THI FOREST REPUBLICAN U tvMMrt mrf, tf J. E. WENK. Offloa la 6marbnh Co.'t Bull din km rrurr, tionksta, p. RATI S OF AOVeRriSIHOi TT ORE ;pxjb CAN, On Square, on inch, on umrtioa. .( Iff) On Square, on inch, on month. . ., (00 On, on inch, tnre monta. , a 00 On Hquare, on Inch, on ;ra .. W 00 Two Kqiiarss, on yar 1A 01 Quarter Column, on ymr. I 0C Half Column, on yr BO 00 On. Column, on. ;nr. ...... 100 H Lgal dTrtiMnu4it tra eant par lis each insertion, Man-tar and death Bottom rratJ. Trm, I. BO per Yr. nkKrixtlni ttnt t rtr mtIo tksa tkr Btanttia. Miletus frn al Mrta f th eomtrr. N. tic wtu k takaa f uniwu winuliuim, All Mils for yearly advertisement eol VOL. XXVII. NO. 34. TIONESTA, TA., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12, 1894. S1.00 FEE, ANNUM. quarterly. Temporary i Lr paia in aavaoc. Job work -oub on delivery. Re ST The qnestion of coeducation is bo ing passionately discussed in French circles. Utah baa 1,035,200 acres of land ir rigated artificially and 2,518,700 are susceptible ot similar improvement. An article in the London Times Mates that the best wages paid a letter carrier iu that conn try is $4. CO a wock. Recent figures show that tho total value of matches made and consumed throughout the world is but littlo short of 1200,000,000. In 100 home families in New York, on the average, are fonnd sixty-three that hire tbeir home, fifteen that own with incumbrance, and twonty-oue that own without incumbrance, "In tho Unitod States three-fifths of the entire wealth of the country is owned by 31,000 persons loss than one-twelfth of one per oent. of the population," asserts the Farmers' Tri bu n e, The Commissioner of Indian Affairs Las decided to gradually do away with the service of interpreters at the various agenoie, etc, and to employ instead the Indian cbildron who have been educated at the expense of the Government. Twenty-five milos of tho Congo Railroad in Africa, forming the first section botwoon Matango and Kcngc, re now completed. The work has cot $100,000 a milo. The line will be ninety-three miles long in all, and will connect tho immenso waterways above Stanley Falls with the soa. Since Florida orange growers havo turned tbeir attention to tho develop ing of early and late kinds of fruit, it possible to have oranges here all tio ytar through, states the Phila- tK-ipuia j-rosoyteriun. nun too am of cold storage, the presence of fruit on the table is much more common than it used to be. Iceland can hardly be considered as new country, admits the Washing ton Star, for it was colonized beforo the Vikings made an excursion to the North American coast. Yet attention is cow being directed to the rosonrcos of the island, and projects for devel opment are being planned and pushed with the vigor usual when a new land has been opened for settlement. An English syndicate has secured con cession to build railways, and a line of steamers is to hi established to run all the year between loeland and Liv erpool. The export sheep trade is .'he inoentive that has given lifo to these commercial projects. Iceland's jeographio position is such as to sug gest it as a field for American enter prise. It is encouraging to know that the soientiflc application of eleotrioity to therapeutical work is gaining ground rapidly. Not only are medical men , themselves actively investigating the subject, but electricians like Edison, Tesla, Elihu Thomson, A. E. Kenuel- ly, J. 3. Carty and others, are devot ing considerable time and study to it. American medical papers contain jnnny notes on new lines of work, and een the more conservative English press finds space to rooord advances iu the eleotro-therapeutio art, Tho JLomlou Lancet contains interesting references to the very successful uso of eleotrioity in curing trijeraiual neuralgia, and to long continued (rent men t of oases of ticdouloureaux, which is practically the same thing, v. ith long and short applications of i ho current. Success is uniform in all cases. The Director of the Unitod States Mint hoi estimated and the Secretary tho lreaaury has proclaimed the ultie of foreign coins, as required by fction 25 of the act of August 28 i'.U. The ehuuiroa inadu am lows : Villus. July 1, lsill. Value. Oji. 1, 1011-1. S i ,' yollviarr. of Dolivli 457 Iiso of Central American Btates 157 ,1U1 JShHUKtml taul of Cliiua G7U .085 Hulkwautufl ot Chiuu 753 ,73 Tieu-Tsiu tilol of China .727 Jhe-Foo4acl of China ,717 IVsj of Colombia 457 ,it;i Sucre of Kcuador 157 .Itil ltupee of Iudia 217 .'M7 IY leu of Japan I'.l.l ,500 flollar of Mexico 1!)7 .501 f-ol. of Peru ir,7 ,i;i (Huhleof Huasua SUU ,371 Jabbub of Tripoli 113 .118 The estimate of the value of coins . countries having a single silver tandard is made up on tho average f rice of silver for the three months I udiug September 29, 1891, via: '). li-i 127. There bits bten added to ua liut the Ticu-Teiu uuel Che-Foo Joels of C'hina, AN ANSWERING THOUOHT. If man be but a more sojourner here A borrowed proscnoo from soma distant fphere, A passing shallow 'twlxt a smile and toor A thlnir of Hooting bronlh, Thon, O ro heavenly choristers, draw noor, And toll mo what Is denth. If mortal strength bo but a borrowed might A olrcllng sun that wanes beforo the night, A taper burning with a transient light, Borrowed from worlds above, Oh, pause, swoot spirits. In your phantom flight, And toll me what Is love. If human 11 fo Is but a feeble spark A flitting gleam consumed by shadows dnrk Or spirits soaring upward, as the lnrfc, Let me not blindly grope ; Ahoy 1 sweet sailors In your phantom bark, And tell ms Is hop If my poor heart, a thing of trust an 1 pray'r, wast throb then vanish as dissolving air . If I must struggle through a world ot care A vlolous, flnetlng strife Then tell mo, O thou sbapos of beauty rare, Toll me what Is life. Ah, yes! I hoar you nnswr, oleir anl strong, Like flood of dood, unfathoma'ilo song : "To llvo is Christ ! To triumph over wronj The soul's sweet mission Is 1 Or day, or night, or life bo short or lonj, Ts writ ye are His.1' I hearkon not to Evolution's drone, The godless crltio or the cyulo'stone t I ask but grace to "walk with Ood" alone- Trustful, exultant, free , To bide the sacrod presence of Ills tbrono, Through all etornlty. Cleveland Plalndenler. A MODERN WIICII. HERE is some thing uncanny auout the girl. cannot make ber out," and Charlie Vandtrvocr puftod viciously at his cigar. "Why, the other night I was up there, she Rtsrted in by read' ing my palm, and ended by hypno tizing me. By love, 10m, 1 was frightened abso lutelyfrightened." "lhat is easy,' answered Brans ford, with an in dulgent smile. 'What, tho palmistry or the hyp notism?" "Both; and tho frightening thrown in." "Well, yon will seo her to-night, and enn then judge for yourself. Hero we are, now." Saying which they walked up the broad steps of a comiortaoio looking brown stone mansion and were ushered into the drawing room by a stately looking Duucr. Miss Morgan was as charming a girl as one would care to meet. She had beauty, numerous accomplishments, and, inoidentally, wealth. Within the pact few years she had doveloped a craze lor anything bordering on the mystic or supernatural. At first it was palmistry, but recently it had de veloped into mird-reading, hypnotism ana ingeniously planned though en tirely nnsucoessful wanderings of the astral body. Yet she had impressed-norno of her friends to such an extent that they would dream nightmareish dreams about her, and when they informed her of the fact she would calmly an nounce that she roally had been with them in astral form. Tom Bransford thought of all this as he was presented to this self-oon-fessed witch. To her credit be it said that the young lady thought too much of her personal appearance to adopt any outlandish form of dress ; on the contrary, the tout ensemble, while certainly bowitohing, was anything but uncanny. After the first introductions and per funatory conventionalities, the con versation was turned to the subject of hypnotism, and Bransfori volunteerod to beoome a subject with foolhardy daring "just to Bee what the sensa tion was like," as he meekly explained. Overjoyed at tho prospect of a new victim to experiment upon, the young hostess offered him an invitingly com fortable looking arm-ohuir, while she, seating herself before him and taking his hand iu hers, directed that he hhoukl look steadily into her eyes. Bransford did so, while Miss Moigan fixed her lustrous eyes on his as though fcho 'would look him through and through. ' "Don't stare at me that way too long, Miss Morgan, I havo a weak heart," interrupted Bransford. Estolle laughed. "You must not in terrupt the physio current by talking ; but toll me, have you experienced any btrangu sensations yet?" "Yer," replied Bransford, "the strangest and wildest sensations. I can hardly talk. I foul that I am go ing, going." And as a matter of fact, Tom's eyes closed while he was yet talking, and in another moment he collapsed, helpless and powerless iu the chair. " I have never been so successful, " cried the girl, clasping her hands de lightedly. " lie has passed beyond the suggestion stage, and now must be iu the somnambulistic- stage." Then turning tho limp form of Bransford, she commanded: "Stand up. You are now completely in my power. Stand up and open your eves. But Bransford did nothing of the Hort. On the contrary bis logs and arms became rigid, bis teeth clenched, and his breathing labored. Estelle turned pale. "He is in tin cataloptio stage; but I think I had mlttiC Tako him up, don't you? " " By all means," assented Vander voer, whose face had assumed an al most greenish hue with fright. But in vain did this fair disciple of M earner resort to passer, command, and finally tearful entreaties. Brans ford could not be aroused, and bii condition seemed to becomo more serious every moment. "Ob, Mr. Bransford, do wake up. If you have the slightest regard for me, I beseech of yon to wako up," criod the girl, anxiously. " Oh, Mr. Vnudcrvcer, do you please, say some thing to arouse him, your voice will be more familiar than mine." "Tom," cried Charlie, at the top of his voice, "wake up, old mn." Thou shaking him by the shoulders, he pleaded with him wildly. "Tom, old friend, you are all right. Woke up, Tom, if yon love me, wnke up." Thon reproachfully to Estelle: "Ho told you he had a weak heart." "Yes," she replied, now crying hys terically, "but I thought ho wa jok ing. Do please go for a doctor as quick as you can." "But I can't leavo him horo, he'll fall oa tho floor," said Charlie. "Don't you think I had better carry him to tho lounge?" "Bray do, and then I can batho his forehead with some extract and fau him while you are gono." Bransford's remains for they bar J ly seomod to be moro were then la boriously half lifted, half dragged from tho chair to the louugo, and n daintily embroidered pillow placod under his head. Es telle had iu the meantime supplied herself with all available restoratives and took her place by his side, while Charlio hur ried away for medical aid. Left alono with her unfortuuato victim, she unburdened hor soal aloud. "Oh, what havo I donol Terhapi ho will die. And I board bo much about him. I was sure we were going to be good friends. And I did like him from tho moniont I saw him this evening and now I have probably killed him. Oh, how could I do it, how could I do it!" A sort of spasm passed over the un conscious form bofore ber, and she thought his breathing had ceased, so put her hand over his parted lips tj see if she coul 1 feol any breath, when to her horror and surprise, the trem bling hand was kissed in a most life like manner, and Brnnsford's dark eyes looked iuto hers with a humor ous twinkle. "Remembor," he said, quietlv, "I am not responsible. I am hypnotized, you know." Then, still keeping her hand in his own, he sat up aud asked gravely: "Don't you think that yon have had a pretty good lesson in the danger of playiug with edgod tools ana dabbling iu ocoult arts yon do not know anything about?" I think it was perfectly abomin able and cruel for you to give mo such a terrible fright, " she cried, pull ing away her hand. "It might easily have really oo- curred. Como, now. You have said you like me, then forgive me, but promiso to be a bewitching woman and not a womanly witch iu the fu ture. Tho day of witchcraft has I0U3 since passed ; nineteenth ceutury witches have no excuse for existing. Is it a bargain ?" "Rather a one-sided bargain : but I think you are right and I promise." When VanUorveer returned an hour later, after calling unsuccessfully on five physicians, bo fonnd Tom anl Estelle chatting as coztly together as though they had been friends for years. "Xes, lom said on his way horn?. "it was hard enough to lay there and stimulato unconssiounosj while she was erying and you were carrying on like a lunatio ; but when Bhe put her dainty little hand ou my month, why I simply could not resist. Ye gods, man, if it had been her lips, an 1 I do you think she ever would havo for given me?" "Oh, yes, prophesied van lor veer, gloomily, "aud in tiavi no apology will be looked for or required under similar circumstances." Charlie was right. Trut'j. Oldest Scj-the la the World. Quietly reposing on ono of the many woll-fillod shelves in Flinders Potrie's private museum" in London is an ancient agricultural implement which throws much light on the art of husbandry as practical by the prehis toric Egyptians. This antique farm ing tool is a wooden scythe blade, which was found securely imbedded iu the mortar of one of tho oldest tombs of tho valley of the Lower Nile. The shaft of the instrument, as al ready stated, is of wood of some un known species, the edge beiug carefully set with a row of Hints so as to pre sent their jagged edges in a manner not unlike that exhibited by the teeth of a saw. These flints aro of uniform size, the base of eucU being fashioned so as to fit the curve of tho wooden blade. The teeth are not set into a groove along tho edge of the blade, as one would naturally suppose, but are each firmly cemented in place, the material being of Biich excellent com position and the workmanship of such superior quality that after a lapse ot time closely approximating GOOO years they appear as sound aud perfect as 1- ai i i . . a 1 1 . . 1 v. iieu nrav luaen uueui uy meir origiu al owner. St Louis Republic. Birds That Build Tenements. The social brosbecks of South Afrioa live in large societies. They select a tree of cousideiable size, aud literally cover it with a grass roo'. under which their common dwelling is con structed. Tho roof serves thu double put pose of keeping off the beat aud rain, aud iOO or 600 pairs of birds are ! known to have the same shelter. The I nests in this aerial dwelling are built j in regular streets, aud closely resem- j bio rows of tenement houses, St. Louis Ulobe-DoLiiuorut. WISE WORDS Loss of sincerity is loss of vital power. Who loses all the fault that is found? It is as great to be a woman as to bo a man. Castles in the air aro seldom fur nished. Lifo is a riddle, to which the answer is death. Impudence is sometimes mistaken for liberty. A hen pecked husband is often chicken hearted. Talking is tho safety valve of tho feminine boiler. What a lot of things people hido from each other I Every man makes a different noise when he sneezes. To a clever woman every man is a possible husband. A signature to a mortage is usually a pretty bad sign. People are not shocked as often as they pretend to be. The surest way to be bad is trying too hard to be good. The secret of success is suocess in keeping one's secrets. The great wisdom is not to talk wisely, but to act wisely. The man who does most has th least time to talk about it. There is nothing more serious than what some consider a joke. The shortest day in the year is tho day before your note falls due. A boy always experiences nervous affection on the eve of proposing. Love is the paradise of the foolish, but only the playground of the wiso. A good man is ono who behaves himself, and forgives others who do not. The worry of to-day is usually the result of the carelessness of yester day. Chinese Victims ot Consumption. That there is a large Chinese popu lation in Boston is well known, and yet it is seldom that one hears ot a death in the Chinese quarter. The proportion of Chineso residents is small as compared with those of other nationalities, and there is no way to tell tho exact number of deaths among them, as they are reoordedby the city offioials nndor the head of miscel laneous nationalities. Inquiry reveals t he faot that Chinamen in nearly every case die of consumption. They are ill, as a rule, but a short time. In their native country their principal diet is rioo, which from its healthfulness, tends to lengthen life. When they begin business horn all llinii- habits change. They work early and into, seiuom leaving their shops, and as they succeed they begin to cat Amerioan food. It is remarked by all with whom they have dealings that they always buy the best the markets afford. It is their custom to work un til midnight or after, and then enjoy a hearty meal. If they are well-to-do they are certain to have chickens and whatever fruit can be procured, no matter how expensive it may be. If. they have just .started in the laundry business it is quite likely that they will form a company and adjourn to the nearest "night lunch wagon" or restaurant. Living as most of them do, in such small rooms, when sickness overtakes them they cannot receive proper cro, and they are carried to the hospitals. Boston Transcript. The Eyes of Portrait. How it is that the eyes of some por traits seem to follow a spectator arouna mo room? It is thus ex plained ; Suppose a portrait have its face and eyes directed straight in front, so as to look at the spectator. I Let a straight line be drawn through the tip of the nose and half way be- tween the eyes. On each side of this middle line there will be the same j breath of head, of check, of chin, and of neok, and each iris will be in the' middle of the whole of the eye. Ii ' one now go to one side, the apparent horizontal breadth of every part ol 1 the head and faoe will be diminished, I but the parts on eaoh side of the mid dle line will bo diminished equally and at every position, however ob lique, there will be the same breadth of faoe on eaoh side of the middle line, ' and the iris will remain in the centre of the eyeball, so that the portrait will preserve all the character of a ' figure looking at the speotator and 1 must ncoessarily do so wherever he stands. In portraits tho apparent motion of the head is generally ren dered indistinct by tho canvas beiug ' imperfectly stretched, as the slightest concavity or convexity entirely do-j forms the face. -Cincinnati Commer- oiul Gazette. Tho Horse Knew the Bays ot the Week, A Dexter (Mo.) man has a mare that knows Bcvrral things, aud among other accomplishments apparently can tell the day of the week. On Sunday lost the goutleman bitched up, and, ' having assisted his wife into the car-' riuge, got in himself. He was busied for a moment iu arranging the robe, 1 and before he bad taken up the reins the horse started out of the yard iuto the street. His purposu was to attend ' cburcb, and, as the horse took that direction, he decided to let her go ' without guiding to see what she would do. The route is altogether different from that taken in tho week-day driv ing. He left the reius hangiug ou the duuher, but nevertheless was carried as straight to tho church as ho would havo gone if he had turned the horse. Without a word, when she had turned up to the church door and the carriage was in position at thu steps, the mare stopped for her mas ter to alight. Lvwibtou Journal, WONDERS OF ALUMINUM. NUMEROUS USES TO WHICH THI3 TOUGH META L MAT BE PUT. Its Cheapness Will Work a devolu tion In Mechnnlcul Construction Process of Production a Secret. "ft" RTICLES mndo of alumi num, the bronze with which J every clay bank abounds, S" can hardly be classed as novelties any longer," said a Maiden lane dealer in goods made of that metal. "The novelty now cousist iu tho ap plication. Aluminum ten years ago was only produced after an expensive and tedious scientific process. It wns worth as much if not more than silver and the product was so small that it had no commercial standing, and was only made up into paper weights or fancy little trifles. To day aluminum is a thoroughly established article of trade. Its cost in tho bar or ingot is only one-twelfth of what it was twelve years ago, and the price will continue to steadily decline until it is as cheap as tinned iron, which it will ultimate ly supplant for a hundred UBes. Every jewelry and novelty store to-day car ries in stock an endless variety of articles for toilet, tablo and personal use which were formerly made of sil ver, or silver plnte, but which are now made of aluminum. The prices are much lower than those which they supplant. Manufacturers buy the aluminum in bar, ingot or rolled sheet. The metal comes from Pitts burg, ono cancern near that city turn ing out about ninoty per cent, of the r. . . ' output in tho United States. Tho process by which cheap alum inum is produced at its present prioo is a jealously-guarded secret. Experi mental plants are in operation all over the country, and the secret must sooner or later become common property. Then the aluminum age will dawn. House furnishing stores' are already displaying all manner of cooking uten sils made of the light, tough aud non tarnishing metal, and cuspidors made of it 'aro quite popular. It is also be ing used extensively for bath tub lin ings and for outdoor signs iu place of zino or brass. Wire and tubing of all dimensions are ou the market. A gentlemau representing the prin cipal aluminum reduction works of the country stated yesterday that tho coming year will wituess a further re duction in the cost of tho product of at least fifty per cant. The buildiug of ships of heavy burden of aluminum is among the piobabilities. In the clay banks of the country tho practi cal scientist sees the house building lumber of the future. in losu aiuniiuuui cost 911 per pound ; iu 1880 it had declined to 83, Then the electrolytio method of re aucing ine ore wns mvented, and in 1889 the ruling prico was $1. Then it began to replace brass, German sil ver and nickel. The price had fallen in 18U1 to $1.00 a pound, and with this year dates tho introduction of aluminum as a commercial staple. In 1893 the new metal was as cheap as copper. Tho prevailing price is to' day from fifty-three to sixty-three cents per pound, in 100-ponnd lots, according to quality, and hfty to fifty eight cents in ton lots. All tho Bteel-workers of the oouotry uso large quantities of the new motal as an alloy. Tho use of aluminum was the secret of tho Wonderful flexi bility and strength of the Daraasous blade. The German Government has done much to enoourago its use. Pon toon bridges have been constructed of it. . Aluminum shoe pegs are alone used in tho making of shoes for the army. It has been fonnd especially valuable in tho fitting of torpedo boats. A rowbont weighing lid pounds has a carrying capacity of a boat weighing 800 pounds in other metal. Bicycle frames are raade of it. Lamps made from it do not ex ude oil. Food cooked iu aluminum vessels cannot scorch. Cornets and flutes made Ironi pure aluminum are as sweet :n tone as if mado of silver. Many kinds ot surgi cal instruments are made of it. The metal is three and a half times lighter than oopper. Spun into fine thread it will enter iuto tli3 manufacture of draperies. Already "silk bows" have been shown as proof of the possibili ties in this line. New York World. How Pepsin Is Prepared. Tepsiu, which in various forms is so largely used as a remedy for indi gestion and stomach trouble, is ob tained front tho membrane that liuee tha stomach of various animals, that of tho hog being most largily used. Tho freoli stomachs are deprived ol their fut aud divested of their outet coating, cut open, gently washed with cold water and macerated for several days in a pickle. This pickle is com posed of water thirty parts aud hydro chloric acid ono part, and require frequent stirring. Tho liquid is uexl ntra:uod and filtered clear through coarse paper or allowed to standi twenty-four hours and theu poured off Cjiniuon suet is then udded uud thor oaghly mixed with the liquid. Th pepsin rises to tho top, aud liftel standing is skimmed off. After this it is drained in a strainer, theu submit ted to fctroug pressure to force out all that is possible of tho taliuo solutiou. Next it is carefully dried iu warm air without other beat. Thu resultant constitutes the crude pepsin, which is used for making purified pepsin, etc, Purified pepsin before drying iu water aociduluted with pepsin beforo drying in water accidulated with bydrochlorio acid, then adding just suflicicut suit to beparute it from its solutiou. it is next washed gently with cold wuter and drained, pressed uud dried rapid ly ou gluss with ireutlo beat. New York Telegram. The honey demaud is growing and trices aro stiffening considerably. SCIENTIFIC AXD INDUSTRIAt. Corundum is worth about $200 per ton. Hoso of aluminum is now used iu Germany. Sugar alone will sustain lifo for a considerable time. Only ono out of every fifteen per sons has both eyes in good condition. An uirpump is said to hnvo been do v'sod whioh sweeps a room by suck ing tho dust all out of it. A spoon in a gloss filled with hot waier prevents vuo breaking of tho glass, because tho metal readily ab sorbs a largo part or tho heat of th water. The United Stotes consul at Odessa Russia, reports to tho State Depart ment that of 793 cases treated at tho bacteriological station for a year for nyctophobia by the Pasteur method but six diod, all children. Tho snow huts of the Esquimau are the warmest dwellings that can bj constructed in polar regions, becnu snow is the poorest conductor of heat that can be found there and keeps the warmth ol the hre within. Sir Andrew Clark, late President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, advised that each mouthful of food should receive thirty-two bites that is, one for every tooth if one wishes to avoid dyspepsia. Professor William Harkncss, of Washington, states the magnitude of tho solar system as 5,573,400,000 miles measuring across the diameter of Net tune's orbit, while tho radius of tho earth's orbit is 92,797,000 milos, with a possiblo error either way of 59,700 miles. Tho use of tho clectrio enrront in the treatment of disease is extending, as shown bv the laraa attendance nnmi and widespread interest in the second annual convention 01 tho National So ciety of Electro-therapeutics in New York City. Physicians of tho old scnoois 01 practico now uso electricity lor many troubles. Cocaine is ono of tho most useful drugs known. Its uso was domon strated on tho eves of animals bv Knl ler, ot Vienna, not many years ago, anci it is now indispensable to the sur creon. Cocaiuo nrmlio:! tr tha avd nn '. t v - tlrel V removes fiensibilitv. and nil no-a tho most delicate operations to be painlessly performed. It is also used iu operations on the nose and lurvnx. whioh otherwise could only be per formed with great agony to tho patient, for the administration of cnioroiorm in these cases is impossible. Moving Mounfa'ii. A traveling mountain is fouud at the Cascades of tho Columbia. It is a triple-peaked moss of dark brown basalt, six or eight miles iu length where it fronts tho river, aud rises to the hoight of almost 23'JO feet abovo the water. That it is in motion is tho last thought that would be likoly to suggest itself to the mind or anyone passing it; yet it is a well-established faot that this entire mountain moving slowly but steadily down to tho river, as if it had a deliberate pur pose some time iu the future to dam the Columbia and form a great lake from tho Cascades to tho Dalle.", says a writer in Cioldthwaito s Oeosraphi cal Magazine. In its forward and downward movement the forest aloug tho bote of the ridgo has become sub merged iu the river. Lnrjro treo stamps can be seou standing dead iu the water on this shore. Tho railway engineers aud brakemen find that tho line of railway that skirts the foot of the mountain is being continually forced out of place. At certain points the permanent way and rails have beon pushed eight or ten feet out of line in a few years. Geologists at tribute this strange phenomenon to the fact that tho basalt, which consti tutes tho bulk of the mountain, rests on a substratum of conglomerate or of soft sandstone, which the deep, swift current of tho mighty river is con stantly wearing away, or thit this softer sti brock is of itself yielding at great depths to the enormous weight of tho harder mineral above. America's Bead Soa. Medical Luke, so-called ou aocaunt of the remedial virtues of its waters, situated oil tha Great Columbian plateau, in Southern Washington, at an altitude of 2300 feet abovo thu level of tho Pacilio, is tho Dead Soa of America. It is about a mile long and from a half to three-fourths of a milo iu width, aud with a maximum depth of about sixty feet. luo composition of tho waters of this Alpine lake is almost identical with thut of tho Dead Sea of Pales tine, and, like its oriental counter part, uo plant has yet been fouud growing iu or near its edges. It is all but devoid of uuituul life, a species of large ."boat-bug, a queer littlo terrapin, and tho famous "walking fish" beiug its only inhabitants. This walking fish is uu oddity really de serving of a spcciul "note." it is from eight to niuo inches long and bus a finny membrane extending from head to head, even around both the upper and lower surfaces ot tho tail. It is provided with four legs, those before having four toes, thu hinder five. St. Louis Republic. Some Rare (ems. Innll,.. ....... l,.,,.i;f,,l .-I .-..1 cstiug iu itself, which is occasionally sold for tho true ruby, is thu red zir con, also called jargoon aud jacinth or hyacinth. Jewelers call these stoues "jacinth rubies" uud charge accord ingly. 1110 gem isol all colors.tuo pure white ones beiug bard to distinguish fritfii A .lu r.n it.)., tn n f l...i wonderful tire. Chrysolite is just as ..,).;... 1.... l;i 1 -.1 with a diaiuoud or jaru;oou. New V r 1 luinuuiuui. DEACON MOPEFUU'3 IDEA, Dear friends, when I am dead an' gone, Don't bare no woeful takln's on, Don't act so tarnally berott, As though they weren't no sunshine left. Don't multiply your stock o' woes T!y sorry looks an' gloomy clothes, An' make the trouble ten times norse ISy alien follcrln' a bearso. When I depart, It's my Idoe, Tha most consolln' thing ter ma 'Ld be to hear the ones I tried Ter comfort hero before I died Ray, sort o' smilin' through their tears, "Woll, ennyhow, fer years an' yoars Wo had him here, so lot's be glad An' thankful fer the Joy we had." It ain't no use ter make a fuss When death comes aftor one o' us. The ways o' rrovldenne, I 'low. Are as they should be, ennyhow. Things suit me pnrty mlddlin' well, ' An' even at a funeral I'd slog, amid the grief and woe, 'Tralso Ood, from whom all blessln's flow." Nixon Waterman, in Chicago Journal. HUMOR OF THE DAY. Geologists report that their collec tions are hard. Penitence is very apt to follow pun ishment. Judge. A word from the wiso is often all we care to hoar. Puck. For one man who can Btand pros perity thero aro ten who would like to try. Puck. Don't get too far ahead ot the times, . or you will not bo able to help them " catch up. Puck. Rich peoplo always hove poor rela tions ; but poor people are not alwayB blessed with rich relatives. Jones "Hove you registered?" Miss Antique (alleged to be only twen ty) "Sir I" Chicago Record. Whilo opportunity awaits every man, it does not put in its leisuro time blowing a horn. Milwaukee Journal. Each morning, evening and noon, He's played for many moons ; And though he's always out ot tune, lie's never out of tunes. Truth. The only persons who should be al lowed to hold up trains aro tho women who porsist in wearing thorn. Albany Argus. Politics aro full of uncertainties. To-day a mau is on tho stump and next week ho may be all up a tree. Boston Transcript. Young Chip "What causes so much sickness, father?" Old Block "Too much talking about it, my son." Bos ton Courier. Why is it that a woman always uses more common Bonse in dealing with another's love affair than with her owu? Albany Argus. "Tha pen is mightier than the sword," Thus said a man who'd gono An 1 made a million selling pork To feed the soldiers on. Detroit Free Press. The first time a man goes out hunt ing his wifo has so much ooufidenoe in him that she doesn't buy any meat for supper. Atchison Globe. If these fat Georgia hickory nuts would only crack wide open when they drop what a great country this would be ! Atlanta Constitution. Many a man will humbly tell yon that he cuts no ice ; but he always harbors a different opinion when he gets a gkato ou. Adams Freoman. O man ! Foor man t Vour life Is but a sp iu , Yet while you live you soaru At loust a slx-horso team. Puck. Lord Duffer "You're a girl after my heart." Miss Price "Audyou'ro a man after my money." (Eugage ment not announced.) Boston Bud get. He "Why do you wish you bad been born a man?" She "A man has some ono big annoyance every day, while a woman suffers from forty odd 1 ttle ones." Puck. "I may toll you at onco that I oau put up with everything exoopt answer ing back. "Oh, madam I sure that d ust like myself. We shall get oa splendidly. " Le Figaro. "Why don't you drop mo a line oc casionally, Mat tie?" asked the forward young man. "Lino s busy, replied the telephone girl iu au abstracted inuuuer. Boston Transcript. "Do you think Skinuer can make a iviug out there?" "Make a living? Why, ho'd make a living ou a rock iu the middle of tho ooouu if there was auother mau on tho rock." Philudel- hia Record. "Is it true that Housor is hustling for the postoflloo?" "Uuoss it is. I heard his wifo tell hi 111 if ho didn't get her letter mailed iusido of twenty minutes sho'd know the reason why." Bull'ulo Courier. Income-tax Assessor- "You can't claim exemption, Mr. Smiles. Why, man, you must spend $700J a year Iho way you live. Hinilos "1 kuow thut, sir, but I live beyoud my in come." Harper's Bazur. A composer in this town wrote sev eral dead marches aud could not Uud a publisher, lie sent them to Phila delphia. They were at onoe accepted uud published ; aud they aro now used by tho local btuds as quicksteps. Bostou Journal. lireatest Five Xaval Power. The five greatest naval powers in ho world uro iu tho order named: Great liritaiu, France, Russia, Ger many aud Italy. As will be see 11 by the following figures, showing tho number of vessels of all kinds (iuelui- ug torpedo bouts) in each navy iu December, 1893, a combination of the 'reueu and Russiuu navies would cou iderably exceed the British navy in streugth: Great liritaiu, 529 vesel; ranee, 411; Russia, 27j ; German v. Sul; Italy, 223. Now York Sun.