The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 23, 1895, Image 3

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Jlurgess. R. M. Merman.
Ormsmimrn. Jnsoph (.Murk, J, It. Os
good J. I). Davis, F. H. Lanson, G.
W. Robinson, Joseph Morgan.
JutHces vf the Peace J. F. Propor, 8.
J. Sotley.
CotuitnbleH. H. Canfleld.
Qollettor D. H. Knox.
fifhool Directors G. W. Holeman. L.
J. Hopkins L. Agnew, W, A, Groyo, (A.
IBIIIIOHOI1, j. c Boowdcn.
Member of Congress Wm. C. Arnold.
Member of Senate Wm. II. IlYliK.
Assembly 3. E. Wknk.
President Judge Charles II. Noyks.
.dMoetata Judges C. W. Clakk, Job.
A. Nash.
Treasurer Q. Ja MI ebon.
Prnthonntnry, Register tt Recorder, re.
i alvin ni. Arnrr.
Sheriff: John T. Carhop.
Commissioners W. A. Connely, Pe
ter YouunK, W. M. Coon.
County Superintendent O, W. Kerr.
District Attorney P. M. Clark.
Jury Commissioners J. B. Carpkw
Count v Surveyor J. F. Proper.
(Kroner Di'. J. W. Morrow.
County Auditors M. E. Abbott, W.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday oT May.
Last Monday of August.
Third Monday of November.
Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Follows' Hall, Partridge building.
11 REST LODGE, No. 184, A.O. U. W.,
I1 Xi a u.. C1.1.h iinln A. II II
m "tun r vui y r iwny "iciimn v. v
W. Hall, Tlonosta.
117'ASHINGTON CAMF. No. 420. P.O.
V 8. of A., meets evory Saturday eve
ning in A. O. IJ. w. nail, Tionesia.
t. A. R. Meets 1st and 3d Wednes
day evening in each month, In Odd Fel
lows, Mali, nonosia.
137. W. R. C. meets tlrst and third
Wednesday evning of ea h month, in A.
O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, ra.
riMONESTA TENT. No. 104, K. O. T.
1 M.. ineeis 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening in each month In A. O. U.
nail Tionesta, Pa.
and District attorney. Otlice, ir. of
lm and Hrtdirn Slrootn. Tionesta. Pn.
Also siren t for a number of reliable
Fire Insurance Companies.
rp F. RITCHKY, .
Tionesia, Pa.
Phvsiclaii. Surgoon A DruggUt,
Physician. Surgoon A Dontlst.
Olulce three doors north of Lawrence
House, Tionenta. Rosldenee at Jacob
Wenk bouse. Professional calls promp
tly responded to at all hours.
Physician A Surgeon,
Offloe In building formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to.
night or day. Residence opposite Hotel
XI L. AONEW. Proprietor.
This hotel, formorly the Lawrence
House, has undergone a com plote change,
and is now furuishod with al'. the mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout with natural ins. bathrooms.
hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of
guests never neglected.
KJ C. F. WEAVER, Proprietor,
Tlonseta, Pa. This is the most centrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements. no pains win
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public First
class Livery in connection.
West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Render. Proprietor. Tills hotol
has but recently been completed, M nice
ly furnished throughout, and offers the
iiiiest and mott cominrtanie accommoda
tions to guests and the traveling public,
Kales reasonable,
Corner of Elm Wainut Sts., Tionesta,
Pa.. Hank of Discount snd Deposit. In
terest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec
tions mado on all the Principal points of
the V. a. (joileclloua aoi.uileu.
Shop in Keck building next to Smear
jaugh Co.'s store. Is propared to do all
Kinds of cust ,u work from the fit. est to
the coarsest ai.d guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
and Jewelor of 25 years experience, is
prepared to do all work In his line on
short notice and al reasonable prices.
Always guarantees satistactiou. Watch
es. Jewelrv. Ac ordered for nai ties at
the lowest possible furore. Will lit found
in the building next to Keoley Club
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Fred, (irettenborffor
All work Dcrtalnini; to Machinery. En.
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings aud General Blacksinithlng vromnl
ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction euaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
bhaw House, ridicule, l a.
Your patronage solicited.
Furinturo Dealers,
f WZ. Lift fflts iCCI-
I represent the oldoHt, strongest, and
bout Insurance Companies In the United
Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages, Leases, Wills,
Powers of Attorney. Articles of Agree
ment, and all other legal Instruments cf
writing, drawn with accuracy and dis
patch. Titles examined and "Uriel's"
and loans negotiated. Farms and wild
lands, houses and lots for sale or rent.
Registers of Property for sale or to let,
open to the Inspection of those interested.
Particular attention paid to the collection
of rents, interest, etc. Also to the proper
assessment of lauds and payment of
taxes. Probating accounts, acknowledg
ment of deeds, and depositions taKen.
Church and Habbnth Hrhool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m,
P roach inn in M. E. Church every Bab-
bath evoninir by Kev. W. V. Dale.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. kov,
. f . Hhoun. l'aator.
Sorvlces in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and ovenlng,
itev. j. v. MOAnincn omciaiing.
Resolutions of Respect
Horeaftor all "resolutions of respect"
will be charged for at the rate of 75 cents
for each publication.
jrcmocraiia vinaicaior
Forest Republican.
Isaac Jones Esq., of Fagundtis,
a pleasant caller Monday.
Hon. O. C. Allen of Warren,
down on legal business Monday.
A good, second-hand boiler for
cheap. Inquire at this office.
Wm. Richards Esq., and son Charles,
wore down from Mayburg yesterday.
Harry MoVey of Oil City is putting
the finishing touches on the stair-case of
the now sheriff's lioute.
The new well of the Tionesta Gas Co.,
on Hemlock, is at the top of the sand,
and will be drilled in to-day or to-inor
The fruit season is drawing to a close,
stilLAmsler keeps in stock all that is go
ing. Try his bulk oysters. They are
very fine.
Wm. McCann passed through town
Monday with bis steam thresher. He
finds plenty to do in the buckwheat and
oats line.
Mrs. G. W. Sawyer doparted for Bos
ton, her formor home, Monday, where
she will visit relatives and friends for
several weeks.
Mrs. Chester Woodsldos, of Cam
brldgeboro, was the guest of Mrs. Wm,
Lawrence during the pa&t week, aud took
occasion to renew many old acquaint
anceships during her stay here.
Mr. Hague will doliver a lecture at
the Court House next Tuesday evening,
Oct. 29, having for his subject "The Li
quor Trafflo as Related to the Business of
our Conntry." Everybody invited.
The Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight has
been declared off, as everybody thought
It would be. Now will the great news
papers please lot the toughs drop out of
public notice with what advertising they
Work on the abutment of the river
bridge is about finished and it is expeo-
ted that it will be open to the traveling
public again to-day, certainly by to-mor
row. The job is a solid aud substantial
one, and will stand for ages.
The five-year-old Bon of Will Thom
son fell last Saturday and ran a sharp
stick into his throat, the point penetrat
ing one of the tonsils to the depth of
nearly an inch. He is again able to take
his three meals a day now, howevor
It is said that stammerers raroly, if
ever, show any impediment of speech
when speaking in whispers. On this
fact is based a new method of treating
the defect, the patient being required for
a time to speak only in a whisper,
Mr. Gaston continues to ship a large
quantity of very fine oak lumber at this
station, which Is manufactured near
Newmausvillo from a tract of land
kuown as the Walters traut. II. M.
Foreman's mill is doing the sawing.
Phil. Etnert, whose accident by be
ing thrown from a wagon was mentioned
last week, is getting along quifo woll now
at the residence of his father-in-law, Geo,
Salsgiver, on Smokey Hill. His spine
was severely injured, and for a time bis
case looked very serious.
Freeport, Pa., papers say thousands
of bushels of apples are rotting in the
orchrds along the Alloghcuy liver be
cause it does not pay to pick and haul
them to shipping points. Up here the
prevailing price is about a dollar a
bushel, and not plenty at that,
The ground was covered with snow
to the depth of nearly two inches iu this
section Monday morning. Reports from.
York State and points farther north are
to the effect that the suow fall on Sunday
night reached a depth of 10 to 15 Inches,
This is getting there "right smart."
Representative Mattox of Venango
was up from Oil City, Saturday, ou le
gal business. Oil City can thank Mr
Mattox for the nice appropriation which
its excellent hospital received from the
legislature last winter, his popularity be
in;? the potent factor which carried the
bill through for the full amount asked.
The many friends of Mr. E. E. Am
sler, of Marienville, will be grieved to
learn of the dwath of his most estimable
wile, which occurred on Thursday
last, alter an illness of several weeks.
Mrs. A luhler was aged 31 years, and be
sides the husband, leaves Uiree cui'.dren
and a large circle of friends to rnourn
Dr. Dclar and Uort Day were. down
from Kelleltvillo Friday to looH up a
couple of hard-coal burners. The sup
ply of gas at that place having boon ex
hausted the people oro casting aboot for
the next bent means of keeping warm.
Ed. Gillespie of Whig Hill was down
yesterday. He says Mrs. Gillespie's In
juries, sustained in the runaway accident
reported by our Kelleltvillo correspon
dent last wook, are more sorlous than
was at first thought, and that her recov
ery thus far has been distressingly slow.
Quite a number of the young folk of
this place, members of the Christian En
deavor society, att"nded a meeting of the
locul union held in Oil City last Friday
evening. Nearly 400 delegates, repre
senting fifteen societies were present, and
wore elegantly entertained by the home
societies after the meeting.
About a month ago Albert Beggs
wont to Butler county to work In the oil
field, and on Tuesday, Mrs. Beggs went
witli the household goods to join ber hus
band. They will reside at Mars, Butlor
county, whoro Al. has a good Job. Sorry
to loose such good citizens lrom our
town, but hope Tionesta'a loss may be
their gein.
The cause of the death of Edward
Morgan, at Chicago, briefly mentionod
in last week's issue, was typhoid fever,
from which he had been sick about five
et-ks. He leaves a wifo and two chil
dren, the youngest abput two months
old. The funeral took place on Tuesday
of last week, five former Tionesta gentle
men acting as pall-bearers.
The reports go to show that a large
proportion of the big corn crop will be
fed to cattle and hogs, instead of being
sold at unremunerative prices. This is
truo policy for the larmers, and they
cannot iail to profit by it. Agriculture
is a poor business only when the pro
ducer is obliged to market his surplus at
a ti ne and in a way dlctatod by the spec
ula or.
-The Grand Lodge, A. O. U. W.,
which was in session at Johnstown last
week, elected the following Grand offi
cer: Master Workman, John W. Bick
el. Norrlstown; Foreman, M. Park
Davis, Meadville; Overseer, W. T. Pow
ell, Pittsburg j Recorder, J. M. McNair,
Pittsburg; Receiver, O. K. Gardner,
Pit'sbtirg; Medical Examiner, Dr. P. G,
Isenburg. The next meeting of the
Lodge will be hold in Pittsburg.
A new game of marbles among the
boys is known as "Forty Out" or "Forty
Odd," and is said to fill a long-felt want.
Th s game Is specially adapted to worn
pavements or ur.ovon places any place
whore there are numerous cracks or
crannies. Each of these cracks or de
pressions is given a number. The start
is made from base, and wherever the
marble lodges it counts that number,
The boy who first scores 40 is the win
It is announced that the Christian
Endeavor societies of this country will
sta'-t a monthly in Chicago to be called
Thi Christian Kndeavorer. This publi
cation will stand for four gret move
ments, viz.: First, missionary extension;
second, Christian citizenship; third,
evaugelistio, being a movement to carry
the gospel among the people not ordina
rily reached by church services; fourth,
the upbuilding of the Christian Sabbath
in the affections, the habiU and the laws
of the people.
For more than a week past our ex
changes have beon full of gush and con
gratulations for Editor C. J. Bangert of
the Falls Creek Herald, all because of
the report that Bro. Bangert' wife bad
given birth to three boy babies. Just
when the editor of the Advocate was
turning green with envy, along comes
Bro. Bangert's paper and pronounces the
story false. There was only one baby,
aud it was bald headed. We feel better
no-v. liidgway Advocate.
There is not an inhabitant in our
mi 1st who will say that he has ever seen
the river in a lower stage of water than
at the present time, and yet the earth in
this section has not suffered greatly from
drought, the autumn rains having been
just enough to nicely moisten the ground
and keep vegetation in a healthy condi
tion. In the central portion of the State,
however, the drought still holds its grip,
aud the town of Holidaysburg is supply
ing wa'er to seven neighbor towns, send
ing 350,000 gallons to Altooua dally on
eleven water trains.
One of the contractors engaged in
drilling the gas well for the Tionesta Gas
Co , met with a severe accident at the
well Monday morning of this week. He
ws4 doing something with the steam line
wl en the core of the stop-cock blew out
striking him in the face lascerating bis
up Jer lip aud splitting his chin, bosldos
wl ich his face was badly scalded by the
attain. He was taken to tho nearest farm
ho ise, and a Tylorsburg physician called
to dross his wounds. Though suffering
much paiu he will get along without ser-
iou trouble, it is thought.
Statistics show more well-tilled
bu-ns to be destroyed by lightning than
en.pty ones; that is, the risk after the
harvest is greater than before, says an
ex .-haugo. The department at Washing
ton investigated and gives reasons as fol
lows: Bofore harvest the stalks of grow-
in;; grains and grasses, with their many
points aud heads act as conductors of
eli ctricity, and serve as discharging
points, to somo degreo neutralizing the
electric stress in the air. After harvest
th j fields are more or less bare, and the
electric tension must be relieved through
buildings and prominent features of the
The officers of the telephone com
pany whose line has just been put inhere,
were present last Wednesday evening,
when tho formal opening of tho liue to
tin public was bad. The liue works
splendidly, and conversations were car
ried on with Chicago, Pittsburg and
ot-ier distant points with the greatest
ea-te, showing that the line workod per-
tectlv. The olllcers went from liero to
Marienville accompanied by J. D. W
Rock, who has had a prominent part in
getting the lino into Tionesta, and the
piobaliility is that our neighbors over
th n-o will be connected on before long.
It would be an excellent arrangement
fo- them, and a convenience which
iv iuld bo greatly appreciated by all who
lit ve occasion to communicate with the
ot tsido world. The Tionesta phono is
lo -ated in Higginsifc Herman's drug store,
w'.iere the public will find obliging clerks
always ready to exteud best accouimoda
"Farmer" Dean's venture, on tho
David Hunter farm, Hunter station, is
progressing nicely, and will be In by the
first of the week, barring bad luck. Mr.
Dean expects a good well and we hope
he'll not be disappointed. Propor A
Fleming brought in a duster on the old
Thomas Cloland place, West Hickory,
last week ; but a small maltor like that
has no terrors for the boys, who are again
bouncing the drill In a lively manner on
the Tucker farm, same neighborhood.
The frolic for the benefit of the new
river road last Saturday, while not so
well attended as it should have been, was
still quite a successful affair so far as the
accomplishment of a good day's work
was concerned. Those who attended
worked well, and made quite a good
showing for the new enterprise. Tho la
dies served an elegant dinner, and dis
played fully as much zeal as the men In
the good work. "Farmer" Dean deliv
ered a short address In which he extolled
the thrift and enterprise displayed by the
people in building and keeping in repair
tho highways of the county generally,
and tho new river road in particular.
Wm. Harrison, of Green township, who
has had much experience in road mak
ing, is engaged steadily with a force of
men on this road and will prosecute the
work as long as the weather remains fa
vorable. Fire at Tldlontc.
Tldioute had a bad fire last Wednesday
afternoon. It caught rrotn a gas Jot
which Ignited a load of hay that had just
been driven into the Hastings livery
barn. Owing to the very high wind
which prevailed at that time the fire com
panies were unable to successfully cope
with the flames, and 13 buildings were
burned before the fire was subduod.
The loss Is estimated at tl5.000. The
following are the principal loosers : G. S,
Hastings A Son, livery stable, total loss,
including three horses and cow; loss,
12.500. no insurance.
Mrs. L. Davis, meat market, store and
household goods; Iobs 2,000, partly In
Coe Smutz, building occupied by
Bartsch A Frantz. wairon shop ; loss on
building and tools $1,000, no Insurance.
Wm. Conners A Son, dwelling house;
loss $300.
Collman t Lott, building used for
dwolllng and for shop ; loss, $750, no In
Gilfillin k Copple, blacksmith shop;
loss $700, no insurance.
M. Thomas, building used by Mcln
tvre Rros.. blacksmith shop: loss on
building and tools $900, no Insurance.
A. Dunn, building and contents ; loss
$1,500, insured for $750.
Coe A Smutz, building total loss, no
The borough lost Rescue Hose and
loikup, and the bridge over Tldioute
creek was badly damaged, no Insurance.
Coe A Smutz, building occupied by
Mrs. G. Foster, household goods saved;
loss on building fully covered by Insur
Foxburp, Howe Township.
Edward S. Fox shot a duck on tho Tio
nesta, the other day, that had a tin collar
around its neck.
Mrs. II. Fulton and Mrs. Bruce Crain
have returned from Fox A Crain's mills,
where they wore visiting friends.
Mr. and Mr". Horace Fox of James
town. N. Y visited Mr. C. F. Fox aud
family last week.
Mrs. G. W. Culbertson is on the Blck
Peter Liberty is home again irom Clar
endon where he has been under the doo
tor's care for some time. He is able to
go to work again.
Mrs. Leonard Crain visited her par
ents at Foxburg last week.
Miss Daisy Campbell is visiting rela
tivos iu Pittsburg.
G. W. Gifford is home from tho Brad
ford conference.
Mrs. H. A. Gllson has sold out her in
torestsat Foxburg to Mr. Lyman Odoll
of Marienville, who has already moved
his family into the Fox house. Mrs. Gil
son will move to Watta Flats. N. Y.
East Hickory.
Mrs. John Bally and daughter depar
ted last Tuesday to join her husband in
The exhibition at the Church Hill
school house will be one week from next
Thursday evening.
Herb Stoughton left on Friday for bis
torville, W. Va.
George White of Tldioute
through here on Thursday for the lower
oil regions, where he expects to com
mence dressing tools.
We are sorrv to note the death aud
burial of Mrs. Sarah Taft last week.
Mr. Mathllla Church, of Church Hill
is very ill at present.
The roads are in better condition no
than thoy have ever been.
of Forest
The proposition of organizing the
above Association meets the hearty ap
proval of the several G. A. R. Posts of
th3 County. The Committee appointod
by Eli Berlin Post, recently visited Stow
Post of Tionesta, and Wm. Wray Post or
Marienville, and at a result we are as
sured that the organization is now a fixed
fact. Following are the several commit
tees as appointed by their respective
Posts, in which is vested powor to act in
all things pertaining to the organization
of said association i
Capt. Geo. Stow Post, No. 274, Tionesta,
D. 8. Knox, 8. D. Irwin and J. W. Mor
row. Wm. Wray Post, No. 601, Marienville,
J.F.Gaul, H. J. Borchert and C. H.
Ell Berlin Post, No. 629, East Hickory,
J. Albaugh, 8. C. Wnitmoro and J. H.
The above committee will moot at the
office of Comrade 8. D. Irwin iu Tiones
ta, on Tuesday, November tho 19th,
(court week) at 7:30 o'clock p. in. Other
Comrades are invited to be present as
many as can. The meeting as called
above is agreeable to the committees of
the several Pots, aud in case one or moro
of the committee named fail to appear,
the absentee's place can bo filled by a sub
stitute from said Pott. J. Albavou.
Fall suits cow at Miles & Arm-
ttroog's. See them. tf
1. A. R. Tost Notes.
S ow Post, No. 274, was inspected
Wo ineiday lfl, 1895, by Jonathan Al-
baugh, inspecting officer, who A as ac
companied by S. C. Whl ttcmore, Geo,
HuJdleson and T. P. Harry, of Berlin
Post, Hickory. The occasion was a
pleasant one. Com. Alhaugh, being one
the inspectors of the 57th district,
went from here direct to Marienville to
Inspect Wray Post, 001.
At the meeting of the Post here, D. S.
Knox, J. W. Morrow and 8. D. Irwin
were appointod as a enmmitee to confer
ilh a similar one fiom Hickory and
Marienville, concerning a Forest county
organization of old soldieis, to bold an-
ual reunions hereafter within the coun
ty. These committees will meet to per
fect arrangements at the office of S. D.
rwln, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 19, at
o'clock. Remarks favoring the move
ment were made by Jonathan Alhaugh,
D. S. Knox, Rev. H. Rhodes, Geo. II ud
dloson, Irwin, Hill, Whittemore, Fitz
gerald, Harry and Com. Eden, rcpresen-
ing the benefits which such an organiz-
at.on would confer, and its effect on the
rising generation, giving lessons In pa
triotism and reverence for the flag. All
the speakers were of opinion that the ele
ments of military drill should be taught
in the common schools, as it made boys
manly, and gave them advanced indeas
of their responsibility to the country;
that most colleges of high standing had
introduced military tatics with good ef
fect, and why not teach the elements in
the schools ; that many of the old veter
ans are competent to do this, and thus do
more than merely float the flag over the
scliool building. Com.
School Reports.
Room No. 1. Lucy Anderson, Teach
er, ftumuor enrolled it: forccnt. of
attendance 94. Present every day : Min
nie Bender, Lizzie Siggins, Mable Do-
wall, Hulda Carlson, Edith fSutley, Jes
sie Nosker, Macy Sutley, HI an oh Bab-
cock, Edna Sutley, Belle Sutley, Carrie
Hardenburg, Wilabol Elder, Flossie
Lusher, Alice Agnew, Fanny Sutley,
Fred Bender, Joe Nosker, Clyde Rock-
wo'l, Walter Morse, Orion Bryan, Al
bert Bender, Miah Casey, Earnie
Luiher, Gus Carlson, Willie Nurss, John
Sutley, Max Sutley, Arthur Engdall,
Bennie Carlson, Fred Dunn.
Room No. 2. 8. M. Whitmer, Teach
er. Number enrolled iW; per cent, of
attendance 98. Present every day : Ada
Dewalt. Pearl Siiruins. Mary Casey, May
SiKjins. Emma Carlson. Aimee Brown,
(iruce Hrown, Alice siirgins, Alma
Nurss, Florence Norton, l-riitik Hughes,
Fred Wilkfns, tester sutley, Honny El
der, Harry Turner. Charley Hill, Earl
Sutloy, Earl Siggins. For month ending
Oct. 15, 1SU5.
The Darlington. Wis., Journal says ed
itorially or a popular patent medicine
"We know from experience that Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy is all that is claimed for it. as on
two occasions it stopped excruciating
nai ns aud possibly saved us from an un
timely grave, we would not rest easy
over night without it in the house.'
This remedy undoubtedly saves more
iniu and suffering than any other medi
cine in tho world. Every lamily should
keep it in the house, for it is sure to be
needed sooner or later. tor sale uy
Siggins x Herman.
If Troubled wiik Itueumatbtm Head Tbis.
Annapolis, Md., April 10, 1894. I have
used Chamborlain s fain tsalm lor rheu
matism and found it to be all that i
claimed for it. I believe it to be the best
preparation for rheumatism and deep
seated muscular pains on the market and
cneertuuy recommend it to tne punuo.
Jno. G. Brooks, dealer iu boots, shoes,
etc., iso. lo, Alain St.
Mochanicsvillo. St. Mary County. Md.
I Fold a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
lia'm to a man who had been suffering
with rheumatism for several years. It
made him a well man. A. J. McOill,
For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Siggins
X llorman.
If your children are subjoct to croup
watcn lor me nrst symptom oi me ai
soase hoarseness. it unamoeriain
Cough Remedy is eiven as soon as the
child becomes hoarse it will prevent the
attack. Even after the oroupy cough has
appeared the attack can always te pre
vented by giving this remedy, it is al
so Invaluable for colds and whooping
cough, r or sale Dy siggins x Herman
Full liDe of the celebrated
Stout's patent Susg-l'roof Boots. F.
R. Laoson, Sole Agent, Tionesta, Pa.
AUo a full liue of Candee Rubber
goods. tf
Latest bats and caps at Miles &
Armstrong's. tf
If yeuj want a pair of gloves, a
suit of underwear, a suit of clothes,
or anything to keep you warm, you
jut-t look over Lansou's, and if goods
arc not as good and as cheap as any
piece in tbis end of the world you
better uot buy at Lansou's. if
Any person desiring first-class
deutal work done will do well lo bear
iu mind that I will be in Tionesia for
tho week commencing on tbe first
Monday of each month.
tf R. II. Stillson.
Please take notice that Lansoo
sells the genuine seal goat water proof
(hoes in all sizes iu Children's Misses',
B ys', Women's and Men's, and is
selling tliein at a fair, let-live price,
wl ich makes high-priced competitors
sqieal. tf
Buy anything you need in
Clothing, Furnishing and Shoes at
Miles & Armstrong's. They are ex
clusive dealers aud can give you the
the latest things at lowest prices. tf
A cond. warranted, barrel of
flour at Ltuson's fer $3.50. 100 lbs.
be-it chop or corn meal $1 00, at Lan
sou's. tf.
Don't buy imitation "seal goal"
shies, but go to Miles & Armstrong
aud buy the "Hostettler seal gnat"
sli e None genuine without the
tit ket with Ilnslettler't name on it.
We are sole agents for them, and
have them in all styles tor men,
women anil children. If
We will sell at Public Auction, at
the Court House, in Tionesta, en
Thursday, October 31st, 1895, at 2:00
o'clock P M-. the old Sheriffs House
aid Jail. Conditions and terms
made knowu on day of sale.
W. A Conn ei.y.
Peter Voungk,
W. M. Coon.
Co. Commissioners.
Whereas, The Hon. Charlos If. Noyes
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and fort
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for hold ing a Court of Common Pleas,
quarter ftossions oi me peace, Orphans
Court, Oyer and Terminer and General.
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for th'J
County of Forest, to commence on tho!
Third Monday of November, beingt
the 19th day of November, 1KU5. No
tice is therefore given to tne tor
oner. Justices of the 1'eace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and therein their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ot said day with theiri
records, inquisitions, examination, ami
other remembrances, to do those thinge)
which to their olliee appertain to he done
and to those who are bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are!
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that!
they may he then and there to prosecute!
against them as shall be lust. Given tin-)
der my hand and seal this 21st day of
October, A. li. inns.
JOHN T. CAltMON, L.B. Sheriff.
Proclamation of CJenrral
Whereas. In and by an act of the General
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled "An Act to amend
the tenth section of an act, entitled
An Act to regulate the nomination
and election of publio officers, re
quiring certain expenses incident there
to to be paid by the several counties and
punishing certain offenses in regard to
such elections,' " approved the 26th day of
day ot June, A. D., 1K95, It is made the du
ty or the Shentl or every county wiinin
this Commonwealth to give public notice
of the General Elections, and in such to
I. Enumerate the otlloersto be elected
and trive a lint ot all the nominations made
as provided in this act, and to be voted for
in much county, and tne iun texioi an con
stitutional amend ments su bmitted to a vote
of the people, but the proclamations posted
in each election district need noiconiain tne
names of any candidates but those to be
voted for in such district.
II. Designate the place at which the
election is to be held.
III. He shall give notice that every
person, excepting Justices or the I'oace,
who shall hold any office or appointment
of orolit or trust under the srovernment of
the United States, or of this State, or of
any city, or incorporated district, wnetner
a commissioned oincer or otnerwise, a su
bordinate officer or agent who is or shall
be employed under the legislative, execu
tive or jutliciary department of this State,
or of the United States, or of any city, or
incorporated district, and also that every
member or Congress and ot the htate Leg
islature, and of the select or common coun
cil of any city, or commissioners of any
incorporated' district, is by law incapable
of holding or exercising at the same time
tne office or appointment oi judge, inspc
tor or clerk of any election of this Com
monwealth, and that no inspector, judge
or other otUcer of any such election shall
be eligible to any office to be then voted
for, except that of an election oincer.
I. JOHN T. CARSON. High Sheriff o
the County of Forest, do hereby make
known and give this public notice to tne
electors of the County of Forest, that a
General Election will be held in said Coun
ty, on
Tuesday, November 5th, 1895
between the hours of 7 a. in., and 7 p. m.
at the several Election Districts.
The following are the officers to beelect
ed, and a list of all the nominations made
therefor, and which are to be voted tor in
the form In which they shall appear upon
the ballots :
Officers to be elected
One Derson for State Teasurer.
Seven porsons for Judges of the Super
ior Court, each elector to vote for only
One person for Associate Judge of the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest
One person for Treasurer of the County
oi f orest.
List of nominations
State Treasurer.
Benjamin J. Haywood.
Judges of the Superior Court.
James A. Beaver.
Edward N. Willard.
John J. Wickhain.
Charles E. Rice.
Howard J. Reeder.
George B. Orlady.
Associate Judge of the Court of Common
A. Jackson MoCray.
County Treasurer.
James H. Fones, Tionesta Borough.
State Treasurer.
Benjamin F. Myers.
Judges of the Superior Court.
Harman Yerkes.
James 8. Moorbead.
Charles Henry Noyes.
Peter P. Smith.
Oliver P. Bechtel.
Chrstopher Magee.
Associate Judge of the Court of Common
Thomas W. Corah.
County Treasurer.
C. F. Hunt, Marienville.
State Treasurer.
William H. Berry.
Judges of the Superior Court.
Edward Campbell.
William W. Lathrope.
David Sterrett.
I rft wis D. Vail.
F. Harry Hoffer. J
Adie A. Stevens.
Associate Judge of the Court of Common
Josiah Work.
County Treasurer.
F. E. Metcalf, Stewarts Run.
State Treasurer,
(ieorge W. Dawson.
Judges of the Superior Court,
John II. Stevenson.
D. O. Couehlin.
William C. Rheem.
Associate Judge of the Court of Common
3. T. Hamilton.
CtouMty Treasurer.
J. H. Work, Baruelt Township.
The Electors of Harnett township at
Jacob Maze's Carpenter shop.
The Electors of Greeu township as fol
lows: Those residing in the Election Dis
trict of Gtiitonville, U-wit: those em
braced in the following boundary, viz:
Beginning at a post, the north corner of
Warrant No. 6133, thence south forty-live
degrees west three hundred and twenty
rods to the west corner of said tract, thence
south forty-live degrees east along divid
ing line between tracts No. 5133 and (M5
to the north cornerof tract No. 5.S01,thoiice
by the northwest line of tract bhOl and the
southeast line of tracts Nob. 5505 and 5504
to the Mouth corner of tract No. 6504,
tlienee southwesterly to the northwest
corner of tract No. .'-tUU, and southeast
corner of tract 66iK on the Clarion county
line, thence by the same east to the north
east corner of Clarion county, thence
north by the Jeuks towuship line to w here
the said Jonks township line crosses the
northeast line of tract 5500, thence north
westerly by the northeast line of Green
township to the place of beginning, shall
vote at the School liouae al (iuitouville.
The Electors of Green township residing
ntiuide of the territory embraced in the
alHive described Election District ot'Gui
touville, shall vote at the house of L. Ar
uer. in Nebraska village.
The Electors of Harmony towuship as
follows ; Those residing in tbe election
district of Upper Harmony, to-wit : tho
embraced In the following boundary, v'z :
Hi ginning on tho Allegheny river "at the
Ti inesta township line; thence northerly
by said lino to tbe back line of the river
tru-ts; thence along the back line of the
river tracts to West Hickory Creek j
th -nee up said West Hickory Creek to the
Warren County linej thence east along
said Warren County lino to the Allegheny
river; thence down said river to the place
of beginning, at the old Dunn A Turner
store building, West Hickory.
The Electors of Harmony township re
siding outside of the territory embraced
in the above described Upper Harmony
shall votept tho Township Election House
on the Fogle Farm.
The Electors of Hickory township at
Burns' Harness Shop, In East Hickory.
The Electors of Howe township as fol
lows: Those residing in tho Election Dis
trict of Middle Howe, to-wit: those em
braced in the following liounrlary, viz:
Beginning at a point where the west line
of Warrant No. 3118 Intersects the line of
Warren and Forest counties : thence south
bv west lines of Warrants 31118, Bl!3, 318(1,
3is7 and 3185 to a point whore the
west line of Warrant S1H5 inter
sects with the Jenks tow nship line; thence
by Jeuks township line east to a point
whore the eastern line of said warrant
3185 intersects said Jonks township line;
thenoet north along the eastern boundary
lines of warrants 3185, 3187 and 3189 to the
northwest corner of subdivision No. Hft of
w.irrant No. 2W3; thence east along the
north line of subdivisions Nos. 09, 68, 65,
64 and 61 to the northwest corner of war
aant No. 2736; thence north along the east
lines of warrants Nos. 2993, the
Fox Estate, 2991 and 2735 to where
the east line of 2735 intersects the
Warren and Forest County line; thence
by said vVarren and Forest county line
wnst to the northwest corner of Warrant
3198, the place of beginning, shall vote at
GiiHher City School House.
The Electors of How e tow nshln residing
In the Election District of East Howe, to-
wit: Those residing within the territory
embraced by the following boundary lines,
to-wit: Beginning at a point in the War
ren and Forest county line where the same
is intersectod bv the east line of warrant
27 15; thence south along the eastern bonn-
di ry lilies of warrants 2735, 2991, the Fox
rotate, and warrant to the northwest
crrner of subdivision No. 51 In warrant
27 30; thence east along the northern boun
dury lines of warrants 2736, 2808 and 2464,
to the Elk county lino; thence north along
the Elk and Forest county line to where
tne same is intersected ov the Warren ami
Forest county line; thence west along said
V arren and Forest county line to the
northeast corner of warrant 2735, the place
of beginning, shall vote at Brnokslon In
Bi-ookston Library Hall.
The Ejectors of Howe township residing
in the Election District of Frost s, to-wit :
T iwse residing within the territory embrac
ed by the follow ing boundary lines : Com
mencing at tne northeast corner oi warrant
2464, and in tbe line dividing Elk and
Forest counties; thonee south along said
dividing line to the line between Howe
and Jeuks townships; thence west along
said last mentioned line to the southwest
cornerof K. Ij. Blood's subdivision; thence
north along the west line of the K. L.
B'ood subdivision and warrants 3803, 4545,
278, 2980 to northw est corner of subdivi
sion No. 69 in warrant 2993; thence east
along the north line of subdivisions 69, 08,
65, 64 and 61 of warrant 2993 ami subdivi
sions 61, 52, 53, 54 anil 55 of warrant 27:16,
and subdivisions 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 of
warrant 2808 and the north line of warrant
2464 to the Elk county line, the place of
bt ginning, shall vote at John Black's Car
penter shop, at Frost's Station.
The Electors of Howetownshlp residing
in the Election District of West Howe, to
wit : Those residing west of the abov de
scribed Middle Howe, at the Ball town
School House.
The Electors of Jenks township as fol
lows: Those residing in the Election Dis
trict of Byrom, to-wit: those embraced iu
the following boundary, viz: Beginning
at the northeast corner of tract No, 4133
and the northwest corner of tract No. 4134,
thence northeasterly to the southeast cor
ner of tract No. 3643 aad the southwest
corner of tract No. 3564, thence north by
tbe western line of tracts Nos. 3504, 3646,
3t 44 and 3801 to the Jeuks township line,
thonee east by the same to the northeast
corner of Jenks township, thence south by
the east line of Jenks township to the
southeast corner thereof, thence west to
the southeast corner of tract No. 4129,
thence north to the northeast corner of
said Warrant, thence west to beginning,
shall vote at the School House at Byrom
town. The Electors ot Jenks township residing
outside of the territory embraced in the
above described Election District of By
n in, shall vote at Central Hall in Marien
The Electors uf Kingsloy township at
the Township House, near the northwest
end of the Newtown bridge.
The electors of Tionesta Township at
the Township House, near the southeast
end of the Tionesta creek bridge, at the
mouth of said creek.
The Electors of Tionesta borough at
the Court House in said borough.
I also make known the following pro
visions of the new Constitution of Penn
Sbo. 1. Every male citizen twenty-one
years of age, possessing the following
qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at
a I elections :
First. He shall have been a citizen ol
the United States at least one month.
Second.- He shall have resided in the State
one year, (or, if having previously been a
a-ialitied elector or native born citizen ot
.e Stato he shall have reinnved thereform
a-id returned, then six months,) immedi
a ely preceding the election.
Third. He shall have resided in the
e ection district where he oilers to vote at
least two mouths Immediately preceding
the election.
fourth. If twenty-two years of age er
upwards, he shall have paid within two
y-iars a State or county tax which shall
have been assessed at least two months and
paid at least one mouth before election.
Sec. 2. The General election shall be
hold annually on the Tuesday next follow
ing the first' Moiidav of November, tut
II. e General Assembly may, bv law, fix ' a
l Heron t day, two-thirds of all tha mem
bers of each House consenting thereto.
Notice is hereby given, That any person
oxecpting Justices of the Peace, w ho shall
hold any otlice or appointment of profit or
trust under the United Stales or this
S ate, or any city or corporated district,
w hetlier commissioned oiliccr or other
v ise, a stilHirdinate ollicer or agent who
ik or shall lie employed under the legisla
ture, executive or Judiciary department of
this Stale, or in any city, or ot any incor
porated district, and also that every inetn
b -r of Congress and of the Slate Legisla
lure, or ot the select or common council
of any city, or commissioner of any in
corporated district, is by law Incapable of
holding or exercising at the time, the
office or appointment of Judge, iuspeclor
or clerk ot an v election in this Common
wealth, and that no inspector, judge or
other olhcer of such election shall la) eligi
ble to be then voted for.
The Judges of the aforesaid districts
shall representatively take charge of the
certificates of return of the election of
their respective districts, and produce
them at the 1'rolhoiiolaiy's oltice iu the
1 orough of Tionesta, as follows: "All
judge living within twelve miles of tlm
Vroihouotarv'k olliee, or within twenty
four miles if their residence be iu a tow n,
village or city i-pou the line of a lailroad
h ading to the cotintv seat, shall laMoratwo
o'clock p. in., on Wednesday, No
vember SIXTH. 1895. and all other
bulges shall before twelve o'ohx k, in., ou
l-t'5, deliver said returns, together with
the return sheets, to tho I'lolhonolary of
toe Court of Common I'leas of Fore.-t
county, w hich said return shall be filed
a id the day and hour ot tiling marked
therein, and shall be preserved by the
I roihonoiarv for public inspection.
Given under my hand al my olliee in Tio
nesia, Pa., this d day of October,
ill the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred aud ninety-live, and in
lh one hundred and twentieth ycai of
the Independence id' the United Slat.
JOHN T. CARSON, Bherlif.
her death.
Hons to patrons of the line.
- -