THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. C. WINK, Editor 4 PnorftttToit. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 18P4. RErUIILICAX TICKET. COl'MTV. Congress, A. W. COOK. (Subject to action of Dint. Conference.) Assembly, J.F.WESK, Associate J ml hp, J. A. NASU. District Attorney, P. M. CLARK. Coroner, J. W. MORROW. REITBMCAX rRI ft ARIES OF FOR EST COUNTY. The Return Judges met in the Court House at two o'clock yesterday afternoon and computed the votes cast at the primary election held on Saturday, and the following candi dates were declared by the Conven tion as the nominees of the Republi can party. For Coogress, subject to the action of the district conference, A, Wayne Cook ; for Assembly, J. E. Wenk ; for Associate Judge, J. A. Nash ; for District Attorney, P. M Clark Esq., for Coroner, Dr. J. W. Morrow. Kennedy L. Haugh had no opposition for Delegate to the BBMUHr Ruin Convention, and goes uoiostruc ted, as has always been the custom in Forest county. Stirring resolutions, published in full in this issue, were adopted, after which the Convention proceeded to the election of a Chair man for the ensuing year. James G. Carson of Nebraska was chosen and his election made unanimous. The . ... .... uoairman ana eacn or me nominees were called upon and responded in a few words each, thanking the coo vention and through them the voters of the County for the honor conferred upon theai. The thanks of the Re publicans is due the out-going Chair , man, Mr. Woods, for his untiring worn on nenair 01 me party and tor the victories achieved in the past un der his leadership. Of the ticket time does not permit of extend ed noitce, at this time; suffice it to say that the proceedings were har monious, and good feeling prevailed throughout. More about the candi dates as the campaign progresses. RESOLUTIONS. lirst. The Republicans of Forest County in convention assembled horeby reaffirm their adherence to the principles of the Republican party as enunciated in their platform at Minneapolis. Second. We denounce the efforts of the present Democratic administration to reduce the wages of American laboring men and mechanics to the condition of the pauper labor of foreign countries, by their, unwise attempt to establish free trade r "tariff reform," and attacking the Republican system of protection to American industries and the products of American mines, farms, forests, labor and skill ; thereby causing our people to pay higher prices lor the necessaries of life, and to work for lower wages, and creating armies of unemployed, paralys ing business and causing losses of earn ings of years and distress and starvation. Third. We condemn the weak, vacil lating foreign policy of the present Dem cratic administration as non-American, and particularly its Hawaiian policy and efforts to abolish a Republio and Bet up a Monachy, in violation of the princi ples of justice and liberty. Fourth. The attitude of the present administration toward the surviving vet eran soldiers of the lato war, and the wid: ows and orphan children of their deceas ed comrades and those w ho wore depen dent upon them for support, in refusing, reducing and striking their names from the pension rolls without just or legal cause, and by unjust, arbitrary rules and misconstruction of the pension laws passed by Republican Congress, and de priving them of the benefit of a Nation's gratitude by dropping them from that roll of honor, and taking from them tbeir . pensions so dearly earned in defence of the Union, in their old age and disabled condition, calls for the condensation of every good and patriotic A merican. Fifth. We heartily endorse the candi dacy of General D. H. Hastings for Governor, and request our delegate o the State Convention to use ell honorable means for his nomination, and we pledge to him the earnest and undivided support of the Republicans of Forest County. Sixth. We earnestly recommend our candidate for Congress, A. Wayne Cook, Esq., to the Republicans of the 28th Congressional district as a man eminent ly qualified to represent this district in Congress, and ask their hearty ca-opera-tion in making his nomination in the district unanimous thereby insuring suc cess at the fall election. Seventh. We heaeby unanimously en dorse the County ticket nominated to day, and in behalf of the Republican party of Forest County, pledge to all our candidates our earnest and undivided support. The Harrisburg Telegraph pays the tribute to a retiring Republican offi cer: John W. Morrison the retiring State .treasurer, leaves the position with the hearty and well deserved pralbe of every citizen of the State. A partisan in politics, his political predilections were never shown in the conduct of the affairs of hi depart ment. Scrupulously honest, hewing to the line at all times when the in terests of the Slate were to be further ed, a good business man, courteous at all times, lie was an official of whom the State could be proud. The p'eo- llcpiiblfcnn Prlmarlm, Tiny Cong. i;Asbly 'Asso. I! DISTRICTS. Harnett Maze's Harnett Redclyffc Green Nebraska Green G niton's Harmony Fleming Hill Harmony Fogle Farm.. Harmony W. Hickory.. H ickory Jlnwe Rnlltown Howe Cooper Tract II owe Ly nub's Howe Brook ston Howe Watson Farm Howe Frost's Jenks Marionville Jenks Parrish Jen ks Hy ronitown Jenks dough's Kingsloy Starr KingsleV Newtown Kingsley Kellcttville ... Tionesta Twp Tionesta Iioro 5 22 S'l 8 ', 80 22 ! S ' 7 I Hi 38 73 211 21 5 68 1 19 7: 8 26 37: 2.5 25 45 10 2 19 00 20 2 1 30 6 I S4 24' 22 I 38 181 28 12 32 110,157 25 1 P 4 16 2, 28 2(t; r 8 4 21 20 7 36 113 154. 11' 23 fl 14; 24 71 00 21' 00 12 14 27 4; 76 13 111 Total Majority. 750 483 457 708! 512 1 11 ' 273: l; 3411 l.T P. M. Clark haying received the highest was doclared the nominee. Dr. J. W. Morrow having received tho highest number of votes for Coroner was declared the nominee. pie of Pennsylvania made no mistake when they elected John W.Morrison, State Treasurer. He went into the office with the idea that the State's business was his particular private business, and on tbat line he based all of his actions. That he succeed ed is evident. Cor,. Breckinridge sounded at Lexington the keynote of his cam paign for renominalion to Congress, He Is running on the penitent-sinner issue. There is as much humbug and hypocrisy in this plea for votes as there has been in Breckinridge's past life. It is not as a penitent sinner tbat this man stands before his con stituents, but as a detected sinner. There is a great difference between the two kinds of sinners. Our neighbor, the Franklin Eve nig News, gives utterance to the fol lowing truth. "Citizens who think tbey are not directly interested in the mollis and good behavior of the community are mistaken. Every drunken brawl which results in ar rest, every crime for which an indict ment, is found, costs money to the law abiding citizens. Last week's term of criminal court in this county is an illustration. To try a lot of people, mostly of the worthless sort, the county treasurer had to pay out $219.52 for Grand Jurors, $629.84. for Petit Jurors, and a number of other items of expense directly con nected with the criminal cases. The total cost of the term amounts to about $1,500." South Carolina has become a prohibition Stale without intending it. Neither by the vute of the peo ple nor by the Legislature has the sale of intoxicating liquor been pro hibited. The Tillman law forbade the sale of liquors except by the li censed dispensaries. The Supreme Court declared the State dispensaries to be unconstitutional and closed tbem. This left nothing capable ot receiving a liquor license. If Gov ernor Tillmau will take advantage of this conditinu of oBatrs to compel a season of strict sobriety in South Car olioa the discipline in its iofluenceon the over heated natures of the citi zens of that State can not but be wholesome. Prohibition Committee Meeting. There will be a meetiug of the Prohibition Cnuntv Committee on Tuesday, May 22. 194, at 1 o'clock, p. m., in Dingmau & Dale's oifio.-, Tionesta, Pa., to elect Delegates to the State Convention and transact such other business as may come be fore the convention By order of C. A. Hill, Chairman. PROCLAMATION. Wueueas, The Hon. Charles H. Noyes President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter .Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter"-tsions of the Peace Or phans' Co'irt. Over and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for thv County of r orest. to commence on the Third Monday of May, being the 2 1st day of May, 181)4. Notice is therefore given to the Coroner. J ustices ot the reaceand con stables of said county, that they be then and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to thoir otuce appertain to be done. and to those who are bound in recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that they may be then and there to prosecute airainst tnem as snail be lust, Given un der my band and seal this 23rd day of April, A. D. 18114. JOHN T. CARSON, L.8. Sheriff. License Applications. Notice is hereby given that the follow' ing applications lor license have been filed in my office and will be presented at May term ot court. 1. Leonard Agnew, Hotel Agnew, Tio nesta borough. 2. II. W. Plaff, Forest House, Marlen ville, Jenks township. 3. A. J. Purflnberg, Central House, Ti onesta borough. 4. James H. Burr, Hotel Marien, Ma' ricuviile, Jenks township. 5. L. E. liranch and J. II. Powers, Keystone House, Marienville, Jenks township. 0. Maria Andrews, , Kellett- ville, Kiugsley township, CALVIN ST IJtXER. May 1, 1S1H. 12, lSOi.-Oflirtnl Voir. Judge- r c B- COMMITTKKMKN. I o II 2, 112 41 01 20 15 S2 (II 07 12 W. M. Coon W. A. Croasman.. Clias. Klinostiver II. A. Dottorer P. Mooney James Mclntvre.. 111 00 J. A. Connely i?8, Gr,0,'n'-::;- Chan. F Urithn 17 C. E. Huntington 22 None elected 35 D. P. Miller 46 None elected 41 C. F. Fox 258 J. R. Harr S3 C. R. McKane .. .. 20 I,. C. Hovt 30 Ed. Klab'bata 20 V. B. Osgood 12 J. B. Carponter ... 40 U. J. Dav 00! 00 I 1' M) W 00 ; 00: 1 1 P2 11 ! 15' 1 1 00 00 8: 00 2 6 001 00 10 3 It! 6 30j 7 74 J. B. Eden 124 J. W. Janiieson 375 240, 78 1223 ! ! : number of votes for District Attorney iti..i VICTOR BICYCLE. IS THE LEADING MACHINE FOR FAST RIDING AND PLEASURE! Every wheel guaranteed. EXTRA INNER TUBE. with every wheel. Call and soo sample. For sale by. - N. E. HOLMES, Tionesta, Pa. Send for Catalogue. S. H. HASLET Sr GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN. SAW MILLS! ENGINES AND BOILERS. Improved friction toed. Send for Cata logue and Special prices to A. 11. Faniu- har A Co., York Pu. Agents wanted. SEPARATORS. Traction and plain engines. New Im provements over all. Sand for Catalogue, special prices and terms. Agents want ed. HUBERM'F'GCO., Marion, Ohio. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIEU), PROPRIETOR. Good Stock. Good Carriages and IJuir gies to let upon the most reasonable terms. lie will also do JOB TE! A.1VLI3NTO- AU orders loft at the Pout Otilce will receive prompt attention. TIME TABLE In effect Nov. 18113. Trains leave Tio nesta for oil City ami points west as follows: No. 03 Through Freight (carry ing passengers) :4() a. m No. 31 Buffalo Express 12:07 noon No. 61 way r reight (carrying passengers) 4:15 p. m. iso. 3d uu city ex ress 7:o3 p. m. For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, israaioru, uienn ami tue fc-ast : No. 80 Olean Express 8:11 a. in. No. 32 Pittsburgh Express.... 4:15 p. in. ro. m inrougn rreigni (car rying passengers) B:oo p. ill. No. 60 Way Freight (carrying passengers to Tionesta) 8:41a.m. Trains 03 and 00 Run Daily and carry passengers to and from points between Oil City and Irvineton only. Other trains run daily except Sunday. Get Time Tables and full information from S. Q. CLAHK., Aegnt, Tionesta, Pa. K. BELL, Gen'ISupt. ' J. A. FELLOWS, Geu'l Passenger & Ticket Agent, UuAuln, N. V. Saw Mill for Sale. A Steam's No. 2. Saw-mill complete, (capacity 30,000) consisting of Top Saw, Idle Rolls, Lath Mill, 2 Slab Cars, 4 Board Wagons, 725 feet of Iron Rail, pipe for Slab Pit, Automatio Cut-oil', Steam's Gang Edger, 62 saws for edger, Boiter, Lath and Board mill, engine and boiler, 1 saw-dust Fan, saw-dust oven, with all the necessary fixings connected, with same to inn the boiler; Complete belting for mill, etc. Will sell cheap and on easy tonus. Reason for selling tract cut out, and have 110 use for tho mill. For fur ther particulars inquire of at. S. WIN WILSON, Clarion, Pa. JOB WORK of every description execu ted at Hie REPUBLICAN ollice. WE ALWAYS LEAD DAVID MINTZ. A $.15,000 DOLLAIt STOCK TO NKI.KCT I HON. Tlio finest ami lavgest lino of Dry Goods and Clothing in this County can only bo seen nt our store, and prices that cannot be bent. Wo huv in such largo lots, that we can sell cheaper than any house and give you the best of goods. It will pay you to send for samples. CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS. Ynil 11111 fiml at nnr u t 1 rn In 41ia iai-v led in this branch as in all others. GENT'S FURNISHINGS. Everything that pertains to mnke up this We never before have had such a trado In 1,10 latest and best styles in tlio market, and CARPETS OF ALL Lace Curtains, heavy drapery, Cm tain Baby Carriages, trunks, valises, Queensware and Glassware you may want in this lino, can be found at DAVID MINTZ'S. Miirienvillc, Pa. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for JuuJL New goods for Spring and Summer being received daily "at AKNETT' CAUTION. Tr it dealer often W. I Dongiaa Shoes at a reduced price or 7S he hat them without name stamped on bottom, pat him down M a fraud. 2,00 lUoiES 2.nn .'Re,- .7S 8. 4 . L. Douglas S3 SHOE THE WORLD. W. nolir.T AH Shoes are stvliih. eatv fit. ling, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad. vcrtised than any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas1' nunc and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to 1 hose who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helns to increase the sales on their full line of good. They can afford to sell at a less profit. and we believe you can save money by buying aU juur luoiwear ui mc ucmcr aavcriisea r I helbw. Catalogue free upon application. Addrui, w L. OO UULAS, Brockton, Ma... bold hy F. It. LANSON, Tionesta, Fa. V, H. Yl hiiei.iaii, NEW STORE! Having purchased Ihe stiio formerly owned by J. F. Dverlundcr, next door to V. N. Y. A P. H. It. Station, I am pre pared to l'n 111 isti tlio public with any thing in the line of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, CON FIX'TION Fill KS. WHOLESALE AND RATAIL. Also the FAMOUS PILLSRURY FLOUR! I guarantee prices as low as the lowest, and all goods delivered free of charge. Call and see 1110. C. M. WIIITEMAN, WEST SIDE, TIOITESTA, TJ TAR. CONNERS, EYE, EAR, NOSE U aud THROAT SURGEON. Will be at the Central House on Wednes. day, May Oih, and on the second Wed' nesday of every mouth following, for the purpose of treating eyo, ear, nose and throat cases. lit KM-'N AltMl A KAI.VE. The best Salvo in the world for Cuts, B' lliws, Sores, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, letter. ('Iiano'-d Hands. Chilblains Corns, ami all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures I'Hesor no pav roq Hired. 1 is guaranteed to give perfect BaliKlaetion rir iiinnev rHl'iitwieil Prii-n 'h ....utM nur ' uux. r or suio uv niggius a iiumiii, 7iw : t r mm v. s W BUT NEVER FOLLOW. lal rsu J ul vIau wiiiita rv lnur Wrt ' ' stock, can bo found at our store. this linn. Tt tin nrnvml t.lmt wn Unrm sell at the very lowest price. KINDS & PRICES. Poles A Shades, at the very lowest prices. In fact, anything Wool, Sheep polls, Hides, Ginseng. JCj X' JL iOSB Filled sre aU goKl as far as you can see. They look like solid cases, wear like solid cases, and are solid cases for all practical purposci yet only cost about h.ilf as much as an out- and-out solid gold case. Warranted to wear for so years : many in constant use for thirty years. Better than ever since they are now fitted, at no extra cost, with the great bow (ring) which cannot it fu!Ud or twisted op me case ine Can only be had on the itimped with this trade mark, All oiners nave trie oiu-stvic pull out bow. which is only held to the case by friction, and can be twisted off with the fingers. Sold only through watch dealers. Spud for a watch case opener to the manufacturers KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA.. THE- MQUHAR PATENT VAHIABLB t-KICTlON PEED Beat Set Work In the World. Saw Mill & Engine Hcittd the Mtdal and Highest Award at tht World' $ Columbian Exposition. WarrmUd the bert made. 8hinj! MUle, Mchloert and BLADdanl Afrnouliurtl Implemente or Beat Uual it at lowam pnea Hand for Uluatratfed Catalogue. A. B. FARQUHAR CO.. Ltd.. YORK. PENNA. ' "Clothes gave us individuality, distinc tion, social polity. Clothes huve made men of us." Carlylo's Sartor ReSartus. WE TAKE PRIDE In every suit we build, the materials, the stylo, the lit, the finish, the work manship aio subjects which receive our careful thought and study. YOUR ATTENTION Is called to our selection of Woolons for the coming season, comprising as it does the choicest fabrics, lrom the World's looms. FOR BUSINESS SUITS Mohawks, Cheviots, Irish Boating Tweeds, Bombay Sergey. Prices $22 to so. FOR DRESSY CUTAWAY SUITS, Clays, Diagonal, Taylor's English Woosteds, Erk in's Woostcds. Prices $2$ to IFIoiicy back, If you wish It McCUEN & SIMON, Tailors, Hatters, Furnishers and Shirt Makers, Moderate Price Store. Sole Agents for Youuians and Knox's Hats and Dr Jaeger's Underwear. 25 AND 20 SENECA STREET. OJL CITY, PA. I in- mil' until -n iVil-n I i'nlmiill li i ft . i A Ua 18 S FEiING 94. 'Tlicso hard times is a that want A nice lino and well seleetod stock in all as cheap as this Spring. Conio In and oo find prices as low as any Retail hnuso in the not buy at home. S We don't take tho back seat lor any thing in this end of tlio Universe We have tho largest stock, and It's well selected and bought as cheap as anyone and we are going to sell them by the Power SHOES In this lino wo think we can Suit in Cash Is buying them cheaper this Spring Don't forget that wo carry a line of Carpets to suit thn trade and von ran have them cut to fit, and delivered Immediately, and no waiting and wasting of time, and prices as low as any othor Concern on earth. GROCERIES, FLOUR & FEED In this line wo buy often and try to keep a nice assortment, and fresh at all times, and prices that surprise all. Now, atler reading all thesoSigns 011 Is to come and see what chash buys. LANSON'S, Iron Building, Tionesta, Pa. You Can Prove What we say by Just sooing tho Goods and Prices. Values are still climbing up while prices are coming down. Wo will not show you a "job" lot of goods, but we can show you a nobby line of nice goods, or the best 'selected patterns and stylos. Not what othor dealers could not uso and consequently sold as "Jobs," but strictly first class In every respect, styles of 18UI, from tho best manufactories. PRICES NEVER WERE SO LOW ! and wo always aim to keep Quality on top and prices at the bottom. Yon know how they wear, and look as well us Custom Suits. We are headquarters for Hats ShlrU, Neckwear aud Furnishings. Just step in and seo us, and we will uso vou right. ' LEDEBUR & MILES. SIGGINS & HERMAN, DRUGGISTS & GROCERS, TIONESTA, - PENN. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND tjbcs Fsssirjssr maemms BERRIES, FRUITS A VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. In our Drug Department, which Is in charge of a thoroughly competent Clork will ulways be found the PUREST DRUGS AND 'CHEMICALS! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH UTMOST CARE. Lawrence & Smearbauqh, " DEALEHS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS NOTIONS HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. oommt raesucMB gas TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. We have never had such a fine array of harvest machine to show farmers as this season. Every one shows invent ive ekill, strength and symmetry derived from the touch of WALTER A.WOOD. The Wood machines, as made for 1893, are winning crowds of new friends. Examine the new chain-drive, and balance reel, on the Wood harvester. Examine the new spring lift and the new axle extension on the Wood mowers. Ex amine the Wood hand-dump rakes, virtually self-dumping. i"vr ' 1 (jr&-frn t7C8- CHARLES A. HILL AGENT FOR AND DEALER IN FARM MACHINERY OF EVERY KIND, INCLUDING REAPERS, BINDERS, MOWERS, RAKES, SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, GRAIN AND CORN DRILLS. ALSO BUGGIES, WAGONS AND CARTS. A FINE QUALITY O V LUBRICATING OILS FOR ALL KINDS OF RAP- ID AND SLOW MOTION MACHINERY. Before making purchases I would ask Farmers and others to inspect my stock and prices. Everything ot the best and most approved quality, aud at prioes with in the reach of all. CHARLES A. HILL, Tionesta, Pa. bonanza" for tlioso to buy. kinds of dry.goods. Thny never wero or send In for n low sainplcstand you will Woild'iind.lf prices are n cheap why of Irresistablo prices. Slylo, Suit In Widths, Suit in price and than ever before. ' paper, tho best way to prove those things a. 1