THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. E. WENK, Editor Propsicto. WEPNKSPAY, MARCH 2.1, lS'.Xl ANNOINt K.JIKMS. Following are Iho rates Tor announce ments, to be accompanied l'.v the cash: Congress f.!0. Assembly tlS. l'rothnn olary $12. shei-itr f in. County Commis sinner $7. Auditor Jury Commis- sioncr IN. National Polegate State lelogato These rates include the prlntine of tickets. Republican Primaries, Saturday, April 4Ui, s.HS. CONGRESS. Wo arc authorized to announce A. W. COOK, of Hiirnclt township, at B randi lilo fur Congress, subject to Republican Usages. ASSKMBLY. J. K. WKNK, of Tionesta, is n candi date for Assembly, subject to Republican usages. PROTIIOXOTAR Y. We are "uithorizcd to announpo JOHN II. RORKHTSON, of Jenks township, a r candidate for Prothonotary, Register, Recorder, etc., subject to ' Republican usages. SHERIFF. Wp are authorized to annoiinoo FKAXK 1. WALK Kit, of Green town ship, as a rnmliilntp for Sheriff, subject to Republican usaces. Wp arp authorized to Biinounoo JOHN W. JAMIESON, of Tionesta, as n candi date for iShprilV, subject to llopubliran usages. Wp aro authorized to announce IIAHRY MAZE, of .looks township, as a candidate for .sheriff, subject to Repub lican usages. COUNTY' COMMISSIONER. Wp arp authorized to nnnoiineo CHAS. M. W1IITEM AN, of Tionesla township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. Wp arc authorized to announce W. M. COON, of liarnett township, as n candi date for County Commissioner, subject Republican usages. Wp arp authorized to announce JOHN GLEN1XG, of Jonks township, as a eandidato for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce JAMES I. WOODS, of Jenks township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subjoet to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce ED WARP KERR, of Harnett township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. Wp Bro authorized to announce GEORGE W. OSGOOD, of Kingsley township, as a candidate lor County Com missioner, subject to Republican usages. COUNTY AUDITOR. We arp authorized to announce M. E. ABBOTT, of Hickory township, as a candidate for County Auditor, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce J AMES Jl. CLARK, of Tionpsta, as a candidate for County Auditor, subject to Republi can usages. JURY' COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to aiinonnce J. B. CARPENTER, of Kinsley township, as a candidate lor J ury Commissioner, sun ject to Republican usages. e are authorized to announce JOSEPH MONO, Sr., of Tionesta town ship, as a candidate for Jury Commis sioncr, subject to Republican usages. Wp are authorized to announce M. F. CATLIN, of Kingslcv township, as a candidate for Jury Commissioner, sub ject to Republican usages. NATIONAL DELEGATE. The frieuds of J. C. Campbell, of Jenks lownsinp, present his name as a candi date for delegate to the Republican Na tional Convention, subject to the deeis ion of the Republican primary election in Forest County, and the action of the District Convention. STATE DELEGATE. Wo are authorized to announce Goo. L. King, of West Hickorv. Harmony town ship, as a candidate for Delegate to the Republican Slate Convention, ut Harris burg, April i!;t, lS'.ti. TnE United States Supreme Court lias decided tliat Greer County, Tex., belongs to the United States and not to Texas. Will Texas consent thus to be despoiled without invoking teruatioual arbitration? Is there Monroe Doctrine to protect her? Snckctt, Elk Co., Pa. Tho L. O. T. M. daneo at Russell City was well attended by Kane, Clarendon, Sheflield Bud Fox burn parlips. McNctt's orchestra of Clarendon furnished the music. William Blaisdell of Hunter Run spent Sunday with Gusher friends, re turning Monday. Hiram McCraeken ami Al. Sampson left Monday for Ypnico, Washington Co., to enter the employment of Gallagher Brothers there. Perry Luhald and Hpber Regald left Friday (or Oygnt, Ohio. Thomas IL Allen of Willianisnort, Pa., Is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Lew Du Bois. I,os Clark and sister, Jessie, took in Russell City Tuesday afternoon. Jacob Clingwood's grocery store burned to the groiindThursdav morning. Fire ignited from an over pressure of gas. Total loss. Mr. and Mrs. John Upton of Henrys Mills, Warren Co., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Joe Terry. ignite a few young folks attended tho St. Patrick dance at Chaflce, Tuesday night. John McCraeken lias moved his family to Ridgway. John intend going into the farming business this summer. R. Mumford and son, Clayton, of Shef field, Pa., were in tho burg Tuesday, vis iting their nieces, Miss Pearl and Ruby Sampson. Mrs. Goo. Smith and Nora Cooper wero at. Chaflce Friday evening. Mrs. Al. Sampson returned home Fri day from Spring Creek. The E. A. U. lodge of this place is in a flourishing condition. Thero aro 7,r members. Edwin H. Hays and family returned Tuesday from'Hcnrvs Mills, after a week's visit with O. Mitchell's, of that place. Mrs. L. G. PuBois and son Edwin ex pect to leave here Saturday for Kaymil- ton, Fa., to visit Mr. PuBois, who is thero in the employment of J. B. llag- ertv 01 1 lonesta. Miss Nannie Renal expects to leave tho fi'tli for Clarion, to attend tho Normal School at that place. A. vv . Goal Bud Herbert Kollens of Foxburg attended the Green Ribbon dance Friday night. Guess. The public printer has completed the voluinn contaiuing the vetoes by Governor Hastings of bills passed by the laet General Assembly. The book contains 197 pages. Governor Hastings has vetoed more bills than any other governor since the founda tion of the Commonwealth. The to . tal amount of appropriations vetoed was 8720,154. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION. Fursuant to a Resolution of tho County Committee, t-assed Feb. 1U. IStHi. it is or dered that tho Republican voters of For est Countv meet on SATURDAY", APRIL 4th. 1S96. at 2 o'clock, p. 111., at tho following named places of holding primary elections, to wit : Harnett, Jacob Maze's Carpenter Shop, Burnett, at Redclvtle. Green, at Nebraska, Forest House. Green, at Guitonville, School House. Green, Bowmanvillo. Harmony, at regie 1-nrni. Harmony, at West Hickory. Harmony, at Homing Hill. Hickory", at East Hickory. Howe, West, at Balltown". Howe, at Cooper Tract. Howe, at Foxburg. Howe, East, at Brookston. Howe, Lower, at Watson Farm. Howe, at Frosts. Jenks, East, at Byromtown. jonKs, central, at Marienvillo. Jenks, at Clough's Mill. Jenks, at Parrtsh. Kingsley, at Newtown Mills. Kingsley, at Starr. Kingsley, at Kellettville. Tionesta township, at Township House. lionesia rtorougn, at court House, At which tuno and places thev will by their votes nominate : One person for Congress. One person for Assembly. One person for Prothonotary. One person for Sheritl'. Two persons for County Commission ers. Two persons for County Auditors. One person for Jury Commissioner. One person for Delegate to the National Covention. One person for Delegate to the State Convention. Each election precinct will also elect one person tor member or the county Committee for the ensuing year. Hie polls will remain open until p. in. Return Judges will convene at the Court House, Tionesta Borough, on the following Tuesduy, April 7, at 2 o'clock, P. m. Attention is caned to me Act or June, 18S1, regulating Primary Elections, that Judges and Clerks, before entering upon the discharge of their duties shall take and subscribe an oath or aUirmation in presence of each other. Proper election blanks and tickets will lie mailed to the committeemen of the different precincts in due time. It Is their duty to see that these aro promptly on nana on tne uav 01 the primaries. t. J. 11 EX PERSON, Chairman. Gvs. B. Evans, Secretary. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY RULES. That William Tell story is the roost pernicious legend that was ever put before the youth of auy country. Here is another boy who has killed his comrade iu tryiug to shoot an ap ple from his head. Why dou't the crown people who condemn dime uovels see that the little episode he tweeu Mr. 1 el 1 and Ins ollspnog is expunged from the school histories? . An effort will be made when the naval appropriation bill is taken up iu the House to attach au amend ment to the bill which will provide that hereafter none but American citizens cau be employed in the pre paratiou and the development of the plaus for new vessels for the navy It is a well kuowD fact that in the developing of the American 1 fureigu draughtsmen and designers have not only been employed iu the preparation of the designs, but have also beeu given free ncctus to the draughting rooms of the navy de partment while the work was iu pro greis. Iu many cases foreiguerg have been employed to the exclusion of American talent. Years ago this was really ucccRi-ary, as there were but few haval designers iu this country at the time the rebuilding of our navy begun who bud hud any experience whatever in the construction of modern war vetteU. This state of (Lines has cliuugcd and to-day the country is supplied w ith youug Amer icuus who have been trained in the business. RULES GOVERNING THE REPUB LIC AN PRIMARY' ELECTIONS OF FOREST COUNTY. I. The candidates for the several oil ices shall hare their names announced in one or more of the county papers at least three weens previous to the miliary Meetings stating the ollico and subject to the action ot tho party at the said pri mary meetings. 2. The voters belonging to tho Repub lican party in each lownsbipand Imrough shall meet on a uav to be designated bv the County Committee, at the usual place of holding spring elections, at 2 o'clock. P. M., and proceed to elect one person lor Judge, and two persons for Clerks who shall form a Board of Elections to receive votes and determino who are the proper persons to vote and who shall bold the polls open until 7 o'clock, P. M. Alter the polls are opened, the candidates an Honored shall be hailotod for ; the name of each person voting shall be w ritten on a list at the time ol voting, no person be ing allowed to vote inure than once for the same oltice. 3. Alter the polls aro closed the board shall proceed to count the votes that each candidate has received, and make out tho returns accordingly to bo certified by the J udge and attested by the (. lorKs, 4. The Judge or one ot the clerks ap pointed by tho Judge ot the respective election district, Khulfineet at the Court House, in TioiichtH. on the Tuesday fol lowing the Primary Meetings at 2 o'clock P. M. having the returns and a list of voters, and the person having the highest number of votes for any ollico, shall le doc-lured the nominee, of the Republican party. 5. Tho Return Judges shall bo comiie- tent to reject by a majority, tho returns from any district where there is evidence of Irauu, either in the returns or other wise, and shall reject them where there is evidence ol three or more persons vot ing at the Primary Meeting who aro not Republicans. 0. Any two or more persons huviug an euual number of votes for the same ol lico the Judges shall proceed to ballot for a choice, tho person having the highest number to tat the nominee. 7. The Return Judges shall appoint Conferees Representative, Senatorial and Congressional whoso acceptance of said ujtpointiiient shall be u pledge to support the person w ho may receive the largest number of votes cu.--t for that of lice. h. 1 he Return Judges may ut any time change the mode and manner of select ing candidates us tlicy may bo instructed by the people ut their primary meetings, duo notice being given by the Cuuuty Committee. II. '1 he Chairman of the County Com miltee shall be required to issue a cull in pursuance of the action of the County Committee. Kellellvllle. On Saturday, March Hlh, tho day Bud Sunday schools wero treated to a sleigl: ride. It rennired four teams to accom modate tho little ones, who enjoyed tho trip. Pittsburg parlies Iibvp tho lumber partly on tho ground at tho Osgood Is land lor the erection of an oil rig which will bo rushed np as soon as possible. John Noble of Tionesta lias charge of the leasp. Eight couples, ponsisting of (ho young friends of Miss Kate Wolf, met at Mrs. Carter's oil last Thursday evening Btid gave Kato a very agreeable surprise, Tho hours quickly passed bv, Mrs. Car ter acted as hostess, and tho charming way In which she entertained the guests shows sho has had exporienco in that line. An plpuant sunppr was served at 12 o'clock and after ell had replenished tho innerman, the plays woro kept up until 3 In tho morning. The occasion was on the eve. of M iss Kate's departure to at tend tho spring term of school at Clarion Normal. Oscar L. Johnson camo homo Saturday from his studies at Grove City. Tho young people enioved' themselves dancing in Bauer's hall' on last Monday evening. Only the people in town were present, bs it w as gotten up so suddenly that scarcely anyone knew of it. Wm. Ilpriin has moved his family from Panther Rock to Whig Hill. Tony Pay has returned to his home in Clarion county. S. E. Shaw and family of Salina are staving in town for a w hile. Sherd is working on tho oil rig above town. "Pap" Groee has disposed of ono of his teams to Norton .V Wilson of East Hick ory. A largo number of the people are suf fering with tho grip. John Bauer and wire of Hemlock City, Warren Co., visited relatives here a few days ago. Sirs. Delia Kribbsond nephew, Master Vernon Amslcr, aro visiting relatives iu Philadelphia. Geo. Brewer returned home after a month's stay at Shollield and Brookston. Isaac Hortou was in town on business last. week. Miss Hattio Chamberlain is stopping at Mayburg for a short time. Win. Richards of Mayburg is under tho cure of Pr. Petar. Shorty Dunn returned to his home at Tidioute last Saturday. W. S. Johnson went to Warren on bus iness Monday. A. M. Shaw intends soon to move from tho Johnson arm to Tidioute. W11.1. Walks. Fagmidiis and Fleming Hill. Master Blaine Robinson of Pinevill, passed over the Hill on Sunday. The ladies ol this place will give an en tertainment and basket supper in the Fleming Hill school house, on Friday evening, March 27th. Everyone is cor dially invited. Ladies and Misses in bring baskets. Proceeds to go to pur chase a flag for the Fleming Hill school house. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Hilliard of East Hickory were around calling on the sick on Saturday last. - Proper Co. shot their No. 2. well on the Head farm on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Green spent Sun day on Poverty Hill. Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Carlin on Thursday last, a daughter. LITTLE BO PEEP. Not la be Trilled With. (From Cincinnati Gazette.) Will people never learn that a "cold"' is an accident to bo dreaded, and that when it occurs treatment should be promptly applied T There is no knowing where the trounie will end; and while complete recovery is 1110 rule, the exceptions are terribly frequent, and thousands upon thousands of fatal illnesses occur every year ushered in by a little injudiciousex- posure and seemingly trinmgsymptoms. lioyond this, there are to-day countless invalids who can trace their complaints to "colds," which at tho time of occur rence gave no concern, and were there fore neglected. When troubled with a cold use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is prompt and effectual. 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale by Heath it Killmer. "Givo me a liver regulator and I can regulate tho world," said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Heath A Killmer. All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of Lebanon, Conn., was badly attlicted with rheumatism. At times it was so severe that he could not stand up straight, but was drawn over on one side. "I tried different remedies without receiving relief," ho says, "until about six months ago I bought a bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. After usinir it (or three days my rheumatism was gone and has not returned since. For sale bv Heath A Killmer. A high liver with a torpid liver will not be a long liver. Correct tho liver with DeWitt's Little Early Risers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipa tion. J lea th A Killmer. Simon S. Hartman, of Tunnelton, West Va has been subject to attacks of colic about once a year, and would have to call a doctor and then suffer for about twelve hours as much as some do when they die. He was taken recently just the same as at other times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says: "I took one dose of it and it gavo me relief in five minutes. That is more than any thing else has ever done for me." For sale by Heath .t Kilmer. J, DAVID MINTZ, THE LEADER IS ALAVAYS ON DECK. I AM BOUND TO LEAD in all kinds of Merchandise. My stock is still largo in all departments, and as I want to make room for my spring and summer goods from now until further notico I will give f BARGAINS - i IN MOST ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BUY IN MY STORE FOR CASH, AS CASH IS WHAT I NEED to keep things moving. Ho for Bargains, come to us, for Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoea Biid Rubbers, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Trunks and Vallsos, Cloaks and Capos, Blankets, Walt Papor, Crockery and Glassware, Furniture and most anything elso at DAVID MDNTZ'S, Red Front Stores, Marienvillo, Pa. HIGHEST MARKET PRICK paid for Hides, pelts, Calf-skins, Wool A tilnton-. Auditors' Report of Kingsley Township. Chas. Bauer, Treasurer, in account with poor fund of Kingsley township, lor tho year ending March 9, IStHi. PR. To balence last settlement $ im TG To cash Rec'd from Collectors 0!t 24 ,..$1178 CO on. tMH 15 ... 6'.7 80 Total By orders cashed By Ain't to balance , Total '. $11711 00 Balance in hands of treasurer $ 527 85 Chas. Bauer, Treasurer, in aooount with road fund of Kingsley township for the year ending March 0, lS'.XI. ;mr. To balance last settlement $ lt'l 83 To cash Rec'd Irom collectors IU2 OU Total By orders cashed By Ain't to balance . ....$1104 32 OR. ....$1072 57 .... 31 75 ..$11(58 fill Total Balance in hands of treasurer $1012 42 Financial standing of Kingsley township road account. pr. To outstanding orders ...$UuS 60 Total $1108 66 CR. By ain't to be eolet'd on duplicate. $ 124 40 peoj & Morse By ain't in treasury 31 75 Tl.rllBr Rrn, By am' t to balance 1012 42 Total $1108 68 Financial standing of Kingsley township poor account. dr. To Ain't of balance $ 555 11 CR. By balance in treasury.. $ 527 85 By Bal. to bo Col. on duplicate 27 20 C X. 1JKTAR, Attest! G. S. G. W. HlNPMAM, C. A. Jenkins. Auditors. COPELAND. W. Pierce. Republic, la., says : "I have used One Minute Cough Cure in my family and for mysell, with results so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly ti lid words to express myself as to its merit. 1 wilt never Ian to recommend It to others, on every occasion that pre sents ltseit. " ileal 11 .v miimor. Don't invito disappointment by exper imenting. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cure and you have immediate re lief. It cures croup. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. Heath tS Killmer. I'ainlliig and Paper Hanging. J. II. k H. P. Shoemaker. Practical Painters and Paper Ha-igers. Country work given prompt attention, all work guaranteed satisfactory. Paper banging a specialty, Tionesta, Pa. Soothing, healing, cleansing, DeWitt's Witch lla.el salve is the enemy to sores, wounds and piles, w hich it never fails to euro. Stops itching and burning. Cures chapped lips and eold-snres in two or thiee hours. Heath iV, Killmer. One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches at the right time it you take it when you have a cough or cold. Seo the point T Then dun t cough. Heath x Killmer. Wanted. To trade G eml-Rpring ton buggies, 3 two-lioree wagons, 4 spring wagons, 4 mud-wagons'lur almost any kind of lumber. Write me as to kind of lumber you Lave. Will trade the lot or an many as you may want. A. Hkvnoi.ds, Franklin, Pa Quick in clhvt, heals and leaves 110 sear. iSuinlng, scaly fekin eruptions quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch lla.el salve. Applied to burns, scalds, old sores, it is magical 111 elleet. Alwavs Heath V Killmer. H AZELTINE Auditors' Report of Tionesta Townsnip. Wm. Lawrence, Treasurer, In account with Tionesta township road fund, for the year endiniz March 9. 18116. nil. To Bal. last settlement $ 175 lit) Rec'd from Jesso Carson, Col 5S0 (t Rec'd from C. Winegard, Col 28 08 Rec'd from Forest county 1000 00 $1704 01 CR By orders redeemed $1314 7 By 5 percent. Com on Or. Rod 65 75 By Bl. in hands of Treasurer 413 20 $1794 01 To Bal. In hands of Treasurer $ 413 29 Win. Lawrence, treasurer, in account with Tionesta Two. poor fund. PR. To Bal. Last sottlemont $ 44 19 Rec'd from Jesse Carson, Col 172 50 Rec'd from Forest county 133 60 $ 350 29 CR, By orders redeemed 195 72 By 3 percent Coin, on Or. Rod 5 86 By balance 148 71 $ 350 29 To Bal. in hands of Treasurer $ 148 71 Liabilities and resources of the poor fund 01 uonesta townsnip. Balance in bauds of treasurer $ 148 71 Due on unsealed tax 141 65 Tyrrel mortgage , 40 00 $ 3:10 30 Jesse Carson, Collector of Tionesta town ship for 1H95, in account with road fund. on. To Bal last settlement $ 11)3 81 To work tax returned 150 29 To duplicate for 1895 494 35 To b percent delinquent 0 it $ 753 64 en By Ain't paid treasuror $ 5Sj 64 By Am't returned to county 107 78 By 5 percent abatement on $283 75 14 17 By 3 percent Coin, on $2(i9 50 8 09 By exonerations 17 93 By 6 percent Com on $120 61 16 03 It not only is so, it must be so, One MinutK Cough Cure acts quickly, and that's whul makes it go. Heath Ji Kill mer. cures piles. 1 Warren, Fa. Make Tweeds, C'lUimt-rclt.t-'Uiiiieis ttiiU Vurns of pure wool, wiltiout hIioU- BJ . f "y, lloeks, wasi or ZlTi "y luiHure win iuwwln.m ever. 1 Jf Josse Carson. Collector, poor fund for 1895 To Bal. last settlement.., To duplicate 1895 in $ 753 64 account with PR $ 93 30 99 10 Mercantile Appraiser's List For Forest County, A. D., 1895. HARNETT TOWNSHIP. Name. Class. Tax. A. Cook's Sons 12 $12 50 W. D. A S. H. Shields 11 15 00 Mochling A London 10 20 00 It. N. Marshall 13 10 00 W. A. Crossuian 14 7 00 Giltillan A Patterson 14 7 00 ORKKN TOANS1IIP. Bowman Lumlier Co 13 10 00 Collins A Kreitler 10 20 00 Collins A Watson 12 12 60 HOWE TOWNSHIP. A. M. Vanhorn 14 7 00 S.Crawford 13 10 00 BlackANoblit 1 7 00 Curtis Johnson 14 7 00 I. H . Oildorsleevo 0 25 00 Lynch A Co 13 10 00 J. C. Huntinirton 14 7 (Hi J. U Saxton 14 7 00 HICKORY TOWNSHIP. W. P. Crouch 14 7 00 T.J.Bowman .'.12 12 50 Wheelei A Dusot.bury 11 15 00 HARMONY TOWNSHIP. W. C. Allen A Co 14. 7 00 W. P. Siggins 14 7 00 W. G. Wilkins 14 7 (XI Oeo. W. King A Son 14 7 00 14 7 (HI Turner Bros..... 12 12 60 M. It. Hardonburg 13 10 00 D. H. Demon 14 7 00 JKNKS TOWNSHIP. G. W. Baxter 14 7 00 David Mints 0 25 00 Chas. O. Rogers 12 12 60 S. S. Towler 14 7 00 W. W. Kribbs 13 10 00 Chas. 8. Leech 25 00 A. D. Neil 12 12 50 D. Cohen 14 7 00 M. N. Zeller 14 7 00 Amsler Bros. A Co 10 20 00 M. C. Carringer 14 7 00 T. J. Reyner 13 10 00 H. II. Honsil 14 7 00 J. F. Wanner 14 7 00 Wagner A Wilson 14 7 00 Z. S. Mimes A Son 14 7 (X) J. M. Baughman 14 7 00 L. S. Clough A Co 12 12 50 Hammond Crosby Lum, Co ..12 12 50 ljjnione Bros 14 7 00 D. A. Wright ..14 7 00 Chas. J. Burg 14 K1NOSLKV TOWNSHIP. Mrs. M. Andrews 14 Salmon Creek Lumber Co 14 Chas. Bauer 14 T. J. Flemming 14 Watson lind Lumber Co 12 Eli Berlin 14 TIONESTA- UOKOUO.H. S. II. Haslet A Sons 13 J. R. Morgan 14 G. W. Bovard 14 C. W. Clark 14 Lawrence A Smearbaugh 12 Frank Amsler 14 O. W. Robinson 10 Miles A Armstrong 13 F. K. Lanson 10 Heath A Kilmer 13 Jas. Butlor 14 Giering ASon ...14 TIONKSTA TOWNSHIP. C. M. Wbiteman 14 BILLARDS. BARNKTT TOWNSHIP, II. N. Henderson, 2 tables W. S. Henry, ? tables H1CKOHY TOWNSHIP. John Holiday, 1 table JKNKS TOWNSHIP. J. W. Markort, 3 tables KINGSLEY TOWNSHIP. B. J. Day, 2 tables TIONKSTA IIOHOUOII. L. Agnew, two tables HARMONY TOWNSHIP. Jacob Bender, 8 tattles REAL ESTATE BROKERS. JKNKS TOWNSHIP. M. C. Carringer 14 HON 1X1 A IIOHOIKIH. C. M. Arner 14 7 00 J. T. Brennan 14 7 00 TAKE NOTICE-AU who are oon cerned iu this annraisoment. that an an peal win ue ueiu at mo Treasurer solin-e. in Tionesta, Saturday, tho 4th day of April, a. u. js;o. between tne hours or 1 and 4 p. 111., when and where you uiay auienu 11 you tnuiK proper. I. II. Allison, Appraiser. 7. 00 7 00 7 7 00 7 00 12 60 7 00 10 00 7 7 7 12 50 7 20 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 7 7 7 00 $40 00 40 00 30 00 60 00 40 00 40 00 60 00 $7 00 $ 192 40 (It. By Ain't paid treasurer $ 172 85 By 5 percent abatement 2 37 By Am't returned tocounty 7 65 By exonerations 1 8.' By 3 percent Com, 011 $45 00 1 35 By 5 percent Com. on $127 00 0 35 $ 192 40 W. W. Thomas, A. J. Shkivkh. Q. Jamikson, Clerk. Auditors. Expense paid township olHcers in 18H5, S. I). Irwin, Attorney $ 10 00 F. Wenk, road com., 18 ds service 36 110 (ieo. Swats road com., Ill days...., 32 00 John Wolf, road com., 10 days. ... 32 00 James Mong, clerk, 111 days 32 00 W. W. Thomas, auditor, 1 day..,.. 2 00 A. J. Sliriver, auditor, 1 day........ 2 00 Q. Juinieson, auditor's clerk 6 00 Financial statement of Tionesta town ship road fund. Orders outstanding. Mar. 0, 1810... $202(1 23 Balance iu hands of treasurer 413 29 Am't due on unseated land 781 12 Am'tdueon sealed land redeemed 155 06 Liabilities over assets 576 76 (i. E. SWAU, . WKNK, John Wolf J. W. MoNU, Clerk Auditors, New Feed Store in Tionesta. C. W. CLARK has just opened a new feed store in the Barnett Build ing and keeps on hand a good sized stock of FLOUR, FEED, OATS, CORN HAY AND STRAW. In fact everything in that line, which he proposes to sell at tho lowest possible margin. Customers will receive fair treatment and prompt attention. When in need call. C. W. CLARK, Tionesta, Fa. 09 00 WE NEED-.... DON'T MISS IT! 0 N T I S S 500: .... BOYS AND GIRLS To work for us. Hustlers, who will work luird mid wo havo decided to pay the boy or girl who will work tho hardest a good price. Wo want every boy and girl in the city under 18 years of ago to call at our store and seo wiiat wo havo to offer you. Wo will pay you well for tho small amount of la bor that you have to dp. Come and seo what wo have to of fer you. T Miles&Armstrong BEST PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES. JUST RECEIVED h?" ALL THE LATEST PATTERNS I (T I WALL PAPER!! THE TIME OF THE YEAR HAS AUUIVKD whon the onorgetlo housewife begins to think about cleaning honso, and whilo she Is cast ing her eyas about for new wall paper, etc., wo wish to call her atten tion to our cxcellont assortment, which comprises all the latest de signs in paper and borders. Come and look them over whilo the assort ment is complete. We are positive that we can atis'y the most fastidi ous purchaser, because we have the most complete lino ovorexhiblted In Tionesta. Come and see. WE ARE ALSO- HEADQUARTERS FOR CHOICE mtUOS, MEDICINES, STATIONERY, GROCERIES: PROVISION, CONFECTIONERY, Eto. Come and exainino goodsandi prices, and we'll do the rust. -HEATH & KlUMEfr DHUQQI&TS MS (JFOCEHS, - TIONSSTI, ? TIME TABLE, In eirect Sept. Hi, 1!5. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west as follows : No.31 HutlaloExpress 12:10 uoon. No. 01 Way Freight (carrying passengers) 4:no p. m. No. 33 Oil City Express 7:55 p. in. For IIickory,Tidioute,Warrcn,Kinzua, Rrailford, Olean and the East s No. 30 Olean Express 8:-44 a. m No. 32 FiiLsburgh Express.... 4:17 p. In. No. 00 Way Freight (carrying passengers to Irvineton) 0:50 a. in. Get Time Tables and full information from S. Q,. CLARK, Agent, Tionesta, Fa. R. 11ELL, Oon'lSupt. J. A. FELLOWS, 1 Oen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent, General olllce, Mooncv-Urisbano lildg, Cor. Main and Clinton Sts., Hullalo.N.Y. POTATOES V-- it i i(.uuy frown. .- S- J t Ltr ri Phftfinhaf V a. Iliiik. -st i,.-i.. C7, . i ... tii'ivt iKjiu-r tiiun any ii-r- mv 1'rli-e lUu vnotf OIL EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. Cor. Seneca and Centre Sts., Oil rjtv Pa., Thomas Gent, Proprietor. Meals and Lunches served at all hours. Open day and night. When in the city look up the Exchungo Restaurant and gc-t a food meal. WARREN NATIONAL BANK Warren.tPenna. CAPITAL, $150,000.00 DIRECTORS: Nelson P. Wheolor, DavlJ W. Boaty Jerry Crary, Goo. M. Parmlee, C. Schlinmelfeng, Christian Smith, Win. l. Brown, Andrew Hei trel, A. T. Scotlold, 11. T. Russell. H. A. Jamieson. rersoruil uml liaainea accounts solici ted on most favorable terms consistent: urith good conservative banking. Interest allowed on deposits O. .V. PAltMLRU, l'rc, II. A. JAMIKSO.Y, Vice Vies. F. F. HKIITZKL, Cash ' r m - 'ii:MI.V:V-l. , enloTt-d & ...... .,.... - IMiii toZJifJSi?1'1' OOlUKluB, lu ii Hkcyn.ll.u,, .lb f Mlurrk, 1 wt buck,- jtf f!,,eri,,1,5rs:nrK''rrl" v .- IP. 'ot LZZ."'',, """ WINKtLMANN BKOWN DKUd CO H.ltlrc. Ui t l! B A