THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1R04. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Purge.?,. U. Davis. Onvnnlmrn. Joseph Clark, J. R. Os good V. A. inlands, F. R. Lanson, G. W. Robinson, Joseph Morgan. Justice of the Peace J. F. Propbr, 8. J. Setley, Constable 8. 8. Canfleld. aillertnrD.H. Knox. fivhnnt Directors 3, R. Clark. T. F. RIMiey, . W. Iloloman, J. K. Wenk, L. 3, Hopkins, L. Agnow. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. . Member of Congress O. F. Krtbhh. Member of Semite Harry A. lUl.t,, A sembly 3. 3, Ha hi nr. President Judgt Charles U. Noyks. O. W. Clark. Treaurer(l. Jamikso. Prot honorary , Register dt Recorder, tfl. Calvin M. Arnrr. A'AerfT.-'-JoHW T. CAnsoN. (hmraiHininrJ W. A. CoftNELT, PE TER Youkok, W. M. Coon. County Superintendent O. W. Kerr. Ditrict Attorney P. M. Clark. Jury Commissioners 3. B. Carpkn TKB, GEO. CENDKL. Jounty Surveyor J. F. PROritn. Chronei D. W. CLARK. County Auditors M, K. AbroTT, L. Htroup, J. YV. F.LLIOTT. ' RRriULAR TKRMH OF OOVRT. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Last Monday of August. Tlilrd Monday of Novomber. JAS. T. M1ENNAN, nl 1'Xnln .Airont nnd Conroynnoer. dent wmmucz, FARMS, WILD LANDS, HOUSES AND LOTS TOE SALE OS EXCHANGE. I ropresent tho oldest, strongest, and boat Insurance Companies In tho United States. W. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tionesta loduf:, No. 3!, t. o. o. f. Meets every Tuesdayovenlng.inOdd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. i vmwiT Lnntfli".. No. 184. A.O. U. W.. I Meeta every Friday evening In A.O.U. W. Hall, Tionost. IfASHINGTON CAMP, No. 420, P. O. W 8. of A., meets every Saturday eve ning in A. O. U. W. Hall. Tionesta. 1 APT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 U. A, R. Moots lat and 8d Weanes day evening In each month, lu Odd Fel lows, Uall, rionesta. DAPT nmRflK STOW CORPS. No, KJ 137. VV. R. C. meets llrst and third VVednesday'evosiing of eaoh month, In A O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa. miilNMTA TKNT. No. 1IS4. K. O. T, 1 M., moels 2nd and 4th Wednosdav nveninir In each month in A. O. V. V. all Ttonoyto, Pa. M.CLAUk ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. and District Attoknky. Olllce, cor. of . 1, ... 'I' . t T iin aim unugu nuwifl, i Also agent for a number of reliable Flro Insurance Companies. F. RITCHKY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Tionesta, Pa, PDWAKD E. BAMi tli ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Tionesta, Pa, Onice with 8. D. Irwin Esq. B. SIGGINS, M. D., Physician, Surgoon A Druggist PA .j; W. MORROW. M. D., PhvHli'lan. Snriroon A Dontist Oinice and rosidoni'O three doors north of Lawrence House, Tionont. rroiession b1 enlls nromntlv resnonded to at all hours. C. M. ARNER, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLECTOR. TIONESTA, - PEEN'A. Reeds. Honda. Mortgages, Loases.Wllls, T) . - . . 1" 1 11.. . . A .tliiliu t.f A I unmaui n lull imjr, Ai.iuidn wi ment, and all otnor legal instrument ci writing, drawn Willi accuracy and dis patch. Titles examined and "Briefs" prepared". Ground rents, mortgages, and loans negotiated. Farms and wild lands, houses and lota for sale or rent. Registers of Property for sale or to lot, open to tho Inspection of those Interested. Particular attention paid to the collection of rents, interest, etc. Also to the proper assessment of lands and payment of taxes. Probating accounts, acknowledge luont of deeds, and depositions taken. Church anal Sabbath School. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a, in. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab. bath evening bv Rev. W. VV. Dale. Proaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Kov. F. F. SIioud. l'astor. Services in tue rresnyiorian unurcn every Sabbath morning and evening, iiev. J. v. McAnincn oinciaung. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. T D. BOWMAN, M. !., I j. lMivsician A Suriteon. TIONESTA. PA Ollloo In building formerly occupied by Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to, night or day. OTEL AGNEW, L. AGNEW, Proprietor. This hotol, formerly tho Lawrence House, hawundergoneacompletechange, and is now furninhod with all the mod em improvements. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold wator, etc. The comforts of guests never neglected. CENTRAL ROUSE, A. J. PUFFIN BbRG, Proprietor. Tlonseta, Pa. This la the niostcentrally located hotol in the place, and has all the modorn improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public. First class Livery in connection. F REST HOTEL, West Hickory, Pa. Jaoob Bonder, Proprietor. This hotel has but rocently boon completed, is nice lv furnished throughout, and offers the lineit and most comfortable accommoda tions to guests and the traveling public. Bates reasonable. MAY, PARK ft CO., ' BANKERS. Corner of Elm ft Walnut Sts., Tionesta, Pa., Bank of Discount and Deposit. In n.iu( u M ii u' in 1 nn Time Denoaits. Collec tions made on all the Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. jpiIIL. EMERT, FANCY BOOT ft SHOEMAKER, Shop in Reck building next to Sinear lanirh . Co 's store. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work Iroui tho tiuost to the coarsest and guarantees his work to itive perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and price rea sonable. r V. ZAHRINGEH. J. PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKER perience, is short notice and at reasonable prices, Alwavs iruaraiitoes satisfaction. Watch es. Jewelrv. Ac, ordered for partiesi at the lowest possible figure. In the building next to Boom. :and Jowelor of 25 years' experience, prepared to do all work in his line on Will be found Keeley Club JORENZO FULTON. Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. MILLINERY! FLORA WALTERS k CO., Having moved Into their handsome now building, oposito Hopkins ft Lanson's store, are prepared to meet their lady friends with an elegant slock of goods in their line. All the newest styles in HATS & HONNETS, fancy trimmings, and BIILIjIXKIIY ooin in general. And a full line of Ladies' Fuiiisuipg Good:), at very reasonable prices. Children's hats and caps. Call on us before making selections. Wo be lieve we can please you. Oil market 821. Don't fail to get out and vote next Tuesday. Tuesday, November Ctb, is tbe day ; don't forget it. Mm. Sallio Trusbel of Warren ia visiting friends bere. Paste tbis in your bat. Novem ber 6th is election day. There should be no stay at home Republicans, this year. Mrs..P. ' Normile and daughter Mable are visiting friends in town Squire S.. J. Setley has moved into his new home on North Elm 6treet. A. D. Neill one of Marien villa's most substantial business men was in town Monday. Miss Lottie youug and Mr. Pow ell from Titusville, visited Miss EOa Clark over Sunday. John Qlenning and Cal Confer were down from Marienville tbis week, on township business. Conductor iiob fultou was up from Oil City for a day's hunt, Satur day, and secured a good bag. John Carr and wife of Lottsville Pa., are visitors at the home of Mrs Carr's brother, F. R. Lansou. Editor Reed of the Clarion Dent' ocrat. and wife were visitors at tbe borne of Mrs. Reed's brother, Rev, W. V. Dale, over Sunday. Mrs. Keniston has broken eround for a new house in the north ward. Tbis will make the sixth new dwclliDg built this summer. The Tionesta, Nebraska and Stewarts Run school reports are omit ted tbis week for lack of space. They will appear in our next issue. Judges Noyes and White were in town Friday last holding adjourn ed court. Several cases were argued but no deoisions handed down. Messrs. Watson & Victory Smith with their families of New York, are visiting at tbe home of their sister, Mrs. John A. Dawson, Stewarts Run. ' The Christian Endeavor society will give a dime social on Wednesday evening, (Halloween') at the home of Miss Eflie Clark. All are cordially invited. Mies Grove and Miss Hess, of Tionesta, who have been visiting Mr, and Mrs. Jobn A. Hart, of East Second street, for a few days, will re turn to-day. Derrick. Sam Farmer brought a boney suckle stock filled with fragrant bios- sonis into tbe Republican oflice Mon dav : be found it m tbe woods near Trunkeyville, where tbey are blossom ing profusely; an unusual ocourrance, so late in tbe season. --Dr. J. T. Rothrock tbe eminent State botonist and Forestry Commis Bioner from Philadelphia was in town last week. The doctor is looking over the ground of bis next season's work which will be confined to north western Pennsylvania. Tbe annual inspoctiou of the Woman's Relief Corps will be held on Wednesday, November 7tb, at 1:30 p. m. All members are earnest ly requested to be present. By order of the President, Bessie E. Morgan. Maby T. Irwin, Sec'y. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter and youug son, returned a few days ago from a visit witb friends in Bos ton. Mrs. Hunter has been gone about a month and Charlie went down to escort ber home, taking tbe occasion to put in about a week sight seeing in the "Hub." Tbe assortment in the clothing line at Barnett's is still very good as to sizes and styles, come early, as they are going fast at tbe prices ask ed for them. tf. Miss Lizzie Morgan at the home of ber father Joseph M. Morgau, and Miss Lizzie Wuerzge who is at Charles Russell's, are ill with ty phoid fever, contracted while picking grapes in the Brocktou grape region. Tbe young ladies have been sick about two weeks and are reported by physicians in charge as getting along very nicely. Tbe pupils of the public schools in Titusville have formed an Anti- Cigarette League. A full corps of officers has been eleceted and a con stitution adopted. It has succeeded interesting a great number of young boys and others in its crusade agaioBl the use of cigarettes. The example might be followed witb pro fit by tbe public schools of Tionesta. Two marriage ceremonies were performed by Squire S. J. Setley last week ; the first being that of Mr. R. C. Heath of Starr, Pa., and Miss Katie Mattes of Marion, Kansas, and the second of Mr. Frank Rudolph of Newtown and Miss Katie Glassner of Tionesta township. The young gen tlemen are well known and popular residents of Kingsley township and tbe Republican joins their many friends in wishing them a long and happy married life. -To-nigbt is All Hallow'een and it behooves the careful citizen to get his turnips, cabbages and other gar den brio-a-brao stowed away before dark if he desires to know where it is to-morrow morning. Tbe occasion, as a rule has not been badly abused by its observers in lionesta and it is to be hoped that to-night will not be an exception. Fun is fun, but dee truction to property and disreputable conduct is not sport, and those who indulge in this form of amusement Bhould not forget that tbey are liable to prosecutiou for malicious mischief. Jared Holing has a copy of The Christian Banner, a paper published at Fredricksburg, Va., June 7, 1862 It is quite a curiosity and shows to what extremities the people were re duced even so early as lobz, as a piece of tbe commonest kind of brown wrapping paper was used to receive the impression of the type. In one place tbe publisher says: "If by the help of God and our fellow citizens we can secure paper and ink, we shall write many tbiogs which we trust will be of service to tbe people." We hope be did for it was a Union paper and the publisher was evident ly full of "sand." Jared has had the paper for 32 years and values it high' Mr. Wm. Dickrager and Miss Anna Lobraeyer, two of German Hill's most popular young peopl were married at the Lutheran par Bonaire in Uil City at I o clock: on last Thursday afternoon. Rev. II J. Reinman pastor of tbe church of ficiated. Mr, Dickrager has recently completed a very pretty new house on bis farm, wbich was ready for occu- pacny upon the return from their wed ding trip. A reception was given to the newly married couple last week at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lobmeyer, where many friends were present to wish tbem joy in their new relation. Tbe Republican extends congratulations, with the hope that their lives may be full of suoBbine. Tbe death of Daniel Harrington, which occured at tbe home of bis daughter, Mrs. Mary Spear, at Evans City, Butler couuty, at 1 o'clock, Monday, October 22d., removes one of the sturdy pioneer characters of tbis county. Mr. Harrington was born in Wbitefield, Ct , in 1807 and came to Ross Ruo, tbis county, when about 25 years of age. We have been unable to get much concerning his life, for while be wrote much of others he dovoted but little space to himself. Some time prior to bis death he wrote an auto-biography, from whiob an article for publication, will be gleaned, lhe remains were laid to rest lust Thursday afternooo, bv tbe side of bis wife in the Zuen- del church yard on German Hill. Mrs. J. L. Craig received a roes Bsge Sunday afternoon conveying the sad news of the death of her father, Mr. J. G. Beaver, which occured that day in the city of Boston. Mr. Bea ver was iu Uoston visiting bis son L. Heruiao Beaver when be was af flicted with pueumonia. He was sick but a short time; Mrs. Craig not even knowing of his illness until get tiog word that he was dead. He was about 78 years of age and was well known to many of our citizens who will be pained to bear of his death. He is survived by bis wife and six children, all grown up. Tbe remains were shipped to Pittsburg, the former home of the deceased for burial. Mrs, Craig aud son Will departed for that eitv Monday noon to attend tbe tu neral. The 85th birthday of our vener able townsman, Wm. Hilands, Esq., occurred ou Wednosday last, Oct. 17. Mr. Hilands has recovered to a con siderable exteut from the illness which prostrated him early in the summer, and is able to make the loot- journey up town every day. Frank lin News The Supreme Court on Monday affirmed tbe decision of the Forest county court, in tbe matter of Dr. J. E. Beck's appeal from the granting of a retail liquor license to Powers & Branch of Marienville. The court, through Justice Green, says: "A ma jority of the judges of the court be low granted tbe license iu question, and their action nauBt be considered as the action of the court. The fact that the presiding judge dissented does not affect tbe validity of their action in its binding effect. We can not go into tbe merits of tbe case ; all we can do is to Bee that the license court has proceeded according to law. This appeal brings up nothing but tbe record." The court decides that where a bond in a license case is un- sufficient a new one may be filed. Conven- an brother, and for our immersed friends to say pleasant things of his b 'i"prinkl(d brother. The convention adjourned witb the usual consecration service, and a phonographic address by Dr. Clark who is now in Europe on account of ill health. Stewarts Run. Report of Christian Endeavor tlou at York, Pa. Rev. J. V. McAoincb, delegate to the Slate Convention of Christian Endeavor society which was held at York, Pa., on the 17th inst., returned last week. Mr. McAninch gave a very full accouot of the convention proceedings to his congregation on Sabbath evening, tbe following being a brief synopsis of tbe report: There were present at the Conven tion more than 4,000 delegates, all of whom were there to do, and receive the must good possible. All things conspired to make the convention tbe most successful ever held in the state; the perfect arrangements of the hall, the eutertainment, tbe music, tbe speakers, and tho hearty reception and welcome by the people of York made tbe delegates feel they were indeed welcome. The report of state secretary Mc Donald shows that during the paBt year Pennsylvania has done a good work. There are altogether 3,159 so cieties in tbe state, including i Mother's, 1 Senior, 2,544 Young Peo ple's and 612 Junior, witb a total membership of 132,382 of which 24,- 715 are Juniors. Pennsylvania car ried off two of the banners at Cleve land at the International convention for tbe largest gain in number of so cieties in auy state or province, the net gain being 914. The large hall which seated from 6,000 to 7,000 was filled to its utmost; at times there beiug held two overflow meetings. Tbe sunrise prayer meetiugs were well atteuded and were of much spiritual profit. Noonday evangelistic services were held by the delegates at tbe va rious mills aud factories at which much good was done. At a special service of tbis kind, held the last night of the convention, tho presence and power of tbe Holy Spirit was wonderfully manifest, their being about 80 persons who signified their desire to live a christian life. While the Eudeavor is conserva tive it is also aggressive. The prin ciples of the society, which are found in the pledge are, "Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ fur strength, I promise Him that I will not sit down in idleness or seek my own ease and comfort and pleasure but work. cultivate personal piety, become a useful member of the churrh and help to bring others to Christ." Tbe Endeavor believes in getting bold of true principles and pushing tbem along every liue of human life. It seeks to make better men and wo men, lift up tbe fallen, strengthen the weak aud poiut the lost to the Re deemer, and in the name and with tbe blessing of God become the frieud of aiaukiud in church state and so ciety. Tbe three enlargements of the En deavor may be termed, Interdenom inational fellowship, missionary ex tension and good cilizeuship. An epitome of many of these speeches was given, and brief ex tracts read. The influence of tbe Endeavor, numbering more than 2,000,000 and the power it was able to exert was dwelt upon. The mem bers were urged to use this power iu every way to ueneut uiankina, es pecially in sending tbe gospel to tbote who do not have it, iu fighting tbe saloon, man's greatest enemy, aud to seouru purity of government. Tbe subject nf patriotism was large ly discussed. The object is not to bring polities into the Eudeavor, but to bring a little more eudeavor into politics. One speaker, a minister, said he always read tbe Declaration of Inde pendence on the Sabbath nearest (lie 22nd of Feb'y and Fourth of July, as a part of the regular church ser vice. Another speaker thought but lit tle need be said on Interdenomina tional fellowship, for through the agency of this great international Eu deavor it has become so easy for our Calvioistio brother to recognize a frieud and co-laborer in his Armeni- Mrs. Charlio Ferry of Warren; is visit ing her sister, Mrs. J. A. Dawson. A little girl arrived at the domicile of Mr. and Mrs. Hort Thomson, last Sab bath. Kufus Copolnnd Is laying the founda tion for his barn. Charlie Maul of Biverlyville, was out last week hunting squirrels. County Treasurer tj. Jamieson was out to Stewarts Run Sabbath, visiting frionds James Mclntyre and wife visited friends in Oil City recently. Miss Rose Connoly and Miss Brant of Frowsburg are visiting friends here and at the Fogle farm between Ploasantville and Neillsburg. Mr. J. I. Range is repairing his barn on the Abbott farm. There will bo a donation party at Rev. William's Wednesday afternoon and eve ning. The Woman's Foreign Missionary So ciety of the F. M church will hold thoir monthly meeting Friday evening of this wock, at tho White church. Every one is cordially invitod to attend. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson visited friends In Tionesta last Sabbath. 3. O. Bromley was in Tionesta 3 days last week working on tho now barn on the F. M. parsonage lot. Mrs. Brynn of Goodwill Hill, is the guest of Lon Range to-day, (Tuesday). Mrs. J. A. Dawson's brothor, Mr. Smith of Brown Hill Crawford county, visited Mrs. Dawson last week. Mrs. Mccullougli and Mrs. lorry re turned to Warren this morning. Mrs. Cuminings has a pear tree in blos som. Kollcttvlllc. As we have been absent for the past threo weeks we will try to write a few lines again. A daughter was born at the home of L. A. Barber last week. Tho Dr. Is feeling very proud over the new comer. Mr, John Day was iu town over Sun day. We are glad to see your smiling face around us. Mr. and Mrs. Bruner of West Hickory drove through town Sunday. Mr. Robert Burdick of Spartensburg has moved hia family to Mayburg where ho expects to work this winter. W. A. Kribbs takes the lead through this part of the country in farming, as he finished digging his potatoes last week and measuring thein up, found he had three hundred bushel, that being very good for this season. It will be no trou ble to find a market for the in as the pota to crop was very poor this year. We would Judge lrom the looks that Wm. Toboy believes iu free wool. He has purchased a large flock of sheep and keeps them on his farm, something he was novor known to take any stock in before. Well No. 72. ou th 3 Cook lease will be finished this week. A 60 bbl. well is ex pected. Notice to Prohibitionists. Owing to a mistake our nomina tion papers were not filed at Harris burg in lime to get the panics of our candidate for Associate Judge on the official ballot, but our candidate for Associate Judge, C. A. Hill, of Tio nesta Boro., is still in the field, aud we will have to resort to stickers on election day. H. II. Siioemakeu, Chairman. S. J. Setley, Sec'y. MARRIED. DICKRAGER LOHMEYER At the Lutheran parsonage in Oil City, Pa., at 2 o'clock, Thursday afternoon, October 2o, 1804, by tho Rev. H. J. Reimann; Mr. Wm. Dickrager and Miss Anna Lohmeyer, both of German Hill. HEATH MATTES At Tionesta, Oct. 24, 18!4, by S. J. Setley, J. P., R. C. death of Starr, Pa., and Katie Mattes of Marion, Kansas. RUDOLPH GLASSNER Oct. 25, 1804. at Tionesta, by S. J. Setley, J. P., Frank Rudolph of Newtown, Pa., and Katiu Glassner of Tionesta township. TKIAI, LIST. List of causes set down for trial In the Court of Common Pleas of Forost County, PemiHvlvanla, commencing on tho Third Monday of November, 1804. 1. Hannah L. Dunkio vs. Amsler Bros. Co. No 34, August Term, 1X04. Fi. fa., No. f, August Term, 1804. Sher iff's interpleader. 2. J. A. Neill, Nancy Church, Julia N. Berry, and S. T. Neill for use ot Nancy Church, Julia N. Berry and S. T. Neill, vs. B. F. Shainburg and H. W. Shamburg, Administrators of G. Kham bnrg, deceased, No. 28, September Term, 1801. Summons in Assumpsit. 3. Carl W. Scholield, use First Nation al Bank, Jamestown, N. Y., vs. John A. Watcrhouse, No. 2(5, February Term, 1804. Scire Facias Sur Mortgage. 4. Carl W. Scholield, use First National Bank, of Jamestown, N. Y., vs. John A. Waterhouse. No. 27, February Term, 1804. Scire Facias Sur Mortgage. Attest, CALVIN M. A K.N EH, Prothonotary. Tionebta, Pa., October 2:1, 1804. I'rorlmuuiioii ot Caeueral Illt'ftlOII. Whereas, in and by an act of the General Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "All Act to reguhito the nomination and election of publicolliceis, requiring certain expensos incident there to to be paid bv the several counties and punishing certain ollonses in regard to such elections." approved the loth day of dav ot June. A. 1).. 180.'). it is made the da tv of the Slierill of every county within this Commonwealth to give public notice of the I ieueral Elections, aud ill such to I Enumerate the otllceisto be elected and give a lint ol all the nominations made as provided in tins act, and to tie voieu lor iu such county as far as may be lu the form in whirli thev shall appear upon the ballots, and the lull text ol ull constitutional amendments Kiilimitled to a vote of the people, but the proclamations posted each election district need not contain tiie names of un v candidate but those to be voted for in such district. 11. Designate tiie pluce at which the election is to bo hold. 111. lie shall givo notice that every person, excepting Justice of the Peace, who shall hold any olllce or appointment ol prolit or trust under the government of the United Slates, or of this State, or of any city, or incorporated district, whether commissioned omecr or otnorwiso, a su bordinate officer or airnnt who is or shall 1)0 employed under the legislative, execu tive or Judiciary department of this Slate, or or the united Minns, or ol any eiiy, or incorporated district, ami also that every member of Congress and ol the Stale Leg islature, and of tho select or common coun cil of any citv, or commissioners of any Incorporated district, is bv law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time tho office or appointment of judge, Inspc tor or clerk of anv election of this Com monwealth, and that no inspector, indgo or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for, except that of an election officer. I, JOHN I. AUSOM, lligli wnerlil o the County of Forest, do hereby make known and give this public notice to the electors nf the County of Forest, that a ieneral Election will be held in said Conn ty, on Tuesday, November 6th, 1894. between the hours of 7 a, rn., and 7 p. m.. at the several Election Districts. Tho following are the officers to beeleet- ed, and a list of all the nominations made therefor, and which are to be voted for in the form In which they shall appear upon tho ballots : Officers to bo elected One person for Governor of tho Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Auditor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person lor secretary ot internal ai- fairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Two porsons for Conitressmon-at-Large to represent the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, in the House ot Representatives ol the united states. One person for Representative in the Conitress of tho United States, to represent tho 28th District of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, comprising the Counties of Clearfield, Centre, Clarion, Elk and Forest. One person for State Senator, to repre sent the 38th District, composed ot the Counties of Cameron, Clarion, Elk and Forest, in the Senate of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Representative in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to reprosent the County of r orost. One person for the office of Associate Judge for the County of Forest. One person for District Attorney for the County of Forest. One person for Coroner for tho County of Forest. List of nominations BKPUBL.ICAN. Oovernor. Daniel II. Hastings. Lieutenant Governor. Walter Lyon. Auditor General. Amos H. Mylin. Secretary of Internal Affairs. James W. Latta. Itepresentative.-at-Large in Congress. Galusha A. Grow. George F. Huff. Representative in Congress. William C. Arnold. Senator in The General Atsambty. John F. Craig. Representative in The General Assmbly. Jacob E. Wenk. Associate Judge of The Court of Common Pleas. Joseph A. Nash. District Attorney. Perry Monroe Clark, Coroner, John W. Morrow. DEMOCRATIC. Got'crnor, William M. Singorly, Lieutenant Governor. John S. Rilling. Auditor General. David F. Magee. Secretary of Internal Affairs. Walter W. Greenland. Representative-at-Large in Congress. Henry Meyer, Thomas Collins. liepresenta t ive-in -Congress. Aaron Williams. Senator in the General Assembly. William H. Hyde. Representative in the General Assembly. J. J. Groenowalt. Associate Judge of the Court of Common leas. James W. Colo. Coroner. L. D. Bowman. I'HOIIiniTION. Governor. CharloB L. Hawley. Lieutunant Governor. Homer L. Castle. Auditor General. Charles Palmer. Secretary of Internal Affairs. LeRoy Gleason. Representative-at-Large in Congress. Elisha Kent Kane. Lewis G. Jordan. Representative-in-Conaress. W. H. Watt. VEOPLE'S. Governor. Jeromo T. Ail man. Lieutenant Governor. Jerome B. Akin. Auditor General. W. M. Deisher. Secretary of Internal Affairs. Abraham J. Louch. Representative-at-Large in Congress. Victor A. Lotior. 11. K. Greenman. Representative in the General Assembly W. C. Hill. Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. W. W. Thomas. Coroner. G. W. Kifer. SOCIALIST l.AUOK. Go'vcrnor. Thomas H. Grundy. Lieutenant Governor, Fred Long. Auditor General, Joseph B. Allen. Si'crct'tri) of Internal Affairs. Willam B. King. Representative-at-Large in Congress, Ernest Krelt. Gottfried Metzler. INOEPENDKNT KKPUIIML'AN. Governor. Daniel H. Bantings. Lieutenant Governor. Walter Lyon. Auditor General. Amos II. Mylin. Secretary of Internal Affairs, James W. Latta. Jtepresentative-at-Large in Congress, Galusha A. Grow, George F. Hull'. PLACES OK HOLPINa ELECTION. The Electors of Burnett township Jacob Maze's Carpenter shop. The Electors of Green township as fol lows: Those residing iu the Election Dis' trict of Guitunville. to-wit : those cm- braced in the following boundary, viz Beginning at a pout, the north corner of Warrant No. 61C). thence south forty-live deurees west three bundled and twenty rods to the west coi ner of said tract, thence south fortv-live degrees east along divid ing line between tracts Nos. ol:i;l and o"i5 to the north corner ol tract No. .Villi, theino by the northwest line of tract .Viol and the southeast liue of tracts Nos. .Vill.i and .V104 to Ihu smith corner of tract No. Viol thence Hoiilhwcsierly to the northwest coi ner of tract No. SVMi, and southeast coi ner of tract .Vs2 on the Clarion county line, thence by the same east to the nui lh eust corner of Clarion county, thence north by the Jeuks township line to where the said Jenks township line crosses tho northeast line of tract ;ViiKl, thence north westerly by the northeast line ot lirecn township to the place of beginning, liall yule at the School House at (iuiloiiville. The Electors of Green township residing outside of the territory embraced iu the above described Election District ofGui tonyillo, shall vote at the house of 1.. Ar- ner, in Nebraska village. The Electors of Harmony towushii follow a ; Those residing in lhe election bio to be then voted for. The .Indues of tho aforesaid district shall representatively take chnru-e of the certificates of return of the election of their respective districts, and produce them at the I'rothonotary's office in the Koroutch of Tionesta, as follows: "All Judges living within twelve miles of ths Protlionotarv's ollice, or within twenty four miles if their residence he In a town, village or city I'pon tho line of a railroad leading to the count v seat, shall before two o'clock p. m.. on WEDNESDAY, NO VEMBER SEVENTH, 1H01, and all other lodges shall before twelve o'clock, m., on THURSDAY. NOVEMBER EIGHTH, 1H0I, deliver said returns, together with the return sheets, to the Prothonotary of tho Court of Common Pleas nf Forest county, which said return shall be filed, and the day and hour of tiling marked therein, and shall be preserved by the Prothonotary for public inspection. Given under my hand at my olllco in Tio nesta, Pa., this 21d day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, and in the one hundred and nineteenth year of the Independence of the United States. JOHN T. CARSON, Sheriff, district of Upper Harmony, to-wit : those embraced in the following houndary, vir. : Beginning on the Allegheny river at the Tionesta township line ; thence northerly bv said line to the back line of the river tracts; thence along the hack line ot the river tracts to West Hickory Creek; thence up said West Hickory Creek to the Warren County line: thence east along said Warren County line to the Allegheny river; thence down said river to the place of beginning, at tho old Dunn A Turner store building, West Hickory. The Electors of Harmony township re siding outside of tho territory embraced in tho above described Upper Harmony shall vote at the Township Election House on tho Fogle Farm. Tho Elect rs of Hickory township at Burns' Harness Shop, in East Hickory. The Electors of Howe township as fol lows: Those residing in the Election Dis trict of Middle Howe, to-wit: those em braced in tho following boundary, vir.: Beginning at a point where the west line nf Warrant No. 3108 intersects the line of Warren and Fores! counties; thence south bv west lines of Warrants 3108, 3103, 31 so, 3187 and 81 So to a point where the west line of Warrant 815 Inter sects with the Jenks township line; thence by Jenks township line east to a point where the eastern line of said warrant 8185 Intersects said Jenks township lino; thence north along the eastern boundary linos of warrants 31h."i, 317 and 3180 to the northwest corner of subdivision No. 119 of warrant No. 2:w3; thence east along the north lino of subdivisions Nos. HO, t8, (15, o4 and 01 to tho northwest corner of war- aant No. 273(i; thence north along the east lilies of warrants Nos. 2003, the Fox Estate, 2001 and 2i3o to where the east line of 27:15 Intersects the Warren and Forest County line; Uiunce by said Warren and Forest county linB west to tho northwest corner of Warrant 3108, tho place of beginning, shall vote at Gusher City School House. The Electors of Howe township residing In the Election District of East Howe, to- wit: Those residing within tho territory embraced bv the following boundary lines, to-wit: Beginning at a point in tho War ren and Forest county lino where the same is intersected bv tho east line of warrant 15: thence south along the eastern boun dary lines of warrants 2735, 2!il, the Fox Estate, and warrant B:i to the nonnwesi orner of subdivision ISO. ftl in warrant .111; thence east along the northern boun dary lines of warrants 2786, 28ns and 24H4, to the county lltio; llltlliro nurui anroij tho Elk and Forest county line to where the same is Intersected by the Warren and Forest county line; thence west along said Warren and Forest county line to the northeast corner of warrant 2735, the place of beginning, shall vote at Brookslon in Brookston Library Hall. The Eiectors of Howe township residing 1 tl.n l.'lnctir,n llistriet t,f Krnwt's. to-wit : These residing within the territory emhrac- cd by the following boundary lines : Com mencing atthenortneasi corner oi warrant 114. and in the lino dividing rJlK and Forest counties; thence south along said dividing lino to tho line between Howe and Jenks townships; thence wosi aiong- said last mentioned line to the southwest 'orneroflv.Ii. Blood's subdivision; thence north along the west lino ol the K. L. Blond subdivision and warrants iiM, 4(4f, 2N78, 2080 to northwest corner of subdivi sion No. 00 in warrant 2003; thence east along the north line of subdivisions HO, tin, 05, Ii4 and ill of warrant 2003 and subdivi sions 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55 of warrant 27:Ui, and subdivisions 21, 22, 21, 2t and 2. or warrant 2MIS and the north line ol warrant 24(4 to the Elk county line, the placo of beginning, shall vote at John inacit i ar- penter shop, at r rost s Station. The Electors hf Howe township residing in the Election District of West Howe, to- wit : Those residing west of the ahove de scribed Middle Howe, at the Balltown School House. The Electors of Jenks township as fol lows: Those residing iu the Election Dis trict of Byrom, to-wit: those embraced In the following boundary, viz: Beginning at the northeast corner of tract No. 4133 and tho northwest corner of tract No. 4134, thence northeasterly to the southeast cor ner of tract No. 3(143 aud the southwest corner of tract No. 35(14, thence north by the western line ol tracts Nos. S.M, ,Hti, Iii41 and 3sol to tiie Jenks township line, thence east by the sanio to the northeast I I... ...... .u l.l .. t l..m..a um. I. ill orner oi .iciiin iiiii.-ih., ,,i,'u.i. the east line ol jcoks uiwiisuip to 1110 southeast corner thereof, thence west to the southeast corner ol tract No. 4120, thence north to the northeast corner of saiil Warrant, thence west to beginning, shall vote at tho School House at By rum- town. The Electors ol Jeuks township residing outside of the territory embraced in the alsive described Election District of Iy- n 111, shall vote at Central Hall 111 Marten ville. The Electors ot Kingsley township at Newtown School House. The electors of Tionesta Township at the Township House, near the southeast ond of the Tionesta crook bridge, at tha mouth of said creek. 'I'll,. Electors ot Tionesta borough at the Court House ill said borough. I also make known the following pro visions of tins new Constitution of Penn sylvania : ARTICLE VIII. Kl'KFKAOK ASTi ELECTION. Sec 1. Every male citizen twenty-one years ot ago, possessing the loiiowiug qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections : first. He shall have been a citizen ot the United States at least one month. .SVi'oMii.-lle shall have resided 111 thw State one year, (or, 11 having previously iieeu a inalilicd elector or native born cilizeu ot the Stale he shall have removed llicieloi ill and returned, then six months,) immedi ately preceding the election. limit. lie snail nave resmed in mo election district where lie oilers to vote at least two mouths immediately preceding tin election. fourth, If twenl v-two years of age or upwards, he shall have paid within tvso Veals a State or county tax which shall have been assessed at least two iiiouthsand paitl at least one month before election. Sec. 2. The (ieneral election shall be held annually on the Tuesday next follow ing 1 1 it) lirst Monday of November, I. lit the (ieneral Assembly may, by law, tlx a dillcronl day, two-thirds ol ull lit J mem bers of each House consenting thereto. Notice is hei'cliv given, Thai any person evcepl lllg J llstu-es of the Peace, M tin shall hold anv office or a pioiilineul of prolit or trust under the United Slates, or this Stale, or any cil v or ci poratcd district, whether eoinmis-iioned officer or other wise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under the legisla ture, executive or judicial ' department of this State, or iu uny city, or 01 any incor porated district, and also that every mem ber ol Congress and of lhe statu l.euisla lure, or ol lhe select or common council ofauy cil , or commissioners ol any in corporated dtstl'lcl, Is hy law incapable ol holding or exercising at the lime, lhe ollice or uppoiutuicnt ol judge, inspector or clerk ol any election iu lhi Connie. 11 wcallli, and that no inspector, indue or other olticvr of sin ti vleclioii (shall heeligi- at