j ' mmm (The Forest Republican , U published every Wodnosdny, by J. E. WENK. Offlofln Smearbaugh & Co.'i Building; ELM BTIIEET, TIONESTA, TA. '1'erlp.m, Wl.OO ler Year. No sulwcrlptlons rocnlvod for a shortor period limn threo month. Correspondence solicited from nil parts of tho country. No notlo will lo token of anonymous oommunlontlons. RATI 8 OF ADVERTISING t ' On. 8qmr on. Inch, an InwrUio. .9 I On. 8qur on. Inch, on. month.-.'., M On Bquora, on inoh, tbrae months.. SOW On. Hquare, on. Inch. on. 7r,. ., WOT Two Bquarn, on. yar 19 OO Quarter Column, on. j ar. ........... WOO Half Column, on. yr -. BO 00 On. Column, on. fur . . ... ...... 100 'Ml . Lfl drartlMtnuitt' to eaats p Ham eeh inMTtion. Marriair" daath aotlen frwM. All bill, for yearly adTertlimnt uuBmOi'1 qoartwlr. Temporary advarUMmant III W0 b. paid la adranoa. Job work oaah on dallrary. Forest republican. VOL. XXVIII. NO. 15. TIONESTA, .PA., AVEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1895. S1.00 PER ANNUM. The Gornions number 8,000,000 ot our population. Out West they are said to bo turn ing their wire fences into tolophone lines. Sir Edward Braddou, a now author ity on big gamo, Bays that tho elophant is revengeful and troaebcrous, and is an arrant coward. Tho police census reveals tho fact that there nro more than 00,000 chil dren in New York City who are with out school facilities. Dr. Leslie Phillips, a well-known scientist, warns tho now woman against wearing her hair short, and says that the cause of baldness in innuis due to the fact that ho cuts his hair. Tlirco-tciiths of tho earnings of a Belgian conviut ore given to him on the expiration of his terra of impris onment. Borne of thorn thus save more money iu jail than they ever saved before. The Agricultural Department is niakiug arrangements to linvo a corre spondent in every township in tho country to make reports on tho condi tion of tho crop. It wiil muko tho crop reports much fuller auJ moro ac curate thuu hcrotofore. Nowcst wrinkles in dining-cars are to be found on tho Chicago and East ern Illinois, where, according to a Western paper, tho passenger who dines on tho train now has his atten tion drawu away from tho high prices on the bill of fare by inusio from a Swiss music box. Each box has tbrco cylinders, and each cylinder plays eight tuues. It is snid that thero are in tho State of Kansas twenty well-built towns without a single inhabitant. Saratoga, in that State, has a (30,000 opera house, a large briek hotel, a $20,000 school hoUBo, nud a number of fine business houses, aud yet thero is not a single person to cluiui that city as his home. At Fargo a herder and his fumily constitute tho solo population of whut was ouco an incorporated city. Thero is no room far doubt that the construction of good roads pays in the end, says tho Now Jersey Forester. In wooded districts roads serve as fire breaks. A road is always an excellent point of vantage iu lighting a fire. Were the sides of roads iu forests dis tricts kept freo from oompustiblo matter thero would bo much loss dan ger from forest fires. The valno of timber is rated mainly by tho nature of the road over which it is. necessary to huul it. Iu Gcriuuuy some roads for transporting timber are mac adamized and one is mentioned in the report of tho Chief of tho Forostry Division for 1SD3 which saved its cost iu two years. "There is no such thing as low," was tho surprising and comforting piece of information given by Gover nor Clarke, of Arkansas, to tho last graduates of tho law department oi the Arkuusus University. Tho Gover nor had but just presented diplomas to tho youug men, which tho recipi ents might naturally suppose were evidence that they knew some law, as a result of several years of study. Governor Clarke explaiued that thero wero rules accepted as law, but theso were so complex in principle us to render tho law a myth. Ninety per ceut. of oppeulod cases could be decided either way, ho averred, aud lawyers on the bench very frequently divide on tho quostiou of what is tho law. Soys Harper's Weekly : There is "a cry now aud then for cleaner paper money, aud not long ago there was a rumor that the Treasury proposed to do bettor by us in the way of provid ing us with clean bills. Whether it tried or not does not appear, but cer taiuly our tuouoy is not clean yet. The owner of a big department store iu a Western oity took a Uotiou the other day that be would give his customers clean money iu change. So he bought two thousaud ouu-dollur bills, and one morning ho filled the money-drawors of his cashiers with them. The mouoy had not been iu use half au hour bo fore tho head cashier applied for help in makiug chaugo, and said ho would havo to have another assistant if oleau money was used. The uuw bills, it seems, ure stiff, and it is Blower work to handle them than to handle old bills that have beeu lubricated by uso. Dank of England notes, which are al most always clean eud fresh, are so thin that it is probably easy to haudle them even when they are new. Hut it would seeiu that there are practical objections to new greeubooks, even ii they could be furnished. THE WORLD OOOD ENOUOH. I wit upon the lg-wig fence awullo last Bunduy morn An' looked about across my fields of rustlln', dow-touohed corn; I lookod upon tho browsing shoop within tho postur (Troon, The cattle an' tho horses-slock ns any that Is scon; An' further on, upon tho shocks of whoat 'at sprond awny; . An' further, au' ylt further on, whoro rise my mows of buy; An' lookln' on this sconory, I'd naught to say, you see, Agin the way the world is run it's good enough for mo! I snt upon my gallery steps last Sunday eve, I did, As down bohlnd the Western hills tho sun, all sleepy, slid. The honeysuckles' fragrancy was swoot as any flowers That ever gleamod all red and rnro about the Eden bowers; An' over at the barn the girl was milklu' of tho cows, While kctydids sent up tuolr songs from shrubs around the house) Au' louklu' on this sounory, I'd naught to say, you see, Agin the way the world Is run It's good enough for me. Memphis Commercial Appeal. THE NARROW WORLD. I)X CHAIILE8 DWIOHT WILLAHD, OMETHING had happened 1 There was such a rosy flush on her cheek, so bright a gleam in her eyes, and on his face inch an utter abandon of joy, that any one even a man o o u 1 d have guessed the truth. Fortunatoly they had chosen the hill road, the least travolod of all the ways that lead down from the Montecito Valley into Santa Barbara, aud for the first half hour after the event they met no one. It was what the inhabitants of the Channel City call a "gonuino Santa Barbara day." The sun shone warm and bright, and ' soft perfumed breeze came out of the west. There was June in tho air, although tho cal endar was set for mid-winter. The birds sang in the trees above them, tho squirrels chirped from tho hill side, and their horses, wandering at times from the road, sank to tho knee in a waving boo of flowers. "First of all," she said, breaking tho silenco of a whole minute, "you must toll my father." "Certainly," said the young man. "Who's afraid?" "You havo never soon papa do tho role of the cruel parent," said the girl ; "he cau be quite a dragon. As you are a kinsman, however " "A fifth cousin," cried the young man, with a laugh. "Well, fifth cousins aro better thou nothing, aren't they?" "Truly ; how else should we be bore to-day?" Then tho young man added with peculiar and significant emphasis : "I am inclined to pride myself on that little scheme." The girl brought her horse to a suddon Btop and turuod her clear brown eyes, half opened uuder thoir long lashes, upon her companion. "That little soboiuc," she repeated, blowly. "I don't understand." The youug man laughed uneasily. "Why, Cotheriue," said he, "you don't mean that you have believed in the entertaining fiction about our greot-great-et-oetero-graudf other?" "Old Ebonozor Strong?" exclaimed the girl, "liow dare you call him fictitious, when 1 saw his portrait at luy own grandfather's." "As your ancestor, my dear ono, ha is au undoubted reality but ns wine, I regret to say, he is merely a figment of your worthy father's imagination. Iu short I would foiu break it to you as gently as possiblo wo are not fifth cousins ut all, but just plain cr diuary " "Not fifth cousins!" "No, darling; and if you ore going to fuiut, please full on this side, with your head right here on my shoul der." "I won't I Wrotohod boy, how could you deueivo poor pupa so?" "I didn't deceive him. lie deceived himsolf. From the very beginning of our acquaintance he seemed determ ined to locate mo somewhere on the Weston family tree, aud you aided and abetted him iu the attempt." "ltichord Stroug, how can you !" "I have a sweet uud gentle disposi tion and wheu ho asked ino if I was not desoundod from EUonezor Strong, of West Brighton Centre, and you looked at mo so appeoliugly " "I didn't any such thing I" "Why shouldn't I assent? I have doubtless had several hundred uuces tors named Strong, aud I took the chances that some ouu of ttiotu re joiced iu the preuomuu of Ebenezer. It is just the sort of a name that my forbears were given to putting upon themselves." "You may laugh, if it pleases you," said the girl, severely, "but if papa had ku'own you were not a relative we should not be riding alone together, lie geuerally disapproves of the East ern people who spend the winter at the hotel. " "If you really feel that I have bceu guilty of false pretenses," said the youug mun, drawing his horse a little nearer, "suppose we bogiu ull over aguiu." "Keep your distuuee, sir!" ex claimed the girl, steering for the op if posite side of the road. "If we nro to start afroth, let it be from tho very beginning, three weeks ago." "Now, as to your father," resumed the young man, "I think I understand him pretty woll, because ay one and only parent, the governor himself, is constructed on much the sumo plan. Wherever ho goes ho is contiuunlly in search of tho lost tribes of the Strong genealogy. Tho last let tor I had from him iu Colorado, where he is spending tho winter, contained the announco mont that ho had unearthed four or five now cousins choice specimens, I doubt not, that ho will expect me to meet and cmbraco on my way home. "l'erhaps it was wrong," he contin ued, after a momont of reflection, "to play upon that little peculiarity of your father's, to get into his good graces, but you must consider the ex traordinary provocation, dear. It seemed like my only chance ore you sorry I took it?" She looked her answer but did not speak it, and then, avoiding the hand extended to seize ber own, she struok her horse a light blow and dashed down the road ahead. A long, oven canter in silence fol lowed, and they were well into town before the conversation began agoin. Then, fearful of observation, they spoke in commonplaces. They turned into State street, and stoppod at the postofllce, the morn ing's moil having constituted the chief causo for the trip to town. Richard Strong dismounted aud presently ap peared with a letter in his hand. "None for you," he said. "This is for mo, from tho governor. I'll wager it has something in it about cousins." "Let me see," Baid the girl, hold ing out hor hand, llo tore the letter open aud gave it to her. Then he swung himself into his saddle, and they startod slowly down the street. Suddenly tho girl gave a fuint cry. "Papa has been writing to him,!" she exclaimed. "Writing to him? What for?" "He has asked him to pay us a visit on the score of relationship, and your father" "Well?" said tho young man, ex citedly. "lie says he will start immediately the very noxtday." "Let me seo the date of the letter. Yo gods ! It has been delayed ! He must have got here this morning!" "The traia has been in two hours," she said, glanciug at ber watch. "I must see him immediately," said her companion, nervously turning his horse first ono way and then another. "Who would have droamed that both the old boys would take that cousin ship so seriously?" "I diil, sir. I knew from the very beginning thut it would make trouble some time." "From tho very beginning?" re peated tho youug man, pausing iu his excitement long enough to note the force of this chanco admission. "So you acknowledge, do you" "There's the hotel 'bus," criod tho girl, hastily changing the subject. "Perhaps tho driver cau tell us some thing." A long empty vehicle was passing them ou its wuy up the street. Strong called to tho driver and ho stopped. "Did you bring up a tall gentle man this morning, with a white mus taohe and goatee and gold eyeglasses?" "Yes, sir. Your futher, don't you meau?" Tho young people exchanged star tled glances. "How did you know?" "He was inquiring for you, sir, as soon as ever he got to the hotel; and when he found you were gone, he went and hired a buggy." "A buggy what for?" "lie asked tho way to Judge Wes ton's place iu the Montecito. Ho said the Judge was a near relativo of his." "A near relative!" groaned the hor rified Strong while his companion turned away her face, although whether to oonceal a look of anguish or a laugh will never be known. Tho omnibus proceeded ou its way. "We must hurry," said tho youug man, spurring his horse to a confer. "The less time they have together be fore explanations are made tho bet ter." "What do you thiuk they will do?" asked tho girl. "I dou't dure to thiuk. Y'oii seo on everything except this family tree business our respective parents are as far apart as civilized humans cau be. Your father, now, is uu elder iu tho church, while uiiuo has never recov ered from tho habit of using swear words acquired during years of ser vice iu tho regular army." "Heavens! Let us ride faster. Papa will have slain hiin beforo we get there." "lloally, Cotheriue,' said the youug man, when they had blackened their puce to climb the hills, "it would not surprise me if they positively refused to outer iuto partnership as fathers-in-law." "Never mind, Kioburd," said tho girl, smilingly. "Father has never yet refused me uuythiug, wheu my happiuess was ut stake as it is now." Strong shrugged his shoulders. "Mina has," ho answered. "He is made of rliut, the old General ; aud if he should take it iuto his head to say no, it would be awkward iu ways I dou't like to mention.". "Never miud," said tho girl, snail ing uguiu and liftiug her veil to tho riiu of the jaunty sailor hat. Aud a moment later Hi" youur man felt much encouraged, uud tlij gallop was resumed. Ou a slight knoll surrounded by a grove of live-oaks uud faced wi'h uu uveuuo of old pulm?, there ' i the ample resideuoe ot Judge Westou. As tho youug people cumu through the gate and entered upou the gravelled roadway, they observed two elderly gentlemen emerge from a small forest of rose bushes aud sturt briskly down the path toward them. Presently the j shorter of tho two took his com panion's at m and they walked along in evident peace and amity. "They haven't found it out yet," the young man whispered. Judgo Weston asisted his daughter to alight. "Catherine," said ho, "this is General Strong, tho father ot our young friend." The Oonoral bent low in an old fashioned obeisance, and Miss Catherine instinctively mado him a courtesy out of the minuet. "Fathorl" "Dick, my dear boy?" "See here," exolaimod the Judge suddenly. "You were mistakon, Rich ard, in wh it you told me about old Ebenezer Strong." The young man braced himself for a struggle "And to think, Dick," cried the General, reproachfully, "that you never onco mentioned to the Judge that your great-great-grandfather, Hezekioh Stroug, married a Weston." "And that bringsuseven nearer than we had supposed," added the Judge. "Fourth cousins instead of fifth." "It was stupid of me to forget that," said the young man, huskily. "And now that I have soon Miss Catherine," said the General, taking her hand and passing his arm about her waist, "my ouly regret is that tho relationship is not several degreo nearer yet." Then Cathorine looked at Richard, and he told what had happened on the way to town. Straightaway there was a great amount of handshaking and a good deal of kissing dono in broad daylight under the palms. The Land of Sunshine. Mortars aud Men. During tho recent trial of tho now Sandy Hook coast defences it was found desirable that the striking points of the big mortar projectiles should be accurately determined. At the long range of G000 yards, or three and a half miles, the 800 pound mass of cost steel buried itself ten feet deep in the sand, and it is the duty of the observer at the target to mark the po sition by a stoke in order that the shot may be afterwords dug up and ex amined. Two sergeants of artillery had been detailed on this delicate ser vioe, and when the party of officials and guests arrived at the target grounds the observers met them smil ing and enthusiastic and with their hazardous work successfully per formed. A newspaper reporter asked one of the men how ho enjoyed the task of retrieving cannon-balls. "It was beautiful, sir; beautiful," said the smiling sergeant. "I stood there (pointing at a spot twenty-five yards from one stake) and I oould see 'em coming. They turnod straight and came dowu point down. They throw the sand up like water and scattered it in every direction. It was beautiful, sir." "Were you not afraid?" demanded ono man. "What would I be afraid of, sir?" asked the sergeant. Was there over a finer example of true pride iu ouo's profession? Tho familiarity that breeds contompt could never have spoken thus of a peril compared to which tiger-beoting iu au Indian jungle is but a dull nud sopo rilio pastime. It is indeed au adiuir ablo quality of moral courage that is here presented, the educated sang froid of the man who nuither underes timates a danger nor rtins away from it, the pure impulse to duty that looks for no reward and seeks for no end outside of itself. It is still the men who are behiuJ tho guns. Harper's Weekly. Work and Weather. So marked is the iuduenco of the weather on certain temperaments that tho employers of large numbers of men aro beginning to take this iuto account iu promising to fill largo or ders. Iu somo establishments, it is said that in very gloomy and whot is called depressing weather from ten to twenty-live per ceut less work is done than on bright, cleur days. A little investigation showed that accountants are much moro likely to moke mis takes iu bad then iu clear weather, and scientists sometime! ducliuo to pursuo their investigations wheu tho atmospheric conditions ure uncon genial. This being the case, there is little wonder that foggy, dreary, chilly days have frequently becu called "suicide weather." New York Lod ger. Nipptu' Mok's Muzzle. Nippin' Nick i" a Muuayuuk horse, owned aud driven by a youug fellow in Mauayuuk who makes a livelihood by hauling dirt aud rubbish. The animal has acquired his name by bit ing everybody eround tho dumps ad jucent to Muuayuuk. The other day the horse bit a small boy aud a police man recalled to Nick's driver that he had beforo been ordered to muzzle tho horse. "Now, if that horse aiu't muzzled to-morrow I'll pinch yer," said the officer. Nothing more was thought of it until the next day, wheu tho owner saw the policemau shuttling along up the street, aud quickly hang ing ou old coul scuttle ou tho horse's head ho made it uuswer for a muzzle aud saved himself arrest aud fine. Philadelphia Record. A Fait h! ill Dug. Rufus M. Merrill, aged seventy uiue, a well-kuowu ship builder, while walking ou tho Portluud and Rochester Rood ut Portluud, Me., was struck by au eiigiuo uud received in juries from the ell'eet of which he died two hours later. His dog, his con stant companion for many years, tried to drag Ins master from the truck, uud hud both hind lugs cut oil'. Mr. Merrill seemed more concerned about his dog thuu himself. 'Ireutou (N. J.) American. THE MERRY" SIDE OF LIFE. STORIES THAT ARE TOLD BY THE FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. Gentle Hint Needless Criiflty Another Objection An Opportun ity Not to He Missed, Ktc, Etc. Bho wore a locket round her neck, A looket of shinini gold; The shape of a heart and large enough A picture petite to hold. I opened the locket to ascertain Who was her partlculnr pet; Cut instund of a miniature photograph Was a sign which read "To Let." Spare Moments. " NEEDLESS CBCELTY. lie "I can tell a woman's age, no matter how old she is." Sho "You must be a brute I" Puck. BAD HABITS. She "There are 60,000 people iu Chicago who smoke opium. " He "That's nothing. Just think how many there are who smoke hams." Detroit Free Tress. NOT CONFINED TO KEDSKTNg. "All the good Indians, they say, are dead Indians." ' '3o aro all the good white people. Go and read the epitaphs on the tomb stones, will you?" Chicago Tribune. GOT ALL THE! WANTED. Pennuck "A gang of burglars entered the House of Correction a short time since." Dullyer "Did they get anything?" Paunuck "Yes, five years apioce." Boston Courier. MONET IS FEMININE. Teacher "What is tho gender of 'money.'" Scholar "Feminine." Teachor (severely) "Why?" Scholar "Because money talks." Detroit Freo Press. ANOTHER OBJECTION. Dick Singleton "Does your wifo object to your going to the club of an evening?" . Benny Dictus "No, but sho ob jects to my coming borne from it in the morning. " Harlem Life. AN OrPODTUNITr NOT TO BB MISSED. Young Mr. Callow "Yes, Miss Jump, the woman I would marry must in every way realize the highest ideal in beauty and mental qualities." Miss Jump "Oh, Mr. Callow! This is so sudden !" New York Moil aud Express. A MODEL HUSBAND. Frioud Perrichon, accompanied by bis wife, took a trip to the outskirts of Paris. Very tired and hungry, they entered an eating house. The pro prietor declared that he had nothing but a chop to offer them. "Ouly one !" exolaimod Perrichon ; "then what is my wifo to have." Paris Gaulois. A YEARNING. "Do you not sometimes hove soulful ycaruiugs which you long to convey in words, but cannot?" asked the senti mental girl. "Yos, indoed," repliod the youug mou. "1 was once dreadfully anxious to send home for money, and I didn't have the prioe of a telegram." Read ing (I'cuu.) Telegram. IS A MEEK 6FUUT. Judge "Prisoner at the bar, you are charged with breaking into tho complainant's store and carrying away a large amount of goods. What have you to say in your own defence ?" Burglar "I did it, your Honor, out of compassiou. He had a sign np that he was selling his goods less than cost, aud by taking them I saved a big loss see?"- Boston Transcript. ' A SAVING INSTANCE. "Tell mo honestly," said the novel reader to tho ' novel writer," did you ever boo a woman who stood and tapped the Hour impatiently with hor toe for several moments, as you de scribe?" "Yes," was tho thoughtful reply; "I did once." "Who was she?" "She wag a clog dancer." Wash ington Star. BECK LESS THOUGHTLESSNESS. The judge of a Western court, iu order to secure a safer and more civi lized condition of affairs iu the oourt room, asked tho twelve jurymen aud the ten uttorueys present to place their pistols iu a pile iu tho coruur of the room, but there seemed to bo somo hesitaucy iu complying with the request, aud tho judge insisted. "If your Honor will put his down first," suggested the foremou of tho jury, "I guess tho balaucu of us will toiler suit." "Certainly, gents,' replied his Houor, aud laid his guu down iu tho corner. Iu a few miuutes all the others hod doue the same, exeeptiug the Sheriff aud his deputy, who were not includ ed, aud twenty-three pistols were re posing peacefully ou the floor. "Now, gents," said his Houor, sud denly whipping out a guu, "the first muu that goes near that pile gets it iu the neck." In ou iustuut every man's hand went tohisotlier hip pocket, aud us hisHouor dived behind the desk tweuty-two bul lets weut through the window but:k of where he hud beeu sitting, aud tweuty-two men were waiting for him to stick his heud up, but ho did nothing so rush. "Put up them guns," he yelled; "put up thjiu guus, or I'll tine every oue uf you for contempt of court." New York Suu, SCIENTIFIC AND IX Dl'STIMAL. Music relieves muscular fatigue in man. . With an ordinary breeze tho height of waves is from four to six feet. If tho earth's surface were level, the water of the ocean would cover it to a dopth of 600 feet. Monazito, a rare mineral, which noither melts or burns, is found in the rich metallic heart of the Appa lachian Mountains that lio iu North Carolina. Epidemins of typhoid fever havo lately been traced iu Calcutta and Bombay, India, to the use of water cress which grew in soil pollutod by sewerage. San Francisco papers thiuk that the problem of transporting fruit to the East might be soived without ice by using the chemical refrigerator, car bon dioxide. Dr. Louis Pasteur has refused, on patriotio grounds, a German decora tion tendered him in recognition of bis discoveries in the line of curiug hydrophobia by inoculation. A marble medallion portrait of John Couch Adams, the discoverer of Neptune, has just been set up in West minister Abbey, London, closo to tho memorial to Isaac Newton, Durwiu and Herschel. Among the different varieties of seals caught, tho hogasrock is consid erably the largest, and will weigh probably 500 or 600 pounds. Tho skin of this variety is mostly used for covering the boats of tho Eskimo. The tattooing on the fuccs and bod ing of savages iB heraldic iu its origin. Ellis says that the New Zoaluud chiefs totoo their faces with the armoriol bearings of their tribes, which are as distinctive as tho plaids of the High landers. A new inveutiou has bceu desigued to prevent collisions at sea. At a re cent test the force from electro-magnetic coils stationed ou board a ves sel successfully influenced a chemical ly prepared compass stationed somo six miles uway, causing it to ring bells. The "eohippus," whose skeleton is one of the treasures of tho American Museum of Noturol History, is the or iginal tour-toed horse. It was hardly larger than a fox, but a fanciful Eng lish scientist says it "powessos all the oharaclcristicsof the full-grown horse, including the space for the bit at the ond of the lower jaw." A medical journal Bays that in tho continued use of the eyes in such work as sewing, typesettiug, bookkepiug, reading and studying, the saving point is looking up from the work at short intervals aud looking around the room. This practiced overy ten or fifteen minutes relievos tho muscu lar tonsiou, rests the eyes and mokes the blood supply much better. Mineral Woof. It is au artificial product made from blast furnace Blag or certain melted rocks, by tho action of a jet stream iu which the liquid material is trans formed iuto a fine fibrous or filamen tous condition. In this state it close ly resembles cotton wool, heuco its name. Among its most important properties ure strength combined with lightness, resistance to transmission of heat, cold aud Bound. It is especially adapted as a liuing between .vails, floors, partitious, roofs, etc., in build ing construction, thus rendering a building to a greater degreo lire-proof. In shutting out the rays of suu iu summer the buildiug is kept cool, while in winter the hot ascending air is retained, keeping the building warm. By deadening bound ull com munications aud noises betweeu of fices are avoided. As uu iuorguuic substance, it does not decay or breed and harbor insects or vermin, as do earth, mortar, felt uud sheuthiu; papers wheu used as liuiugs, a good property from u sanitary standpoiut. It is especially adapted to col I storage aud refrigerating housed, aud has also been applied as a cover for water pipes to prevent them from freezing. A more extended uso of miueral wool seems very probable. Ago of Steel. The Weliliirr IYucpsn Like t'l-eivdu . Iu a paper by T. Wrightsou, real beforo the Royal Society recently, evi dence is brought forward to show that tho welding of iron au I steel is simi lar iu character to the regulation of ice. Irou has beeu found to expand iu passing from tho liquid to the plas tic state uud then Contracts to the solid form. ExpcrnncuU ut IUj Mint have also showu that at tho welding point iron cools uu lor pressure. Wei 1 ing differs from melting pieces togeth er iu that iu the former case the union tukes place below the temperature of fusiou. Engineering and Mining Journal. Filly Thousand Truants. Tho Board of Education of New York City has received a summary of the school census recently taken by the police. According to this report thero are 16S,020 mule and 171.7JJ female school children lu this city, The table shows there are 50, Olj'J tru ants, which means uu expenditure of between 3 ,Uim,OJ0 and d, OUU, DUO for new schools before these delinquents cuu be taken cure of. Thero is now gii,!iOO,00) available for the erection of new school buildiugs, uud it is cli mated thut tweuty-live of them will bo required. Scientific Aluerieau. A .New Hurl ul Oiumpioii. Thero seems to bo uo eu 1 to thj op portuuities for a person to ujiiive fame us o "chuinpiou." A painter iu Hue ), Me., tucked three dozeu eggs iu seven miuutes uud lilty livc second.-,, a few doys ago, uud is uow ready to suck eggs for the chumpionship with uuy oue of his class iu the country. New Orleans Picuyuue. THE COUNTRY POY. Ifappy tho hoy who whistles down the glon, And shrilly calls his cow to hie th'.'m home; Or loitering by the cool swift-flowing brook, I'll In his b et to plash tii" whirling foam. Dear boy, thy votee Is ever sweet 1 1 me. Thy cri"s bring Imefc Ihe sriin. again OT ny young life I hear the oii ko'i I-y( And roeily call of wiii-lles down the wimliug lane. Tho cry of darting joy. the hum of i,n s. firing to my mind th trnse of boyhood days; Ouco more I roam the Holds whore biuo-licllj hide, Or lie 'ncnlh shading tree.., from the suu'3 fierce rny.s. I see (he dew upon tho waving gnus. The banks where course .sedgirusln s grow, And watch the waters ki-s the I on ling tings, As l!owiug on they nui'mnr soft and luW. I hear again the wind's low minstrelsy. As through Iho pines they chant in solemn tones," Just as In boyhood when ;hev softly lulled Me to tho slumber which i.s now unknown Slug thou, my lad, aud let thy jovial cry, Thy whistle, unrul, nil s und on tho air: If ore I cau :.it and faneying bo again floppy like thee, and like thee, freo from enre. Hartford Times. IIUMOK OF TllF. DAY. Wo wish we could feel os coulented as a girl iu a shirt waist looks. Atch ison Globe. Teddie "What are woman's rights, pa 5" Pa "Every thiug they wont, my boy; always remember that!" Boslou Courier. "You seem to be cultivating old Kojoues. Whoi, do you see about hiui to admire?" "His .luughter Luura." Chicago Tribune. Clubman "Colonel, I understand yon aro acquainted with warfare iuall its forms!" Colouel "No, uo ; not iu all forms. I'm a bachelor. " Spare Moments. "A man died iu a Turkish bath iu Now York yesterday," said tho Mere Newsgetter. "Aucther swentshop out rage," commented tho Sociologist. Buffalo Express. A Pioneer: Student (to Professor) 'Has it over beeu discovered who was the man in tho irou mask?" Pro fessor Oldsport "He was tho origiuu'. umpire." Harlem Life. "That's whot I call getting out of a bad scrape," groaned the mau in tho first straw bat as ho tottered from tho barber shop, rubbing his bleeding jaws. Kocklnnd Tribune. "The curious things about my busi ness," said tho mosquito, alighting softly upou the nose of tho deeping victim, "is that it's more fuu to go to work thon it is to stay to hum." Chi cago Tribune. Prince Areeno Karugoorgevitch aud M. Dollfns fought a duel at Paris with swords, and M. Dollfus was wounded, but tho Priuco's name camo out of tho fight without any abbreviation Pitts burgh Chronicle-Telegraph. "Are you a ball crank, Miss Beekiu strete?" "I was nlllieted with a mild attack of spheromunia lust summer," ausweied the Boston maiden, "but this year I havo taken but little in terest." Indianapolis Journal. "I'm very much afruid," his mother said, "that this pie needs more short ening." "Mamma," said tho boy iu ou audible undertone, "that isn't whut my piece needs." "Jsu'tit?" "No'ni. My piece needs lengthening. "---Washington Star. Mrs. White- "And do you meau to say that you uud your husbuud ulways agree about everything?" Urn. Black --"Always; except, of course, now aud then when he's out of humor or pig headed, or something of that sort."--Boston Transcript. "Keep out 'of debt, youug mau," said the philosopher. "People will thiuk better of you for it." "Per haps," was the thoughtful reply ; "aud yet l'vo noticed the moro I owe peo ple the gladder they always seem to' see me. " Wushiugtou Stur. "Ouly think," exclaimed 1'eudersoii, "of the many uses to which paper is now put!" "1 know," replied Bass. "I was at the theatre tho other night, and I was told it was all paper. An. I it was u line, substantial looking struc ture, too." Bostou Transcript. Auuuius "Blood and dcutu, but there ure some insults too great to bo borue!" Sophira- "Woll.whot uow?" Ananias "I dou't mind being collul a pretty big liar. I'm used to that. But a fellow just accused ino of being the author of tho Cuban war news." J'ulbilo Express. Judgo "Do you mean to nay, sir, thut you prosecute this man for theft, wheu you have no better evidence of his guilt than that he ha 1 1 J ou his person?" Attorney "Ves, sir." Judge "How dure you ask a couvic tiou ou such evidence?" Attorney "Tho mau i.i a poet, your Honor." Chicago Tribune. Doctor "1 would advise you, dear luaduui, to take frequent baths, ileuty of fresh air, and dress in co d gnwus." Husband (au hour Inter)-- "What i .d the doctor buy ?" Wifc--"ile said I ought to go to o watering place, and ul Ur wards to the mountains, uud to got some uew light e.owus ut once." l'liegeudo liluetter. A Al a ii liooilcr." Ed. H. Dugiiy, proprietor of thj Juekson Square l!ir I Stoic, has, among other lreaks and curious, things ut bis store, u "mau ro.kr, so ealU d by tho fuiicur, which ho has immed "Picayune." The bird stands, up straight, with u body perpendicularly poised, somethiug after the manner ot' u penguin. The bird is u tighter, uud, standing up straight us he does, wilt do some lull crowing if the next elec tion goes riht. .'icw Orleans Picuyuue.