THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. t. I. WINK, COITO 4 PROPHICTOM. WEDNESDAY. JULY 17, 18I5. itKruitLicAx tickkt. rorivTY. Treasurer, JAMKS II. FONES. Associate Judge, JACKIMoCUAY. The People'.1 party held its State convention ia Williauisport lately and nominated the following ticket: State Treasurer, George V. Dawson, Beaver; Superior Court Judges, Win. C. Rlieera, VenaDgo county; J, II. Stevenson, Pittsburg; J.B.Young, Beaver ; J. W. Allison, Erie ; D. C. Cougblin, Luzerne. In passing upon the appropriation bills, Gov. Hastings has dealt quite a blow at the Institution for Feeble Minded, in course of erection at Polk. lie eigoed the bill, but excep ted $250,000 appropriated for tbe construction ami completiou of a chapel, three double cottages aud an industrial school, fur which the Com mission have an optional contract. The Veto is made because of insuffi cient funds. Considering that Con tractor Ralph's contracts fur mater ial, made before the recent large ad vance in prices, would euablo him to complete the work according to tbe plans adopted, at a figure many thousands of dollars below what tbe State will have to pay under a new contract, it is false economy to defer the completion of the Institution, to say nothing of the urgent need of room and accommodations for the class of unfortunates for whom it is intended. Franklin News. Editor Smith, of the Punx'y Spirit, was a boy once, and with some of the rest of us thinks the "main chance" in the modern celebration of tho glorious old 4th is lost sight of to a great extent. Hear him : There was one thiog lacking in our Fourth of July celebration. There were no speeches no reading of the .Declaration of Independence. The struggles of our Revolutionary an cestors were not retold. The bloody foot-prints of the heroes of Valley Forge were not shown to our youth, and there was nothing said of Israel Putnam or Ethan Allen, nor were any references made to Lexington and Concord and Banker Hill. All this is old to you and I, and tbe elo quence of tbe parvenue orator who rehearses all this might be monoton ous to us. But it was the delight of our youth, and thrilled us with pa triotism and pride. To those old Fourth of July speeches we owe much of our love and loyalty to the flag. That custom should not be permitted to become obsolete. A Fourth of July celebration that does not make clear to our youth why we celebrate, influse ioto their minds a little of the spirit of 76, and make them glad and grateful for liberty, proud of oar institutions and of tbe achievements of our sturdy ancestors, does not accomplish its best purpose. The Situation as it Is. Tbe Uniontown Nexos-Standard bo thoroughly sizes np the real status of the case in tbe following words that comment is unnecessary. There is not a Republican in the State who desires ia the least to stand in tbe way of the Governor's desire to pre side over the coming convention, but there are very few outside of Phila delphia and Allegheny who have any love for tbe Magee-Martin combine, or that will endorse tbe effort of that beautiful pair to stab Senator Quay. Tbe article follows : "There is a great amount of dust, wind and bluff in this business, which will hardly deceive anybody. As we have eaid before, there is do impor tant party principal at stake in this contest, it being merely a struggle of ambitious city politicians to over throw Senator Quay in order that they may themselves succeed to state leadership. If auybody prefers to risk the lead of this municipal com bine to that of Senator Quay, he can do so without affecting his partv status. As for the News-Standard, if it is compelled to choose between Senator Quay's leadership and that of tbe combine, it vastly prefers the former. In fact Senator Quay to day stands as the hopo of protection to the rural Republicans and the ru ral people against the aggressions of city spoilsmen whose record in the late legislature was not only a dis grace, but a menace to tbe future of the party in 1'euusylvania. "All this talk about holding up tbe hands of the governor is simply dust to blind the eyes of the people. Nobody is making war on the gover nor. It is tbe combiue making war on Senator Quay. Tho combiue are making a great ado about the failure to pass the appor j tionment. As we have said before, the apportionment should have been passed, but why did not the combine proceed to pass it? They bad the speaker and the organization of the legislature. Why did they consume five months of tbe session in putting through their city jobs without ever attempting an apportionment V Thaddcii Stevens. Thaddeus Stevens is one of tbe fow great civil characters developed by tbe civil war that will grow in lustre on the pages o? American history, long after many of the men who were engaged on tbe field and forum dur ing that conflict, shall have been for gotten. He held the one civil posi tion during the war that could be held only by pre-eminently deserving it. He was the great Commoner of the conflict. Presidents, Cabinets, Senators and Representatives may be accidents, aud even generals may come to lead great armies and achieve undying fa me by accidental triumph ou tbe field, but the Commoner of the four years' civil conflict, whose leadership was undisputed by any during all that period, filled the one office being confessed by all as '"the leader of leaders." Thaddeus Stevens was not only a picturesque figure in tbe most mem orable civil couflict of modarn times, but was one of the most UDique char acters ever developed in Pennsylva nia politics. He was the founder of tbe free school syetom of our State, although a native of the chilly hills of Vermont, and it is undisputed that be woo the final victory for the free education of the youths of our State by tbe most convincing and eloquent appeal ever made in the House of Kepresenlatives at Harrisburg. He was without wife or children, and his battle was solely for those who were Btrangers to his blood. In that great conflict against tbe prejudices of Pennsylvania he was entirely consist ent with himself as one of noblest philanthropists who eoriohed the an nals of the Oorumonwealth by his achievements. So strong were tbe prejudices of the people of Pennsylvania against gen eral education aided by the Staie, that Mr. Stevens lost his re-election to tbe House on that single issue, but be never faltered in his great task and he was subsequently returned to his legislative duties by overwhelm ing majorities to complete the benefi cent work he had inaugurated. While generally regarded as a man of radi cal views and aims, he was simply in ad vance of practical attainments in the best efforts of humanity, and the world has steadily progressed since his day until it has reached the full fruition of nearly every humane teaching he gave during his publio career. The history of a man like Thadde us StevetJs is full of romance, and yet he was one of tbe most stern and prac tical of all our publio men. With his great record as the Commoner of the war students of history are familiar. Altogeth hi life is one of the most interesting studies the age. PhUa. Times. NEWSY NOTES. It la now proposed to devote tbe pro ceeds of tbe recent Warren centennial to the. erection of a hospital rather than do nating it to the library fund. Judge Harry White, who during bis first term of ten years refused all appli cants for license to sell liquor, has re cently grautod the petitions of three ho tels in Indiana county. Swift's livery stable at Franklin was burned on Sunday night last, and with it four valuable horses and Urge part of the rigs, robes, etc., kept in the stables. In cendiarism is suspected. Loss about $3,500. No Insurance. By the death of bis mother, Mrs. T. B. Hoffman, of Warren, Andy Ludlow, Warren's "Coal Oil Johnnie" comes In to the possession of f 100,000. Andy has already finished up about a million dol lars and is the best known sport In the oil regions. Electricity has, to a largo extent, pushod the horse aside for draught pur poses, and now comes the "borseloss carriago" to end the uses of the noble an imal for pleasure purposos. A road car riage propelled by electricity recently made the run between Paris and Bor deaux aud return, a distance of 736 miles, at an average sp-)ed of fifieon miles an hour. A Chicago firm has just offered a prize of f2,500 for the best time made by a similar carriage on a proposed race from Chicago to Milwaukee Franklin News. Tho grape-growers lit Erie county are of the opinion that about one-half tbe uaual crop will be harvested this year, but they are not down-hearted over this fact. The price to bo charged for grapes will bo fully twice as much as was charged last year. The spring fronts proved most disastrous to many of the giapu-growers, but sumo of tho vine yards will show up half a crop. This is the opinion of the vineyard men, based on the present condition of the crop. In some localities the buuehos bueui to be hanging on the vines just as thick as the vines can hold. The bunches themselves seem to be fine ones. Where the frost was escaped, the amount promises to be above the average. A At kiocU of Job work dono at thin - Jt HAZELTINB jjgyrtfy WOOLEN MILLS. - Warren, Pa. MakeTweedil, was1 CruwImpmi.FlannpIt end i ftrnn or pure Sl'tt'lAfi -P dock., wst. XiTls I1m, ny ml i lure wh on, without flliod- or what. VUAJ. MCI. . EIGHTEENTH SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE! Clothes don't make tho man. Nit, But after he Is made Correct clothes holp'.lilm To got there Ell. Wehavo sent many a man to the front. Our Semi Annual Clearance Sale has become an event looked forward to by good dressers all over this end of the State. On Monday, July 1, we will Inaugurate our eighteenth sale of flno Clothing to order. All former efforts In this direc tion sink Into insignificance when com pared with our present sale. We guarantee to our workmen steady work tho year round. THAT'S WHY, To fulfill our contract, we are obliged to sell two months out of every twelve, Vie., January and July, Clothes perfect in fit, correct in stylo and unsurpassed in workmanship, at about the ptie of hand- mo-downs. Understand this Is not a beggarly array or old chestnuts, shop worn and rusty, but a twenty thousand dollar stock of fine woolens, tbe pick of the choicest fabrics from the world's fin est looms. CUT, KNIFED, SLAUGHTER ED AND GIVEN AWAY. That our hands may be kept busy dur ing the dull season. Here are the pricos : AT 1 15 THE SUIT, Scotch Mixtures, Edinborough Twoeds, Homespuns and Cheviots, in sack suits to order, were $24. AT 1 16 THE SUIT, Black and Blue English Twilled Che viots, Serges and Thibot Cloths, former price f26. AT ?17 THE SUIT, Handsome Plaid Suitings of Scotch and English makes, were 2S. AT f 18 THE SUIT, Rich Colorings in Oban Uomespnns, Dunleitha, Lindens and Montanks, for mer price $30. Beautliul Suitings at $22, 23 and $24, were 32 to f 40. AT $25 THE SUIT, Clay, Martens, Taylors, West of England Worsted, in blacks and blues. The above oualities were never sold less than H7. Trousers to order, $4. Trousers to order, $5. Trousers to order, $6. Our guarantee. If clothes do not suit don't pay. TERMS OP SALE. Utter strangers, cash on dollvery. Good reference, thirty to sixty days. Old Customers, any time you want. TELEPHONE NO. 118. MCGUEN tO SlMQX, Practical Tailors, Hatters, Furnishers and Shirt Makers. Importers of Exclu sive Haberdashery for Men. Sole and exclusive agents for Knox, Youman's Roelols' and John B. Stetson's Celebra ted Hats and Dr. Jaeger's and the Jaros Underwear. 25 AND 29 SENECA AND 12 ELM 8TS. OIL CITY. PA. Borough Auditors Report L. J. Hopkins, Treasurer, In account with the school funds of Tionesta bor ough: Dr. To ara't ree'd from collectors $1,708 58 To State appropriation, 66 78 To am't ree'd from Tionesta Tp.. 76 68 Balance due Treasurer, 71 99 Total $2,613 9 , Ca. By boro orders redeemed $2,035 68 " " bonds " 800 00 " " coupons " 220 00 " interest paid, l 00 " 2 percent, com. on $2,562 66... 51 25 Total $2,813 91 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Am't due from A. B. Kellv, $ 30 CO " " " S.S.Cantieid, Col. 2t 60 " " " J. R. Clark, Col.. 620 11 " " " Tionesta Twp 73 OS Total $ 687 69 liabilities: Bal. due L. J. Hopkins, Treas....$ 71 99 Orders outstanding, 407 17 Bills ' 23 04 Total $ 602 20 Assets over liabilities, $ S85 39 T. K. Abmsthono, II. II. Nhokmakkk, J. T. Dale, Auditors. Tionesta, Pa., July 1, 1895. WARREN NATIONAL BANK WarrenPenna. CAPITAL, $150,000.00 DIRECTORS : Nelson P. Wheeler, David W. Beaty Jerry Crary, Wm. D. Brown, Geo. M. Parmloe, Andrew Hertzel, C. Schimmelfong, A. T. Scofleld, Christian Smith, H. T. Russell, H. A. Jamieson. 1'eraonal and Rusineas accounts solici ted on most favorable terms consistent with good conservative banking. Interest allowed on deposits. a. AT. 1'ARMLEE, Pies. II. A. JAAflKSOtf, Vice iVea. K K. HERTZ EL, Cashi r WOOL. All persona having wool, and want rolls or batting carded oau have carding done on short notice. I)o not grease any wool at home as I will furnish you a good oil at one cont per pound, and charge same price it' greased at home. Price this year lor oiling and carding one cunt less than I have charged the last three years. H.LAMB, Npartansburg, Pa. F. R. LANSON, agent, Tioiie,ta, l'a. GREAT Clearance Sale! AT DAVID MINTZ'S, THE LEADER. t f f T As I must havo room for my immenso stock of Fall and Win ter goods, I must disposo of all stock which I do not wish to carry over, regardless of cost. So como and secure bargains in all departments. Remember tho place, at DAVID MINTZ'S, Marienvillo, Pa. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for Hides, pelts, Calf-skins, Wool t Jlnon - Miles&Armstrong if- YOUft mm But boforo doing so pall on in and lie fitted wllli s pair of hIiops Hint will make thnm morn beautiful. If your feet are ugly, Our Shoos Will Make Thorn Look Pretty. OUR GOODR ARE NEW AND PRICES ARE RIGHT Wo Are Also Clothiers, Hatters, and Gent's And Can Fit Miles&Armstrong i i MOW I TOMflRE MONEY I i o-- i o-- t SAVE MONEYsssr iBy going lo tho well known firm of , SCOWDEN & CLARK T When you are in need of anything in the line'of H?pNS BUGGES, PLOWS, HARROWS, CUL T,VAl0R, SH0VEL PL0WS. LAND ROLL ERS, HORSE RAKES, BARBED WIRE P0MW 'JTING OR HARD WA1LPF m DESCRIPTI0N. We aro.also agents for tho FAST IMI.AJOl," BICYCLE Warranted to be one of the bestheols in tho market. " SCOWDEN & CLARK TIOHESTA, ZPEiTlTA-. t i Furnishers. I You Out in Style. i I I Q "MONEY SttYEI& MONEY M?WE9" Mid Summer. OUR MERCHANDISE ta AH T. mm.'. UjO AND WK ARK READY TO SllOWTIIKM 7 PRICES NEVER IN W1CSTKHN ill in HlVs 1 Wll 1MV J li A n 'wr PAU11 IMTVITWQ NO TROUBLE sj Wllili CONV1NCN iIa Tin,: Tiiivn to V " " X rnMK NOW. ANXIOUS I SANSON'S.: Lawrence & -DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRSTCLASS QUALITY IN KVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. SIGGINS & HERMAN, DRUGGISTS Sc. GROCERS, TIONESTA, PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS HE FOUND Tim FMESIffiST GitOGEnrES. BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which ia in -hargo of a thoroughly competent Clork, will always ho found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. of the firm of MORCK BRO'S, OPTICIANS, Specialist in Errors of Rotraetion of the Eye. Examinations freo of charge. WARREN, PENN. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Estate of Junia Campbell, Deceased. Public notice Is hereby given that by virtuoofan order of the Orphan's Court of Forest County, to the undorsigned Ad ministrator of the estate of Junia Camp bell, doceased, directed, tlime will be ex posed to publio sale at the Court House, in Tionesta borouirh. Forest County, ou ?J?rDd?y,' M'6, oi?lilh dy f July. A. 1)., lsyj, at l o clock, p. in., The following ilescribod promises: All the undivided one-fourth of all that certain leasehold estate, siluato in Howe township, Forest county, State of I onnsylvania, iu the east part of warrant number two thousand nine hundred aud ninety-one CiUUl), being one hundred (100) acres oil' the oast end of said war rant, part of a certain leasehold created by oil lease from J. M. Honour to C. A Shultz, dated October 21st, 1H80, together with a like interest in six (6) oil wells and pipe, machinery, tanks, Ac., to same belonglugon said leasehold. This sale is made subject to the deed of trust made by Junia Campbell in her lifetime of all her interest iu said premises for the pay ment of certain indebtedness. Said deed of trust being dated May 17th, 1KK8, un der which A. J. Hazeltine of Warren, Pennsylvania, has entered into osses sion of said iutorest and is now receiving the production of oil thorofrom; he boiug entitled to receive a further sum of about three hundred seventy-live (375) dollars irom the production of oil from said property. TERMS OF fcAI,E:-One-half (1) cash at the date of the sale; and ouo-half ( ) on the continuation of tho sale. F. II. Fkiilman . . Administrator. . vo. 8ale adjourned to July 30, 189o, at 8 o'clock P. At. at the same place. P. H Feiilman, Administrator of Junia Campbell. W. L. Douglas Otf SHOE? THC 1ST , BOUCAKINCk And other loecUltieM tm Oeullemen, L&Utes, boyg nd Mlues are the Best in the World. Bee descriptive advertise meat w&lcu appears In this paper. Take ao Substitute. Insist on fauvlug v. L. KOIULAH' Is HO EH, t wiia name and price stamped on bottom, bold by F. R. LANSON. STEEL ROOFING and SIDING. (SiMiendorpb'e FatrnU) Lightning, Fin and Storm Proof. rVliil fir I ThB Prna T ran m ciliuel ssiumIii. (Ltd l I'l.n- i" ul i rices. 8TO0K OF AM ANY IIF Til KM. ' BEFORE HEARD OF 11'. N NS Y IVAN 1 A, 9 1 IMU V 1.C J II I'j TT V'IWji', j KMmV WllHltM TM I JO. tfll TO SHOW GOODS, XllU 111 AT ANII J!1 TTT itnv rinms with VI W1II1.K WK AUK J- Vi - Smearbaugh, TIME TABLE In I'll'uct Juno -2, IH'Xt. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west u follows : No.til Hutlalo Express 12:10 noon. No.'.til .WayjFroightKcarryiug passengers) 4:.',o p. in. No. 33 Oil City Exi rows daily 7:55.1". m. For II li kory.Tldiouto,, Bradford, Olcau and the East : No. 30 Oloan Express daily... 8:11. in. No. 32 Pittsburgh Express.... 4:17 p. in. No. tlO Way Freight (carrying passengers to lrvinetou) l):50.a. in. Get Time Tableland full information from 8. t. CLARK, Agent, Tionesta. Pa. R. BELL, Oon'lHupt. J. A. FELLOW H, Geu'l Paaseuger & Ticket Agent, Hullalo.tN. Y. ('. H. W, NEW STORE! Having purchased tho storo forinorly owned by J. F. Ovci'lamlor, ucxt door to W. N. Y. A P. R. R. Station, 1 am pro pared to furnish the publio with any thing in the lino of GRECERIES & PROVISIONS, CONFECTION ERIES, WHOLESALE AND RATAIL. Also the FAMOUS PILLSSURY FLOUR! I guarantee prices as low as tho lowest, and all goods delivered free of charge. Call and see mo. C. M. W1IITEMAN, WEST SIDE, TIOITESTA, FJ. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. (Jood Stock, (iood Carriages and Bug gios to lot upon the moxt reasonable terms, lie will alto do ctoib TEMiisra- All orders left at tho 1'ost Oillce will recuhe prompt attention.