THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. . f. WINK, lOITOS 4 PHOPKltTO. WEDNESDAY. JULY 24, m:ri iii.ii a ticket. cnrNTY. Treasurer, JAMES H. FOXES. Associate Jlldgn, JACK McCRAY. Postponed! for a Tear. The Farr compulsory educational bill will not be eo force J thia year. At torney General McCormick baa given the department of public instruction an opinion which practically autpenda tbe operation of the law until next year. Tbe act provides for tbe en rollment by the assessors at tbe erring assessment of all children of school age. Tbe assessment for this year was completed before tbe bill became a law. A MONETARY DEFINITION. A "gold mooometaliet" ia defined by an exchange aa one who wanla gold alone used aa metal ic money. The term ia often misapplied to one who "favors tbe maintenance of the present monetary system of tbe Uni ted States, France or England, in which tbe value of all kinds of mon ey ia fixed by reference to the gold unite of value." "Bimetaliam" is tbe theory that gold and silver can be used as a uni ted or common standard of value, the anion of one beiog kept by law tbe same value as the unite of the other. "International bimetal ism" is theory that bimetalism is impractica ble if undertaken by a single nation, but practicable if undertaken in concert by all tbe great commercial nations. Tbe bimetaliats believe iu the res toration of the free coinage of silver in this country (as it was prior to 1872) at the rate of 16 of silver to one of gold; and that it should be done by the U. S. Government, inde pendent of any and all foreign na tions. Superior Court Program. The new superior court, of which Judge Rice of Luzerne county, is president judge, met in the supreme court room, Philadelphia, last Tues day, and received the report of tbe committee appointed to adopt rules and apportion tbe counties to have five districts in which the court will sit. luesefive districts will center in Philadelphia, Scraoton, Williams port, Harrisburg and Pittsburg. Tbe report of tbe committee pro videa that the justices of tbe superior court shall annually hold terms of said court, and appeals shall be re turnable at the following times and places : first, at Philadelphia (supreme coart rooms) For the first and second Mondays of November, the county of Philadelphia. For tbe third Monday of November, the connties of Lancaster and Berks. For the first Monday of December, tbe counties of Chester, Delaware and Bucks. For tbe second Monday of December, tbe counties of Schuy kill, Lehigh, Northampton and Mont gomery. For tbe third Monday of December, the county of Philadel phia. Second, at Scranton For the first Monday of January, tbe counties of Luzerne, Columbia and Montour, For tbe second Monday of January, the counties of Lackawanna, Monroe, Carbon and Wyoming. For tbe third Monday of January, tbe coun ties of Bradford, Susquehanna, Wayne and Pike. Third, at Williamsport For the first Monday of February, the coun ties of Northumberland, Union, Sny der, Lycoming and Sullivan. For the second Monday of February, the counties of Center, Clearfield, Clin ton, Cameron and Elk. For the third Monday of February, the coun ties of Mckean, Potter and Tioga. Fourth, at Harrisburg For tbe first Monday of March, tbe counties of Dauphin, Lebanon aud York For the second Monday of March the counties of Adams, Franklin rultou, Cumberland, Juniata and Perry. For tbe third Monday March, the counties of Mifflin, Hon tiogdon, Bedford and Blair. Fifth, at Pittsburg For the firs aud second Mondays of April, tbe county of Allegheny. For the third Monday of April, the counties Westmoreland, Fayette, Washington aud Green. I-or the first Monday o May, tbe counties of Somerset, Io dianna, Cambria, Jefferson and Gar ion. ior tbe second Monday of May, tbe counties of Armstrong, Butler, Beaver, Lawrence and Mer cer. For the third Monday of May tbe counties of Erie, Crawford, Ve nango Warren and Forest. The work of the Census Bureau in connection with tbe eleventh census is practically finished. The last vol ume of reports is in the hands of the printer, and a most stupendous un dertaking is concluded, the more than 6,000 persons employed at Washing ton and in tbe Geld having been dis charged. The work was commenced bout six years since, and cost the Government over $10,000,000. This is a heavy expense, and considering tbe lateness of tbe publication of the result, it may well give rise to the question whether or not there is a better way, as well aa cheaper, of gathering and tabulating the inform ation desired. Brookville Kcjmblican. A dispatch from Connellaville, Pa., under date of the 22d, aaya: Tbe heaviest rain within tbe memory of the oldest inhabitant visited here this evening. Tbe streets were flood ed. Next to the Yougbiogheoy river here and in New Haven over 100 houses are flooded. Thousands of coke ovens were drowned oot by tbe torrent of water, and at many mines extra pumps bad to be put to work o order to keep the workings from being flooded. At Broadford, two miles west of here, several houses were washed away. Two bridges on tbe Mt. Pleasant branch were swept away and traffic is blocked. The damage to crops is great. Members of the administration are having a difficult task to recon cile the promise that a Democratio tariff would open tbe markets of tbe world to the producers and manufac turers of tbe United States with tbe cold, bard figures contained io the official report of the Berean of Sta tisticsfigures compiled br Demo cratic officials. During the eleven months ending May 31, 1895, exports for the United States fell off, as com pared with the same period ending May 31, 1894, when tbe McKinley law was in force nearly $75,000,000 in value to be exact, tbe export, tions for eleven months under tbe McKinley tariff amounted to $813,- 547,866, while the exportation! for the same period under tbe Demo cratic tariff amounted only to $739,- 651,865. Tbete are the sort of facts which have convinced those who con trol tbe great business interests of tbe country that it is not safe to have the Democratic party io control of tbe national government, and which will oot soon be forgotten, but will stand like a stone wall over which the Democratio party cannot hope to get during the life of the present generation. Senator Sherman has taken him en out oi toe residential race once and for all. If there was any disappointment in bis heart when be declared that be would not accept a nomination though all the people of the United States should join bands and oner it to him, it was not appar ent in bis voice or manner. "No man of 70," be said philosophically "has the right to undertake tbe work and responsibility which comes to the Chief Executive. It is a position of wear and tear, and it should have younger man. Ibere was nothing personal in mis declaration, it was tbe plain, direct statement of a man who has come in contact so much with the Presidential office that be knows it as well as those who have filled it, and it is evidently inspired by a deep conviction that the speaker baa passed the eligible age. His lot was oot unlike tbat of Clay and Web ater, or coming to a still more recent period, of Seward, Sumner, Blaine and Conkling. An admitted leader of the greatest party of modern times. his aspirations to become President were repeatedly defeated by circum stances which be coold not control. Yet bis disappointment bas not em bittered him." Senator Sherman speaks highly of Reed and Allison for President but his preference is for Mch-ioley, PROCLAMATION. Whereas, The Hon. Charles H. Noyes President Judge of the Court of Common Plea aud Quarter Session In and for Uie county ot forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, Oyer aud Terminer aud General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the County of forest, to commence on the Last Monday of August, being the 26th day of August, 1805. No tice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables ot said county, that they be then and there iu their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and uiucr leinuiiiurances, to uo inose tilings which to their oiiice appertain to be done, aud to those whoare bound in recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that limy may be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given un der my hand and seal this 22ud day of joilN T. CARSON, us. Shoriff. Estray. Came to the promises of the under signed, on Salmon Creek, four miles above Kellettville, Kingsley twp., Forest county, au'iui six weens ago, a small red cow, viitn brindle head, is four or five years old, and has small bell with clap per issiuneu wuu wire. 1 lie owner u notilied to ooine forward, prove property, pay charges and take her awav. other. w ise she will be disposed of aa the law uirecis. ('His. L. Wahdkn Kellettville, July 10, Ib'Jb. H AZELTINE 4jPpfs& WOOLEN MILLS K N-- Wirrsn. Pa. Warren. Pa, M ik TtMdi, CamlmriTP.Flannrlt - nn i rn of " 4 woo), without llW- Z-.lZl '". f lLrt7, wsslo tie TLO ll7 T Blxtura what EIGHTEENTH SEMI-ANKUM. CLEARANCE SALE! Clothe don't make the man. Nit. But after be la made Correct clothes belp'.hlm To get there Kit. Wehave Rent many a man to the front. Our Semi Annual Clearance Salo has become an event looked forward to by good drew? all over this end of tbe State. On Monday, July 1, we will Inaugurate our eighteenth sale of fine Clothing to order. All former efforts In this direc tion sink into Insignificance when com pared with our present sale. We guarantee to our workmen steady work the year round. THAT'S WHY, To fulfill oar contract, we are obliged to sell two months out of every twelve, vis., January and July, Clothes perfect in fit, correct in style and unsurpassed in workmanship, at about the price of hand-me-downs. Understand this is not a beggarly array of old chestnuts, shop worn and rusty, but a twenty thousand dollar stock of fine woolens, the pick of the choicest fabrics from the world's fin est looms. CUT, KNIFED, SLAUGHTER ED AND GIVEN AWAY. That our bands may be kept busy dur ing the dull season. Here are the prices : AT $15 THE SUIT, Scotch Mixtures, Edinbo rough Tweeds, Homespnns and Cheviots, In sack suits to order, were $24. AT 16 THE SUIT, Black and Blue English Twilled Clio vlots, Serges and Thibet Cloths, former price 26. AT 17 TUE SUIT, Handsome Plaid Suitings of Scotch and English makes, were $28. AT $18 THE SUIT, Rich Colorings in Oban Homespuns, Dunleiths, Lindens and Montauks, for mer price $30. Beautiful Suitings at $22, $23 and $24, were $32 to $10. AT $25 THE SUIT, Clay, Martens, Taylors, West of England Worsted, in blacks and blues. The above qualities were never sold less than . .... Trousers to-order, 54. Trousers to order, $3. Trousers to order, $6. Our guarantee. If clothes do not suit don't pay. TERMS OF SALE. Utter strangers, cash on delivery. Good referonce, thirty to sixty days. Old Customers, any time you want. TELEPHONE NO. 118. IfYfr n f. S?v w eat)fei O W A? fefT a Practical Tailors, Hatters, Furnishers and Shirt Makers. Importers of Exclu sive Haberdashery for Man. Sole and exclusive agents for Knox, Youtnan's Roelols' and John B. Stetson's Celebra ted Hats and Dr. Jaeger's and the Jaros Underwear. 25 AND 29 SENECA AND 12 ELM 8TS. OIL CITY. PA. Borough Auditors' Report L. J. Hopkins, Treasurer, in account with the school funds of Tionesta bor ough: Dr. To am't reo'd from collectors S1.798 58 To State appropriation, 6fitf 78 To am't reo'd from Tionesta Tp 78 68 Balance due Treasurer, 7109 Total $2,613 9 Cr. By boro orders redeemed $2,035 66 ,l ' bonds " 300 00 " " coupons " 226 00 " interest paid, 1 00 " 2 percent, com. ou $2,562 66... 61 25 ToUl $2,613 91 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. ASSETS : Am't due from A. B. Kellv, $ 30 00 " S.S.Canneld, Col. 2f3 50 J. R. Clark, Col 520 U .. .. Tionesta Twp,.... 73 98 Total $ 887 69 MAHILIT1K8: Bal. due T.. J. Honking. Trwis i 71 on Orders outstanding, 407 17 cms - Z3 ot Total, $ 502 20 Asset over liabilities, 385 39 T. E. Armstrono, II. H. .Shoemaker, J. T. Dalk, Auditors, Tionesta, Pa., July 1, 1815. WARREN NATIONAL BANK WarrenPenna. CAPITAL, S150.000.00 DIRECTORS: Nelson P. Wheeler, David W. Beaty Jerry Crary, Geo. M. Parmloe, C. Schimmelfeng, Christian Smith, Wm. D. Brown, Andrew Hertzel, A. T. Scofield, 11. T. Russell, H. A. Jamieson. Personal and Business accounts solid ted on moat favorable terms consistent with good conservative banking. Interest allowed on deposits. a. N. PA.RH LEE, Pres. If. A. JAMESON, Vice Pres. F. E. HERTZEL, Cashier WOOL. All person having wool, and w rolls or batting carded can have card ilmiA (in tahrtrt w.ti.i I h.. ..Hn....n ., aut - ' 1 ' K'caso any wool at home aa I will furnish you a ) any Ituuu uu av one cent per pound, charge same price if greased at ho and me i iv-o kino jmi u,r uuiug anu earning cent leas than I have charged the three years. 11. LAMB. )iie last ISpartansburg F. K. LAN SON, agent, Tioueta, Pa . Pa GREAT Clearance AT DAVID MLNTZ'S, As I must have room for my immonso stock of Fall and Win ter goods, I must dispose of all stock which I do not wish to carry over, regardless of cost. So ennm and sor.nrn hn renins in i all departments. the place, at DAVID MINTZ'S, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for Miles&Armstrong; IF YOU FEET ABE PftETTY THEM! Hut before doing so pU on lis and hft fjltivl Willi a pair of whops that will make them more beautiful. If your foot are ngly. Our Shoes Will Make Them Look Pretty. OUR'GOODR ARE NEW AND PRICES ARE RIGHT We Are Also Clothiers, Hatters, and Gent's And Can Fit Miles&Armstrong 3 - MOW MONEY I ? o- o-- S AVE MONEY. By going to the well known firm or SCOWDEN & CLARK When you are In need of anything in the line'of H?ffl&niUiG,(8' PL0WS' HARROWS, CUL TIVATORS, SHOVEL PLOWS, LAND ROLL ERS, HORSE RAKES, BARBED WIRE, NETTING OR HARD WARE OF ANY DESCRIPTION. We aro.ulso agents for the ' PAST JJLLIL," BICYCLE Warranted to be one of the betheels In the market. SCOWDEN & CLARK Sale ! THE LEADER. 0 Remember t Marienville, Pa. Hides, polls, Calf-skins, Wool A Ginm-nr. Furnishers, t You Out In Style. t I 1 J 3 - o --o i - 3 "MONEY S&YE&I8 MONEY M?WE," Mid Summer. OUU STOCK OK MERCHANDISE IH AS LARGE AS AND WE ARK READY TO SHOW THEM TO PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF! IN WE.STKUN IU THE rtUVKIt'lllATMUVraTHK WORLD, , AND CASH BUYERS KNOW WHERE TO . am tdhiidi c Tn cunui nnnnc lQ." mi I nUUDLL IU dllUll uuwuv. 0 SO JUST COMB AND EXAMINE AND WE V'-' . . . ..... n't . T. . 1 u It T U WILL COHYIJU-K THE THING TO ,..w i- vnnr tuiun v it . ANXIOUS ! SANSON'S." Lawrence & -DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SK0ES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. SIGGINS & HERMAN, DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND ' THE FRESHEST GllQGE&IES. BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which Is in charge of a thoronghly competent Clerk, will always be found the PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. THE PARKER GUN. Oldost manufacturers of breech-loading shot guns in America. The strongest shooting and best gun uiado. Ask your dealer for them, or seud for catalogue. FEEB BQ&.9 Mtficims Sew York Salesroom, 87 Chambers St. MERIDEN, CONN. of the firm of MORCK BRO'S, OPTIGIA3STS, Specialist in Errors of Refraction of the Eye. Examination free of charge. WARREN. PENN. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Estate of Junia Campbell, Deceased. Public notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Forest County, to the undersigned Ad ministrator of the estate of Junia Camp bell, deceased, directed, thnie will be ex posed to public sale at the Court House, in Tionesta borough. Forest County, on Monday, the eighth day of July, A. D 18W5, at 1 o'clock, p. in., The following described premises: All tho undivided one-fourth of all that certain leasehold estate, situate in llowe township, Forest county, Htate of 1 ennHylvania. in the east part of warrant number two thousand nine hundred and niiiety-ono (L'uoi), being one hundred ( 100) acres oil the east end of said war rant, part or a certain leasehold creatod by oil lease from J. M. Homier to C. A Stiulta, dated Ootobor 21st, 180, together with a like interest iu six (0) oil wells and pipe, machinery, tanks, Ac, to same belonging on said leasehold. This sale s made subject to the deed of trust made by Junia Campbell iu her lifetime of all her interest in said premises for (lie imv ment of certain indebtedness. Said doed ol trust being dated May 17th, Inn u. clorwlnehA. J. lIa.illno of Warren 1 eiinsylvaiiia, has entered into ik.sso i"H of said interest and is now receiving the production of oil therefrom; he being ti'.'rii i '".re,;olv8 further sum of about fr, ,"",dr8l''"venly-nve (375) dollars property6 l,ro,,U!tion of 11 "aid TlCltMS OK KALE: One-half (J) .-ash at the date of the sale; and one-half ( ) o the continuation of tho sale. U P. II. Fkhlman rri, i , . Administrator. ,J"vei l"lle """rued to July 30, 1Mb, at 3 o'ehM k P. A. at the same pLe. P. II Fkiii.ii AN, Administrator of Junia Campbell- ANY OK THEM, YOU AT ri.Ml"". iuu niw vnon - v BUY GOODS W ITH .At wurr.K WK A UK J Vi . ....... .... .... . . -0-a- Smearbaugh, HUTS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS- TIME TABLE in effect June 2, ltt'.ti. Trains leave Tio nesta for oil City and points west as follows: No. 81 Itiulalo Express.. 12:10 noon. No.'.Ol WayFreight(carryiug passengers) 4:50 p. in. No. 33 Oil City Exi ress daily 7:55.p. m. For Hlokory.Tidioute, Warren, Klnaua, Bradford, Olean and the East : No. 80 Olean Express daily... 8: !(". m. No. 82 Pittsburgh Express.... 4:17 p. in. No. oO Way Freight (carrying passengers to Irvlneton) 0:50 a. ni. Get Time Tablos'and full Information from H. CLARK Agent, Tionesta, Pa. It. HELL, Geu'lSupL J. A. FELLOWS, Geu'l Passenger ct Ticket Agent, Butl'alo.jN. Y. C. M. Wliiteinaii, NEW STORE! Having purchased the store formorly owned by J. F. Overlandor, noxt door to W. N. Y. P. It. R. Station. I am pre pared to furnish the public with any thing iu the line of GRECERIES & PROVISIONS, CON FECTION ERI ES, I I'.'i J-lJ-I.HMl MiTiIFAT trm"' I toatsssaafrssTsassfcaHBa WHOLESALE AND RATAIL. Also the FAMOUS PILLSBURY FLOUR I I guarantee pricos as low as the lowest, and all goods delivered free of charge. Cull and sou mo. C. M. WIIITEMAN, WEST SIDE, TIOISTEST., PA.