The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 29, 1896, Image 3

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RnrgeM. It. M. Ilorinnn.
Omneilmen J. H. Osgood J. I. Davis,
F. K. Lanson, Joseph Morgan," CT. F.
Weaver. 8. Fitzgerald, Win. Smear
nBitgh, R. U. Crawlurd, L. I). Hnwman,
J. 1). W. Hock, O. W. Propor.
Justices uf the Peace V. A. Randall, 8.
J. Notloy. '
Constable S. H. Canfleld.
Collector 3. R. Chirk.
' (Svhool Director O. W. ltnlnnmn T.
J. Hopkins L. Agnew, W. A. Groyo, U.
Jamioson, J. C. Soowdon.
Member of Congress V, C. Annor.D.
Member of Senate Wk. II. IItdb.
Assembly J. E. WliKK.
President Judge Cii Aiu.r.s IT. Novmt,
Associate Judges Jos. A. Nash, A.
J. MoChay.
. Treasurer Jamks II. Fowks.
Prothonotary, Register & Recorder, te.
Calvin M. Arnbh.
iSheritr. John T. Carson.
Cmtni-,iint?r--W, A. CONNBLY, Pk
trr Yoij-nok, W. M. Coon.
County 'tijiperintendent Aon eh Kerr,
District Attorney P. M. Clark.
Jury Cotnmtssioners J. H. CARTKN
tkr, Gko. vkrdki,,
fXiunty Surveyor J. F. Proper.
CWonrr Pii, J.'W. Morrow.
County Auditor M. E. Aiihott, W,
L. Htro'dp, J. W. Elliott.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Ijist Monday of August.
Third Monday of Novembor.
TIONESTA LODGE, No. 309, 1.O. O. F.
Moots ovory Tuesday evening, in Odd
Fellows' Hull, I'aririuge untitling.
IXREST LODGE, No. 184, A. O. U. W.,
I Meets ovory 1" riday evening niA.O.U.
W. Hull, Tlonosta.
V S. of A., meets overy Saturday eve
ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Tlonosta.
O. A, R. Moots 1st and 3d Wednes
day evening in each month, in Odd Fel
lows, nan, nonesia.
137. W. R. C. meets first and-third
Wednesday evening of each month
ii, in
O. U. W. hall, Tlonosta, ra.
K. O. T.
' 1 'JUll I'.l I A UiiW, nw. in, ax. i
1 M., niools 2ml urn! 4th Wednesday
evening in each month in A
i. . i .1. ., al. 1 A I T t' I
O. U. W.
hall Tlonosta, pa,
and District Attornky. Olllce, cor. ol
lm and Uridgo Streets, Tionosta, Pa.
Also agont for a number of reliable
Fire Insuranoo Companies.
Tionosta, Pa.
Phvslcian. Suriroon A Druggist,
Phvslcian. Sursoon A Dentist.
Office and Hesidonce three doors north
of Hotel Agnew, Tlonenla. Professional
calls promptly rospondod to at all hours.
D. BOWMAN, M. 1).,
Phvslcian A surgeon.
TlUAlraiA, 1 A.
Oflloe In building formerly occupied by
IT. lWJIUIl. Vl!! 11JI1I1.1J loniiuuuwi k.
night or day. Resldouce opposite Hotol
XX L. AGNEW. Proprietor.
This hotol, formorly the Lawrence
House, has undergone a complotochange,
and Is now furnished with all the mod
em improvements, lloatod and lighted
thr.nnihourwlth natural gas. bathrooms.
hot and cold water, etc The comforts of
guests never neglectod.
V (J. F. WEAVER, Proprietor.
Tlonsota, Pa. This is the mostcentrally
located hotol In tho place, and has all the
modern improvements, xso pains win
bo spared to niako it a pleasant stopping
place for. the traveliug public First
Class livery in coiinuciiou.
Jacob Rondor. Propriotor. This hotol
has but rocontly been completed, Js nice-
finest and most comfortable accommoda
tions to guests and the traveliug public.
J tat os reasonable.
Cornor of Elm A Walnut Sts., Tlonesta,
Pa.. Hank of Discount and Donosit. In
terest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec
tions made on all the Principal points of
the U. S. uolleclions sonuiteu.
Shop in Walters building. Cor. Elm
and aluut streots, Is prepared to do all
uimlx of custom work Irani the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion irivon to nienuing, auu prices rea
and Jeweler of 25 years' experience, is
prepared to do all work in his line on
short notice and at reasonable prices.
Alwavs guarantees satisfaction. Watch
es, Jewelry, Ac, ordored for parties at
the lowest possible figure. Will be iound
in the building next to Koeley Club
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Fred. Grcttonborgor
All work pertaining to Machinery En-
gmes, Oil Well Jools, Uas or Water fit-
iingsauu uonerai liiacKsiniuiiiig prompi-
lv done at Low Rutes. Repairing Mill
Miicliiiierv iriveii simcinl attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
nnop in rear oi anu jusi wesi oi me
. .
Shaw Houso. Tidioute,
Your patronage solicited.
rurnituro Dealers,
flB, UTt CCI-
I represent the oldest, strongost, and
boat Insurance Companies in the Unitod
Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages. Leaaes.Wills.
Powers of Attorney, Articles of Agree
ment, and ail other local iiiBtrumontH cf
writing, drawn with accuracy and dis-
patcu. xiues oxamincu anu -jtriois"
prepared. Ground rents, mortgages,
and loans negotiated. Farms and wild
lands, houses ana lots lor sale or rent.
Registers of Property for sale or to let,
opon to the inspection of those interested.
Particular attention paid to tne collodion
of rents, interest, etc. Also to the proper
assessment of .lands and payment of
taxes. Probating accounts, acknowledg
ment of deods, and depositions takan.
Church and Sabbath School.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 0:45 a.
in. i M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Broaching in M. E. Church every Sabs
bath evening by Rev. W. W. Dalo.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
b . E. Glass, Pastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
iiov. j. v. MCAnincn omciaung.
-Oil market, (1.20.
-Miss Vionie Randall is a guest
of Mi3 Inez Brownel!, at Ludlow,
Pa., for a few days.
Sam'l Alleo Eq., one of War
ren's rising young attorneys, spent a
few hours in towu Monday.
Miss Mae Watson of Golinza, is
the guest of her friend, Misa Ijizzie
Randall, at the Rural House
The Eoooomy mill of Wheeler
& Duseobury started up Thursday
for the seasoo Tidioute News
There was quite a heavy frost in
this section' last Thursday morning,
but do material damage was done
that wa have beard of.
F. B. and J. V. CasBatt of Bar
oett township were visitors to, town
last Saturday and gave the Republi
can a pleasant call while hero
The play entitled "My Awful
Aunt," will he given at GratJga Hal),
Cropp Hill, ou the evening of May
8th, by home talent. All invited.
Bruce Clark has gone to Volf
Run, N. Y., where he will work as
night operator for a short time. Lew
Arner is working in Bruce s place at
the depot here
Another large invoice of shoes
at Lawrence &Smearbuugh's. Shoes
will be our specialty this summer,
nd we propose to sell at bottom
figures. Come and see. It
Mrs. M. Andrews, of Kellett'
ville, who was the guest of Mrs. C
M Whitflman of the West Ridfl. over
Sunday, left on Monday for a weeks
-.- , , KUH n ft ends.
Some of our exchange bave be
gun 10 iaia aooui a c ourm 01 uuiy
celebration. Good thine. Nothing
like getting into the game early and
getting up a good celebration
Ask those that use it and see if
they don't say that flour called the
"F. S." is the best they ever had in
the house. For sale at Laosun's,
$1.05 per sack. It
Geo. W. Moug, of Tiouesta
townshiD. accompanied bv his wife.
departed for Wingstoo, Ohio, yester
(Jay wuere he will be engaged iu the
I J '
oil field of that section. Good luck
to you, George.
It does not seem to be generally
known that New Castle has the lar
gest tin plate mill in the world, yet
that is the fact. It has 22 mills.
The nearest one to it is in Swansea,
Wales, which has 18 mills.
When you see a fellow with a
button on his coat label uow-a-days,
it is hard to guess whether it indi
cates his choice for President, the se
cret society he belongs to, or is a bi
cycle advertisement. Franklin News.
Friends hero of Miss Frances
Brockway have received invitations
to the commencement exercises of the
Spartansburg High School, which
take place to-morrow. Miss Brock-
way is a member of the graduating
Rev. C. C. Rumbereer of East
r-i-.i, r v. -.1.
mhuj, uu w. w.vihu. v.. , . ...
:,. p. nlB lln nn .la Hr,fir
I & 1 1
noon train Monday and went up to
-, , f . ... i i: .,j
I tnl n7. rtr tuiv (lava mnfrlinc sun
" J- o o
to visit Miss Mary Rumberger, the
teacher of the school at that place
The Bradford Medical Chewing
Gum Co. are seeking a new location,
and are ready to locale iu any town
which will guarantee to take $12,000
worth of the company's stock
Here's a chance for the new woman
to assert her lights. Subscribe for
this stock aud get an industry of
' your own, says the Kaue Republican
An interesting letter descriptive
of a lumber poddling trip on the
Ohio river, came too late for this
issue, but will be given in our next,
Rev. J. V. McAnincb is in Indi
ana county assisting his friend Rev.
Mr. Bell in a series of meetings. His
pulpU here will be 611ed next Sab
bath by Rev. Win. Richards.
Miles A Armstrong have moved
into the large corner store-room of
Kepler block, where they are hand
somely fixed for waiting on their cus
tomers. Drop in and see them.
Don't you need a new hat? If
so, buy where you can buy a good
hat at just a little over half the price
of other dealers, at Lanson's, of
course. It
The Free Methedists will hold
quarterly meeting services at New-
mansville, Pa., beginning May 8th,
18!)6, and continuing over the Sab
bath. Rev. D. B. Tobey, D. E., will
have charge ot the meeting. A cor
dial invitation to all. F. E. Glass.
P. C.
Spring gardening has started in
for sure and "green stuff" can al
ready be seen sprouting through the
ground in quite a number of gardens
If "Jack Frost" will only keep bis
bands off, there is no doubt but that
we will have abundant and early
Mrs. Annabel M. llolvey, State
superintendent of press work, will
lecture in the M. E. church, Friday
evening, May 1st, at eight o'clock.
It is to be hoped there will be a large
attendance to hear this most gifted
speaker, who comes under the aus
pices of the W. C. T. U.
"Old Glory" will be raised over
the Fleming Hill, Ilaimony twp.,
school house, next Friday, May 1st
An interesting program has been ar-
ranged, and good speakers are expected
to be present. A cordial invitation is
extended to everyone to attend and
see the grand old flag go up.
Word reaches here that the liar
denburg & Erb well, located, on the
top of the river bill about half a mile
below Trutikey ville station, is shew
ing up for a 25-barrel producer.
Glad to know the pluck of these gen
tlemen has been thus nicely rewarded,
for tbey deserve every success.
Saturday afternoon the body of
an unknown man was found floating
in the river, a short distance above
East Brady. He was a mao six feet
tall and would weigh 190 pounds
black moustache, and was well dress
ed. A copy of a Pittsburg paper of
March 17th was found in bis pocket
-Frank Amsler is goiug to move
this week into the store room that
is to be vacated by Miles & Arm
strou, but that will not prevent him
from waiting on his customers, very
long, so just bear io mind that in ad
dition to the best stock of confection
erv, cigar and tobacco iu town be
has just received a stock of fresh'ma
pie sugar and syrup. It
The parlor social given by the
ladies "of tho W. C. T. U., at the
homo of Mrs. A. B. Kelly, on
Wednesday evening laBt, was a de
cided success in every particular
The atteudance was large, the enter'
tainmcnt fine, aud the discussion of
the "woman suffrage" question
very interesting indeed. All present
enjoyed the evening's pleasure to the
fullest extent.
The directors of Forest county
will meet iu conveution at the court
house uext Tuesday afternoon to elect
a County Superintendent of schools
Up to the present time the canvass
has been quiet and nothing seems to
indicate that the convention wilt not
as quietly settle the question finally
there are about eight aspirants
for the place, all of whom are looked
upon as entirely competent to .fill
to the satisfaction of the people.
Fruit trees of all sorts are fast
blooming, aud appearances would in
dicate a good crop this season: but
we had all tho evidence last year,
when the "frost king" played havoc
with all calculations. However, the
swallows aud whippoorwills are al
ready on hand, more than two weeks
ahead uf schedule time, and when
they come there is little dauger of
much cold weather. So we live
ho es of a favorable season, not ouly
for fruit, but other crops.
Considerable animation has
sprung up aiuoug the resideuts
the north ward aud a number ot un
proveuients to properties are being
made, among which is the handsome
new steel picket fuoce iu front
the rosidouce of Prothoootary Arner
and the new sidewalk in front of
J. Hopkins residence. I he rt-si
dents along Vine and May streets
have nearly all connected their
houses with the new sewer that was
laid last summer aud the town is uow
pretty well fixed for sewers.
That's what we said, and that
what we meau. Clothiug jutt as nice
aud juBt as good at about two-third
the price of other dualcrt, at Lau
sou's, of courou. It
The borough schools close to-day
and the youngsters are happy accord
ingly. The term has been a very
successful one in all respects, the ad
vancements in each room having
been quite marked, and the present
corps of teachers has given excellent
satisfaction, if we are to judge from
almost entire absence of com
plaint from any quarter. The direc
tors have in contemplation the ad-
ition of another room which seems
an almost absolute necessity for the
next year.
The May term of court has been
changed from the third to the fourth
Monday, owing to the fact that the
third Monday conflicts with the sit
ting of the Supreme Court in Erie on
that date. We believe the change is
intended to be a permanent one.
urors drawn for the third Monday
have been set aside, and a new lift
impaneled for the fourth Monday,
which list appears in this issue. An
rgumcnt court has been fixed for
next Monday, May 4th. Those in
terested should tase nolo of these
changes and govern themselves ac
cordingly. The Military drama, "Enlisted
for the War, or the Home Guard,"
was greeted by a very large audience,
and judging from the applause, the
entertainment was hugely enjoyed by
all. The play was presented by
home talent, and considerable time
had been speut in rehearsals and ev
ery participant seemed to be thor
oughly acquainted with his part, and
it was probably the most successful
effort ever made by our home players.
No special praise can be given.
for all did wonderfully well, and
those who did not attend certainly
missed a treat. It is a pity we have
no opera house, for with a good stag
aud scenery, wo bave the talent to
produce some very good eutertaiu-
There is talk of reproducing
the play at Hickory in
the near fo
Jb . A. iieatty, passenger agent
for the N. Y., P. & O. railroad at Oil
City, and who for several years has
been located here, never lost the op
porluuity to make a friend for hit
road or himself, or lost the friend af
ter having made him, has had his tal
ents and ability signally recognized
by promotion to the responsible pns
ition of traveling passenger agent for
the Jiirie, with headquarters in
Youngstown, O. With hearty con
graduations of tho entire couimuuitv
upon his rapid rise iu bis profession,
there is mingled the regret (hat this
promotion will cause Mr. Beatty aud
his family to remove permaueullv
from Oil City. Derrick. Very
many friends in this section, who bave
had occasion to do business with the
Erie through Mr. Beatty, will join in
the general regret at his departure
and will exteud best wishes for his
future success and continued promo
Geo. Raab offers bis neat resi
dence, on Vine St. for sale at a rea
sonable figure ; nice garden- lot and
everything comfortably for a pleasant
home. Also his very desirable bus-,
ioess stand, at the corner of Bridge
aud Elm Sts. This is one of the
best business locatiouB in town, and
those who have occupied it bave al
ways enjoyed a large public patron-
ago on account of the location. For
prices and terms address Geo. Raab,
Oil City, Pa. tf
County Xcwlcts.
Joe, on Whig Hill, who has
been sick for a long time, is very low at
A son of Warren Jones, living at New
town Mills, on Saturday morning last
caught the brag trout of tho season, in
Tiouesta creek bolow the dam there. It
was KJ inches long, and Us weight was
put at 1 pounds, but of course there are
peoplo who will discount the latter ligure
mostly because they didn't catch it,
Mrs. Burns of East Hickory was taken
to Hud'alo on Monday for medical treat
ment there.
The scholars aud teacher of tho Flem
ing Hill school, assisted by tho citizens
and a detachment of Eli Rerlin Post, and
aided by speakers, among wkom are the
Catholin minister of Tidioute aud the
Methodist minister of the Hickory
chargo, will, on Friday, this week, at 12
o'clock, haul up to its proper place on a
pole already raised, aud Uiug to the
breeze, an American Hag.
The Ministerial and Layman's annual
meeting of the Franklin District of tho
M. E. Church mot at West Hickory on
Monday evening aud continued over
Tuesday, closing Tuesday evening. The
following program was carried out with
slight modifications : A. C. Ellis, of Oil
City, Trinity M. E. Church, preached on
Monday evening, Rov. Framptou not be
ing able to be present. Tho following
ministers were present: C. O.Mead I". E.,
J. C. McDonald of So. Oil City ; W. W.
Dale, Tiouesta; David Taylor, Tidioute;
W. J. liarton, Polk ; II. A. Tecta, Rouso
ville; S. 11. Torrey, Fall Claire; J. H.
Miller Franklin; C W". Miner, Titus
ville; J. E. llillard, East Hickory; A.E.
Bishop, Randolph, N. Y.
After preaching service Monday eve
ning the Communion of tho Lord's Sup
per was administered. Some laymen and
other visitors were present.
The meeting is so near tho northern
limit of the district this year that it was
dillicult for many of tho preachers to at
tend. Some, too, aro arranging to attend
the Uenerul Conference at Cleveland next
month and could not attend iu couso
(luouce. Rov, McDonald's wifo and son accom
panied him to the nieililm. Rev. Dale's
wifo was present with him.
The quest ions discus. ed ware live and
important ones, anddiscussions were animated.
Mnwlnwn., W. Warden attended the Clarion
Presbytery last week.
Herbert Taffl, whoso ankle was frac
tured somo time ago, is gelling along
Arthur Lynch Is tho happy possessor
of a now Crescent bicyelo.
Prayer meetings at Endeavor Hall ev
ery Tuesday evening aro well attended.
The topic, "Faith, llopoand Charity,"
for tho last three meetings, have been
very interesting.
Several of our young ladies roturning
on a speeder from the west side Sunday
ran into an open switch, causing a panic
for h short time, but they soon recovered
Olid returned in safety.
Mrs. S. J. Lynch'n school closed last
Anna, the youngost daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Stacey Rustler, died Monday,
April 20, 1S!K5, after a short illness, aged
about 10 yes.-s. Funeral services were
held tho 21st, conducted bv Rev. Mr.
Marks, of Tidioute, assisted by Rev. J.
E. llillard, of East Hickory.
Sho will not return, but to her thou shalt
When days are numbered and finished
below ;
And it may to thv angel child bo given
r irst to meet and to welcome her parents
to neaven.
And there reunited to part nevermore.
Ono song shall yo sing and one Savior
adore. . J.
Double Tragedy In Crawford County.
Meadvillo and Crawford county are
shuddering over the horror of a murder
and suicide. About 1:15 o'clock Thurs
day afternoon Edward Karloskind, aged
40 years, killed bis wifo, aged 2o, by
shooting her three times iu the head with
a revolver, and then killed hlmsolt by
cutting bis troat with a razor. The
tragedy occurred in their neat and pretty
homo in Vermont tp., two miles west of
Meadvillo. Karloskind and his wife
were market gardeners, and both were
good managers and thrifty. Her maiden
name was Katie Roha. Sho was Karles
kind's third wife. He had three children
by his second marriage and two by the
woman whom bo killed. Those two lit
tle ones, a boy aged six and girl aged
three,, were witnesses to the awful doods
which orphaned them.
The neighbors say the husband and
wifo did not got along well together,
Twico sho left him and went to lmr fa
ther's, but was coaxed back. Yesterday
sho put on bor best clothes, probably in
tending to return to bor futhor. Tho lit
tie boy says: "Papa didn't want her to
go, and kept saying 'you must stay at
home.' " Karleskind, although regarded
as a good citizen, was subject to violent
outbursts of to m per. It is supposed
that, seeing his wifo determined on leav
ing, ho followed hef into tho bed-room
and killed hBr. He thou wont to a cup
board, got a razor, came back and kneel
od bv tho side of his victim, and killod
Tho Cochranton Times likens the wild
catter for oil to tho follow who is drawing
to a -t-lliish you always oxpoct to get it
the next time.
. A warning to tho ropo jumpers is found
in the sad caso of Gortio Crowley, of
Clurondon, who lies in a critical condi
tion, her brain having boon affected by
excessive jumping.
Judge Beaver, of the Superior Court,
handod down an opinion on Tuesday, do
ciding tho width of a road should be
fixed by tho Quarter Sessions Court, and
not by the viewers.
The Raftsman's Journal says:
Clearfield girl wrote and sent the usuul
uuarter to find out how to whiten her
hands, and tho answer came back : 'Soak
thoin in dish water.' It tickled hor
mother more than if she had gotten
new bicyclo."
All tho peach-growing States report a
favorable outlooK lor tne crop, uie trees
coining nut of the winter in good eondi
tion and loaded with buds. Doloware
expects the largest peach harvest since
1875, and Georgia is confident that it will
have an immense crop to market.
Twenty farmers took the tails of 8,171
ground siiuirrels to the commissioners of
Kookiino countv. Wash., ono day rocen-
tlv to collect tho bounty of one cent per
tail. Owe man had l,:i:!4 squirrel tails,
and another l,0rri. All tho squirrels wore
killed iu one district, where they are so
thick as to almost make the farmers de
spair of making any prolit by their crops.
Western papers have recently boon
publishing astonishing accounts of a
mineral spring discovered in Colorado.
Every woman who drinks of the pink
wator, that Hows from the spring, is said
to become dumb for a period of liuio ex
tending from threo to six months.
Wives who mav be importuned by their
husbands to "take a trip to Colorado
should make a note of this, and act ac
cordingly. Blizzard.
A Hook to Buy. Wkiintku's Inter
national Dictionary. This new book
is tho authentic, copyrighted "Unabridg
ed" thoroughly revised and enlarged un
der tho supervision of Noah Porter, 1).
r., LL. I)., of Yalo University. Editor
ial work on tlio revision hits been in ac
tive progress for over ten years, aud
inoro than a hundred paid litorary work
ers have been engaged upon it. The aunt
expended in its preparation before the
first copv was printed exceeded t t00,(HH).
This work, well used in a family,
will bo of more value to tho members
thereof than many times its cost laid up
in money.
It was shown ill our dispatches yester
day, that, alter all. tho proposition to ad
mit women as delegates to tho General
Conference of tho M. E. chinch has been
defeated by a very narrow margin. It
received 7,515 votes to 2,5J against it,
thus failing of the requisite throe-fourths
vote by the narrow margin of is. The
vole shows an immense majority in lavor
of the change. Four women have been
elected delegates to the General Confer
ence, which meets in Cleveland within a
few duvs. The sensiblu aud gracclul
tiling in that body would be to recognize
the general sentiment and no longer ex
clude from their counsels a class ot
members who make up much more than
half tho membership, ami w ho also do
moro than half of the winking mid pray
ing. Franklin News.
Freii Raub, tho Gorman youth w ho at
tempted lo murder and rob Mrs. I'iercu,
an Indian woman living at oil Run, "ii
the river division of tho W. N. V. A I .
railwav, on l-'ridav night, is still at largo.
Raub. 'who is about III years old, broke
into the house ; Mrs. Pierce was iu bed
ami was awakened bv the miff's
trance. Sic screamed and liauligrublied
hoi tongue, trying apparently to tear it
from tho roots. Ho then chocked her
into insensibility, and while she was m
this condition he slutted her iiiotilli lull
of rags. Ho then pounded her about the
head witb his lists. Her assailant was
Irightened aw ay by neighbors, who found
her utmost dead from li"r cruel treat
ment. She positively identified Raub as
her ussailanl yesterday, and gave the
further iiiforuiati' n thai lie away be
fore be was aliiu to secure any uioiiev.
Her healing was lo induce her lo reveal
the hiding plai n of money she w as sup
posed lo liuvu in the bouse. Derrick.
Jury Ust, May Term, IMKt. jriHons.
Reason, A. C, laborer, Kingsley.
Cottle, J. II., carpenter, Jenks,
Cunningham, W. J., laborer, Jenks.
Carson, I). E., fanner, Harmony.
Davis, Lee, laborer, Itorough.
Diinkle, John, laborer, Howe.
Decker, (ioorgn, laborer, Jenks,
Hood, C. II., farmer, Tlonesta tp.
Hoover, Albert, farmer, Jenks.
Johnson, Peter, laborer, Jonks.
Johnson, John, laborer, Hickory,
Mays, S., laborer, Jena.
Matthews, C. E , farmer, llarnott.
MeCon, Curtis, blacksmith, Jenks.
Mooro, Charles, laborer, Jenks,
MoCloskey, It. A., farmer, flreen.
Noilly, R. H., laborer, Jenks.
Parrish, N. C, laborer, Jenks.
Robertson, J. H., clerk, Jonk.
Scott, Urant, laborer, Jenks.
Thomson, John, farmer, Harmony.
Welsh, J. f, contractor, Howe.
Whitmore, S. M., teacher, Harmony.
Winans, Boyd, laborer, Kingsley.
Alt, J. R., jobber. Green.
Albaugh, A. W., farmer. Hickory.
A ul, Samuel, contractor, Harnett.
Anderson, R. C, farmer, Harmony.
Iloll, Harry, laborer, Jenks.
Hroombaugh, Hock, laborer, (4reun.
lleers, J. S., farmer, Harnett.
Bloohor, Howard, farmer, Tionesta tp.
Bow man, T. J,, merchant, Hickory.
Christy, A. D., farmer, Jenks.
Cook, A. W., lumberman, Barnett.
Cassett, F. B. laborer, Barnott.
Crawford, R. B., laborer, Borough.
Church, John, blacksmith, Hickory.
Green, L. D., farmer, Harmony.
Gaston, G. G lumberman, Borough.
Grovo, W. A., oil producer Borough.
Gibson, Joseph, laborer, Jenks.
Henderson, H. M., laborer, Barnott.
Henry, James, blacksmith, Harmony.
Huffsmith, E. H., laborer, Jenks.
llillard, A. B., laborer, Barnett.
Henderson, J. F., laborer, Barnett.
Johnson, John, oil producer, Howe.
Jones, Charles, laborer, Jenks.
Knight, Peter, laborer, Barnett.
King, G. W., butcher, Harmony.
Mclutyre, James, farmer, Harmony.
Mercilliott, George, fanner, Jenks.
Metgar, John, laboror, Hickory.
Mohney, Scott, clerk, Jenks.
Russell, J. If., superintendent, Jenks.
Randall, C. A hotel keeper. Borough.
Rudolph, E. D., laborer, Hickory.
Sliriver, Wni., laborer, Jonks.
Stitzinger, E. E., toachor, Green.
Slater, Pctor, laborer, Barnett.
Shutt, George, laborer, Jenks.
Smith, Harry, laboror, Kingsley.
Vost, Daniel, laborer, Burnett.
Winker, J. H., Jr., farmer, Green.
"Voungk, Henry, farmer, Green.
It will bo an agreeable surprise to per
sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to
learn that prompt relief may be had by
taking Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances
tho attack may bo prevented by taking
this remedy as soon as the tirs, nymii
trims of tho disease appear. 25 and 50
cent bottles for sale by Heath A Killmor,
Durinir tho winter of LSfi.t. F. M. Mar
tin. of Long Reach, West Va., contracted
a severe cold which loft him with acough
In speaking of how he cured it he says
"I used several kinds-ot cough syrup
but Iound no relief until I bought a bot
tle of Chatnborlaiii's Cough Remedy
which relieved mo almost instantly, and
in a short time brought al most a complete
cure." When troubled with a cough or
cold use this remedy and you will not
rind it necessary to trv several Kinds be
fore you get relief. It has boon in the
market for over twenty vears and con
stantlv grown in favor aud popularity
For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by
Heath A. Killmcr,
Ot the Comptroller of the Currency, J,
11. Eckels, authorizing The Forest
County National Bank of Tionosta, to
begin the business of Banking.
Ol'Fll'K OF TH K
Washington, April 25lh, lH'.W.
W ii t:u k as. bv Miitisfactorv evidence
presented to the undersigned, it lias been
made to appear that the Forest County
National Bank of Tlonosta, ill tlin Bor
ough of Tionesta. in the County of Forest,
and State of Pennsyvania.. has complied
with all the provisions of the statutes of
the United Mates, required to ne com
plied with before an association shall be
authorized to commence the business
Banking ;
f.i.s. Comptroller of the Currency, do
hereby certify that the Forest County
National Hank of Tionesta, in the Bor
ough of Tionesta, in the County of Forest.
and Slate ol I'eunsyivnnia, is authorize!
to commence tho business of Banning, as
provided in Suction riltv-one hundred
and Sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes uf
the Unitod Slates.
In Tkstimony whkukok witness my
hand and seal of office, this twenty-tilth
day or April, istMi.
No. 505S. Comptroller, of the Currency
Notice -Orphans' Court Sale,
Estate of Henry i). Davis, Deceased.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans
Court of 1'orest County, there will be ex
posed to public sale on the premises,
Tiouesta borough, said county, on Thurs
day, Hill (lav ol .May, A. 11., lS'.Ki, at
o'clock, p. m., the following lot iu Tio
ncsta borough, Pa.: Lot No. 57, on cor
uer of Elm aud Bridge streets 111 whi
frame dwelling house is erected, being
same premises convoyed by G. G. Sickles
to II. (I. Havis, liv (lceil dated Nov. 11
174. Roc. ill deed iiook No. u, page 510.
Containing ,i acre be the same more or
loss. Said lot hounded north by Grove,
east by Kl in street, south ley Bridge
street and west by Hill.
TERMS OF SALE. One-thrid down
balance in two equal annual instalments
w ith interest, secured by bond aud uiort
gage ou liio premises.
S. D. Ikwin, Alt'y. April 22, Isisi.
ii KltKAs, 1 ho Hon. Charles II. Nove
President J udge of tho Court of Common
Pleas and Otiartor Session in and for
the count y of Forest, has issued his pro-
cept forholdingsCoiirtofComiiioii Picas,
Uuarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans
Court, Over and Terminer ami General
Jail Unlivery, al i'ionesia, for th
Count v of Forest, to commence on Hie
l-'ourlh Monday of May, being
I ho Liilh iluv ol May, N
lice is therefore given to tint Cor
oner. Justices of tlio Peace and Con
Nlaliles ol said county, that they bo tin
and therein their proper persons at len
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
recoitls, iinpiisilions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those lhinn
w hich to their ollice appertain to be done,
aud lot hose w ho are hound iu recognizance
lo proMs-iile against Hie pi isonei s iliat are
or shall be in I lie jail of Fores! Con ul v, that
Ihey may la- Itieu and theie lo prosecute
suainsi tin in as shall lie just. Given ou
d, i luv h oid ami seal this '7'.h day of
Miy A. It. s:i.
JOHN T. CARSON, L.s.J Sherilf.
die M
Wishes to Inform tho put
that he Is permanently located
near the W. N. Y. t JP. Depot,
with a full line of
( ' 1 1 1 ) I C E CO N F E( T I O N RI ES,
And Is prepared to keep
anything wanted In the line
of Groceries. Prices as low
as the lowest. Goods deliv
ei ed free of charge.
FOR '96.
Will handle the following high class
whoels during this season :
r i
Rambler $100. Crescent $ 75.
Viking $100. Crescent $ 50.
Syracuse f 100. Ideal I 75.
Goshen $100. Ideal t 50.
Goshen $ 50. Majestic $ 85.
of all the above makes. Catalogues on
application. Second hand wheels in
stock and wheels taken in exchange.
Repairing prompty done. Call on ua be
fore purchasing.
New Feed Store
in Tionesta.
has just opened a new feed
store in the Barnett Build
ing and keeps on hand
a good sized stock of
In fact everything in that line, which
ho proposes to soli at tho lowest
possible margin. Customers will receive
fair treatment and prompt attentiou.
When iu need call. .
Tionesta, Pa.
CAPITAL, $150,000.00
Nolsou P. W heeler,
Jerry Crary,
Goo. M. Par in lee,
C. Seliiintnelfong,
Christian Smith,
David V. Beaty
Wm. D. Brown,
Andrew Ilertsul,
A. T. Scoflold,
II. T. Russell,,
H. A. Jainleson. '
Pergonal and JJuainejia accounts solici
ted on favorable terms consistent
with good conservative banking.
Interest allowed on deposits
0. X. P.kRM ff.'K, J'tes.
11. A. JAM1KSOX, Vies Pres.
F. K. IIKRTZEL, Cask' r
ellect Sept. 2!t, 1HSI5.
Trains leave T;
nesta for Oil City
and points west as
follow s :
No. :ll Buffalo Ex press..
12:10 noon.
No. til Way Freight (carrying
No. ;i.t til City Ex ress
4:50 p. in.
7:55 p. in.
For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren,,
Bradford, Hi can and the East :
No. ;til (ileau Express 8:44 a. ill
No. .12 Pittsburgh Express.... 4:17 p. in.
No. nil Way Freight (currying
passengers to Irviuolon) 11:50 a. Ul.
Get Time Tables and full information
from S. H. CLARK, Agent, Tionesta, Pa.
It. HELL, Gen'l Supt.
Gen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent,
Genural olllce, Nbsiney-Brisbane Rldg,
Cor. Main ami Clinton St., ISullalo, N . V .
. Seneca and Centre sis., ml City,
I'a., Thomas Gent, Pi oprielor. Mosl
and Luiiciies served at all hours. Open
day and nigtit. When iu the city look
up the Exchange Rosluuranl, and gt a
good meal.
Wan en, Fu.
M k t Tweed,
('wjM.iim'ir,!' Ikiiiu'Is
hihI YuriiM tuit'
WtM.I, MltliUtil hwU-
(, tliH'ka, wulii or