, Yio (lot ilio Hct l,fmnii. 1 Consiilernblo information nbont lemons, wbieh nro now rominpt into llio market in larrjo quantities, in con tained in 11 letter from Lonis II. Urnbl, I'niteil States Consul to Cntnuin, Sici ly, nl published in the United States consular rrviorts for April. Lemons, Mr. limbl says, bcRinto ririru in Sep tember, ami nre picked from Novem ber to April. Tho November crop is tho hardiest and best. It will keep until curly Mimmer, and is stored un til Into in tho spring.nnd then shipped. Tho lemons nro picked preen, but turn yellow in tho boxes. 15efore tho fruit is shipped abroad it is taken out of tho boxeB and repacked. That which is bruised or specked nnd which would probably rot in transit is either peeled nnd too jtiico pressed out or cnt np with tho peel in halves or quarters and packed in barrels with brine (sen water, generally, with somo salt nd tied) and shipped to London or Liver orpool for confectioners' use. The losl of tho crop comes tothiseouutry. The next best goes to England. The small, greenish tingod lemons that are sold hero early in tho fall are pecured as follows : The trees are al lowed to suffer for water during tho summer months. About September 1 plenty of water is given thorn, and tho soil around them is thoroughly culti vated. Tho trees put forth email dwarfish flowers, which during the following summer will bring forth tho email lemons that sell in this city fre quently "twenty-five, for a quarter." This crop is harvested in Juno and July, and stands exportation even bet ter than tbo choice November fruit. There is no such practice as curing lemons. They aro gathered and packed in boxes. After tiftcon days they nro repacked nnd held vtutil Bhippcd. Boxes of winter fruit hold about 300 lemons, whilo from 360 to 400 of tho smaller summer fruit is often packed in one crate. New York Press. Toison plays nn important part in social relations in tho Indian Punjab, judging from a recent official report which, for tho year 1883, gives a total of 498 cases of homicido by poison and 238 cases of tho poisoning of cattle. Opium is tho favorite means of sui cide. When it is a question of killing some ono else, nrseuio and datura are tho preferred agents. For cattle arsenic nnd tho poisonous seeds of a nativo plant aro employed. Ir. Kilmer's Swamp-It oot cures all Kidney ami lilaihler troubles. Pamphlet ant Consultation froo. Laboratory Dioglianuon, N. Y. The average weight of tho egg of tho os trich Is three pminils. Yon Uon't Ilnvstn Swear On", Bays the 8t. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about No-To-Bae, the famous to bacco habit cure "Wo know of many cases cured by No-To-Eac, one, a prominent 8t. Louis architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cared lilm so thnt even the smell of tobacco n;akos him sick." No-To-Bao sold nnd guaranteed by Drug gists everywhere. Ko cum no pay. Book free. Sterling Uemcdy Co., New York or Chicago. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the irums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cure wini colic. i?5c. a bottle A. M. Priest. Prnnrlst, Slielbyvllle, InJ., says: " Hull's Catarrh turo (fives thabestof Nittsfaction. Can pet plenty of testimonials, as it cures every one who takes It." Drugtt isw sull it, 7uc. II Is Merely (iood Ilenllh. That beautiful complexion Is health, pre served by ltipans Talmb-jj. Kipan Tttbules purify the blood, clear tho skin of blemi-diei and make, lite more worth living. How My Thboat I!ui;t! Whv don't you use Hale's Honey a! Hnrehound aiid Tar? Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. I can recommend Piso's Cure for Consump tion to sufferers from Asthma. E. I). Tow.x 8KKD. Fort Howard, Wis., Mnv 4, li-W. Dyspepsia And distress after eating are cured by the tonic, appetizing, blood purifying ellects of Hood s Bnrsaparilla. Bead , this letter : " X am happy to ! wnto a few words ' about the good Hood's Sarsuparilla has done me.I wastroubled with dyspepsia. My food distressed me and I had dizzy spells and a dun, ueavy tooling in my head. Kinee using I several bottles of ! flood's Barsaparilla my food no longer dis tresses mo at all and my head has been relieved from all dizzy spells. I gladly recommend Hood's Hnrsa parilla for any troubled as I was." IIomeb 4. Cleveumi, Koxbury, Vermont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in tho public eyo. Unnr'c D i 1 1 c"ro 1 " I ciui.iipa rlOOU a rlllbn.u iTtc-at. p.r box. ENGINES AND BOILERS For nil purposes requiring Jrowtr. Autnni.ilic, Cur lib tV 'ompouml Kniiu'i. Hor izon,... A: Vertical bo.lura, C umiilcio leant LMui.O. B.W.PAYNE&SONS, . v. .""" N-Y' 4 1 Ueynl. VITAL ISSUES iu perfection of in, iuil.- fur tav.rtu.ijV un HoiNT ON Simplicity of Construction 1'i.lNT Two Working Qualities I'oint Tin.rr. Thoroughness of Workmanship 1 hM- will L.' f .mill -.inttt-tl In llii new DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS iHuiritd l'Aiiiiittidt Mailed Free. j bore It u cbuUcti lu vcl rcLiu:ue Key West Cigars I. ti e h:.x at M .nh i i c. rices. Ait-ili.-h K J. .Mt Kl l.t-.K, V. U. hux i. !; ) We-I. 1 l.i I ..in .iH.i,.l..i,e. iw.l filed. Sill li'lOX- hen M'A I'l KI-V..u.,K Vi-I. lu UaiuT.' ri.M'ln. Milllo'i all t Elire Ayn ' IUU. K. S II ITKM A N, l l.u lmu, V V. fc Successfully Prosecutes Claims. M t'i'dS WHNit ALL Hit (AILS. iwm mi. n yiup, jrkiiiu .a, i: r Vl.',: m Si now to jrnoR wool. In judging of wool as to fineness, commence at the shoulders, ns there tho finest wool is always found. This may bo taken as tbe standard, nnd compared with that from the fibs, thigh and rump, aud tho nearer tho wojl from theso various portions of tbo animal approaches this standard the better the fleece is. Now York World. Cinn'MVEN-TINO TItK BEES. The way to keep the bees away from the trough where your horses driuk is to provide the bees with water else where, for they need this liquid just as much ns horses and cattle. Make ono or more shallow wooden troughs for tho bees, and place them near the hives, aud then see that they are kept full of clean water. Do this now, for the bees select their drinking places early in tho spring, and if tho water noes not fail them they will not seek it elsewhere. If you will make two troughs for the bees and iu one put a little salt, in the water, so much the better, for bees nre somewhat partial to Blightly salted or brackibb water. ricw lork Sun. CALF-TAIL HOLDER. Here is a simple device for holding a pail when feeding tho calves : First, make a frame out of plauk a foot wide aud long enough to accommodato the number of calves to bo fed, leaving the bottom opcu. Take a board one foot wide ; with a keyhole saw cnt holes large enough to tako a pail iu half way up tho sides.-iu number erjunl to tho number of calves. Kail this on the top of the plank framo. Fasten the whole to tho sido of the barn, or, if to be used out of doors, to the fence, so that it cannot bo moved away, lllicu the time comes to feed set the pails along in tho holes aud pour the milk in. ly this meauB you givo each calf its own mess, and tho pails cannot bo tipped over. Con necticut Idrmer. KEEP AHEAD OF THE WEEDS. There is only one economical way to tight weeds that is to keep ahead of them. When they are just break ing through the .ground they can be slaughtered with less labor than at any other time. That n the time to take, them in hand. A little later and the work will bo doubled. Too many overlook this fact. In many towns five per cent, off is aUowed on ail taxes paid before a certain date, and men hustle to pay their tax and save that fivo per cent. A much larger per cent, off is secured by tho man who takes tho weeds in season. Ono can go over a garden with an iron rake when tho weeds are just breaking ground, and in an hour's time, ac complish wonders. A week liter he will have to take his hoe nnd labori ously cut, cut, cnt. And even then he doesn't destroy half as many of tho roots of weeds as he would have done a week before with the rake. Neglect ing the weeds is something one sim ply ennuot afford. American Agri culturist. WKITrlNQ BALKY HOB.SE3. Notwithstanding the fact that the press continually admonishes whom it may concern that it does no good to whip or pound a balky hoise, almost every owner or driver of ono docs it to-dny. It is probable the greatest piece of horse fully in existence. It is not a rcmuant of barbarism, but it is continued barbarity, and brings out what original and acquired sin there is in a man. The brain of a horse can retain but one idea at a time. If the idea is to bulk, whipping only intensifies it. A change of that idea, then, is the only successful method of management. This may be accomplished in scores of ways, a few of which will be named. Tie a handkerchief about his eyes; tie his tail tightly to the bcllybanj or backhand; fasten a stick in his mouth ; tie a cord tightly about his leg; un check and pet him awhile ; clasp his nostrils aud shut his wind off until ho wants to go unhitch Liiu from the vehicle and then hitch him up again, or uhnott any way to get his miud on something else. Whipping or Ecolding always does harm. The treatment should ever be gentle. There aro more balky drivers than hordes. National Stockman. CUHfiAXTS AND OOOSEISnRRIES. hince the advent of the currant worm these tine fruits have been much neglected, writes W. L. Anderson, of Indiana. No others aro so highly rtlibhed. They come early when there is no Mibbtituto for thoia. For can ning they huvd uo buptrior. They can lie raised easily an I cheaply, are a bure crop, will come into beariug the sccoud year nnd always bring a good price on tbo market. I came past a number of gardens to day. In all of these were currant and gooseberry bushes, but not a bingle hill that would produce even fair ber ries. Tbe grata nnd weeds were abundant and some of the bushes bad, I think, 200 canes iu the hill. I never saw a curraut or gooseberry bush thinned enough uuless grown by n specialist. My li neot fruit is gath ered from (bote bills that have a bin flo htalli, nnd if planted three feet npart will outyicld any other method of tliinninu'. i luifo from cuttings, rootiii ' them in I e.lb nud bulling nothing but well looted pbiut". I plant four (eit npart and plow them two yemv. No oiu liiiM nro allowed to jjroiv. When tho bush is formed tliu new growth is well clipped each year. I would a:i boon think of leaving my hair uuclipped li my bushes. It will take but lifteen minutes to clip enough for one family's usc It makes liner bellies, nsirr picking, anil tho bushes look so much neuter, iSomo plow their btihliti every ytur, but I do uot alter tin) second. Yesterday 1 tried to dig into a pntuu tlvt) yearn old, nud, though thouthua are four feet npart, tJ Iviw up a spadeful of dirt would break hun dreds of roots. I am sure plowing would injure them. I keep them heavily mulched, turning tho mulch over if it gets weedy. This can be quickly douo with a fork. For worms I use Farts gr?en or London pnrplo. I can save twenty bushels of goose berries in twenty minutes with a good sprayer. I begin as soon as the worms come. I givo my patches a good dress ing of uuleached wood ashes every third year, and keep them constantly mulched with coarse stable, manure With such treatment I think a patch will last with undiminished yield for twenty-five years. New England llomc-tead. FARM AND GARDEU NOTES. It is easy to spoil a good horso by an ill-fitting collar. AIwbvb have a uniform quality, and the berry box well filled. Tbe hard-working horso requires nutritious food to repair tho woar of body aud muscle. A band lul of linscod meal added to tho usual feed of a horso will tend to mako his coat shiny. A firm hand, a cool head and a soothing word will do far more than punishment with a frightened horso. Levelling tho feet nnd shoeing nt tho proper timo will generally keep the horso in good working condition. Tho day of rubber or elnstio tires and ball-bearing nxles is near at hand, when tho efficiency of the horse will bo increased. If you would have a good market, offer only good berries, give good measure and alwaysdeal honestly with vour customers. If more farmers would keep a brood maro or two and raise a choice colt each year there would bo more money in farming for them. Tho ground surfaco of the orchard can be uiado to yield a largo iucreaso by turning it over to tho chickens. This will also help to keep the trees free from insects. For scratches nothing is better than a real physio followed by two days of rest. At tho same time clip the hair from the heels of tho horse and apply sulphur ono part to crude petroleum two parts. r.cmombcr : It costs no more to raise good berries ; it cost no more to pick and deliver good borries. Freight and express charges are just the same, and when sold good berries always go first aud bring largest prices. The hens carao to the rescue in good shape, when beof went up in price, and many is the good meal that common people have enjoyed from eggs at twelve cents a dozen, when high-priced beet was out of the question. Old inossv pastures that are to be renovated should bo plowed and a fertilizer of two parts boneblaek to one of muriate of potash applied. Use a sulky plow and you can turn two or three acres per day. Any less thorough method is time thrown away. If your farm is all run down, and the soil is poor, don't give up in de spair until you have tried poultry. It may bo you will display more en thusiasm, ambition and common senso in that work thau you have in regular farm work. If you do go in to win, you will come out ahead. If your hens lay eggs that have thin, soft shells, easily broken, give them more lime in some shape. They must have proper material iu order to turn out good goods. Go where a house is being repaired and lug off a lot of the old plaster and throw iu the yard. Tho hens will do the rest. If yon keep a large breed of fowls like Cochins, Brahainas, etc., you should place the roosts near tho ground, ns in jumping to the ground their feet become sore, and corns or bunches develop on the bottom of the feet. For lighter breeds this pre caution is unnecessary, as they are not so clumsy. Pi'lmilire Fire Eu'rinpg. Tho oldest knowu fire engine for pumping water is probably the one mentioned in the Hpiritalia of Hero, about 150 li. C. This engine, it is said, was contrived with twosiugle act in r pu'upj with a single beam piv oted between thu two for working tho plungers. Tho streams of water united iu a single discharge pipe and passed up a trough having au air chamber, aud out of a nozzle which niiht be turned in any direction as desired. Fire engiues appear also to havo been usod exteusiv.dy by the early Humans, who furthermore or ganized regular fire brigades. Iu tho early part of the sixteenth century, a lira engine known as a "water syriug" was introduced, which, in a measure, resembled the modern forms of tiro eugiaes. This was mounted on whoels and the water was poured by levers. This form of en gine was very generally used iu Ger many. In Kuglaud about the same time large brass syringes were used. These held several quarts of water and werj operated by three men, two ol them holding tho syriuge at each side with one hand aud directing to uozzle with tho other, whilo the third oper ated tho plunger. It was necessary, alter having discharged tho water from tho syringe, to rolill it from a well or cittern near the liro or from bucket". Th) syringes were latei litt-d to porliiblo tauks of water. The tiiit tueoessful lirj etigiuo wac probably tba Xowahaiu eugiuc, aud this was the pioneer of manually oper nloJ liio engines. The pumps iu theso engines were built on many dif ferent ilesigua, but most cases the were operated by levers. Fire eu giues similar iu form to the Nawshaui eugiuu were iu use up to the year 1851). I'bita lelphiu 1'iquirer. The scales used iu weighing dia mond ar so dulioaloly poised that the weight of a single eyelash will turu the settle. TEMPERANCE. Satan's 'want An. Johnson, tlio drunkard. Is dying to-day, With tracos of sin on his taoru Ho'll bfl missed at the club, at tho bar, nt tho plays Wantcdi A loy for tils place. Simons, tho (ramMer. was killed In a tight, H died without pnrdon of praco, Bomo onn must train for his bunion and I'llKht; Wanted: A boy in his place. Tho scofTor, tho Idler, thn convict, tho thief. Aro lost; and without any noiso Mako It known, that there enmos to my in stnnt relief Sonio thousand or mora of tho boys. Boys from tho fireside, liovs from tho farm, Hoys from tho homo and Ihe sohool, Come', leave your misgiving's, there ran W Ho harm Whoro "drink and bo merry's" the rule. Wnntod: For every lost servant of mine, Nomeoue to live without grnco, Bomo ono to dlo without pardon dlvlno Will you be the boy for the placer llattlo Homer Loutunn. Tnr nocTon'g asspossinn.iTT. 'There Is a frrnvo responsibility resting on tho physician who proscribes alcoholic liq uor. It may arouse in a susceptible patient a dormant Inherited tendency to drink. Ho may, by authorising its use during the per iod of convalescence, tlx a habit upoua patient of feeble will which tho latter will never be able to shako off. So physician who real izes this great moral responsibility will bo willing to accept It habitually. He certainly knows that thetiest medical authorities areo that aloohollo Intoxicants are rarely used as a medicine; that at best they aro dangerous remedies, and thnt the less they aro resorted to tho bettor for both tho brain and body, tho better for his well-being, physical and moral. "Furthermore, every physician owes It to his profession to teach his patients tho litter fallacy of the common belief that alcohol Is an article of food value. It has none what ever. Tho uso of intoxicants in any quan tity whatever, or at anytime, is entirely use loss and unnecessary. Furthermore, tho continued use of them gradually Induces structural degradations and functional de rangements of the grent bodily organs, thug leading to the gravest physical disorders. Alcohol is a poison, aud nothing more; a poison which exorcises its paralysing, narco tizing Influence In exact proportion to the qunutlty consumed and tho power of theoou- sumer s physical system to resist its poison ous action. It every intelligent physician would thus correct old erron and dissemin ata a knowlodgo of the truth, there would bo a great impetus given to tho effort to pulver ize tho rum power." Toledo Blade. WHO PAYS THE BILLS. Whopavsttio bills? Who feeds tho drunk ard's children? Who provides for the drunk aid's wife? Who supports tho bosiitarly tramps, who hnviug wasted their money iu uniiK, wander about tno country? Who re pairs the loss caused by the failure of in temperate merchants and reckless and half intoxlcnted business men? Who makes goeid the dnmavos caused by tho blnuders of drunken workmen, and the hindrances of business caused by tho sprees of Intemperate employes? Who pays for tho railroad wrecks caused by drunken conductors and enirincers? Who builds the asylums where erazy drunk ards are kept? Who supports the ldlotio children of drunken men? Who pays the at torneys and juries and judges who try drunk en criminals? Who pays the expenses of trialsand commitments and exeeutionsoeea Sioned bv tho crimes of dmnkeu men? Who pays for tho property destroyed and burned by drunken men? Who builds and supports almshousoti, which but for drink might re main uuocctipiod? Who endures tho suffer ing and losses and brutality, which are due to tho recklessness and Insanity of drunken busbnnds and fathers? Who pays for the In quest held on drunkards found dead by tho wavside? Who pavs. for a pauper's eoflln, and for digging a gnivein Potter's Held, when the last glass has been druuk? Who pays tho bills? The drunkard cannot, for he has wasted his substiiuco lu his cup. Will tho rumseller pay thorn? The fact is, Vuu and I aud the sober and industrious tolling portion of tho community must meet all these bills. New England Kvangelist. THE SALOON FI.OCB1BIIES ALWAYS. When labor Is most disturbed, when tho demand for advanced wages Is the loudest, when strikes are the most frequent, when hunger and misery aro most rife in the homes of the poor, the saloon nourishes still. There may tie no bread at homo, but there Is always beer ami whisky at the bar, and tho men who consider themselves tho victims of cir cumstances or tho "thralls" of capital, squander their earnings aud spend their sav ings in those dens, ('an there bo a serious labor question whilo this state of things con tinues? Can working men talk gravely of their wrongs whilo It Is plain to all tho world that If they only saved the capital they oaru they would bo eomfortuble? At lunUo Monthly. WHY 11 K IS A TEETOTALKB. Mr. Froome Talfourd, now In his eighty eighth year, states that from a record kept by him up till the year 1808, ho found thut not tower than twenty personal friends aud acquaintances had come to an untimely end through indulgence In strong drink. Of these live committed suicide, throo were frozen to death when drunk, four were drowned while drunk, two died in delirium tremens, three who d'Bnk hard died young, and throo who drank bard died at home. Mr. Talfourd sometimes recites theso facts to friends who auk him why ho la such a strong teetotaler. Loudon Christian. DISSIPATION IS THE ABUV. Tho Globe of Council ltlurTs, Iowa, says that dissiimtion in the army has greatly In creased since the cauteen was established, as nearly overv post or fort being located at Borne distance from tho town iu its locality, whoro liquor was to bo obtained, the de bauches of the soldiers formerly occurred ouly on occasion of periodical visits to the town; now they aro an every day oc currence. MILTON ON 1)BU X KEN NESS, AU manner of drunkenness should bo banished fro.n the Commonwealth. What more foul and common sin among us than drunkenness? And who can be iguoraut that, if the Importation aud use of all strong driuk were forbid, It would both clcau rid the possibility of committing that odious vice, and meu niiiht afterward live happily and healthfully without the use of thoao iu toxicutlug liquors? John Milton, 1U14. TEUPEBANCE NEWS AND NOTES. The nuuilier of hard drinkers living. to-d.iv iu the United titutes is estimated to be 2, &00,IKJO. A man asked another, "Which Is the heaviest, a quart of gin or a quart of water? "Gin, mot assuredly; for I saw a man who weighs two hundred pounds staggering un der a quart of gin when he would have car ried a gallon of water Willi ease." Between tho agusof tweuty-llvo and thirtyi where ten total abstainers die, thirty-one moderate drinkers die. "Will you take something.'" said a teeto taler to a frieud standing near a tavern. "Well, I don't mind if I do." "Come," said the teetotaler, "thou let's tako a walk." A French physician says that one-half the comsumptivo patients in the l'uris hospitals owe their condition to driuk. llo proposes to prohibit the, sale of such drinks us ab sinthe. General Lord Wolseley is greatly iuter rstci! In tho temperance movement lu the British army, llo buys there never has been a time when there was so little drunkenucbs among soldiers as now. We have a great horrorof arsenic and fifty other tilings. The fact isthat all these things ure a mere bagatelle in relation to tho most direct, absolute, ininnnliuto, and certuiu poisonings which are causud by alcohol. br. Jumos Edmunds. In auswer to letters of inquiry uddresscd to the warduus of the penitentiaries, these llnures were rvcoivod,suowingthe proportion of crimes caused by strong driuk: Hiug biug, X. V., V'i percent ; Boston. Mass., 83 per centi Jackson, Mich., 7S per cent. From extensive acquaintance with many lauds I uuiiesitatiiiKly attlrm that every where God has provided pure water for mau, aud that the wiiius drunk are often miserable aud dirty, I have found water every wliem that I bsvs traveled lu China aud India, I'ahwttuo and Egypt aud everywhere water bos been uiy beverage. TUouias Cuolt, Absolutely Pure Bosnia has two female physicians. Ono-sixtb of England's women work. TUreo beauty contests aro hold in Vienna onch year. Tho Unitoil States has 80,234,370 female population. In North America there are 070 women to 1000 men. Bicyclists among women of tho "smart set" multiply. Sheer whito lawu blouses aro to be very popular this summer. Tho University of Chicago has agloo club composed of sixteen women. Pes Moines (Iowa) women havo adopt oil tho bloomer costume quite generally. Wyoming, has tbe smallost fumalo population, 51,302; Now York tho largest, 3,020,900. Ou her last birthday Stienn B. An thony received a purse containing 5300 from her friends. Tho Congregntioual choir at Atchi son, Kan., is composed of fifteen little girls about ton years of age. Some of tho lending society lights of Cincinnati, Ohio, have fomed a so ciety for the suppression of gossip. In all Christian countries the num ber of females who attond tho churches is far greater than that of tho men. Mrs. Lynn Lynton, tho authoress, never went to school, ller first book was written at twenty-four years of ago. It is a singular fact that tho queens who reigned as soverigns every ono who reached middle life becam? quite fleshy. Mrs. Cowdcn Clarke, (tho oompiler of the "Concordance to Shakespeare'" is eighty-live years old, and resides iu Genoa, Many women havo excelled as ex ecutants of music ; no wonan has ever been a great or even a modioore com poser. Iu Taris tho fashionable dressmak ers aro using for berthas and in other bodice adornments Venetian point lace set with brilliants. A woman with a military noso and prominent chin is certain to make her mark. All fetualo society loaders have had such facial peculiarities. What are styled garden capes are already olTured aud prove to be a mere fluff and frenzy of delicate Dresden silk cut into little picked frills. l'icturo hats aro finished abont the brims with great waving frills of crust-colored elation, pipod along the edgo with a little bow of black velvet. Tho board of elections of Berlin, Wis., refused to permit fifteen women wno liad registered to voto. Tho ladies now propose to make the legal fur fly. The Indianapolis chief of police has formally given his coueent to woman's wearing bloomers in tho street. lie says that thoy will wear what they want to, anyhow. Wotnou eitunot throw bocauso of a peculiar formation of the shoulder blade that prevents tho swing neces sary to tbo proper propulsion of a etono oi other object. When spectacles first came into nso in Italy women were forbidden to wear them, on the grouud that as they were very oruatnoutal thoy would stimulate tho vanity of tho fuir sex. The following appeal was printed recently iu a Scottish newspaper: "Wanted, a good school for girls where tha birch rod, coming into fashion again, is used iu the old way. Mmo. Carnot, widow of tho late President of Franca, has detached all tho ribbons from the wreaths sent at her husband's funeral nnd has duo orated a small drawing-room with them. Miss Graco Chisholm, an English woman, has been granted the degree of doctor of philosophy by tho Uni versity of Oottingeu, by tho permis sion of tbo Frussian Minister of Edu cation. Miss Nellie Temple, a Vassar grad Ttoto of the class of 82, has recently been engaged in assisting Professor llatzol, of the University of Laipsio, iu a revision of his treatise ou the United Stall's. Dr. Helen Webster, of Wcllesloy College, is the only woman who had ever earned the titlo of Doctor of Philosophy. Sho went to Germany aud literally won tho honor by hard, unremitting labor. The edict has gone forth that skirts must be woru by women bicyclists, necordiu tj Vogue's Paris corre spondent. Thoso who do not wear thorn are not correct, although moro at their ease. Homo Parisian women are wearing baud painted gowus, O ie in which a well-kuown leader in fashion inttat city appeared was of dull white silk and had over tho fbiriug skirt large painted buskets loaded with flowers. When they take the oensus in Japan they oouut the houses and figure oa tiff persons to each ho una. All 'other powders arc cheaper made and inferior, and leave either acid or alkali in the food. lllllll 11 NOVAL BAKINO POWDER CO., 1M WALL ST., NEW - Hoping a Tiger. A tiger in Tcnnossoo may be sot down as a dooided novelty, and the ac count ot its capture makes au inter esting story. Ono day a circus carao to Enoxvillc, and ou tho eve of departure the oirous wagons were being loaded on tho cars. A switch engine was shoving somo cars abont when ono of them became derailed, colliding violently with two cage wagons and tho cage containing three tigers was badly damaged. The woodwork was crushed in, leaving a hole of sufficient size for tho tigers to get ont. Ono of tbo animals leapod from tho cage onto the flat oar and from there to tho gronnd. Tho two remaining ones wero abont to follow suit when the trainer and several other employes of tho circus rushod np to the oago and prevented tho exit. But ono of the tigers was at large, and as soon at tho fact became known a stampede of the people in tho vioinity occurred, while tho circus men rushed to inform the managers. Preparations for tho capture of the tiger were made. Ono of tho Texas cowboys, aud tho ono most perfect iu haudlinga lasso, was detailod 'o make tho attempt. Tho man handling the tiger was also instructed to assist in the dangerous duty, nnd tho pair went to work. ' They located tho tiger about a stone's throw from tbe cage iu which ho had been contiued. Tho huge brute was crouched under a box car between tho rails. Ilia eyes shone brightly and looked to his captors as large ns two full moons. A largo dry goods box was procured, a hole bored iu tho bottom, and the box placed on its sido convenient io tho animal. One end of the lasso was shoved through tho hole and the Texan threw tho rope. His judgment was perfect and tho lariat droppod over the neck and loft forelog of tho tiger to a nicety. Then began tho work of landing the aniranl in tho box. He was pulled up to it slowly, and although he resisted considerably, was at lost safely lodged iu the box, but not nntil ho had torn off ono glove wort) by tho cowbowand lacerated his hand badly. Tho box was then nailed np nnd the tiger hauled away, growl ing spitefully. Atlanta Constitution. UNJOY9 Both the method aud results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho t&sle, and acts gently jet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. By nip of Figs ia the ouly remedy of iu kiud ever pro duced, pleasing to tho tnsto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in iu action and truly betioGoinl in iu effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and agrccablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all aud havo made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figa is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do nut accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM fRANCISQO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, t. Htm tORK, K t. have been used do your Pearlin see. It takes out any at the washing. o- Fool's Haste Is Hurry the Work ? J aT'X ,' 4 13 frsIL a . r V Ml i'SAPOLI :! 3 5 tie 3 3 VORK. k I'se lor Condemned (Jiiih. Last week wo moutionod that tho Lebanon (Penu.) Bolt and Nut Com pany had received two car loads of condumnod cannon from tho United States. It was tho purpono to break thorn up and nso tho metal for mer cantile purposes. Since thon the firm has received inquiries from all over the Stato from Grand Army posts, ask ing tho privilege of buyiug tbe gnus for docoratiou purposes. Tho de mand from this source crontod Con siderable surprise, and tho firm has decided to let tho Uraud Army pooplo have them rather than molt up the metal. Tho Manufacturer. PROSPECTIVE MOTHERS nd tbose soon to become mothers, should know that I)r. Pierre's I-'avorite Pre acrititicm robs child birth of its tortures anil terrors, as well aa of its dangers to both mother and child, by tilling nature in pre parinK the system for partmitiou. There by " labor " and the period of confine nietit are ereatlv shortened. It also promotes the secre tion of an abundance of nourishment fur tbe child. Mrs. Dora A.Gt'Titaia.of Oaklev. Chrrton Co., Trnn., writes: " When I begnn taking I'octor Tierce'i Fsvorite rrencrlpliiui. I win no4 able to trnul on my feet without nilerinir almoM death. Now 1 do all my housework, washing, cookiujr. sewing aud everything for my family ufeiKht. I am atutiter now than I have been fn aix yearw. Your ' Favorite prescription ' ia the beat to take before confinement, or at least it proved so with me. I never miflered to little with any of my children aa 1 did with my laat." ASK YOUR DRUOQIST FOR MERlAr . a ram i" The best Nursing Mothers.Infants CHILDREN JON CARLO A SONS, New York. w N V N V-T.I ' Wf hear Is vary aad tn nhjbe,t I' met la In tha air, 41 raulnit tell Just what it la,, lia;ipala or despair It Is dyspepsia and A Ripans Tabule will dispel lUpbarl, Antf-lo, iuilK-ns. '1 Tin "MNKNE"arallM llant and Moat Eoonomt. eat Collara and Cults worn, tlioy ara iiiad of nn rlntli. luilh a'dea lin alird allVe, and h" u rovsrsi bla, onarolUr is lnl lo t n ol any ntliar kind. Thru lit w'tl, wr.tr trill tin I ltk mH. A hex of Ttw Collars 01 t'ivs i'airs of Culls (or Twain Jus CVllta. A Hamplt Collar and Pair of I'nffs hy mall fas BUI Cauta. hams st la and stl. Address BEVKUS1DI.K COLLAIt COMPANY, TT FraoHla St , New York. V Itilby St., Boatoa. liv.lsrt til IIOMJ.S IU I'it ItR Woru ill. lit Aitil tlay. t.at OtlAtlJU li'lHr JM'I . Ijlt'h cm u h tra 'f In r kit or fciitntler to mil r!imrtiiK tH.twllM.in of 1! 1 1 l I I ' If k' . JlllTH. Vat. IU lit Rf.-Ult ly Wftlcdby u.V. IluiiM-lirg.Co. :w Broadwajr.N.y.tltf rri k t. a n t 1 11 p- WW Fairly jumped into success Pcarline. Right from the very start. Not withstanding ali these hundreds of years of precedence behind that old fashioned, back- 1 1 r t ! uiciKing wayoi wasning witn soap, too. Now, why was it? Why is it that hun dreds nf ITlillinnB nf mrllrroc r( Puirlina in the few years since this wasning-compountl was invented? Jus washing and cleanins f with you'll lor a month, and a.vuv the rubbing, hut with. - risk of harm. That puts it head of every known aid foi' Mae Speed." Don Unless You Uso i