THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK, COITOft 4 PSOFRKTOK. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY fi, 1WW ANNOUNCEMENTS. NATIONAL DELEGATE. The frioncls of J. O. Campbell, of Jcnks Township, present hi nnino as a candi date for delogiito to the Republican Na tionnl Convention, subject to tlio docis ion of tlio Republican primary election in Forest County, and tlio notion of the District Convention. Wo nro authorized to announce J. R. AQN EW, of Tionrstn, l'a., as a candidate for Delegate to tlio National Republican Convention, subject to tlio decision ol the DiKtrict Conference. STATE DELEGATE. We are authorized to announce Geo. L. King, of West Hickory, Harmony town ship, as a candidate for Delegate to the Republican .State- Convention, at Harris burg, April 2,1, lHi. The Democratic nomination for Governor of Missouri this year is one of the things that no shrewd poli tician will permit himself to accept. "It is our duty to give llio Sultan time," gays Lord Salisbury; but meanwhile what about the Armen ians, to whom time aiguilles the pro bability of extermination? The Republican candidates for the Presidency are all capable, worthy and available, and so the nomination of any ono of them is certain to be heartily ratified by the party. According to all reports, the suc cessor of Campos proposes to inako another Armenia of Cuba; but the United States will hardly stand still nd let such a policy be enforced. . But one sugar plantation in Cuba is said to left standing. At rations ate scarce in Havana, it would be well to put tax gatherers on the re tired list and send them back to Spain. Col. Bill Morrison is net what is known as a magnetic man, but he has many good qualities, and is particu larly adapted to his party's present emergency by his habit of taking de feat philosophically. The South American republics are not all that the; should be. But they are far better than if tbey were kingdoms or colonial provinces They deserve sympathy and eocour ageroent from Americans, not super cilious criticism. The revenue bill which passed the House of Representatives a month ago provides for an increase in the pret ent tariff duties, sufficient to pay the expenses of the governtueut. A tar iff on wool is provided for in the bill, but President Cleveland it is repor ted, will veto any bill protecting the wool growers of the United States, and there is little hope of any relief for them this year. The Red Cross Society is an army of peace and mercy, but possesses a moral power that gives it weight among the organizations of the world, Its mission to relieve the sick and wounded iu time of war has been recognized by forty four nations, and in tome countries it also acts iu sea tons of flood, storms or other public calamity. A ruler who repels it will find it difficult to show that his policy is entitled to respect.' Ex-Pkesident Harrison, in a letter to Capt. Gowdy, chairman of the Indianna State committee, dated the 3d inst., kindly, yet firmly, de clines to allow bis name to go before the St. Louis couveotiou as a candi date fur the Republican Presidential nomination. The letter concludes with this paragraph, which would seem to effectually stop further talk of General Harrison's candidacy: "I cannot consent that my name be presented or used in the St. Louis couventioa and must kindly ask ray friends to accept this as a final ex pression on the subject." The sub-committee on Legislation of the Republican State Committee are working on the legislation to carry out the platform promulgated by Senator Quay. When the Execu tive Committee of the State Com mittee meets in Philadelphia next April five emineut lawyers will pre sent a complete report. That portion of the Quay platform which refers to civil service reform has been assigned to Silas W. Petit. William B. Rod- gers Esq., of Allegheny City, lias been asigued work' pertaiuiog to the letting of public contracts aud the use of money in politics and fur pro muling councilmanic legislation Lymau D. Gilbert, Esq., of Harris burg, will prepare legislation remedy ing the evils of inequitable taxation and the control of councils and city office holders by corporations. I). D. Bruce, Esq, of Pittsburg, will build a structure which will do away with the present charter of that city. Hon. Johu Russell Young will confer with the others on the report. Hon. W. O. Smith is a candidate for re election to the Assembly over in Jefferson county. As a writer l!ro. Smith has national repulaiton, and as a law-maker bo is second to none in the State. Friends by the score would gladly see him returned tn the House where lie has been of so much usp, in past sessions, to his con stituency. It was his careful and en ergetic work in the House (hat made Jefferson a separate judicial district, while Senator Mitchell looked after the work of passing the bill through the Senate. It was largely Mr. Smith's personal pop ularity, that gained for the charitable institutions of his county such nice appropriations in a year when this class of legislation was shaved down to the last uotch. If the people want to merely compliment some of their citizens by sending them to the lcgis ture most any one will do, but if they would have a representative who can get for them about anything be asks for they will return the genial Wil liam O. Any person desiring first-class dental work done will do well to bear in mind that I will be in Tionesta for the week commencing on tho first Monday of each month. tf R. II. StILLSON. Wanted. To trade 6 end-snrins too buenries. 6 two-horse wagons, 4 spriug wagons, 4 road-wagons, for almost any kind ot lumber. Write me as to kind of lumber you have. Will trade the lot or as many as you may want. A. Reynolds, Franklin, Ta. Fou Sale on Will Exchange for Lumber. A good station ary saw mill, recently re6t ted throughout, 50 H. P. boiler and engine, log turner, gang edger, fractional blocks rope feed, saw frame, inserted tooth saws, cut off, bull wheel, lath mill, belts, lun ber trucks ; In short, a fully equip ped mill that will be sold at a reason, able price. Have also a 30 II. P Blandy, that will sell for cash or ex change for lumber. McClellan & Mell, Kane, Pa. Our poodIo are irrowiticr more and more in the habit of looking to Heath t Kilmer lor the latest and best or every thing in tho linn line. Thev soil Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, famous lor ita cures of bad colds, eroup and whooping cough. When in need of such a medi cine give this remedy a trial and yon will ue more man pleased with the result. Notice of Appeals. Commissioners' Office or) FORRNT COITNTY, V Tionesta. Pa.. Jan. 7. 1S96. Notice is hereby given that the Com missioners of Forest County will meet at their oltlce in the Court House, at Tio nesta, Pa., on the 11th, 12th and l.ith of jpobruary, next, for the purpose of hold ing a uouri oi Appeals Irom the assess nients of 18!;. w. a. connely, Pkter Younok, W. M. Coon, County Commissioners. Attest, J. T. Dale, Clerk. 0 haa enjoyed cooibuit natronaes for otw airtr years. It if wonderfully elUoactoua in all painful dm tw. much a Khrntnatlura, I.ambax Catarrh, Toothache . AearalgJa. UacLache and other ailment where pain U an attend, ant. Try It. At Dniir rtorea, or by mall un receipt of name, address and 86 cents. W1NKELMANN & BROWN DRUG CO., Baltimore, M4 V. . A. Touch WITH THE DEMANDS OF A PRO GRESSIVE PEOPLE, THE WHITE THOROUGHLY ATIFIE TH C MOI1 PARTICULAR BUYER. IU Construction, Woodwork, Finish and Execution ARC OF THE HIGHEST GRADE, HCNCC ITI . . . SURE TO PLEASE IP VOU WANT A MACHINE THAT IS FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT, PIN YOUR FAITH TO THE WH ITE. LIBERAL TERMS TO ACTIVE DEALERS IN VACANT TERRITORY. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND. O. J H AZELTINE riC?Pi WOOLEN MILLS, lrtr .v . r Warren. Pa. J .yh -h f Make Tweeds, &Vti. -iu2 Cuiiiu.Te,Fiuiiiiela j ' Si M and Yarn of tiure Ml wol without rjhod- &H.W.M;' L. FjH mam ' "7 iM y mixture wli MuauarliA VVer. C. SI. AVhilrmaii, NEW STORE! Having purchased the store formerly ow ned by J. F. Ovorlandor, next door to W. N. Y. A P. It. R, Station, I am pre pared to furnish the public with any thing In the line of GRECERIES & PROVISIONS, CON FECTION ERI ICS, WHOLESALE AND RATAIL. Also the FAMOUS PILLSBURY FLOUR! I guarantee prices as low as the lowest. and all goods delivered free of charge. Call and see me. C. M. WHITEMAN, WEST SIDE, PA. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE. -OF- TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug f ies to lot upon tho moxt reasonable terms, le will also do T033 t:e.a.:m:-jl:tq- AU orders lea at the Post Oltlce will eceive prompt attention. New Feed Store in Tionesta. C. W."CLARK has just opened a new feed store in the Barnett Build ing and keeps on hand a good sized stock of FLOUR, FEED, OATS, CORN, HAY AND STRAW. In fact everything in that line, which be proposes to sell at the lowest possible margin. Customers will roceire fair treatment and prompt attention. When in need call. C. W. CLARK, Tionesta, l'a. POTATOES; t prontAbie If rtgtatlj crown. , PhnsnhfltpV: : , makes lliein icruw as , should row; makes t'orsu r iimw wiu-r inv nr YORK ' rurHtrn ujadvp L T. WnnM n WARREN NATIONAL BANK Warren, Penna. CAPITAL, $150,000.00 DIRECTORS: Kelson P. W heeler, Jerry Crary, Geo. M. Paruileo, C. Schiinmelfong, Christian Smith, David W. Boaty Win. D. Brown, Andrew IlerUel, A. T. Scofleld, II. T. Russell, H. A. Jamieson. Fersonal and Bturinet account solici ted on most favorable term contitteiU with good conservative banking. Interest allowed on deposits, O. -tf. PA.RMLRE, Pre. II. A. JAMIESON, Vice Pre. F. E. HERTZ EL, OuM.r PROCLAMATION. Whkiikah, The Hon. Charles H. Noyes President J udf;e of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter (Sessions in and for the county ot iorettt, has 1mihh1 li in pre cept lor holding a Court of Common Pleaa Uuarter MesHiuna of the Peaoo, Orphans Court, Over and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to commence on the Fourth Monday of February, being llio 2im day oi i'euruary, io tic:e is therefore civen to the Cor oner. Justices of the Peace and Con stables of Buid county, that they be then and there iu their proper persons at tun o'clock A. M., ot suid day with their recordH, inquisitions, examination, and other leiiienibranceH, to do those things which to their ollice appertain to be done, and to those who are bound in recognizance to prosecute uiruuist the prisoners Hiatal' or shall be in t lie jail ol Furest County, that tliev may be then and there to prosecute aizainst thi'iii as shall be just. Given un der my hand and seal this '-7th day of junuarv a. i. JU1IN T. CA11HON, L.S. Sheriff. DAVID MINTZ, ,f THE LEADER - IS ALWAYS ON DECK. e s e e s I AM .BOUND TO LEAD in all kinds of Merchandise. My stock Is still large In all departments, and as I want to make room for my spring and summer goods from now until further notice I will yire (- BARGAINS i IN MOST ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BUY IN MY STORE f -FOR CASH,- i AS CASH IS WHAT I NEED to keep things morlng. So for Rargains, come to lis, for Pry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Itubbors, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Trunks and Valises, Cloaks and Capes, Blankets, Wall Paper, Crockery and Glassware, Furniture nd most anything else at DAVID MINTZ'S, Red Front Stores, Maricnvillo, Pa. HIQHKST MARKET PRICE paid for Hides, pelt, Calf-skins, Wool A Glnsoti . COUNTY AUDITORS REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1895. QUANTA1N JAMIESON, Treasurer County for tho year DR. To bal. from settlement. I8M Ill.a.l!l P7 To seatetl lands returned, 18m...- fi72 18 To sealed lands returned, 1S95.. 15.87S 4H To unseated tax, 1S95 5,72 22 To sixty day list for 1895 77 04 loo percent, added to seated returns. 14 87 15 To In'erext on taxes I HI To tax on land of John Welst... 3 27 To of state tax refunded 4110 75 To redemption of land of N. D. Gilbert. 105 U2 To Jefferson Co. 3-6 repairs on Clarlngton bridge 233 fll To Warren Co. for pauper kept. 82 93 To Hickory To. poor account ... 900 00 To Kingsley Tp. poor account... 104 40 To Tionesta Boro poor account. 188 00 To Barnott Tp. poor account.... 112 71 To Green Tp. poor account. 91 00 To Van Dorn Iron Works 100 no To O. W. Clark for pipe 1 15 To land sold Proper A Agnew .. 5 00 To W.A.Conuely, board refun'd 1 75 10 co, com. for rules ol court... 3 00 To G. B. Arinstroim for lumber 8 25 To C.Clark, Sheriff's old bouse.. 07 85 To H. M. Foreman, old jail.. 11 I0 To Jenks Tp.refun'd by Jeff Co 37 74 To transfer'd from dog tax fund 158 13 To liquor license account 114 00 To loan of Warren Nat' I Bank S,43 83 To sale of bonds 10,000 00 $10,390 65 QUINTAIN JAMIESON, Treasurer of ueuipuon r una oi saia county To bal. last settlement f 8,086 65 10 reo a irom individuals 457 90 $ 3,614 65 CALVIN M. ARNER, Prothonotary of ty ior ine year ending January , 18U. To orders drawn $ 278 55 JOHN T. CARSON, Sheriff of Forest County, in account with said County for the year ending January 6, 180H. To ordors drawn $ 382 01 P. M. CLARK, District Attorney of Forest County, in account with said County for the year ending January 6, 1896. To orders drawn $ 6125 W. M. COON, Commissioner of Forest County, in account with said County for the year ending January 6, 1800. To ordors drawn $ 686 89 $ 686 89 $ 686 89 A. CONNELY, Commissioner of Forest County, in account with said County for the year ending January 6, 1896. W. To orders drawn $ 685 28 $ 685 28 $ 685 28 PETER YOUNGK, Commissioner of Forest County, in account with said County for the year ending January 6, 1896. To ordors drawn f 490 50 By 129 days $3.50 $ 45180 liy expenses 39 00 $ 490 60 $ 490 60 FOREST COUNTY as : We the undersigned Auditers of Forest County do hereby certify that we met at the Commissioners' office in the said County according to law and did audit and adjust the several accounts of the Treasurer, Prothonotary, Sheriff, District Attor ney and Commissioners for the year ending January 6, 1896, and wa found ibe same as set out In the foregoing report. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this Kith day ot January, 1896. J. W. ELLIOTT, skal ) M. K. ABBOTT, skal County Auditors. W. L. HTROUP, skal j Attest, JAMES D. DAVIS, Clerk. EXPENDITURES of Forest Expense $ Commonwealth costs District attorney Constables Assessors Elections Bridge repairs Supplies - Express and drayage Prothonotary fees Sheriffs fees Poor account - Printing and stationary Road views County Institute Office supplies County Auditors Jury Commissioners Court Auditor Commissioners clerk - Janitor Lights and fuel - Huntington Reformatory Refunding orders Jury fees - Court crier - Counsel lees. Stenographer - FINANCIAL STATEMENT of County 686 56 103 47 51 25 201 m 796 04 929 11 1,4(KI 73 332 27 14 46 278 65 404 84 46 00 766 30 270 68 156 84 65 87 90 32 73 04 12 00 760 00 812 00 3117 60 01 80 274 60 1,841 82 85 46 100 00 ASSETS. Balance in Treasurers bands Due from Tionexta Borough Uue from Hickory Township Duo from Howe Township Due from Green Township Seated lands returned Outstanding accounts Liabilities over assests $36,000 00 LIABILITIES. Bonds outstanding $36,000 00 FOREST COUNTY sa : Pursuant to law we, the undersigned Commissioners of Forest County, publish the foregoing exhibit of the receipts and expenditures of said Couuty for the year ending January 6th, lS'M. Wituess our hands and seals this 27th day of January 1890. W. A. CONNELY, IUN.I) PETER YOUNGK, (U H.I County Commissioners. W. M. COON. U S,J Attest, J. T. DALE, Clerk. see of Forest County, In account with said ending January a, ltnuj. CR. By county orders redeemod 134,368 03 Br seated land returns 792 18 By exonerations I4itl8ll5 478 61 Bv Co. bridire bond red'd. 1,11 w 178 10 Br Col. Coin. A ahatomenU,1813 By Col. Com. t at'Mttementa, 18t4 By Col. Com. A abatements.iratt By Interest coupon redeemed - By state tax on loan By 4 J percent. Com .on 1 1000 bond.. By 44 percent. Com. on 11065 coupons By 4) per cent. Com. on $19,- 388.63 county orders By I per cent. Com. on $14,- IH3 80 818 24 l.oas oo 104 00 45 00 47 48 872 46 hwo.oo county Jail orders 149 80 By J. H. Fones reo't to bal 8,641 05 $49,390 65 Forest County, in account with the Re- ior me year ending January o, ltsvm. By am't paid individuals- .$ 2,449 65 ny H perc t com. on above-... no 2-1 By J. II. Fones reo't to bat 94 67 $ 3,544 65 Forest County, In account with said Coun By fees. $ 278 55 By foes $ 382 04 By fes $ 6125 By 144 days $3.50 $ 604 00 By expenses .. 8i 89 By 154 days $3.50 $ 639 00 By expenses. t. 46 28 for year ending January 6th, 18M5. TipsUtfl". 38 00 1 60 112 00 Tionesta Twp, hoime KiiifTNley Twp. houwi uouiuy aaciective.. 39 16 State hovpital 841 00 County physician 66 75 Orading,atoue walks, etc. Postage Scalp bounties , Insurance Repairs Court House Furniture for Jail Indigent soldier , Kxtras on new Jail.. Coroners inquest Water Supply Co Western Penitentiary.... 624 72 13 16 168 25 133 80 299 14 85 65 66 49 322 41 4 35 48 75 672 28 Van Dorn Iron Works Co 14,800 60 tvarren xsauonai mule 3,500 oo Commisslonera py 1,662 67 Collectors' commission . 1,037 14 Interest on bonds 1,055 00 Tax on bonds 104 CO Treasurer's commissions 964 94 County bonds redeemed 1,000 00 Treas. com. on Jail contract .... .. 149 bO 107 00 3,571 91 Forest County for year ending January 6th, 1896. t 8,541 05 91 25 222 87 205 19 91 60 434 14 82 00 '26,272 00 Don't Miss It! If you wish to save two days' wages on a Suit or Overcoat. That is big talk, but we'll mako it good. On account of warm weather and wishing to realize tho money out ot our Winter Stock and mako room for Spring goods wo have decided on this Great Sacrifice of our cntiro stock at tho 1 4 Just think of it ! Now up-to-date goods being sold at tho great sacrifice of one-fourth off tho act ual selling price, marked in plain figures. For instance, a Suit or Overcoat selling at $10.00 now costs you $7.50; a, $12.00 suit at $9.00, and $4.00 shoes at $3.00. Until Mar. 1st, We will sell any article in our Mtock at the above rate Tor CAKII, excert Ilubber ISootN ami Ilubber KIioon, m!i it'll will be Hold at Cost. Hut ho Rood will be cliargetl or laid away at those prlees. So conic ear ly ami get you choice or Clothing Furn ishing Goods, Hoot and Shoes. Miles & Armstrong, Tionesta. Just ?$e?ii Tjiese TmcESl FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS WE WILL SELL : Evaporated Apples, Dried PtarhM, Fresh Graham Waiters, Fresh Salted Waifrrs, Fresh Oat Heal Waifrrs, Try "Our Own" Soap. JUST RECEIVED: Afresh stock of "Our Own" Codfish bricks, and some very fine Ohio Full Cream Cheese. Try it. REMEMBER ! That we are always up to date in Drugs, Perfumes, Toilet Articles and Fine Stationery. Suoceusora to SIGQINS A HERMAN. n-o h Lawrence & Smearbaugh, DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SIIOESjV SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. NEW MAP OF FOREST CO. T10NE8TA, PA. CIVIL ENGINEER, DRAFTSMAN, & CONVEYANCER. Bssr oir Instru ment. Houses and Lots, Farm and Wild Lands for sale, rent or exchange. Spec ial attention given to the proper assess ment and payment of Taxes for Non Resident Land Owners. Have accurate Information, drafts, aud latest and best maps of nearly every tract of land iu Forest County. Will estimate timber and appraise value of any property for investors. OIL EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, Cor. Seneca and Centre Sim., Oil City. Pa., Thomas Gent, Proprietor. Meals und Lunches served at all hours. Open day and night. When iu the city look np tlio Exchaugq Restaurant, aud get a good iimmI. ' Vl rr i Si SALE S lbs fur tit I lbs for lie Ue, t lbs fur lit lie, 2 lbs fur lit lit, I lbs for 25c . 9 bars for lit Me&tzc & H o o TIME TABLE, In effect Wept. 20, 1895. Trains leave Tio nosta for Oil City and points west us follows : No. 81 Butl'aloExpross 12:10 noon. No. 61 Way Freight (carrying passengers) 4:50 p. in. No. 33 Oil City Exj ress 7:65 p. m. For Hit-kory.Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, Bradford. Olean ami tha No. 80 Olean Express No. 32 Pittsburgh Kinreui ... 8:44 a. in. 4:17 p. m. No. 60 Way Freight (carrying yaaaoiiBora to irviueion)... 9:50 a. ui. Get Time Tables 'and full information froui S. O.. CLARK, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. It. BELL, Geu'lSupt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passenger fe Ticket Agent, Genural ollice, Moonev-Brisbane Bldg, CurMain and Clinton Sts., Bullalo.N.Y. TK YOU WANT a respectable Job" of i. printing at a reasonable price send your order to this ollice.