THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. I. Winn, Iditob 4 PKomiiTon. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1, 1HH5. Announcements. Terms Associate Judge, I2. Treas urer, 10. Those rates include printing of tickets, nil nmiOT being printed on the ticket. Term xtriell) cash with the order lor announcement. COUNTY TREASURER. We are authorised to announce JAM E.N 1 1 . FONES, or Tionesta. as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to Republican usages. Wp are suthorized to announce JOHN J. GREEN, of Jenks township, as a can cliiiate lor County Treasurer, subject to Kopublican usages, ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We are authorized to announce JACK McCKAY, of Jenks township, as a can didate for Associato Judge, subject to Re publican usages. We are authorized to announce S. S. CANKIKLD, of Tionesta borough, as a nindidate for Associate Judge, subject to Republican usagos. STATE DELEGATE. We are authorized to announce the name of GUM. B. EVANS, of Hickorj Township, as a candidate for Delegate to the Republican State Convention, subjoet to epiiblican usages. DOINGS AT IIAliKISItl'IU;. The pnmpe of the Judge' retire muni bill through (he house at llama burgisone of the feature nf nineteenth century legislation, anil (he more one thinks of thia bold and audacious aflrontry the mure hideous does the rooni-ter nppear. The proposition has actually staggered ihe people of the Cmimonwealt, who cannot look upon it as anything ether than downright wickedness. What sia are the common people guilty of that they should have so unholy a piece of legislation thrust upon them? Let a hall be called upon this daring propoKiiion before it is too late. KEITiaiCAX PIUS. lit? RULES. llAKRisnuno, Pa., April 20, 1S!5. The past week lias been one of unusual activity "on the hill," and a conaidorable step forward has been made In legislative inattei a, while several measures received their death blows, not all of which were bad ones, either. One of the very just measures to go down for the lack of a few votes was the bill to provide for a more equitable basis of distribution of the common school appropriation. The larger cities and more populous counties relused to support it, and only ninety three votes wore recorded for It, lacking ten of the constitutional majority. Rep resentative Merrick, who is always found on the side of the people, and for whom the cracking of the whip of the bosses has no torrors, made a determined tight for the adoption of the bill, and had his advice been followed there is scarcely any doubt but that the bill would have gone through the House. Tioga county iney woll be proud of her Kood-natured but tearless champion on the floor of the House. The Donthell bill to organize a Stale school book board passed the House on Tuesday. It provides for the purchase of books at the lowest possible figure, and after this new board baa obtained from the publishers their best figures and sub mitted the same to the different school boards of the State, the said boards can then adopt the same. In other words, the bill does not compel school boards to adopt these prices if they can do better by private contract. The system shall be in vogue for five years as an experiment should it become a law. "Greater Pittbburg" raised quite a breeze in the Mouse last week, but the bill passed finally by a large majority, The commercial importance which the greater city will achieve will donbtloss extend to all the western portion of the State sod Pittsburg will be the fourth great city of the union in a short time if the claims of its friends are realized. Representative Smith's bill to authorize Justices of the peace to try certain crim iual cases with the aid of a jury passed finally in the Houso Tuesday. A number of the counties of the State are already working under this raw, of which Forest is one. The bill introduced by Representative Harry Mullion, ol Cameron county, au thorizing county commissioners to sell to actual settlors and convey unseated lands belonging to the soveral counties. The ' bill, as the title implies gives to the com missioners tba right to sell at a nominal figure these lands which have come into . their possession through failure of the owners to pay the taxes, to settlers who wish to possess themselves of a home or ' farm, making it obligatory on the settler to clear and improve a certain amount within five years from the time in which he buys the laud, at the expiration of which period he shall be entitled to re ceive a doed therefor. The VTays and Means committee re ported the tax conference bill to the House on Thursday, having amended the same by striking from the list of taxable, manufacturing corporations and building and loan associations. The bill will pro bably coma on for doscussion iu a few days, and no donbt will consume much of the time between thisandtinal adjourn ment day. It is likely to puss the House. What the ."Senate may do with it is hard to guess. Congressional apportionment will doubtless have an inning shortly. The snb-comuiitteo will report to the general committee early this week a bill which has been practically agreed upon. Fliila' delphia is given six congressmen and Allegheny throe, to which they are en titled. The only change suggested in the Stale outside these two counties is in the present 128th district, taking Clarion and Forest from thutdistrict, and adding them to the Veuargo-Warren-McKean district. The bill introduced by tlio writer pro Tiding for the acknowledgment and re' cording of Surplus Bonds given at Treas urer's tax sales, has passed finally in the Senate and will go to the Governor this week. Mr. Burrell of Mercer wauta teachers who have taught in the public schools lor 60 years to receive a pension often dollars a month, and his bill to that effect has passed second reading. There is as much Justice, and perhaps more, in this sure these pensioning Judges, though the House will hardly adopt it. Speaking of the judge s pension is just possible that measure will not got through the Senate. It is evident its friends hav "smelt a mice," and it is to bo hoped they will profit by the opinions so unanimous ly expressed by Ihe j ress ami people all over the State. Even the Philadelphia papers are beginning to weaken. J. E. W. RITES GOVERNING THE REPUB LICAN PRIMARY ELECTIONS OF FOREST COUNTY. 1. The candidates for the several oflleos shall have their uames announced in one or more of the county papers at least three weeks previous" to the Piimary Meetings slating the oftico and subject to the action of the party at the said pri mary meetings. 2. Tho voters belonging to the Repub lican party in each lownshipand borough shall meet on a day to be designated by the County Committee, at the usual place of holding spring elections, at i o'clock, P. M., and proceed to elect one person for Judge, and two pprsons for Clerks who shall form a Hoard of Elections to receive votes and determine who are the proper persons to vote and who shall hold the polls open until 7 o'clock, P. M. After the polls are opened, the candidates an nounced shall lie balloted for ; the name of each person voting shall be written on a list at the time of voting, no person be ing allowed to vote more than once for the same otlice. 3. After the polls are closed the board shall proceed to count the votes that eaeh candidate has received, and make out the returns accordingly to be cprtitied by tne judge ana attested by the Clerks. 4. I lie Judge lor one ol the clerks ap pointed by the Judge ol the respective election district, shall meet at the Court House, in 1 lonesta, on the Tuesday fol- owlng tlie .primary Meetings at I o clock M. having the returns and a list of voters, and the person having the highest number of votes for any otlice, shall be declared the nomineo of the Republican partv. a. tne Return judges slum be compe tent to reject by a majority, the returns from any district where there is evidence of fraud, either in the returns or other wise, and shall reject them where there is evidence ot three or more persons vot ing at the Primary Meeting who are not Republicans. 6. Any two or moro persons having an equal number of votes for the same of fice the Ju (tires snail proceed to ballot for a choice, the person having the highest number to io tha nominee. 7. The Return Judges shall appoint Conferees Representative, Senatorial and Congressional whose acceptance of said apiMiintment Mian do a pledge to support the person who may receive the largest number ot votes cast lor that ol- tico. 8. The Return Judges mar at any time chango the modo and manner of select ing candidates as they may be instructed by the people at their primary meetings, due notice being given by the County Committee. n. Tho Chairman of the County Com mittee shall be required to issue a call in pursuance of the action of the County Committee. lsuia'KlNHHxiE is to be a United (States Healntial candidate in Keu tutky on u platform of freo oil oud "the devil take uiy adversary.' If mud dueru't ity it won't be be i i ... . cause iretKiuriu''o iu iu (he wire REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION. Pursuant to a Resolution of the County Committee, passed Feb. 21, 1895, it is or dered that the Republican voters of For est County meet on SATURDAY. MAY 11th. 1895. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the following named places of holding primary elections, to- wit: Barnelt, Jaeob Maze's Carpenter Shop. Harnett, at Redclyffe. Green, at Nebraska, Forest House. Green, at Uuitonville, School House. Green. Bowmanvillo. Harmony, at Fogle Farm. Harmony, at West Hickory. Harmony, at Fleming Hill. Hickory," at East Hickory. Howe, West, at Balltown. Howe, at Cooper Tract. Howo, at Foxbnrg. Howe, East, at Brookston. Howe. Lower, at Watson Farm. nowe, at Frosts. Jenks, East, at Byromtown. Jenks, Central, at Marienville. Jenks, at dough's Mill. Jenks, at Parrish. Kingsley, at Newtown Mills. Kingsley, at Starr. KingHley, at Kellettvile. Tionesta township, at Township House. Tionesta Borough, at Court House. At which time and places they will bv their votes nominate: f ne person for County Treasurer. One person for Associate Judge. One person for Delegate to the State Convention. Each election precinct will also elect one person for member of the County Committee for the ensuing year. The return judge from fogle Farm is instructed to bring in the returns for Harmony township; the return judge trom Maze's, bring in returns from Bar nott; return judue from Guitonville bring In returns from Green : return judire from East Hickory bring in re turns from Hickory j return judge from Cooper Tract bring in returns from Howe; return judge from Frosts bring in returns from East and Lower Howe ; return judgo n-oni Marienville bring in returns from Jenks ; return judge from Newtown bring in returns for Kingsley j Tionesta township; Tionesta borough. The polls will remain open until 7 p.m. Return Judges will convene at the Court House, Tionesta Borough, on the following Tuosday, May 14, at 2 o'clock, p. m. Attention is called to the Act of June, 18M, regulating Primary Elections, that Judges and Clerks, before entering upon the discharge of their duties shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation in presence of each other. JAMES G. CARSON, Chairman Republican Co. Com. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE or a writ of levari Farias issued out of the Com t of Com mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva and tn mo directed, there will be exposed to sale at public vendue or outerv, at the Court House, in tho Borough of Tionesta, Pa., on MONDAY, MAY 25, A. P., ISO"., at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, to-wit: J. M. BEMIS, HENRY O. BEM1S vs. C. FRANK FOX, FRANK CHAIN and BRUCE CHAIN, Levari Facias, No. 30, February Term, W5. Ball t Thompson, Plninttrfs' attorneys. All defendants light, titlo. interest and claim of, in and to nil that piece or par- eel of land situate in the Township ol Howe. County of Forest and State of Pennsylvania, containing eleven acres (III.) situate near the southwest corner of Warrant number three thousand right Hundred and two t.isuji, to t,o laid out In as nearly a squaro form as possible. In cluding the Kroiind upon which mill is located, and houses within such liounda ries; being the samo premises contracted to be sold to first parties by S. Crawford, vv.u. tow an and J. M. Hustings bv agree. nent bearing date the 12th day of t-ehi uary, A. 1)., 1NM0; also the Rail Road, Rail Road track, and Rond Bed. leadimr from the said mill to the Pittsburg ,v. Western Rail Road, with riiiht of wav. ingress, ears, fixtures and appurtenances thereto, together with all and singular the buildings, improvements, woods- rights, liberties, privileges, heredita ments and appurtenances to tha same be longing: One laiiro saw mill 32x130 feet. with all machinery, two 40-hmae-power boilers, one large engine, one small en gine, saw frame, carriage, sets, edgor, belts and shafting, one large planing ma- ciiiuo, eu:., oic. Also, eignt Hoard dwell ing houses with out-buildings, and three board stables, eto. etc. Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of C. Frank Fox, Frank Crain and Bruce Crain, at the suit ot J. Bcmia, Henry C. He in is. ALSO. II. C. WHITTEKIN. Assignee of MAR THA WHITTEKIN dee d, vs. JOHN L. CRAIG and KATE A. CRAIG. Lo- varia Facias, No. 27, May Term, W5. . v, irwtn, 1'laintitl s attorney All those two certain lots in Tionesta Borough, l'orest County, PennsyL ania, aesignaiod on tne plat as fots"n 'and"C lying contiguous to each other and moro minutely described as follows: Lot "C beginning at a post at the corner of May ana jMm streets; tnenco by May street sonin 84 degrees east fifty-one feet to a post; thence by lot "B" south six degrees west ninety feet to a post; thence north eighty-four degrees west by line nf lot formerly known as the Mrs. Henry lot fifty-nine feet to a iwt on Elm street; thence north 12 degrees oast nino- ty-lwo toot to placo of beginning, con taining one-sixth of an acre, bo the same more or less. Second lot "B" des ribed as follows: Beginning at a post at the rornor of lot "C" on Mav street: thence south eighty-four dogrees east sixty-six feet to a post corner of a lot formerly St roup (now Bleakley lot); thence by said lot of Bleakley south six degrees west ninety feet ; thence by lino of lot formerly Mary Henry, now Arner lot, north eighty-four degrees west sixty-six feet to a post; thence north six deurees east ninety fet to beginning, containing twenty-four perches of land, be the same more or loss, and being tho same premi ses which wero conveyed by J. K. Simon and wife to John L. Craig, by doed dated April 12th, 1880. Hie I recorded in Forest County deed book. No. 12, page 409, to gether with all and singula! the improve ment, ueieuiuuiieilia ail'l uuiidings con sisting of one two-siory framo house, with eight roi. ms, hall and bay-window in dining room, out build. ngs 'and good well of water at door. Taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of John L. Craig and Kate A. Craig at tho suit of II. C. vi hittekin, Assignee of Martha Whittekiu, deceased. TEKMS OF SALE. The f' must be strictly complied with when tlie property is stricken down : 1. v lien the nhtintitl or other lion cred itors becon e the purchaser, tho costs on the writs must be paid, and a list of liens including mortL'aim searches on tlie nroo erty sold, together with such lien credit or's receipt for tho amount of the pro ceeds of the sale orsuch portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled im mediate) v will be continued until 2 o'clock n. m.. of tho next day, at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at tho expense and risk of tho person to whom first sold. See Purdon's Digest. Ninth Edition. page 4sti and Smith's Forms, page 3H4. JOHN T. CARSON. Sheriff. bnorin s umeo, IS'JO. DAVID MINTZ, THE LEADER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. -HE IS- SECOND TO NONE. The Sprtnrf and Sum mer of 1895 Will be, I Believe, a good Seaxoibr Business, .to I Have Bought Largely. My stock of Spring and Summer Goods In Complete in livery Department. DON'T STOP TOBACCO. llw 10 Cure YoaritHr While I'mIiim It. The tobacco habit grows on a man un til his nervous system is seriouslv affec ted, impairing health, comfort and bappi ness. 10 quit suddenly is too severe a shock to the system, as tobacco, to an in velerate user becomes a stimulent that liis system continually craves. Baco Curo is a scientific cure for the tobacco habit, in all its forms, carefully com pounded alter the formula ot an eminent Berlin physician ho has used it in his private practice since 172. without failure, purely vegetable ami guaranteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while luKing liaco- Cure, it will notify you when to stop, we give a wrnieu guarantee to perma nently cure any ease Willi three boxes, or reiuna the money with ten per cent, in terest. Baco-Cure is not a substitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid ot will power and with no incon veuiencw. 11 leaves the system as pure auu iree iioiu nicotine as tlie day vou look your first chew or smoke. Sold by an druggists, with our ironclad guaran tee at fl.oo per box, three boxes, (thirty uaya iieauu'ji.i,) tz.hv or sent direct upon receipt of price. Send six two-cunt stumps tor sample Ikix, booklet and prools tree. Eureka Chemical tit Manu facturing Company, Manufacturing meiinsm, i-aurosse, Wisconsin. Tionestu, Piv., April 29, Assignee's Sale. In pursuance of an order issued out of tue court of Common Pleas of Forest County and tho duties of my appoint ment tlie undersigned Assiirnee of the assigned evtate of J.J. Green of Jenks 'township, 1 will sell at public sale on the premises on THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1895, at 2 o'clock P. M.. the following real estate, situate in Howe township, Forest countv, Penn sylvania and described thus: That cer tain lot at bhotnold Junction, or Eulalia, beginning at a Kst on Wray street, thence by lot No. 8., 1(50 feet to the Pitts burg and Western R. It.; thence by said railroad, 00 feet to the line of Tionesta Valley Rail Koad ; thence by the same, 1H9 feet to Wray street; thence by Wray street, 1(51 feet to place ol beginning; con taining sixty square porches of land and known as lot No. 2, by survey of I. J. Keck, on which is erected a largo frame two story building, heretofore used as a dwelling and store house, with the ap purtenances. Also all the old hook ac counts of said J. .1. Green of the luce value of about $310.15: note of R. W. Stockton, $303; H. S. Silvers, f27.50; W. A. VanGiosen for $142.oS; J. (1, Hjgh berger, $5.00. Also the following Judg ments : W. B. McOloskev, for $37.4.") ; A. J. Williams, of la.K7; M. J. Ratlertv. J100; .1. L. Kiihns, I2.42 ; Frank Brew ster, f101 ; G. W. Fulmer, 8510.4M ; R C. Young. $103; B.C. Lackey, $10.50; Frank Nash, $153; A. B. Curnier, $ii.l5. TERMS OF SALE. The lot to bo sold Oti the following Utrins:' onu-lhird to bo paid in cash at time of sale, balance in two payments at 0 and 12 months, respec tively, with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage. Personal property, notes and judgments, cash at sale. High est bidder declared purchaser. JAMES K. GREEN, Assignee. Sami kl l. Ihwin, Att'y. PROCLAMATION. WHKitKAN.Thelloii. Charles II. Noyes President Judge of Ihe Court of Common Pleas and tjuartor Sessions in and for the county o! Forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Uuurtcr Sessions of Ihe P-jaee, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at finm-la, for lh" t ounly ol forest, to commence on the Ihnd Monday of Mav, being tho 20th day "of May, l!i.". No lice is therefore iriveii l, (he cir oner, Justices of tlio Peace mid Con stables ot said count v, that they bo then and mere in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., of sal. I day with their recoids, inquisitions, examination, and other lememhrances, to do those things which to their ollice appertain to bo done, and to those whoare bound iu recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners Unit are orshull boiu the juil of Forest County, that they may be then and there to prosecute egaiust them as shall be just. Given un der my hand and seal this 2iid day of May, A. 1). lh!5. JOHN T. CARSON, i,.b. Sheriff. JOB WORK nt'overy description execu ted at tha HK.PIIV K'AN oltiee. Clothing for Men, Youths, Boys and Children In the finest qualities you want; Dry Goods and Dress Goods as line as you cau get in any City ; a full line of Carpet, Wall Taper, Trunks, V slices and Telescopes. Queensware and Furniture in the very latest: Parlor rnd Itodnmm Suits , Hocking Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, Lounges, French Looking Glasses, Chiffoniers, Bureaus, Bonk Cases, or anything else. All de partments are woll tilled from top to bottom. Remember tho place. DAVID MIjNTTZ'S. Marienville, Pa. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for Hides, Wool. Furs, Sheep pelt, tJ'nw.' EASTER SALE. -3- i We Ilave Decided to Make an Easter Sale and start the Season with such a sale as never was precedented in our town. "MY XADY" Must have an Easter bonnet and by good rights she should, and so should you have a decent suit. We are up-to-date outfitters from head to foot and we can make a satisfied man of you. WE CAN FIT YOU Out right in style, right in quality, right in price. We don't want your money unless we have your good will along with it. We have suits for chil dren, the neatest in the market, in wash goods, unions, worsteds and Jerseys. Boys suits in knee and long pants suits, and men's in all the popular styles and makes and the finest goods the market affords. IU rUBTJISfJTJGS Shirts and neckwear we can please the most fas tidious buyer. m $tt06 We have them for ladies, gentlemen, youths, misses and children. You have but to see them to buy them. ALL THE SHADES, SHAPES AND PRICES ARE AT YOUR COMMAND. WE GUARANTEE OUR GOODS AND STYLES. US FOR YOUR SPR NG OUTFT. TRY Miles&Armstrong zrow MONEY l -o-- o - SAVE MONEY MONEY StlVE&IS MONEY By going lo the well known linn of i i SCOWDEN & CLARK 4- When you arc iu need ofiinvlliing in the line of WAGONS, BUGGIES, PLOWS, HARROWS, GUL- iivaiuks, VHUVtL FLOWS, LAND ROLL ERS, HORSE RAKES, BARBED WIRE, POULTRY NETTING OR HARD WARE OF ANY DESCRIPTION. We are also agents for the "FAST BICYCLE, Warranted to be one of the best wheel iu the market. " SCOWDEN & CLARK Spring Goods, 1895. NEW GOODS 1 'our enormous stock of new 5 upnivri rjnmvsi HAS ARRIVED. AND 'h) WE ARE NOW READY TO SHOW TH KM i O 1-v VriTT AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF IN WKNTKRN rUNNNYIiVAINiA. Q IS THK row Kit TH AT MOVKS TH K WORLD, ' AND CASH BUY1CRS KNOW WHKRK TO R J un TDniiRi r m cunw nnnns n.i tmL ivn l, V i lt V It? AMI W ir. UJ BU .mc. nnw V) WILL CONVINCE TOU Ttl.M vjaiiii in ryj VvtX .n. iruivn Til IllTV unntisi WITH. fsVl i in not,,, iv i.v a . V nnuv now wlltl.rc KVKHV DM JVa Vv PARTM1CNT IS FULL OF . s NEW GOODS! x nLANSON'S.t DON'T TOP IT'S INJURIOUS TO STOP SUDDKNLY ml don't be imposed upon by buying remedy that require you to do no. It in othiuR more than a Mihxtitute. In the auddon atoppafre of toliecoo you must have aome nlimulant, and in inont all caaea, the effect of the atimulant, bo it opium, morphine, or other onlatoa, learea a far worwi habit contraeted. Auk your drngglat about BACO-CURO. It I purely vegetable. You o ot save to atop mmmmmmmm UHillg tobaeeo with TOBACCO sssw! i fret from nicotine aa the day bo lore you took your 11 rst chew or nmoke. An Iron-elad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit la all its forma, or money refunded. Price Jl.lKl Mir Ihix or 8 boxes (.K) daya treatment and guaranteed euro.) 12.60 For aale by all druggist or will be Kent by mail upon receipt of price. SKN D 81 i. TWO CF.NT STAMPS FOR NAMI'LIS BOX. Book lets and proof free. Eureka Chomieal .t MTg Co., La Croano, Win. OlllooofTHK riONF.KR TRESS COMPANY, C. W. IIonsti K, Supt. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, IRU. Eureka Chomieal and MTg Co., La Croase, Wis. Dear Hire I have been a tobacco fiend for many years, and during the pant two years have amoked fiftoon to twenty eigara regularly every day. My whole nervoua ayatom became affected, until my phywiclan told me I muat give up the neof tobac co for tlio time be. ng, at least. I tried tho ao-oallod "Keely Cure," "No-To-Bao," and varioua other romediea, but without aucceaa, until I accidentally learned of your "Baeo-Curo." Three week ago to-day I eonimoneod using your preparation, and to-day I oonalder myself completely cured; I am In perfect health, and the hor rible ciaving for tobacoo, which every' in veterato smoker fully appreciates, has completely left me. I consider your "Baeo-Curo" simply wonderful, and can fully recommend It. Yours very truly, O. W. Hoknii.'K. Lawrence & Smearbaugh, -DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRSTCLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. SIGG-INS & HERMAN, DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, PENN. IN OUR GBOCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND FMB FHESMEST GflOGEilXES. BERRIES, FRUITS & VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. Iu our Drug Department, which la in charge of a thoroughly eoinpolent Clerk, will always be found the PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. of tho firm of MORCK BRO'S, OPTICIAITS, Specialist in Errors of Relractlon of the Eye. Examinations free of charge. WARREN, PENN. W. A. FISHER, Jeweler. Bovard Block, Tionesta, Pa THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CAN FIELD, PROPRIETOR. Uood Stock, Good Carriages and Bug giea to let upon tlie most reasonable leruis. He will ulso do JOB TElMIIIN-a- All orders loft at tho Pout Ofllco will receive prompt attention. TF YOU WANT a resectable Job 7f printing at a reasonable price send your order to this ottiee. TIME TABLE Iu cfToct Mar. 31, 1HU5. Trains leave Tio neata for Oil City anil pointa weat aa follows t No. 81 BulfaloExpreas 13:08 noon. No. 61 Way Freight (carrying passengers) 4:M p. in. No. 33 Oil City Exj res 7:66 p. in. For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, TI IV.v.l l 1.1. ........ ' ,'i.uiuiii, nnu nit) rasi; No. 80 Clean Kxpretm No. PitlMblirirli Kti-.,wU No. 00 Way Freight (carrying passengers 10 l lonesiaj.... 8:44 a. in. 4:17 p. ui. 0:50 a. in. Get Time Tables and full information from S. Q. CLARK, Agent, Tionexta, Pa. R. BELL, Gen'ISupt. J. A. FELLOWS, Geu'l Passenger & Ticket Agent, butlalo. N. Y. W. L. Douglas $3 SHOE 1 10 J. l THK BCBT NO SQUCAKINa And other peolattles for OentlenitiD, Ladles, buys auil HliMes art lbs Best in the World. See decrlpttvo advvrtU meat wtilcU apixutri lu UUtt tMapOf. Take no BnUtltnte. lualst ou bavtug V. L. W lOI ;LAH HIIOKH, v name and price munrtvi vu wubLViu. Bum uy F. R. LANSON. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for CastorU. Whoa she became Mias, she clantf to Castoria. When she hail Children, she gavo tueu C&storia.