Mio Hits SnprrnnniiBlrd Children, , Thcro lives in LunkwctJ!, Oermany, ,1m oiplil y-nino-yenr-oM laily named 'Fran Mario Orooulor, wlio ou her lost birtlulny countoil in Lor numerous progeny a nnmticr of old tottering cliilJrcn, half a hundred or more mid-ftlJo-agod grandchildren, several great grandchildren, ono of which has just presented her with a great-great-granddaughter. If she lives sixteen or seventeen yenrs longer (girls marry early in thoso parts) sho may live to be a great -grent-great-grandniothcr. 'Now York Journal. Fuel Made ol ConI Dust. A new fuel made in Francois of coal Mint compressed into bricks and soaked with chemicals, which makes it last a 'long tinio in a glow when onco alight. Chicago Times-Herald. London has a cooking school for 'sailors. On the Spot. t "Out damned t," was what trouMod .Mrs. Macbeth; but it was something intan gible that she mi, In the a-tlve season of spring and summer sports there are spots that are not vlslonarv. but which brine with them pain and groat discomfort, limine, black and blue, are the accompaniments of every active sport. They often cripple and are always a sore trouble, c'omo from what Houren they may, the thing to do on the spot Is to use St Jacobs Oil freelvflnd promptly. There Is nothing surer and It wipes out tlio pain as wo would wipo oft n slnte. 1 like manner sudden attacks of rheumatism, to which people, are liable at this season, can be promptly cured by applying St. Jacobs Oil to the pain spot. The lnrgost eanal lock In the world is iu the Manchester (England) ship canal. Dr. Kilmer's Bwahp-Hoot euros, all Kidney and llladder trouble Tamphlot and Consultation free. Lalioratory Mlnuhaniton. N. Y. Last year tho sheep in this country grew 307,100,000 pounds of wool. Why I'ny Doctors A guaranteed cure for Constipation without medicine or injections, nriirina-ly sold for $1; a permanent cure for Oitthctc. cot.ng $.": u California Snlve for Pile- tfives instant re lict; and a positive cure for Rheumatism. To .secure these four borne cures, and thus favu tloctor's bills, send 14 cents (-tamox! to Homo Cure Co., inn Walnut. St.. l'hilndelphia. 1'a. . P. J. Cheney . Co., Toledo, ., lYnns. of Hall's Catarrh Cure, offer $IJ reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's t'alariii Cure. tSeiid for toUnuuials, true, BolilbyDruKglsts, 7"ic A llrluht Ere Is tho sign of good boallh and an alert mind. t-trane that it should almost always depend on the state of the iliKotion. but it diM's. A Jtipans Talmle taken nflT meals give tho little artiltcial help most irr.iwn pLople need. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens tho Kums, reduce Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2!c. a but tie OiTnttyonrcougliwithllslc'slloneyot Horc. nnnnd and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. ! Pisa's Cure for Consumption relieves the most olMtinatecotigh. Hev. 1. HrcHMiEi.i,jit, LexitiKton, Mo., February 24, 1S!4. 7 t v r g.ti Scrofula Taints Imrk in the blood of almost everyone. Even in its worst form, however, scrofula can bo cured by Hood's Sar eaparilla. This is proved by tho fol . lowing and hundreds of other cases : i " I write to tell what Hood's Har.-apurilla has done for me. My case was scrofula iu Its I worst form. A largo tumor gathered under HOOd'S ,ny ellIn OQ ""e left side aud continued to grow until it Sarsaoariila waa a lrK ,w h,,u's I had it lanced and had to Pllfiflpe klH-'P n poultice on It all tho lUIIIIO (jme I naj trii-1 many rem , . cdios, but my trouble liuger 1 1 1) 3 DlOOtl I'd and I had about given up when I happoned to read about Hood's Har saparilla. I concluded to try it, ai 1 utter taking nlmost seven botthn I am again en joying the best of health. The sore is com pletely healed, Hood's Sarsaparilla effecting a permanent cure." C'LiutxcB Allen, Oil City, Kentucky. ltumcmber Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently iu the public eye today. This Is tho aeiisou when such a medicine is most needed, beeau.se at this time the blood is full of iinpuritius. Get Only Hoods. Hood's Pilis a:oytlrzii!ilr' ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR The best Nursing Mothers, Infants CHILDREN JOHNCAkL.E ARSONS, Nw Vurk. SVM'-U DAVIS HM3 cn rowEn CREAM SEPJIRATOa Ona.ihlMl .n,.ro 1 mi ,. , llrr iU-IU.V til.,, ,y ,irr ,,, ,,.,, SAV8 MONIV AKD LABOR t.a-i j V ' ' "" '"'! ' el i.'ifl AP"' Wanted isV" .-.-, - IIOI.lis Iti "i i up. y'-O; Ml ,.,. .la,'. !u. uu auju ul.l.- J-it.l ul.hl, cuu l.o mtt 'e loriT ur malltr tMmlti hai.ctnit Mi """' Sld h or.,,,,.,, 3 11ATS1NO HEAD liKTTUCB. If you hnvo not heretofore grown tho finer head varieties of lottnco in your kitchen garden, do so this sea son. Transplant in rows about eight or ten inches apart and if you want it in tho greatest perfection for yonr homo table, when fairly wull grown tio tip tho heads and blanch thorn until they aro crisp, white, tender and delicious. American Agricultur ist, nEAVICRT TtELmS'a OAT3. Tho heaviest yielding oats in n scries of tests covering four seasons at tho Ohio Experiment Station nro Im proved American, Japan, Early Swod ish, Trince Edward Island, State of North Dakota, Colonel, Dakota Gray, Kansas Hybrid, Trobsteir, and Egyp tian. Tlieir average weight per bushel for tho four years fell slightly below tho standard of thirty-two pounds. It was also found that oats of heavy woight do not necessarily havoa small er percentage of hull than those of lighter weight per measured bushel. Ke-y York Voice. Tjh CUOIKA. This disease is duo to disorder of tho liver, tho result of over-feeding; that is to say, that this error in the management produoos such a condi tion of tho system that tho germ of tho disoaso has every favorable oppor tunity for its development, and as theso germs nro abundantly distributed in the atmosphere, tho disease ap pears wherever theso conditions ex ist, and not otherwise. Thus, to avoid the disease tho food should bo of tho right kind, not all grain, or ono siuglo grain, but grain of mixed kinds, mostly oats and wheat, and tho least of corn, with somo animal matter, and plenty of fresh, green, vegetable food. Tho water, cspoeinlly, should bo pure and fresh. Tho most oOeo- tivo treatment for tno disease is to isolate tho sick birds, and give each a teaspoonful of saturated solution of hyposulphite of soda twico a day but give no food for several days; plenty of water, however, should bo given. New York Times. rnnswo evergreen hedges. When evergreen plants nro first placed in tho hedgo row they should receive a light pruning, or enough to give something liko tho form intended for the future hedge. Trune off the leading shoots to an even height, and straighten tho sides, for all this clip ping will be of benefit to tho newly set plants. In our opinion, ono pruning in a season is as much as evergreens will bear in our hot, dry climato. This annual pruning should always bo done in early spring, before the now growth of tho season commences, then all the buds remaining will statt evenly and bo in condition to resist tho heat of summer. Tho best form for ever green hedges is an oval brought to a sharp point at tho top, for if loft broad and flnt at tho top, snows aro suro to lodge on it and crush and break down many of tho plants. Where there nro no snows in the winter or very light flurries, other forms of hedges may bo admissible, although the oval or egg-shapo is really tho most bonutiful anywhere. Now York Sun. TUB KATl'ItAL AGE OP FBUir TIIEES. Tho natural life, of fruit trees is a matter hard to detcrwino in theso days. Insects and fungus disease that were not known in tho early his tory of tho country caue tho death of trees at a very eyirly ago. Tho peach tree is commonly supposed to be the shortest livo.l nt nil ilm .. fifty or moro years ago there wero uiuuy peuuu irees inirty ana forty yoars old. They wero grown on land full of mineral plant food and the peach borer had not 1 We remember somo of these old peach trees that had large trunks, with a comparatively small and high top. These trees had probably never been j'luueu, nuu iuo penoues were grown on limbs each v'ear farther awav frnm the ground. Trees thut grow from seed nre longer lived thnn tho. tb..f nro grafted. There is very seldom en tire harmony in growth between tho stock and scion, and this diiromnon tends to bhorteu the lifo of th There nro yet sjino old apple trees eighty to 100 venrs olil with ,.,.. .1 trunks, and likely to live many years. j.m.iu were, no appio oorers wlieu theso trees wero young, and thoso which come now seek tho tender bark of young trees. Theso old trees are all natural fruit and mostly of poor qual ity. No trees that (can bo pluuted new and run tho gauntlet of insect enemies can bo expectod to live as long, but their shorter lives may be more valuuble. Boston Cultivator. BECUETArtY JIOKTON OS Sl'ItAYI-NG. In a rcoeut ioterviow Secretury Mor ton said ! "Tho applo trade of tho United States with foreign countries has ulways been prolitublo. The do inaud for apples grown in the United States hiiB always been in excess of the Mipply. Tho United Kingdom of (irent Dritu:ii, uloue, during tho nine months ending September, 'lS'.H, naid the tuchur.lists of tho United States t'J. V.l l,(bl I. TLo gre-itebt enemy tc our ciport npplu iu t!l0 "Cudliu-j Moth.'' iiut tlie eutirj cro;j e.iu be in itio Wurailocs if the orehurdibts of the UuiU States will use tho fullow in.j rcvi ipiT Use l'uris grocu ut the rato of one pound to 1 j'J gallons of water. Vei 'lj out biillieieut poisuu for tlio capuoity uf the tuuk used, nnd uniko it into a thin puiut wilU a mnnll quantity of water and add powdered or ipiiul; lime equal to the weight of poisim in-c l, inning thoroughly. Tho liuio ' takes tij tho free araenio and removes the danger uf bculdiuir. Strain tlmimiv. tare into tlio spray tunk. taking learu to pulverize and ash all' tlio . through the btmirur. DuriXrV tho opt rulion of spiviyiur seo (hail the li mid in ut:ittv-iU;vitJ? sullicloirj (fre quency to prevent tho settling of tho poison. Tho prinio essential in spraying is to break up tho liquid iuto a lino mist, so as to coat every leaf and part of tho plant as lightly as is consistent with thoroughness. This should not re quire nioro than from three to seven gallons for a comparatively largo fruit trco. Lot tho first spraying follow within a week after tho falling of the blos soms of cither applo or pear, and fol low this with a second treatment just beforo tho fruit turns down on tho stem, or when it is from ono-quartor to ono-haUjiuch.iu diameter. The first spraying reaches tho eggs laid by tho moth in tho flower end of tho fruit, shortly after tho falling of tho blos soms, and tho second tho later eggs by belated moths. Do not spray trees wheu'in bloom, and if a washing rain immediately follows treatment, rcpoat tho application. Knapsack sprayers suitable for ap plying tho insoctioido can now be ob tained at reasonable pricos at all agri cultural implomeut stores. OS ItAtSTWG CALVES. Tho finest calvos are produoed by allowing them to got the food from their mothers in tho natural way, but thoro is httlo to prove that thoso calvos make better cows than thoso raised on skim milk and less expensive foods, writes W. Q. Whitehead, of Ohio, to tho American Agriculturist. If tho cow is quiet, leavo tho oalf with her for two days. If sho is oxoitablo ond frets for her calf when taken away, tho sooner thoy aro separated tho better for both. Put tho calf in a warm dry place, whero it cannot bo seen or hoard by tho mother. If i,t has suckled give it two pints of warm milk f'oiu a bottlo. In twelvo hours tnko a pail of milk, freshly drawn from its mother, and teach tho calf to drink by letting it suck the fingers. As soon as it begiusto relish tho food gradually withdraw tho fingers from its mouth until it drinks, keeping tho hand on its nose. Then tako tho hand away and tho calf quickly learns that its food is in the pail and not in tho hand. A calf will learn in from ono to four lessons according to its intelligence Scarcely nny two calves will do equally well ou tho same amount of food. Tako two of tho samo breed ono will thrive on five quarts at a feed whilo tho other cannot digest mora than half as much. Expcrienoo will toach the amount each should have. When this is learned, measure eaoh calPs ration and avoid sudden changes in amount. When two weeks old be gin to gradually change tho ration from whole milkjto t kimjtnilk. At tho samo timo add a little shellod corn and wheat brau. Stick a bunch of flno mixed hay where tho calf can reach it and soo how soon it will learn to eat it. The bran, corn and hay aro noces 6ary to restore tho skim milk to tho nutritive ratio of wholo milk. Tho nutritivo ratio of milk is ono of ilosh and tissue-forming to four of heat producing properties. Fat nnd sugar are tho principal heat-producing ele ments in milk. Theso tiro taken oil with tho cream, leaving skim milk a narrower or colder ration than nature provided. To this narrow ration many add oil meal with a nutritive ratio of l:lj, making a very cold ration. Is it any wonder" that so many calves die of scours when robbed in this way of tho heut-produciug elements abso lutely necessary to life? Tho nutritive ratio of wheat bran is tho same as that of milk, whilo thoso of corn and hay aro enough wider to restore skim milk to the'rutio of wholo milk. The calf will soon leara to cat the corn and brau dry from a trouah and pick tho hay from a manger. When a month old give no more wholo milk. It will grow well on its new ration. Warm all it drinks to a tem perature of ninety dogrees F. Gradu ally increase the other feed as soon as the calf has learned to eat it and it will not hurt to continue warming its drink until spriug pasture comes. With a feed of brau onco a day and good pasture let it grow until winter comas aaiu. Feed it a buluuced ration in winter and good grasj iu suiu-uer un til it becomes a cow. FARM AND GARDEN NOTES. Cut fodder is as eoouomical for horses as for cattle. Harden tho horso to the collar bo foro tho working season begins. Tho trotter can still bo improved by right mating without going ubroad. Keep horses in good condition in stead of waiting until troublo comes aud then dosing. Hum up your old nests and put in new material. Now is a good timo to guard against lice. A crowded and unclean house means siek fowls, when tho weather warms up a little. Clean up aud keep clean. If you uro not satisfied with your fowls, get a sitting of eggs thut you know are all riu;ut uud start iu with some thut do suit you. Less medicine uud a little more eouiiuuu souse iu feodiu uu 1 eariu.if for aui.nala will savo ii ro uivuuri both mouey and anxiety. Tho coueh uud carriage horses whioh bhow tho most btyle, eoiuinuuj with good :io uud formation, uro the otic which mo iu tho moot ilo:uainl uud Liiu:j tho bust prices. More thau olio huudru l horsej iu Montgomery Couut.v, Missoui", h.ivo died 'roni eating euru btulks. .Smut, cotu'iiiod with I Uu qu lutity of woj.lv libro consumed, wus tho eiuso oi death. Aro the legs of your fowls white uud hciily? Jt ii eiusod iy a luiuuto iu sect, and w i U '4 a time preud througu the llooU aud perhaps kill tho:u. Make uu oiiitimiiit of lar.t uiul kero sene or sulphur and anoint thjlo'i. If you aro too lazy to do tliiy, thou dipthu le;a in clear lii iusoiK-a few tunes. That .vill cleiti) tiptli; ).'3iu hh'.' l ur.b r. TEMPERANCE. A I.ltssoN I VKItSR T. !t t Iii droiw of porter, little siis nf stout. Make the breathing shorter, nnd will aid tho gout; And those slight derangements (trifling though tliev lo1 Prompt on other ailments, or somo malady.' Little drops ol Ihpior, lit! In sips ot ale; 1'nlsos heating quicker, faces grim and palej .Mixtures alcoholic bo they what you please, Will increase n colli1, or a heart disease. I.lttlo drops of llurtoti, little sips of wine, Aro a sure and certain health-destroying sign. Little drops of Allsopp, Httlo drops of Bass, Take away the senses, aud make a man au ass. Medical Tloueer. TttK TtlKATtTM crSTOM. The baneful effects of Intemis-rnnee, which to-day nre so rife all through the laud, steal upon ils victims moro Insidiously perhaps through tho prevalent practice of fronting than through any other channel. To Invito a nrnn to tako a drink nt one's expense Is the order of tho e'nv. To put him thereby under the Implicit obligation of returning the same or ot making him find uncomfortable until he has balanced in some way tho kindness which he thinks he has received is an essen tial consequence, which to him is very dis honorable to neglect oi shirk. T his custom and its consequences wrap so ciety as a cloud. In it men move, and through tt the chief work of hnrm ami of tho disintegration of character is accomplished. In thelower state of society tt snturntostho very language that Is spoken. It pervades the very air that Is breathed. It shapes tho sentiment most fnHpiently formed at home and abroad. Multitudes ot children daily1 grow accustomed to it, and youths are fast falling victims to its snares. Tako nny man who hns found himself! ehnined by tho habit, tho unquenchable, habit for drink thnt is tearing his very vitals' to bo appeased, nnd ask him how this going, the path of self-destruction began, and he will tell you, if he speaks carefully and ex actly. that it was not love of the liquor, that it was not tho need ho felt for it, but thnt It was tho personal pressure of a custom, brought to bear upon him by the false obll-j gallon under which ho felt himself plaocd to accept tho "treat" or the singular nnd un-j manly position iu which he was put byrofus-' ing to accept the same. Whatever or wherever may hnvo been tho origin of this custom of treating, now so prevalent In our country, whether it be from tho old medieval Idea of hospitality carried to nbuse or a practice introduced from a foreign land.it matters not to our subject, but It has waxed strong with our busy, nurrying, American people. , The American scandal, the "saloon," Is at once its feeder and Its propagator. These two dreadful fostering sores on our social nnd liody politic, the custom of treating nnd the saloon, must be eradicated or turned into purer channels, whero they may la) cleansed from such dire habiliments as aro hastening thousands upon thousands to eternal ruin. Tho force of this custom, combined with the shrewdni-ss nnd desire to gain on tho part of the llquor-denler, and tho studied adultera tion of intoxicants, themselves Intended to demand more, and tho promiscuous sale privately and publicly of tho same, Is tho fruitful source of tho far extending evils so frequently descrila'd aud so menacing to the free institutions of our eouutry, Father Ticrunu iu Church Progress. Dnt'NKENNKSlI IX THE KAVT. Secretary IIcrNrt, of the Navy Department, wisely decides that drunkenness will not Ih tolerated In tho Narv, and that no olllcor either wheu on or off duty shall become intoxicated, ltis ruling is most sensible uud practical, uud deserves to bo quoted literally: "Hoards of examination should clearly un derstand that drunkenness at any time and under any circumstances Is inhibited by the law and the r.-galatlous of the Navy. "It is not true, as was contended In this ease, that the (iovernmeut is not concerned about tho habits of a naval officer in his home, in his club, or at tho house of a frleud. Tho time has passed for considering drunk enness on convival occasions a vico Iu which naval olllcera can indulge with Impunity. The habit of drunkouuesson duty or oil duty is one that, liko other habits, seizes upou nud eventually controls the victim. Drunk enness ou duty Is properly recognized lu tho regulations as a moro heinous oflcnso thun wheu olf duty, but a commanding olllcer nt sea Is practicully always ou duty, and he certainly has no hours iu which he could in dulge this habit. Nor is it to be permitted, oil her ou or olT duty, that a naval olllcer any where; shall become) intoxicated. It un doubtedly is u sufticient ground for the re fusal or promotion if it shall appear that an olllcer is in tin; habit of becoming intoxicated at auy time or uuder any circumstances." t'BAZED WITH DlilNK. This incident is scut to us by a railroad surgeon and vouched for as correct. An en gineer who had been on the road twenty yours was laid up with lnllueum two years ago, aud since then has drank 4pirits to ex cess ut intervals, esiecially at night. The Nuperintendent paid uo attention to this and permitted him to go ou his usual daily runs. One day he came iu to tho end of his route very much intoxicated, rua up to the yard, and left his engino in the proier place, then staggered back towards the depot luuttoriug. The train he brought in wout ou, when sud denly ho sprang on a waiting engino and started duwu the road after the train. The ynrdmoster conceived this to be a drunken freak, and wired to turn tho switch off from tho main lino at a distant station. This was done just in time to avert dashing iuto the rear of the passenger train. The engine was ditched, aud the engineer escaped unhurt aud was taken to an asylum with acute lunula, where he is still ojnilned. A very serious accident was narrowly averted, and tho stupidity of permitting an inobrluto en gineer to run strain was literally criminality of the must llagruut typo. Jourual of Indus try. Ill EE FIIOU THE SIIOO.N Cl'OSE. Tho town of Harvey. IVJ., is estajjlbhed jn a solid temperauce basis, uud has proved that manufacturers con be more prosiwrout when their e'mployes are prosperous and are free from the saloon curse. It has been fully demonstrated there that' men can do better work iu foundries and Iivju nnd steel works without boor than, with it. They have Just located three uddltiouul industries. One hundrod and sixty-eiftht uew "houses arc uuder contract, uud there is great activity iu this manufacturing town. Harvey is without a saloon, and the restrictions are such on every lot that suhons cannot come lu the future. Christian at Work. TUEBE"S a mw, Dr. Taiil Gamier, of Paris, has mado a special study of tho children of habitual drunkards. He says: "There is a Haw iu the very nature of theso children that tho physiologists see clearly and notes wit b ap prehension the absence of affectionate emo tions. Wheu they do not become luuatics Iheyshow luseusiljility aud pltilessuesa." TEMPERANCE NEWS AND NOTES. Dr. Parker culls tho .saloon tho "street eoruergod of Loudou." Tho saloou posing as tho iuboring man's frleud Is his worst euemy. "Tho devil iu solution" is Dr. Ilonjaiuin Ward llichardsou's forcible description of alcohol. A man has just died at Auburn, N. Y., who spent over two thousand hours iu Jail within eight yeurs, all iu shoit sentences for druuk enncss. " Home Protestant mluisUuu uearlllackburu, Kuglaud, the other day refused to accept a check for ilW for church purposes, because it came from a brewer. A prominent Kngllsh physician of loug ex perience Willi drunkards says that he cuu recall hundreds of rocoverius among men but only live among women. ' Tho American steamship Hue has it us na Invariable rule that no ouptalu or other olll cor. tailor or oilier umploye shall use lu toxicutiug liquors us a drink. Afumouscnp taiu uuuue of ils great Hues recently said to one of our leaders: "Many a time bus a gloss of whisky wrecked a ship." Mrs. Carlisle, wife of Secretary Curlisle, is not only known to be opposed to the use of intoxicating beverages, but is notably oon sisteut lu her couvlciluua. Her dinners are nerved without tho aluoholio couoomit unts which custom soema to have lixed go lnllexibly upou less independent uud en lightened society lenders. Uncle Sam has 2035 women phy sicians. Saturday is tho fanhionablo Joy for woiUUngs in r.uglauil. Queen Victoria hag sixty pinuos at tier various rcsiuoncos. Mrs. Fawcntt declares that tho old maid is "tho elite of her sex." Across tho water thoy soil rnbbor boots for pot dogs to wear in rainy weather. Don't wear stripped material if yon nro tall. II accentuates you in both directions. China ferneries aro dispnting for popular favor with tho silver aud basket ones. The women of Morocco never cele brate thoir birthdays, nud few of thom know thoir ages. In civilized co;iutrios tho averogo ago at which women marry is twonty- threo and a halt years. On Susan II. Anthony's last birth day her friends mado her a presout of nn annuity of 8S00 a year. In England nnd Wales nlono thoro aro over 200,000 moro unmarried wo men thun unmarried men. Kansas City women havo decided to removo their hats nt church and all indoor meetings hereafter. Mrs. Frederick Gobhnrd. of Now York, is noted as having as pretty nanus as any woman in America. A competent authority declares that over a million and a half of tho womou of this couutry earn their own living. To draw a thread for oven working on linen- tho fabrto should bo shrunk first. Tho drawing process will bo found much easier. Keal ugly girls nro a good deal rarer thnn real pretty ones, Tho market is always well stocked with whnt nro called ' plain ones. Efforts aro about to bo mado to drive all tho men out ot tho town of Beaver, Oklahoma, Tho woraou aro organizing a brass band. Most of tho Japanese women in tho rural districts nro skilled agricultur ists. This outdoor work accounts for their health and strength. In tho British Isloj during tho pros eut coutury seven instances havo boon recorded iu which tho brido has mar ried tho best man by mistuke. In Berlin, Wis., fifteen womou tried to voto nt the recent municipal elec tion, but were huadod off by tho Board of Elections, whom they now propose to sue. Elizabeth Viererbo has died at Wiudberge, Qermnuy, agod ninety throe years. Sho had boon house maid iu ono family for soventy-nino years. Worth was not Europe's first great man-millinor. In tho reign of Louis XV. a Bavarian named Bohmbcrg was tho fashion in Paris for making ladies' habits. Over 40,000 women are attending tho various colleges in America, yet it has only been- twenty-tivo yoars stuoo tho first collogo in tho land was opened to women. Tho women of Bavago Nations rarely pay much attention to tho dressing ol their hair, while tho savago inou, on tho contrary, regard tlieir coiffures as of tho utmost importance. Tho golden ago of woman was tht sixteenth aud seveutoouth conturios ol French history. During all this time Franco was practically ruled by a suc cession of brilliant aud oblo women. Miss Alta Kockfollor, a Now York City heiress to millions, is un oxpert typewriter. She learned to use tho machine in order to do confidential work for her father, tho Standard Oil magnate. In Gormany, Russia, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Uollaud, Belgium, Switzerland, Chile, Venezuela and Colombia tho number of women is greater thau that of the inalo population. An Englishwoman's standard of ro qniromuut for tho post of governess, companion or socretary has long boon known as out of all proportion to the meager salaries she is willing to pay for her services. Modern maids of all work com monly object to waiting on tho table. Tho objection was iudioatod iu tho case of a fur Western maid in search of a place by tho inquiry: "Do you do your own Touching?" 5 orcrj knjoys Both the method ond results ythta fcyrup of Tigs is taken j it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tafte, and acts gently yet promptly ou tho Kidneys, Liver and llowels, clonuses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Svrup of Tigs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, plensing to tlio tnsto and ac ceptable to the etomacli, prompt in iU action aud truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy aud agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try 1L lio not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM fHANCISCO, CL, IQUISVILU, U- HIM 10HK. N Y. Ipi t mm "lan. fr .1,. c ; -V - o V, Unique Water Works. Every prairie dog town has its well and overy dog in town has tho privilogo of descending tho winding passago to water as many times a day as ho chooses. Theso wells oro said to some times reach a depth of several hun drod feet. I know of ouo whioh is eighty foot deep. A friend of mine, whoso ranch is surrounded by pruirio dog holes, ilnir u well to li. d ronlr. and, not strikiug much water, ho rau a tunnel along bod rook for somo distance, and dug iuto a hole which ho followed for a few feet further and struck a plentiful supply of water. Tho dogB had done the same na l.im. self bored down au 1 drifted until water was found. St. LouN Globe Democrat. It is said that thirty tons of oleo margarine aro sold .ivory month iu nan imKo City, Utah. Dr. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK WOMEN. On firt tii(r.l,.l.... (I.;., r rinc to Hit mill. -ltd, and for many yrnn there- ....... .. . ,., u ruAltlv. uu.ranlre ol riviiik entire snliuu-timi in every cuc lor cei-shil del it prove , CU,,K ,,e .lis.a,,,, ,r. ................ ...iir-i-i o, wumrii unit damn, lor the return oi money wiil fnr it were rxceeiliiii;ly nire. Since ils imimil'iictiireri can now ooint to tliniivtiicls of noted cures elltcteil ly it in every pint of Hie Iniul, they lelieve ils iwsl record a duflicieilt Rlmr.-iiitrc of it. great vollic a curative iipenl. tliereloie. Iliev .rt real IIh i-lnt.iia irt 1 1.. ...... i . . MMyiipuii that record, liy all medicine dealers. ENGINES AND BOILERS Kor all piiriwwcn renulrluit rimer. Automatic, l'orlii A- t'imiiouii'l KiK'iiu'. Hor izontal & Vertical lloilur. I on. pi. Ho hleiuu i'lauts. B.W.PAYNE&SONS. II Uej St. iUi'Ufcl, Angriu. Kubyni, 1 ibm "MNKNE" nrlb fUt nd Moat Rmnnml. ml lIUrs uii Cntr wurUL they r mad oi Horn cluth, lHth nUm finlMi.fil tllke, and bttintf wveri out ruuur is etiiai it iwu oi anj oilier Wtnl. 'ikfti tit tt!l. irMir ami l,uk A Imvnl Clit. A HimrU Collar ttifl Pair of CnffahriuQ tor Six BE KltSIBI.E COLLAR COM PAH T. Tl Fnnkltn St., New York. tJ Kilbr Bt., Boatoa. WE PAY CASH tor Nuv'H)Nipir I'liiitiiiKS if every 1-m ripilon, ami fur the iiHiiifs nt ytmr neiKh bitrm, fnim J ft to Slut, pf r tln.iwiml. Wrilu fi-ht for itartU ulurs, incloHitiu htuinj). Hie Newht'lipniiiKL'o. Hi-li t A.:K W. lUnli h't. The Washing of the Feet but it's trddlen and r,. . . 1 , x ) J , J rrT.-'.7 reaxline is never peddle.l, if your crrocer.enJs ... inyimii, uc iionest it ii u. to JAMES I'VLE. New York. The Pot Called the Kettle Black Because the Housewife Didn't Use APOLIO 4 1 ' An Estimate ol Oratorr. Tho candidate for Tarliamont had boon making a speech iu ono tho towns of tho district whero ho was not well known personally, nnd iu tho cvouiug, whilo waiting for a train, ho strayed into a butcher's shop. It was n eold winter's evening, sBysToggart's Times, nnd ho wns well mulllod up. Without saying who ho was ho began to pump the butcher to find out how ho stood iu tho division. "Did you hear that speech this af ternoon?" ho inquired, after some gen eral talk. "Yos," replied tho butcher. "I was there." "What did you think of it?" "l'thaw," said tho honest butcher, "l'vo mado a better speech than that a bundled times trying to sell meat on a Saturday night." Tho oaudidute conooalod his iden tity. W.L Douglas tJliQEm ro 'kin's, O. CORDOVA NT. J rtacH.tiiMcutflcAir. ft,' V4.3.5P Fine Caw Wmm ;i- c:;f 3-!pouce,3sous. ylZ.WORKINGHftV, EXTRA riNO 3 ' 17J RnvttrHflfti Swim LAntca ' ' DOCK TON.MAJ1, Over One MIDion feopla wear th W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the het value for h monty. 4 J'T I""' custom hoc In tlnd fit. 1 hlr rtmtln qualities aro unsurpassed. Tht prices are uniform, stamped on aolav From $l to . saved over other makes 11 jour dealer cannot supply you we can. Treated fret). raaHWIy ITKIO VIUI TrR.Ubl. R.eUa, llkva rurrd aiiny thou. ' a (jwi pre- nownrpi hfttyH, From tint 1.e ivmprmn. r.iHilly tliaincar. tur.allpa.l Iwo-thiril. of ll k,nitum, IK rrn..e.l. BOOK ' ...ulou, tur., trnt rflaC. TEN DAY Ttf ATmtKT FURNISHED FREE br mt Kit. u. u. ur.c.1 av auna, ,..l.llu. AUaata. Urn, AFTER DINNER. Big dinner last night! It was, luiloeU. Plenty to drluk, toof Well, I should say go, llcaducUo la ceusequencel Oh, no. llow da jou rnanago ttt Rlpans Tabuc Will that do ttf Kverv tliua. J A mm gets to be a weighty matter, in these days when colored stockings will shed their colors. Pearline does this work beautifully. It's not onlv thnroiirrKKr iToo;.,a healthy. Doctors recommend Pearline as a soak for rheumatism. Try it in the bath. ) It will give you a new idea of cleanli ness. Bathing with Pearline is a perfect uxurv. tome unscrupulous grocer will tell 7i roa. r me same as I'carline. T'S