The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 27, 1896, Image 3

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liuraenH. R, M. Herman.
Vounctlmen. J. II. Osgood J. D. Davis,
F. H. Lansnn, Joseph Morgan, O. F.
vroaver. b. itzgorald, Wm. Hmoar-
baugh, R. . Crawford, L. I), ISowman,
J. 1). W. Rock, O. V. Fropor.
JuHteen vf the Peace U, A. Randall, S.
Countable H. 8. Canfiold.
(Collector J. II. Clark.
Ni-hooC Directors (i. W. Iloloinan. L.
J. Hopkins L. Agnew, W. A. Oroyo, (.L
vmiuunuil, o. J. OCOWUCn.
Member of Congress Wm. C. AnNor.n.
Member nf NennteVftt, II. UriiK,
Assembly J. K. Whnk.
President Judge Cil AIU.KS II. Notes.
Xoriac Judge Jos. A. Nash, A.
J. Mchav,
Tr -usurer Janki H. Fours.
lrothonntary, Itegister & Recorder, Se. M. A rn br.
Sheriff: Johk T. Carson.
CbmmiMtonerA W. A. Connely, Pk-
TRR Youhok, W. M. Coon.
County VupenntntVn Ahnrh Kerr.
District Attorney P. M. Clark.
Jury Commissioners J. D. Carpkn
tkh, Uko. Zukkdki,,
Vnnnty Surveyor J. F. PRor-RR.
Coroner Dr. J. W. Morrow.
County Auditors M. K. Abbott,
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May,
Last Monday of August.
Tlilrd Monday of Novombor,
A Moots every Tuosday evening, in Odd
Follows' Hall, Partridge building.
INmKST LODGE, No. 184. A. O. U. W.,
I Meets every Friday evening in A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tion'oHta,
A.O. U. W.,
v S. of A., meets every (Saturday eve
ning in A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionesta.
O. A, R. Moot 1st and 3d Wednes
day evening In each month, in Odd Fel
lows, nan, xionosia.
V 137. W. It. C. jneots first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in A
O. U. W. hall, Tlonesta, Pa.
K. o. T.
1 M... meets 2ml and 4th Wednesday
i.. i. i.. a f n w
tivtillll 111 cn:n miMivii lit -
hall Tionesta, Pa.
o. u. w,
and District Attorney. Ollleo, cor. oi
lm and Uridire Streets. Tionesta. Pa.
Also agent for a number of reliable
Fire Insurance Companies.
Tionesta, Pa.
Phvsician. Surgoon A Druggist,
PhvHlcian. Surireon A Dentist.
Olllce and Residence throe doors north
of Hotel Agnew, Tionenta. Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours.
D. BOWMAN, M. I).,
Physician A surgeon.
Office in building formerly occupied by
l .r ..I.. ..!!
IT. lanUll. Vvtll I ll UlllJtblJT I Dr.M,iiu,,
night or day. Residence opposite Hotel
XI L. AGNEW, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly the Lawrence
House, has undergone a oomplote change,
and is now iuriiiKhed with all the mod
er:i improvements. Heated and lighted
lltroilKHUUl Willi iittiurui kim, unuiiuuuis,
hot aud cold water, etc. The comforts of
guests never nogloctod.
KJ C. F. W EAVER, Proprietor.
Tionsela. Pa. This is the most centrally
located hotel in tho place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
ulace fori the traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
l1 Wost Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Bonder. Proprietor. This hotel
has but recently boon completed, is nice
ly furnished throughout, and offors the
finest and most comfortable accommoda
tions to guests aud the traveling public.
Kates reasonable.
Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts., Tionesta,
Pa., Bank of Discount and Deposit. In
terest allowod on Time Denosils. Collec
tions uiado on all the Principal points of
the U. 8. Collections solicited.
SIiod ill Walters building. Cor. Elm
and Walnut streets. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from tho finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion if won to monding, and prices .
and Jeweler or 25 years' experience
prepared to do all work iu his line
short notice and at reasonable prices.
Alwavs iruuraiitoes satisfaction, watch
es. Jewelry, Ac, ordered for parties at
tlin lowest noHsilile lliriire. N ill be to
in tho buildinir next to Koeley Club
Manufacturer of aud Doaler in
And all kinds of
Fred. Grcttcnbcrgor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General lilacKBiuiiuingproiiioi
I it .Linn ut Ijiw Itutcs. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
wutiMtiii-itnii iruaranleeil.
slum in rear of and lust west of the
Shaw Houso, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
1. 1 HASLET & SONS.,
Furniture Dealers,
rwz. urt mt
A f f t m
I reprosent the oldest, strongest, and
host Insurance Companies in the Unitod
Poods, Bonds. Mortiragos. Leases.Wills.
Powers of Attorney, Articles of Agree
ment, and ail other legal instruments r f
writing, drawn with accuracy Bnd dis
patch. Titles examined and "Briefs"
and loans negotiated. Farms and wild
lands, houses and lots for sale or rent.
Registers of Property for sale or to lot,
open to the inspection of those Interested.
Particular attention paid to the collection
of rents. Interest, etc. Also to the proper
assessment of lands and payment of
taxes, Probating accounts, acknowledg
ment or deous, ana depositions taken.
Church ssd ftabbnth Hrhool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
in. : M. E. Sabbath School at io:uu a. rn,
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening bv Kov. w. w. uaio.
Preaching in the F. M. Chnrch every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
P. K. G ass. Pastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
every Habhatn morning and evening.
ltev. J. V. McAninch otnciatlng.
Oil market, $1.10.
Mr. J. W. Green of Sugar Run,
is visiting Tioneita friends.
Ice cream by tho gallon at $1.00
for Memorial day, Kircharlz Bros. It
The band is practicing, and will
civo us some nice music for Memorial
'Geue Gorman and son Clyde, of
TT.i UiUnro ..tin Tinnonia
friends Satnr.lav.
Miss Agnes Normile, of Cleve
land, Ohio, is tbe guest of her cousiu,
Miss Maude Breiinao.
Miss Daisy Strong, of Tidioute,
is visiting ber mend, jmibs iua
Clark, for a few days.
Joseph btubler, of Oil City, is
the guest of bis brother-in-law, C. F.
Weaver, at the Central House.
E. A. Watson and J. Scott Bell,
of Marienville, were business visitors
to the county seat one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bruner of
West Hickory were down to spend
Sunday with the latter' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Caofield.
Rev. Jss. T. Breunan is in Pitts
burg as a delegate to the Natinual
Prohibition convention iu session io
that city this week.
Hickory township is about to
, . , -
erect a township house, and
will re-
ceive bids for doiug the work, as
notice in this issue.
W. C. T. U. will hold another of
their popular parlor meetings on
Tuesday evening, June 9th, at the
borne of W. G. Wyraan.
-Mrs. Alic6 Vought represented
Lenora Lodge, D. of R., of this
place, at the State Grand Lodge
meeting in Pittsburg last week.
Mrs. Hazeltine, Conf. Seo of the
W. F. M. Sooiety, will speak on Mis
sions in the Al. lu. tJuurch Monday
evening, June 1st, at 8 o'clock.
Farmers all know wool is cheap,
and everyone knows wool must be
cheap or Lausoo could not sell all
wool suits at the price they are mark
ed. It.
Summer goods, trimmings, and
everything that goes to make up the
warm weather outfit. Very best at
lowest figures. Lawrence A Smear
baugh. It
Bruce Clark, a graduate of the
Tionesta station, has been ordered to
go on duty at Broctou, one of the
important stations of the V. N. Y.
A P. road.
Very few rattle-snakes have been
killed hereabouts this year, but the
season is young, and there is no use
dispairing till you see what August
will develops.
Mrs. S. S. Canfield returned
home from Titusville on Saturday,
fler eudig the fuDerftl of her
step-father, Mr. James Conley, who
died from old age.
Mies Florence Kiser will give a
social at her borne, German Hill,
Saturday evening, May 30, for the
benefit of the Lutheran Church. All
are cordially invited.
J. t. Cottle or Marieuville was
in atteudance at court this week, and
while in town called at the Republi
can office and bad his name placed
on the subscription list.
Dr. S. S. Towler, of Marienville,
was here to-day on bis way home
from Harrisburg, wbero be has been
attending tbe State Medical Conven
tion. Kane Republican.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Morgan
drove over from Grand Valley Mon
day and remained at home over
night. They expect to again take up
their residence here after next week.
Hardenhurg A Erb have put io
a gas engine to pump their well on
the Hawthorne tract below Trunkey
ville. Thej will start the drill io
their No. 2 well the first of the Week.
Ndioute News.
me many menus oi hits, o. r.
Overlahder will be greatly pleased to
learn that she has taken a decided
turn for the better within the past
day or two, and there are good hopes
of her ultimate recovery.
The Children's Aid Society of
Tionesta, at their last meeting, elec
ted Mrs. Kate B.Craig delegate, with
Mrs. C. A. Randall as alternate, to
the State convention, which meets at
Clearfield, Pa.. June 4th.
The telephone linemen are here
this week stringing the wires and mak
ing connections. It is probable the
exchange will be in operation and
conversation going on among the sub
scribers within the next ten days.
Dr. J. W. Morrow was elected
at the recent meeting of the State
medical association, as one of the
Pennsylvania delegates to the meet
ing of the Datiooal association which
takes place next year iu Philadel
Rev. Wm. Richards delivered a
very interesting aud eloquent Memo
rial discourse at the Presbyterian
church last Sabbath, which was lis
tened to by a largo congregation, a
large part of which were veterans of
the late war.
Mr. Isaac Long of Newrnaus
ville passed through town Saturday
ou his return from Warren, whither
he had been called by the serious ill
ness of the late Justice Shawkey.
He was present when Mr. Shawkey
breathed bis last.
The Cook, Haight A Agnew
well, opposite the mouth of Fools
Creek, Howe township, opened about
teD days f 18 008 of the finest yet
truck ln lhat territory, and is an in-
o'cauon mat a very extensive field
may be developed there this season
The many friends of Mrs. F. E.
Metcalf, of Stewarts Run, will be
greatly pained to learn that she is
lying very seriously ill at ber home.
It is sincerely hoped that her condi
tion may take a turn for tbe better,
and that she may soon be on a fair
way to recovery.
Dr. A. Preston Steele, of this
city, will be married on Wednesday,
June 3d, at Greenville, Pa., to Miss
Eliza J. Paden, of that place. Tbe
groom, with bis bride, will return
here about June 20th and will make
their home at Hotel Brunswick.
Titusville Review.
The Oil City Blizzard was four
teen years old last week, and still
snows no signs or having spent its
fury, like some of its western name
sakes. The Blizzard gathers strength
and vigor with each succeeding year,
and wherever it goes it is as welcome
as the flowers of May.
It is said that General Weyler
ha8 Put a stop to the exportation o
tobacco from Cuba. This being the
case Havana cigars will be a rarity
for a time, but as about everybody in
these parts is content with a four-fer
tobey now-a-days, there will be little
wailing over Weyler'g embargo.
-Invitations are issued for the
"econd annual reunion nf the Siggins
Family, to be held in Brokeustraw
Park, Irvineton, Wednesday, Jane
24th. Nearly three hundred of the
relatives gathered there last year, the
occasion of the first reuoion, and
very delightful time was had.
much larger representation is ex pec
ted this year.
Mr. Murray Nash, of Watson
Farm, this county, would like in
lormaiion cooceruing a bay mare
which recently strayed away from his
premises. She wesghs about 1,100
pounds, is of a fine round build, bad
a little sore on back caused by liar
ness, aud favors the right hiud foot
little. Information leading to her
return to' the owner will be suitably
rewarded. Address, Murray Nanh
Waison Farm, Forest Co., Pa.
Tidioute Awes.- Rev. J. E. Ilil
lard was up from East Hickory Tues
day. Miss liilleu Clarke spent
Sunday with Mrs. N. P. Wbeoler at
Hickory. Miss Mary Ailioger aud
the twiDS Roy and Rex Wheeler,
came up for tbe day Monday
Rev. S. F. Marks and Jos. Martin
were down at Wheeler it Dusenbury'i
mills Tuesday evening, and assisted
iu tbe organization of the new Pres
byteriau church there.
There is seurcely a newspaper in
the country but what has sotuethiug
to say about tho cheapness of pota
toes on tbe market. In fact they are
a drug; caunot be disposed of at any
price. It is a matter greatly to be
regretted, as it will have a tendency
to restrain farmers from planting the
usual quantity this season, and tbe
consequence will be that next spring
they will be as correspondingly hig
as they are low in price this season
Farmers should plant the usual quau
tity as the yield may uot be so proli
fio as it was last year. McKean
Count i) Miner.
The Kiltanning Free Press is
very much improved aud enlarged,
and has adopted the quarto style of
make-up. The word "Union" has
been dropped from the title of the
paper and the name of the city,
"Kittanning" substituted. It is
pleasant to note this evidence of pros
perity in our staunch old neighbor.
Notice the ads. of Tioncsta's new
National Banks in this issue. There
no reraoo why these two institutions
should not have the liberal patronage
of the people of Forest county, for
they are both doing business on safe
nd honorable banking principles and
will give their customers all the ben
efits consistent therewith. Patronize
borne institutions.
Work on tho new road above
Tubbs Run is progressing favorably,
with a crew of about a dozen men,
three teams being also kept busy
most of the time. It is expected to
have the lower end, about 100 rods,
ready tor travel this week, and as
this is much the most difficult part of
the road to build the upper section
will be carried rapidly through to
Albert Fox, Esq., a brother of
the late Charles J. Fox, of Foxcreek,
this county, died at his home in
Frewsburg, N. Y., on Monday of last
week. when a young man, he was
convinced that Spiritualism is true
while attending the seances conduc
ted by the Fox sisterB in their home,
and remained a strong advocate of
that belief till his death. It may be
nteresting to note that bis father was
ship builder, and built tbe boat
used by Perry in his victory on Lake
Next Saturday will be Memorial
Day, when comrades and people will
gather at the cemeteries to commem
orate their love and esteem for tbe
brave boys who wore the Union blue,
and have since answered to the final
roll-call. A complete program of the
exercises of htow Post is published
this week and will be carried out to
the letter. Business in the town will
no doubt be practically suspended
during the greater portion of the day,
and there will doubtless be a large
attendance at the ceremonies.
The Republican bad a ho6t of
pleasant callers this week, among
whom were the following: John M.
Zuendel, Kingsley twp,; Constable
rrank Williams of Clarington; 11.
Kiser, Jonathan Albaugb and R. L.
W hittier, Hickory twp : U. A. Co
vert and J. II. Robertson, tho popu
lar Republinan nominee for Prothon-
otary, of Marienville; J. M. Dunkle
and Alex Van Home of Howe twp.;
Judge McCray of Jenks; A. C. Bea
son and John Shaw of Kellettville ;
S. M. Whitmer, West Hickory.
Tbe Forest County Agricultural
Society met at tbe court house last
evening, as per call of the President.
A goodly number of farmers and
others was present and the meeting was
a success. Mr. J. Albaueh, Rec. Sec'y,
was electod corresponding secretary
io, and Mr. II. W. Ledehur, of
Green, treasurer. A constitution
was adopted and the roll book being
prepared upward of thirty gentlemen
enrolled themselves as members of
the society. Several very interesting
questions were discussed in a spirited
manner, aud it was 10:30 o'clock be-
to re the meeting adiourned. It was
resolved that the society again meet
on Tuesday evening of August court,
to apopl by-laws and transact other
business. Tbe society is now in good
working order, and it is hoped that
by another year Forest county will be
holding an agricultural fair that will
be second to none in this section.
The organization of a new Pres
byterian church at Stowtowo, was ef
fected on Tuesday evening of last
week, tbe committee cousistiug of
Rev. J. V. McAuinch of Tionesta,
and Rev. Mr. Cornelius of Oil City,
with Elders A. B. Kelly of Tiouesla,
and Geo. W. Parker of Oil City.
Messrs. N. P. Wheeler and Geo. W.
Warden were elected ruling elders ol
the new church, which has been
named "The Presbyterian Church of
Endeavor." It has a membership of
twenty-eight, seven of wbou were re
ceived by letter from the Tidioute
Presbyterian church. This is a wou
derlul membership for a new church
io a towu of that size, aud must cer
tainly be very encouraging to the
faithful workers who have been in
strumental in bringing about the new
organization. The young church
hopes to secure the services of Rev.
Mr. McAoiucb for a part of the time
until a regular pastor can be install
ed. Forest County Veterans Association.
Agreeable to the call of the Presi
dent, I). 8. Knox, the Executive
Committee of this association met iu
S. D. Irwin's ofllce ou Monday even
ing of this week. The place of hold
ing the first reunion was the first bus
iness of importance. Tionestn, Ma
rienville aud East Hickory bid for
tbe honor. After a spirited, yet very
friendly pull among the .Committee,
the prize was carried off in favor of
Marieuville, and Thursday, Aug. 23,
was the time et for the first gather
ing of this meritorious organization.
Marienville will heartily welcome her
guests in that marked and patriotio
spirit so well known to be of Marien
ville. We congratulate her on the
honor she has won. Other minor
business was transacted before ad
journing. The organization is now a
Buy your clothing where you
have the btst assortment and ran get
the best, one price to all, and where
everything is new, and guaranteed
satisfactory. Miles & Armstrong. It
A specialty on shoes. Come and
see. Lawrence A Suiearbaugh It
Death of Juslls Shawkey.
Justis Shawkey, died at Warren,
Pa., Saturday. May 23. 18!H at 8
o'clock A. m , of a complication of
He was born September 1-3. 1837.
Until within the lust seven or eight
years tho most of his life was spent iu
Clarion and Forest counties, this
State. At one time he resided at
Shippcn's, in tbe old part of this
county, and run and slocked the mill
there for Edward Shippen Sr. This
was in the early (() s. Afterward he
was a resident of Clariou county for
a short time, beiug engaged there in
the lumber business. Then agein be
became a resident of Forest county,
living at Clarington. From tbere he
moved to the mouth of Maple Creek,
a mile below, ou the Clarion, where
he had a job of stocking and running
the Maple Creek sawmill for Frank
lin A Co , the owners, of Pittsburg,
Pa. After his contract had expired
he engaged in farming for some time,
and in 1875 was elected to tbe office
of SherifTof Forest county, and re
moved to Tionesta. In 1878 he was
elected tj the office of Prothonotary,
Recorder, Ac, and was re-elected to
this office in 1881. He became a res-
dent of Kellettville not lone afier
this, where be had a contract of stock
ing the Salmon Creek Lumber Mills,
aud where he engaged in the mercan
tile business for a lime. Then he re
turned to Tionesta, and from here he
weut to Phillipsburg, Kansas, where
he had purchased a farm previously,
and engaged in farming tbere. In
1800 be cume back to Tionesta and
engaged in the hotel business io the
Lawrence house in the borough. In
1893 he sold the property here and
went to Warren, where be has since
His health for some years past had
not bceu good, and during tbe past
year had been very poor. Iu March
last he weut to Mt Clemeus, Michi
gan, for treatment and came back af
ter a six weeks' stay there, better io
some ways, but much worse iu other
respects. From this time he failed
very rapidly, aud died as above
There survive him his wife, Mrs.
B. W. Shawkey, aud the following
children : C. M. Shawkey, of Cincin
nati, O ; Mrs. J. E Hillard ol East
Hickory; Ellis C, Miuuie A., Harry
1'., Wilbur E., and Warren aud
Florence, the two younger all of
Warren, Pa.
Ilia parents were of the Lutheran
Church, aud iu that faith and its
good By stem of morals he was brought
up. To be briel and to put much iu
few words he was a man ot character,
moral and upright in his relations
with all men, a good man, a good
citizen, and an efficient aud deserva
bly popular official when he held of
fice. In bis life-time he bad bad em
ployed to work for him at various
times a great many men, and one of
the best evidences of his square deal
ing with men is the regard in which
his employes always held him.
At the time of his death he was a
member of the First M. E. Church of
Warren, Pa., with which be had unit
ed some time since.
The funerul services were conduct
ed by Rev. T. M Thoburn of Grace
church. Warren, Pa , in absence of
his pastor, Rev. Dr. Kummer. The
body was buried in Oakland ceme
tery. Court Minutes.
Court convened at 2 p. m., Monday,
with Judge Noyes, aud associates
Nash and McCray ou the bench.
After the coustables had made their
returus, Judge Noyes charged the
grand jury, of which John H. Rob
ertsou was made Foreman.
Up to the hour of makiog this re
port none of the criminal business
had been finally disposed of except
ing that of Commonwealth vs. Perry
Salsgiver, who plead guilty to the
charge of adultery, an dwas sentenced
(b pay a fine of 8100, costs of prose
cution and undergo an imprisonment
in the couutyjail of six months, to be
computed from the date of his first
incarceration, which was on March
11th, last.
The two first cases on the civil list,
known as tbe Wat-rhouse eases, were
Case of W. J. Knupp aud W. I.
Buchop vs. A. J. aud M. S. Carnahan
aud J. B. Siggins was tried yesterday
and verdict rendered for plaintiff for
$li)0, with points of law reserved by
the court.
The Grand Jury finished its busi
nets and was discharged shortly af
ternoon yesterday. Its report is as
follows :
The grand inquest of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, inquiring for
the County of Forest, in all matters
relating to the same, ('o respectfully
report: That they have acted upon
four bills of indictment of which
four were found true bills. We beg
leave to further report: That we
have visited aud inspected the Coun
ty buildings and find them iu good
repair. Wo recommend that the
Commissioners furnish a table for
each cell suitable for eating aud
wiiting upon ; also a new pump and
the well put iu proper repair at the
jail. Also that the stalls iu the baru
be repaired. We further report that
the bridge at Kellettville is unsafe.
We also recommend that the road
behind the depot be cleared of logs
and ties which uiw obstruct the high
way in Tionesta township.
We respectfully tender nur thanks
to the Honorablo Judges and Dis
trict Attorney for their courtesy and
assistance rendered us during our de
liberations. J. H. KoiiKitrsoN,
May 1'Silli. Foreman.
A1 I aiiMiuN.
We are selling lots of it because
the people are just he giniiint; to ap
preciate it. F. S. flour, 1 05 per
sack. It
W. H. Johnson and family departed on
Saturday for their future homo at Johns
town. Mr. Johnson, In company with
Cecil Oroce, of Marienvillo, purchased a
5,000 acre tract nfhomlock and hardwood
timber land, situated about 14 miles
above Johnstown. They will peel 1,000
cords of bark this year and they are soon
to erect a mill to manufacture their tim
ber. Mr. Johnson aud family will be
greatly missed by their many friends ln
this vicinity.
Isaac Thorton was in town on business
a few days last week.
The woods fire destroyed considerable
of tho plank road and burned two
bridges foi tho I'enu Tanning Co., on
last Saturday at 2-mile ; also tha 2-milo
dam for the Salmon Clock Lumber Co.
W. J. Collingwood has taken a job to
peel 200 cords of bark that was burned
over last weok.
A. L. Wellor has purchased new
team of dappled grays.
The young people mot at O. S. Cope
land's on Friday evening and enjoyed
themselves in dancing and other amuse
ments. Capt. James I. Rogers, of Ohio, the
genial gentleman who acted as Second
Captain on "An Ohio Trip," this spring,
was circulating among his many friends
the latter part of last week.
Miss CoraCatlin and Wm. Pufllnburg
wero down from Cooper Tract on Satur
day. L. J. Catlin is home for a few days
from Fool's Creek, whore ho is employed
as driller for Capt. Haight.
Harry Smith has moved his family to
Nebraska whore he has secured Bteady
employment with L. Cook.
E. E. Morrison, of tho firm of Morri
son Bros., of West Hickory, was in town
a few days last weok.
Will Walks.
A Chester girl has for Ave years chewed
collee as habitually as any man ever did
Ex-United States Sonator William A.
Wallace, of Clearfield, died at 7:2f a. in.,
May 22, in New York city, where a short
time aao he was taken with an illness
which soemed to assume a fatal form at
tho start. The funeral took place at his
home in Clearfield yestorday.
The Philadelphia A Erie Railroad is
having a fast meat run oast evory Tues
day night. The meat is for export and
the running time over tho Western Di
vision, ninety-six miles iu length, Is two
hours and forty minutes. The train has
from twelve in eighteen cars of meat.
The lecturer inquired dramatically -.
Can any one in this room tell me of a
perfect man ?" There was a dead silence
Has any one," ho continued, "heard of
a perfect woman?" Then a patient-look
ing little woman in a black dress rose up
at the back of the auditorium and an
swered: "There was one. I've often
heard of her. but she's dead now. She
was my husband's first wife."
As a W. N. Y. K. P. freight train was
proceeding on its way up the river, Fri
day, tho engineer aud fireman noticed
a big fat black squirrel scamper up a tel
egraph pole, by the side of the track, aud
after the locomotive had passed the
squirrel hopped down upon the top of
no of the cars and deliberately trotted
along back on tho fct-hoords until the
caboose was reached, when hejumped to
tho ground aud wont on his way rejoic
ing. Tho state medical council has rescinded
its rulo, accepting licenses from the New
York state board of medical examiners.
Physicians and surgeons who-come into
Pennsylvania hereafter from New York
to practice will be required to pass an
examination bofore tho state medical ex
amining boards anil the saino as those
from other states and graduates frosh
from medical and surgical colleges. The
New York examiners refuso to accept tho
licenses issued by the Pennsylvania
council and this is a retaliatory move ou
the part of tho latter.
John Lynch, one of the old-time oil
men of this section, took a party of 30
friends to Pithole yesterday. As the ma
jority of the party had beeu employed on
wells in or near Pithole, when it was one
of tho big towns in this neighborhood,
there were many pleasant reminiscences
exchanged. They ato luncheon on the
site of the famous United States well,
hunted snakes on some of tho principal
streets and picked (lowers iu places that
were at one time covered with palatial
hotels or business houses. It was uot
exactly a Rip Van Wiukle party, but
some of tho parly realized that they were
not so young as they had been. Derrick.
Forest fires, iu connection with the
high winds Sunday, did considerable
damage aud caused much trouble for the
farmers in Triumph and Deerlieki town
ships. Mrs. Ilonj. tioorge'a dwelling
house iu Triumph was burned with all
its contents. Mrs. George was alone at
homo and wo understand not a thing was
saved, and the Ions falls quite heavily ou
her. Iu Deerlield at tho uamo time tho
barn of Mrs. Joe A. Thompson was
burned, together with all her farming
implements, consisting of a rake, mow
ing machine, wagon, carriage, etc. It
was a complete loss, lioth these build
ings stood in holds away from the woods
aud wero supposed to lie safe, but the
wind carried sparks to them and beforj
help could be secured they were burned.
Other farmers had hard work to save
their property. Ou Triumph Hill Clias.
Peterson lost all his fences and some
wood, and on Campbell Hill we are told
J. V, Kearney lost his funcos. The lire
was finally gotten under control ou Mon
day. Tidioute News.
Kepler Block, corner,
cheapest place to buy goods
is the
Now as to shoes, we are just
where wu always were, at the bead of
the procession as to style, variety,
quality and quantity. But we have
uo "baits" to oiler. Cume yourself
or send your child, tho price is all tlm
same, but its below all others when
quality is considered. Eawreuce A
Suiearbaugh. It
New suits this week at Miles A
Armstrong's. 20tb Ceutury
MooltE- II KASI.KY On May 12. lK'.Ni,
by Kev. hatid Su-i-le. Charles Moore
oi' Clarington, Pa , and Miss Lydia P.
llea-slcy oi Tyli-rsburg, Pa.
EMiSTIH LM I.I N 111' 111! At Pig
May Dili, by J. W. Illaek, J. P., Mr.
Fit-1 Einsiroiu and Miss Eva Linhurg,
both ol Lynch, Forest county, Pa.
Of the Deputy and Acting Comptroller of
tun currency, Onn. M. Collin, author
izing The Citizens' National llnnk of
Tionesta, to begin tho business of
CoMrrrtoi.r.FR ok tub Ct'rrrucy,
Wasiusoto.n May 11th.
Wherkas, by satisfactory evidence.
presented to the undersigned. It has been
made to appear that the Citizens' Nation
al Hank of Tionesta, In the Itorougli of
Tionesta, in the County of Forest, and
State of Pennsylvania, has complied with
all the provisions of the statutes of the
Unitou States, room red to be complied
with before an association shall be
atithorizodto commence the business of
Now Thkhkkohk., I, (ir.o. M. Cop-
kin, Deputy and Acting Comptrol
ler of tho Currencv. do hereby
certify that the Citizons' Nation
al Dank of Tionevta, in tho liorough
of Tionesta, in tho County of For
est, and Slate of Pennsylvania, is author
ized to commence tho business of bank
ing, as provided in Section Fifty-one
hundred and Sixty-nine of tho Kevlsod
Statute of the United States.
In Testimony Wherkok, Witness my
hand and seal of olliee, this eleventh
day of May, is;m.
GEO. M. COFFIN, seal.
Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the
Currency. No. 5040.
Of tho Comptroller of the Currency, J.
H. Eckels, authorizing Tho Forest
County National Hank of Tionesta, to
begin the business of Ranking.
Trf.asttry Department, '
Office of the
Comptroller op the Currency.
Washington, April 25th, 18W1.
Whereas, by satisfactory evidence,
presented to the undersigned, it has been
made to appear that the Forest County
National Hank of Tionesta, In the
ough of Tionesta, in theCountyof For
and Stato of Pennsyvania, has complied '
with all the provisions of the statutes of
the United States, required to be corn
plied with bofore an association shall be
authorized to commence the business of
Hanking ;
Now Therefore, I, James II. Eck
els, Comptroller of the Currency, do
hereby certify that tho Forest County
National Hatiic of Tionesta, in the Bor
ough of Tionesta, in theCountyof Forest,
and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized
to commence tho business of Hanking, as
provided in Section Fifty-oue hundred
and Sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes, ot
the United States.
IN Testimony hereof Witness my
hand and seal of office, this twenty-fifth
day of April, 1M(M5.
No. 50iW. Comptroller of tho Currency.
Wishos to Inform the public
that he is permanently located
near the W. N.iY. A P. Depot,
with a full line of
And is prepared to keep
anything wanted in the line
of Groceries. Prices as low
as the lowest. Goods deli v
ei ed froe of charge.
FOR '96.
Will handle the following high class
wheels during this season I
1 tumbler
f 75.
t 50.
$ 50.
f 80.
(11 00.
J 100.
i UK).
t 50.
of all the above makes. Catalogues ou
application. Second hand wheels in
stock aud wheels taken in exchange.
Repairing prompty done. Call ou us be
fore purchasing.
New Feed Store
in Tionesta.
has just opened a new food
store in the Barnett Build
ing and keeps on hand
a good sized stock of
Iu fact everything in that line, which
he proposes to sell nt the lowest
possible iiiai'iu. Customers will receive
lair treatment and prompt attention.
When iu need call.
Tiuueata, Pa,