THE FOREST REPUBLICAN ! Bsbllsirt trtrj W4m4t, kf J. E. WENK. OfiSoe In Smearbaugh ft Co.'i Building kj( murr, tionxsta, r. Trm, . .eopr Tir, ' ntacrtptlMi nmlTc4 fw k skvrtav Mrioi ti tkn menu, OoiTMpondunc Mllclt4 fm l wu f thi tnnntry. N. wtU k Uksa f utrmrmoua vamiideaUcM. RATIS OF ADVEftriSINOf ORE :pubivIcan. On. Sqnor, on inota, on. itmrtlaa. .1 On. Iquara, on. inch, on. month. . . On. Bquvs, on. innh, tbre month.. , On. Hquara, on. innh, on jnr, ., Two KquarM, on. yr ... K t W WOO 1S0C snoc SO 00 Quarter uoiumn, on. r&r.. Half Column, on. jmr On. Column, on. Jmu. Laeal advartiMinants t eat pr Um oca lnmrtlon. MarriacM and daath notloM mata. All bill, for yearly advertisement quarterly. Temporary advertisements I b. paid to advenoe. Job work oaab on delivery. VOL. XXVII. NO. f0. TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, A PHIL 3, 1895. 1.00 PER ANNUM. Re But one per cont. of tlio ontire pop ulation of this country hos boon d orced. A Minnesota judge hos just ruled 'tint a husband is responsible foi slanders utter oil by bis wife. The nineteenth century will bo end ed with the end of the your 1000, and Jot at its beginning, as a great many pOOplo Suppose, Tho year 1804 in tho United Statci closed with 0800 murders to its dobit. "Thero are not 300 mnrdorers on trial ii. this country nt present," signifi cantly remarks tho Detroit Freo Press. Lord Coleridge and others havo formally protested ngaiust the use of ftp.ti-toxine in EngliHh hospitals on tho ground that "publio inonoy ought not to bo devoted to experiments in physiology." . A Texas judge has declared the anti scalper law unconstitutional. He says that when a railroad oompany sells a ticket it presumably gets all it is worth, and that a scalper has the same right that acalcrs in other second hand articles have. W. H. Harvey and his wife, Mrs. L. M. Harvey, of rullman, 111., have been admitted to the bar of Whitman County. Tho New York Sun shudders to think of what would happen if they happened to be retained on opposite sides in the same case. It may bo fairly questioned, admits the New York Recorder, whether the army and navy of Japan are not now equal to those of several of the Euro pean powers, and whethor tho new Na tion on the Paeiflo isn't in a command ing position for future diplomatio vio tories. The Meade County (Kentucky) Mos eenger complains that there are many prominent farmers in that county who take no interest in politics. "Men who own hundreds of acres of land and who are rated high in their com in unities," says the Messengor, "oan- not tell you who are the probable oan didatea on the State ticket." The number of desertions in tho French army increases constantly. In single week lately no fewer than five deserters arrived at Strasburg alone ; while at the present time some six hundred French deserters live in Alsace-Lorraine. Abont the same num ber have taken up their residence in Belgium; and Switzerland boasts a still larger contingent. It will be romembered how the tor pedo boat, the Gushing, Bneaked into Now port harbor in spite of the foot that a sharp lookout was kept for her ashore with the ri istanoe of big earoh-Iighta, The value of these lit tle destroyers is shown to the New York Sun in despatches from the seat of war in China. The destruction of the biggest ironolads in the Chinese navy seems to have been the result of audacious and successful dashes by these tiny craft. They oan finish any thing afloat so long as they are not found out in time. Tho fish supply in Lake Ontario is substantially exhausted, and the Chi cago Herald annonnoes that the sup ply in Lake Erie is going rapidly. Fishermen have caused the fish famine by selling for fertilizing purposes the small fish caught in the nets with those of eatable size. The Ohio Leg islature is trying to devise a law for fish protection in Lake Erie, bnt such legislation praotioally would be use less unless similar laws were enacted by other States bordering on the lake, and by Ontario. The magnificent fish preserves of the United States are not exhaustless, and, unless care is taken for their perpetuation the finny tribes iu publio waters will follow the fate of the buffalo. An attraotive feature of the Cotton States and International Exposition, to be held at Atlanta, Go., next Sep tember, will be the reprod notion of the World's Columbiau Expobition in miniature by Q. W. Ferris, the builder of the Ferris wheeL The great World's Fair will be reproduced in its en tirety, complete in ovtry detail, on a scale of 1-lAOth. This makes the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Build ing about ten feet long, and the whole exposition seventy-live feet long. Searchlights will be shown on the battleship and the various buildings, the intramural railway will be seen with cars in motion, the whaleback steamer will be seen arriving and do parting, aud Lake Michigan will ap pear in the distance. By electrical aud mechanical effects, sunrise, day light, moourise and tho White City by moonlight will appear in succession. YOU NEVER CAN TELL, You onn never toll when you send a word-- I.lko an arrow shot from a bow By an archer blind be It cruel or kind, Just where It will chance to ro. It may plerco the breast of your dearest friend, Tipped with Its poison or balm; To a stranger's heart In life's great mart It may carry Its pain or Its calm. You never can tell when you do an act Just what the result will lie; But with overy doed you are sowing a sood, Though Its harvest you may not see. Each kindly ant Is an acorn dropped In God's productive soil; Though you mny not know, yet tho treo shall grow And shelter tho brows that toil. You novor eon tell what your thoughts will do In bringing you bate or lovo; For thoughts are things, and (heir airy wings Are swifter than carrier doves. They follow the law of the univorso Each thing must create Its kind; And they speed o'er tho track to bring you back Whatever went out from your mind. Ella Whoelor Wilcox, In Munsey. HE DREW TEN THOUSAND. T 3.45 on the af ternoon of March 0, 1887, the pay ing cashier of tho bank, in the city of London, cashed a check for $10,000, drawn by the highly respeoted firm of Ployd, Gow & Co., ol Fenchurch street, merchants. It was presented by the manager of the firm. At 3.55 the manager of Ployd, Gow k Co. handed in his books and cheoks amounting to $20,000. Tne paying cashier looked up as he heard his voico. ' lie oalled some one to take his place and disappeared into tho sec retary's room, and within twelve min utes tho police were at work on tho case. The chock prosented at 3.45 was a forgery aud the man who presented it some "bummy," who had made himself up like Mr. Smith of Ployd, Gow 4 Co. 's. This was not a difficult task. The oouuterfeit man was the same height ns the original and about the same make. Smith had not spoken 100 words to tlio oasbier during the five years his firm had dealt with the bauk. ; He always wore a blue serge office coat whatever the weather. He al ways wore a silk top hat, and it invar iably worked its way to tne baok of his head boforo he had worn it three minutes. No oue over saw him at the bank without his gold-rimmed eyeglasses and his tightly rolled umbrella. Smith had a friendly nod for the patrons he knew in a business way, but he seldom spoke a single word to any one. Oflloers were tont to overy railway terminus; they searched the hotels aud very likely place for a man to try to change his clothes. If the fellow had not some safe hiding plaoe se lected in advance the chances were more than ten to one against his mak ing an escape. ' In room 5 of Cremane's private and oommeroial hotel, whieh I will admit was not a Urst-olass establishment, but still good enough for a traveler earn ing $20 a week, I read most of the particulars given above in the even ing paper. The officials had done their best to keep the wholo affair d irk nutil some due was gained, but the roporters had been too many for tbem. I had como in from my round of calls utterly tired out. Beaching my room, I pulled off my boots, lighted a pipe, sat down with my foot on the bed, aud this bank businoss was the first thiug which which caught my eye as 1 glunoed over the paper. I had just finished the article when tho night porter came up. "Heard about the bank swindle?" he asked, as he entered my room, without the preliminary trouble of tapping. "Just read it." "Cool chap, wasn't he? And, I say, there are a couple of detectives downstairs now. They say they've shadowed him here, aud they're go ing to search the whole place. They are on the floor below now, und will want to come in here in a minute." He had uoarcely finished speaking when the men appeared. I was a head shorter than Ployd's manager. I was thin, while he was stout, and I was young, while he was middle aged. But those old sleuthhounda came in on tiptoe, looked at me out of the cor ners of their eyes, and sat down on the edge of my two chairs to question me, the bigger of the two taking the precaution to place his seat between me and the door. It was fully a quar ter of an hour before they had fin ished, and then they seemed to take it as a personal injury that I hadn't com mitted the crime. Bufore my visitors left one of them suggested with a wink to hia comrade that I might as well bo taken along on generul principles, as there was no telling what I would not own up to af ter a week iu prison. But the other was not so evil minded. In fact, he took a fatherly interest in my welware and put his hand upon my shoulder pleasantly and oompus biouately as be advised me it would be better to restore the money while there was yet time. I refused to dis gorge, and he went out sorrowing, buying that I had missed a golden op portunity and thut I should like to re pent and wear a convict's suit. m Tho hotel was thoroughly searched. Those men did their duty ; and I think would hove carried off every soul within the place as a suspioious char acter had not the manager interfered, and the detectives finally withdrew,' with at leant two pocketbooks crammed with notes. At 10 o'clock I was finishing my third pipe and had long before ex changed my paper for a novel. I was Just getting sleepy when a queer thing happened. My bed was in ono corner of the room. I sat on a chair on thejeft hand side, with my foet across the middle. I had my book on a line with my eyes, and all had been quiet for the last half hour, when suddenly a voico exclniinod ; , ' "Well, old man, thut must bo an in teresting yarn. " I bounded to my foet aud saw no one. I looked around tho room care fully, peering into overy corner no one. I slipped toward the door on tiptoe and opened it with a jerk and saw no ono. Then I turned, and there wan a man standing on the other side of my bed. He wasn't a ghoKt. He was made of blood, flesh aud bones like myself. To Bay I was frightened is putting it mildly. I was scared. I sank right into a chair, with my mouth open and my eyes bulging out, until my visitor laughed outright. "Who are you?" I gasped, faintly. "Well, that's a fair question," he replied. "I suppose you've got a right to ask. For the last three hours, up to a minute ago, I was the man under tho bed, and now I'm the man on tho bed," and Euiting the no tion to word he lay himself out at full length. He was a cool hand. I knew human nature well onough to know he had plenty of nerve behind his check. "It wasn't all put on. As he lay thero I noticed a revolver in his hand. Then I began to understand. Tho evening paper bad given a por trait of Smith, and I saw this was his double. It dawned on me all of a sudden that he was the identical chap. "You were under the bed when I came in?" I queriod, as we sat looking at each other, and I was wondering how to reach the bell. "Exactly," he replied. "And you heard1 what the porter said and the detectives?" ' "Every word." "And, to come to the point, you're the man they want." "I am." "How the dickens did yon get here?" "I didn't chooso this abode for its comfort," he said, "nor for its oom pany. I had other plans, in faot. But they miscarried. I dodged into this hotel in search of a temporary asylum, and it looks as I had found a lunatio asylum. Did you ever see $10,000 in one pile? It's a refreshing eight. See here." He watched me with pioroing eyes, and though lie was toying with his re volver carelessly enough I saw he had his finger on the trigger all tho time. He bent over from tho bed and picked up a bundle of notes from the floor. "This means a visit to the tailor's, quail on toast with champagne, a long trip to America cr tho Continent," and he fondly patted the money. "So they've got an aooouut in the papers, have they? I'd like to read it. Thanks." He ckimmed through the article with evident enjoyment, now and then chuckling to himself. The he said : "Pretty close shave, that. I'm sorry for the cashier, but suppose he will wriggle out of tho responsibility somehow. Excuse my asking the question, but whut do you do for a living?" "I'm a traveler in calicoes." "Married?" "No." "Ever been abroad?" "No." "Look here.old chappie, "he went on with easy familiarity, as he. stretched himself on the bed, "you're giving me shelter and I'll do you a turn. Hand in your resignation and come with me. It will do you good and, open your eyes. This little pile will do us first class for a year'" 'I'll see you bunged first, you cheeky villaiu," I shouted. "I'm not making tours with bunk thieves and jailbirds. Yonr trip will end in pris on, if it 1'oesu't start there." "Too peppery, altogether too pep pery for the head traveler to a respec table firm," ho quietly observed. "And do you thiuk I'll be arrested, as you know so much about it?" "Certainly. I'm going to take you down stuirs and haud you over to the pohoe." "That's a lie," ho said, as he swung his feet off the bed and stood up. "I don't blame you for refusing a trip to America, but pleaso dou't uiuke an idot of yourself in other ways." "How do you mean?" I askod, also getting up- and trying to keep my. head. "Just look at things straight and you'll see. I'm no chicken. Hsviug played for a big stuko aud won it, 1 am not likely to let myself bo balked by a kid like you. I'm armed, as you see.- loureuot, so Keep your back huir on. Even without arms I could do for you, buiu,? the larger of the two." "You cold-blooded scoundrel," I muttered. "No, don't o all names. It's low," he said, pleasantly. "Let's consider whit is your puth of duty. I've got the best of the bauk. And how many people have the bank got tho best of before? Last year over twenty bunks closed their doors iu the fuoa of de positors. Every failure was brought about by sumo kind of fraud. Aud don t nutter yourself thut you owe a duty to the publio. The publio would lot you starve or freeze ami not movo a finger. Yon owe a duty to your self. It is to take change of air. And now's your chance. Presnrvo tho present state of your health, that's my advice, and very good advice, too." "All of wliich means," I interposed, "that you will shoot me if I give tho alarm?" j. "Precisely." "Then I shan't do to.'" ; "I thought as much." ! He climbed again onto the bed and continued : "I thought I. was right when I sized you up. Wo have now come to an understanding. I've got one or two favors to ask, but I won't keep you long, and I see you want to go to bed. Ah, there ore -your scis sors. I must sacritico toiy mustache. Please sit over by the window." He laid his revolver on the dressing table and cut off his fine chestnut mustache. . I sot-watching him and wondered if I had gone out of my mind, or if, perchance, I was dream ing." "You shave yourself, don't you?" he finally asked, as he turned round and faced me. I pointed to my razor and strap, and in barely another moment he stood before me clean shaven. He had sandy hair, while his eye brows were almost red. There was a bottle of black ink on the tablo. He dipped bis handkerchief into it and painted his eyebrows. With the same fluid he made as neat a block eye as any prize fighter would care to boast, and he was chuckling as he turned to me : "Just one thing more, old man a suit of clothes. I must got off this blue serge. Perhaps it will fit you. Your oldest suit, please. I will pay cash for it." I handed over a much worn suit. "Bather a tight fit, but it will do," he said. "Here's $25 for it." "I don't want your dirty money," I said, savagely. "Don't be finicky, it's silly. Now, then, to wrap up the money in a news paper, and then I'm off. Look here, my boy, take this $500 ; it will make up for any little inconveniences I have caused you." "I'd starve first." "Oh, come now, you're too good for this world. What are you going to dp when I leave the room?" ' "Kick myself, for an ass and then go to bed Inost likely." ' , "Go to bed without the kicking part. You are a very sensible young man, you may take my word for it. If I'm arrested I'll say nothing about what happened here. Ta, to." He reached the doorway and then he turned. "Here's a present for you," he sang out and threw his re volver on the bed. "Its no use to me, I lost my cartridges getting here. Adieu," and he was gone. - I locked the' door and sot down. After a quarter of an hour I slipped into bed. The next morning I awoke with a fearful headache. 1 went to my dressing table, and there, rolled up in a neat parcel, was the $500. Did the man get away? Yes; he walked downstairs and out into the streets, and the detectives never got a clew of him after that night. About the money. I returned it to the bank by post, and that part of the business is still worrying the dotoo tives. I conld tell them a thing or two, but I won't. Boston Post. A Wonderful Stone Saw. A newly devised stone saw that has been put in operation in West Phila delphia is demonstrating extraordinary cutting powers as compared with former processes. It is the invention of an expert stone mason and carver. By tests made with the saw, using a chilled-iron shot abruder and cutting through the hardest of all brown stone, known s the Hummellstawn, using a block of stono ten feet by six inches long and two foet two iuches in thickness, the following results were attained : The first cut through was made in one aud three-quarters hours, the second, with increased feed, iu one hour, and the third out, with the full limit of speed, iu three-quurters of an hour, which is equul to outti'ng thirty-three' inches per hour. Four inches per hour bus been considered good work in the ordinary mills '-of tho oountry with other saws. Thin slabs are also - out, leaving no ridges on tho face of tho pieoes after outtiug, although the saw passed through various veins of flint. In the improved saw is used a lineal or horizontal motion, while iu other saws the pendulum motion has been depended on. Further, the im proved has a thinner blade, with thicker teeth, which ullows the abrad ing material to full dowu between tho teeth to the bottom of the kerf. Philadelphia Ledger. . He Killed Superstition. .The Count da Lesseps never seemed to lose sight of the oduontiou of ' his ohildreu, even iu tho smallest detail. One morning at breakfast a beautiful Dresden teacup was broken. "Ah!" cried the Countess, "a disuster I Two more of that set will now be brokou. It always happens so." "Are you so superstitious," asked the Count, "ai really to believe thut two more will be broken?" "I know it." "Then let us get it oft' our minds." Aud, taking up two of the cups by the huudles, he dashed them together. The auger and dismay of the Couutess proved con clusively that she had not beriously held to lier superstition. It also looscued uiiy hold the absurd idea may have hud iru the minds of tho children. New York Recorder. Lucky lor Her. Concealed in caudle moulds thut had been unused since her grand mother's time, Mrs. White, of Middle to wu, Mass., found u quantity of bauk notes a few duys uo. Now Yur.s Journal. THE MERRY SIDE OF LIFE. STORIES THAT ARE TOLD BT THE FUN.NT MEN OF THE PRESS. Interested Her Store A Ocnn Sweep The Safe Iosc Kcpudlated-An Ignoramus, Ktc, I'.le. "Now, as to the Coming Woman" Bhn yawned l"hind her fan: "Beg pardon, Mr. Luyte, hut how About the going nuin?" Ciui'inunti Tribune. A CLEAN SWEEP. Depositor "Is tho cashier in?" Directors "Yes, he's in all that tho safe held." Judge. REPUDIATED. FirBt Tramp "I dunno why they coll 'em tramp steamers." Second "No more do I. They'll go anywhero to git work." Puck. TUB SAFER DOSE. "It isn't advisable to swallow every thing a doctor says' .''"No; but it's much i safer than swal lowing everything ho prescribes." life. INSUPERABLE DRAWBACK. Cumso "A good sewing machine is- said to do tho work of twelvo wo men. Do yoa believe that, Cawker?" .Cawker "No; it can't talk." Pnok. AS IGNOKAMCS. 'She "Do you known anything about the vanity of women?" He "Not a thing. You know tho infinite is beyond human knowledge.'' Detroit Free Press. ; NEVER SETTLED. '"What have you two thermometers in your room for?" "The doctor said 1 must have mora exorcise." "What has that to with it?" yI am on my feet continually see ing if the theremometers agree." Chicago Inter-Ocean. AN ASPERSION ON HIS SPELLING. .'"How does Blufkins manage to get along so well in the world?" asked tho critical acquaintance. "He minds his p's and q't." ."Well, I didn't observe particularly on that score. I suppose p's und q's are his speoialty, for iu a letter I got from him he certainly played smash with the rest of the alphabet." Wash ington Star. i THERE'S SOMETHING IN NAMES. Publisher "Fine number this week, isn't it? All big names every contributor famous 1" Subscriber "But it struck me as being one of the stupidest issues of the year. " Publisher "Great heavens, man I what do you expect? We give you fame this month next month we'll havo something really interesting. " Judge. ,; EXPERT ON CHEESE. Tho French are a witty raco, bnt French servant aro reported the stupidest in the world. It is of a per son of that race that this story is told. Justine was reproved by her mis tress for bringing homo lobsters that were not fresh. 'You must positively not get any lobsters, Justine," said her mistress, "unless they are alive." The servant took the injunction deeply into her consciousness. A few days afterward her mistress sont her to get some cheeso. ''Is this fresh cheeso, Justiue?" asked the mistress. "Oh, yes, madam," answered the servant. "I took pains to see that it was1 alive." Philadelphia Inquirer. A IIOR1UULE FATE. Long ejio stood at tho window aud mused. The rays of the setting suu entangled themselves in her Titian hair, or surrounded her glorious height of five feet eight with uu aure ate hilo. Proud, queenly, limbed like a goddess, she was indeed u mag nificent specimen of femininity. "Strange," she muttered. And then a soft, self-pitying, half-happy smile flitted across her face like a gleam of April sunshine. "Htrauge," she mut tered again, "to thiuk thut I, who only six short mouths ao was the quarterback of the Eiuuuciputed Maidens' Footbull Eleven, should have lost my heart to a muu whose collar is a size and a half smaller than mine. But such is fate. Aud I love him !" Carelessly picking up a forty-pound dumbbell she tossed it out of the win dow and then sought her boudoir. The Amusing Journal. ENUMERATING THEM. Mrs. Crewe Doyle reached her own homo the other afternoon just as Mrs. Knickerboek was about to riug the door boll. Mrs. Doyle had been pin iug for a coll from Mrs. Knickerboek, and was extremely anxious to make a good impression upon her now she hud her. When the servant had let in her mistress und her mistress's culler, Mrs. Doyle said : "Were there any cullers while I wus out, KulherineV" "Yes, mum," replied the faithful servant. "Where are their curds?" "They didn't lave curds, mum. They left bills, and tho butcher especially was very anxious to have his " "That will do, uow,"suid Mrs. Crowo Doyle, and she took her culler into the purlor and tried to enuo her iu conversation, but Mrs. Kuickcrock could only stay a minute, for elm hud ever so many calls to muko. Phila delphia Life. SCIENTIFIC AM INDUSTRIAL. The average annual amount of dew in England is equal to five inches of rain. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad pos Fenger trains are lighted sololy with electricity. A number of Western water powers transmit electric power from fifteen to thirty miles. It is probable that Tampa and Port Tampa, Flo., will be connected by an eloctrio railway. In Franco tho population averagos about 137 to tho square mile. In this oountry the average is twonty-one to the square mile. A recent survey has established the number of glaciers in tho Alps at 1165, of which 21'.) have a length of more than four and three-quarter miles. The cold of Canada seems to dimin ish with an increase of population. Between 1828 and 1837 Hudson's Bay was closod an Averago of 181 days every year; now tho ice last 170 days. The deepest ice ever found lies at depth of 116 metres under a great foi est between the Ural Mountains and the Sea of Ochotsk. A well was driven and the ground was found to be froaeu stiff at that depth. It is stated that Dr. Frolich, of Ber lin, has discovered a method of ob taining nitrio acid from the free nitro gen of the air, and will soon make it public. It is understood to be an elec tric prooess, based on the action of ozone. , A French railway has arranged its V telegraph lines so that at a given sig nal the wires are switched from the telegraphio instruments to telephones, thus enabling tho operators either to talk or to communicate by the tele graphio code at will. An English chemist named Arm strong asserts it as his belief that no chemical action ever takos place ex cept in the presence of some substance capable of being decomposed by eleo trioity, and that, therefore, all chem ical phenomena are electric. Owing to repressive measures by the County Council, glanders declined at the rate of sixty per oent. in Lon don lost year. Owners of horses and stablemen have been warned that the disease may be easily oommunioated to man and is almost always fatal. Ground mustard, mixed with a little water, is an excellent agent for cleans ing the hands after handling disagree able or strongly odorous substances such as cod liver oil, musk, valerianic acid, and its salts. Scale pans and vessels may also be readily freed from odor by the same method. Captain W. J. L. Wharton writes that ocean storms originate chiefly in regions where warm and cold currents meet. One of these regions is south of Newfoundland, where the Gulf Stream meets the Arctio Current. An other is south of the Cape of Good Hope, where the Tropio and Antartio Currents meet. Damage Done by Ono Shell. What a single shell can do ono modern projectilo flying true to its mark was manifested at the battle betweon the Chinese and Japanese fleets off tho Yalu River in September. Ono Canet shell weighing nearly 1000 pounds, of the Holtzer make, struck the Chinese battle ship Ping Yuen, crushing through the after part of tho armored deck, toaring a vast hole, through which the water poured in such volumes that the vessel went down, carrying most of her officers and crew with her. - The oost of such a shell is somewhere between $500 and $1000, but the oost of a battle ship is from $3,000,000 up. Such evidence of the power of a'singlo shot goes far to support Admiral Furagut's belief that in tho race between projeotile and pluto the former was bound to win, aud the result would bo that armor would come off ships as it oame off men, and for the same reason, that ceasing to be a protection it beoame a burden. London Engineering. Odd Preferences iu Flows. Manager Frank M. Whitney, of the New Custlo Plow Works, makes a curi ous assertion. He says: "Plows are made differently for cortain counties aud States. The tendency of a son is to use tne same kind of a plow used by his father. In Lawrence Cou nty the uso of the loft-hnuded plow is almost tne rule, but in Mercer County the right-haud plow is used, aud this unacoountable difference in the kind of plow used extends to other States in the Uuion. In central aud eastern Pennsylvania the left-handed plow is used, and wherever the Amish Ger man farmers huve emigrated from this county the sous are almost sure to use the left-handed plows. We would never dream of sending a loft-hauded plow to Michigan, neither would we to Ohio. Among Gorman people only left-handed plows are used, while the reverse is the case with people from Mexico and Italy. 1 cuuuot tell why this is so, but it is." Pittsburg Dis patch. Rapid Speed Photographs. Professor O. V. Boys says that to take photographs of a bullet ai it is being projected through the air at a maximum possible speed it is neces sary to huve recourse to a method of illumination infinitely more rapid thuu that giveu by an eleetrio spark. For this purpose a steel mirror, so mount ed as to revolve at the enormous speed of 10IJD tunes per second, is used. This mirror is not larger thuu a silver tweuty-livu-ceut piece, uud the beuius of light giveu oil from it puss across the boreeu at such uu unthinkable rato of speed thu,t , it enables the pho tographers to take pictures of the bul let ou exposure of only oue-iuillionth uf a beooud. St. Louis Republic. j THE DRAMA OF THE ROSE, Once I was white as any snow that falls From the far skies, with storm and sun light blended; Until that day when stuud a hero -plea did Before the lion in the Ilomnn stalls. Then, when the beast's l'ud ronring shook the walls " And cheer on ehe-r In thunder tones as cended, A woman's hand, nil white mid undo , fended, Plucked mo and cast me fr m their coro naif. Ho caught me kissed mc held me to hi heart; A momentary glitter iu tho air A roar of voices'. Well he played hlf part! And I prono with him, but vigorom there, Caught on my petals, scented by the south. The red ratn dripping from tho Hex's mouth Frank M. Stanton, in Atlanta Constitution Hl'MOU OF THE DAY. No man ever traveled to fame on a pass. When a man is his own enemy he can't help winning the fight. Puck. "There goes an old flame of mine!" as the sun said when the comet came into perihelion. Puck. Dentist "What are the last teeth that come?" Brilliant Student 'Falso teeth, I guess." Life. Example is stronger than precept; but precept is expected to do a gieat deal of example's work Puck. His love, he said, was like tho sea. The mniden answered quick Sue thought that lie was right in that Because, it made her sick. Life. Of course wo don't know what it ii to pass a night iu the tomb, but we havo slept in a spare beilroom. -Atchi son Globe. ".io Mr. Onedgo is avcrso to music?" "I should say so. He won't even use rubber bands in his office." New York Meroury. "I see you have a glass cyo, Pat." "Yes, yer 'anur; but it's a swindle, sir. I can't see nuthin' out ol it." New York Mercury. We often hear men complaining of their hopes being dissipated, and as a rule that's just what ails the complain ant. Richmond Dispatch. "When will man be able to fly?" in quires an exchange. JuBt as soon as he has been a trusted bank cashier for eight or tea years. Troy Press. This world would be a hnppy world And men would all bo brothers. If people did themselves one-half That they expect of others. Boston Courier. Mr. Smith is an estimable and ami able but harmless gentleman who during his lifetime has sturvod his brains to feed his whiskers. Syracuse Courier. Mrs. Bacon "It is terrible down at your boordiog house. You can nevel get any hot water." Mr. Bacon "Ouly wo have soup, my dear." Statesman. A clergyman named Fiddle refused to accept the title of D. D., because, as he said, he didn't want to be oalled the Rev. Ichobo Fiddle, D. D." New York Mercury. "How could you conscientiously toll Miss Elder that s'uo is the only woman you ever loved?" "It is a fact. Com pared to hor, tho others were mere girls." Boston Budget. Bagloy "That pawnbroker bowed to your wife; does he know her?" Brace "I presume he feels that he docs ; he has seen her pioture so often inside the case of my watch." Blinks (meditatively) "What a greedy world this is ; tho great ma jority of people, always after money." llardup (sadly) "Yes ; and a long way after it, too." Buffalo Courier. "Your new servant girl is very pious, I hear?" "Yes. If she was as careful about tho crockery as she is abont the ten commandments she would be a jewel." New York Press. "So Rusher has got a job at lost, eh? I wonder is it thut oue with the sleeping cor conipouy?" "I guess not. At least he told me he'd struck a comfortable berth." buffalo Courier. Primus "Dultou'ssight has become strangely affected, poor fellow. He seos everything double." Secoudus "By. Jove I I'm glad you mentioned it. I owe him a pound, and I'll tender him this half sov." Tit-Bits. "Dour mo," said Mr. Meokius, "it seems so absurd for men to be con stantly talking ubout their wives having the lust word. I never object to my wife having the lust word." "You don't?" "Not a bit. I always feel thuukful when she gets to it." An Irishmun recently applied for an enlistment in a United States urmy re cruiting office. "Do you kuow auy thiug about drilling?" asked the otli cer. "Oi do," auswered Put. "It's twelve an' a half cints a yard at anuy av th' drygoods sutures." -Loudon Globe. Kate "I wuut to tell Aunt Susan about my engagement, but I dou't know whether I can trust her or not. I don't wuut it to get out just yet." Edilh- "Trust her? Of course you cau't. You kuow she makes no secret of her ago, and a wuuiau w ho will toll her age will tell anything. " Boston Truubcript. The Reprehensible Small Itoy. There are some smart boys iu Mas sachusetts. The Massachusetts school luw does not permit tho schools to bo kept uuless the thermometer registers above forty-live degrees lu the school room. Under this law oue school in Worcester has had inauy half holidays. Fiuuliy the teacher discovered a six- year-old boy puekiu the thermometer with kuow below the bulb. -New Havcu Journal aud Courier.