THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4, I. WINK, tDITOB 4 Propukto. WEDNESDAY, A mil.. 20, 18W. IIKFITIIMCAX TICKET. HTATK. Cniiirics - (ft - T.nrac UAI.rsiTA A. GROW, SAMVKL A. DAVENPORT. COIAIV. Oim7itm-A. WAYNE COOK. (Sub ject t.i decision of district conference.) A ssrwbhi3 . E. W E X K . Voonofm-v-JOUN II. ROBERT SON. .VAci-ir-FRANK T. WALKER. rbimfv fvmmiVirr W, M. COON, CHAS.'M. WHITEMAN. Mifrtor M. E ABBOTT, J. R. CLARK. Juru Commissioner.!. R. CARPEN TER. . The Western farmers are now bus ily engaged in planting one of the largest areas of corn on record, with tho stimulating assurance that the big Republicau victory of next No vember will bring them good prices for the crop. The Republicans of Tennsylvauia having spoken, through their ac credited representatives at Harris burg, the proper thiug for every member of the party in the State to do, from this time until the St. Louis Convention, is to work to secure his nomination. Blizzard. If report speaks truly Te?la talked five miles through a mountaiu recen tly, and expects soon to be able to send a message by way of the inter ior of the earth. The idea of such achievements is no looger received with skepticism. If they come they excite curiosity, but not surprise. Since the Cuban war began the colonial debt of the island has beeu increased by $305,000,075. The previous debt was $163,551,050, making a total of $468,552,025. The idea that the island can be induced to tagger along peaceably under this burden fs peculiarly Spanish, which is to say harsh and unstatesmanllke. The Montreal inventor who claims to have produced a gun by which two men can fire 260,000 shots a minute, without an explosive, and with range of 6000 yard, fails to say how he is to keep up the supply of ammunition. The secrecy sur rounding the in that of the Keely motor, is probably its Btrong point. Owing to the opposition of the Secretary of Agriculture at Washing ton, it is almost impossible for Con gressmen to secure the distribution of seeds to their constituents, and none will be distributed in the northern states until after May 1st, and then only in small quantities to persons whose names are given to the Con troller at Philadelphia by members of Congress. The re-nomination of Congressman Arnold by the Republicans of this district bas practically been made, be having the instructions of both Clarion and Elk counties, and do op position in his own, Clearfield county, and so it remuins but for the district conference to endorse the choice. Mr. Arnold can well afford to go be fore the people of the 28th district on the record which be has made in the House during the past winter, and there is every reason to believe the voters will endorse it by a major ity far greater than the pbenominal one of two years ago. The situation that ensued after the incoming of the present Adruinstra lion uas ueen aptly described as one in which the people saw "the opera tions of industries interrupted, banks failing, great commercial houses un able to meet their obligations, credit eeriouuly impaired, mills and factories closod, and thousands of laborers thrown out of employment, and state of panic aud business disorders prevailing in every part of the coun try." And this is not a Republican statement of the case, either, but I literal quotation from Secretary Car lisle's speech at Chicago. School Directors' Convention. To the .School Directors of Forest County Gentlemen: In pursuance of the forty-third sec tion of the act of May 8, 1854, you are hereby notified to meet in conven tion, at the Court House iu Tionesta, at 2 o'clock p. tn., on the fiuht tuimuay in may, 1896, being the fifth day of the mouth, aud select, viva voce, by a majority of the whole number of directors present, one person of literary aud scientific requirements, and of bkill and expe rience in the art of teaching, as Coun ty Superintendent, for the three suc ceeding years ; aud certify the result to the State Superintendent at liar rUburg, as required by the thirty uiuth aud fortieth sections of said act. Agnes Kerr, County Supt. of Foreet County. Tiouesta, IV, April 7, lfci'6. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. Two CongTfssinrii-at-Larjrc Nominated Electors ami Delcpatcs-at-Lariro, Named, ami District Electors and Delegates Endorsed (nay Endorsed lor President. The Republican Slate Convention met at Harricburg last Thursday and proceeded at once to business Ex Speaker Boyer was made temporary chairman, and Auditor General My liu permanent chairman. The pre liminary work of the convention was gone through with very quickly, and the convention adjourned to give the different committees time to arrange their business and report. At 1:30 p. m. the convention was again as sembled, and after a few minor con tests were settled, candidates for Con gress at-Large were named and nom inated. Hon. Galusba A. Grow of Susquehanna couuty, was unanimous ly re-nominateil, and his running mate will he Hon. Samuel A. Daven port, of Erie, and thus has the great northwest been recognized. The election of EcIectors-at-Earce and Delegates-at-Large was a matter of short work, as was also the confirm ing of the nominations by the dis trict conferences for these places. The list-appears below. With the exception of a little breeze which Congressman "Jack" Robinson suc ceeded in stiring up for a few miuutes the Convention ran along very smoothly, and throughout the delib erations were quite interesting. The State Chairmanship contest between Frank Willing Leach and Deputy Attorney Elkin, was happily settled by Senator Quay consenting to retain the place until the candidates can unite uponja choice. The endorse ment of Senator Quay for the Presi dency was unequivocal and hearty, the conveution cheering viciferously the mention of bis name at every point. K LECTORS-AT-LARGE. Joseph Wharton. Philadelphia; Alex ander E. Patton, Clenrfleld ; William E. Withrow, Allegheuy; Lyman D. Gilbert, Dauphin. DISTRICT ELECTORS. Dr. John S. Pearson, Philadelphia ; Allen B. Rorko, Philadelphia; Frank B. Hendley, Philadelphia; William M. Taggart, Philadelphia; Leonard I. Myers, Philadelphia ; Joseph H. Hud dell, Dcleware ; William F. Soley, Mont gomery; John Fritz, Northampton; Henry L. Johnson, Berks; John H. Landis, Lancaster: Everett Warren, Lackawanna; B. W. Wild, Luzerne; Har rison Ball, Schuylkill; D. W. Miller, Lebanon; Henry C. Prevost, Wyoming; J.B.Brown, Lycoming; Frederick H. Eaton, Columbia: C. Brown Miller, Un ion; R. H. Shindell, York; Goorge T. Swank, Cambria: A. C. White, Jefferson; William N. Randolph, Allegheny; i.mauuel Wertheimer, Allegheny ; Jo seph Spear, Allegheny; Edward E, Abrams, Butler; I sailor Sobel, Erie; William Schnur, Warran ; Joseph C, Campbell, Forest. DELEOATER-AT-LAROE. Governor Daniel II. Hastings, Centre; Jr.mes Elverson, Philadelphia; Frank J. Torreuce, Allegheny ; James S. Beacom Westmoreland ; T. C. Flood, Crawford ; Joseph Bosler, Montgomery ; F. H. Barker, Cambria; W. W. Griest, Lancas ter. THE PLATFORM. "For fidelity to tho principles of Ra publicanism, Pennsylvania holds the nrst ranK among all the States. Year af ter year it lias returned eroat majorities for the candidates of that nartv. with no seltish demands for recognition of any of ,w,unuv.u.ousi.a a iituiuuat canuiuaie. The time has come whon the State which has so long and laitbfully led the Repub lican column may justly and properly miuiuii tin own preierence lor ine Kepub- ii.-uu tiuiuiunuuu iwr mo rrusiuency, in the presentation of the Honorable Mat thew Stanley Quay, ihe Republicans not alone of Pennsylvania, but of the entire union, win recognize ono or tueir fore most leaders wise in counsel, and bril liant and able in action, at onco the tvpe of the American citizen, scholar, soldier and statesman. "first of all nationul issues stands pro lection, and first among its advocates have been tbe Republicans of Pennsyl vania. We believe in protection as a right to all American industries, but as a spec ial favor to none. It should be neither partial, sectional nor hypocritical ; it should be as nearly as possible equal aud universal. We are not pledged to any schedules, but we demand a restoration of the policy of protection ; and we plodge it as soon as the Republican party shall be fully restored to power iu the Executive and Congressional depart ment of the government ; aud it shall be restored equitably to the farmer and the miner, to the manufacturer and artisan. "Wo demand thb restoration of that wise policy of reciprocity which was framed by James G. Blaine and adopted by the wise aud beneficent administra tion of President Harrison, to the great benefit of the commerce of the country, and which has been abandoned by the present Democratic administration. "We approve the policy of national 1rotectiou to our ship-owners and ship milding interests by discriminating du ties in favor of American shipping, in ordor that the American Hag may be re stored to the high seas. "The Kopublicau party has alwavs maintained the national honor and credit. It enforced the resumption of specific payments. It kept faith as to every debt created for tho preservation ot the Union, and has paid the greater part ot it in ac cordance with the spirit and the letter of tlie laws under winch it had been con tracted. It largely reduced the interest charges upon the balance of the debt by refunding at lower rates. It submitted lor the lluctuation aud inadequately se cured notes of the Stale banks a uniform national currency of stable value, and of equal purchasing and debt-paying power. "Faithful to its record, believing that the people are entitled to tho use of the Pest money, and anxious to restore and preserve the industrial and commercial prosperity ot the Union, the Republican party favors international bimetallism, aud until that can bo established upon a secure uasis opposes tho coinage of sil ver, except upon government account, and demands the maintenance ot tho ex isting gold standard of value. "There should be no statute of limita. lion against a grateful recognition by tho government of thu services and sacrifices of the soldiers and sailors who preserved ine niioii. e denounce present ad niiiiiMiauon oi ine I'euston Bureau lor its betrayal of tho interests of these he roes, and its attempt to nullify existing laws. "We believe iu the euactmeiit of such restrictive legislation as will admit to our shores only thoso iinml jranta who have the capacity and desire to become good American citizens. "We renlll rm every declaration In fa vor of tho State aiding in the Improve ment of the channel of the Dcleware river, so that Pennsylvania may have a free and unobstructed highway for com merce now carried on by the steamship of the greatest draft, which would enable us to compete with our sister States on the Atlanlic coast in doing business with tho outside world. "Wo congratulate tho administration of Governor Hastings upon its wise do termination in keeping expenses within their proper limits, and yet remembering that it rellect-s the intere'sta and views of a grent and progressive State. It is Just ly entitled to tho continued confidence of tlie Republicans and the poople of Penn sjlvania. "We reaffirm the declarations contain ed in tho State platform of l!!,", looking to needed reforms in State and municipal government, and to the purification of elections and tho exercise of tho election franchise. We earnestly recommend to tho consideration of the next Legislature the several reform bills promulgated by tho Republican Stato committee and re quest tho Republicans of both hnusos to itivo them favorable consideration and support, and such other bills as may be introduced at tho next session of the Legislature in line with tho principles of reform." It's all the same, a slight cold conges ted lungs or severe cough. Ono Minute Cough Cure banishes them. Heath A Killmer. A little ill, then a liltlo pill. Tho 111 is gono tho pill has won. DeWitt's Little Early Risers tho litt'.e pills that cure great ills. Heath A Killmer. Husv People have no time, and sensi ble people havo no Inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cnie acta promptly and gives permanent re sults. Heath A Killmer. It is not a miracle. It won't cure ev erything, hut it will euro piles. That's what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo will do, because It has done it in hundreds of caaes. Heath A Killmer. Burns are absolutely painless when DeWitt's Witch Ha7.el Salve is promptly applied. This statement is true. A per fect remedy for skin diseases, chapped bands and lips, and never fails to cura piles. Heath A Killmer. Take a dose of DeWitt's Littlo Early Risers just for the good they will do you. These little pills are good lor indigestion, good for headache, good for liver com plaint, good for constipation. They are good. Heath A Killmer. It's just a easy to try Ono Minute Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier to cure a severe cold or cough with it. Let ynnr next purchase for a cough be One Minuto Cough Cure. Better medi cine; bettor result ; better try it. .Heath A Killmer. We might tell vou more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probably know that it cures a cough. Everyone does who bas used it. It is a perfect rem edy for coughs, colds, hoarseness. It is an especial favorite for children, being ueasani 10 laae ana quick in curing. Ieath A Killmer. An Affidavit. This is to ceatifv that on Mav 11th. I walked to Melick'a drug store on a pair of crutches and bought a bottle of Cham- ueriams rain Malm ror intlamatory rheumatism which had crinled me uo. After using three bottles I am completely cureu. i can cueeriuiiv recommend it Charles II. Wetzel, Sunbury, Pa. Sworn and subscribed to "before me on August 10, 1891. Walter Shipman, J. P. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Heath A Killmer. Paint in? and Paper Hanging. J. H. A II. P. Shoemaker, Practical Painters aud Taper Hangers. Country work given prompt attention, all work guaranteed satisfactory. Paper hanging a specially, nonesia, fa. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of sundry write of Fieri Facias and Testtatum Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Penn sylvania, and to mo directed, there will be exposed to public salo or outcry at the court House in iionesta, l a., on MONDAY, MAY 18, 1800, at 2 o'clock p. in., tho following described real estate, to-wit : CHARLES S. LEECH vs. L. B. WRAY Fi. Fa., No. H, May Term, 189(5. T. F Ritcbey, Attorney. SECOND NATIONAL BANK of Clar ion, Pa., for use of J. F. WANNER, vs I j. B. WRAY, J. F. WANNER, Test latum Yen. Ex., No 17, Aug. Term 1890. Weiducr A Geary, Attorneys. All the rieht. title, interest and claim of the defendant of.ln and to all that certain tnoco or parcel of land situate, lying aud icing in Howe township, Forest county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: That certain lot at Sheffield Junction, or Kulalia, beginning at a post on Wray street, thence by lot No. 8, one hundred and sixty feet to the Pittsburg A Western R. It"., thence by said Rail Road HO feet to lino of Tionesta Valley Rail Road, thence by samo 18!) feet to Wray street, thence by Wray street Ifil foet to place of beginning. Containing sixty square perches of land, and known as lot No. 2, by survey of I. L. Keck, on which is erected a large two-story frame building, heretofore used as a dwelling and store house, together with the appur tenances, etc.; being saute property con veyed by J, K. Green, assignee of J. j. Greei, to L. It. Wray, and recorded in Forest county, in Deed Book Vol. 2(1, page iiOfl. Taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of L. li. Wrav and J. F. Wanner, at the suit of Charles 8. Leech, and the Second National Bank ot Clarion, Pa., for use of J. F. Wanner. TERMS OF S A LE.-Tha following must be strictly compliod with when the prop erty is stricken down : 1. When the pluiutirT or other lien cred itors become tlie purchaser, tho costs on the writs must be paid, and a list of the liens including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipUi for the proceeds of the sale or such portions thereof as he may claim, uiust be furnished to the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid In full. U. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. m., of the same day of tho sale, at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and Hold at tho expense aud risk of the person to whom first sold. Soe Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition page 4(iti, Smith's Forms, page 884. ' JOHN T. CARSON, Sheriff. Shariff's Office,, Pa., April -A) 1MUB. ' 'i f f g JJn,w 'nwnu j it Jti lut ujupv.., . Kill 1jl UU m Phasnhairs i ltipst fvrtil'.i r ull Mn-.-t from l umuiaciun- Mnilr. of soil. lariut-r (iiu rm). t-K-uial i)r,,w jur ...,.,, ,, TOttK rntv iim mailed frM. HltaiCAh V.Ollk. iwt. I'.. K A WEEK and upwards positively secured l.v men agents selling In- Scott's (ienpine Electric ISolt.SiiKpeiisorv' etc., and by ladies silling Dr. (Scott's Elec tric Corset. Sample fri-e. State sex lr Scott, mh broudway, N. Y. DAVID MINTZ, - US ALWAYS ON DECK, -4 .... . , I AM BOUND TO LEAD In all kinds of Merchandise. My stock Is still largo In all departments, and as I want to make room for my spring and summer goods from now until furthor notice I will give i BARGAINS 5 IN MOST ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BUY IN MY STORE i FOR CASH, -- J AS CASH IS WHAT I NEED to koep things moving. So for Bargains, coino to us, for Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoos and Rubbers, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Trunks and Valises, Cloaks and Capes, Blankets, Wall Paper, Croekory and Glassware, Furniture and most anything else at DAVID MINTZ'S, lied Front Stores, Maricnville, Pu. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for Smart k Oil Greatest Store. TSE XEWESF Sri'Et THE FINEST Special inducements to residents of Tionesta and vicinity for tho next 30 days we will sew all expense, all carpets bought at our store. In addition to this offer, wo guarantee our prices to bo lower than same grade of goods can bo bougth in either Pittsburg or Buffalo. Wo are turning out a goods simply because we give better values than can Ingrain carpets as low as 18c. All Wool Ingrains as low as 48c. Tapestry Brussels as low as 48c. Body Brussels as low as 89c. Moquettes as low as 75c. Velvets as low as 89c. Mo.ttings as low as 10c. SMART & SILBERBERG, OIL CITY. - THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Rug gios to lot upon the most reasonable teruis. He will also do All orders left at tlie Post Office will receive prompt attention. UGUxr MoftCK Jit. of the firm ofMORCK BRO S, OPTICIA1TS, Specialist la Errors of Refraction of the Eye. Examinations free of charge. WAHHKN. J'KNK. THE LEADER Hldos, pelt, Calf-skins, Wool A Glnwne Silberberg, City's QVMIFIESb TKE JiiX&SQMESr FstrTEiws. and deliver free of wonderful amount of be had elsewhere. - PENN'A. Good Money I To be made by you this season, by coming here for your spring aud summer clothes. Largest stock of fine woolens, ever held in the oil country, are now on our counters. Exclusive paUerns imported to our order. One suit in each piece. Price Moop to Conquer, Wo head the van as bargain givers, and always have. Ulack and blue Scotch Black Suits to order, $10.00 to $21.00. Fashionable Scotch Mixtures Sack Suit to order, f 18.00, $19.00, $20.00 and $22.00. Black and blue Worsteds for dressy Cutaway Suits, $24.0(1 to $28.00. Trousers to order, $5.00 to $9.00. Tixe McQvey Co. TAIEOKS, HATTERS, FURNISHERS AND SHIRT MAKERS. MODERATE PRICE STORE. 27 and 29 Seueca aud 12 Elm Sta., OIL CITY, PA. Miles&Armstrong CHEAPEST STORE TO BUY GOOD GOODS. Do you want a pet feet titling shirt, with boosom that does not break or wrinkle, made tn fit and be comfort able? If so," buy the "Cromwell," made by the above firm and for Rale by MILKS & ARMSTRONG, Sole agents. Special orders solicited. JUST RECEIVED ALL THE LATEST PATTERNS WALL THE TIME OF THE YEAK HAS ARRIVED whou tho energotlo housewife begins to think about oleaning house, and while she is cast ing her eyea about for new wall paper, etc., we wish to call her atten tion to our excellent assortment, which comprises all the latest do signs in paper and bordors. Como and look them ovor while the assort ment is complete. We are positive that wo can fcatisfy the most fastidi ous purchaser, because we havo the most complete lino overexhibitod in Tionesta.' Come and see. WE ARE ALSO. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHOICE DRUGS, MEDICINES, STATIONERY, GROCERIES, PROVISION, CONFECTIONERY, Etc. Como and examine goods and prices, and we'll do the rest. DflUQQISTS fflV QFOCEtfS, - TI0T.EST;, ?A, T o wrenMJriiaugn CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO. CIGARS. BOOTS AND SU0ES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. :CUHEY FE0BU0! him 0ASH TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. THE PARKER GTJnT Oldest manufacturers of breech-loading sliol'guiis in America. Tho strongest shooting aud best gun made. Ask your dealer fur them, or send fur catalogue. New York Salesroom, l7 I'liamuers St. MERIDEN, CONN IN PAPER! n i i HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS- Is J T k