THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. i. t. WINK, - toiTon 4 PsopsitTo. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1894. IIJ.PI IIM A TICKKT. KTATK. Governor, DANIEL II. HASTINGS. Lieut. Governor, WALTER LYON. Auditor Clonoral, AMOS II. MYLIN. Secretary of Internal Affairs, JAMES W. LATTA. Congress-at-Largo, GALUSHA A. (iROW, GEOHGE F. HUFF. t'OINTV. Congress, W. C. ARNOLD, of Clearfield County. State Sonata, JOHN F. CRAIG, of Clarion County. Assembly, J. E. WESK, Associate Judge, J.A.NASH. District Attorney, T. M. CLARK. Coroner, J. W. MORROW. McKINLET TO WILSON. J In bis address at Gallipolis Gover vernor McKidey inquired what in dustries tbe tariff law of 18!)4 created, and what existing industries it bad stimulated and ' said : "I find answer to my question in the Dews piper dispatches to-day from London, furnishing particulars of n banquet given by the Chamber of Commerce of London to Mr. Wilson, member of Congress from tbe State of West fiTgWia, whose rugged hillsides I see just over the river. Sir Albert Kaye Rullitt, who presided at the banquet, said that Mr. Wilson's name bad become honored and familiar in England, and that laodon in honor ing him honored itself; that tbe new tariff law, while it might Dot have realized the aspirations of its promo ters, had already benefitted England. Furnaces, be said had been re-opened in Wales and Yorkshire, and an im petus has been given to the textile industries. This will be cheering news to tbe people of the United States, and will bring comfort to the idle men, wbo for more than a year have been waiting for tbe American mills to reopen. You have not heard of any commercial body intheUoited States, through its spokesman, declar ing that any industries of America have been stimulated by that law, whatever benefits have goue to other countries. "While the banquet at London was proceeding the Board of Trade of Edinburgh sent its congratulations There was a singular absence of any American dispatches. Here is a word of encouragement which Mr. Wilson himself gave to the gentle men of London. He said : 'Our pro tectionists have been building de fenses to keep you and other nations from competing with us in our mar kets. The tariff reformers are break ing down these defenses.' That is what we object to. If we do not de fend our home markets against the praduots of the cheaper labor of other countries, who will t Is it any wonder that tbe Chamber of Com merce of London applauded Mr. Wilson when he uttered such a senti ment? "Mr. Wilson even despairs of free government, for he said we are being rapidly sobered, thoueh unaDnalled. by the truth forced opon us, that 'of all Human governments a free govern ment is the mobt complex and diffi cult, and, judging from tbe world's experience, tbe most uncertain and short-lived.' I beg to assure Mr. Wilson, of West Virginia, that the government of the United States, resting, as it does upon the will of a free people, is safe and secure quite as secure as the governments that are conducted by tbe titled few; and that a free people like ours, capable of goveriog themselves, and having so aemonstrated for more than 100 years, will be alert enough to see that no industrial policy shall long con tinue in this country that will lower the conditions of its people to the level of their European rivals and rob them of their dignity and inde pendence." Pay Your Taxes. Republicans, you should not over look tbe important fact that Satur day, October 6th, will be tbe last day for the payment of State or County taxes in order to eotitlo you to a vote at the coining election. It is of the greatest momeut that uo votes shall be lost to the cause of protection this fall. Therefore, ev ery Republican should see that bis taxes are paid in ample time. Bet ter attend to it now aod have it off your mind. Pay your taxes aod vote. The oleo monopoly is spending an immense amount of money advertis ing its product in the daily papers in all big cities. In these advertise ments they claim that au immense amount of rancid winter butter is be ing worked over and colored up, and palmed off onto the unsuspecting consumer as June butter. Many similar stories are being printed in these advertisements, and the chemi cal and and scientific papers teem with long editorials in favor of oleo aod agaiost the bill now pending in the Uuited Slates Senate to enable each stale to enforce its law against oleo even when sold in original pack ages. Here is the American Analytt, for iostaoce, in the course of a long article saying : "We claim that tbe best oleomargarine is second only to the best butter." It is just as well for farmers to thoroughly understand tbe insidious character of the foe they are fighting. Candidate Sikqkrly offers tbe free use of the columns of his Phila delphia Record to General Hastings to discuss State issues. This cam paign is not being conducted on State issues. It is broader than our State. It covers the entire Union, and if Mr. Singerly desires to stump this State side by side with General Has tings on the issues that are of vital import to tbe entire nation, we have no doubt that General Hastings will take him along aod introduce him to a few people. Outside of Philadelphia Mr. Singerly'a acquain tance is confined to a mighty few peo ple, aod they are politicians. He ought to get away from his office aod meet some of the rank and file, es pecially that Oil City Democratic lawyer who never heard of his can didacy until last week; observes the Harrisburg Telegraph. That our local industries will suf fer more or less through the passage of the tariff bill is proven by tbe fact in McKean counly alone there are fifteen chemical works whose princi pal output is wood alcohol. This ar ticle has been put oo tbe free list, and these factories which were erected at a cost of $450,000 aod employ in the neighborhoood of 500 men, all getting good wages, will be compell ed to shut down on account of foreign competition. Many have already closed their doors while others are workiog short handed aud getting ready to ge out of business. In Hamlin township alone fully $150, 000 a year has been paid to tbe la boring classes, and tbe cessation of this pay roll will naturally effect all kinds of b usiu ess. Kane Republican. Japan is still meeting with success in her war with China and that she is intensely ambitious appears in a dispatch to the London Times to the effect that a plan for dividing tbe Empire into three separate Kingdoms is already being considered by the Japanese authorities in caee of ulti mate success. This statement only affords another of many evidences already existing that if the Japs fail, it will not be because of a lack of thorough earnestness or intelligent conception of what they are fighting for. If you have not paid a State or County tax within two years, and have your receipt where you can lay your finger on it, then do so at once, as next Saturday, October 6th is the last day in order to secure your vote in November. This is a very impor tant matter, and cannot be over esti mated. Republicans, make a person al affair of this pay your tax now It was certainly a perfectly natur al thing that the Loudon Chamber of Commerce should have invited the Hon. William L. Wilson, of West Virginia, as soon as be landed on British soil, to a banquet to be given in his honor. It is just what the Blizard predicted would happen when Mr. Wilson left our shores. Blizzard. Carnegie has reduced the wages of the men at the Edgar Thompson steel works and Braddock furnaces. It was only a short time ago that tbe converted Carnegie, was telling what a fine thing free trade would be for the workingman. Has be flopped back again? Brazil has abrogated tbe reei pro city treaty negotiated by James G. Blaine, as under the new tariff she gets all tbe advantages, without pay ing anything for them. This is an other instance of how this beneficent act helps some other country. Repcrlicaks, look after your taxes and don't miss your vote. BI I KI.KX'NAUMCA HAI.VK. The best Salve in Die world for Cuts, Bruises, Korea, Ulcer. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aud all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Files, or no pav re uired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. .Price Ho cents per box. For sale bv Signing k Nason. Forest Flouring Mill! WAGNER BROS, PROPRIETORS. Manufacturers of FLOUR, MEAL. TIONESTA, PENN. YUE iVISII TO ANNOUNCE that we aro now prepared to do all kinds of Custom Work, and that we aro determined to give satisfaction. We carry In stock all, "kinds of Food, and invite all to Inquire for prices. We also wish to call tho attention of flour consumers to our Mfu-TiMs noun, Fresh ground, and of which we war- , rant each and every sack, at f3.35 por :j barrel. j; jf-S'AH iroods dolivercd free any- jj whore In the Borough. !j FOR ON THAT DEPENDS YOUR WHOLE APPEARANCE. "Virtue may flourish in an old ciavat, but men and nature scorn the shocking hat." If you want up to date styles, If you waut superb qualities, If you want Hats that wear, neither break nor fade, buy our Ilj'cli-niilic ri--Mtl Ilnti-t. McCUEN & SIMON. Tailors, Hatters, Furnishers and Shirt mutters, itioaoraie trice store. Mole Agents for Youmans and Knox's Hats and Dr Jaeger's Underwear. 25 AND 29 SENECA STREET. Oil, CITY. PA. Here's the Idea Of the Non-pull-out Bow The great watch saver. Saves the watch from thieves and falls cannot be pulled off the case costs nothing extra. S3 Tht bow has a groove on each end. A collar runs down inside the U t J pendent (stem) and VJtljJ iato tn grooves, j r firmly locking the bow to the pendant, so that it cannot be pulled or twisted off. Can only be had with cases stamped with this trade mark. J a. Boss Filled Watch Cases are now fitted with this great bow (ring). They look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as much, and are guaranteed for twenty years. Sold only through watch dealers Rcmr mber the name -Ti eVui'r itmta Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA, THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF T TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELO, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug f ios to let upon the most reasonable terms, le will also do JOB TBAMIUO- All orders left at the Post Ofilce will receive prompt attention. TIME TABLE In effect Nov. in, 18U3. Trains leave Tio nosta for Oil City and points west as follows: No. H3 Through Freight (carry ing passengers) tf:40a. m. No. 31 Bu Halo Ex press 12:07 noon. No. til Way Freight (carrying passengers) 4:15 p. m. No. 33 Oil City Express 7:53 p. ui. For Ilickory.Tidioute.Warren.Kinzua, Bradford, Glean and the East : No. 30 Glean Express 8:41 a. in. No. 32 Pittsburgh Express.... 4:15 p. in. No. tw Through Freight (car- rying passengers) 6:50 p. ui. No. Uo Way Freight (carrying passengers to Tiuiiesta) 8:41 a. ui. Trains 83 and 00 Run Daily and carry passengers to and from points between Gil City and Irvineton only. Other trains run daily except Sunday. Get Time Tables and full Information from S. C. CLARK, Aegnt, Tionesta, Pa. R. BELL, Gen'INupt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent, Uullalo, N. Y. ffls j ffiM mm to ii iiMi.snnai.iiii SECOND TO NONE But lead in fmo Dry Goods and clothing. OUR MIDSUMMER SALES. All light goods must lie sold to make room for tho Immense lino or Fall and Winter goods that Is to come. Now Is tho tlmo to buy light dress goods. Send In your ordor. CLOTHING, for mon, youths and children, at clearing sale prices, to make room. BOOTS A SHOES must also be sold at remarkably low prices, to make room. MILLINERY GOODS have got to tuner as well, for we must have tho room. CARPETS, Oil Cloth, Laco Curtains, Shades, Drapery. Babv Carriages. Trunks and Vallos, all must sufTor, for room Is Tills la the VArv host Rft1ntf,l linn In room Suit, Extension Tables, Rocking Chairs ol all kinds, Easy Chairs, Kitchen Chairs, Bedsteads of all kinds and prices. Mattresses and Spring bods. Nond bet- " o iii-uuie. Kounges, in mi a iiuu, vhii uo uougut nr a very DAVID MINTZ'S. Mail ordors promptly attended to. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for IMPORTANT ! Tho long struggle over tho wool ques tion is now practically settled in Congress, and now I want to the public to my stock of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Ladies' and gents' Furnishings, Jewelry, Glass and China ware. All must be I offer it at first cost a fact. Come, everybody. At BARNETT'S Smart L Silberberg. CARPETS! We unhesitatingly claim tho largest and Carpets, Rugs, Oil Clotlis, Lino Icums, Mattings, etc, to be fiund in this section. Having made all our recent purchases under tho ora tion of the new Tarilf, we are in position to save you from 10 to 25 per cent. In times like these it behooves all to save every dollar they can. HERE'S WHERE THEY CAN BE SAVED. Hemp Carpots at ... Ingrain Carpets as low as ... Ingrain Carpets, new patterns and colors Slpendid Serviceable Wool-filled lugraius at -All Wool Ingrains at Hartford, Lowells, etc., new goods, at Tapestry Brussels as low as -Body Brussels as low as Remarkably handsome ell'octs in Velvets, Mo.juettes, Axiuinsters, etc An unusually large variety of Japanese Rugs in all sizes. All Carpets purchased at our storos will be sewod free of charire. We guarantee a saving on every Carpet rum laro. 112 CKXTIIE NTltEET, what we want. ttn rmmttt VI tt a n r-.i jiocl Jounges, In fact anything you mav low prico. At Marienville, Pa. Wool, Sheep pelts, Hldos, Ginseng. call the attention of sold at once, therefore for cash. This is best Boloctod stock of 15c yd 10o yd 25c yd 3!)o yd 49o yd 60c yd 47c yd 00c yd amounting to several times y our rail- This Space Belongs to LAN SON! Who will occudy it with a new ad. in a short time. Mcanwhilo go and sco his eleprant now stock. DON'T LET IT ESCAPE YOU. WHAT? Why those Suits andOvercaots at Ledebur & Miles', just what They aro offering them at prices you can not afford to miss. Gentlemon should bear In mind that Idobur A Miles aro tho leading Clothiers In Tlonosta nnd carry a completo stock of everything in that lino. Also a complote line of waterproof Shoes that do not got hard. Don't forgot the place. LEDEBUR & MILES. SIGGINS & HERMAN, DRUGGISTS fc GROCERS, TIONESTA, - - - PENN. IX OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND TKmFRESIJCEST GflQGEiilES BERRIES, FRUITS ,t VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clerk, will always bo found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & Smearbauqh, DEALERS IN " CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS. CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. iOOUMOT PBGDU0I MID SASH TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. w, a; mmn having removed to the NEW B0VARD BUILDING. Will open up with a new Stock TUESDAY, SEPT. 9, '94. of tho firm of MORCK BRO S, OPTICIANS, Specialist in Errorsof Refraction of the Eye. Examinations free of charge WARREN, PENN. S. H. HASLET k GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, -AND- UNDERTAKERS. PA. Fred. Grettenberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery. En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Blucksniithing prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given speeial attention, and satistactum guaranteed. (Shop in rear of and lust Wktof tho fehaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER, . OIL CITY, PA. TIONESTA, PENN.