The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 22, 1896, Image 1

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    The Forest Republican
I published ovory Wodu lay, by
Oflloe In Smearbaup,u & Co.'b Building
Tornu, Sl.ool'ofYonr,
No tubscrlntlons rnro!vud for a abortor
period than throe month.
Correspondence solbutoJ from nil parts of
tho oouulry. No notion will bo taken of
iinonyiuoui communications.
One Failure, one Inch, one insertion. .1 1 00
One Square, one inch, one monMi. ., 0 0!)
One Square, one innb, thro? months. . ft 'HI
One Square, one inch, one year 10 IC
Two Square-, one year 1" UU
(Quarter Column, one year flN
Half Column, one year .VH)
Une Column, one year 1" i oj
Ijal atWertiSHiiients ten cents per line
each inncrtion.
Marrinfrefl anl death notice izraHs.
All hills for ytariy ad vert miU collected
qunrtcrly Temporary advertisements must
Lie pai l in advanen.
Job work cash on delivery.
Cuba Las tho right to dispose of 2.75
ficr cent, of its revenues. Spain at
tends to tho other 97.25 per cent.
Mrs. Mnry A. Livcrmore, in n to
cont mngazino article, txprosscs a
doubt ns to tho existence of tho "idcul
Tho London Economist figures that
tho Cubnn war is costing Spain $",
000,000 n month, and says that it him
deprcsiod tho Cuban ecouritics twenty
per cont.
Mux Nordnu, tho expert in "Degen
eracy," hns written a highly Inndntory
estimnto of Alfred Austin, tho 1'oot
Laurcnlo of England. Ho says lie con
siders Mr. Austin to bo tho most per
fect ombodituout of Auglo-Saxonisui in
tho Htcrnturo of our t ime.
A curiotn Presidential coincidence
is found by Walter Wcllmnn in tho
fnet that two Presidents Jackson nnd
J. Q. Adiima were born in tho yenr
1707, nnd two Grant nnd Hayes in
1S22. Jackson succeeded Aditms and
Hayes followed Grnut.
Thero is a religious sect at Orissn,
in tho Bengal (Iudin) Presidency,
which worshir.s Quoen Victoria as
their chief divin-'- It has been dis
covered, bIho, that she is an object of
worship in tho temple of tho Podong
Llnma, ft Toomloong, in Thibet.
Chief Fernow, of tho Forestry Di
vision, Agricultural Department,
strongly advises tho cultivation of tho
Ijcorlt treo in tho Scnth. Tho United
States pays moro than .C-2,030,000 a
year lor imported cork, llo also says
that bamboo would do well in tho
South, nnd would bo a source of profit.
Tho United States is tho only (Cation
wilh a chnugcoblo flag. t Utah's admis
iion has compelled it to onoo more ro
viso tho starry cornor of its ensign,
and if Arizona, Now Mexico and Okla
homa como in thero will have to be
still other alterations, "After that
time," exclaims tho New York Mail
nnd Expross, "tho bunting manufac
turers will be in hard luck, unless an
annexation policy should sot in."
Givo tho South tho snme amount ol
energy and capital that has been
Leaped upon tho West, and we will
mako a garden filled with cities sweb
as tho world never know, maintains
Looking Southward. Such condition;
and advantages do nut exist in an?
oilier quarter of tho globe. The South
is tho perfection of all that could bo
desired for tho upbuilding of a great
nnd wealthy conutry. It embraces all
tho requisite qualifications for agri
culture and manufacturing, and the
hcalthfulnoss to mako it a most do
birablo homo.
Fonrteon years ago, recalls the Now
York Press, the Khodivo sent a force
of 10,003 Egyptinns nnd Nubians
against tho Mahdi. Tho hostilo foroes
mot at El Oboid, on tho White Nile,
nnd bad a short and savage encounter.
The appalling result was that Hicks
Pasha and his force wcro almost to a
man destroyed on tho field of battle
by the enraged legions of tho prophet.
All Europo and tho East sbuddorcd at
this frightful disaster, whioh weakened
the rale of the Khedive, shook tbn
Sultan's throno and carried dismay to
the holy places of Mecca. The army
of the Mahdi at El Obeid numbered
200,000 men, dervishes, Bedouins,
mulattoes and some regular troops
supplied with firearms. King Mone
lik has destroyed 10,000 Italians with
an army of 100,000 Abyseiuians, and
again the whole world shudders.
Monelik II. is reported to be on tho
march to Axum for the purpose of ob
taining bis cousecrution and corona
tion as Emperor of Ethiopia, says tho
St. James Gazette. The ccrcmouiul
on such occasions is described as be
ing highly picturesquo and impres
sive. Clothed in purple, mounted on,
a superbly caparisoned horse, holding
in ono band a gilt cross, and sur
rounded by a crowd of brilliantly
dressed vassals, tho claimant to the
throne rides up to tho porch of the
ancient oburoh. Hero a bevy of girls
clad in white bar bis progress with a
strip of piuk ribbon. "Who ore you?"
they chant, "who wish to cuter?" "J
nui your Emperor," is the reply; "tho
Negus-Negcsti of Ethopia." "Xo,"
cries tho choir, "you aro not our Em
peror," nud tho silken burner is
drawn tight across the doorway. Three
times is this performance repeated,
and then tho postulant, drawing his
sword, severs the ribbon and marches
in amidst loud cheering. Taking Lis
stand upon a stone which no foot save
that of tho Negus ever touche.", ond
bis only once, he receives tho laored
unction and tho crown, swearing; to
defcud the religion of Christ uud the
faith of Murk, to txteriuirute here
tics, and to rule iu tha nam of Hod.
Tim secret ot tho beauty of
Dneembor snow; tho tender tuna
That April breathes, I lovo; I lovn
Tho green upon tho crept of June)
Ami then tho white, high August haze,
Type of the prophet's voll, whioh still
Tho lint sun draws upon his fnco,
Descending from tho heavenly hill,
I love tho fall, In bludo ami car;
Huptntnbor, orlmson la her loaves
October, fluting ou u spear
Of crisped gross among tho shonves.
Thoncomos white wlnti'r trom tho polo!
r.ut each now season's jy abovo,
Tho mystlo benuty of the whole
Hound year I love, I lovo, I love!
P. II. Bavagn, la Youth's Companion.
liLN thnt is yonr
last word, Edna?"
"Yes, Dr. Les
"And will noth
ing I can fay alter
your decision?
lio stood look
ing down nt her
face, bis own ex
ceedingly grave ; a
tall man about twenty-eight years of
ngo, with black hair and a strong look
itig shaven faco. Uo lookod reserved
and self-contained.
Eduit shook hor bend.
' Xo, sho said; ' nothing 1 am
Ho drew in bis upper lip between
bis tooth, and bis forehead wrinkled as
bo still lingered.
"Well," ho said, "lam immensoly
sorry. 1 don t wont to bother you
besides, I suppose it would not do a
tcrap of good."
liaising bis right hand, bo pushed
back his hair. "It seems a little dit-
licult to realize just yet. I counted
on a different answer."
"That was hardly my fault," she
saiil, lowennz her eyes. Thoy were
dark bluo eyes, remarkably dark con
sidering the fairness of her hair and
skin. Edna was a small woman, bo
low tho average as regards boight, and
girliuh in figure, though she bad
passed her twenty-first year.
"Yonr fault I No,- it was merely
my own folly. It dosn't matter what
ono calls it. Tho name won't alter
tho fact. Of course it is play to you."
"ion litivo no right to say that, Dr.
Lester. I assuro you, I don't find it
tho least ninusing. I am very sorry
not that I suppose it will bo
quite your death."
"No," bo returned. "Men don't
die of that sort of thing. But lifo will
bo wretched, Edna."
no took his bat and went away.
EJna standing by tho window watch
iug him as bo dejectedly crossed tho
garden ami pnsucd through tho gato
way and disappeared. A few minutes
later tho door opened nnd a woman
entered, a few years older, nnd sev'
eral inches taller thnn herself. This
was Mrs, Sinclair, Edna's sister-in
law, wifo of tho Town Clerk of Upper
Gertrude stopped just within tho
"Oh, don't look as if you didn't
know all about it I" cried Edna im
"You don't mean to look mo in tho
face and tell mo you have refused
Lim?" '
"1 told yon this morning
"What a girl says beforehand goes
lor nothing. Ldua, what a fool you
ore I You know Alfrod will be just
wnu about it.
' Alfred did not tnink it necessary
to oonsult me," was the answer. - "Of
course," Edna added, drawing near
and placing an arm about Gertrude's
waist, "of course it would be all the
saino if ho bad, darling."
"Still, it does seem a pity,". Ger
trude persisted. "Though be has
only been a vcarinUiipercombo, every
body has a good word for bim or
nearly everybody. Ha has iuoreased
old Dr. Andrews's practice enormous
ly. "Dr. Let ter is a man a good many
Kirls would
"Jump at!" I know. Thot i
exaotly what I feel abouUbim. He is
too eligible isn't that the word?- too
eminently desirable.
"You have always seemed to like
"I do like bim, Gerty."
"Thou, why in the name of good
ness don t you marry him nnd have
done with it?"
Edna slightly shrugged her should
ers as she turned toward tho window
"Honestly, I don't quite know.
don't see why I should dissect myself
for your oditicutiou. Ho is very nice
a little too nice. I tiiod to per
suade myself there, you eoo, I'm
nothing if not candid. Only I don't
know what it is; Bonicbow, tho spirit
uuin t move me.
When Edna was following Gertrude
from the dining room that evening Al
ired Sinclair called her back.
"Permit me to remind you that you
are twenty-two," ho said.
"lie accurate, Alf. Twenty-two and
two months."
"Of course," ho continued. "I need
not tell you wo uro glad to givo you a
homo here as long ns you require it.
But if you ask me a woman is much
better in a placo of her own."
'The lh'ct that oilers itself?" asked
"I didn't think Lester was the firbt.
Ha is the boot of the but ch, though.
A fellow who is bound to get ou "
"Of course, that's everything 1"
"Oh, well, if you can't treat the
matter eeriously, I don't seo tho good
of talking."
"Neither do I," E Inn answered.
One afternoon Allied came borne
trom bis ollico looking moro solemn
,hau uauul, though the dignity ot bis
position gave him uu air of extreme
iolenioity at the best of times. Lake
Edna, bo was short, but carried him
self at bis full height ; like bis sister,
again, ha was fair, and appeared more
youthful than bis years. Ho wore a
moustache which looked, too uoavy
for bis piuk and white faco.
".Sir Lidward Stranproways is doau,, jmlling . - bis light colored
trl s bo saV wn.
J " remarked Gertrude, "tho
operation1 was not successful."
"Now, if it had been, don t you
imagine Stranpoways would bo alive,
Gerty?" bo said, toetily. "A bad day's
work for Lester.
"Why?" demanded Edna. "Dr.
Lester cannot be expeotcd to work
miracles. He cannot oure all bis pa
tients." "Saul amongst the prophets!" ex
claimed Alfrod. "One doesn't look for
Lester's apologist over there, Edna.
He went tho wrong way to cure this
one. I was talking to Blcnkinsopp
about tho cnee only yesterday, Blcn
kinsopp would havo bad a Burgeon
down from London. Money was no
object. The plain fact if, Lester is
overconfidont. "
"I dare 6ay Dr. Lester is quito ns
skilful as any surgeon in London,"
Edna rctnrnod.
"Do you think it will daraago bis
practice?" inquired Gertrude.
"Injure his practice? Of con r so it
will. Lester is too young. People
don't caro to be practiced on carved
about. I shouldn't be surprised if it
ruined bim."
One morning, about four months
later, Gertrude's elder girl awoke fev
erish. "Alfred," she said, as hor husband
rose from the table after breakfast,
"you won't forget to call at Dr. Blon
kinsopp's." "Dr. Blonkinsopp's?" asked Edna,
when ho bad closed the door.
"Yes, dear. I think Winnio ought
to havo somo medicine."
"But why Dr. Blenkinsopp? Why
not Dr. Lester, as usuol? You have
bad Dr. Lester ever since Dr. Andrews
went away."
"I should never forgive mysolf if
Winnio died liko poor Sir Edward."
"What utter nonsense 1" cried
"I may be very foolish," said
Gertrude rather plaintively, "though
I dou't see why you should tell me so
if Alfred does. I never pretended to
be wise. Bui I have lost confidence
in Dr. Lester. So has everybody
else. Dr. Blonkinsopp has got ever
so niony of bis patients." -
"It is mean I" Edna retortod. "It
is like kicking a man while bo is
"I can't help it, dear. Don't look
so fierce. I am hardly to be expected
to lot Dr. Lester experiment on Win
nie if I don't believe in bim. How
onn anyono believe in bim in the faco
of whv ueing said about poor Sir
"Oh," cried Edna, "it makes me so
wild 1"
A little later she sot forth into the
town, to walk off ber ill-humor with
things in general, and Dr.. Blenkin
sopp in particular. She bad not gone
far bofore she met Lester himself.
Though be would have passed her by
with a bow, she stopped, holding out
ber band.
"It is unusual to see you walking,"
she said.
"Ye es. The fact is, ono gets so
little exercise that I I have sold my
carriage. "
"Well," sha fnltored, "it's it's a
lovely morning for a walk. You don't
come to see us now. "
"Perhaps you remember the last "
"Ob," she cried brusquely, "IJnever
romember unpleasant things. I think
my sister would bo very pleased,
wlionover you have time to spare."
"Time to spare!" be said bittorly.
"There is little difficulty about that.
Of eourso, you know what all the town
knows. My practice has fallen away
from mo as if it wero a garment."
"But," sho returned, trying to
speak cheerfully, "it will come baek
iiguin! It is only o matter ottimo."
"Very likely. But, you seo. Miss
Sinclair, one has to livo somehow
However, he w?nt bis rounds more
blithely than usual, and at 4 o'clock
thnt afternoon, after a long debate
with himself, turned bis steps toward
Sinclair's house. But, on nearing the
house, be saw Blenkinsopp'g carriage
at the gato and a few yaids further on
Sinclair. Instead of entering, as ho
had purposed, Lester passed the
brougham, then came face to face with
Alfred, who appeared somewhat em
barrassed. "Mrs. Sinclair all right?" inquired
. "Oh, quite er it's only Winnie;
a little feverish. Look here, Lester;
you know whut women are."
"Bulber rash to boast."
"You see," Alfred blundered on, "if
it wero myself it would be different.
You can't reason with a woman, and
with your wife you should never make
tho attempt. Mine took it into her
heud to have Blenkiusopp
"My dear follow," said Lester,
"your child could not be in better
hands. I hope sho will soon bo all
right, aain." And he walked on
swiftly with his eyes on tho ground.
"Depend upon it," Blenkinsopp, a
stout, gray beurded man of sixty, was
saying us Alfred entered the drawiug
room, "it is better to bo a little slow
and quito sure, my deur lady. The
experience of generations is nut to bo
upset in a day by a few callow youths. "
"I havo just parted from ono of the
unfledgod," said Alfred, when Blen
kinsopp hud gone and Edna re-entered
the room.
"Dr. Lester did not see . Oh,"
cried Gertrude, "i would not have it
happen for the world."
"Gerty hasn't the courage of ber
convictious," said Eduu.
"Dr. Blenkinsopp sajs Dr. Lester
has lost uearly all bis patients," Ger
trude remarked.
"Tho population of Uppcroombe ii
85,000; mostly wise persons 1" ex
claimed Edna contemptuously.
Ono night, about a month later, Al
fred Arrived borne earlier that usual.
"Lester is going away," he said.
"Has be sold bis practice?" asked
"Ho wonld hardly go without. Not
that there is much to sell."
Edna sat quito silent. Her faco was
palo and ber eyes were moist. It was
all she could do to prevent tho tears
from fulling till she reached her own
room. At dinner sho scarcely spoke.
Tho following morning she happened
to be passing Lester's house at 11
o'clock, and, seeing no sign of biro,
turned and repassed the door ten min
utes later. Ho was just coming down
the steps.
"Don't let mo binder you," sho
said, when be stopped.
"I am merely going to tho post-office,"
"I I am going that way, too,"
said Edna, and they walked together.
"Is it truo you aro leaving Upper
combe?" she asked, presently.
"Perfectly true."
"Then you havo sold your practice?"
"Well, it was principally a question
of getting the bouse and so forth off
my hands ; but I have every reaion to
believe the matter will be settled this
"Dr. Lester 1" Edna exclaimed as
he baited at the post office, "if I were
you I I would not run away from it ;
but, perhaps, you havo somo enticing
place to fly to."
"No," be answered ; "I am fortun
ate enough to have the wide world to
chooso from except this ono spot.
and," he addod, "this is tho best and
tho worst on tho face of the earth.
My practice is ruined."
"But if you could only stay your
practice would come back. People
are very fickle. It isn't every doctor
who can buy a practice, yet they man
age. How do they do it?"
Ho held open a gate for ber to pass
through into a meadow as she spoke.
The sun shone brightly and the hedges
were fragrant with wild rose and
"Oh, there are various ways," he
explained, "Some take parish work,
but I am too unpopular to attempt to
get that, even if there were an open
ing at the moment. Others receive
resident patients lunatics, hypochon
driacs and so forth."
"Then couldn't 'you take patients?
Would not that enable you to to stay
at Uppercombe?"
"Oh, yes ; only first I should Lave
to take a wife, Miss Sinclair."
He turned to look down at ber face,
and at the same moment Edna leaned
across the ditch to pluck a spray of
honeysuckle. No sooner bad she re
covered ber balance than she began to
pull tho blossom to pieoes.
"Well, Dr. Lester?" she said, look
ing up suddenly.
"Ah I that sort of a thing is over ns
far as I am concerned," be answered.
"I I don't see why, if it would
if it would really help you."
He leaned . forward eagerly. She
bent ber neck to smell the honey
suckle. "Edna," he muttered, "you aro
trifling with me I"
She shook ber head slowly.
"But you you said "
"Is it generous to remind ono of a
mistake?" she retored. '
"I am not in a position. Things
are at a very low ebb "
"The tide will flow again," she said,
"and and I have three hundred a
year of my own."
"What will your brother say?"
"Oh," she cried, "I am not a child.
I am a woman, and have a right to
please myself; though to be sure,"
she added, "you may not think I havo
played a vory womanly part this morn
iug." Sho looked very demure, very
pretty, as she stood dissecting the
honeysuckle, and perhaps be would
have been more than human to havo
"We will face it together," be said.
"You will bo my comrade as well as
my wife my best beloved yon know
you have been since tho first weok I
eaw you."
Presently she hinted nt the desira
bility of returning.
"Ah, yes," he answered, "I ought
to lose no timo in seeing Sinclair."
"Come around after dinner to
night," she said, and returned homo
alone, not without trepidation.
That afternoon she took Gertrude
into her confidence.
"Now," sho concluded, "you must
tell Alfred. - It isn't thut I am afraid,
only I don't want bim to say anything
we should both regret all our lives.
Nothing he can say will make the
slightest difference, so he may as well
yield with a good grace."
"You know, darling," said Gertrude,
"you will miss things awfully."
"Wait for a year," was tho answer.
"You will seo by that time. By-the-by,
of course you must make an excuse
to Dr. Blenkiusopp."
"Oh, of course," said Gertrude. "In
fact, between ourselves, I havo never
been quito satisfied. Ob, I do hope
Alfred will come home iu a good hu
mor!" As a matter of fact, ho did, and,
without much loss of time, Gertrude
broke tho news. During tho eusniug
ten minutes sho formed the highest
opinion of Edna's diplomacy. It was
quite as well that her sistanu-luw
was not present. The strongest man,
however, must bow to the inevitable,
aud Alfred possessed sulliciout dis
crimination to perceive that bo was
powerless to move bis obstiuato sifter,
lie raved for touie time louder, then
sent for Edna and prophesied all kinds
of evil a p-opheey destined to re
main unfultir.ed. "Upon my word,"
be ooncluded, "you're you're just
liko a woman."
Aud, on the whole, Lester met with
a more cordiul reoeptiou thnu be uu
tioipated. Household Words.
He Was Coy Hevcnge Is Sweet
An Intelloctunl Rre A Happy
Couple Willing to Ubllttn, Ktc.
"Iet mo fold you in my arms,"
Cried the lonp-vnarKirl.
"No," tho younn man lirmly said,
"For my hair's in curl."
Now York World,
Bonhntn "A woman who talks ns
you do about people need never hope
to bocomo popular."
Mrs. B. "Perhaps not; butshocan
get even." Truth.
"What do you do with theso chil
dren of your imagination?" inquired
his friend,
"Sell them to food my children of
reality," said Hondo. Puck.
Mistress "I can't say that yon wcro
always respectful, Bridgot ; still, I will
put it in tho recommendation."
Bridget "Thank you, ma'am. An'
I'll say the same thing uv you." Tit
Inspector "You don't carry enough
Steamboat Man "Oh, I guess thero
are enough for tho people who would
think of them in uu emergency."
a rMrr-Y coitle.
Mrs. Fussy "And yonr husband
has nover reforrod to liis mother's
Mrs. Bland "Novo?; John was
brought up at a hotel, yoa se !"
Toxas Sifter.
"I don't feel able to do any work on
my story to-day," said a writer to his
wifo. "My head is badly muddled."
"Then I wouldn't try to write,
dear," replied bis wifo soothingly.
"Supposo yon just turn off two or
three poems to-dty." Truth.
Trivvct "Gosliu isqntto sick."
Dioer "What nils him? It cau't
bo overwork."
Trivvet "No, it isn't overwork.
About a week ago 1 heard him coufes?
that he had au idea, and I incline to
tho belief thnt ho has overthought
hiuisolf." Judge.
A VI! ro.
"Charlie," said Mrs. Nowbridgo,
"mamma and the girli are coming to
spend a mouth with ua. "
"Not if I know it. -When we wcro
engaged you insisted upon my loving
you for yonrself alono. I want you
that way," replied the ingenious bene
dict. Harper's Bazar.
"Old mau Bull's lunch is a suro in
dication of tho condition of tho ttock
market," said a broker, seated in a
Broad street restaurant. "1 just camo
from his ollije, aud ho was eating
crackers aud apples. That means tho
market is off. If thero aro indications
of a slump ho omits tho crackers, and
if thero is a good strong market no
squanders tweuty-fivo ceuts for u
luncheon. Sure I It never fails."
New York Herald.
itsicAL irr.M.
Tho minister was at dinner with tho
Chullio fumily. Johnnie spoko up and
suid :
"Can a church whistle?"
"Why do you ask, Johnnie?" asked
tho clergyman, kindly.
"Because pu owes twelve dollars
bank pew rent, and he says ho is going
to let tho church whistle."
After the clergyman had taken his
departure thero ws a vocal solo by
Johnnie Texas Sifter.
At 0 o'clock lust Saturday ovouiug
Algeruoou stood at the frout door of
tho houto of tho girl ho loved, but to
whom ho dared not say tho word.
For a long time he hud been spar
ring for points, but to tho bashful
these things do not appear in a clear
light, even though they clearly exist.
He had rung the bell once, twice,
thrice, but there had beeu no answer.
Nervously bo btretehed forth his
baud to ring ogaiu wheu tho door was
opened by the one being in all tho
world who made his lifo worth living.
"Why, Algernon," sho exclaimed,
"if I had thought it was you 1
wouldn't havo kept you standing out
in tho cold so long."
Ho thought of how long ho had
been standing out iu the cold aud
wondered when the oourago would
come to him to go iu out of it.
"Vou know," sho continued as sho
drew him iusido and closed tho door,
"thut the servuuts are out to-night,
nud some of tho family hav. to answer
tho frout door boll."
Ho thought ho saw a chance t J mako
a start iu tho rij'lit direction without
alarming her. That had beeu tho
trouble all tho timo with Algernon;
bo wub iu mortal terror of frightening
the girl by some emotional prccipit
auoy or othor, uud thus destroying
bis hopes forever.
"Why, Miss Dora," ho said iu ten
der, insinuating toues, "don't you
kuow my ring yet?"
She looked down at her empty lin
gers, where no jeweled sittiug shotie,
aud then looked up into Algernon's
"No, Algoruou," she said, blm-hiuu',
"I do not. But dou't you think it is
almost time thut I did '" Nw York
I Sua.
German t cientists report that milk
may be sterilized by electricity.
Dr. Peters, tho African explorer, is
about to undertake a new exploration
of Somaliland in tho interests of a
number of wealthy Americans.
Edison has got the X rays down to
making a photograph in ono minute
exposure. It has token beforo from a
quarter of an hour to three hours.
New York has tho largest absolute
mortality from consumption of all tho
States, and Boston the largest rolativo
death-rate: 161 in 1000 of all deaths.
Edison says thnt tho X rays havo
l peculiarly irritating effect upon tho
eyes, which makes him think that they
will prove deadly to discaso germs in
the body.
. Chicago architects, in making a war
on sky-sweeper buildings, at a recent
meeting they resolved thnt no bnild
ing not absolutely fireproof should ex
ceed eighty foet in height.
Russia and Japan will have tho total
eclipse of the sun on August 9 entire
ly to themselves, as the line of totality
passes through Nova Zembla, Siberiu,
and the Island of Jesso only.
Mrs. Esther Hermann' contribu
tion of $10,000 to tho endowmont ot
the New York botanical garden makes
the total amount 8200,0(10 in addition
to plants valued at $5000 given by J.'
ft.. Pitcher.
Austria bns deoided to combine with
fiormany in an expedition to tbo
lJouth Pole nnd Julius von Payer, tho
explorer of Franz Josef Land, lias
been asked to give up his expedition
to northeast Greenland iu order to
take tho command of it.
A Kansas mau has invented a brick
tnado of straw and wood pulp, which
is said to be better than a clay brick,
nnd to cost only one-third ns much.
Ho claims that it is unexcelled as a
paving material, and affirms that
enough straw goes to waito in Kansas
alone to pave every city in tho coun
try. Professor Eaoult, of Grenoble, has
received the biennial prize of $4000
from the Academie des Soiences for
his discovery of the numerical ratio
between the molecular weight of a
Substance and the difference produced
on the freezing point of the liquid
that dissolves it, as well as on the
expansion of the vapors of tho liquid.
A large collection of 17,000 stuffed
birds and many scries of bird skele
tons has beon bequeathed to the Brit
ish ;Mu6onm by the late Henry See
bohm, the naturalist. It is tho most
valuable gift made the natural history
section of the museum in a quarter of
a century. Its ornithological collec
tion is now tho largest in the world,
consisting of 300,000 specimens.
A Flcntiiier Hermit.
Hermits who mnko their homes in
the cavos and forests ot California are
plontiful, but a hermit who makes his
home on the water is not so common.
Tho first ono that has ever been seen
in the bay of San Francisco is now liv
ing in a small scow, or ark, in tho
cove near Black Point. Thero be
spends his days, aud with tho excep
tion of an occasional drifting cruise
nlong the front in a small skiff bo
never loaves tho homo ho has mndo on
the old, battered craft, which is named
"Southern Pacific."
Every morniupr, rain or shine, he is
up before sunrise. Climbing a ladder
raised against an impromptu mast ho
reaches a small platform. On this ho
kneels and begins his morning orisons.
First be sings a hymn. Sometimes his
voice can be beard, chanting the
melody at Black Point, and at other
times be can barely be heard by the
fishermen who are wailing tho turn of
tido in Black Point Cove. Then he
will read a chapter from the Bible,
nnd after that he prays that the king
dom of tho Messiah may come and that
heaven be established on earth. If it
is a fino morning tho sun by this timo
is well up in the heavens aud tho sun
rise gun has been fired half an hour
previously. Tho hermit descends from
his lofty perch nnd pumps out bis frail
craft, iu order to keep her nlioat for
another twenty-four hours. San Fran
cisco Call.
The Per Capita Circulation.
In tho United States thero is a per
captia circulation of 8.73 in gold,
?8.8'J iu silver and .VJ2 in paper
altogether $'23.5'J per head. Our per
capita circulation is only exceeded iu
four conntrios Frauce, $:to.78; Bel
gium, $27.H2 ; Netherlands, 25.0(i,aud
Australia, gJo.UO. Only three coun
tries have a larger pur capita circula
tion of silver than the United States
France, $12.71; Spain, $'J.-1'J, nud
Netherlands, $12.10. In Franco thero
is a vpry small uso of paper money
only !f cents per head sliver occupy
ing the position of a subsidary cur
reuoy, the relative proportion boiug
per head : Gold, $22. 1 i) ; silver, $12. 71 ;
paper, 85 cents. The usefulness ot
notes redeemable in gold auii silver i '
shown by the comparative uctivity ot
note circulation iu tho transaction of
business in this country, where only
ouo-fourth of the currency is paper.
Iu India uud China the total of silver
circulation is les-i than $3.50 per heud.
Phihtdolouitt itecor I.
Au Aliinii Sent Over 201) Miles.
To-duy a reiideut of Catskill told
me tho following remarkable iuuideiit
which cannot but be of interest to ull
interested iu tiro alarm systems. The
engineer of u parsing freight train saw
tho tiro but Sunday morning that de
stroyed the store of Ed. HaUcubeolt,1
only u few feet from the t'entrul station.
Uu reuehiug tiermifut jwu he told the;
ni;;ht operutor, who telegraphed tho
fact to New York, New York tele
graphed it to Hudson nud Hudson tele
phoned the alarm to (Jntskill. Is thero
anything ou record to beat this au
alarm of lire sent over 223 miles. Al
baiiy (N. Y.) Journal.
Wo nro "so ont of date," thoy sny,
Ned and I;
Wo love in an old fashioned way,
Lonq since Rono by.
Ho says I n-n his bolpmato trui
In everything;
And I well, I will own to you
Ho is my king.
We mot la no romantic way
'Twlxt "glow nad filooin."
Ho wooed mo on n winter day,
Aul In a room;
Vot, through life's hours of stress and
When griefs befell,
Love kept our small homo cornor warm,
And all was well.
Ned thinks no woman liko his wife
But lot that pnps; .
Perhaps we viow tho dual lifo
Through rosento Rln;
Even If tho prospects be not bright.
We hold it truo
Thohoaviost burdens may grow lltfht
When shared by two.
.Philadelphia Time,
To bo a successful dead-bent a man
must be thoroughly alive. I'uclf,
The sun never sets on the British
dominions, nnd it rises occasionally in
London. Puck.
Tho great grief at forty is tlio dis
covery that eye-glasses are not be
coming. Atchison Globe.
An egg and an offioe-boy differ in
that one is best when it's frosh and tho
other isn't. Philadelphia Bocord.
Little Brother "Do you know what
'ostentation' means?" Little Sister
"The way other people show off.
Border "I never eat shad." NWyld
"Why?" Border "It always re
minds me of boneless codfish."
Puck. . . ,
The Trofessor (owakeuin?') "'Is
tbcre anybody in this room?" Tho
Burglar "No, sir." Tho Professor -"Ob,
I thought there was." (Falls '
asleep again.) Life.
"Fannie, I have told yon timo and
again not to speak when older persons
wore talking, but wait until they stop."
"I've tried that already mamma. They
never stop." Texas Sifter.
First Woman "I was suffering nn '
told agony." Second Woman "Dear
me I What did yon do?" First Wo
man "Oh, a neighbor happened iu
just in the nick of time and I told
ber." Detroit Tribune
"Beauty is only skin deep," said tho
zebra, with an attempt to liven up tho
gloom of the menagerie. "I know,"
replied tho rhinoceros, trying to bo
cheerful, "but think what that menus
in my ease." Chicago Tribune.
She "I hope, dear, you wero not
thinking of business in church this
morning. You know your thought
should bo of higher things?"' llo
"Well, I was thinking of that $22 bou
nd of yours. Is that high enough,
think you?" Statesman.
Absent-minded Professor "I don't
know what's tho matter with me, doc
tor, I am perpetually liinpiug to-day.
Is it locomotor utuxy, I wouder't"
Doctor "Why, professor, you nro
walking with ono foot ou the curb
stone and the othor in tho gutter."
Bomantio Miss "Havo there not
been moments in yonr experience
when lifo seemed full of unsatisfied
wants?" Mr. Hardhead "Y-e-s,
that's so." "At such times I always
lly to musio for relief. Whut do you
do, Mr. Hardhead?" "I advertise,"
Spare Moment?.
"3ouio folks think this Venezuelan
affair will bo settled without trouble,
but I'll dogon if I do," said Mr. Jau
i on, as tho crowd about the grocery
stove mudo room for the old man. "I
never seo one of theso here liue fence
quarrels yit thut didn't wiud up iu u
light?" Indianapolis Journal.
"I don't know," muttered Hivers,
picking himself up from tho sidewalk
aud moving on with a perceptible
limp, "whether thero is any such
thing as n bicycle faco or not, but I
um thoroughly convinced of the exist
ence of the phenomenon kuowu us
tho banana skin." Chicago Tribune,
Curious Prehistoric Munkey.
In several places in the Cane Colony
and Orange Free State of South Africa,
caves have beeu explored which yielded
hundreds of uiummi!iid remains of a
queer species of six-lingered monkeys.
All of tho full-grown specimens of
this romarkublo species of quadcu,-.
nana have the tail situated Lft$hrn
tho baek from three to tivo iuehos
further up thau thut ou tho m lera
monkey aud other distinguishing
murks, such as two sets ot caUino
teeth, ou tho males, itc.
Whether these creatures-were mummi
fied by humuu beings, who formerly
held them iu leverenco, or wero over
taken by Komo catastrophe, such us a
sudden convulsion of uaturo or a
eutaelysin which entombed them in
their enves, uud thus preserved them,
is n secret that euu never bo kuowu.
Publio Opiuiou."
A Sensational ltuiiuvtay.
A runaway couple were married oil
O railway tmiu near ShelbvviU , lud.,
last week. 'J'ho girl's parents opposed
tho match, and watched her closely to
prevent giving them tho slip and
getting married. Tho youu,' man
learned that tho squire was f travel
by a certain train one day last wtek,
ami urrunged with the i;irl to meet h:iu
ut tho station, llo went to Columbus
and net the lieouse, met the girl at the
station as tho train camo iu, uud tho
puir boarded it ud were married by
the squire heioro tho truiu had gone
inuuy wiles uu I before auy stop wus
made where they could be lntcivcptod
by a telegram from the girl's p-.ii.ntii.
New York tiuu.