The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 27, 1895, Image 3

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WRDXKBDAY. FKnitUAllY 27, l80.i
Hurtin. o. R. Davis.
Oiotiirn. Joseph Clark, J. R. On
coo, IW;A. Ilil,,n-I; K. H. Unw.ii. (J.
W. Robinson, Joseph Morgan,
j Nnti'; (Ae v'e! Proper, S.
WaWe-,H. H. Cnnnolil.
ndlector D. H. Knox.
.'ool!,ir"torit-J. U. Clark, T. F.
Ultohoy, (. w. Iloleman. L. J. Hopkins
I Aguow, J. v. Morrow.
IrX't'"' H ?vr"-n. F. Kmnn,.
Member of NenuteWK. 11. Hyiik
Assembly J, E. Wi;nk.
Pretliett .1 ly
. '""yc 111 AllliKN II. WOYKS,
A. "rir'e y"''fe-- w- 'I.aik, Jo.
Treasurer J a mi ksok.
Irothonatara, Register dc Recorder, c.
"'aiviii M. AnxKii,
.VAorif. Joiik T. Cahson.
ai;rtiAionr W. A. Connei.y. IK
'nnty Superintendent (I. XV. Krkr.
hstrict Attorney p. M. Clark.
Jury tWmMimer J. II. ('Ani'tN
County Rurvetor I. F. Puopku.
(Kroner Dn. J. W. Morrow.
County Auditor M. H, Aiiiiott, W.
L. NTRotTp, J, W. Elliott.
Fourth Momlny of February.
Tlilnl Monday of May.
Lnst Mnmliiy of August.
Third Momlny of Novombor.
TIONESTA LODGE, No. "60, T. O. O. K.
Moots every Tuosdavcvoiiiug, in Oiiil
Follows' Hull, Partridge building.
I Meets every Fridnynyotiingln A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tionesta.
8. of A., meet every Saturday eve
ning in A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionesta.
C pt. a eoro k stow post. No. 274
a. A. n Mmiu it 1.1 in-
day evening in each nuiith, in Odd Fol-
t I Tl I .. . '
iowm, unu, iioncsia.
1:17, XV. R. C, moots first ami third
Wednesday livening of each moiitli, in A.
O. IT. W. liall, Tionesta, Pa.
aMONKSTA TENT, NoTliil, 1(7 C T .
M., niooia 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening In each month in A. O. U. V.
hall Tionosta. Pa.
and District Attoiinky. Otlloo. cor. of
lin and Bridge Streets, Tionesta, Pa.
Also agent for a minilipr of reliahlo
Firo Insurance Companies.
. Tionosm; Pa.
B. SIUOrNS, M. D., '
Physician, Surgeon & Druggist,
Fliysician, Surgoon A Dentist.
Otlllce and rosidenco throo doors nortli of
Lawrence House, Tionesta. Prolossion
al calls promptly responded to at nil
PliVHiclan A Surgeon,
Ofllco In building formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. ..Call promptly responded to,
night or dny.
Tills hotel, formerly the
House, has undergone a comp
and Is now luroishtKl with al
ern Improvements. Heated
throughout with natural gas,
hot and cold water, etc. The
1 the niod
mul lighted
comforts of
guests never neglected.
V. C. F. WKAVKR, Proprietor.
Tiouseta, Pa. Tliis is the mwtcentrally
locatel hotel in the place, mid has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
bo spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Render. Proprietor. This hotel
lias but recently been completed, is nice
ly furnished throughout, and offers the
lino-a nnd most c.iinlortublo accommoda
tions to guests and tho travoling public.
Kates reasonable.
Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts., Tionesta,
Pa., Hank of Discount Mud Deposit. In
terest allowed on Timo Deposits Collec
tions' made on all the Principal points of
the U. iS. Collections solicited.
and Mulct metal worker, and dealer in
tin, copper, shoot iron and granite ware.
Phu e ot business opposite Lausou's iron
building, Tionesta, Pa. Special attention
is uiveu to steel, iron and tin roofing and
spouting and sauitary plumbing.
Shop in Keck building next to Smear
Jaugh .V Co.' s store. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the lit. est to
tho coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atteu-
'on yiven to mending, and prices n a-g'on-ble.
and Jeweler" 25 years' experience, is
prepared to u' work in li if lino on
short notice and t reasonable prices.
Always guarHn.Ves satisfaction. Watch
es, Jewelry, Ac, ordered for parties at
the lowest possible figure. Will be found
in the building next to Keeley Club
Fred. Orcttenbergor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well T.sils, Gas or Water Fit
lingnaud General itlacksinithiug prompt
ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and jubt west of the
;tihaw House, Tidioule, Pa.
Your patronayo solicited.
JFuniituro Dealers,
TWt, Uft Atit OCCI
I represent tho oldest, strongest, and
host Iiinuranee Companies In the United
c Xrner
Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Leasos.Wills,
Powers or Attorney, Articles of Agree
ment, nu.1 nil other legal instruments cf
writing, drawn with accuracy and dls
pateh. Titles examined and "Brlofs"
prepared. Ground rents, uiortgagos,
and loans negotiated. . Farms nnd wild
lands, houses and lots for salo or rent.
uegistors or Property for sale or to let,
open to tho inspection of those interested.
Particular attention paid to the collection
of rents, Interest, etc. Also to the proper
assossinont ot lauds and payment of
taxes. Probating accounts, acknnwlodg'
input of deeds, nnd depositions taken.
(imrcli and RnbbntN Hrhool.
Presbyterian Rablmth School at 9:45 a,
m. 1 M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. W. W. Dale.
Preaching in the F. M. Church overy
(-minium evening m 1110 usual uour. Jtov,
F. F. Shoup, Pastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church,
every Sabbath morning and evening,
imjv. j. v. mcAnincn omciniing.
Oil market 1.031.
E. K. Clapp was up from Presi
dent Friday.
J. li. Ilagcrty is io Buffalo re
ceiving medical treatment.
Mrienvillo ia talking of putting
in an electric lighting plant.
Dan Jackson came dowu from
Warren last Saturday lo visit his
The borough schools were closed
Friday in houor of Washington's
J M Clapp and Wm. Helm of
Tidinute were io town on business
last Friday.
Mrs. J. K. (Jhadwiek returned
last Thursday from a four weeks'
visit with relatives in Mercer.
Some women who seem to be
stuck on their shape, really have tho
most of 'their shape stuck on them.
Jan. A. Scott ood E. E Burtou
if Marienville were pleasaot callers
at the Republican office this morn
The liabilities of Clearfield
county are 8181,800, and its asel8
8103.000, making the net county debt
Greensbure is trying to eet Thiel
College, the leading Lutheran educa
tional institution m eslern Penn
Seuator Cochran's new game
bill, if passoJ, will restrict the deer
killing to oue inooth October of
each year.
Senator Camden is credited with
saying thai the Lord's prayer could
not pas the United States benate
without amendment.
With $11,000,000 for tho public
schools aud $600,000 f..r the military
m the next two years Pennsylvania
ought to be well educated and well
The Meadville Council has made
a tender of $78,635 30 to the Mead
ville Water Corapauy for their plaut,
being the valuation put upon it by
au expert.
There are Christians who seem
so much at home io the rear pews of
the church, they would doubtless be
iiuoiuulertable it put io the front
seat6 of Heaven.
J. II. Furemau, who has beeu
suffering with stomach trouble fur
some time past, was taken to the Oil
City hospital last Friday, iu charge
of II. II. Shoemaker.
Mrs Mary Williams nnd daugh
ter, Maude, of Pittsburg, are the
cueats of Mr. aud Mrs. G B. Arm
strong, expecting to remain during
the balance of the wiuter.
Did you ever happen to Dotice
that the persons that differ from you
in their opinions are invariably per
sons of oarrnw minds uud insanely
prejudices ? Boston Transcript.
LnreDZ.i Matt, the well known
piano tuner, who has made periodical
visits lo Tiouesta for a number of
year, died at bis home in Buffalo, N
Y , last week. He was about 60
years nl ago.
Rev: Dr. Ellis f Oil City very
ably agisted Rev. W. W. Dale in the
revival services, which are being held
iu the M. E church, lust Thursday
evening. Dr. iJlis is a very eloquent
and impressive speaker.
Hod. John W. Kahle, of Line-
ville, one of Clarion county's promi
nent and highly respected citizens,
died on Thursday last, after au a 1 1
ness of several months duration from
tnmach trouble. He was aged about
74 years.
Jas Glove camo near loosing the
foro linger of bis left hand while
working 00 John R Osgood's mill
near Kewtowu last Friday. In some
manner be got bis band agaisst the
largo taw, but was lucky eDough to
get away without further injury.
Every newspaper man will appre
ciate the tollowiog Irum au eastern
journal if no oue eUe does: "Get
your printing done where you please
it's your right but please do not,
after speoding your money elsewhere,
come to our office begging free local
n dices. It isn't business it isn't
rjecwjt, BusidtJ it is very cb-eorty."
Ash Wednesday.
Jas. D. Davis aud wife returned
Friday from a visit to Buffalo.
J. D. W. Reck has returned
from Ins business trip to Butler.
Miss Lena Grove nf Titusville,
lD guest ot Miss liuretta Proper
The only elate officer to bo elec
ted in this state this year is Treas.
Ue. Jas. T. Breunan officiated
very acceptably in the M. E. church
ounday morning.
Mrs. J G. Dale entertained
quite a large number of friends at a
tea party last evening.
Two women were elected to of-
ncu uu iue i ronioition ticket in
Grove City, ot the recent election.
Now is tho time to eet Dhoto
graphs. Sires has reduced the price
10 u.oir per dozen tor cabinet pho
Mrs. J. L. Craiir is in atten
dance at the meeting of the 6tate
corps of tho W. R. C, at Williams-
tographs. and be guarantees iust as
good work as you would get on a
83 00 photo. Don't miss this oppor
tunity, tf.
Girls who are matrimonally in
clined should improve the time next
year, as it will be the only leap year
for eight years.
Dr. J. W. Morrow and J. B.
Eden left yesterday for Williams
port to attend the Stale eocampment
of the G. A. R
Pat Normile, formerly a resi
dent of Forest county, but now a res
ident of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest
of Jas. T. Brennan.
There will be a meeting of the
Venango county bar association to
day, and it is said that Judge Taylor
will teuder his resignition.
II. M. Zahuiser, Jack McCray
and R. B Crawford are announced io
the Republican this week as candi
dates for tbe nomination for Asso
ciate Judge, and now commeuces the
"tug of war."
The Y P. S. C. E. will eive a
social aod receptiou at the borne of
Miss Mae Grove this Wednesday
evening lo tbe new members who
have recently joined. A good pro
gram has been arranged.
David Minlz, the hustling dry
goods merchant of Marienvillo, has
brought a large stock of his winter
goods lo lionesta and is selling I been
at auction this week at the Kepler
block. Don't miss the opportunity
to secure a bargain.
lhe Hunter run well has been
finished aod no oil was found, al
though it was quite a strong caser.
The Jamieson, Dale & Co. well neat
President is down and there is a
slight show of oil, but not enough to
pay and it has been abandoned, and
tbe seven Jays are out of their mis
Rev. J. T. Brennou very ably
assisted Rev. Mr. McAuincb at tbe
enmmuuinn service held in the Pres
byterian church on the 17tb iost. de
livering the sermon both muring and
evening. Kev. McAmncb, who has
been suffering from the effects of
cold for some days past, is quite well
Forest county paid 8325 in scalp
hountes last year. If they had our
County Commissioners down there
that amount would not have been
quite so large. Our County Trium
virate would rather go to law about
paying a dollar bounty on a measlev
pelt than not and the taxpayer he'll
pay the litigation. Warren Demo
crat. The Rock Glycerine company's
factory at Kaoo, McKean county,
was destroyed by tbe explosiou ot
600 quarts of nitroglycerine on
Tuesday night about 10 o'clock
Tbe factory was located a mile away,
but nearly all tbe glass iu the win
dows of tbe town of Kane were scat
tered by the coocussinu aod a womau
liviug near tbe magazine was driven
insane by fright.
John P, Zaue, the well-known
oil producer aud prominent citizen el
Bradford, died Friday, aged 60
years. His life was an eveuttul and
useful oue. He bad visited about
every country on eartb ; was a citizen
of California iu the early limes; was
appraiser of the port of Sao Fran
cisun under President Lincoln ; estab
lished tbe first street railway iu San
Francisco; and iu 1863 came east
and went into tbe oil business on Oil
Creek. He never had a day's school
iug io bis life, but he had braius, eu
ergy aud ambition.
We find tbe fullowiug paragraph
coing the rotint's of the press, which
is about as uear the truth as yoa get
it; A certaia preacher said uo news
paper that told the truth could make
a pecuniary success. We say, by tbe
way of returniug the compliment,
that the minister who will at all
times and under all circumstances
tell the whole truth about bis mem
bers dead or alive, will not occupy
the pulpit more than one Sunday,
aud thn be will fiod it necessary to
leave town io a hurry. Tbe press
and tbe pulpit go hand in band, with
while-wash brushes and pleasant
words, makfog little virtues Into big
.Tbe girl that gives way to a de
sire to gad about the streets, to culti
vate the acquaintance of young men
aud ant siiuperiugly is laying a foun
dation for a useless alterlile, then,
two to one, wbeu married she will dn
velope iuto a blutteroly gossip, if no
greater iniol'ortuue befalls, her. It is
the girl who loves borne and bains
I htr mother that wins the model man
and becomes an ornament to woman
hood. The girl who does this and
devotes some of her spare time to
reading and strives for the graces nf
mental culture, commands the respect
and esteem nf everybody, while the
street gading ornament wius only the
amiratiou nf those whose admira
tion ij not worth having. -Ei.
J. B. Cable and wife of War
were io town Saturday.
Peter Berry of Plumcr, Venango
cuuiuy, was in luwn on business Moo
The Pittfburg conference of the
United Evaugelical church will be
held in Jbraukliu, beginning March
Lena, the two-year old daughter
vuns. 1-, viaypoie 01 .lamiisiu
station, died buuday night of cunvul
sions and was buried Tuesday niter
noon, lhe bereaved parents have
the sympathy of the neighborhood.
lr 9- 1
ii. luicneis, a prosperous mer
chant ol Corry, committed suicide
h riday moruiug by hanging himself
irom an iron grating ol a wiudow
his store. lbe cause is assigned
to temporary insanity. He was 54
years old, was in prosperous circum
stances and had lived in Curry fur 30
A mau nnmed Howard Schram
1 I .
01 ivingway, ra , used a gas Biove
without a pipe. While he was asleei
no accidental change in the pressure
caused the gas fire to go out iu the
young man's room. The gas con tin
ued to flow and in a short time the
room was filled, and death wbb the
lhe Hunter mill near tbe dennt
ai xionesta win be open lor grinding
. rr. ....
l naay and Saturday. March 8 and
0, aud on every Friday and Saturday
uiereaiier. John Ales, the compe
I 1:.. LI. -ll ... . 1 .
iruk auu renuoie miner will be in
charge, and satisfaction is gunran
teen. Come and give the new man
Hgemeut a trial. It
une or tne bills introduced nl
r- n .
at tiamsburg authorizes Justices of
the Peace to elect a jury of six men
to try cases of assault and
battery and larceny where the
sum involved is not over 81000
This would keep many coses out of
court and save counties a Inrgi
amount of unnecessary costs Frank
lin News.
Iredenck Crocker, one of tbe
pioneer oil men, died at tho home of
bis son at Idlewood. Allephenv
county, oaturday, at the advauced
0 j
age ot Hi. He wob, a resident of
litusville for fifteen years und was
tbe inventor of the "Crocker Valve"
which was first successfully uBed iu
tne old Empire well ou the Funfc
ville Fiats below Pioneer. Possess
ig a peculiar genius tor studying oil
bells and the discovery of new nil
fields, be went to Tuna Valley, aud
in 1875 drilled the first successful
woll where Bradford now elands io
McKean county. Mr. Crocker
evenluully sold bis interests in the
Bradford field and went to tbe Wash
ingtnn region where he operated sue
cesssully for a number of years. The
remains were brought to Titusville
Mnriay for interment.
Was Ho Poisoned.
In the contents of the stomach, of
which Fobs was relieved before he
died, were found unmistakable evi
dences of poison, the oder of chloro
form being very strong, says the Ti
tusville Herald. The fact hns cre
ated a strong desire to investigate
the case throughly and has brought
out some sensational developments,
implicating a citizen of Hickory
and a married woman of that place.
It was learned that Foes had trouble
with both of them and that he hud
worked op a strong sentiment against
them in Hickory. On Foss' person
was found an anonymous letter
threatening his life postmarked Hick
ory. It is said that threats of foul
play had frequently been made
against Foss, and that he had fled
from Hickory 00 that account.
These facts have been put in the pos
session of the dead man's family at
Warren and will probably lead to a
further and fuller investigation,
which may reveal the commission of
a startling- crime.
Hotel Arrivals.
Following Is a partial list of tho people
from neighboring towns who are regis
tered al the hotels In town this week :
Central House R. K. Grove and wifo,
Goo. Paul, Kellcttvillc; D.' I. Beck.
Whig Hill : E. D. Steiner, W. V. Dunklo
and wife, H. V. Kiser, John Hoover, fl.
II. Iironenian. J. C. lUi.ard.- J. S. Roll.
T. C Bote, C. W. and K. K. Amslor, O. J.
Blanchard, J. C. Confer, John Floming,
Samuol Kll'er, Philip Pultrovltch, David
Mintz, Marienvillo; J. ,2i. Walters, R.
Fellers, Ed. Stllzlngcr, Newmansvllle;
M. A. K. Weidner, Robert Whitehill. C.
R. Bowman, Win., Ij. A. and, A. G. Best,
11. II. Nceloy, Clarion') Samuel Cirum-
bine, A. Gravalsky, Titusville ; J. R.
Ault, Sutloy Thompson, S. V. Jacobs,
Sol Mitchell, Nebraska; G. S. Turner,
V. S. DunLium V. S. Brown, D. E. Plat-
uer, Dr. Webber, Hickory; II, K Brown,
D. I. Ball, V. E. Rice, Warren : Manley
Crosby, W. J. Misnaro, Corry; Joseph
II. Rowley, A. Harkini, Geo. R. Mi-Kin-
noy, Oil City; Sye Neill, Peny; J. II.
Osmer, Franklin.
Hotel Agnew J. H. Mcnsch, Clint.
Fitzgerald, J. J. Berlin, S. M. Henry, F.
M. Croser and wifo, Sol Bailey, Win.
Stewart, J. A. Hettish, B. Sutton, C. F.
Hunt and son, Marienvillo; H.J. Gray,
V. A. Rayer, T. M. Cartney, J. B. Camp
bell, Clarington; C. H. Smith. J. C.
Knight, A. M. Cook, G. K. Braden,
W. U. Carter, A. L. Woller, Goo. WliU-
teu, Kellcttville; W. A. Connelly, Isaac
Sijrgins, T. G. Huddleson, S. K. Gronn, J.
C. Church, Win. Albaugli, Geo. It. Hud
dleson, John Rhoa.lcs, J. Albaugli, J. H,
Johnson, S. C. Wbituioro. J. K. Yoiihl'
Jlickory ; I. 1). Bell, S. S., J. M. and W.
n. nut, u. i.. busier, ira. I. wruv,
l.eeper: It. K. Gillespie, F. I.. Williams,
G. VV. Osgood. Whig Hill; O. c. Allen
W. B. Weed. Warren : N. Cilldei-hh-.VH.
Brookston; C. F. Fox. Bruce Crain. K.
Crawford, Pi'oon ; R. V. Gultou, Gui
tonvilloi A. F. Lcdobur, Ktui r; W. J.
Gorman, Perry,
Rural Hi, use Jas. A. Scott, Win.
Oram, John Guium, F. Rock, E. I'..
Burton, M. F. Kellogg, R. Robi-ison, A,
K. Hhipe, Cecil Gross, Mm innvillc ; pe
ter Knight, t'ooksburg; John Shano,
Kellcttville; II. P. Shoemaker, C. t'ur
baugh, Chas. Frederick, Newiiiiiusvillo
Paul Gilford, J. G. Gilloid, Lickingvilh-;
Peter Yonrigk, J. A. Jones, F. P.
Walker, Nebraska; Jos. Hunter, JJd
vard Mealv, Miss Jlralv, Ht.krrry.
Chas. Johnson was summoned to Shef
field on Saturday night to attend tho fu
imrni 01 ins initio nephew, who died at
that place n few days ago.
James Orovo had tho misfortune to get
a largo piece sawed off of the index fin
ger of his loll hand on Friday. Jim, who
occupied the position of tail sawyer on
J. R. Osgood's mill, mado an attempt to
remove a pleco of yvasto timber from the
edgcr, vhen tho sawyer rovcrsod the
feed and drew tho hand on the saw, cans
Ing a painful cut.
11 iv. i, rove at (l A. 1. Weller aro scry
ing as jurors at Tionota this week.
KrDDs ,v Weller have finished their
hard wood Job, which consisted of about
115 M. of ash and cherry, which was cut
hauled from Four Milo to Salmon Creek
The working force nt tho Ponn Tan
ning Co.'s works has been reduced about
ono-fourtli. About one-half as much
loatlier is being tanned now since the
R. J. Sutton made a flying trip to New
mansvillo and Tylersburg on Friday and
Frioncls to tho number of 20 assembled
at the residence of A. J. Spangler on
Saturday evening and spent a pleasant
time lor a low hours.
Mr. Grove, a renowned hunter and
traj per from Veuango county, is stop
ping at four Mile, whore ho will try hi
luck trapping.
All but lour on tho entire Two. ticket
woreelocled on tho Republican side on
last Tuesday.
A. A. Graham moved on last Monday
from Kelioltville to Jay Buck, whore he
has beeu working all winter.
1 ho derrick above town is completed
and Mr. Hurd expects to bum soft coal
as a means of making steam that is if he
can got coal shipped over the P. it W. R,
R. An order for threo car loads of coal
has been sent, but owing to tho blockado
no trains have been running for a fow
The littlo ones al Genrgo Whitton's.
who have boon suIVering from lung trou
ble, are much better.
Henry Groce has tho job of taking olf
the hardwood from tho Green farm and
delivering tho samo to J. R. Osgood's
Mr. Kuiisclman and wifo and babies of
Red Clyffo visited at A. H. Downing's ou
k ridav.
John and Jay Day returned to thoir
home at Shippenville a fow days ago.
. 11. Carter is having brick chimneys
built in tho Brooklyn Houso this week
Georgo W. Armstrong of Tionesta has
diargo of tho work, which insures a good
M. C. Myers was on a business trip to
lidioute on Monday.
m rs. yv . yj. nsou was takon ill on
Friday and since then has been confined
to her room. She is sulloring from a
mild attack of pneumonia and plourisy
Hor condition is not dangorous, although
sho is tar lrom feeling well.
YV. S. Johnsou was at the County Seat
last Thursday attending logal business
Mrs. John Littlotiold has been suffer
ing for some time with throat troublo.
Sho is unable to attend to hor duties.
Wtr.L Walks.
Mayburir Jiews.
Quite a largo party of May burg people
went to Newtown, Feb. 19.
Sam farmer has drilled about three
thousand feet deep iu the now well.
t m. Kichards will soon commence to
clean out tho old well on tho lease, if tho
weather continues favorable.
Kribbs iS Watsou aro hauling tho
machinery to the mill as fast as it arrives.
l hero ure about seven cars to couio yet.
m. Siggins and J. Vouug will finish
hauling logs in a couplo of weeks if the
leighing holds out.
J. C. Perry calked 0110 of his horses
hilo hauling logs this week.
Court Minutes.
lliocase of V. li. Dawson, vs.
Turner Hros., resulted iu a iudifineut
ot ezu 0(1 tor defendant.
1 he cuse 01 Joseph Moore, vs. F.
Crosier was decided 111 favor of
W m. Uest et al. vs. C. J. Harris is
on trial as we go to press
1 ue oiisiuess ot tne court IS very
gin. us mere is on iv ten causes on
l . .1. : 1
the liM and court will probably ad-
mm to-rporrow.
Red Firo at Hntreii.
HI T 1-11 oV.
i ne iinoii. onie a C o. veneering
factory aud llie C'otiliam table wnrks
at titruthers, Pu , uear Warren, were
burned to the ground 1 uesday uinrn-
'8- opi'tiiaiipous combustion is
given as I lie cause, as there had beoo
fire in the bnililinir at'ler five
clock lhe previous al'teruoou. It
riginated in tho table works. To
tal loss 8100,000. Insurance 873.000
?MH'i-iu! Noli,-!-,
No uiedicino was ever given such a se
vere test of its ourative qualities as Otto's
i uro. v o are distributing sample bot
tles tree ot charge to those attlicted with
consumption, asthma, coughs colds.
pneumonia, croup and all diseases of the
throat and lungs, giving you the proof
Unit fill. .'a I'ni'rt u-ilW.nt- ...... !...' J..
............ ".......ujw... '.( t u--
lay, but get a bottle of us to-day and
comincni e tho use of this great guaran
teed remedy. Sold only by Siggina A
Herman, I lonesia, and W. G. Wilkins,
West Hickory, solo agents. Samples free.
iirgo uomcs ouc. anil ic.
A llriulit l.ilil Aln ml,
1't.r all thoso w ho liavo been wealing
out inoir lives irom me eiiecls ol dyspeii
sin, liver complaint, indigestion, etc. We
guarantee Bacon's Celery King lor the
nerves to cure you, and if you will call
at our store wo will gladly give you
a package lice of charge of this infallible
herbal health restorer. Bacon's Celery
iving ior uio nerves cures uosliveuuss,
ncrvoiiMii.s, sleeplessness and all di-
scase arising from derangement of the
stomach, lhcr and kidneys. .Samples
nee. gn size LiOc ami 2 c at Siggins ,v
I Ionium's, Tionesta, or W. U. Wilkins',
Wtat Hickory, solo ajjeuts, 8
ARTHURS Mrs. Elizabeth Arthurs died
in Maiiciivillc, Friday, Feb. 15, 1895,
ayi d 40 years, 9 mouths and 17 days.
REEFER Infant child of J. M. aud
Nancy J. Kcefiir, iu Jenks township,
Fortist Co., Fi b. 15, 1S95.
ARM AG AST Mi . Ada A. Auiagast
died 111 Miiiicnvllle, Monday, Feb. 16,
g.jed 13 jvjts, 8 un, and 21 diy.
Flour 1? sack, . . m0h ik
Corn Meal, 100 H.s - - -l.aaral.WI
Chop feod, puro grain . - rw -.s
corn, Sim led -
Beans r busiiol - -Ham,
sugar cured -
- 11
- H.r,o
-I i fti. 5
- 50(75
Win SO
- 'i-iotsx
- 'J.IMI
- l.M)
HO fa. 75
- fifalO
- "15
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured
Shoulders -
Whitelish, half-barrels .
Sugar -
N. O. Molasses new
Koast Rio Colfee
Rio CofToe.
Java Colfee
Kice - - - . .
Kggs, fresh
Salt lake best
Iron, common bar
Nails, Hod, keg .
Potatoes ....
Time 1 bbl. ...
D-lert Apnlos sliced lier Ih
Dried Beef -
Dried Peaches per ft
Dried Peaches pared per
ending January 7, 1HH5.
,..$10,ti5!l Oil
045 (IS
... LViVJ 04
,.. 5,153 (14
To balance last settlement..
To seated tax returned isii-'l
I o seated bix for lsii-t
To unseated tax 1SU4
To liquor license
105 (Ml
!'7 25
To ree'd from Howe township.. .
T K . . a,, . '. ,
u reii-imi. Hll'lfHI IO SO-lLefl
duolicato 1 81 IS "O no
To State tax refunded jm is
To from Green township lsj 50
To sixty day list 1h;i4 p"i on
To R. J. Flynn .;
To Peter Youngk tor paper Ac... :t 00
To jury lens 4 00
To 5 pjrc't on sealed returns 0s txi
To Tionesta borough l:;t 7,-,
To court house Brass -ion
To lumber sold to Chas. Russell 2 0(1
To from H. M. Foreman 58 15
To from T. F. Ritchey -a 00
To from John Shollhouso r, 32
For court rules ;j 00
To from Warren county ' 40 (mj
To lumber sold A. B. Hepler..;.. . I 85
To brick sold 5.1
To J. B. PearMill, Goble case fl 45
To Tionesta Two 5-2 fin
To lumber sold W. A. Connolv 1 5
To lands sold by county .", 3118 lis
To lands redeomed from Co s0 35
To Interest on taxes 840 4!
To ain't from redemption acc't.. 1,700 hi
3ti.979 40
To State tax
$ 563 2C
QUINTAIN JAMIESON, Treasurer of Forest County, in account with the Redemp
tion 1 und tor the year endioir Junimrv 7 isui r
To balance last settlement $ 3,400 99
To am't from individuals 3,867 41
$ 7,208 40
Tax of Forest County, for the
To dog tax 1893 71 50
To dog tax 1894 471 00
612 50
QUINTAIN JAMIESON, Troasurer, in account with the Liquor License of Forest
t ountv, tor the year ending January 7, l9i.
To am't roe'd from individuals.. 525 00 By am't paid Jenks inn,hin a iti
$ 625 (Ml
W. M. COON, Commissioner, in account witli Forost County for tho year ending
jAnilnrv 7 IWlir.
To orders drawn
405 70
405 70
A. CONNELY, County Commissioner, in account witli Forest County for the
year ending January 7. Is5.
To orders drawn $ 480 63
$ 480 1)3
PETER YOUNGK, County Commissioner
vuni mining
To ordors drawn $ S1H 65
391 65
CALVIN M. ARNEH, Prothouotary, in Recount witlr Forest County tor the year
ending January 7, 1895.
lo ordors drawn ..$ 244 53 By lees
JOHN T. CARSON. Shoriif. in account with Forest Cmmtv
To ordors drawn $ 320 06
......... ,., IIKMItK.f W V UU
P. M. CLARK, District Attorney, in account with Forest County for the year end
ing January 7. s95.
To ordors drawn $ 3100
We the undersigned Auditors of Forest
tho Commissioners' olUce in the said county according to ,lw and did audit and ad
just the several accounts of the Treasurer, Shcritl, ProthonoUry, District Attorney
j , ,i,r i yea, ciiuing January 7, A. li., 1895. and we Hud
the same to lie a set forth ill tlie Ion-going report.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 20th day of
January, A. D., 1895. J. W. ELLIOTT, I L. S.l ) J
Attest, J. W. Black, Clork.
EXPENDITURES of Forest County
ProtlionaUiry $ 244 53
Sheriff mj,i 06
Commonwealth costs 121 55
Constable 143 15
Assessor 1.477 07
Election expense 1,129 23
Bridge repairs 1,461 21
Court house repairs 511 5'i
Printing and stationary M2 29
Ollica supplies 250 78
Poor account 726 41i
Express and drayage 30 119
Expense 492 43
Jury fees ,li)4 33
Light ami fuel .' 334 90
Scalp bounties 3i 50
District att'y .() on
Postage 15 ntj
Double aKMisMiiont s 07
Bridge view 00
Road view 1.
Jail repairs 1 7
Jury Commissioners 64 U
Council fees in., 00
Jauitor 2v3 00
Total .
FINANCIAL STATE M EXT of Forest County for the veur eiidinu .lanimrv it fi
Balance in treasurer's hands
Duo from Harnett township
Duo from Hickory township
Due from Howe townslno
Duo from Kiugsley township
Duo from Tioucsla township
1 1.... r. 1 '
"7...1 .. .:v :v
uiiiou juiiua reiuriieil
Aiauittwes over uauis
Bonds ouisiauding
Acc-ounts outstanding.
Pursuant to law wo, the uudorsigned Comity
publish the "f the re. ripts and
the year iuiding January lit, 195. 11 111-s our
February, W. A. C N ELY,
HE IKK Vtil M.K,
Attest, J. T. Tilt, I lork.
CAPITAL, . 1150,000.00
Nelson P. Wheeler,
Jerry Crary,
Geo. M. Parmlee,
C. Schiinmelfeng,
Christian Smith,
David W. Beaty,
Win. D. Brown,
Andrew Hertzel,
A. T. Scoflold,
H. T. Russell,
H. A. Jamieson.
Prrsowil and liuxineeg accounts solici
ted on wont favorable terms consistent
with good conservative banking.
Interest allowed on deposits.
O. A'. r RSI LEE, Pres.
11. A. JAMIESON, Vice Pres.
F. E. HERTZ EL, Cash r
account with Forest County for thu
By County orders redeemed $16,451 08
By cciipons redeemed 1,280 00
By seated lands returned KUtPS 6n8 49
By exonerations lsw.v 1893 891 88
By Collectors' commissions 84 39
Bv County bonds redeemed 6,000 00
By tax on loans 00
"y 3!i percent, commission on
Co. ordors redeemed 575 79
'y 8M percent, commission on
coupons redeemed 44 80
Iy percent, commission on
bonds redeemed 175 00
By balance County account 11,839 97
138,979 40
f:SON. Treasurer ol Forest County, iu account with the State of
liisylvauia for the year euding January. 7, 1895.
. By State Treasurer's receipt $ 557 67
By 1 percent, com. on $563.20 ... 5 63
, . t 663 20
Bv ain't paid individuals t 2 339 08
By 34 percent. Com . T2.3m ' ' 8? 2?
By ain't charged in Co. account 1,760 80
By balance Sias6 65
Forest County, In account with the Dog
year euding January 7th, 1895
By orders redeemed 157 60
By 3J percent ooinu. ss on I
By balance 379 49
$ 642 60
By aiu't paid Tionesta borough 228 00
By 5 percent, coin, on $120.00 21 00
By am't charged iu Co. account 105 00
rok. mi
7, 1X95,
By 103 days service (a) $3.50 .
By exponsos allowed
..$ 360 60
45 20
$ 405 79
Ky 127 days sorvices (L $3.50 444 fin
By exponsos allowed 36 13
$ 480 63
account for the
ol Forest County.
January t. isno.
By 105J days services 869 25
By expeuses allowed 25 40
$ 894 66
$ 244 63
lor the year ending
7, 1895.
Hv fees a-m w
Bv loos a mm
Cnnotv .1
Ri ITT. ; r-''ty Auditor..
for year ending Jauuary 1st
700 00
66 10
24 00
504 00
iiv no
C omiiijHHioneis' clerk
Court crier
Refunding orders
Insane asylum 763 00
Lunacy lees 47 25
liiiligi-nl soldier 25 00
Exonerations 5
CouniiiMioiiers' convention 62 66
Surveyor '2 00
Couuty Institute 172 66
Western penitentiary 655 62
Coroner's inquest 25 00
County Auditor 153 M
Tionesta twp. election house 128 66
Court Audili rs 2 00
Insurance 4 on
County Commissioners l,2sU 98
Collcrtois' commissions M14 39
Treasurer's commission 7)15 5h
In (crest !,;. no
Tax on loan i-jh 00
l.i-.nd sold Couuty lor taxes 746 25
County bonds redeemed 5,000 00
$24,4'.i 68
.". . .". .'J.'.V.V.."." ".".V.V.'.'.V."."." V.".V
$11,339 97
112 71
343 37
173 94
36 4U
131 6(1
i8 (si
14,206 U3
27,100 00
....27,000 Oil
luO 00
$27,100 tK
C ommissioners ot Forest Couniv,
expenditures of said county tor
hands uud seals this 1st day ol
I.. S.J Couuty CouiiiiiMtiouem.
L. S.l