The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 18, 1896, Image 3

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nnrgen., M. Hot-man.
ood J. 1). Davis. P. R. Lanann. O.
jHUce l,f th nnm fl A Ilnn.lnll (9
J. Setloy. '
Countable R. H. Can field.
Collector J. R. Clark.
Srhool Directors U. W. Holoman, I
J. Hopkins L. Agnew, W. A. Grove, J.
Jamioson, J. O. Scowden.
Member of Congress YfM. C. Aiinold.
Member of Senate Wm. II. IlTDK.
A sscmhly J. E. WlCrtK.
President Judge Ch aiii.ks II. NOYKS.
i4noiaf Judge Ion. A. Nabh, A.
J. MoCnav.
'YerMttrer Jambs II. Fowrs.
Prnthonotriry, Iiegitert Recorder, At.
Calvin M. Arnbr.
Sheriff. John T. Carson.
Oommiaaioner W. A. Conwki.Y, Pn
tbr Yoonok, W. M. Coon.
County Superintendent Aon km Kerr.
District Attorney P. M. Clark.
Jury Commissioners J. B. Oarpkn
Jbs, Uko. Zukkiiki,,
County Surveyor J. F. Proper.
Coroner Dr. J. W. Morrow.
Coimfj Auditor 1ft. K. AuiioTT, W.
L. Stro'up, J..W. Elliott.
Fourth Monday of February.
Tlilnl Monday or May.
Last Monday of August.
Third Monday of November.
Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Follows' Hall, Partridge building.
I.VmEST LODGE, No. 184. A.O. U. W.,
I Meets every Friday evening In A.O.U.
W. Hall, TloiioHtA.
H. of A., moots every Saturday eve
ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionesta.
G. A, R. MooUi 1st and 8d Wednes
day evening In each month, in Odd Fel
lows, Hall, Tionesta,
1;I7, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in A.
O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa.
rpiON EST A TENT, No. 164, K. O. T.
-1 M., meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening in each month in A. O. U. V.
hall Tionesta, Pa.
and District Attorney. Ofllce, cor. of
1m and Brldgo Streets, Tionesta. Pa.
Also agent for a numbor of reliable
Fire Insurance Companies.
Tionesta, Pa,
Physician, Surgeon A Druggist,
Physician, Burgeon A Dentist,
OWce and 'Residence three doors north
of Hotel Agnow, Tionesta, Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours.
Phvsician A Surgeon,
Ollloo in building formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to.
night or day. Residence opposite Hotel
L. AGNEW, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly the Lawrence
House, has undergone a complete change,
and la now furnished with all the mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout with natural iras. bathrooms.
hot and cold water, etc. The oomforU of
guests never neglected.
.J C. F. WEAVER, Proprietor.
Tionsnta, Pa. This is the most centrally
located hotel in tho place, and has all the
niodorn improvements. No pains will
bo spared to make it a pleasant stopping
plauo for tho traveling public First
class Livery in connection.
. West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Ilondor, Proprietor. This hotel
has but recently been completed, is nice
ly furnished throughout, and offers the
tlnost and most eomlortable accommoda
tions to gnosis and the traveling public
Rates reasonable.
Corner of Elm Walnut 8ta., Tionesta,
Pa., Hank of Discount and Deposit. In
terest allowed on rune weposita. couec-
tions made on all the Principal points of
me u. ft. collections solicited.
Shop in Walters buildiiiK. Cor. Elm
and alnut streets. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give period satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
and Jeweler of 25 years' experience, is
prepared to do all work iu Lis line on
short notice and at reasonable prices.
Alwuvs i?uaraiitooa satisfaction. Watch
es, JoweTry, Ao., ordered for parties! at
the lowest possible figure. Will be found
iu tho building next to Keeley Club
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Fred. Grettcnbergor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Hlacksmithlug prompt
ly done at Low Kutes. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special altenliou, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop iu rear of and lust west of the
bliaw House, lidioulo, fa.
Your patronage solicited.
Furniture Dealers,
IttMtl J01 ill o Airont 11 ml
rwz. tire Ann acci-
I reprosent the oldost, strongest, and
best Insurance Companion in the United
Deeds. Bonds. Mortiraires. Loases.Wills.
Powers of Attorney, Articles of Agree
ment, and ail other legal instruments cf
writing, drawn with accuracy and dis
patch. Titles examined and "Brlofs"
prepared. Ground rents, mortgages,
and loans negotiated. Farms and wild
lands, nouses and lots for sale or rent.
Registers of Property for sale or to lot.
open to the inspection of those interested.
Particular attention paid to the collection
of rents, interest, etc. Also to the proper
assessment of lands and payment of
taxes. Probating accounts, acknowledg
ment of deeds, and depositions taken.
Church aaJ Babbnth Hchaol.
Prosbvterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. W. W. Dale.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
t . K. Glass, Fastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
ttov. J. v. MCAninon omciating.
Oil market, f 1.40.
How about that local tolophono line?
Wm. Lawrence Is in Pittsburg on
C. M. Shawkey of Warren was in
town a few hours yesterday. .
Carpet sale Thursday, March 26, at
Miles A Armstrong's. tf
Born, to Mr. and Mrs.George Weant,
Thursday, March 12, 1890, a daughter.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hun
ter, of Nebraska, Friday, March 13, 1890,
a son.
Miss Minnie Strong, of Tidioute,
was the guest of Miss Effle Clark over
-A. II. Jones of the Electrlo company
spent Sunday with friends in Tionesta.
Just think of itt Nice lemon cookies,
nice ginger snaps,nuly 6 cents a pound, at
Lanson's. It
Miss Maude Brennan returned Fri
day from a three weeks' visit with friends
in Titusvllle.
Buy where yon can buy the cheapest.
Good goods. Try us on wall paper.
Lanson's. It
Constable Fil. Kellogg and James L.
Maze were over from Marinvllle a few
bourn yesterday.
Mrs. Long of Sandy Lake was a
guest of friends at the Rural House the
first of the week.
Just received at Lanson's, a full line of
Bhoes and slippers of the celebrated
Richardson make. It
Master Thomas Myers of Oil City
was the guest of his little friend "Nim"
Craig over Sunday.
A big ice gorge is reported In the
river below Parker, some sixteen or
eighteen miles In length.
-Timothy seed, clover seed, seod oats,
seed corn, and all kinds of flour and feed
at Lanson's, cheap for cash. It.
TheW. R. C. will give another of
their delightful parlor socials at the resi
dence of Mrs. Kate B. Craig, in the near
Miss Mary Rumberger, teacher of the
Golenza school, who has been visiting
ber parents at East Brady, returned to
her labors last Friday.
Miss Susie Iluling has gone to Qui
tonvllle to take charge of and finish the
school recently resigned by R. A. Strick
enberg of Marienville.
Quite a large load of Tionesta people
took advantage of the excellent sleighing
and attended the revival meeting at Ne
braska Sunday evening.
For rent, a house with six rooms,
large garden and some fruit, in Tionesta,
For rates or other information, inquire
of T. F. Ritcher. Esq.. Tionesta, Pa. tf
New announcements this week :
County Commissioners, Edward Kerr,
Barnett twp., George W. Osgood, Kings-
ley Iwp.; County Auditor, James R,
Clark, Tionesta.
Joseph F. Matt, the renowned piano
tuner of Buffalo, N. Y., will be in town
la a short time. Mr. Matt has received
many flattering testimonials on his artis
tic tuning, from eminent critics. tf.
Don't forget that the place to buy
fresh oysters, fruits and vegetables in
season, confectionery, cigars aud tobacco
is where you can get the best goods at
the best prices. That Is at Amsler's. tf.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Presbyterian church, will serve supper
in the Kepler hall, Friday evening,
March 20. 1890, commencing at 6:30
o'clock. Adults 25cts. Children 15 cts.
All are cordially invited.
It will soon be time to bur Carpets,
Oil Cloths, Floor Mattings, and Lanson
will soon have in a Hue where you oau
see it, have it cut to match, and delivered
in about sixteen minutes, and price will
be just as low as any one dare. It
The Mnadville street railway system
is a go. It is designed to be extended
into a suburban line which shall reach
Sagertown, Cambridge and Edinboro,
with the idea of securing the trade of
these places to Moadvilla merchants.
For the small amount of snow that
has fallen in this section of country, the
winler of 1895-6 will go down in history
as hr.viug furnished the finest sleighing
of any within the memory of the oldest
inhabitant. Aud it has been made use
of to the fullest extent.
The Devonian Oil Company of Brad
ford has opened up a new oil pool in Me
Kean county. The well is drilled into
the stratum known as the Kinzua sand
aud is expected to produce about cue
hundred barrels per day. There seems
to be no limit to the Bradford field.
'Squire John W. Tyrrel has been ly
ing very critically ill at his home at Old
town, for some weeks psst, and from the
nature of his disease, dropsy, bis physi
cian has very little hope for his recovery.
Mr. Tyrrel Is a veteran of the late war.
Remember, we are not always known
by our much talking, but what we do
counts. We will sell good clothing J ust
as cheap as any one, or if you want
something In "odds" cheap, for common
wear we have It also. Come In and see.
No trouble to show goods at Lanson's.
The groundhog's six weeks of winter
weather expired Sunday, says the Frank
lin New. Ho can point with pride to
some of the coldest weather of the sea
son in the last weok of his present term,
and to the fact that the sleighing of the
last three days was the best of the win
ter. Following is the lint of unclaimed
letters lying in the post office at Tiones
ta, Pa., March 10, 1896: Miss Jennie Con
fer, 2, Mrs. Eph. Whitohill, Ll.zio Roedo,
Herman Cohen, Jacob Cook, J. A. Hop-
ler, J. V. Kelly, Maple Creek Lumber
Co., Tomas McKinscerton, M. T. Porter
field, John F. Ray.
Don't fall to attend the Farmers' In
stitute next Monday and Tuesday, at the
court house. The full program Is pub
lished this week, by which It will be
seon that tho occasion will be an enter
taining one to all interested in farming
pursuits, good roads, etc. Come out and
bring a question with you.
A sleigh load of a dozen or more of
Tionesta's domino experts drove to West
Hickory last evening to engage in a
friendly match with players of that place,
at the pleasant homo of A. J. Kigglns.
An elegant lunch was served during the
evening, and a most enjoyable evening is
reportod by all who attended.
Lawronco A Smearbaugh have Just
opened a handsome Invoice of Spring
and Summer dry goods that are sure to
please the ladies. Wash goods, such as
percales, zephyrs, chiviots, etc., in all
styles. Ginghams, pretty and good.
Embroideries, etc. Call before making
your selections. We think we can please
you. It ,
As fine a stock of shoes of all grades
and styles, for ladies, gentlemen, boys,
Misses and children, as have been
shown In Tionesta for years can be seon
at Lawrence Smearbaugb's. They
have been selected with a view to please
both in style and quality, and as to price
we have made that to suit the hard times.
Call and Bee them. It
Marie Diem, the oldest member of
the Economlto Society, is dead, aged 81
years. Miss Diein was born in Germany
and came to this oountry 1817, settling in
New Harmony, Ind., where the society
was first organized. She was a member
of the body of elders, and was the last
member of the numbor who was with
the society when It moved to Economy,
Pa, Her death leavos a membership of
thirteen in the society.
All who wish to buy carpet of any
kind are Invited to the great carpet sale
at Miles A Armstrong's on Thursday,
March 20. If you wish to buy you can
not afford to miss i. We will show a
full line of samples from the largest
wholesale house in Philadelphia of all
grades from the cheapest to the best car
pets made. Bring the size of your rooms
and have carpet cut and matched, with
out waste. Ladies don't miss it. tf
Friends here of A. M. Doutt and
Frank S. Hunter, have received invita
tions to attend the graduation exercises
of the Cleveland Medical College, and
the Cleveland University of Medicine
and Surgery, which takes place this
week. Both gontlomen will be in the
graduating classes of their respective
colleges, Mr. Doutt in medicine, and Mr.
Hunter iu dentistry. Mrs. Doutt left
Monday for Cleveland to be presont at
the exercises. We understand that both
gentleman passed very highly in their
respective examinations.
James Valentine, son of U. 8. and
Malissa Zahniser, died at the home of
his parents, in Tionesta twp., Sunday
morning, March 16, 1890, sged 14 years, 4
bios, and 10 days. 'Tine, as he was fa
miliarly known to all his acquaintances,
was a bright, active, energetio boy, who
gave great promise of becoming a useful
man. From infancy, almost, he display
ed a wonderful amount of ambition, and
unlike many boys he was better con
tented while engaged in some profitable
employment than when at play. Fort lie
past two years he had been suffering
from diabetes, yet bis indomitable will
kept him on his feet and actively engaged
in some useful pursuit about the farm
until within two weeks of his death. He
was a very manly boy, and his early tak
ing away is a most crushing blow to the
family, and in their boreavemont they
have the sympathy of all their neighbors.
Funeral services were held at the house
yesterday, the interment taking place in
xuveiBiue v-euiow)ry.
Sunday morning about eight o'clock
tne luiiamianu ot JMewmansville were
aurprised at seeing a man with a load of
grain drive into town and stop at the
store. It was very evident that ho ex
peoted to walk right in, by the force with
which he brought up against the door,
after lifting the lutch. Surprised at the
door not opening he backed oil' the porch.
viewed the upper story aud seemed to
ne wondering wny Air. LKing was not In
bis store at tiiut time of day. Deciding
that something must be wrong, he has
tened across to me not"i wnere he gained
admittance without difficulty. He in
quired why the store was not open and
said that he was on his way to Frybnrg
to tne grist mill and bad stopped at the
store to get a pipe and have a smoke.
They told him Mr. Long did not keep
1113 store open on nunuay. a iter oonsid
erablo trouble they succeeded in con
vincing him that it was Sunday. They
lurnisuod mm a pipe and tne gentleman
started on the return trio.
Mrs. Thompson, who has been danger
ously ill, is reported better.
Dr. liowman of Tionesta was called
last Saturday to attend the little aon of
James Turk.
Rev. Glass delivered a very able ser
mon at the F. M. church last Sunday.
The bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs.
George Blum, made their appearance at
church Sunday. They looked happy
notwithstanding the fact that the Cow
Bull Hand serenaded them until a lale
hour Saturday evoninu.
Some of our young folks attended
church at Nebraska Sunday evening and
report an interesting meeting. ,
DUsuIuf lull Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween J. T. and A. 11. Dale was dissolved
by mutual consent March 9, lMHi. All
accounts will be settled by J. T. Dale.
J. T. Dalk,
Tionesta, Pa., March 11, l&M. at.
MVst Hickory.
M. R. Hnrdenhurg went to Colorado on
business Inst weok.
W. M. Coon of Barnett township and
John Gloning of Jonks township wore
in town last week.
Homer Dewalt was In Noiltown last
Friday on business.
Mrs. Birchfiold at present writing Is
reported better.
Mrs. Stewart Turner Is on tho sick list
Orion Siggins returned from Pittsburg
Saturday where ho had been on business.
Col. Cartor of Titusvllle, accompanlod
by Mr. Caster and Mr. Lanoy, wero vis
itors at Riverside farm last week,
Quite a number from this place attend
ed the box social at Rialto Saturday
evening. All report an enjoyable time.
S. Sutley is getting his lumber on for
his new house on Ann St.
Moving time, April 1st, will booh be
here and there seems to be a scarcity of
houses here to accommodate those that
want them. Seems as (hough some of
our enterprising men would build some.
It would be a good Investment.
Foxburg, Hoivn Township.
Roport of Foxburg (Forest county)
school for month ending March 10. No.
enrolled, 40; average attendance, 29;
Per cent, of attendance, 80. Thoso pres
ent every days James Campbell, Fred
Cromwell, Charles J. Fox, Harry Mo
Donald, Theodore Norman, Jefferson
Mays, Anna GIfford, Ella Kingsley, Ida
Norman, Wave Norman. Not missing
more than two: Mary Wilcox, Mary
List, Ellen Llmberg, Peter Mays, Ed
ward Fox, Dennlo Denslingor, Carl
Nancy C. Modrow, Teacher.
The people of Lynchburg who depend
on gas for fuol, have experienced great
inconvenience lately sspecially on very
cold mornings from the gas going off,
and the housewives have to be on the
lookout to save an explosion. Within
two weeks, two houses there have been
burned to the ground. The first with all
Its contents, and the latter, which be
longed to John Daly, but one machine
and a few chairs were taken. On last
Friday morning, while Mrs. Daloy was
on an errand to a neighbors, the gas
came on in such force as to set the house
on fire. A little boy, three years old,
who had been left in the house, managed
to get a door open and give the alarm.
Soon all was in flames. The bouse to the
east of Mr. Daley's in which Dan Haines
livoB, was badly damaged, and Mike
.Liyncus nouse across tlie street was
scorched. No insurance.
To be held under the auspices of tho De
partment of Agriculture of tho State of
Pennsylvania, in the Court House,
Tionesta, Pa., Monday pnd Tuesday,
March 23 and 24, 1896. Exercises pub
lic and free. Everybody is invited.
Music Prayer.
Address of Welcome. Amos F. Lode-
bur, Starr. Pa.
Kesponse. frof. John Hamilton, Dep
uty Secretary of Agriculture, Harris
burg, Fa.
Farming as it Should Be. Wm. L.
Nesbit, Lewisburg, Union County, Pa.
Liiscussion oponed Dy m. Cropp, Tio
nesta, Pa.
Care Taking. Worth Hard Cash. Col.
John A. Woodward, Howard, Center
County, Pa.
t-otato culture. Mr. T. li. Terry, Ohio.
Discussion opened by A. J. Siggins, West
Hickory, Pa.
Music. Question Box.
Good Roads. Prof. John Hamilton,
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, Harris
burg, Pa.
Does Farmlnir Pav in Pennsylvania?
W. L. Nesbit, Lewisburg, Union Coun
ty, Pa.
Education on the Farm. T. F. Ritchey,
Music. Prayer. Question Box.
The Value of Spravimr. T. B. Terrv.
Ohio. Discussion opeuod by Henry Led
ebur, Starr, Pa.
State Appropriations for Roads. Jon
athan Albaugb, East Hickorv, Pa.
Diseases of Cattle. John C. Hoovler,
Tionesta, Pa.
Music. Question Box.
Our Public Roads. Proper Surveys.
Legislation Needed. T. D. Collins, Ne
braska, Pa.
Lime. Its Value as a Fertilizer. W.
L. Nesbit, Lewisburg, Pa. Discussion
opened by R. O. Carson, Perry, Forest
The Value of Clover and How to Pro
cure a S'and Upon the Soil. Col. John
A. Woodward, Center Countv. Discus
sion opened by Eli liorlin, xVhig Hill.
Gardening for the Family and Market.
T. B. Torry, Ohio. Discussion opened
by W. H. H. Dottorer, Rosa Run.
Music. Question Box.
Practical Farming. T. B. Terry, Ohio.
Taxation. Prof. John Hamilton, Har
risburg. Successful Tree Planting. S. D. Irwin,
Emphasis in Farming. Col. John A.
The mission of farmers' institutes.
Wm. L. Nesbit.
Special Notice: The foregoiug ordor
will be followed as closely as possible.
but other exercises will be introduced, if
found desirable.
Speeches, Kssavs and papers ought not
to exceed 20 minutes. The papers when
read are considered the property of t lie
Department of Agriculture.
Although these Institutes are designed
and conducted for the education and ad
vantage of Farmers, yet all who sre in
teroMed aro invited to attend, and it is
hoped that they will show their apprecia
tion not only by being present at the
meetings, but also by taking part in the
Ask Questions. A Question Box will
be kept umn the Secretary's desk, and
all are invited to place therein such
questions as they may wish to have dis
cussed during the session. At a proper
time, designated by tho meeting, these
questions will be leferrcd to some one
lor answer, or Drought up lor general
All Granges, Alliances, Agricultural
Societies an i kindred Agricultural Or
ganizations are specially invited to at
For further information and for Pro
grams, address,
C. A. Ran pa Tionesta, Pa.
Chairman of Board of Iiixtituto Mana
gers for Forest County.
We sincerely hope and expect that all
citizens who aro interested in tiie ad
vancement of our agricultural interests
in rore-tt County, aud also 111 the peruia
pent improvement of our Public Roads,
will so arrange their business to attend
every session of this our first Farmers'
Institute iu Forest County. Every ses
sion will be benelieial to us all. Come
and bring your wires and families, for it
has been said that "Agitation of thought
is the beginning or wisdom.
Itciliiftlon In Prices of Fresh Meats.
On account of the dull limes ami the
scarcity of money we have concluded for
tho IiompIIc of our 'customers, to make a
reduction In the pricos of fresh moats, as
"live and ret live" In our motto. Until
further notico we will (.ell
Round steak, 10 cents
Surloin sloak, rants
Pork stoaa, 10 cents
Hnusago 10 cents
Boiling beef, 5 to 8 cents
Veal, 6 to 12 cents
llologna sausage 10 cents
Liverwurst, 8 lbs for 25 cents
Thoso prices are much lower than has
boon customary in Tionesta, but we ex
pect to build up a trade that will be largo
enough to keep them down. We respect
fully solicit your patronage.
2t. J. (iucRiNQ A Son.
Permanent Certificates.
The examination for permanent cer
tificates will be held in Tionesta on Fri
day, April 3, lKritt. All teachers who
wish to take the examination will please
report at once to
NANcr C. Monnow,
3t Lynch, Pa.
Simon S. Hartman, of Tunnelton,
West Va., has been subject to attacks of
colic about once a year, and would have
to call a doctor and then suffer for about
twelve hours as much as some do when
they dio. Ho was taken recently JiiHt the
same as at other times, and concluded to
try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora and
Diarrhoea Remedy. He says: "I took
one doso of it and it gave me relief in
five minutes. That is more than any
thing else has ever done for me." For
sale by Heath A Kilmer.
J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., says: "I
have used One Minute Cough Cure In my
family and for myself, with results so
entirely satisfactory tiiat I can hardly
find words to express myself as to its
merit. I will never fail to recommend
it to others, on every occasion that pro
sents Itself." Heath Killmer.
Don't invite disappointment by exper
imenting. Depend upon One" Minute
Cough Cure and you have immediate re
lief. It cures croup. The only harmless
remedy that produces immediate results.
Heath A Killmer.
BY VIRTUE of Sundry acts of the
General Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania relating to the sale of
Seated and Unseated lauds in the Co'intv
of Forest, etc, for taxes due and unpaid.
1 will oiler at puiiuo saio at tne court
House In toe liorougn 01 iiotiesta, l a.,
on the
hoi tie the Eighth day of Juno. 18IM). at 10
o clock a. in., tne following described
pieces of land, or eucii parts thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy the amount
of taxos and costs due and unpaid against
the same, and continue tho same lrom
day to day is the same may be found
The amount of taxes and costs must be
paid when the proporty is struck off, or
the sale may be avoided and the property
put up and resold.
All tracts lint otherwise marked are adver
tised fur luxes fur 1894 and 1895.
TJIV!Si:V,i,i:i) LANDS.
Barnett Township.
WinuL Acre.. W amities or Owner. Iffl'l
5701 1 RS4JW Winlack '94
3100 449 John Becker 385
6701 05 Reed, B J 12
3159 2471 Clark & Kreitler, E. part 211
3311 100 Steiner. Daniel Hi
5700 280 Pearsull, J B '94 25
23 Paine. S W '94 6
11 8 10 Paine, S W 94 3
3305 18 8-10 Paine, S W '94 5
42 Oil City FuelSupplyCo'95 4
5700 295 M W iiai nos fl Pearsal '95 18
Creen Township.
5185 503 Duncan, Robert 106
3818 fil Lacy 33
6504 IOimi Lacy '94 204
5504 1124 Collins A Watson '95 430
5505 680 Lacy '94 104
5505 704 Collins ifc Watson '95 220
5501 1000 Lacy '94 303
5501 1213 Collins Jt Watson '95 579
5500 600 Laey '94 205
1028 Collins A Watson '95 053
800 McClintock, Hamilton '94 41
308 McClintock, Hamilton '95 35
120 Mvers. Peter fl Nulf, i of
land '94 11 99
151 Myers, Peter fl Nulf, i of
land '95 3
112 Myers, E H A Co '85 4
100 EoEmerson II Coiiroy '94 U
100 EOEmerson 11 Conroy '95 11
373 Thomas F Thomas '95 35
60 Lacy 9
100 First National Bank of
Holidaysburg '94 12 30
106 First National Bank of
Holidaysbuig '95 9 65
57 Goo y.uondell n E. T.
Co '94 11 70
373 T C Fowler fl Thomas '05 85 10
210 John A Dale heirs 94 28 70
232 John A Dale heirs '95 18 10
100 S D lrwlu 11 Phillis J of
land '94 6 13
110 S D Irwin 11 Phillis ) of
land '95
jj J 518 Watson A Colliua '94
I 641 T D Collins '94
! 61 T D Collins
60 Unknown fl Davis '94
8 40
48 Clark, Mrs Fayette
04 Collins A Watson '05
5500 181J Proper, O W A J F land
only Wj
5500 181J Patterson, M V, timber
only, '95
5501 1321 Proper A Lacy '95
3818 lh3 T D Collins A Co '95
Harmony Township.
60 Foreman, N S fl Dawson
A Ueeser '''4
102 McCalmont, J H
102 McCalmont, N F
10.1 Mcfalmoiit, John F
115 MeCali t, J S
110 McCalmont, Mrs. J. F.
i of 80 Breiiuan A Weed fl
Newburv, K '
224 S S Cartwfight
222 li'tj llaworth heirs
75 Miles, Himh
60 Itrcden, James fl Hogan
134 Paul, S '95
134 Paul, R S '9.1 I
& 259 Pittsburg Nat. Bank of
ilk) Smiley, Dr II Getohol
60 A J SigginsA J li Siggins
II 0 Brunei, Sauiuwl '95
loo iiou iiiaii, T J fl Connely
100 Siggins A Helm, J B
50 SiiiUlliH, Job 11 11 Clelaud
95 Sit-'UhiH, John A Helm fl
Page A Brown
Hickory Township.
14 65
Hub. W.i.utc. u owucr.
6"o Wilkins, Ciocker A
1 .011 . 'Hi
670 Wilkius, Crooner A
Long '95
J of 150 Lake Erie i'et Co'95
35 62
300 John Soialnvooil
4 of Will Loiigweil A Fee
5-10 of hi Colbert lir.ll Reed
50 II II Slow
5232 2 Francis Henry
6101 50 I rioii Sitikfin
5102 50 J M Kepler
&192 50 O Siggins ll Clapp
3iwy 300 .TMClapp.Unknown 4 00
34 Martin .Smith 45 55
45 O Siifirins fl Church 14 19
1 O Siggins fl Middle
ton 73
6192 15-lfi5oni24iicrri A P Churc
hill '95 4 34
6192 10-lfl;Vif024acros F V Moriran 6 87
6192 10-105of024acres Emma Die-
londorf 6 37
51!I2 )0-!65()f2(acroH J W Willard 8 37
5102 10-105ofH2faeres W W Marks 6 37
fill.! 8-l05ot'024ai-rra J TBenchor'95 47
5192 42-105of02laeres (Jeol'Urilllth 10 91
6192 22 Diekraifor JHAWm 2 90
5192 200 Dickragor JHAWm
95 12 40
5210 28 Holbrook S S '95 1 75
Howe Township.
5102 750 Anchor Oil Co '04 239 40
3!97 111 J Rosnnblat '95 90 89
1197 37 H Rosenblat 30 29
3107 37 H Waldheimer 23 87
4791 900 Wriirht A Duhring
'94 203 34
4791 1125 Wrlitht A Duhrinir
'95 330 00
r20rt JofSOO Wallace W Cook '94 5 12
r.200 8-52 Wallace W Cook '95 281 10
3198 Scor 25 Murphy, M '94 9 32
4H23 476 Pittsburg A Forest
Co Lumber Co'94 120 02
4823 634 Pittsburg A Forest
Co Lumber Co'95 19) 40
5105 576 Grandin A Co 4 oil
ami cas '94 10 94
5105 1031 Grandin A Co 4 oil
and gas '95 17 00
108 150 Grandin A Co ) oil
and iras '94 2 85
5108 228 Grandin A Co oil
and gas '95 8 44
3189 203 II Lerov A J Link-
lain '95 66 00
3185 107 Mifllin, J 33 49
Vacant 25 Reed A Brennoman
fl Dohhs 9 63
Vacant 17 Reed A Brennoman 7 09
2730 69 100 Albert Fox fl Blon-
din '94 26 60
2916 U 109 W Willinkll Will
iams 12 52
2910 10 lot 111 W Willink, Stew
art 't5 3 m
2916 20Jofl08 W Willink, Stewart
'95 3 50
2995 44 100 Brown A Irwin '94 5 32
I1S6 68 Dobbs, J B '91 18 09
2:(66 260 L A Brennoman 44 82
3184 326 Lerov ALinklain'05 21 45
2X50 2 110 P J Swain 12 58
Vacant 100 R J Blood fl C H
Blood '94 26 60
Vacant 138 R J Blood fl C H
Blood '95 16 50
3801 393 2-10 Means A White '94 29 87
3X01 455 South Penn'Jd Co'95 30 03
3IH0 100 Thomas HTaylor'94 31 92
21177 100 Rappee, J 8 38 32
Vacant 50 John FertigfiETCo95 16 60
Vacant 50 JnhnFcrligtl ETCo95 16 50
Vacant 301 Fertig, McKinnoyit
Satteriield 19 48
2) W S Cole fl Nugent 1 47
2878 3-5ori003 O W A J F Proper,
land only '94 48 44
2878 3-5ofll60 O W A J F Proper,
land only '95 40 20
2878 2-5ofl063 J M Stewart '94 129 28
2H78 2-5of 1100 J M Stewart '95 145 20
2878 3-5otl003 J M Bomis, timber
only '94 145 43
2878 3-5ofll60 J M Hem is. timber
only '95 181 00
3005 1000 Wll Frost rl Wright
A Duhring '94 285 00
3005 743 WH Frost fl Wright
A Duhring '95 247 50
3189 1028 John McNair. tim-
bor '91 114 00
3193 990 T D Collins '94 203 84
3193 1I( T D Collins '95 204 00
IH23 181 T I) Collins '94 48 23
4823 634 T D Collins '95 198 00
3195 250 T D Collins 99 50
8195 25 T D Collins 8 06
3192 990 T I) Collins '94 203 84
3192 1122 T I) Collins '95 330 00
4790 890 T I) Collins 639 06
Vacant 100 S S Hennie A Co 63 00
4821 608 T D Collins '95 132 00
2850 4-6-7 327 Anderson, A P '95 21 59
3004 37 WrightADuhring'05 2 45
2977 Jot 35 01 Willink, vV '95 4 02
2736 110 Booth Rea '95 7 20
2736 51 110 G W Robinson, oil
and iras '95 3 63
Vacant 400 EN Lee.Roceiver '95 66 00
3801 18 Means A White 95 118
Jenks Township.
6141 27 Robinson & Bon
ner fl Koynton 9 51
6141 5 127 Wray W. A. '94 32 4
5142 11 132 Boyuton P '94 9 37
5142 11 140 Boyntou P '95 9 M)
5145 195 Blood It.I, east part 101 00
5143 100 Hood Uoubright&Uo
94 21 80
5145 100 Hood Bon bright&Co
0B 35 00
3IU2 1100 H Leroy&J Llnklain
'94 2M 16
3102 1050 II Leroy&J Linklain
95 309 00
3165 449 H Leroy&J Liliklain 150 67
3179 51 ten 11 Leroy&J Link-
lain, IS F ltoher 30 25
3179 59 112 Henry KoHxman 67 M
3179 60 69 H Leroy&J Liuklaio 44 21
3181 30 50 Mrs Isabella Price 3197
itlM 30 60 Mrs Isabella Price 31 27
8182 3-4-5-6-9-12
13 14-
19-20- 1073 Baker Hammond
& Co 403 55
5138 3:5 Penn Tanning Co "95 127 7"
3-"04 9-lfiof 1014 Nicholson John '94 145 80
3504 9-16 of 1131 Nicholson John '95 275 02
3071 1000 W II Frost '94 255 60
3' 7I 1171 W H Frost '98 3 9 50
3177 31 114 Sunstein Cass '95 39 90
3109 100 Ashley J & K 82 04
Vacant 200 It J Blood 86 58
3!i. 39 Marks L J 20
5138 118 G W Booaeld '95 26 28
5141 100 Thompson John '94 40 89
6141 137 Robinson & lionubr'93 9 00
314 6' 4 H rower C. '95 232 40
3322 100 Anna Hills 20 39
3159 247Ji C B Clark & Kreit
ler '94 62 90
3159 328 C B Clark & Kreit
ler '95 114 80
Vacant 43 Thomas Nugent 14 01
3174 42,47 106 William Kobinson'95 37 08
.1173 28 Blood Cyrus estate 8 6t
3042 7 100 Proper Aguew &
Kelly 32 8'
3607 1000 W rilit&r)iihriiig '84 29S 20
3'iii7 1120 Wrinlit&DuUriiig '95 78 82
M171 103 HlooU V V 47
3173 100 lllood VV 39 79
317 t 80 Blood I' P 16 8
3109 105 Towler 8 S 25 24
3170 63 Hunt Mrs LM 3131
300 100 Emm J Curry 32 60
3183 20 A N MouUiliouse &
others 12 11
8110 751 Grandin oil co 1-2
oil, gas '94 13 35
5110 903 Graudm oil co 1-2
oil, gas '95 15 75
6129 68 Graudiu oil co 1-2
oil, gas 3 08
5129 68 ' Marcy oil co 1-2 oil,
gas '95 2 02
3800 814 Geo Meaus & C J
Dempsey '04 57 80
30' 9 3-4 of 1000 A H Thack & oth
ers, oil and gas '94 26 1 4
3:i;9 of 1124 A 11 Thai'k & oth
ers oil, gas '93 39 35
Vacant 132 O W Proper ti Wood
burn 42 IHi
3109 7 1-5 Irwin S II 4 72
.'136 KOSLCIough 22 64
5107 1000 8 L dough '94 175 73
5107 t-'9 8 L Clough '95 229 9".
514 1 9 279'j T J Motl'ett ti Carl
& co '94 19 85
:WOt 347 Means & White '94 24 64
3H0I 314 Suuili Penn oil co '96 23 33
33.'2 60 Jainxs Phillis ti
U alknrman '95 3 50
5144 13 .'10 Cecil Gross ti Foreman 9 77
3' 43 100 Mrs Lizzie Frost. 22 98
3561 2-10of II -4 Crabtreo Johu '95 15 47
356 Fiosl W H 124 no
2022 193 North Penn oil 00 '95 13 1 4
3HU1 tsi Means & WhiUi '95 6 02
Kingsley Township.
Wuraut. lum. H .tiu.uj. ui U.u.r- awX
5I..7 75 Gilbert James '94 9 60
5117 115 GiDiert James '05 13 23
6143 100 Unknown '91 12 Ml
6145 222 Proper OWll Watson '9" 12 eO
3113 100 Johu A&.lat ksou Stewart '94 9 0
: ! 1.3 5U John A&Jaekson htewart '9 4 72
3142 l-2ufl50 bleakly & Cuuuely '94 7 20
3142 1-2 of 64 Kl 'iikli y & Cociuely'05 5 SI
510 390 Wolf & Co 74 49
51H7 1,1) Wolf & Co 1 . :
511 9IJ4 Charles Slarrow fl White i7 4 1
5187 91 Charles starrow ti White 17 4:
61KH 320 William Sinclair St 0 2
BI05 300 Gran.lln & co 1-2 oil, gas '94 4 "0
5105 340 Grandin & rn 1-2 nil, gas '95 4 71
51 OS P.V) Grandin & co 1-2 oil, lias '94 13 0
BIOS Vnii Granclin&col-2oil,gas '94 17
5109 1000 Grandin & col 2 oil, gas '94 to no
5109 1 1 ;30 Gramlin & en 1 2 oil, gas '95 25 (!H
6110 :(00 Orumlin & co oil, gas 9 52
612 1000 Oranilln & co 1-2 oil, gas '94 16
5128 M77 nraniliii&co1-2nil,gaa'5 21
5129 900 Grandin & co l-2ntl,gaa '94 14
5129 1000 Grandin & co 1-2 oil, ks '95 15
.'191 J M Clapp 6
5214 00 Anchor Oil co 22
5193 2-3 of 400 Lake Erie Oil co '05 30
6131 1000 Forest Oil co 151
5138 32X Whiti.kln& Hrennan 6
5234 1-2 of 9.50 II 11 May estate land
only '94 30 39
5234 1-2 of 895 H II May estate, land
on ly . 42 :il
234 1-2 of 895 I) C Cornen "95 42 31
Tionesta Township.
114 Chafl'ee Henry heirs'94 23
2 RieKinn O
104 Pheoiiix oil co 118
43Jf W V Dalrymple 15
1-2 of 170 Dale John A fl Stone 10
9! I
2824 180 Gillmorn & Dull 4
2X30 990 IUnnalnVGiHUan'94 202
2836 1072 Hannah&(iilflian'95 118
821 106 Oraham&Paul Htiner 39
1-2 of 405 8 T May & Irwin 39
127 Amy ! W 64
2H 2 .0 .1 W Fielder '94 51
2828 205 J W Fielder "95 48
9 Samuel H Philips heirs 1
40 J P Vanvrankin 10
28'B 1-2 of 41 a 11 lrwiu HVanderhoof s
3822 1000 Woods Heirs '94 1H4
3822 104 Woods Heirs '95 14
4-5 Fourth National Hank of
of Pittsburg 17
2825 1001 Hammond '95 111
3824 200 E M Paine II Kenneway 5
K Curtis 195 James Bleakley '95 30
i! f Mi l almout H8
242 J M Clapp 50
9K J T Hrennan 1
3824 152 Q W Robinson fl Walker 23
130 Henry Johnson fl llilamls
'94 10
65 A T Crepp fl Gadsby '95 9
235 100 Dale & Corb '94 20
235 53 Freeman & Greaves '95 8
2823 371- J M Clapp 71
24 Morgan Joseph '95 3
64 Morgan JoBeph '95 7
40 Perry rl Huston "95 2
2 Randall C A fl ButterfleM '95
2K33 ) 8.-5 Cartin Mrs Catharine 1-8
235 ( oil and gas '95 4
833 ) 401 Curtin MrB Catharine 1-8
2833 ( oil and sas '9.5 2
Barnet Township.
'I'arrmnt. Acre.. IT.mnie. or Owasr. Aro'!.
200 Shields, W D fl Elder 18 09
5701 105 Flick, J R 11 Pearsall '94 10 00
6701 105 Haight, Geo fl Flick '95 7 89
Creen. Township.
3819 50 Bonner, J estate '94 ,9 20-
3825 50 First Nat. Bank of Holi-
davsburg 20 00
3185 106 First Nat. Hank of Holi-
davsburg 32 10
5133 21 Haslet, W W '94 4 28
1 of 187 Walters, Orris A ('has
'91 '12 69
3819 50 Jjougstroth heirs '95 4 85
5133 21 Murphv, Jerrv '95 2 21
325 106 Whitman, Seidell '95 4 64
3820 4 of 89" Walters, Orris A Chas ,
'95 5 16.
Hickory Township.
10 Allegheny Nat. Bank 1 59
5199 50 Albaugh, J II 1 6 30
330 Dayton, Jesse C - 4158
5191 60 Davton, Jesse C 6 30
5207 102 Davidson, A '94 51 84
5190 50 Roister A Church 2 15
5233 50 Patterson, I) L 6 3o
5233 310 Siggins A Kirnear 26 04
5218 750 Siggins A Wilson '94 24 00
5218 834 Siggins A Wilson, oil A
as '95 17 52
160 Ball, N G A Wm '95 hi 02
5203 570 Mercantile Oil Co '95 35 22
94 McCutchoon, Clurrisa '95 4 04
Howe Township.
2808 200 Sub-div. 25 d- 26 Coulter
A Uucnpher '95 10 20
Jenks Township.
Vacant 220 Daniels, Jamos W '94 4 5 8ft
Vacant'27 Daniels, James V '95 37 50
3801 4 Frost, W II '94 70
3190 25 llauah, Mrs 11 II '94 3 50
3181 100 Leroy A Linklain 71 70
6144 70J Tracy, Pier A Blum-hard 8 34
4 Warren, Oscar '94 3 75
i Hlancliard, (ieo '95 1 75
3170 22 Burton, Noah '95 3 37
3042 30 Sub-div 7 F.ldridgo, Jos
eph '95 2 10
4 II ell ron, Peter '95 I 25
3046 1140 Minor, Green A Co '95 28 01
3o0 920 Means A Dempsey '95 61 2
3170 25 Schwartz, Daiiiel 'trt 1 25
Kingsley Township.
5213 316 Heard, ABA Davenport 55 44
5214 2!K) " " 67 00
5217 1 of 1100 " '94 34 80
5217 1241 " ' '95 41 4S
5212 306 Sehooloy, J C it-Co 6103
5214 136 Kelly, A li tl Tarr '94 13 47
5217 1100 Lamb heirs, oil t gas '94 6 74
6217 1241 Lamb heirs, oil A gas '95 6 59
6797 til Erli, Leonard '94 3 77
6135 1151 Watson uV Freeman 't5 113 85
5128 131 I
Watson A Freeman '95 51 98
6131 170
62iK 4 Proper it Myers '95 2 40
6197 36 McCiillough. J P 3 01
Tionesta Township.
401 Anderson, John '94 73 65
2833 408 Anderson, John '95 67 91
123 Backus, 1) C 31 33
92 Bleakley, James 20 so
2826 ' 50 Clapp, k E '94 15 W
235 I
885 Curtin A Anderson '94 149 15
321 024 Carbaugh, E F.
10 06
MO 30
:24 5.0 Gilmore A Hull
324 50 Hepler, Jerrv '91 9 3
324 50 Hepler, J O '95 8 02
5 Mckinley. Gilbert '94 I 00
16 Stow, Hamilton '94 3 98
224 63 Fuller, Joseph '95 10 34
223 130 Lincoln Oil Co '95 2.5 90
19 Tionesta Water Supply
Co '95 2 10
10 lloovcler, Sam '95 2 35
.324 50 Whitman, Seidell '95 7 47
0 ' " '05 OS
124 " " '95 2.5
Tionesta Borough. '
Aoru. W.rtiiM or 0n.r Aw t.
10 Davis, E L 11 Sickles '94 2 10
12 Hopkins, II J A Co II Sickles 4 Ml
50 Robinson A Kellv 1 95
395 Heiekles, li G ' 210 (HI
i Wataou L F 8 no
J Hill, A W tl Cogan '9.5 7 00
I Kilev, Hailie It Sickles '95 3 0
4 Roberts, Mead '95 1 !i
10 Davis, J 11 '9. 2 2S
Harmony Township.
20 Cotant, Mrs E F '94 2 10
50 Green, J K 15
62 Green, JK II i
MO Grove, Nelson A Geo '94 9 0,1
1-16 Hunter, Mrs S E tl Siggins 91 2 2.
loo McGrew Darcy '94 M 00
5 Bull', Jacob " 2 M
II Si'ins, John II Clelaud '94 20 10
400 Mill, Harnett '0! "O 00
134 Shaiiilnirg, Garsou tl Itrou 11 :ii it
so Shaiiihuru.Giirson II Holbrook 21 71
21 Sliambiii'u, liarson 11 Sweet ,V
hbenll 52 7S
MO Wilson, A L tl Stowell 30 no
MO Wilson, Samuel 37 00
330 MeGai vcv A Co '91 79 20
215 WaUou, I, E '!4 2 S
37 4 Church. Mrs Nancy '95 5 til
37 Fugle, W II '.'. 5
50 Mover, 1, '95 2
30 Mills, Case A Co '95 5 M
liKI l'iltsbuig.VI'heiryKunOilCo'9.5 II .1
00 Pitlsburuvki 'herr l(unOiiCo'n5 0 mi
M.5 Piltsliurg.U'herrv l uiiOHCo'!i.5 21 7S
130 siggins ,v, Holm ll Carson '95 211 li t
3114 Kiitt A Hinckley '0.5 10 00
55 W ilkius, Horace '95 12 o
Bv virtue ol an a- t of Assembly enti
tled "An Act to regulate lb.- coII.h lion ,,f
taxes on un-eated lauds," approved 1I1
lit li day ol June, A. !., 17, interest v . 1 1
be ehargedou snl tai-i tr-oil Janoai v 1,
1!.5. to date of payment, iind on !!' tav
es Horn January I, l!i, P date .1 pav -iiient,
at the rale ot six per cent, per an
num. J Is. II. HIV I s, Trc.iirrr.
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa., Marco 10, 1:0,