rOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1804. BOROUGH OFFICERS. nurse o. n. Davis. Couneilmen. Joseph Clark, J. R. Os good W. A. H Hands. F. K. Lanson, O. W. Robinson, Joseph Morgan. Justices of the Peace J. F. Proper, 8. J. Sotloy. (Xmstabte H. 8. Canflold. Collector D. 8. Knox. Nrhmtl J)irrctnrJ. H. Clark, T. F. Rltchcy, G. W. Holoman, J. E. Wenk, L. J. Hopkins, Ij. Agnew. FOREST COUNTT OFFICERS. Member of CongreCl, F. Kiunns. Member of Senate- Harry A. Hall. Assembly J. J. IIahiiit. President Judge Cii Alu.K.s H. Noyks. Associate Judges Jonn II. White, O. W. Clahk. Treasurer IJ. Jamiesoh. Prothonotary, Register dt Recorder , te. Calvin M. A rn'rh. Sheriff; Jonr T. Carson. Commissioners W. A. Connely, Pe tri Younok, W. M. Coon. (Jaunty Superintendent G. W. Kerr. s District Attorney P. M. Clark. Jury Commissioners J. B. Carfkn- TKtt, OKO. aiKNDKL. County Surveyor J. F. Proper. Coronet D. VV. Clark. County Auditor M. E. AnnoTT, W. Ij. Stroiii-, J. W. Elliott. HRUVI.An, TK.ItMS Ol' COURT. Fourth Monday of February. Thin! Monday of May. Lnt Monday of August. Third Monday of Novembor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TMONESTA LODO K. No. 3(10. T. O. O. F, JL Marts every Tuesday ovenlng, in Odd Follows' Hull, Partridge building. .VREST LODGE, No. 184, A.O. U. W., I Meotsevery Friday evening In A.O.U. W. Hall, Tionosta, WASHINGTON CAMP, No. 420, P.O. H. of A., moots ovory Saturday eve ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionosta. ft APT. GEO HUE STOW POST, No. 274 y G. A, It. Meets lHt and 3d Wodnos day evening in each month, in Odd Fob lows, Hall, Tionosta. -lAPT. GEORGE STOW COUPS. No, Kj ;)7, W. H. C, meets drat and third Wednesday evening or earn month, in A, O. U. W. liall, Tionesta, Pa. rflrnvral.4 n.I.-vn XT.. till X n T -L M.. meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday , i . ,. ... l A IT l evening in csen iiiomu in a. u. i Jiall Tionosta, Pa. T M.CLARK, 1 . ATTOHNEY-AT-LiAW, and Diktiuct Attorney. Otllco, cor. ol lin and Bridge Streets, Tionosta, Pa. Also agent for a number of reliable ' Fir6 Insurance Companies. F. HITCH EY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesia, Pa. I7DWARD E. HALL It ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Tionosta, Pa. OHloe with 8. D. Irwin usq. T B. SIGGINS, M. P., I Physician, Surgeon Ac Druggist. TIONESTA, PA JAS. T. HRENNAN, ltitl ICwdito vViront and Conveynneer, rmt. urt Ann acci dent WSUrVWC. FAEM3, WILD LANDS, HOUSES AND LOTS FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE. I represent tlio oldost, strongest, and beat Insurance Companies in the United States. C. IY1 . A R N E R, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLECTOR. TIONESTA, - PEEN'A. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages. Leasofl.Wllls. Powers of Attorney, Articles of Agree ment, and all other legal instruments cf writing, nrawn with accuracy and dis patch. Titles examined and "ltrlofs" UMliur Crnmul t .... and loans negotiated. Farms and wild lands, houses and Iota for sale or rent, Registers of Property for sale or to let, oen to the inspection of those interested. Particular attention paid to the collection of rents, interest, etc. Also to the proper assessment of lands and payment of taxes, i roimiiiig accounts, acknowledg ment of deeds, and depositions taken. Church and Nnbbntfc Hrhool. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m, Preachina in M. E. Churoh every Sab bath eveninir bv Rev. W. W. Dale. 'reaching in the, in. tjnurcu every Sailath evening at the usual hour, itev, F. F. ShoiiD. Pastor. Services in the Presbyterian Church every Sabbath morning and evening, Rev. J. V. McAninch otuclating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market 821. Harry Shawkey was down from Warren over Sunday. Mrs. II. S. Bates of Tiluaville U visitiug friends in town. Squire R. Z. Gillespie of Kellett ville, was a visitor to town, this week. A son was boru to Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Puflinberg, Saturday afteruoou. Jas. II. Kelly returned Monday from a ten days' visit with Chicago frieude. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Green of Wolf Run are visiting Tionesta J W. MORROW, M. D., Physician, Surgoon A Dentist. Oillice and residence throe doors north of lAwronco Houso, Tionetu. Profession al .alls promptly responded to at ail liou.i. L. D" llCWMAN, M. D., I'livsician nurgnoii, TIONESTA. PA. Ollloo In bulldii.'Of formerly occupied by Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to, night or day. HOTEK AGNEW, L. AGNEW, Proprietor. This hotel, formerly tho Lawronce House, has undergone a complete change, and is now furnished with all the moil oni improvement. Heatod and lighted tl,r..i.,rl,m,t with nut 11 Till LMVS. batlirOOIUS, liot and etild water, etc. Tho comforts of guests never neglected. riENTKAL. HOUSE, V-J A. J. PUFFINBERG, Proprietor. Tlonsnta. Pa. This is the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern improvements. No pains will lu m.Mra.1 to muke it a Dloasant stopping nli for the traveliuil public. First class Livery in connection. F REST HOTEL, West Hickory, Pa. .Tiuil rtnndnr. Pronrietor. Thia hotel has but rticentiy beu completed, is nice lv furnished throughout, and oflora the llnost and most eomfortable accommoda tiona to gutwts and tho traveling public Kates reasonable. M AY, PARK ifc CO., nrnAr of Elm Walnut SU.. Tionosta, Pa., Bank of Discount and Deposit. In toraut allowed on Time Denosits. Collec tions made on all the Principal points of the U. 8. Collections solicited. U1L. EMliHT, WA NCY BOOT k SHOEMAKER, i . UU'K lllllllllim IMJAb "HIW "fi'-Tr work from the tinest to tlie coarsest and gu.' A cold wave struck town Sun day and snow fell to the depth of two inches. On the hills the snow in some places was six inches deep, but it all rapidly disappeared uuder the rays of Monday's sun. -W. A. Fisher is agent for ('has. Perystera's Laundry, Oil City, Ta. All laundry work warranted first olnss. Packages Bhould be left at store on or before Thursday morning to insure return for that week. C. M. Arner is building up a good real estate business. Last week he sold a 1500 acre tract of timber land in Kingsley township to W. J. Foreman of Hickory and the W. S. Setley hoose in Tionesia boro to Judge C. A. Hill. Mr. R. J. Flynn, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. E. D. Miller, of Kingsley township, were called to the bedside of their aged mother, Mrs. Margaret Flynn, who is at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. Juliet Donne!- len, New Castle, Pa,, dangerously ill. Mrs. Flynn has a large circle of old friends in this county who will hope for ber recovery, Mr. FlynD, return ed vesterdar and reports his mother much improved. Diptheria is epideinio at JCinzua and the condition is so alarming that the State Board of Health has been appealed to. Dr. A. A. Woods, State health inspector for this section is making a thorough investigation ot the town, anil has closed the schools, With diptheria and typhoid fever existing in neighboring towns, every property holder should make it his business to see that his premises are thoroughly cleaned up before winter sets in, aB these and kindred diseases are the children of filth. -Miss Juslina S. Siggins, formerly of Hickory, Forest county, and a sis of Mrs. W. C. Howe of Converse Ind., has been studying with au Art League near Paris, and spent this summer traveling in Europe. She ar rived in New York from Rotterdam on Sunday last, 7tb iost., and is at present the guest of ber nepbew George S. Howe, at the Murray Hill Hotel in that city. She will also vis it her frieud, Miss Petrie, in Plain ville, N. J., before returning borne. The steamer Veendam, in which Miss Siggins came from Holland, spent week in the great storm, delaying ar rival several days. Franklin News -Mr. and Mrs. Win. L. Klinesli ver have the sympathy of their many frieuda in the death of their infan daughter, which occurred last Thurs day, the 11th, at their home in Shef field. May Belle was taken ill abou two weeks previous with ltiDg troubl of the nature of pneumonia, and in spite of ull efforts for her relief, grew rapidly worse till death ended her sufferings. A bright, winsome little child, in passing from this earth to the bosom of Him who took littl children in His arms, and blessed them and said : ''Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." She left behind a clou of sorrow resting upon the home into which her short pilgrimage of twen ty-one months had brought so muc A receptionwas given. at the home f the bride to over a hundred invi ted guests. The presents were many n number and very handsome, in- luding a silver tea service from Dr. nd Mrs. Brooks, a beautiful China inner set from an aunt, a set of sil ver dessert spoons, table spoons and forks from her associate teachers and set of teaspoons from the young men of ber class. Mrs. Bowman has been a teacher n our High school for a number of years and will be greatly missed. She was an unuBual favorite among the teachers as well as with her pu pils and the many tokens which she received on her wedding day testified n what love and esteem she was re garded. Many bright and happy wishes go with them. Their new home will be in Tionesta where Dr. Bowman is a successful physician. The presents to the ushers were pearl scarf pins. GueBts from out of town were: G. F. Bowman, Philadelphia ; Miss Le ona Bowman, Ithaca, N. Y. ; Mrs. T. J. Bowman, Hickory, Pa; Dr. and Mrs. Brooks, Conewango, N. Y. Jamestown Journal. frieuds. Rev. D. B. Tobey and wife of Franklin are visitors at the home of James T. Brenoan. Mrs. Robert Hunter of lieu drick, W. Va., is visiting relatives and friends in ibis vicinity. Mess. Scowden & Clark are im proving the appearance of their wag on shop by a fresh coat of paint. Jesse D. Dawson came borne last week from Chicago, where he has been located during the summer. Miss Maggie Robinson, who has been visiting with ReytioldBville friends, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Jennie Tobey has gone to Garfield, Warren Co., for an extend ed visit with friends in that place, Jury Commissioners Carpenter and Zuendel were in town yesterday, drawing the list of jurors for Novem ber Court. Mrs. Suie M. Sharpe is in Phil adelphia as a delegate from Forest county to the State Convention of the joyous sunshine. The remains were trainees his work to Prompt atten tive perfect satislact. "U. rromyi alien fion & to mending. P'.oes aouable W. C. T. U Dr. Bowman and bride arrived in town Monday night. luev are nicelv located in a part of A. M Doutt's house. Mrs. Win. Youngk of Pittsburg is paying a visit to her mother, Mis II. Kiser, aud other relatives and friends in this vicinity, Mr. C. N. Steele and wife and Mr. Steele's mother, of Waukegan, 111 , are visitors at the homes of Mrs F. A. May and Mr. A. B. Kelley Mrs. Geo. F. Watson of Golinza, returned Monday from Randolph, N. Y where her two daughters are attending school at Charoberlaio In stitute intered in the cemetery of this place on Friday, Rev. J. V. McAuinc conducting the services at the grave. BOWMAN COOK. Itright Little CJlrl Burned 1o Death. On Saturday last the children of Mr. and Mis. O. B. Logue, living at Bell's mill, were playing near the house and built a small oven in which they had started a fire. In some manner the drees of little three- year-old Louisa Maggie Logue caught fire. There was no grown person present, but the mother of the little girl heariog her screams ran out of the house and put out the fire, but not until the clothing had nearly all been burued from her body. Dr Towler was summoned and did all he could to relieve the sufferings of the little one, but she died five hours af ter being burned. On Monday tho body was taken to Concord, Clarion county, the former home of the par- ents, for burial. Mr. and Mrs Logue have the sincere sympathy of all in this sad bereavement. Marien- ville Express. . SEYVSY NOTES. LIST OF JLROUS. QRAND J D ROBS. Vail, John, farmer, Harmony. Myers, John, laborer, Green. Dotfion, J. I, laborer, Jenks. Bruuor, Samuel, blacksmith, Jenks. Pettigrew, J. C, blacksmith, Hickory, King, O. W., butcher, Harmony. Albaugh, G. C, laborer, Green. Coon, John, lumberman, Jenks. Black, J. J., laborei, Tionesta tp. Fones, J. H., merchant, Borough. Elder, Wm., laborer, Harmony. Church, S. E., farmer, Hickory. Frost, David, laborer, Harmony. Stroup, A. W., farmer, Tionesta tp. Richards, 8., minister, Howe. Uanholt, L. F., farmer, Burnett. Gorman, V. J., farmer, Harmony. Mandervillo, Perry, laborer, Jenks. Wright, W. B., laborer, Jenks. Siggins, A. J., farmer. Harmony. Ridley, B. V., laborer, Jenks. arson, J. G carpontor, Green. Green, J. K., farmer, Harmony. Reed, James, laborer, Barnett. TKTIT JURORS. Myers, W. C, merchant, Kingsley. Paul, L. J., farmor, Harmony. Leonard, Jerry, laborer, Jenks. Klllmer, George, laborer, Borough. Keen, Joseph, laborer, Tionesta tp. Middleton, C. R., farmer, Hickory. Hill, T. L., farmor, Hickory. Milliard, Guy, laborer, Hickory. Turner, J. A., merchant, Harmony. Stiles, B. G., Clerk, Harmony. Paul, William, laborer, Jenks. Wray, Samuel, farmor, Jenks. Brennen, J. T., Real Est Agt, Borough, Sweet, D. A., laborer, Jenks. Fulton, Lorenzo, harness maker, Boro, Schworfield, L. A., laborer, II owe. Hart, James, laborer, Kingsley. Warner, W. A., farmer, Barnett. Barnes, Leonard, farmer, Kingsloy. Shoup, Wm., boarding house, Green. Miller, Morgan, laborer, Harmony. Alexander, F. J., laborer, Jenks. Brenneman, Arthur, laborer, Barnett. Hunter, Charles, laborer, Tionesia tp. Swartzfager, C. C, lumberman, Jenks. Lilly, L. F., laborer, Jenks. Parson, J. J., farmer, Jenks. Hernon, Frank, Tel. operator, Howe. Zuendol, J. U., farmer, Kingsley. Myers, J. C, Agt., Howe. Brenneman, J. C, engineer, Jenks. Kribbs, W. A., farmer, Kingsley. Henderson, James, fanner, Hickory. Grant, Wm., laborer, Kingsley. Shunk, Jonas, farmor, Kingsley. Black, James, farmer, Barnett. Grove, S. J., driller, Borough. Coon, Charlos, farmer, Barnett. Harp, II. II., barber, Jenks. Fitzgerald, Frank, farmer, Barnett. Landers, James, clerk, Borough. Mensch, J. H. farmer, Jenks. Stewarts Run. F. ZAHRINGER, J. PRACTiCAL WATCH-MAKER andJewolorof 25 yoars' experience, is prepared to do all work In his Hue on short notice ami at reasonable Prlces Always guarantees satisfaction. Watcli es, Jewelry, Ac, ordered ,!i?rtl,-eai the lowest possible tigure. Will be to nd in the building next to Kooley tlub Room. JORKNZO FULTON. Manufacturer of and Dealer In 1HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. Popular Teacher Married Amid Beautiful Surroundings. The marriage of Miss Lillian Coo to Dr. Ister D. Bowman of Tiones ta, Pa., at the Congregational church last evening was one of the most brilliant affairs of the season. The church had been beautifully deco rated for the occasion by the young men of Mrs. Bowman's Bible class, 28 in number. A large floral bell was suspeuded from the chaudelier over the aisle down which the bridal There will bean Epworth League party came. The altar and organ MILLINERY! FLORA WALTERS & CO., Having moved into their handsome now building, opposite Hopkins A Lansoii's store, are prepared to meet their lady friends witu au elegant ctock of goods iu their line. All the newest stylos iu JUTS & HONNETS, FANCY TRIMMINGS, AND ii general. And a full line of Ladies' Punishing Good:i, at very reasonable uriee. Children's hats and cups. Call ou us before making selections, liuve we cau please you. Wo be- social held at the Methodist Parsen age on Friday, Oct. 2Gth., at 7:30 o'clock p. m., to which everybody is cordially invited. Mrs. Nora II. Seigel for a num ber of years a resident of Tionesta, was married in Greeley, Col., on the 1st init., to Mr. Fred Denning Smith of San Diego, Cal. John Noble and George Hood, wbo are and have been engaged dur ing the past three months in drilling for J. M. Clapp in the vicinity of President, were home over Suoday last. The Hickory and Germau Hill boys crossed bats on the latter's crouuds last Saturday and bad a nice game. The score stood 15 to 8 in fa vor of Hickory at the end of the game. On account of the absence of Rev. Mr. McAninch at York, Pa., as the delegate of the Oil City and Vi cinity Uuion to the State convention of Christian Eudeavor societies, there will be no services in the Presbyter iao church next Sabbath. The hour usually devoted to preaching services in the morning will be taken up by the services of the Endeavor Eosiety loft was a perfect garden of palms. The stately bridal march from Loh engrin was played while the party came in. John I). Alricb, William Tiffany, W. II. Langheim, aud Wright D. Broadhead, the ushers, came in fiist, then followed Master Irwin A. Hall, the little page who carried the wedding ring on a silver salver, then the bride. The bride wore a handsome white satin dress en train with pearl trimmings and lace. She was met at the altar by the groom. Dr. Adams used the im pressive and beautiful Episcopal mar riage ritual from the prayer book which was "used at the wedding of the bride's father and mother, also at the weddings of ber sister and brother. The bride was bridesmaid at the wed ding of Mr. and Mis. Alfred Hall and their little sou assisted at this wed ding. Mrs. Robert C. Bradshaw was orgauist for the occasion and played wedding festival music while the cuests were assembling, her finished rendition being much enjoyed. Dur ing the ceremony she played Schu man's Traumerie and as the party were leaving the church Mendels sohu's wedding march. General James A. Beaver is now the only living ex-Governor of Pennsylva nia. By the explosion of a boilor in a saw, mill at Sugar Run Monday, George Mc Allister and Augustus Carlson were Instantly killed and William Dwyer fa tally injured. The famous pacing Btalliou Crawford Wilkes, record 2.07J, owned by R. A Stratton of Evansville, Crawford county died at DnBois on Saturday last from in (lamation of the stomach. Two more train robberies, one near Sacramento, Cal., where two men held up the overland express and secured $51,- 000 and the other in Virginia whore (180, 000 was gotten away with by the free- bootors, ended the record for last week William Gillespio, a sixteen year old boy of Erie, Pa., has become insane from smoking cigarettes and was removed to the insane asylum at Warren, last week The editor of a Warren county paper says it's as easy to toll a mushroom from a toadstool as a potato from a turnip, mushroom when fit to eat is always bright pink color on the under side. toadstool Is white or gray. A mushroom will always peel roadily. A toadstool will not peel. The Clarion Jacksonlan says that on account of the prevalence of typhoid fever in and about Fryburg, the residonts have com bined and are sinking a well on the, Frank Fletcher property. The water supply will be convoyed to consumers through iron pipes. In addition to sup plying pure water the well Is expected to furnish plenty of water for fire protec tion The mysterious murder of lawye Gibbs of B u Halo, on Delaware Ave., Buffalo, last April has been cleared up by the confession of the wife of Clarence Robinson who says she and her husband, who were destitute and desperate, at tempted to rob Gibbs, but he showed fight and while struggling with her hus band she shot him dead. Robinson who is in jail at Cleveland, O., awaiting ssn tence for burglary, corroborates his wife's story and will plead guilty to the charge of murder. Rev. Dr. John Peate, of Greenville, Pa., is about to bogiu the construction of a lens, for the new Amoricau University, at Washington, which, when completed, will be larger than any now in existence. The glass will be inches in diameter, seveu inches thick, and weigh about three-quarters of a ton. Dr. Peate will receive nothing for his labor, but his ex penses will be paid. Two large glass fac tories have refused to undertake casting the raw material and he may have to go abroad. Dr. Peate who has retired from tho ministry, was at one time Presiding Elder of this district. Blizzard. When in need of shoes don't for get to call and look over the elegant lock of Lawrence & Smearhaugh. 2t New goods arriving daily at Barnett's. tf A terrible storm The recent storms in the west should remind you that you should provide yourselves with good solid water-proof shoes. Ledebur & Miles make a specialty of them. They do not get hard. if A full line of the very latest styles of caps for men, boys and children, jast received at Barnett's. Call and see them, tf The assortment in the clothing line at Barnett's is still very good as to sizes aod styles, come early, as they are going fast at the prices ask- d for them. tf. Ledebur & Miles are agents for Sweet, Orr & Co.'s pants and over alls, warranted never to rip. also for Hostettler's seal gnat for men, women and children. only waterproof shoe made. COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF LANDS. 3Y VIRTUE of various acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania niado and provided, wo, the nn- ifgned ( oiiiinisHionprH ol rorest 'omitv, will exiioMo to sale bv nubile Vendue or outcry at the Court House, in Tionesia Borough, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1894. 10 o'clock a. ni., the following de scribed tracts of land, viz: 11ABNKTT TOWNSHir. Warrant. Acres. Warrantee or Owner. And BhoeB The tf Nprelinm hmii. S. H. Clifford. New Cassel. Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism his stomach was disordered, his liver whs affected to an alarming degree, appetite leu away, and he was terribly reduced m nosh anil strength, 'three oottles ol J-Jec trie Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, iiarrisniirg, ill,, liiul a running sore on his leg of eight vears' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, CatBwby, O., had five large fever sores on his log, doctors said he was incurable One bottle Electric Hitters and ono box Buck leu's Arnica Sal veeured him entire ly. Sold by Siggins & Herman's Drug siore. 3 Don't Tobnrro Mpll or Nmnke Your I.lfp away is the truthful, startling title of i little book that tells all about No-to-haiv the wonderful harmless guaranteed to bacco habit cure. The cost is trilling, and the man who wants to quit and can t runs no pnysicai or nnnncial nsK in us ing "No-to-bao." Sold by all druggists. Hook at druir more or bv mail tree. Ad dress, The Sterling Remedy Co., Indiana Mineral springs, Jnd. How to Cure n Cold. Simplv take Otto's Cure. We know of its astonishing cutes and that it will stop a cougn quicker man any Known remedy It you have Asthma. Uronclntis. (.'on sumption or any disease of the throat and lungs, a few doses ot this great gur- anteed remedy wilt sunrise you. ii you wish to try call at our store, and wo will be pleased to furnish you a bottle free of cost, and that will prove our assertion Siggins A Herman, Tionesta and W. G, Wiikins, West Hickory. 1 George R. Dawson, wife and baby are back in their bouse again. The women of the Wesloyan Church will hold their Missionary Meeting Fri day evening of this week. Wm. Wood and bis brother-in-law are moving a rig from the Thomas llaworth farm to Jerusalem Corners where they are going to drill a test well. Harry Zahniser aud sister Josie, visit ed U. S. Zahniser and family over Sabbath. James Mclntyre is going to move his house on the Wren farm, which he has bought. Pard McCaslin of Pleasantvillo has bought the drilling rig located on the Cummings farm and will move it to his farm one-haif mile beyond Pleasantville. Mrs. Vanglin of New York State, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Met calf of this this place. Mrs. Maggie Maul of Siverlyville is visiting frieuds here this week. Superintendent Kerr of Tionesta visit ed tho school here, Monday of this week. Mrs. James Mclntyre who we mention ed last week as being quite sick is much improved. . Our snow storm of Sabbath was rather a rough visitation, but now we have had Squaw winter we look for Indian sum mer. Wheat is looking well and the corn is being husked, which is bettor than was expected. Some pioces being quite well eared. Mr. Jas. Black of Smokey Hill, was in this Country on business, Friday of last week. Jas. Vandorlin of Venango Co. called on friends here this week. News Bov. Worth Knowing. Many thousand people have found friend in Bacon s Celery King. It you have never used this great specific for the prevailing maladies ol the age, uospep sia. Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Cos tiveness, Nervous Exhaustion, Nervous Prostration. Sleeplessness, and all ill seases arising from derangement of th stomach, liver and kidneys, we would be pleased to give you a package ot this groat nervo tonic tree ol charge, hig gins rf- Herman, Tionesta. W. G. Wiik ins, West Hickory. 1 3101 5211 Vact 310!) Attest, 200 Muhlenburg tl Camp bell. GREEN TOWNSHIP. 12 Whitman, J., fl Shoup. HICKORY TOWNSHIP. 1-5 of (W Collins, T. D. et al 4 Whitney, C. S. A Son. nowE TOWNsmr. I:w Sloan, J. V. 50 Union Oil Co. HARMOSV TOWNSHIP. 40 Met'lintock Hamilton. JKNKS TOWNSHIP. 100 Proper A Agnew, fl Proper. 70 Edward Bevior. TIONKSTA TOWNSHIP. 100 Sickles, (1, G. 87 Agnew, Proper A Jam ieson. 24 Agnew, Propor&Jam iesnn. 2 Butterlield, G. G. W. A. CoNNKLT, Pktkr Youngk, W. M. Coon, Co. Commissioners. J. T. Dalk, Clerk. Notice. Estato of Peter C. Blocher, late of Tio nesta Township, dee'd. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration up on the above named Estate have been granted to tho undersigned. All persons ndelited will make payment, and those having claims will present the same, du ly autlinntieated, without delay, to iu A K Y lsijdi'll Kit, Administratrix. Tionesta, Pa., Oct. 17, IH'M. A Ilouseliolil Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y. sava that he always keeps Dr. King' New Discovery in the house and his turn ily has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be with out it. if procurable. G. A. Dvkonia dru.gist Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. Kings New Discovery is undoubtedly the host Cough remedy ; that he has used it in his family for eight years, anil it has never failed to do all that is claimod for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles lree at Mggins Regular size 3. W.A. FISHER'S NEW STORE IS THE FINEST JEWELRY STORE IN FOREST COUNTY. Everything of the Latest Style, And First Class Goods I have just received a new line of SIL VER BELTS and BELT PINS, LA DIES' SILVER BUTTON SETS. And the LORGNETTE CHAIN ia the latest in Ladies' Chains. Complete line of Xcw Clocks, Silver Tea Sets, Knives, Forks and Spoons. Eye-glasses carefully fitted. Repair ing promptly attended to. W. A. FISHER, Tionosta. Pa. & Herman's drug store. 500. and $1.00. Card ot Thanks. I desire to thank the friends of Byromtown aud East Hickory for their kindly sympathy and assistance during the receot illness and death of my wife, Bertha E. McGregor. Allah J. McGreuou, Byromtown, Pa. Spoke Timber Wanted. We want to buy 1000 cords of first class secoud growth white oak spoke bolts. Also a few birch bolts. Landers & Wyman, Tionesta, l'a. Subscribe now. Ooly $1,00. We have a number of ladies' gossamers, old styles, which formerly sold at $1.50 aud upwards, will uow be sold for 50 ceuts each. Lawrence & Siuearbaugh. 2t. Just come to Barnett's aud see our all wool pants, made of James towii mills cloth at $2.75. Warrant ed all wool. Equal to custom made. Do you need underwear? Led ebur & Miles cau supply that need. Highest market price paid for hides and peits at Barnett's. tf. Ask your erocer for "Granula Coffee," the great etrengtbiog, nour ishiug and easily digested beverage. The attention of our patrons is called to the fact that the stock ia winter lines is all uew at Burnett's. Merino underwear for children aod Misses, sizes from 10 tu 34; also fine quality of white serge at 50 cents per yard, at Lawreuce & Smear baugh's. 2t Wo have special bargains in gent's furnishing goods. Trices to meet auv coiupotitiou. Come and see at Barnett's. tf Just received a full Hue of win ter flauiiels, yarns aud furnishing goods, at Harnett's. tf The best place to buy Gents'. Furnishings, is at Ledebur & Miles'. All goods sold by us must prove as represented. tf Now is your time to buy cloth ing at Baruelt's, at prices away down. These goods must be closed out at all I ba.zard. if. IirfKI.E.VN AUMC'A HALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Soros. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aud oil Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give periect satisfaction, or money roiunacd KAY & BROTHER AN'XOIWCE A?" NOW READY. PURDON'S DIGEST 12th Ed. 2 Vols. Imp. 8 Vo. Price $13.00. BEING A DIGEST CF THE STATUTE LAW OF PENNSYLVANIA FROM 1700 TO 1894. By FRANK F. BRIGHTLY, Esq. of the Phila. Bar. box. Price 2" cents per For sale bv Siggins A Nason. MARRIED. SMITH SEIGEL In Greeloy, Monday evening, October 1, WM, at the resi dence of Mr. fe Mrs. J. S. Chambers at 7:30 p. m., Fred Denning Smith, of Sau Diego, California, to Mrs. Nora II. Seigel, of Greeley, Rev. C. Howard Wilson performing the coremony. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour ia barrel choice - - 6.00rS.00 Flour V sack, - - i0(.t,t.25 Corn Meal, 100 lhs - Chop food, pure grain Corn, Shelled -Beans bushel - -Ham, sugar cured Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured Shoulders -Whttelish, half-barrels -Sugar - Syrup - N. O. Molasses new Roast Rio Coffee Rio Coffee, -Java Coffee - Tea Butter .... Rice Eggs, fresh -Salt laVe best - Lard Iron, common bar Nails, 50d, 'fr keg -Potatoes .... Lime V bbl. Dried Apples sliced per lb Dried Beef -Dried Poaches per th Dried Peaches pared per - l.JiOfuil.fiO L35 (-1.7S i.oo(5,'j.50 fu,15 - 13 10 - 8.50 5(u,ti ntKtiO 50(ci,li0 25 C 32(4 35 20(u.75 (,25 0(8 (3. 15 1.00 - 2.00 - 1.75 tiOA75 l.oa - ti(4 10 15 10 15 Auditor's Notice. No. 4 of May Tr., 1804. In Orphans' Court of Forest County. J n lie l-.stato of H. M. Curson, deceased. The undersigned, having been appoint ed Auditor iu above matters, hereby uiveu notice that he will attend to the ilu ties of said appointment at ollice of S. D Irwin ill Tionesia Born, on Friday the l'.Kli day ol October at 1 oclork, p. in,, when and where alt parties iiiluiesled can Bottle if llicv see proper. P. M. CLARK, Auditor. Tionosta, Pa., Sept. 22, 18'.i4. IF YOU WANT a rtieeUMe Job of printing at a reasonable price send your order to this ollice. It is thoroughly revised to date, and contains new and Important titles. With a chronological table of Statutes referred to, aud a new and exhaustive index etc., etc. For a full descriptive circular, write to KAY & BROTHER, Publishers, 724 Sausoiu Street, Philadelphia. WARREN NATIONAL BANK Warren, Penna, CAPITAL, $150,000.00 DIRECTORS: Nelson 1. Wheeler, Jerry Crary, Geo. M. Purmleo, C. Sehiiiimoll'eng, Christian Smith, David W. Beaty, Win. D. Brown, Audrew Hertzel, A. T. Scotiold, 11. T. Russell, H. A. Jamiesou. Personal and Iluttiiwas account nulici- tcd on mo.sf favoruble terms consistent with good conservative banking. Interest allowed on deposits. (. N. PA I! ML EE, Pi t . jr. A. JAMIESOX, Vice Pies. K K. HERTZ EL, Cashier I. H HASLET & SONS , GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TION EST A, PENN. 4".-' .'1 -IS f p. ti'FP: To I'KlSTEliS The liEFl Bl.H'AN has tor sale al a bargain a 1' 1'. Olds Gasoline engine, 1 horse power. Just the t lie thing for a country printing olliee iu uued of convenient and eco nomical power. Engine iu perfect couditiou. tf.