THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. i. I. WCNK, Editor 4 Psopsktom. WEDNESDAY. MARCH IS, ISPfl AXXOIXCEJIEMS. Following Bro tho rates for announce monts. to be accompanied hv tho rash Congress $-0. Assembly $12. Frothon- omry ft. Slicnfl fin. County Commis sioner fi. Auditor ?. Jury Com mm sloncr ?4. National Delegate r. State Delegate (X Those rates include tho printing of tickets. Republican Primaries, Saturday, April 1111, 1MH). CONG mess. W nro authorised to announce A. W. COOK, of Harnett township, an a candi date for Congress, subject to Republican usages. ASSEMBLY. J. K. WKNK, of Tionosta, is a candi date for Assembly, subject to Republican Usrtgw. rnOTHOXOTAUY. We are authorised to announce JOHN II. ROBERTSON, of Jenks township, as n camiidnto for Frothonotary, Register, Iteconler, etc., subject to Republican usages. SflERIFF. We are authorized to announce FRANK 1 WALKER, of Green town ship, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Republican usases. We are authorized to announce JOHN W. JAMIESON, of Tionesta, as a candi date for Sheriff, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce HARRY MAZE, of Jetiks township, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Repub lican usages. COUNTY' COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce CHAS. M. WHITKMAN, of Tionesta township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce W. M. COON, of Harnett township, as a candi date for County Commissioner, subject Republican usages. We are authorized to announce JOHN GLKN1NG, of Jenks township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce JAMES I. WOODS, of Jenks township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, Bubjoct to Republican usagos. We are authorized to announce ED WARD KERR, of Barnett township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, vanbjeot to Republican usages. We aro authorized to announce GEORGE W. OSGOOD, of Kingsley township, as a candidate tor County Com missioner, subject to Republican usages, j COUNTY AUDITOR. We ate authorized to announce M. E. ABBOTT, of Hickory township, as a candidate for County Auditor, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce JAMES R. CLARK, of Tionesta, as a candidate for County Auditor, subject to Republi can usages. JURY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce J. B. CARPENTER, of Kingsley township, as a candidate for Jury Commissioner, sub joct to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce JOSEPH MONO, Sr., of Tionesta town ship, as a candidate for Jury Commis sioner, subject to Republican usagos. We are authorized to announce M. F. CATLIN, of Kingsley township, as a candidate for Jury Commissioner, sub ject to Republican usages. NATIONAL DELEGATE. The frieuds of J. C. Campbell, of Jenks Township, present his name as a candi- uaie lor uoiegaie 10 the Kopublican .Na tional Convention, subject to the decis ion of the Republican primary election in Forost County, and the action of the District Convention. STATE DELEGATE. We are authorized to announce Goo. L. King, of West Hickory, Harmony town ship, as a candidate for Delegate to the Republican Slate Convention, at Harris burg, April 23, 18. Mr. Agtiew Withdraws. Ed. Republbcan : Not being aa aspirant for personal political honors, and being assured that our friend J. C. Campbell, like myself, is in accord with the Repub lican sentiment of our County, State and Nation, and desiring harmonious action everywhere for the relief of our nation from Democratic misrule, you will please withdraw my name as a candidate for delegate to the Repub lican National Convention. Thauk log my Republican friends in Forest county for the proffered honor, I am Very Respectfully, J. B. Agnew. The Republicans of Butler county will hold their primaries on the 28th iost., and we note with pleasure the candidacy of Hon. James N. Moore for re-election to the legislature. No member of the House left a better 1.1 r r -w recora man air. Moore, lie was one of those who could not be used by any clique or faction, or swerved from the right course when the peo pie's interests were at Btake. He was a useful member to his .constituents for whose welfare he was always on the alert, and as a new member be was looked upon as one of the bright' est on the floor. Mr. Moore made himself popular with his fellow mem bers by bis remarkable display of backbone in refusing to dance to other people's music, or be wheedled into supporting measures which he believed to be against the inteiests of the common people. He was the stern foe of monopolies on all occa sious, and surely the Republicans of Butler county will make a serious mistake if they do not re-nominate him. Fon Sale oh Will Exchange fob Ll miser. A good station ry saw mill, recently re6t- led throughout, 60 II. I', boiler Bud engine, log turner, gang edger, fractional blocks rope leed, saw frame, inserted toolh saws, cut oil, bull wheel, lath mill, belts, lum ber trucks ; In short, a fully equip ped mill that will be sold at a reason, able price. Have also a 30 II. 1' lSUudy, that will sell for cash or ex change for lumber. McClellan & Mell, Kane, Fa. Local Institute at West Hickory. Mecling called to order by the Presi dent, S. M. Whitmer. Opened by sing ing, followed by devotional exert ises by Rev. J. K. Hillard. Talk by Trof. Speer on the late acta of the Legislature, which explained points not thoroughly understood by the teach ers. F. R. Shafer then took up the subject of Arithmetic, giving us tlio Idea of how and when it should be taught. This talk was thoroughly discussed by others, after which Institute was adjourn ed to partake of an elegant repast served by the ladies of West Hickory, in room No. 1. Afternoon session opened by Prof. S. T. Carson with a talk on "common sense." His views were given in regard to retaining teachers, who gaye general satisfaction. Talk by C. A. Henry on the subject of music, followed by a selection on the violin. Recitation by Miss Keistor. S. M. Whitmor then gave an instruc tive talk on physiology. He explained the divisions of the Alimentary canal. and tho effects of alcohol on each divi sion, also the process of digestion in each. (Applause.) Talk by Miss Woodford on the "Need of a library iu the public school." Recitation by Mrs. S. T. Carson, the "Teacher1 Dream." Rov. J. E. Hillard spoke on "Morals," which met the ap proval of all. C. A. Henry was recalled for another musical selection, amid applause. RThanks were tendered by the entire institute to the ladies and all that helped to make the institute a suocess. Or mix Whittou, Secy. West Hickory, Pa., March 14, 1896. REPUBLICAN TRIMAKY ELECTION. Pursuant to a Resolution of the Conntv Committee passed Fob. 24, 1896, it is or dered that the Republican voters of For est County meet on SATURDAY', ArRIL4th, 1890, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at the following named places of holding primary elections, to wit: Barnett, Jacob Maze's Carpenter Shop. Barnott, at Redclvtl'e. Green, at Nebraska, Forest House. Green, at Guitonville, School House. Green, Bowmauvilln. Harmony, at Fogle Farm. Harmony, at West Hickory. Harmony, at Fleming Hill. Hickorv, at East Hickory. Howe, West, at Ralltown. Howe, at Cooper Tract. Howe, at Foxburg. Howo, East, at Brookston. Howe, Lower, at Watson Farm. Howe, at Frosts. Jenks, East, at Byromtown. Jenks, Central, at Marionville. Jenks, at Clough's Mill. Jenks, at Parrish. Kingsley, at Newtown Mills. Kingsley, at Starr. Kingsley, at Kellettville. Tionosta township, at Township House. Tionesta Borough, at Court House. At which time and Dlaues thev will hv their votes nominate : One person for Congress. One person for Assembly. One person for Prothonotary. One person for Sheriff. Two persons for County Commission ers. Two persons for County Auditors. One person for Jury Commissioner. One person for Deleirate to the National Covention. One person for Delegate to the State Convention. Each election precinct will also elect one person tor member of the County ioiuumiee ior me ensuing year. ine pons wilt remain open until 7 p.m. Return Judges will convene at the Court House, Tionesta Borough, on the iouowing iiiesaay, April 7, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Attention is called to the Act of June, 1881, regulating Primary Elections, that Judges and Clerks, before entering upon the discharge of their duties shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation in presence of each other. Proper election blanks and tickets will be mailed to the committeemen of the different precincts in due time. It is their duty to see that these are promptly un uaua on me aav 01 me primaries. . J. UENDKIUON, Chairman. Gcs. B. Evans, Secretary. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY RULES. RULES GOVERNING THE REPUB LICAN PRIMARY ELECTIONS OF FOREST COUNTY. 1. The candidates for the several offices shall have their names announced in one or more of the county papers at least three weeks previous to the Piimary Meetings stating the office aud subject to the action of the party at the said pri mary meetings. li. "The voters belonging to the Repub lican party in each township and borough shall meet on a day to be designated by me i;ouniy lommuiee, at me usual place of holding spring elections, at 2 o'clock, P. M., aud proceed to elect one person for Judge, and two persons for Clerks who shall form a Board of Elections to receive votes and determine who are the proper persons to vote and who shall hold the polls open until 7 o'clock, P. M. After the polls are opened, the candidates an nounced shall be balloted for ; the name of eac h person voting shall be written on a list at the time of voting, no person be ing allowed to vote more than once for the same ollice. 8. After the polls are closed the board shall proceed to count the votes that cadi candidate iiaa received, and make out the returns accordingly to be certified by me j uuge aim aiiesieu iy me cierKs. 4. The Judge or one of the clerks ap pointed by the Judge ot the respective election district, shall meet at the Court House, in Tionesta, on the Tuesday fol lowing the Primary Meetings at 2 o'clock P. M. having the returns and a list of voters, and the person having the highest number of votes for any ollice, shall be declared the nominee of the Republican party. 5. The Return Judges shall be compe tent to reject by a majority, the returns from any district where there is evidence of traud, either in the returns or other wise, and shall reject them where there is evidence ot three or more persons vot ing at the Primary Meeting who are not Republicans. 0. Any two or more persons having an equal number of votes for the same of fice the Judges shall proceed to ballot for a choice, tlio person having the highest number to be the nominee. 7. The Return Judges shall appoint Conferees Representative, Senatorial and Congressional whose acceptance of said appointment shall be a pledge to support the person who may receive the largest number of votes cast for that ol lice. 8. The Return Judges may at any time chunge the mode aud manner of select ing candidates as they may be instructed by the people at their primary meetings, due uotice being giveu by the Couuty Committee. 9. Tho Chairman of the County Com mittee shall be required to issue a call in pursuance of the action of tho Couuty Committee. Quick in etfect, heals and leaves no scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Huzel salve. Applied to burns, scalds, old sores, it is magical in effect. Always cures piles, liualh it Killmer. Old Glory l iiflurloil at Roarer Tnllcr. At a flag raising at the Beaver Valley school house recently, EH Derlin post was present and did what they could to make tho day an interesting one to the school as well as to the large assembly. The post band got In their efficient work as usual. The pole stands about flfty four feet above the ground. The flag Is of the best material. When all was ready tho cheering was taken up by all as Old Glory ascended to the place of honor by the hands of the patriotlo and efficient teacher, Miss Anna C. Roarta. The program prepared by tho school under the supervision of the teacher was very interesting as well as splendidly ex ecuted. Such demonstrations alone bo- 001110 the American people, actuated as they are by a pure seal and lovo for Country and onr free Institutions. The recitations had reference to the love of Country and devotion to our flag. One noble little boy, reciting a very touching composition on War, became so overcome by his sympathetic feelings as to per fectly unstring his otherwise noble powers. Never mind, little boy, we know you possess a big, noble, patriotlo heart. The perfection exhibited In sonars and recitations by all forbids us of par ticularizing anyone, and can onlv add that the patrons have Just reason to be proud of their teacher and school. May prosperity attend them and the Hag that iiohis over mem, is our nest wishes, etc. Not in be Triflrit Willi. (From Cincinnati Gazette) Will neoplo never learn that a "cold" is an accident to be dreaded, and that when it occurs treatment should be promptlv applied T There is no knowing where the irouoie win end; aud while complete recovery is tho rule, tho exceptions are terribly frequent, and thousands upon thousands of fatal illnosos occur every year usherod in by a little injudiciousex- posure ana seemingly iriumgsymptoms. Beyond this, there are to-dav countless invalids who can trace their complaints to "colds," which at tho time of occur rence gave no concern, and were there fore neglected. When troubled with a cold use Chamberlain's Cough Rcmedv. It is prompt and effectual. 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale by Heath it Killmer. "Give mo a liver regulator and I ran regulate the world." said a cenius. The druggist handed hiin a bottle of DeWitt's Little J'.arly Risers, the famous little pills. Heath A Killinor. The following household articles are for sale by Mrs. O. V. Kerr: One cook stove, one heatioc stove, one matress with springs, one set diu- niog mora chairs, one couch, one lawn mower, a number of tables and carpets and household arficles of all kinds; also oue top bueev. which can be seen at Scowden & Clark's wagon factory. These articles are all comparatively new and can be bad at very reasonable prices. if. All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of Lebanon. Conn., was badlv afflicted with rheumatism. At times it was so severo that he could not stand no straight, hut was drawn over on one side. "I tried different remedies without receiving relief'' hn rhvi "until ,lmni .1 months ago I bought a bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. After using it for three days my rheumatism was gone and has not returned since. For sale by r, . a. 1 1 - rauHiu a, jviumer. A high liver with a torpid livor will not be a long liver. Correct tho liver with DeWitt's Little Early Risers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipa tion, ueaiu iV iiinmer. Painting and Paper Hanging. J. II. A II. P. Shoemaker, Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. Country work given prompt attention, all work guaranteed satisfactory. Paper hanging a eipvciaiiy , xi'.'liesm, t'a. Soothing, hoalinir. cleansinir. DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve is the enemy to sores, wounds and piles, which it never fails to cure. Stops itching and burning. Cures chapped lips and cold-sores in two or tniee hours. lleuttwV Killmer. One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches at the right time it you take it when you have a cougn or cold, see the point T Then aon i cougu. ueath .V, Killmer. Wanted. To trade 6 end-spring top buggies 3 two-horse wagons, 4 spring wagons 4 road-wagons, for almost auy kind of lumber. Write me aa to kin of lumber you have. Will trade the iot or as many as you may want. A. Reynolds. Franklin, Pa. It not only is bo, it must be so, One Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and that's what makes it go. Heath A Kill mer. MARRIED. KIGHTLINGER ATWELL At Tio nesta. Pa.. Saturday, March 14, 1890, Mr. Ernest Kightlinger, of Black Ash, Crawford couutv, Pa., and Miss Jennie Atwell, of East Hickory, Forest county, Pa. WEST TIONESTA. PA., Wishes to inform the publio that he is permanently located near the W. N. Y. & P. Depot, wan a lull line of J FRESH GROCERIES, $i PROVISION & FEED, fJ CHOICE CONFECTIONRIES, I TOBACCO & CIGARS. ALSO THE FAMOUS 3 PILLSBURY FLOUR And is prepared to keep yr anything wauted in the line of Groceries. Prices as low .3 as the lowest. Goods deli v fb eiod freo of charge. CHAS. HI. WHITEMAN. - x- HAZELTINE Sf&& WOOLEN MILLS. Malra T o . and Yurni of iure woul, without alioU tly, flocks, wnaUi or im u,,y lui&iure wuafr ever. 1 CHAS. M. 1 WHITEMAN, I DAVID MINTZ, IS ALWAYS 1 AM BOUND TO LEAD In all kinds or Merchandise. My stock is still largo In all departments, and as I want to make room for my spring and summer goods from now until furthor notice I will give BARGAINS -5 IN MOST ANYTHINC YOU WANT TO BUY !N MY STORE FOR AS CASH IS WHAT I NEED to keep things moving. 80 for Bargains, come to us, for Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Trunks and Valises, Cloaks and Cape, Blankets, Wall Paper, Crockory and Glassware, Furniture and most anything else at DAVID MINTZ'S, Red Front Stores, Marienville, Pa. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for Hides, pelts, CaK-sklns, Wool A C.lnsein... Auditors' Report of Kingsley Township. Chas. Bauer, Treasurer, in account with poor lund or Kingsley township, for tlio year ending March 9. 1898. tr. To balence last settlement I 194 76 To cash Reo'd from Collectors 981 24 Total f 1176 CO OR. By ordors cashed (MS 15 By Ain't to balance 617 85 Total 11176 00 Balance in bands of treasurer 9 627 85 Chas. Bauer, Treasurer, In account with roaa luna or Kingsley town'hip ror the year emtinn March 9. lSttfl. dr. To balance last sattlemont lt'l 33 To cash Roo d lrom collectors 912 99 Total fllOJ 32 CH. By orders cashed 1072 67 By Am't to balance 81 75 Total. $1168 66 Balance in hands of treasurer $1012 42 Financial standing of Kingsley township road account. nu. To outstanding orders $1168 60 Total $1168 66 CR. By am't to be colet'd on duplicate.. $ 124 49 By am't in treasury 81 75 By am't to balance 1012 42 Total. $1168 66 Financial standing of Kingsley township poor account. dr. To Am't of balance $ 655 11 CR. By balance in treasury. I 627 85 By Bal. to be Col. on duplicate 27 26 V. Y. DKTAR, G. W. UlNDMAP, C. A. Jenkins. Attest: Auditors, G. S. COPELAND. Auditors' Report of Tionesta Township. Wm. Lawrence, Treasurer, iu account wun Tionesta township road nun!, for the year ending March 9, 1896. Dn, To Bal. last settlement $ 175 69 Koc'a lrom Jesse Carson, Col 589 64 Reo'd from C. Winegard, Col 28 68 Reo'd from Forest county 1000 00 $1794 01 OR. By orders redeemed $1314 97 By 6 percent. Com on Or. Red 65 75 By Bal. in bands of Treasurer 413 29 ti7vi m To Bal. In hands of Treasurer $ 413 29 rvm. Lawrence, treasurer, in acooun with I'lnnnuta Turn riAA Cun.l tm To Bal. Last settlement $ 44 19 Reo'd from Forest county 133 60 $ 350 29 CR. By orders redeemed 195 72 Hy 3 percent Coin, on Or. Red 6 86 By balance 148 71 $ 350 29 To Bal. in hands of Treasurer $ 148 71 Liabilities and resources of the poor fund of Tionesta township. Balance in hands of treasurer $ 148 71 Due on unseated tax 141 65 Tyrrel mortgage .. . 40 00 $ 3.10 36 Jesse Carson, Collector of Tionesta town ship for 1895, in account with road fund. dr. To Bal last settlement $ 103 81 To work tax returned 150 29 To duplicate for 1895 494 35 To 6 percent delinquent 6 19 $ 753 64 CR. By Am't paid treasurer $ &K9 64 By Am't returned to couuty 107 78 By 5 percent abatomentoii $283 75 14 17 By 3 percent Com. on $2ti9 66 8 09 By exonerations 17 113 By 6 percent Com on $320 61 16 03 $ 753 64 Jesse Carson. Collector, in account with poor fund for 1895 dr. To Bal. last settlement $ 93 30 To duplicate 1895 99 10 $ 192 40 CR. By Am't paid treasurer $ 172 85 By & percent abatement 2 37 By Am't returned tocounty 7 05 By exonerations 1 83 By 3 percent Com. on $45 00 1 35 By & percent Com. on $127 00 6 35 $ 192 40 W. W. Thomas, A. J. Shrivek. Q. Jamikbon, Clerk. Auditors. Expense paid township officers in 1895. 8. I). Irwin, Attorney $ 10 00 F. Weuk, road com., 18 ds service 3ti 00 Geo. Swab, road com., 10 days 32 00 John Wolf, road com., 16 days. ... 32 00 James Moug, clerk, 16 days 32 00 W. W. Thomas, auditor, 1 day 2 00 A. J. Shriver, auditor, 1 day 2 00 Q. Jamiesou, auditor's clerk 6 00 Financial statement of Tionesta town ship road fund. Orders outstanding. Mar. 9, 1890. ..$2026 23 Balance in hands of treasurer 413 29 Am't due on unseated land 78112 Am'tdueon seated land redeemed 165 06 Liabilities over assets 576 76 G. K. Swau, F. WENk, John Wolp, J. W. Mono, Clerk Auditors. THE LEADER ON DECK. CASH, Mercantile Appraiser's List For Forest County, A. D 1895. HARNETT TOWNSHIP. Name. Class, Tax. A. Cook's Sons 12 $12 60 W. I. A S. H. Bhlolds 11 15 00 Mochling A London 10 20 00 R. N. Marshall 13 10 00 W. A. Crossman 14 7 00 Gilflllan A Patterson. 14 7 00 ORKKN TOWNSIUP. Bowman Lumber Co 13 10 00 Collins A Kroitlor 10 20 00 Collins A Watson 12 12 60 HOWE TOWNSHIP. A. M. Vanhorn 14 7 00 S. Crawford 13 10 00 Black A Nobllt 14 7 00 Curtis Johnson 14 7 00 I. H. Gildersloeve 9 25 00 Lynch A Co 13 10 00 J. C. Huntington 14 7 00 J. L. saxton 14 7 00 HICKORY TOWNSHIP. W. P. Crouch 14 7 00 T.J.Bowman 12 12 60 Wheeler A Dusenbury 11 IS 00 HARMONY TOWNSHIP. W. C. Allen A Co 14 7 00 W. P. Biggins 14 7 00 W.G. Wilklns 14 7 00 Geo. W. King A Son 14 7 00 Teed A Morse 14 7 00 Turner Bros ...........12 12 50 M. R. Hardcnburg 13 10 00 D. H. Demun 14 7 00 JKNKS TOWNSHIP. G. W. Baxter 14 7 00 Iavid Minta 9 25 00 Chas. O. Rogers 12 12 60 8. 8. Towler 14 7 00 W. W. Krlbba 13 10 00 Cbas. 8. Leech 9 25 00 A. D. Neil 12 12 50 D. Cohen 14 7 00 M. N. Zeller 14 7 00 Amsler Bros. A Co 10 20 00 M. C. Carringer 14 7 00 T. J. Revner ..13 10 00 H. II. Hensil 14 7 00 J. F. Manner 14 7 00 Wagner A Wilson 14 7 00 Z. 8. Himes A Hon 14 7 00 J. M. Baughman 14 7 00 L. S. Clough A Co 12 , 12 60 Hammond Crosby Lum. Co ..12 12 50 iJimone Bros 14 7 00 D. A. Wright 14 7 00 Chas. J. Burg 14 7 00 KINUSLKY TOWNSHIP. Mrs. M. Andrews 14 7 00 Salmon Creek Lumber Co.... 14 7 00 Chas. Bauer 14 7 00 T. J. Flemming 14 7 00 Watson Land Lumber Co 12 12 60 Eli Berlin 14 7 00 TIONESTA BOROUGH. 8. H. Haalet A Sons 13 10 00 J. R. Morgan 14 7 00 G. W. Bovard 14 7 00 C.W.Clark 14 7 00 l.awrence A Smearbaugh 12 12 60 - on. Auninr it 7 uu O. W. Robinson - 10 20 00 Miles A Armstrong 13 10 00 F. R. Lanson. in an on Heath A Kilmer 13 10 00 J as. Butler 14 7 (j Giering A Son 14 7 00 TIONESTA TOWNSHIP. C. M. Whiteman 14 7 00 BILLARUS. BARNKTT TOWNSHIP. H. N. Henderson, 2 tables .... $10 00 W, S. Henry, 2 tables 40 00 HICKORY TOWNSHIP. John Holiday, 1 table 30 00 JKNKS TOWNSHIP. J, W. Markort, 3 tables 60 00 K1NOSLKY TOWNSHIP. B. J. Day, 2 tables 40 00 TIONESTA 110HOUOH. L. Agnew, two tables 40 00 HARMONY TOWNSHIP. Jacob Bender, 3 tables 60 00 REAL ESTATE BROKERS. JKNKS TOWNSHIP. M. C. Carringer 14 $7 00 TIONESTA BOROUGH. C. M. Arner 14 7 00 J. T. Brennan 14 7 00 TAKE NOTICE All who are con cerned in this appraisement, that an ap peal will be held at tlio Treasurer's office. In Tionosta, Haturdav, tho 4th day of April, A. 1. 1N96, between the hours of 1 and 4 p. 111., when and where you may atttend if you think proper. I. li. Allison, Appraiser. New Feed Store in Tionesta. C. W. "CLARK has just opened a new feed store in the Barnett Build ing and keeps on hand a good sized stock of FLOUR, FEED, OATS, CORN, HAY ANDSTRAW. In fact everything in that line, which be proposes to sell at the lowest possible margin. Customers will receive fair treatment and prompt atteutiou. Whon iu need vail. C. W. CLARK, Tionesta, Pa. DON'T 0 N T WE NEED ni 1 s s T Miles&Armstrong BEST PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, BOOTS SHOES. JUST RECEIVED ALL THE LATEST PATTERNS WALL THE TIME OF THE! YEAR HAS ARRIVED when tho energotlo housewife begins to think about cleaning house, and while she Is cast ing ber eyes about for new wall paper, etc., we wish to call her atten tion to our excellent assortment, which comprisos all the latest de signs In paper and bordors. Come and look thorn over while the assort ment is complete. We are positive that we can katisfy the most fastidi ous purchaser, because we have the most complete line evor exhibited in Tionesta. Come and see. WE ARE ALSO. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHOICE DRUGS, MEDICINES, STATIONERY. GROCERIES PROVISION, CONFECTIONERY, Kul Come and examine goodsanj prices, and we II do the rest. HEATH & K!UMfr DfUJQQISTS fiW QflOCi: fl$, - TIOTJESTl, f TIME TABLE, In effect Hept. 29, 1895. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west as follows ! No. 31 Hllttkln kinraiiB io.ia No. 61 Way Freight (carrying passengers) 4:5n p. m. No. 83 Oil City Exj.resa 7;55 p. in. For Hickory, Tidioute.Warren.Kinrua. Bradford, Olean and the East i No. 80 Olean Express 8:44 a. in No. 82 Pittsburgh Express..., 4:17 p. m. No. 60 Way Freight (uarrying passengers to lrviueton) 9:50 a. m. Get Time Tables .and full information from 8. Q. CLARK, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. R. BELL, Gen'ISupt. J. A. FELLOWS, F Gen'l Passenger 4 Ticket Agent, General ollice, Moouey-Brisbane Bldg Cor. Main and Clinton Hts., Bull'alo.N.Y' POTATOES irC" Hvuam. ir ntiuuy grown, f. uiak'ti lb. m Vow un they""" t ""utrixrow 1 iwikMi'orn. . V Im'iiC ami uller cmi.s -rr7 bio miu-riumi riy iff. W V0FK CHEMICAL WORKS, "- OIL EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. Cor. Seneca and Centre Sts., Gil City Pa., Thomas Gent. Proprietor. Meals and Lunches served at all hours. Open day aud night. When in the city look up the Exchange Restaurant, and get a good meal. MISS IT! .... boo: .... BOYS AND GIRLS To work for us. Hustlers, who will work hard and wo liavo decided to pay tho boy or girl who will work tho hardest ' a good price. Wo want every boy and girl in tho city under 18 years of ago to call at our store and seo what wo have to offer you. Wo will pay you well for tho small amount of la bor that you have to do. Come and seo what wo have to of fer you. 1 vL I IN PAPER!! WARREN NATIONAL BANK Warron.'Penna, CAPITAL, $150,000.00 DIRECTORS: Nelson P. Wheeler, David W. Beaty Jerry Crary, vm. D. Brown, Geo. M. Parmlee, Audrew Hertzel, C. Schiinmolfeng, A. T. Scolield, Christian Smith, H. T. Russoll, H. A. Jamicson. JVriowiJ orttl Bwiineat accounts solici ted on moat favorable terms consistent with good conservative banking. Interest allowed on deposits Q. W. PKRMLEE, Ires. If. A. JAMIKSO.V, Vice I,cs. F. E. HERTZ EL, CuA- r ri It 'L SSLVia'i U WINKELMANN ft bKOWN UKUO CO B.ln.w, as., lh s- A '