked the night
editor. "Yes," said tho telecrrauh
editor; "it's hot stuff." Puck.
"Undo Tom, what isoxecutivo abil
ity?" "It's knowing how to mako
other people work without doing any
thing yoursolf." Chicago Bccord.
Though death may love n shining mark,
As wn have heard full oft,
Young Cupid much prefers tho klul
Wo desiguute as soft.
Dulrolt News.
Teachor "What is taxidermy!"
Johnnie "I guess I know, tencher."
Teacher "Well, Johnnie." Johnnio
"It's putting down carpets."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
It is not the proper thing to say that
a man will make a good husband. It
is tho wife whe makes the good bus
baud. Tho bad ones only are the self
made article. Boston Transcript.
'Tompkins, do you think a mascot
is any help in learning to rido a
wheel." "Well, thcro aro times when
tho prc3euco of a feather pillow
doesn't go so bad." Chicago Record.
When she refused to marry mo
Hue promised she would b i my sisler;
Yet she was mad us mad could be
When, with fraternal haste. I kissed her, "
Now York Tri'suuo.
.Ho "You should not worry bo
muoh about dress. Set your mind ou
higher things." She "I had sot my
miud ou highor things thau you soom
willing to buy for mo." ludiauapolis
"The trees are leaving," remarked
Mrs. Suaggs. "Nevertheless, they nro
not packiug their truuks," replied Mr.
Suaggs, who objected to his wife's
ooiuod verb. Pittsburg Chronicle
Telegraph. "Marry that that " Sho hesi
tated. No word seemed strong
euough to adequately express her con
tempt. "Why, marry that--thing?
Marry a uiau that rides a tricycle?"
Washington Evening Times.
"Abbott wai telliug that lie about
his fish that wound the lino about
his bout aud nearly drowned him "
"But it happens that story is true,
though Abbott bus told itso often that
he does not believe it himself."
Indianapolis Journal.
A Trick Willi a Key.
A Mr. Foster is reported to bo nn
"amoosiu' cuss' who makes fun for
himself uud mystifies other pooplo.
Ho wus iu a Cincinnati electric car tho
other duy aud everything wus quiet.
Mr. Foster drew from his pocket it
bunch of keys, aud selecting oue, a
small steel oue, ho slipped it off tho
riug aud laid it ou tho tloor of the cur
directly over tho motor. When tho
current of electricity oiruck the key
it raised up until it stood perpendicu
larly ; then, us the current bcuumo
Htrougcr uud lighter by turns, the key
begun to perform very Btruugo gyra
tions, bobbing up uud down aud jump
ing around. Every eye iu the cur hud
beeu upon Mr. Foster while he was
preparing for his experiment, uud tho
uurprito thut was elicited upou tho
couuteuuuees of that ear load of peo
ple wheu tho gyrutious commenced
was laughable iu tho extreme, uud Mr.
Foster enjoyed it more thuu auy ouj
else. Electrical Review.
To Decipher a Blurred foiu's Date,
To read uu iuseiiptiou ou a silver
coin w hich, by much wear, has become
wholly obliterted, put the poker iu
the tire ; w hen red hot p!ueu tho coin
npouit, uud tho iuscriptioiiwill pluiu
ly appear of a grcouUU hue, but will
disappear as the culu coois. TLis
method was formerly pr icticcd ut llu
uiiut to discover tho genuine, com
wheu silver wus culled in.