THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4 . t. WINK, toiTo Propkicton. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1805 Repiililirnn State Convention. Philadelphia, Pa , Deo. 12,1895, To the Republican electors of Pennsyl vania : The Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representatives, will meet in State Convention Thurs day, April 23, 18!6, at 10 o'clock a. m , in the Opera House, city of liar risburg, for (lie purpose of nominat ing two candidates for Represent-tive-at-large in Congrew, and thirty two candidates for Presidential elec tors; the selection of eight delegates-at-large to the Republican National Convention, and for the transaction of such other business as may be pre sented. The representation to which each legislative district is entitled is indicated in the anneied schedule. By order of the State Committee. M. S. Qcay, Chairman. Attest: Jere B. Rex, V. R. Andrews, Secretaries. Chairman Quay also issued a call for a meeting of the State Committee t the Lochiel Hotel, in Harrisburg, on the 22d of pril, at 10 a. m , to prepare the roll of delegates. The Blizzard is of the opinion that in case of war Canada will not be as good an asylum as it was for many during the Rebellion. Governments who have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just prin ciples, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the pur pose of oppressing them, or coutroll ing in any other manner their des tiny, by any European power, in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly spirit toward the United States." On Suuday, while the good people in the churches were sending up their prayers for "Thy servant, the Presi dent of the United States," the afore said servant was on his way home from a week's duck-shooting in the Roanoke marshes. Franklin Kete. Speaker Reed has already ap pointed the Congressional committees, thing heretofore almost unheard of before the holiday season. This in dicates that the present Congress be lieves it was elected to do something, nd don't propose to he long about it either. Republicans who have taken bold of affairs in Kentucky are compelled to begin operations with an urapty treasury, but this is an easy job com pared with the one to be tackled in Washington in 1817. The party that set things to rights after Buchanan can repeat their work after Cleve land. Senator Quay has introduced a bill to establish postal savings banks. It provides for deposits of sums from ten cents to ten dollars at all money order offices, and for interest on de posits which do not exceed $500. It is argued that such depositories would stimulate the spirit of saving and economy among the people. Over forty armored ships belong ing to England, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia aud France are gathered near Constantinople, and yet the only prospect of relief for the Armenians is iu the hurrying of the unarmed Red Cross Society to the scene. The spectacle is not one ex citing a wild desire tor any extension of European lule on -American ter ritory. Congressman Ktone, of Warren, has introduced in the House a bill amending the statutes so as to pro vide that if any pensioner, being in solvent, shall desert bis wife or minor children, and a court shall adjudge him guilty of desertion, oDe-balf of the pension due him and comiDg due him shall be paid to the deserted wife or the guardian of the minor children. It must be gratifying to every true Americau to see the patriotic spirit that Las been maifuated by Congress in backing up the action of the President. It suits the English to attribute the firm stand taken by the President to partisan motives, and they have solaced themselves with the delusion that what one party proposed the opposition would antag onize. They are now iu a fair way to discover that devotion to the wel fare of the Republic is not the moti opoly of any party, aud that when the cord of national spirit is struck this nation is one heart aud one soul Blizzard. WILL WE WAR WITH EN (J LAN I) I England's refusal to arbitrate the boundary dispute, which has been submitted by the President to Con gress for decisive actinu, brings the Venezuelan controversary to a criti cal stage. To further summarize Secretary Oloey's summary of the situation, the points involved are these: The title to a Urge extent ol territory is in dispute between Eng land and Venezuela, which Venezuela for a quarter of a century has been endeavoring to submit to arbitration, but England has refused, and now refuses when urged by the United States, to agree to any such settle ment except upon a reuunciation of a large part or enezuela s claims. This is a controvesy, the Secretary says, in which "the honor and inter ests" of tho Uoited States are in volved, "and the continuance ol which it caunot regard with indiffer ence." Here is the situation which pre sents itself to this country, and the President grasps it with commenda ble vigor and courage. For the country's own information and justi ficaliou be says the true divisional line between Venezuela and British Guiana ought to be ascertained by the United States Government, and he asks, and has already promptly received an appropriation by Con gress to pay the expenses of a com mission to make this inquiry. When the commission reports, and its re port is accepted by Congress, he thinks it will "bo the duty of the United States to resist, by everv means in its power, as a willful ag gression upon its rights aud interests. the appropriation by Great Britain ol any lauds or the exercise of govern mental jurisdiction over any territory which, after investigation, we have determined of right belongs to Veil ezuela." Tbis has the true American ring. It is an echo of his predeces sors, John Adams and Andrew Jack son, in crises when the bouor and in terests of the country weie endan geret ly toreigu aggression. It is a hat the American people expected of their President unter the circum stances ; no more no less. If the Monroe doctrine is to re main a vital priucipal of American diplomacy tbis is the time to assert it. The Eesequibo river is generally recognized to be the westerly boun dary of that part of Guiana which England acquired from Holland in 1814. It was the line which Holland and Spain for a century and a half had been calling the westerly side or the former's possessions. Along to 1840 there appears to have been uo dispute on this poiut, but in that year, probably because o' informa tion that the country beyond was rich in silver, England -began to claim everything west of the Orinoco. Then Sir Robert Schorahurg drew an arbitrary liue which included all the new claims of England. But eveu this line did not exteud far euough west to suit British greed, and new boundaries, changed from time to time, but always extending westward and stealing more and more of Ven ezuela's territory, have been erected. England refuses to arbitrate the question of title to territory east of- the Schoinburg line, a bouudary put up without Venezuela's consent, and which she never recognized. This is the sort of an assault by a European Power on an iodepeudant nation on this continent which President Mon roe declared would be "dangerous to our peace and safety." As this as sault is persisted in despite the pro test of the President, Cuiigress has a right to look upon it as a manifesta tion of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States," aud should act in accordance with tbis fact. and valuable tract 'f country claimed m histoiiral grounds by both countries. Various attempts to settle the disputo in the patt have been made, and they have all failed for one reason or another. Mean while, according to our best informa tion, Grent Britain's claims have in creased. She now asserts sovereign ty over territory to which a few years ago she had laid no claim. Into the disputed territory she has gradually pushed her settlements and her sys tem nf government. Now, all we say is this: If Great Britain is ap propriating Venezuelan territory, then she is stengtheuing her power on ihe South American continent in a manner dangerous to our interests. What she ought to do is to submit the whole queatiou in dispute to an impartial board of arbitration. If die will not do this, then she seems to admit that she has a weak case. If her claims are good, she has nothing to fear from their examination. In other words, all we waut is that Great Britain shall have her rights and only her rights, in South Amer ica. And we shall insist that she shall not encroach upon the territory -if Venezuela or of any other Amer ican State. Why pay a high price for a "tail or made" when our suits aud over coats fit you just as well, look as well and wear as well, at prices that are not more than half so high. If you must have a "tailored" suit we will make it, save lots of money, and cost you nothing until you are satisfied with fit aud style. See out complete line of samples for suits from 813 up ward. Miles & Armstrong- tf. Any person desiriug first-class dental work done will do well to bear in mind that I will be in Tionesta for the week commencing on the first Monday of each month. , tf R. H. Stii.lson. NEW MAP OF FOHEST CO. TIONESTA, PA. CIVIL ENGINEER, DRAFTSMAN, fc CONVEYANCER. Best of Instru ments. Houses ami Lots, Farm and Wild Lands for Kale, rent or exchange. Spec ial attention Riven to tho proper assess ment and payment of Taxes for Non Kosidont Land Owners. Have accurate information, drafts, and latest and best maps of nearly every tract of land in Forest County. Will estimate timber and appraise value of any property for investors. ha enjoyed a conntAnr patrcniwe for orer sixty ywir. It It wonderfully ettioaciolu in all painful diauues, rurb u Ithenmatlftin, l.awbago, ('mr-rli. 1 ool hut-he, uralvla, Jtm-Litijie and ether ailments where pain li an attend ant. Try It. Al Dnijr iitores. or tiy mail ua receipt of name, addrew aud 85 rcnta WINKELMANN & BROWN DRUd CO., H.llln.rr, Md., V. H. A. TIME TABLE, in effect Sept. 1SH5. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west as follows : No. 81 Buffalo Express .'12: 10 noon. No. (il Way Freight (carrying passengers) 4:50 p. m. No. 3:1 Oil City Ex less 7:55 p. m. For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, Bradford, Olean and the East : No. 80 Olniin Express 8:-l4 a. 111. No. 82 Pittsburgh Express. ... 4:17 p. in. No. uo Way Freight (carrying passengers to Irvineton) t:50 a. m. GotTiino Tables and full information from S. Q. CLARK, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. H. BELL, Oen'lSupt. J. A. FELLOWS, (ien'l Passenger fc Ticket Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. The "Mouroe Doctrine," as enun ciated by President James Monroe, December 2, 1823, and of which we are hearing so much of late, and lia ble to hear in tbn future, is contained in the following: "We owe it, there fore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the Uuited Stales aud those powers, to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portiou of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace aud salety. With the existing colouies or depen, deucies of auy European power we have not interfered. But with the It developes that Hayward's hang ing was far too long delayed. This arch devil has left a confession in which he admits the cold blooded murder of five innocent people, Cath erine Ging, for whose murder be was hanged, beiug bis last victim. As the Fraukliu Xeus remarks, ''it makes one's blood boil to think that lawyers fought in court for weeks aud months to clear this low beast and turn him loose agaiu." In a uutshell the Venezuela silua tion is simply this: Tho boundary betueeu Guiuua aud Venezuela has never been defined. The questiou has been open and iu dispute for sev eral gcuerutious. There is a large 0. .11. Wliittiimn, NEW STORE! Having purchased the store formerly owned by J. F. Ovoilimder, next door to W. N. Y. A P. It. It. Station, I am pre pared to furnish tho public with any thing in the lino of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, CON FECTION EKI ES, TOBACCO Al CIGARS, DAVID MINTZ, THE LEADER IN (WMUtAli MEItCIlANIHSli, his pnri-liiiii'il tho hirirrst stm-k lip 1ms over bought, wo ho is oompollod. to bnil.l no wddilloti to his storo. irtnk inil If twice as Inrirc. We hsve Dry Ponds, llross floods, Clothintr. Hoots, Sli'vs, nnd HnbhiT Ponds, Trunks and ViiHscs. Plan-kt-ts, Ynrns, (jni-Pii'.Wiiro, Plnts-tro, Pnrpnts, Mnltlnir. OH Cloth nnd f. minlmm. Furniture of nil descriptions, biJVJinvnjmrjco by asking for It, n our Stock Is liy-ire nnd ton nimmrnns to mention. Hoinotnhpr the plnco. DAVID MDNTZ'S, WHOLESALE Also the AND It ATA I L. FAMOUS PILLSRURY FLOUR! I guarantee prices as low as the lowest, and all goods delivered free of charge. Call and see ino. C. 31. WHITEMAN, WEST SIDE, OIL EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, Cor. Seneca and Centre fits., Oil City. Pa., Thomas Pent, Proprietor. Miuila and Lunelle served at all hours. Open nay umi niiiiii. w lien in tno city look up 1 1 io i.xciiungu KcKiauranl, ami grt a good iniml. J'l HAZELTINE WOOLEN MILLS. Warren, Ha. Make Tweeds, C'ubftiitu-res.F lauiu'l Hntl Vwrntt of iiuro woul, without flioil (ly, Hot-kit, wuittt or AAfU. n tA ivVf. Red Front Stores, Marienville, Pa. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE raid for Hides, pelt, CaK-skins, Wool A Pinsem:. A Merry Xmas to one and all. Timely Tiding S of Good Thing's. With the Season's Greeting we extend a most hearty "Wel come to all. If you wish to buy a Suit or Overcoat, come where they are. One of those Nobby Shirts, Beautiful Ties, Elegant Watch Chains, Scarf-Pins, or Cuff But tons, will be useful and also appreciated. er? A nice Watch, Ring or Pin will delight her. A nice pair of Shoes or Slippers will make glad your wife. We have others. Come in and let us show you some. Miles&Armstrong TIONESTA, PENN. For EE 18 FALL! 95. roim STOCK on MERCHANDISE IS AS LARGE AS ANY OF THEM, V r . . s- n Tiit mn iMr 1(f) AJNU WBAKISlllSADl 1 Olllin Hill." PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF 1 IN WKSTKUN PENNSYLVANIA. .i.i.t mtii' .! 1 I m VliktlL'U 'I II L Y17 k I I Ik Avn PASM HIT Y ERS KNOW WHERE TO H. Q 4 $ NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, M SO JUST COMH AN O EXAMINE AND WK . WILL CONVINCE YOU Til KT CASH IS XQi k ....... mtiiv.i rru TUTV W I TIT ' 1 LUL4 lllinU IU l-U 1 MUUKH I 4 IK A. nnuu VnOT Wlllt.V WW. A TIP J- Vl ANXIOUS ! V WARREN NATIONAL BANK Warren, Penna. CAPITAL, 8150,000.00 DIRECTORS: Nelson 1'. Wli.-clor, Jerry Crury, duo. M. PuruiK't', C. Suliiiiiint'lfuiig, Cliristiiin Smith, I).ivid V. Boaty Win. U. Brown, Andrew Ilt-rtzt-l, A. T. Sroliclil, H. T. ltuss. ll, H. A. Jmuit'son. J'erxonal ami lluniiian account xolici el on viont favorable tcrma conislent with yooil conservative banking. Interest allowed on deposits, o. y. pximlli:, jve. II. A. JAMIKSOX, Vice Vrcs. F. K. UKItrZKL, Wir a-.: flUGUHT JiOiZCK ol tiiH tii iii ol MOItl'K MHO'S, OPTICIA1TS, KptH-iulist in Errors of ltlnu liou of i he Eyf. Examinations free of elmro. WAKKEN, FUNN. Touch WiTH THC DEMANDS OF A PRO GRESSIVE PEOPLE, THE WHITE THOROUGHLY SATISFIES THE MOST PARTICULAR BUYER. "f Construction, Woodwork, Finish and Execution Af EOF THE HIGHEST GRADE, HENCE ' SURE TO PLEASE ir YOU WANT A MACHINE THAT IS Fl I8T-CLA68 IN EVFRY RESPECT, PIN "OURFA'THTOTMC WHITE. LIBERAL T( RMS TO ACTIVE DEALERS IN VACANT TIRRITORY. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND. O. SANSON'S.: Lawrence & Smearbaugh, -DEALEHs in- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS KATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS- WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. SIGGINS & HERMAN, DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, - PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS HE FOUND BERRIES, FRUITS & VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which Is in i Iiiu-ro ol" a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always le found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CAKE. THE PARKER GUN. Oldest manufacturers of hreech-lnad'u K shot guns In America. Tim otruigea shooting and best gun made. Ask your d-wlnr forthom, or send for catalogue. New York Salesroom, 1)7 Chambers U ME RIPEN, CONN. The Philadelphia Press For 1896. Pennsylvania's greatest Republican family newspaper, The Philadelphia Press, will enter upon the new year under the most favorable conditions of its history. A powerful agent in the national com munity, it is now more than ever a leader in news and able comment. Its various departments have during the past year been greatly strengthened. Pennsylvania is covered county by county, city by city, town by town. No other news paper covers the State so well. The Woman's Page of The Press has be come one of its most prominent features and is eagerly sought by lai'.ies. In the matter of Am.-.teur Sports The Press is also far in the lead and publishes more news on that subject than any other paper in the country. The subscription price of The Press, per year, is: Daily, six dollars; Dally and Sun day, eight dollars ; Weekly, one dollar. The Press is the grtatest want medium in Philadelphia and gives the lowest rates on that class of advertising. o -&JUUUULOJUUUUIJ