THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1801. QOnoUGH OFFICERS. Iiurge.C. R. Davis. Vonnntmen. Joseph Clnrk, W. A. Orovo V. A. IIilnn(i.H. H. Haslet, A. JI. Dale Joseph Morgan. Justices uf the reace J. F. Proper. 8. J. Sot ley. Qonstabtc S. H. Canflold. (MlcetorH, 8. Canflold. School Directors I). N. Knox, J. T. Dronnan, J. It. Clnrk, T. F. Rltohoy, (i. W. iloloninn, J. K. Wenk. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Jf(!ftcr of Congress G. F. Knmns. Member of Semite IJ auiiy A. Ham,. Assembly J. J. Hakiiit. President JndijeVuAM.Kn II. Noyks. Moriaa .uuc John h. White, C. W. Cl.AHK. Treasurer Q, Jamihnon. Prothnnotary, neqiter 4 Recorder, f e. Calvin M. Arnkr. She.riir. John T. Carson. CbmmuMfonerA V. A. Oonnei.T, Pk TKR YODNMK, W. M. COON. 'bounty Superintendent O. W. Kerr. District Attorney P. M. Ci.ark. Jury Commissioners 3 . li. Carpkn- TEU, Uko. HENDKL. County Surveyor J. F. Proper. Cnronei D. W. (Ci.ark. County Auditors M. K, AniiOTT, W. I,. STItot!P, J. W. El.I.IOTT. HKdULAIt TUIIMH OK COURT. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monilny of May. Last Monilny of August. Third Monilny of November. BUSINESS DIRECTORY" TIONESTA LODGE, No. 30f, I. O. O. F. Moots overy Tuesday evening, in Odd Follows' Hall, 'Partridge building. MOREST I,OnlK, No. 184.A.O. U.w7, I Mectsovory t riday ovenlngln A.O.U. W. Hall, Tionesta. WASHINGTON CAMP, No. 420, P. a S. of A., moots pvory Saturday eve ning In A. O. U. V. Hall, Tlonobt. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 U. A, It. Moots 1st and ad Wednes day evening lu each month, In Odd Fel lows, Hall, Tionesta. CAPT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 117, W. R. C, meets first nnd third Wednesday evening of each month, In A. O. U. W. liall, Tionosta, I'a. HMONESTA TENT, No. 101, K. O. T. i- M., meets 2nd nnd 4th Wednesday evening In oaeh month In A. O. U. W. ball Tionesta. I'a. T M.CLARK, 1 ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, and Distiuct Attorney. Ollleo, cor. of lm and Bridgo Streets, Tionosta, Pa. Also agent for a immbor of reliablo Fire Insurance Companion. Hi F. RITCIIF-Y, I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. EDWARD K. HALT, ATTORNEY-AT-LA VV, Tionesta, Pu. Ollleo with S. D. Irwin Esi. JB. SIGGINS, M. D., t Physician, Surgeon fe Druggist, TIONESTA, PA. J W. MORROW. M. D., Physician, Surgeon ft, Dentist. Olllico and residence three doors north of Lawrence Houso, Tionesta. Profcssion al calls promptly responded to at all hours. DR. PRESTON STEELE Homoeopathic Phvsician ft Surgeon "TIONESTA, PA. Olliee In the rooms formerly occupiod by E. L. Davis, ('nils made, night or day. LD. BOWMAN. M. D., Phvsician ft Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Olllce in building formerly occupied by Ir. Nason. Call promptly responded to, night or dny. HOTEL AG NEW, L. AG NEW, Proprietor. This hotol, formerly tho Lawrence House, has undergone a complete change, and is now furnished with at! the mod ern improvements. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold wator, etc. Tho comforts of gnosis never neglected. CENTRAL HOUSE, V. A. J. PUFFINUKRG, Proprietor. Tionseta, Pa. This is the most centrally located hotel in t lie place, nnd has all the modern improvements. No pains will bo spared to make it a ploasan stopping place for the traveling public. First class Livery in connection. T7OREST HOTEL, X West Hickory, Pa. Jacob Homier, Proprietor. This hotel has but recently been completed, is nice ly furnished throughout, ami oilers the finest and most comfortable accommoda tions to guests and tho travoling public. Rates reasonable. M AY, PARK A CO., liAN'K.l.:RS.-- Cornor of Elm A- WuinutSts., Tionesta, Pa., Hank of Discount nnd Deposit. In terest allowed on Time Deposits. Collec tions made on all the Principal points of tho U. S. Collections solicited. piIIL. EMERT, FANCY HOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Reck building next to Smear jaugh .V Co.'s store. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, nnd prices rea sonable'. T F. ZAHRINGER, J. PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKER and Jewelor of 2r years' experience, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and at reasonable prices. Always guarantees satisfaction. Watoh os, Jewelry, ins., ordered for parties at tho lowest possible figure. Will be found in tho building next to Keeley Club Room. JORENZO FULTON. Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. Frod. Orettcnbcrger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit- iiiiK"iiiu uenerai niacKsm lining prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and lust west of the Shaw House, Tidiouto, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGEK. Ileal Knlnlo A(reut niul Convrynuiwr, TWZ. UTZ ICCI- FARMS, WILD LANDS, HOUSES AND LOTS FOB SALE OB EXOHANGE. I repreeont tho oldest, strongest, and best Insurance Companies In the Unltod Slates. C. M. ARNER, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLEGTOR. TIONESTA, - PEEN'A. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Loasos.Wllls, Powers of Attorney, Articles of Agree ment, and ail other legal instruments cf writing, drawn with accuracy and dis pntch. Titles examined nnd "Briefs" prepared. Ground rents, mortgages, nnd loans negotiated. Farms and wild Innds, houses and lots for Balo or rent. Registers of Property for snle or to let, open to tho inspection of those interested. Particular attention paid to the collection of rents, Interest, elc. Also to the proper assessment of lands and payment of taxes. Probating accounts, acknowledg ment of deeds, and depositions taken. C'hurrb and Snhtinlh Nrhool. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. s M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 n. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. Rankin. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. F. F. Slioup, Pastor. Sorviccs in the Presbyterian Church evory Sabbath morning and evening, Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Cleveland Bicycles. Latest Improved Models, fitted with Combination Wood aud Allum inum Clincher Rim and Cleveland Thread Tire. All strains and vibra tion absorbed by the Wood Iiitu. Written guarantee with every wheel. Carry 200 pounds over rough roads. Prices to suit the times. $'J0 to $150 buys a high grade wheel. Call and see sample. A. II. Dale. Gt. J. B. Agnew, Esq., of WashtDg tou, D. C, is in town. A. J. Wallace, of Marienville, was in town yesterday. Glen Ma Gee of Warreu, is vis Will Agnew this week. Mrs. M. A. Calvin is payiog her daughter, Mrs. T. F. Kitchey a visit. Don't forget the "Flower Queen Cantata," at the Court House to night. Mrs. M. B. Cook with her two youog sons, is visiting her brother Jaraei D. Davis. W. G. Morrow is home from Baltimore Medical College for the summer vacation. Bring in your watches, and have them repaired iu a workman-like manner, at Fisher's. All work war ranted. Mrs. Linus Hopkins of Tionesta came to- Warren on a visit to her mother, Mrs. T. S. Jackson. Warren Mirror, Mrs. It. B. Crawford and youog daughter went Ridgway last Thurs day for au extended visit with friends in that place. Mr. Beojamin May departed yes terday morning for the East, for a mouths visit with friends and rela tives io Philadelphia and vicinity. F. F. Whittekin, at present en gaged upou au exteusive survey for the Peon Tanniug Co., io Potter Couuly; was home the first of the week. Rev. J. R. Rankin, went to Cliutonville, Pa., Monday, to be pres ent at the laying of the coroer etone of the new M. E. stone church at that place to-day. W. J. Bloomfield formerly a teacher iu our schools but for the past two years Principal of the Clar endon schools is at home iu Trunkey ville for the summer. R. Ralle, for the past two years in Kane ; is shaking bauds with old friends and comrades this week. Mr. Ralle is on his way to Erie to enter the Soldiers Home iu that city. Your atteulioo is called to the new ad. of David Miutz this week. He has something of iulerest to say to you. His new stock of spring and summer goods is finer than ever. They are coming, Father Abra ham, a hundred thousand strong, to the G. A. R Encampment in Pitts burg. And Forest county "vets" are coming iu flats. Pittsburg Times. II. G. McKoigbt of the Blizzard came up from Oil City last week, and with Bie'r Muse speut a day on Bear Creek, trout fishing; going borne Friday night with a well filled basket. ivoy xjrottiers 01 warren are about lo commeuce drilling a well on the Jonas Shuok farm on Whig Hill. A well drilled two years ago, near the present venture, showed this to be a promising territory. As will be seen by reference to the marriage notices this week; our young friend James C. Canfiuld Las taken unto himself a better half. Jim's friends all wish him the full measure of connubial blies. To be correctly dressed is one of the best introductions. You will find these esseutials at Ledebu r & Miles'. Trade conditions are all in favor of the buyer these days, and Ledebur & Miles are in the load of bargain makers. tf. The decision to hold a summer school during July at the Clarion Normal School meets the approval of many teachers who could not other wise attend school. They can enter May 1st and remain until August 1st. 8. W. Brace who has been in Bayfield County, Wis., during the past winter, is in town, preparing to take his family back with him, hav ing located at that place. Willis' many friends will regret that bis bus iness interests require his removal from Tionesta. Rev. McAninch went down to Indiana county, Motiday to assist Rev. Bell next Sabbath. In conse quence of Mr. McAoinch's absence, the regular services will be omitted in the Presbyterian Churoh here on that date, but instead, there will be Praise service at 11 o'clock. Mrs. J. D. W. Reck, while go ing down stairs Monday morning, caught her font in the carpet and fell to the bottom. She was very bndly shaken up and her upper lip was cut entirely through so that it was neces sary to take two stitches in it. She is getting along nicely we are glad to note. Wra. Hilands, Esq., sustaiued "a stroke of paralysie on Saturday night and bis condition is now critical. His advanced age ho is now in his 85th year is against the patient's chauce of rallying, but his condition this afternoon shows a marked im provement over yesterday. Franklin Newa. Iu the notice of the "Flower Queen" Cantata, last week ; we set the date for Monday night. The Vindicator had it Tuesday night in its local mention and Wednesday night in the extended notice. The latter is the correct date. The Re publican could have had it right too, if it bad had two guesses. Mr. J. R. Barr has taken pos session of the Hotel Marieo, at Marieuville, and is meeting with good success, Messrs. Branch & Powers have moved into their fine new hotel which they have named the "Key stone Hotel." In the way of hotel accommodations un town of the size in the State is better equipped than Marienville. The Clarion Normal School has an attendance of over 500 students this term. Many teachers who are unable to attend before the first to the fifteenth of May, have petitioned the faculty to hold a summer term through July, so as to eunble them to enter in May and still have the benefit of a full term. The summer term will open July 9, being the Monday following the close of the spring terra. Drs. Siggins, Bowman and Mor row amputated the foot of A. II. Ault, the young man whose serious condition, the result of a cut from an adz, was noted last week. The unfortunate young man is doing well at this writing and with no unfavor able change his physicians are hope ful of saving his life. The circum stances attending this case are very sad and there is an opportunity bere presented for a littlo Home Mission ary work, by the kind hearted people of our town. Hicks predicts May will open with cloudy, cold weather and a driz zling rain, changing to warmer on the 4th, From the 5th lo 7th storms will pass over the country followed by cold weather to the 10th with strong probability of frost, and storms again from the 11th to tbo 14th and another cold wave. From the 21st to the 25th it will be very warm with many storms of rain accompanied by thunder and wind. About the 28ib will be the last disturbances for the month bringing fair and cooler days and nights for the close of the month. A very pretty wedding took place at the M. E. Parsonage in Tin ncsta on Wednesday evening lust, the contracting parties being Mr. Charles C. Payne, and Mies Lida B. Dunkle, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dunkle, all of Ma rienville, Pa. Mr. Payne is one of Jenks township's prosperous lumber men, and a popular young man with all who know him. The bride is one of the most charming young ladies of the best society of her home, aud both aro highly esteemed for their many good qualities of mind ucd heart. After the ceremony was over they took leave of frienda, and de parted on the eight o'clock train for tbo principal eastern cities where they will enjoy a two weeks visit be fore returning to their borne in Ma. rieuville. The bestishes of a host of friends for a long, prosperous and happy life, iu which the IIei'I'umcan joius heartily, is extended to them. Mr. Alex. Whilehill returned ho me Saturday last, he having sever ed his connection with the Sioux City base ball club, because the manage ment required him to play ball on Sunday. Aleck had played hut three games with the Sioux City club, winning each game, and made an ex cellent record in the box. and bis friends all commend him for the stand he has taken in behalf of prin ciple and right. Brookville Republi can, It is a fact worthy of mention in this connection, that the seven clubs in the National League, play ing Sunday ball last year, finished the season tail enders; while Boston, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Philadelphia and New York, the clubs that did not play Sunday games, were at the head in the order given, at the close of the season. Mrs. Sarnh Mnrilla Church. Mrs. Sarah Marilla Church, wife of C. H. Church, Esq , of East Hickory died Saturday, April 28tb, 1894, Bnd was laid to rest io the cemetery at that place on the following day. Mrs. Church was one of sixteen chil dren of Wm. and Sarah Hunter and was born in Tionesta on the 25th day ef November, 182G. In June 1849, she was united by marriage to C. 11. Church who survives her. With the exception of about four years spent in Erie County, this state ; her entire life was speut in Forest county. She was a lifelong and consistent member of the Methodist church and died happy in that faith. Mrs. Church was a good woman, not alone profess ing, but practicing Christianity in her daily life. She was loved by all who knew her for ber many good qualities, as was amply shown by the large and sorrowing concourse, of people who followed her remaiun to their last resting place. Of the six teen children in Mrs. Church's fath er's family; eight four brothers and four sisters survive her. Besides to mourn her loss, is her husband and one son ; Madison Church Esq. of East Hickory. Truly a good wo man has gone to her reward. Cltililrcns' Aid Society. Mrs. Parker Blood, of Brookville, President of the Childrens' Aid Society of Jefferson county, who is also a member of the State Executive Committee, accompanied by Mrs. C. F. Hunt of Marienville, President of the Society in Forest county, visited Tionesta for the purpose of organizing an Auxiliary Society. They meet quite a number of the ladies Saturday evening, April 28, at 7 o'clock at the W. C. T. U., rooms. And after thoroughly eplaiuingthe object of the society organized by electing Mrs. A. B. Kelly Chairman, Mrs. Suie M. Sharpe, Treasurer.and the undersign ed Secretary. The Society is a State Organization, its object is to secure homes for friendless and destitute children, put them into families where they will be educated and be instruct ed morally. The State makes appro priation for the carrying on of this good work. The business of the Society here will be to take the names of children who are homeless and re port them to the State Society and assist Ui securing homes, and provid ing for their future welfare. Any one who may know of u child, orchildren in need of such care will please re port to the Society. Mrs. Blood has for many years been identified in this noble work, and many a little heart has been gladdened and many a smile restored when happiness seem ed to have gone forever. Her beauti- lui Home is always open to the lit tle homeless ones. We ask assis tance from all in this work. "In as much as ye have done it unto the least of one of these, ye have done it unto me," snith the Master. Mils. T. F. Hitch ky, Secy. Stewarts Jtnn. ltov. Williams, the Wesleyan minister, has moved into part of tho "Tomperutico House.' Ho will preach at the White Church and nt tho Jackson school house. Rev. Slioup will preach at the White Church next Sabbath. Mr. J. I. Range attended tho funeral of his sister Mrs. Church, at Hickory, last Sabbath. Most of the oats are in the ground and a good rain is needed very much to start the grain ; peach trees are In blossom and now comes the most lovely season of the year. Mr. Vanartsdale who we have mention ed as being sick is still failing. His time for this world is short, as he bus that fatal disease Consumption: his sister Mrs. State, of Norristowu, intends trying to remove him to ber home this week. Mr. Vanartsdale is quite well known iu tho oil Held of Pleosantville, Plummer and Rousville. As a contractor he has saved quite a nice fortune. He has late ly experienced religion anil siiys he is ready to go. Leu Raugo is going into tho corn rais ing pretty heavy this spring. Ho in teuds planting about 15 acres. Farmurs aro begiuuing to see that corn is a great deal better crop to raise than oats. Our P. O. will be moved next week. Goorgo Dawson having been appointed P. M. We are informed fieoi ge intends starting a store. By tho way j F. K. Metcalf is getting in new goods and in tends running his store this summer. Miss Nettie Thompson visited her sinters Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs. James Clark of Tionesta last week. Daisy, Time and Mrs. Zahiiiser, of Oldtown, visited friends here last week. Mr. II. M. Kahniser is doing black smithing w here he is now making his home, at J. G. Bromley's. Nlws Kok. KellettTlIlc. Wesley Wliitehi!l is enclosing his lot with a neat fence which Improves tho looks of hig rcsidonce greatly. lie Is also draining the awamp In tin renr of his lot which, when tho work Is com pleted will make one of the neatest resi dences In tho west end. A. L. Wellor nnd P. J. Wortzge re turned home last week from a 4 weeks trip down the river. The former return ed homo on Saturday, and the latter on Thursday. Abe has a i Inteicst in 150 M. of lumber and 200 M. shingles, which was rafted at Newtown Mills and run down tho Ohio river whore i of both lumber and shingles was sold nt Sister villo, V. Va., the balanco was run to Ma rietta where it is hoped It will be dispos ed of. Miss (Jortio Griffin and Miss Nellie Jackson the Iinlltown schoolmams were visiting at M. Andrews over Tuesday. F. R. Lannon the popular Tionesta merchant stopped In town over night, one night last week. B. C. Ilenlngs stopped at the Brooklyn House Saturday night on his way home from Pittsburg to Porkey. Miss Ella Ardcry returned home Satur day., Thomas Uillooly Intends soon to move his family to Olcan, N. Y., whore ho has secured a good job. F. J. Fleming is having n fine refriger ator built nnd when completed will be a great improvement to his meat market. It required 12" bn. of charcoal to line the refrigerator. Tom has commenced buy ing the western meat as all the beef cnt tle in this vicinity have been picked up. Miss M. Jennie Wilson has gone to East Hickory to stop at Richard Stover's for a few weeks. What inado Bert so nervous on Satur day evening, we would like to nsk T was It because Chuck took his best girl from him? Don't give up Uert, wo know you are game, ns was proven a few weeks since when you wore willing to stake your wages you could do Jackson or Cor bctt. Mrs. M. Andrews has moved into her hotel building in town. Miss Emma Cowan came homo last week after taking a years course in sten ography and typewriting at Pott's Bus iness College, at AVilliamsport, Pa. Miss Emma has graduated in both branches and is only paying her parents a visit for a few weeks when she will go to Califor nia to fill a position there. Our young friend D. W. Shunk was married to Miss Jessie Bean on April 19, at Rev. A. Bean's residence. This little item may not be news to somo but we failed to see It in print so we send it in. Durio and his wire have the best wishes of Will Walks. East Hickory. Mr. Carson will close a very successful term of school on next Thursday. We sincerely hope you will come again next winter, Sum. Mrs. Henry Church of this placo died on Saturday morning, and was buried Sunday afternoon. Mr, Dan Andrews is very sick at pres ent. Mr. Carson, and Mr. Frank Witherel were out on a trouting expedition last Saturday, tho lormor getting 101 trout, while the latter got 170. The candidates have giown scarce In this section lately. Mr. Fred Ovctt has taken up his resi dence in the house lately occupiod by Robert Lynch. Mr. Wheeler has boon having some parts of his railroad built over, in conse quence of which engine No. 2. has not been making regular trips. Mr. Karl Haslet is able to bo around some nt present. Tho roads are drying up very fust. Mrs. Daniel Mock and daughter were visitors at Mrs. Guy Hillard's over Sun day. Ptaino. NEWSY NOTES. Boys who kill robins in Pennsylvania may be Interested in knowing that they are violating the law and rendering them selves liable to a ponalty of $5 for every such bird killed. Representative Krdmau, of Pcnnsyl vaniu, a few days ugo reported to tho Houso the bill recently agreed upon by the Invalid Pensions Committee extend ing the benefits of the pension laws to State Militiamen who served iu the late War. No matter how good tho mucilage may bo one makes, one never considers it as good as tho postage stamp mucilage, Every one tries to duplicate it. It is not hard to make it, as the preparation is very simple. Here it is: Dextrine, two parts; acetic acid, 0110 part ; water, live parts ; ulcohol, one part New York Journal. Tho World's Fair Rebuilt for the Pages of History. Tho ''Book of tho Builders," one of tho most artistic and magnificent publications ever issued is now being ottered by tho Pittsburg Dis patch to its readers. It is beyond ques tion tho greatest offer ever made by a newspaper. See tho Dispatch for full Information. tf. "One of our prominent merchants is afraid of being arrested for importing foreign labor. His wife set a hen, and as usual put thirteen eggs under the hen, but by some mistake put a china egg with tho rest. After the proper time the hen came clucking off the nest with a Chinaman following her. Hence, his fear of arrest." Ridgway Democrat. Wo havo received a littlo pamphlet, written by Ilonry Burr, of Washington, D. C, which attempts to prove that Slmkesporo could not have been the au thor of tho great dramas bearing his name because ho could not write legibly, if at all. None of his writing is in exis tence excepting his signature to somo legal documents, which is very bad in dued. But that, iu our opinion, know ing (ioorge A. Jeuks as wo do, is mighty poor evidence. If, several centuries hence, some iconoclast were to arise and say that Mr. Jenks was no great shakes as u lawyer and had never been Solicitor General of the United States, and attempt to prove it by .exhibiting some choice specimens of his hand-writing, he might Ji mt many people to agree with him. It w ill not do lo gauge a man's mental ca pacity by his cliirogiuphy. Puuxsutaw uey Spirit. The honorable business of ''housewife ry" takes equal and recognized rank with that of "husbandry" in Colorado now. When the wife of ex-Governor Routt stepped up in tho front to register ns a voter in Denver under tho new equnl suffrage law recently, and was asked her occupation, she replied, "Housewifery ." And hundreds of women who had felt some embarrassment on this point took tho cue. An exclmngo has compiled the follow ing peculiarities which are to be found in tho calendar : The calendar oilers certain curiosities which are liltlo known. The following are a few of them : No century can commence on a Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. Tho month of October al ways commences on the snine day of the week ns the month of January. Febru ary, March and November commence on the same day of the week, whereas May, June and August commence on different days. Those rules do not apply to leap years. Tho ordinary year is always fin ished on the same day of the week when It commenced. Tho years repeat them selves that Is to say, they havo the samo calendar every 2S years. Rev. Irl R. Hicks in the May Word and Works says : "We believe that May and Juno will be propitious for agricul tural interests, to all who will make good use of their opportunities. Let crops be planted with all the hasto consistent with thorough preparation, and let tho early stages of cultivation be as rapid and per fect as possible. With a clean, pulverous condition of tho soil, as a general thing thero will be ample moisture in Juno to start, and even mature crops, especially the early crops in all tho southern parts of our country. The Venus equinox in July is favorable for rains of more or less frequency, even in that mouth, so that all crops that can be brought to ma turity by August, may, wo think, be counted on with much assurance Wo fear that tho 'hot winds' and much lack of general rains will make greatly against farmers who aro caught with crops whoso success depend upon good seasonable conditions after the middle of July. Crops that cannot be matured so early should by pll means, be given unceasing cultivation. A perfectly clean, through ly pulverized soil is almost absolute proof against the inroads of drought, for even weeks and months. Preparo for the worst then yen will not only bo ready should It como, but if the worst does not, you will bo prepared for tho benefits of the best. Tho care and preparation wo insist upon are on the side of common sonso nnd tho most trustworthy exper ience. Here nre a few hints on tho proper treatment of a man, supposed to have been written by a horse : Whon a man drops from Bheer exhaustion or illness, promptly sieze an endbonrd or a cart stake and pound him on tho head nnd on the ribs. If this does not recuperate him, kick him violently in tho belly. This treatment will restore him if persis tently administered If a man finds his load too heavy and feels that it will ser iously strain him to proceod, kick oil' a fenco board and knock him down -and hammer him throughly with it. Thiswill give renewed energy, and he will uiakn no more fuss. But do not on any account reduce the load. That would look too much liko common sense, or humanity, and he'd bo likely to balk again w;hcn overloaded. If a man refuses to drink when you oiler him water, don't give him any for two years. That will "teach him" to be thirsty any time you lind it convenient to attend to him. It is a good plan to ply tho whip frequently on a man who is at work. No matter if ho is do ing his best, hit him now nnd then on "general principles" and to prevent him taking any comfort. If his load is not too heavy, oblige him to go faster to make up for it. Work him hard enough to bring down tho life of man one-half, as is done with horses. If no whip is handy uso a club. Tio your man's head back in an unnatural position, with his eyes up toward tho sun. This will give him a "flue appearance" and prevent "stumbling." Of courso ho will not be able to do much work iu this fix, but it makes him wretched, so it's all right. If it is not perfectly convenient to feed a man who is working for you at noon let him go without, and, by active use of the whip, secure as much work us the lood would have secured. Of courso it wears out his vitality mid distresses him, but that is no matter. These are correct principles, I am sure, for 1 learned them when a colt from my master, w ho treated all his horses on this plan. Kx, W. A. Fisher will remain iu Tio nesta. tf. Fine lioe of now watches at Fisher's jowelry storu.' tf. Lsdies shoes iu all tho newest styles at Ledebur & Miles'. if A now lino of jewelry for tho tho spring trade, at Fisher's. tf -Well made aud well fitting are the suits at Ledebur & Miles'. A friendly word: Ledebur & Miles have a nice lot of rubbers, tf. You can save from ?1 lo $5 .by buying a watch at W. A. Fisher's. Saw Mill for Sale. A Steam's No. 2. .Saw -mill complete, (capacity 110,000) consisting of Top Saw, Idle Hi. Us, Lath Mill, 2 Slab Cars, 4 Board Wagons, 725 feet of Iron Rail, pipe for Slab Pit, Automatic Cul-oti, Stearn s Gang Kdger, 32 saws for edger. Bolter, Ijith and Board mill, engine ami boiler, 1 saw-dust Fan, saw-dust oven, w ith all tho necessary fixings conuceted, with same to 11111 llie boiler; Complete belting for mill, etc. Will sell cheap and on i n .y terms. Reason for selling tract cut out, ami have no use lor the mill. For tin titer particulars inquire of ;it. S. WIN WILSON, Clarion, Pu. lOlccirh- lillliTM. This remedy Is becoming so well know n aud so popular as to need nospecial men tion. All who havo Used F.lectric Itiltcrs sing the song of praise. A purer medicine docs not exist ami it is guaranteed lo do all that is claimed. Kluctric Hitlers will cure all diseases of the liver ami K idncys, w ill remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Khcutii, and oilier allcctions caused by impure Blood, will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as euro all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipa tion and Indigestion try Fluelnc linieis. Kntire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price : cl.s. and fl.W per bot tle at Siius A llijriiiuii'h di kloiu. a MARRIED. CAN FI KLD II A It R At the home of the bride, in Geneva, Kdams Co., Ind., Thursday evening, April 20, 1R!U, at D o'clock, Mr. James Can field, formerly of Tionesta, nnd Miss Dela Harr, of Ind. PAYNK -liL'N K LK At the M. K. Par snnitgo, Tionesta, Pa., Wednesday eve ning, April 2"th, Mr. Chas. C. Payne and Miss Lida B. Dunklo, both of Marienville, Pa. WALTERS-IIIGLKY On April 17, 1SH4, by .1. W. Tyrrell, J. P., Mr. Charles I). Walters, of Nowmanvillo, Pa., and Miss Anna May Higley, of of PIcHsantvillo, Pa. Dissolution Notice. Notico is hereby given that firm of Horton, Johnson it Co., doing business in Kiugsley township, Forest county, Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The affairs of the late firm will be settled by W. S. Johnson, nt theofllce of tho Pen 11 Tanning Co., Kellettville, Pa., to whom nil debts should bo paid. Isaac Morton, Jamks H. Johnson, ndm'r of George Morton dee'd, Geo. R. Johnson, V. S. Jo.inson, Hated, April 17, 18M. License Applications. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing applications lor license havo been tiled in my ollii-e and will be presented nt M.iy term of Court. 1. Leonard Agnew, Hotel Agnew, Tio nesta borough. 2. H. W. Pfatr, Forest House, Marien ville, Jenks township. 3. A. J. Pulllnberg, Central llonse, Ti onesta borough. 4. James R. Barr, Hotel Maricn, Ma rienville, Jeuks township. o. L. K, Branch nnd J. II. Powers, Kevstono Houso, Marienville, Jonki township. (i. Maria Andrews, , Kellett- villo, Kingslev township. CALVIN M. ARNF.R. May 1, 1S!U. Sealed Proposals. The undersigned Commissioners will receive sealed bids at their olliee in Tio nesta, until May :)d, lH'M, for the painting, of tho following County bridges: At Fox burg, Fust Hickory "and lower Ne braska; Also the roof of the Court House. All tho iron work about tho bridges to bo painted one coat. Sepa rate bids for each bridge. The Commis sioners reserve tho rightto reject any or all bids. W. A. CONN ELY, PICTKR YOUNGK, W. M. COON, County Commissioners. Attest-J. T. DALK, Clerk Tionesta, I'a., April IS, IH'M. SHERIFF SALE. 1Y VIRTUE of certain writs of Fieri i Facias, Levari Facias, and Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common l'leas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, to mo directed there will be exposed to sale at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tionesta, Pa , on MONDAY, MAY 21, A. D., at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described Real estate, U)-wit : MARY O. WHITTEKIN, Ansiguee of MARTHA WHITTEKIN, Deceased, vs. E. L. DAVIS aud LIZZIE M. DAVIS, Lavaria Facias, No. 2d, May Term, 18U4, S. D. Irwin, Attorney. All that certain piece of laud situate in Tionesta Borough, Forest County, Pennsyl vania, described as follows : Beginning at a post on bank of the Allegheny Kiver Thence by H. H. May to' South 77 degree East 73 perches Thence by Helen S. Thom as land South 26 degrees Weit 9 perches Thence by laud of 8. D Irwin et al North 77 degrees West 73 perches to the Allegheny I'.iver Thence up the same North 23 degrees East 0 perches to the place of beginning, containing four acres of land be the same more or less. Improvements consist of a large two-story frame house, small frama barn, and out buildings aud orchard, the whole of said premises being improved, fenced and under cultivation Taken in execution and to be Bold a the property of E. L. aud Lizzie M. Davis. ALSO. R. J. MOi iRHF.AD vs. JOHN A. WAT- F. RHiH.'SK Lavira Facias, No. 27, May Term, 1K!'4. S. D. Irwin, Attorney. All that certain piece of laud in Howe Township, Forest County, Pennsylvania, being the northern part of two large trai ls of laud, known as the Bell and Stitt lots, bounded aud described as fol lows : Beginning at a post and stones iu the south lino of warrant No. 2'. Id, being the northeast of said Bell lots, also being tic northeast corner of 1, 000 acres patent ed to Charles Fox, by patent dated Sept. 2(', 1M!, recorded ill Forest County, in deed book, vol. Ill, page 432. Running thenec south four degrees, seven minutes (4U 7 ), west along oast line of Bell lot and said Fox WOO acre tract eighty-five and S-KMI rods to post and stones, thence north Hii degrees and fourteen minutes, w est along residue of Bell it Stitt lots one hundred eight y-seven and H-10 perches to a post and stones, thence north three degrees and and fourty-ono minutes, east along west line of Itell ft Stitt Atkin son lots, (so called) eighty-five nnd -100 perches lo post and stones In the south line of warrant 2'.i'.d, thciico south Ml de grees and loiirteeu minutes, east one hundred and eighty-eight and 5-100 perches to the place of beginning. Con taining one hundred acres of land be the same more or less, being llie same laud, described in mortgage of J. A. Water house to It. J, Moiehead, recorded in Moitgage Book, No. 4, page 3K, ftc, on October ;'), ls;i, in Recorders olliee of Forest County, together with rigs, tanks, engines, boileis, belts, tools on said place, improvements slid npportenanees. Ta ken in execution and to tie sold as the property of John A. Wuterhouse. ALSO. DAVID ALTMAN now use J. J. HEN DERSON. vs. W. D. SHIELDS, Ad ministrator of J. M. Burkitt, deo'd. Venditioni Exponas, No. 20, May Term, Is!i4, S. I). Irwin, Attorney. All that certain pieccjof land situate la Baruett township, Forest county, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, viz.: Bounded on the northwest by lauds of Kitchey, Smith it Co. and R. S. vYiulack. On the northeast by land sold lo Michael Dunkle. On the south east by lands of P.. C. Mays, and on the southwest by the Clarion River, and con taining twenty-two aud 3-10 (22 8-10) acres, formerly known as the Pearsall lot. Improvements, a small portion cleared. Taken iu execution ana to be sold as the property of W. 1). Shields as Administrator of J'. M. Burkitt deceased. TFRMSOFSA I.F..-Th following must be strictly complied with w lieu the piop urly is stricken dow n : 1. W hen the plain 11 if or othxr liwn cred itors become the purchaser, the costs on the wrils must be paid, and a list of the liens iHcludintr morlae searches on ttae properly sold, loucihur with kiich liea c;dilor's receipt', for tho proceeds of the sale 01 Hitch portions thereof as he 111, iv claim, must he furnished to the Mienlf. 2. All bids must be paid ill full. 3. All sales not -ell led iinmvdiately H ill be coin limed until 2 o'clock p. 111., of the name day ol the sale, at w hich tune all properly not settled lor w ill again be put up and kold at thecxpenu aud risk of the person to whom nrsi sold. Sex I'lirdon's Ingest, .Ninth 1'dilioii, pa'e loti, Smith's l-'orms, paue JOHN T. CARSON, sheritl. Shut ill's Olliee, Tionesta, Pa., Mav. 1, ls;ij.