The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 07, 1894, Image 5

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    A Missing King Story.
Il would Vie difflcnlt to find in trt
pngPR of fiction anything to equal the
following proKBio fnct, which has just
liftppencd in Scotland : A Captain
Veftthcoto rents a moor from .vesr to
ear. Lt yeT whilo out shooting
he lost it diamond ring. This year ho
was reminded ot it hy the anniversary
of his loss, and sitting by t ho flro and
taking np a pieco of pest to put on,
be had scarcely ntterod tho words
"It is a year to-dny since I lost my
diamond ring," than his compnnion
was surprised to hear the words quick
ly followed hy "and here it is." The
peat had been cut from the very moot
where the loss had occurred, and
hence its recovery. No other account
of extraordinary recovery of dia
monds could equal that, nnlesf, per
haps, that of a lady who dropped a
diamond into a pond and found it
come months after on the leaf of a
water lily which had borne it npward
in its growth. Leeds (Englnnd) Mer
cury. Abont 84,200,000 has already beet
spent oa the, great church of the Sn
crod Heart of Montmnrte, Faris, and
the building is far from complete.
The money has bven raised entirely
by voluntary contributions.
The Princess of Wales has the most
beautiful set of furs extant, which she
wears occasionally at State ceremo
nies. Sotpeboily'i CSoAit.
To make our own troubles the means ot
belplog the troubl ot others Is a noble of
fort for gooJ. A well Illustrate 1 Instancnof
this kindly sympathy is sbowa in a letter
from Mr. Enonh L. Hnnoeom, School Agent,
Mnrabflelc), Me., an oM Union Soldier. He
ays: "it may do somebody soma cool to
state, I am a man of 60 and when 40 had a
bad kne and rheumatism set In. I was
lame three rears and very bad most ot the
time. I got St. Jacobs Oil and put It on
throe times and It made a cure. I am now
In good health."
The Thames pours 40,000,000 cubic feet ol
water Into theses every hour.
Dr. Kilmer's Bvmr-Soot euros
all Kidney and Bladder troubles.
Pamphlet and Consultation free.
Laboratory Blnghamton, N. Y.
The wealth of the United Slates Is est!
mated at 60, 475, 000,000.
DeafneM Cannet be Cared
by local application, as thsy cannot reach tbi
dlseaned portion of the ear. There is only oni
way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. l)eafnes is otuW by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of th
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets ln
named you have a rumbling sound or imper
feet bearing, and when it is entirely closed
Deaf nees Is the result, and unless the Inllam
mutton can be taken out and this tube re
stored to its normal condition, hearing will tx
destroyed forever; nine capes out ten arc
mused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the muoons surfaces.
We will give One Hundred DoIIrw for any
case of Draftices (canscd by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send f ol
olrculars, free.
V. 3. CHBifrr A Co., Toledo, 0.
ty Sold by Druggists, 7ao. .
When Natnrs
ICeeds assistance It may be best to render It
promptly, but one should remember to use even
the most perfect remedies only when needed
The best and most simple and gentle remedy !
the Syrup of Figs manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, aoftens the iruuu. reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle
Chrck Colds and Bronchitis with Hale's
Boner of Hore hound aud Tor.
Fiku's Toothnclie Drops Cure in one minute.
Karl's Clover Koot, the great blood purifier,
rives freshnpes aud clearness to the complex
Ion and cures constipation. 2 c-ts.. SOcts., $1.
If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp
son's Eye-water. Druggists sell at tic per bottle
Excelled by None
For some years I
liare been a wvere
MiftVrer from Hbeu
niHiism. Ko much tw
that 1 could not at
tend to my business
and was confined to
the home for weeks at
a time. 1 whs ad vised
to try Hood's hiirsapu
lilla und have run.
, stuntly tmiirovcd since
i lomniPiLwa to tatte
the medicine. I am
now well and strong
artin. Hood's Snrso
pHrilla iti truly 'excell
ed by none. C. F.
Kinu, Verona, N. J.
Mood's Sara"
Be Sure to get itVQS
Hod' IMIls cure all liver ills. V, cents.
K Y N U 4-t
For the cure of all disorders of the Stnmsch, Uver
Bowels, Kidneys, Blalder, Nervous D.seasei, L"l
of Appetlt. Besiacbe, Constipation, L'ostlveness.
ludlestl'tn, Itlllou-iiiess, Fever, luttanuoatlt-D of tli
Bowels, PlUs, and all derangement of tue Internal
Vtooera, Purely veeu-b e, eoutaiuing no mercury,
mineral or deleterious drugs.
tbe following symptoms result Id 7 from DUease ol
the Digestive Orgaus: Constipation, In war J Pile
Pulloeesof the Ulood In ft Head, Acllltrof the
Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dlguat of Foxl, Full
BCHof Weight In I ha Stomach, Sour Eructations,
Smkmf or Fiuttorlogof lUe Hcarr, Cooking or Suf
focating beuaatkms when In a lying posture, Dlm
sMof Vuuon, LXutneason fining suddenly, Dots or
Web before the BUht. Kevor ant Dull Palo in the
Bead, Defllcleucy of Peraplratlou, Yellow oes-t of the
akin and Kyea, Pain In the bido, Choi. Limbs and
Budden Flushes of Beat, Burning In the Flesh.
A few doses of HAUWAV'ft 11 l.l.H will free
the system of all the above named disorders.
Price eta. ir bos. Hold by all drugxuu.
Tho Largest Manufacturers of
On thU Cootlutnl, hsvt received
on off their tioodi at Ih
' i Which, unlike the lutrh I'roctM,
u 'la iinouinif use ui A ifcailft
at t-ititr t hiriitlcaU or !.", la hi-'
lulelf DUia aud bululilsj. and CwsU
Oil cut a cup.
1 ,--
hi ; "n
This shrub noodscoolnoss nutl shndo.
Tho bright, hot sun produces mildew,
which stuntfl tho growth. The bushes
nrc, therefore, beet grown in tho shel
ter of some building and in cool, moist
soil. Some nntivo vnrieties nre mod
erstely free from this mildew, but
Ameriesu-grown berries will probably
cqnal the fino oues grown in tho cool
English climntc. Xew York Times,
LnclcT is the farmer who in thisvenr
of droughts has planted some sorghum
as a fodder crop. It is muoh better
to resist protractod drought on ac
count of roots striking doeply into
the soil, whilo corn is shallow rooted.
and suffers whenever dry weathor
comes. At tho West, where droughts
are much more severe thin hero, sor
ghum is commonly planted for feed
ing. Jtfl early growth is slow, but so
soon as its roots strike down tho stalks
shoot upward, and two months after
planting tho sorghum will be larger
and yield more tons per acre than will
any kind of corn. Boston Cultivator.
Feoding hogs green cornfoddcr will
not produce cholora, as an inquirer in
timatos, says Professor J. H. Shen-
perd of the North Dakota Agricultural
College, That disease is caused by
specino germs or micro-organisms
which are in this case small nlauta.
There are a great many kinds of dis
ease germs, as well as germs that are
beneficial in many ways. Most per
sons not acquainted with hog cholera
call almost any swine disease by that
name, ana 1 feel sure that hops are in
many cases thought to have cholora
when in reality thoy do not. I have
known of no serious results from
judiciously feeding green corn fodder.
Many tons are annually made use of
in this manner. It is a succulent food.
and a sudden chango to an exclusive
diet after feeding dry food niizht cause
serious scouring of pigs, Tho ohango
BDOukl be gradual. In cases of re
ported deaths from using this feed I
would bo inclined to think tnat a de
rangement of the digestive system was
the cause and not cholora. It would
not bo advisable to confine pigs to this.
uioi exclusively, but given with a
small quantity of dry corn or with
bran and shorts I would not expect
serious trouble.
Has any one ever figured up the
cost of bad temper in tho dairy ? If
allowed a rough guess at it, I would
say that bad temper was tho cause of
more loss in the dairy than all other
sources of loss put together. A man
may have fino cows, a good stable,
the best dairy implements and a good
market, yet he is losing money all tho
time simply because he loses his tam
per when a cow gets contrary or acts
in some way to irritnto him. He then
begins to swear and yell aud act like
a general idiot. .Now. a cow is n
good deal like a woman in one respect.
You yell at her aud she instantly loses
her head. Her judgment is all anue
and her nerves are on top. Now look
out for a squall. Nature never msant
tnat man should abuse the softer sex.
either woman or cow, without bcinn
made to pay for it. Just how tho
woman gets tbe better of a man when
ho acts the fool we all know. All men
do not know, though, just how the
oow gets in her lino work under the
same circumstances. Sha takes her
revenge in a negative shano bvnot
giving as much milk as she would have
given had she been better treated.
Not seeing hi loss, the man does not
appreciate how heavy it is nutil he
comes to sum it up at the end of the
season when ho good naturedly to
himself attributes his losses all to
bad luck when it should be to fool
temper. Home and Farm.
Far mors ofton keep too many hem
in one placo. Fifty is all that should
be kept in one flock as the food will
cost less, aud more eggs will be laid
in winter than if 100 are kept. The
right way to do, where more than
fifty fowls are to bo kept, is to have
another in some out-of-the-way place.
If tho houses are two or three hundred
yards apart, fences will not be re
quired. The houses need not bo
expensive, and most farmers have old
lumber lying around, or an old shed
that ought to be tern down, aud all
this can be worked into tho poultry
houses. Tho hout es should, at least,
be twenty-five by fifteen feet for fifty
fowls. Have the roof firm and tight,
and then lino, the house inside with
good, stout building paper. Little
cracks in the sides of a house or damp
ness is the causo of sick fowls during
the winter season. The front and south
side of tho house should be seven or
eight feet high and havo two ordinary
sized house windows therein, whilo
the back or north side bhould bo four
or fivo feet high. Tho reason why
the house should be large, light and
dry, is becauso during the oold or
stormy days of winter thefowlsshould
be confined therein ; and if plenty of
litter is kept on the lloor, und small
grains are buried under this, the fowls
will be kept busy and happy nil day.
This means plenty of eggs, and plenty
of eggs iu winter means plenty of
money just when money is most
needed. Do not be afraid of shutting
tho house up as tight as possible at
night, but during the day, when the
hens are confined, open the windows
and give plenty of uir, using wire net
ting to keep tho fowls fromHyiug out.
It li list be remembered that hens aro
dressed just as heavily iu the daytime
os at night, and if kept too warm dur
iug the day they will feel the cold of
night more, an I biekuuss will be tho
result. The droppings should bekcpj
by themselves aud not be allowed to
bo scratched all Over tho floor, and
tho roosts should be all on a level aud
not more thau eighteen inches or two
feet up from the floor. The rooss
' thould be thre or four inched wide, a
two by flvo-inch jeist making an ex
cellent roost. Americtn Agricultur
The Veterinsry School of Lyons,
France, has been making some experi
ments in the uso of potatoes for feed
ing dairy cows. Tho results aro sum
marized as follows :
Dairy cows, when deprived of nil
other nourishment than potatoes
(which should be given raw and cnt)
will consume per day on average of
seven per cent of their live weight.
Under the influence of this exclusive
rogimen thoro was au increase in tho
quantity of milk and a notable loss in
live Height; this result was very clear
and remarkable. Cooked potatoes
were more readily taken by tho cat
tle, but when they were given alone.
aud every other form of nourishment
was exoluded, rumination was affeoted
or stopped, and digestion was hin
dered. The uso of cooked potatoes
could not, therefore, bo persisted in.
Whether thoy are raw or cooked,
potatoes should be mixed with some
other food to constitute a convenient
ration, both from tho double point of
view of milk production and for fat
tening purposes. This mixture of ra
tions is also favorable to tho mechan
ical aud chemical acts of digestion.
From observations on a lot of dairy
oows fed with a ration of which pota
toes formed the half of the total dry
matter, and on another lot where they
only formed twenty-two per cent., it
was fully recognized that the first or
larger quantity was clearly preferablo
to tho second or smaller. From other
experiments it appeared that raw po
tatoes favored the production of milk,
whilo an equal quantity which had
boon cooked fattened aud iucreased
the weight of the animals. Under tho
influence of a ration of which cooked
potatoes formed the basis, the amount
of sugar in tho. milk was found to rise,
but the increase did not continue
when the ration was changed.
An analysis was niado weokly during
nearly four months of (1) the milk of
eight cows whose ration contained
about forty-four pounds of potatoes
and (2) of another lot to which twenty
two pounds had boon given. In the
first case thero was a decrease of den
sity of tho proportion of dry extract
and oosoine, and in the second nn in
crease of butter and mineral matters.
The practical use of these experiments
on the introduction of the potato into
tho ration of dairy cattle will be rogu
lated by tho fact of tho milk being
sold off the farm or uaod for butter or
cheese making.
Are you mowing around tjio same
bushes that you were twenty years
Remember shade trees in too great
profusion injure the quality of the
Are you plowing about tho some
little swale that you wore twenty
years ago?
Do not make the horse carry a heavy
halter in addition to the bridlo when
at work on a hot day.
Time put into farm improvements is
a better patrimony than money in tho
bank for your children,
That pasture needs drainage for
either- sheep or for cows if health and
best results are to bo expected.
Are you not wastiug tiino that, if
applied, would in a few yoars fit your
farm for all modern machinery?
Tho domand for good riding horsoj
will increase in proportion to the im
provement in the horses produced.
The friends of the busy boa main
tain that it would pay to keep a few
colonies to pollenize the blossoms of
fruit treos.
vAre you plowing around that same
rock, that an hour's time would re
move, that you havo plowed around
for twenty years?
The most vigorous and healthy foli
age of the strawberry plant is not an
judication of the best fruiting plants,
according to Professor Lazenby.
Cross, nnreBtrained dogs iu the
country prevent the freo movement of
tho country boys and girls ; let these
be first and dogs last iu full liberty.
The weulthy people of our groat
cities aro getting to appreciuto the
pleasures of a horseback ride. Thoy
are the ones who pay good prices for
horses when they find what they want.
A practical dairyman suggests that
two or three doses of saltpetre, one
tublespoonful for a dose, is a remedy
for ropy milk. Kopy milk, however,
seldom results unless the cow is milked
too soon after calving ; it disappears
later on.
Sometimos eggs arc laid at nighl
whilo the hens ure on the roost. The
causo is a weakened state of the egg
producing orguus; tho result of over
feeding aud lack of exercise, liens
which nro unable to hold their eggf
aro usually too fat.
A practical berry grower says thai
a quarter acre garden, well arranged,
set to bent varieties aud properly care.)
for, should yield at least twenty-fivt
budhuls of berries. In no othor way
oui a farmer produce so much of value
with so little labor as in a garden ol
small fruits.
A writer says that many fail ta un
derstand while yet it is tho fact, that
when cows are on good pasturage is
when they need salt' the most. The
butter plan is to koep the simply iu a
convenient place where they can help
thumselves. One advantage with rock
salt is that it doe not waste to any
great extent H Jell exposed.
Tho owner of a small farm who
keeps only one or jtwo cows is more
intirestuJ, or should be, in having
choice animals thau those who own
large flocks. One good oow will serve
the purpose of two inferior sen, and
where space is limited every additional
quart of milk or pound of butter u
quito an item with tho keeping of s
biuiilo animal.
Arfhdrnoon Fnrrnr, wrlllnif of total ab-Stlnr-non
In the llrltlsh Workmrn. s.iys :
"I ws not total nlwtnlnxr till ftttw I was
forty yours oM, twsuso th donirnnlllty of
sotting tho rxsmplo hart novor boon brought
homo to mo. Hm from tho iny that I boonine
ono, I ho totnl nlwtontlon from aloohollo
Hquor has novor (rrvon mo tho smallest trou
blo. nor causoil me tho lonst rorot nor
wouM It causo nny iwil trouble to any
honltby mnn who had nlwsys boon moilonte
nuil tompornto, ami hs.l novor fntnlly por
snmloi himself thnt drink was a necessity to
Ml lllttL RTttRHOTH IK Al.OOItOt,.
I know of no rent occasion for Intoxicants,
Pltbor ss a bovcr.iffo or moiltoino, lor tbe uso
of human bolnps. It Is Impossible for alco
hol to RfToril nny real stroneth stmply R
tompornry rxcltoment, a dnnfforous airitn
tlon of tho whole svntom, to bo aiioceeite t by
a oorrospondlnir doblllty j snob sn excite
ment, sno.h a stlmnlntlon, being simply a do.
tcrmlnod, a vliroroin effort of nituro to ex
pel r foe ns promptly R possible j every or
(rnn of the boly, every mombnin, every
tissue and nerve rebelling RR iinst tho pros
once of such a dlsorennlwr within tlio vital
domain. Dr. J. IT. Hnnaford.
The following coincidence was related as
linvlnjrcome under tho observation of ono
of our lending ministers :
Of two j-minn men, one slunod the pledre,
while the other became vt-ry scornful and
Insisted tbt his friend conld never Rmount
to anything In politics or society unless ho
took R friendly Rlnss. Years went on ; the
one who "could never amount to anything '
was elected to a third term in the Senate, nn
honored member ; tho remains of the scoffer
were shipped home from tho West in a pine
box ou wuioli wns written : "Died ot do
llriuin tremens."
varhyixh to bkfokm nn,
An fntlmsinstic iilrl often chooses for a
l.ubnn I the mnn thnt drinks to excess,
Rin'nst nil tho lessons of experience : he Is so
it. neroiis and noble-henrted when hols sober.
Purely sIih pun reform him ho hns roslstod
the words of the priest, tho prnee ol the ssc
riimenl'. tho tears or tils mother, tho en
trentle of his sister bin she. and only she,
enn re.orm him, nnd change a sntyr to Hy
perion 1 And she rnsbes to a Mirer fnte tt.Rn
does tho Hinbi widow to s funeral pyre.
She is presumptuous, if you will, and she
suffer. A woman msy ehnnifo utterly for
the love or n man: but few men probably
Ibrne in a thous-.nd years hftve change,!
entirely for tho lovo of a woman. How
ninny times must this be said In vain. There
iroes Cnstnrs, pale, worn, miserable, looking
for her hiisbnnd who swore Inst spring to
reform for her sake amoni tho taverns or
tho city : and here eomrs Iphlgonin, passing
end pitying her, who to-morrow will msrry
lllbulous. in the belief thnt her influence will
mako a new mnn of him. Maurioa F. Eg'an.
A specialist in children's disenses, who lias
for twelve years been carefully noting tho
difference botwoen twelve families of drink
ers nnd twelve families of temperate ones,
reports thnt ho found tho twelve drink
ing inmlilos produced la those yenrs
nrty-seven chddren nnd the temperate sixty-one.
Of the drinkers twenty-five children
died In tho flit week of llte.ns ngalnst six on
the other side. Among tho children ot tho
drinkers were five wbo were Idiots, fivo so
stunted In growth ns to bo really dwarts,
five when older became epileptic ; one, a
boy, had grave chores, rnding In Idiocy j
five moro wf re diseased and deformed, nn 1
two ot tho epileptics became by lnhcrltnnea
drinkers. Ten only of tho flfty-soven were
normal lu body nnd min I. On thomrt of
sixty-one ot the temperates, two only showed
Inherited, nervous delects live died In tuo
first week ot weakness, while four In later
years of chlldhooi had curable nervous dis
eases, and fllty were In every way sound in
body nod nalud. National Temperance Ad
The proportion of abstainer amongst the
greatest Intellects ot tho earth Is mu-'h
prenterthnn tho propirtion of abstainers In
ino community generally. AmoiiTft thoin
Instance Sidney Smith. Cardinal M-i!-tnir.
Trofossor Kolleston. Newman nl Oreen, ol
Oxford, Archdencon Farrnr. Or. I.lphtfoof,
Inte njshop of Durham ; Dr. Temple, Bishop
J.onoon ; 4ohn liriuht. Dr. F. II. Lees. Dr.
B. W. Ilinhnrdson, Presidents Lincoln and
tiartteld. I.lord Harrison. Wendell Philllns.
Harriot Martlnenu. M. Chevr.Mil. thn ureat
French chemist, who lived to over ono hon
ored years, and of whon It was written. "H
drinks no wiue and has never drunk any.
Charles Waterton. the naturalist, who said
I atn now tour score and one years. I do
not even know thetnste of wine nor ot anv
spirituous liquors, un sixty-seven year
nave now pnssed slnee I rtr.ipx a g'nss or
neer. TUe late sir William On II, F. U.S..
the renowned nhvsiclnn. said. '! think that
Instend ot flying to alcohol, as ninny people
do when they are exhausted, they might very
well drink wnter. or they might very well
iHKf loo.i, nu'l would oe v ?ry much better
without tho aleoho'. If I am fntlgu4.l with
overwork, personally, my foo 1 Is very sim
ple, i eat tne raisins Instead of taking win".
I have had a very large exnerlcnce In that
practice lor thirty yenrs. 'Alliance News.
According to an article bv Dr. C. R. rirvs,
dnle, Iu the Echo (London), thero Is arising
on the Continent a wave or medical opinion
iu invor oi toiai aosunenco ot neaitny per
sons from alcoholic drinks. He quotes from
nu article by Dr. E. Jordv, of Borne, thu
louowing items from wnicn is sdowq tne cur
rent of medical opinion -.
Iu lf93, one donth In seventeen which oc
curred in Swltiserlund, was ascribed to drink
ing habits (thus Including women nnd chil
dren). Dr. Speyer snys thnt one-eighth of tho ln
sii no lu public asylums were sent there from
In the Zurich Lunntla Asylum one-fourth
of tho cases were ascribed to drluk.
Dr. Bntr, a wcll-kaowo writer on German
prisons, alleges that forty-four per ocnt. of
the prisoners were Intemperate.
Mr. Otto Lang found that eighty-eight
per cant, of the crimes com nlltoJ In Zurich
were due to drink.
Professor S'.rumpell, of Erlangen, says
that nlooiiol has nu cvH luflupoe In the
causal Ion q! most disonses, nnd Is the ruling
cause of dy-4pepsla in ndull.
The noted professors of physiology, Gnula
In Heme, Ilortzen In Lausanne, JJunge la
Uasle, and KchlfT in Gjneva, aro total ab
stainers from alcohol.
Mr. Urnssey found that barrow-men who
avoided alcohol coul I do ns much work In
eight nnd a half hours as non-abstainers
could do lu ten hours. Swiss contractors
find tbe same trus among Italian workmen.
If resolutions were ballots there would
soon be au end to the liquor traffic.
The Chicago School Hoard has discov
ered that Its real estate agent has boon rent
ing school property to saloons and gambling
The World's Petition has boon signed
ofhVially by the Pythian Sisterhood and
Pythinu Sisters, the two org.inlz itlous ag
gregating a membership ot 33,009.
The number of "hart drinkers" In our
country to- lay Is estimated to be 2,5(10,0110.
Andnn average or four other persons are
affected by uuoh one's debauchery aud
Superintendent of Polios llyrnes, of New
York City, says thnt 63,460 violations of the
law nre known to havo been committed by
saloon-keepers of thnt city In the three
mouths beginning June7tb.
Members of the W. C. T. IT., of Norway,
have been instrumental lu forming branch
nocietles iu Iceland an I the Faroe Islands,
nui a request has oome for copies of tho
great petition to be circulated lu those
Citizens of Cantoa TJrl, la Switz-srlan I,
have made a law requiring nny liquor seller
who gives his customers enough drink to
make them unconscious, to provide them
free lodgiug and board uutll ooaiplotely re
covered. ''The statistics of ever)' State show that
a greater amount of crime und misery
is attributable to the use ot ardent spir
its obtained at the retail liquor suloous thau
to any other source." L'uited b tat us Su
preme Court, lH'JU.
A well-known real estate agent says : "I
have rented houses for more thau thirty
ftuu ufiu Bu.uijr nay tun, lunjo-iuuruily
oi au my iot-s; in reuis uurmg max perloa
have beu due, directly or indirectly, to the
use ol intoxicating liquors."
Artificial (Jranlto.
Tha manufacturer of artificial gran
ite in now carriod on at a California
establishment by what is asserted to
be a simple and effective method, nnd
with satisfactory results. It consists
of first tamping a layer of tho body
forming material in a mold, one inuer
vertical wall of which is formod by a
vertically movablo slido ; after this
tho process js continued by ronioving
the slide nnd tamping a layer of the
facing material in the spaoo mado by
tho lower end of the slide, then re
placing tho latter with its lower cud
resting on .the tamped facing layer,
tamping now tho second body-forming
layer, nnd ngaiu removing the
slide and tamping the second facing
layer. The formation of the body nnd
facing material is continued in this
manlier by successive steps, until tho
face block of the desired thickness is
an accomplished fact. In this
way thero is produced a material
of cheap substances aud a facing
of better quality, showing any kind of
finish desired, thn two being united
whilo in a plant io condition into a
homogeneous mass. New York Tele
gram. America's Dead Sea.
Medical Lake, so-called ou account
of the remedial virtues of its waters,
situated On tho Great Columbian
plateau, in Southern Washington, at
nn altitude ot 23D0 feet above tho
level of tho l'ncific, is tho Dead Sea
of America. It is about a mile long
and from a half to three-fourths of a
mile in width, aud with a maximum
depth of about sixty feet.
The composition of the waters of
this Alpine lake is almost indentical
with that of tho Dead Sea of Palest ine,
aud, like its Oriental counterpart, no
plant has yet been fonud growing in
or near its edges. It is all but do
void of animal life, a species of largo
"boat-bug," a queer littlo terrapin,
and tho. famous "walking flub." being
its only inhabitants. This walking
fish is nu oddity really deserving of a
special "note." It is from eight to
nine inches long aud has a finny lnoui
brano on all sides of its body, even
around both the upper and lower sur
faces of the tail, it is provided with
four legs, thoso before having four
toes, the hinder five. St. Louis He
public. A Private's Iuvonlion.
To a private, Joseph Kahn, of ono of
tho artillery companies stationed at
Fort MoIIenry, tho department is in
debted for tho design of a new imple
ment which may prove sorvioeablo in
campaigning. It is a combination of
shovel and pick ax, not more than a
foot in length, which may bo carriod
at the belt, and used in digging in
trenchments. By its uso the soldiers
might, if hard prossed, hnrriodly dig
np earthworks or intrenchments for
their own shelter. Washington Star.
Dlsconrngliif to lturgtars.
There is little encouragement for a
man to be a burglar nowadays.
When he has nn earnest aspiration to
rise to eminence in tho profession, in
ventive genius always does all it can
to bother him. For instance, the
vaults of the snb-trcasury in San Iran
cisco aro fitted with wiros laid be
tcen every two rows of bricks, so
thnt any attempt to interfere with the
cement or the bricks will disturb nn
elcctrio circuit nnd sound a warning
bell. JSoBton Courier.
It is reported that France will have
nearly 5,000,000 bushels of wheat for
a little now and then
in removing offend
ing matter from the
stomach aud bowels
and you thereby
avoid a multitude
of distressing de
rangements and dis
eases, and will have
less frequent need
of your doctor's
Of all known
agents for this pur
pose, Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets are
the best. Once
UM'd, they aro al
as in favor.
Their secondary ef
fect is to keep the
bowels open and
regular, not to fur
ther constipate, as
is the case with
ollieT pills. Hence, their great popularity
with sufferers from habitual cotiHtipalion,
piles and their attendant discomfort and
manifold derangements. The "Pellets"
are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless
in any condition of the system. No care is
required while using them: they do not
Interfere with the diet, habits or occupa
tion, and produce no pain, griping or shock
to the system. They act in a niild, easy and
natural way and there is no reaction after
ward. Their help lasts.
The Pellets cure biliousness, sick and
bilious headache, dizziness, cosirveness, or
constipation, sour stomach, Kiss of appetite,
coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia,
windy belcbings, "heartburn," pain aud
distress after eating, and kindred derange
ments of the liver, stomach Bud bowels.
In proof of their superior excellence, it can
be truthfully said, that they are always
adopted as a household remedy after the
fit st trial. Put up in sealed, glass vials,
therefore always fresh aud reliable. One
little "Pellet" is a laxative, two are mildy
cathartic. As a "dinner pill," to promote
digestion, or to relieve distress from over
eating, take one after dinner. They are
tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will
readily take them.
Accept no substitute that may be recom
mended to be "just as good." It may be
bttlrror the dealtr, because of paying him
a better profit, but he is not the one who
needs help.
For Twenty Years
Scott's Emulsion hns been endorsed by physicians of the
whole world. There is no secret about its ingredients.
Physicians prescribe
Scott's Emulsion
because they know what great nourishing and curative prop
erties it contains. They know it ia whnt it is represented
to be ; nainely, a perfect emulsion of tho best Norway Cod
liver Oil with the hypophosphites of limo nud soda.
Tor Oouglis, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consump
tion, Scrofula, Anainiia, Weak Babies, Thin Children, Eickets, Mar
asmus, Loss of Flesh, General Debility, and all conditions of Wastipg.
The only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put in i.dVm
colorcd wrapper, llefuse inferior substitutes !
SeuJ far pamphlet qh Scott's Emulsion. 'FREE.
Scott II Downs, N. Y. ' All
j i-Jr W:
f vai X h. a h i
n w wt- m
The most Careful Housewife
will use no other.
Is tho Moon Peopled 1
The populnr impression is that tho
moon is a burnt-out world a sort of
cinder planet glisteuiug in tho heav
ens but astronomers aro by no means
persuade?! that such is tho case, and
somo among thorn nro hopeful that
tho question ns to whtther it is or is
not inhabited will shortly be deter
mined. This hope is based upon tho
fact that tho great fifty-inch tolesoope
which is being constructed in the
Brnshcar cstablisment iu Pittsburg,
under tho superintendence of Profes
sor Kollcr, of Allegheny Observatory,
will shortly bo ready for use. The
tube of this giant instrument will
be fully seventy feet in length, nnd
for its operation will require a dome
more than sixty feet in diameter.
Professor Keller has declared thnt
ho sees "no renson why the question
ns to tho habitation of tho moon
should not bo finally settled when this
wonderful instrument is croctod."
Professor Plymptou, of Cooper Insti
tute, is equally sanguine thnt the do
cisivo results so long looked for are
destined to bo shortly realized. Such
hopes will doubtless seem extravagant
to many ; but when it is remembered
thnt tho Lick telescope, which has
done so much for Bcienoc, is but thirty
inches in diomcter, and that the new
glass will bo twenty inches larger, it
is easy to see that tho great expecta
tions of tho astronomers are not with
out a reasonable basis. In any case,
it is fairly certain that tho fifty-inch
What They Are For
sick headache
bilious headache
bad taste in the mouth
foul breath
loss of appetite
when these conditions are caused by constipation ; and con
stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them.
One of the most important . things for everybody to
learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick
ness in the world ; and it can all be prevented. Go by
the book.
Write to B. F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, New
York, for the little book on Constipation (its causes con
sequences and correction); sent free. If you are not within
reach of a druggist, the pills' will be sent by mail, 25 cents.
lug jrmtnx people to ram
ana ijioma ntmrdeil at
ticM bmifws iinlPM. with (Is factory aulit
. oiuiHiiifH mruinneu roiniii'in nuiaeu
iror rninioirMp. iiililre 1 l.K.fl KM
ct, I'oUtfhUff ., New York.
I) Was Before the Day of
They Used ta Sav " VYcmm's Work is Never flcne."
For till purpoatw requiring
j:mver. .Automatic, Cur i Us
V Compound Knifiiifs. llur.
i -on ttil Ac Vertical lioilvrtf.
Complete 8to:tin riant.
4 I Hat Si.
Druggists. SO cent and SI.
J. i i j
Officially rcportcQ
after elaborate com
petitive tests made
iinder authority of
Congress by the
Chief Chemist of the
United States Agri
cultural Department,
Superior io alt
other Baking PoV'
tiers in Leaven
ing Strength.
1 1 r
telescopo will add vastly to our knowl
edge of tho firmament ; nnd the news
of its completion will therefore bo
bo awaited with tho widest populnr in
terest. Philadelphia Record.
Itt'vlvnl ol Archery.
Thero seems to be a revival in Eng
land of nrchery, tho contrast between ,
tho hurried movements and unbooom
ing glow of tho feminino lawn tennis
player on ono sido nnd tho gracoful
nnd stately calm of the fair archer on
tho other being altogether to tho ad
vantage of the latter. It is a graceful
diversion, and ono at which (juoen
Victoria excelled thirty or forty years
ago, when arohery was one of her fa
vorite pastimes. To this day she holds
the office of dean of tho most ancient
guild of nrchors in tho United King
dom, nud, liko the Emperor of Austria
nnd tho Czar of Itussin, has a body
guard of nrchor. It constitutes pnrt
nnd parcel of tho Scottish portion of
Her Majesty's household, aud only ap
ponrs at tstato functions nt which tho
Queen may bo present north of the
Tweed. Its Captain General, who oc
casionally wears tho groon and gold
uniform of tho corps, is tho Marquis
of Lothian. New York Advertiser.
A jury at Wabash, Ind., acquitted a
conductor charged with "knocking
down." The principal witness against
tho accused was a "spotter," and tho
jury refused to believe him.
sallow skin
torpid liver
depression of spirits
POUOHKKKPSIK, N. V., offer nuth w Uw
beat edm-ttUou.-il Bilvnmttvt at the lowva( coil.
Ttinmuitu luicrui'ikiii in AKITHMETIO nut
ol'u-r KNOL1S11 llllANl'UE-, llouKKKKI'INUL
1 V 1KW HITlNll. mo. A ll. ... i,l
uviuff aiiu carerully mtnig mem for !m:.,rahlt a niilu) aimu Gold AmI.iI
W oi-lil t iair, 1W.S, for btti wurw o,(uly a4 ji.'ui uf uixrat.u. Bul-
W. L. Doucla
SHOE no saui
4-3.sp FINE CALF&rOyjGAKia
extra fine.
2 A7.? Boys'SchooiShoes,
! cuu but money by wen r lac ito
W. I,, Douglas 83. OO
Heeuutc, we are the lartmt manufacturers o
this tfr.uie A :iOoofc la (lie wurld,niluaramve tiieli
value tr etampluif die name and price on the
bottom wltlch ii ru toot you a?ainnk hlgb Driceaaad
the mlddlpmau'a proilta, Our ahoer qua! custom
work lu ilvl a4 Attliif and wearing qualities.
Wohave tbAin aold everywhere a lower f
the value glTp than auy other make. fakiiosui
aUtute. it your deaU-r ?auuot auppl you, we oo
Mil UPAnH-RhPtimfttic
nALfl Jnti-tJiifirrna'
ttinl i'l cvi-m. riuuuiHHllsm, iuuttaimu,
m Lyt)eplj, Htinrtbiiru, t'atiu'ra uit Asthma.
' Uefiut iu M iiMi'ia mi t K'Vjtx riuausat lu T
A lVeni an i rroiiMt(t)n tbe Appetite, fewoeteui m
f ihe Hrt'uth. ruii'stli ToIiucl-o tUhir. KtiloritJ j
" hy the Ale.ltful faculty, htrnil for H', if, or !i
A rt'Ut pat-'k w.-. M-ifr, stamtn or iutal Auf. A
f UKO. H. HALM, 14J West ifl'tlj at., New York. Y
667 Massachusetts Ave., feastoB, Maw)
O'ear Waahltifrton St.
For the treatment of epilepoy, uralrle, brain an4
oervou diTfttte 111 all ttietr lorina 1 he only i
lytic itiMilu'M in t,m I'nitfd Htaii. Connlikllu
lr'. indent bountM, uurrtud and rred for.
OnVe treatment U tiooired. iolltme oixsu dLifl
Bend lor rimiUrs. 1
UTiti ftrnrir ALL fcLSt tAliS.
Host l otitfh byrup. T&aioa UihmI. Vm
tit time. ti"!il ly ilrurfifui.