THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. i. I. WINK, CDITO 4 PdOPKHTOS. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEK 20, 18P4. iti;ri:iMC ax ticket. STATU. Governor, DANIEL H. HASTINGS. Limit. Governor, WALTER LYON. Auditor General, AMOS II. MY LIN. Soeretary of Internal Affairs, JAMES W. LATTA. Congrpss-at-Largo, GALUSIIA A. GROW, GEORGE F. HUFF. COINTY. Congress, W. C. ARNOLD, of Clearfield County. State Senate, JOHN F. CRAIG, of Clarion County. Assembly, J. E. WENK. Associate Judge, J. A. NASH. District Attorney, P. M. CLARK. Coroner, J. W. MORROW. Tay Tour Taxes. Republicans, you should not over look the important fact that Satur day, October 6th, will bo the last day for the payment of Stale or County taxes in order to entitle you to a vote at the coming electiou. It is of the greatest moment that uo votes shall be lost to the cause of protection this fall. Therefore, ev ery Republican should see that his taif? are paid iu ample time. Bet- TcF,nUcnd to it now aud have it off your mind. The Chamber of Commerce of London, England, is to banquet Con gressman William L. Wilson on Sep tember 27lh. This is eminently pro per and shows that the Englishmen appreciate a kindness. Wilson is and has been the Englishman's friend, and a banquet to him by the English business men and manufacturers. represented in the Chamber of Com merce, is among the things to ' be ex pected. The American workman and the Americau manufacturer will please take notice. The Republicans of New York, at their State convention held at Sara toga last week, uomioated Ex-Vice President, Levi P. Morton for Gov ernor, and Slate Senator Charles T, Saxton for Lt. Governor. The tick et is one of the strongest that could be named, and gives the greatest sat isfaction. That it will be elected by a large majority, is conceded by the Democrats in the significant fact that, after a long interview with Senators Hill and Murphy, Governor Flower has notified bis friends that he will not accpt a re-nomination. The Philadelphia Ledger support ed McAleer for Congress in the Third district. Time was when the Ledger took an interest in Philadelphia in euiuwous ana did wbat it could to advance them. Since it became the Cleveland court organ and apologist for free traders it has lost its regard TM fill.. ior rniiaaeipnia and seeks to put men into office who would strike down by their votes in Congress that which is essentially Philadelphian her -factories, mills, workshops and homes. The Ledger is fast losing its reputation for fair play, and fast gaining notority as a toady. Pay your taxes, jour vote this fall. and don't miss Ugnebai. Hastings tour of the State has been one of continuous ova' lion since tie started on his trip, Wherever he has spoken he has been met by monstrous audiences and a of the most enthusiastic order. He stopped an hour or two in Oil City Ihursduy, while en route to Kittan- niog, and was met by a large delega wuu ui BuwiuBiaBiic menus ot all par ties. In noting the General's visi the Blizzard has this to say of him ma ueuerai is one oi ine com para lively few candidates a meeting whom does not detract from bis stand mg in the estimation of those whom be meets. Large, good looking, affa bio and pleasant spokbu, he has the bearing of a distinguished man, and would be siugled out as one in any gathering. He is sure to make friends wherever he goes." i a i your mate or t ouuty tax f a .1. i: . . i v " me niiiii iu oruer to secure your vote this fall. The defeat of Democrtic Congress man McAleer for re-uomination the the third Philadelphia district by the Harrity machine, and theterribl denunciation of said machine Gubernatorial Candidate Siogerly by his Philadelphia Iiecord, is the sensa lion of the hour, and greater conster nation has the parly uever suffered than has been caused by this event. Mr. Singerly, wlwi lias been working for harmony since his nomination, comes out boldly ami tells hii party that "it may as well be confessed now as sixty days hence," that its action "will thoroughly demoralize, disheart en and defeat Democratic effort to poll a full vote in that city this No vember,'" and says that "100,000 Democrats have allowed themselves to be hand cuffed and delivered into the control of a few contemptible ringslers, rooters and ruffians." Thk New York Republicans have done the wise thing in nominating lion. Levi P. Morton for Governor. 31 r. iuortou is a clean-handed man. man of great ability, he has not ntagouized any of the elements of is party, and altogether his nomina- ion is the best that could be made. Of late years the Republicans of New York have boeo making some very rocky nominations at the dictation of Tom Piatt, but this year Piatt was shrewd enough to see that the popu- ar demand was for Mr. M rtou, and e got on the people's train. Mr. Morton's majority will be something handsome. Revitrmcans, look after your axes and don't miss your vote. The following is a sample of the kinds of benefits to accrue to the country from the Free Trade tariff: Spanish-American ports are now practically closed to many of our agricultural products. Official no tice has been received at Havana from the minister of colonies, at Ma drid, that the duties ruling before the reciproftty treaty went into effect, hould be restored. The trade cre ated under the McKinley bill amounted to something like $20,000, 000. Preparations have been made at Halifax, Quebec and other British ports to take hold of the trade hither to enjoyed by the United States. In his answer to Factor Inspector watciioru as to wbat is the proper age for a child to go to work in a mill or factory Terreuce V. Powder ly, the labor leader says that for mor al, physical and economic reasons the child should not enter the treadmill of competition before fifteen years of age. Furthermore, Mr. Powderly nks that the school house should know all children, and it should not be a passing acquaintance either; the education should be well under war before the coal breaker, the fac tory or mill .should overshadow the school house. The education of America is paramount to everything else. Where there is ignorance there is mischief. Educate the children, then teach them trades but educate them. Pay your taxes and vote. ftliort sight ednesa. To waste your money on vile, dirtv. watery mixtures, compounded by inex perienced persons, when you have the opportunity of testing Otto's Cure free of charge. hy will you continue to irri tate your throat and lungs with that tor riblo backing cough when Sicirins C Herman or W. G. Wilkins will furnish you a free sample bottle of this great guaranted remedy T Hold a bottlo of Ot to's Cure to the light and observe its beautiful golden color and thick heavy syrup. Largest packages and purest goods. Large bottles 50c aud 25c It May 1 a Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irvine. 111. writes that he had a severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affec ted. He tried many so called Kidney cures but without anv aood result. About a year ago be began the use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once, Electrio Bitters is especially adanted to cure all kidney and liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial w ill prove our statement. Price on ly ooo. ior large bottlo. At Biggins & Herman s drugstore. Kon'l Tobarrs Kpit r Ninoke Your Life away is the truthful, startling title of a little book that tells all about No-to-bao, the wonderful harmless guaranteed to bacco habit cure. The cost is tritlinir. and the man who wants to quit and can't ruus no puysieai or linauciul risK in us ing "No-to-bac." Sold by all druggists. Book at drug store or by mail free. Ad dress, The Sterling Remedy Co., Indiana Mineral springs, lnd. Hi t Kl.KVM AUMCA HALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud posi tively cures Files, or no pay rej uired. It is guaranteed to jea to give periect sutisiaction, refunded. Price 25 cents per or money box. tor sale bv Siggins A Naxnn. Ilia Kxciu-uirnt iu Town. Over the remarkable cures of the grandest specific of the age, Bacou's Cel ery King, which acts as a natural laxa tive, stimulates the digestive organs, reg ulates the liver and kidneys and is na ture's great healer and health renewer. If you have Kidney, Liver and blood disorder do not delay, but call at Siggius Herman's or W. U. Wilkin's drug store for a free trial package. Large size uuc auu z.c. y W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE, o eat e HCST UEAKINQ. Aud other pclaltlef (or Geutlemeo, Latllef, bujra and Mluei are the Best in the World. See descriptive d vert 1m- tneat which apptMu-t la UUt paper. Tak no Substitute. lusUt on liMving W Lt with nuns and prlc lamped on bottom bold by F. R. LANSON. if yuu WAS T a respectable lob ot priming ut a reasonable price send j una viuai IU IU1S U1UCO. Forest Flouring Mill! WAGNER BROS, PROPRIETORS. Manufacturers of FLOUR, FEED, MEAL. TIONESTA, PENN. Y1TE WISH TO ANNOUNCE that wo are now prepared to do all kinds of Custom Work, and that we are determined to glvo satisfaction. We carry iu stock all ;kinds of Feed, and invito all to Imiuirn for prices. We also wisli to call tho attention of1 flour consumers to our Mi?D-TIMS noun,) I Fresh ground, and of which wo war- I rant each and every sack, at f.t.35 per ! barrel. JUr-Al jtoods delivered freo any where hi tho Borough. THE THREE essentials for a satisfactory suit of cloth es are fit. quality, style. Anything that comes irom us em unices all or those. In Iauiiiuuii vim ii ui y ny n 111111 me price right. Just now we are showing our Buueru ran linnortntlons ot (ient nmnn's Suitings, Over Coatings.and Trouserinirs. Cotno in and see the Fall Styles, wheth er wismug 10 purchase or not. McCUEN & SIMON, Tailors, Hatters, Furnishers and Shirt Makers, Moderate Price Store. Sole Agents for Youmans and Knox's Hats and Dr Jaeger's Underwear. 25 AND 29 SENECA STREET. OIL CITY, PA. Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance against theft or accident is the now famous BOW, the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled or wrenched from the case. Can only be had on cases containing this trade mark. MADS BY Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia. the oldest, largest, and most complete Watch Case factory in the world 1 500 employees; 2000 Watch Cases doily. One of its products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which are just as good as solid cases, and cost about one half less. Sold by all jewelers, without extra ch.-.nre for Nun-pull-out bow. The maimfct.i.-,:r will scud you a watch cane opener (roe. m i A - si Jtilv THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock. Good Carriaies and Ruir pies to let upon the most reasonable terms. lie will alto Uo JOB TZETTTQ- AU orders loft at the Pout Otliee will receive prompt attention. TIME TABLE In effect Nov. 0, 18'J.J. Trains leavo Tio- nesta for Oil City and points west as lollows : No. 93 Through Freight ( carry - JUK UHMKCugerHJ , No. 31 Itutlalo Express '. No. til Way Freight (carrying passengers) No. 33 Oil City Exf less t: 40 a. m. 12:07 noon. 4:1ft p. 111. 7:5;S p. m For II ickory.Tidioute, Warren,, Bradford, Olean and the East : io. 30 Oleun Express 8:41 a. in. No. 32 Pittsburgh Express.... 4:15 p. in. No. tdi Through Freight (car rying passengers) 0:50 p. m. No. oo Way Freight (eurrying passengers to Tioncsta) 8:41 a. m. Trains 93 aud 1)6 Ruu Daily and carry passengers to and from points between Oil City and Irvineton only. Other trains run daily except Sunday. Get Time Tables and full information from S. CLARK, Aegnt, Tionesta, Pa. R. BELL, Gen'lSupt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passenger fc Ticket Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. ft f I III - "fitMMHii SECOND TO NONE But load in lino Dry Goods and clothing. OUR MIDSUMMER SALES. All light goods must bo aold to mako room for tho immonso lino of Fall and Winter goods that is to come. Now is the lime to buy light dress goods. Send in your order. CLOTHING, for men, youths and children, at clearing sale prices, to make room. HOOTS it SHOES must also be sold at remarkably low prices, to mako room. MILLINERY HOODS have got to miller as well, for we must have the room. CARPETS, Oil Cloth, Lnco Curtains, Shades, Drapery, Haby Carriages, Trunks and Valios, all must suffer, for room Is what wo want. This is the very best selected lino In the County. Fine Parlor suits, fine Bod room Sultfl, Extension Tables, Rocking Chairs ol all kinds, Easy Chairs, Kitchen Chairs, Bedsteads of all kinds and prices, Mattresses and Spring bods. Nond bet ter mado than what wo heudle. Lounges, Bod Lounges, in fact anything you may want in this line, can be bought for a very low price, at DAVID MINTZ'S. Mail orders promptly attended to. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for IMPORTANT ! The long struggle tion is now practically and now 1 want to the public to my stock of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Ladies' and gents' Furnishings, Jewelry, Glass and China ware. All must bo sold at once, therefore I offer it at first cost for cash, a fact. Come, everybody. At BARNETT'S Smart k Silberberg. 3E1 CARPETS ! We unhesitatingly claim tho largest uud Uarpcts, Rugs, leiniis, Mattings, etc., to bo fcund in this section. Having made all our recent purchases under tho opera tion of tho new Tariff, we aro in position to save you from 10 to 25 per cent. In times like these it bohoovos all to save every dollar they can. HERE'S WHERE THEY CAN BE SAVED. Hemp Carpets at Ingrain Carpets as low as Ingrain Carpets, new patterns aud colors Slpondid Serviceable Wool-filled Ingrains All Wool Iugraina at Hartford, Lowells, etc., now goods, at Tapestry Brussels as low as - Rody Ilrussels as low as Remarkably handsonio eil'octs iu Volvots, MoiuoUes, Axminsters, etc. An unusually large variety of Japanese Rugs in all sizes. All Carpets purchasod at our stores will be sewed free of churgo. We guarantee a saving on every Carpet amounting to several times your rail road fure. 112 C'UXTItE STltEKT, Maricnvillc, Pa. Wool, Shoop pelts, Hides, Ginseng. over the wool ques settled in Congress, call the attention of This is 3Cn & host soloctod stock of Oil Clotlis, LinO' at 15c yd 19o yd 25o yd 3'Jo yd 49o yd 60c yd 47c yd 00c yd OIL CITY, PA. Summer is With Us! Hard Times BONANZA for BUYERS Who have the Cash. Cash was novcr hot ter and more needed than now, and cash will buy moro goods and at Lower Prices than anything else yet discovered. Come and sec what cash will buy. Wo have a nice line of General Merchandise, well selected. Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Satchels, Groceries, Hardware, Flour & Feed, Etc., Which are all for sale as cheap as anv place in this end of great United States. LANSOM'S, Iron Building, Tioncsta, Pa. HARD TIMES SALE! Summer Suits. BEGINNING MONDAY WH WILL SKLL KVKHYfJSUMMKlt SUIT IN OUlt" STOHK. AT HARD TIMES PRICES ! Wo aro bound to moot tho (Imiiaiul for low prices iliu in tho Btinironcy in tho money tnmkot. Don't buy cheaper goods becauso you aro hard up. Wo will aoll you any of our high grade suits at tho price satmfaction. Call at LEDEBUR and be united. SIGGINS & DRUGGISTS TIONESTA, - IN OUR GROCKHY DEPA RTM KNT WI LL ALWAYS Illi FOUND rim mmiimr Gmamms. niCKKIKS, FRUITS A VKGKTABLKS OF ALL KINDS, IN SKASON. Iu our Drug Department, which is iu charo of a thorouKhly competent Clork, will alwaya bo found tho PUREST DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! FRKSCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED WITH UTMOST CARK. Lawrence & Smearbaugh, DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. ROOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 00TOTEY PRODUCE AMD 0ASH: TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. 1 1 Jeweler Tionesta tlUGVSV MOKCK Jit. of tho firm of MOItCK liRO'S, OPTICIANS, Specialist iu Errors of Refraction of the bye. Examinations freo of charge. WAltltKN, PENN. I. H. HASLET k GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN. arc still a tho best part of the of a common tmit and guarantee you & MILES. HERMAN, 6c GROCERS, - - PENN. STERLING SILVER BELTS AND BUCKLES I LADIES' BUTTON SETS 1 A NEW LINE JUST RECEIVED. FITTED TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. AT REASON ABLE PRICES. iti:iAiiti.j PROMPTLY ATTEND ED TO AT LOWEST PRICES. W. A, FISHER, JEWELER. J OIL CITY, - - PA. 21 Fred. Orettenberpr GENERAL i A BLACKSMITH & MACHIN E. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, (Jas or Water Fit- tings anil General Itlai ksmithiiig prompt-) lv done at Low Hales. Repairing Mill! Machinery given special attention, and) satisfaction guaranteed. ,' Shop in rear of and just west of thof ; Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENUERGER. i ; I